Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1968, p. 15

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A Christmas tea, bake sale and boutique is being held De- cember 7 by the UCW of Rich- mond Hill United Church. The sale, from 2 to 4 pm. will be in the Christian education building. and will include bak- ing, candy, white elephants and boutiques. To enable mothers to enjoy a. leisurely cup of tea and browse among the many booths, a children's tea party has been planned by the CGIT. Don't miss this unique op- portunity â€" plan to attend and take a friend. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the lst Beverley Acres Scouts and Cubs held their meeting No- vember 19 at the School. Owing to the huge success of their recent bazaar members agreed unanimously to proceed with plans for one next fall. Heérliest thanks are extended to all .whose contributions of time and effort made the bazaar a very worthwhile event. 1 A resume of the recent presi- dent and vice-president confer- ence was given by President Mrs. Pat Griffiths who attended accompanied by Vice-President Mrs. Cathy Mastrotucci. Also under discussion were the upcoming Christmas parties for the Scouts and Cubs. 2Members too, will have their ahnual Yuletide festivities on December 17 at the school. Don't forget the date. a' box lhnch and gift. and a contribu- tion for the needy family dhristmas basket, lAt the close of the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Rita Rosenfeld and Mrs. Marilyn Hagborg. Thanks to the residents of Skopit Park, the skating rink will again be in opera- tion this winter. This was a great success last year and well used by all the neighborhood child- ren. Volunteer help is still needed to flood the rink during the week and if anyâ€" one has an evening to spare. it would certainly be appreciated. The more men involved means less burden on the individual. Mrs. Marion Brough at 884-6114 would be delight- ed to hear from prospective volunteers! Eric Conroy of 90 Yonge Street North has recently com- pleted a five-day closed circuit television workshop ofiered by Ampex Video Institute, Illinois, Mr. Conroy, an industrial arts teacher at Richmond Hill High School, was one of a group of persons from various parts of the nation attending the work- shop, which oflered instruction in basic television. including videotape production. camera. 'microphone and studio lighting techniques. St. Mary's CWL held their annual pot luck dinner for members and women of the parish November 25, which was preceded by an impressive celebration of Holy Mass. At the business meeting. chaired by Mrs. F. Churcher, it was decided to have two main functions in the coming year â€"â€" a bridge and bazaar â€"â€" the former to be convened by Mrs. W. Cooke and the latter. to be held next fall. by Mrs, K. Wal- lingford and Mrs. C. Bettles. The ‘guest speaker was Miss Dolly Ketola from ARC Indus- tries who enlightened everyone with a talk on the work and needs of the young and older adults trained at the centre. Articles made by the trainees were sold after the meeting. Choosing the proper course for your child to take when he or she enters secondary school can be one of the most importâ€"I ant decisions you ever make.” This choice requires that you ‘know your child's special abiliâ€" ties and just what is offered to develop these abilities. ‘ In order to help parean to know the courses available, Crosby Heights Senior Public School held a panel discussion November 2'7. saw-Ivy- “V... .._W November 27. {tvfiéfimi'exhdv‘éd by the bride, The panel was chaired by was of interest to all. Coâ€"ordinator of Guidance Russ Seltzer. York Central High School District. and included Principal Arthur Martin. Bay- view Secondary School: Princi- pal George Domina, Richmond Hill High School: Technical Di- rector Donald Frise, Bayview' Secondary; James Johnston, iteacher. commercial depart- ment. Bayview Secondary. They presented the various courses available and answered several questions from parents. 4 ) lllilliiillill“l\ll“uml“lullii\lllllllllillllilllllllllll“\l\\\l\l\\l\\\\1\\\\| Local Firm Wins Top Awards Otto Pick and Sons Ltd. of Yonge Street North won many awards for their seed samples entered in competi- tion at the 1968 Royal Ag- ricultural Winter Fair, These included the World Championship and Reserve The following children were baptized November 24 in St. Mary‘s Anglican Church: James Charles Barber. David Allan Barber. James Ian Flett. Sheila Ann Flett, Lorl Anne Wood and George Gregory Turner III. White Crass Volunteers in York County are again appeal- ing to the generous people of Richmond Hill to help provide Christmas gifts for mental pa-‘ tients. Boxes for these gifts have been placed in Dynes Jewellers in the Richmond Heights Centre and in Allencourt Pharmacy in the Allencourt Plaza_ If it is not convenient for you to visit either of these locations, a phone call to Mrs. Edith Jones at 884-7686 will ensure that your gift will be picked up. .1 So that all gifts may be wrap- ped and delivered in time for Christmas the deadline is De- cember 10 Members of Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. met November 15 at the home of Mrs. Jo-an Bullen, on Essex Avenue. The program. Giving and Re- ceiving Friendship, was given by Mrs. Margot Snell and Mrs. Bullen. Quotations. poetry and discussion made everyone realize the value of a true friendship. _ l“ AA u...u.,..-rV Plans for a winter fun night at Hart Lake and the members Christmas social Were discus- sed. At the November 19 meet- ing. Mrs. Adele Billings and Mrs. Joyce Devlin led a lively discussion on Love's Miracle in Marriage. As well as marriage customs from other countries, members also discussed the growing custom of trial mar- riages in Canada. A Turkish wedding ring. that fell apart All the samples were pro- cessed by the firm and pre- pared by staff members, Analyst Maria Zabehlicky and Plant Foreman Adolf Benes. I“\l\l“llllllll\\\\l\\\l\l\\\lll\\““\\l\\l\\\\\\l\\\l1111“l\\lll\lll\ll\“l\l\l\C F U W York County will truly be in} the vanguard in the field of‘ modern education commencing January 1. 1969. At the No- ‘vember meeting of the Cana- ‘dian Federation of University Women. York County Club, held at Kingcrafts in King City, members were able to get first hand information regarding the new county school board. A distinguished panel of four was on hand â€"- William Staple- ton, executive-secretary of the Interim School Organization Committee (ISOC): Mrs. Joel? Stanton. school librarian in Aurora; Sam Chapman, business administrator ofâ€" York Central‘ District High School Board and E. Sand. supervising principal gr‘ldmbusinerss‘ administrator for Markham TSA 1. These four ably answered the many questions from the audi- ence and outlined the five main principles of Bill 44, namew: (1) Equal educational opportun- ity. i.e. equal access for every child to the most suitable edu- cation for him. (2) Education should be an in- tegrated experience. i_e. one board which accepts responsi- bility from kindergarten to grade 13. The rights of separ- ate schools are also reaffirmed by Bill 44. 13) Trustees are to be directly responsible to the ratepayers and therefore must be elected. (4) The County School Board must be fiscally responsible to the ratepayers and therefore must have taxing powers. such as the issuance of debentures. subject only to the approval of the municipal board. (5) Concerning the role of the Department of Education. first- ly. its role will be an advisory one, giving the control of cur- ricular etc. for the first time to the board. Secondly. it will see to the equalization of costs through the grant system. The panel also explained Bill 120 â€"- an amendment to in- clude schools for retrainable re- tarded children. dent Dickson presented a cheque in the amount of $1,000 Barrott accepted the cheque on their behalf. Legion members from Branch 66. Willowdale, and London, Ontario were among the guests welcomed. Two dart teams were the guests of the Bradford Legion recently bringing consolation prizes back to Richmond Hill. The annual auxiliary child- ren's party will be this Sunday ‘tDecember 8) and the auxiliary ‘Christmas dinner meeting De- cember 10. What’s Cooking? Almost everyone has a special tdish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the 1recipe with our readers. be it }main course, dessert or snack? ‘Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€" how about yours? BACON. EGG AND TOMATO PIE 6 oz. flaky pastry 4 oz. bacon 2 eggs " 2 tomatoes Seasoning. Line greased pie dish with D‘nnn (J1 Ah- ,, n .A.... to the branch. President Franks . mum“ill\llll“illlllmlllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllilillllllllillll ‘ Otto Pick and Sons Ltd. of Yonge Street North won many awards for their seed samples entered in competi- tion at the 1968 Royal Ag- ricultural Winter Fair, These included the World Championship and Reserve Championship in the Pedi- greed Forage Seed Com- petition and the World Championship in the Grass Seed Competition. uic yuu..v. v- - one, gurus __ ricular etc. for the first time to the board. Secondly. it will see to the equalization of costs through the grant system. The panel also explained Bill 120 â€"- an amendment to in- clude schools for retrainable re- tarded children. With 40,000 children involved under one board of education, with a budget of 25 to 30 mil- lions, with the growth potential of 400 to 700 percent in the next 15 years â€"â€" the motto is â€" lLook to York County for es-, Ltablishing important milestonesi in! the field of education! BACON. EGG AND TOMATO PIE 6 oz. flaky pastry 4 oz. bacon fl 2 eggs g be” 2 tomatoes “ Seasoning. Line greased pie dish with half of the pastry. Place chop- ped bacon in pie dish and break eggs over it. Skin and slicew tomatoes and add. also season-I I. Eing. Cover. brush with egg and bake in preheated oven 425 degrees about 311 hour. ‘ Can be served hot or cold. Tina McCartan.. The Thursday Afternoon Unit of Richmond Hill UCW will hold their Christmas meeting December 12 at 2 pm in the chapel. The program will include a duet by Mrs. H. Astin and Mrs. E. Croft and a film on the Holy Land. followed by a social time in the church parlor. All mus“: lovers are “I‘gedbafiiéfi ht Service December to attend the Richmqnd Hill 15‘ Sungay School White Gift Symphony Come“ bemg held December 15, CGIT Candle- Thursday (tonight) at the Rich- lighting Service December 22’ mond H111 H‘gh SChOOI- Start"and Christmas Eve Communion mg at 8'15 pm- lDecember 24. An interesting program in- * It * eluding works by Wagner,‘ \ ‘ .- ‘ Bruce Walburn. a graduate of Brahms. Glleg and Marcello has Richmond Hm High School! re_ been prepared ceived his Bachelor of Arts de- This program was very well received by a capacity audience of over 300 in Aurora last week and the orchestra and conduc- tor, Musical Director Arthur. Burgin, received a standing ovation at the conclusion of the ‘concert. Rotary News The guest speaker at Mon- day night’s regular meeting of the local Rotary Club at the Summit View Gardens Restau- rant was Bill Bogie, who spoke on accident prevention. v-n unv.“ Members of the 'club will again be selling Christmas trees this year â€" starting this Wed- nesday evening in the parking lot at Richmond Heights Centre. All proceeds from the sale of the trees go towards the many community projects undertaken by the Rotary Club. This Saturday the club's Christmas party will be held at the home of Bill and Pat Bedford on Sugar Maple Lane. The children’s party will be held December 23 at the Sum- mit View Gardens Restaurant. The guest speaker on Monâ€" day next will be David Seeley from the Beeton Rotary Club who will talk on the Beeton Club’s student exchange pro- gram. ‘Tis the season to be merry â€" how about you? Entertaining at wine and cheese, cocktail or Christ- mas parties? If so. why not call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884â€"1105-6 or drop a line with news of your activities to 63 Yonge Street South for inclusion in “Life in the Hill” columns. The Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 375 Royal Canadian Legion, held their nominations and elections for 1969 with Zone Commander Gloria San- ford in the chair, assisted by scrutineers from the Aurora Auxiliary. President Leona Wat-l son and Secretary Jean Smith. The officers elected are Pres- ident Joan Dickson, lst Vice- President Edith Titshall, 2nd Vice-President Ida Ellis. Trea- surer Anna Lehtonen, Corres- ponding Secretary Elsie Burnie, Recording Secretary Adelaide Mills, Sgt. at Arms Audrie Apperley, Executive Ethel Buck, Rose Donnelly, Gloria Sanford, Tillie Diceman, Nancy Sutcliffe, Mary Robson. Marie ‘Finnerty and Past President Lucy Rickard. The service is free, but items must be in the office by Tuesday noon for publi- cation in the current issue. “Showboat 3'15” was present- ed to 200 branch members and guests recently and at the con- clusion of the show. Presi- dent Dickson presented a \cheque in the amount of $1.000 Duwuuc, nun; Finnerty and Past President Lucy Rickard. “Showboat 3'15" was present- ed to 200 branch members and guests recently and at the con- clusion of the Show. Presi- dent Dickson presented a cheque in the amount of $1,000 to the branch. President Frank Barrott accepted the cheque on| their behalf. Legion members from Branch 66. Willowdale. and London. Ontario were among the guests welcomed. 'T‘wn dart teams were the lvvuavnn ....... A way to show general conâ€" cern for other people is to give them the staples of life. It is useless to talk Christianity to the Biafrans when what they need is food, clothing and peace in their land. These are the necessities that are needed by :these people. Montdnmew ("m “‘ur‘nd by saying “We must all try to express our ‘inner 103" as Christ did, helping and serving others." It was a most enlightening Mrs. Two dart teams were the guests of the Bradford Legion recently bringing consolation prizes back to Richmond Hill. The annual auxiliary child- ren's party will be this Sunday (December 8) and the auxiliary Christmas dinner meeting De- cember 10. 1mm“lll\l\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll V hot or cold. r Tina McCartan.; 884 | All set with a custom suit‘ for the festive season will be Don Butchart of 4 Davidson Blvd.. Aurora. who was the ‘lucky winner of the Christmas ,draw held Tuesday by Kent 'Men's and Boys' Wear on tLevendale Road. The East Central Branch of the YCHA held a very success- ful card party and social even- ing at their November meeting. Park of Rockport Crescent_ The Christmas meeting will be held December 9 at the home of Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, 47 Centre Street East. _'P6pula1‘ owner of Marvin Meretski of The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered on Sunday next, December 8. at St. Mat- thew’s United Church. The Canadian Association for Children with Learning Disabilities is holding a seminar for parents Decem- ber 7 and 8, at Forest Val- ley Centre at 60 Blue For- est Drive, North York. Registration at 9 am. Parents Wishing their child- ren baptized are asked to call Rev. F. J_ Burn at 884-5526. lvuv. A ..__.__ The Couples Club will hold their Christmas dinner on Deâ€" cember 13 and tickets at $1 per person may be obtained by cal- ling Eileen Bickett at 884â€"1550. Dates to remember: Choir Richmond Hill High School, re- ceived his Bachelor of Arts de- gree at the fall convocation of the University of Toronto held November 28. Bruce has been teaching in North York for the past nine years and is now enrolled in the Department of Education Guidance Course. ' He plans to return to univerâ€" sity for further studies in psy- chology. The Sacrament of Baptism was held November 24 at Rich- mond Hill United Church with Rev, Robert F. Smith officiating. ‘vv 7 Those being baptized were Tracey Anne Hepburn, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Hepburn, Charles John Lekx, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lekx. Jennifer Paula Mac- Kenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Allan MacKenzie, Anne Elizabeth McAteer, daugh- ter of Dr. Frank Michael Mc- Ateer and Mrs. McAteer, Jon Christopher Stephen Monkman, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence Wellington Monkman and Bradley William Patchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian George Patchell and David Glenn Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Walters. Francis M. Redelmeier of Don Head Farms, a mem- ber of the five-man com- mittee for York County Milk Marketing Board. was elected as a director to the Ontario Board for Region 6. (covering Dufierin, Hal- ton. Peel and Simcoe Coun- ties) at a meeting held on Tuesday last at Alliston. The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill UCW was held December 2 and the guest speaker was Mrs. Elsie Mont- gomery, president of York Pres- byterial. . "A IIAL "J W. no Sever-211 members of St. Mat- thew’s UCW joined Richmond Hill for the meeting_ Mrs. Montgomery's main theme throughout her talk was the “inner joy” we feel with1 Christ‘s coming at Christmas time. Christ had an “inner joy” that “flowed into people". He expressed his “inner joy" by helping others and giving of himself to others. His example should be followed all year round and not just at Christ- mas time. Joy should radiate to others by showing sincere interest and understanding. \i/as a most enlightening talk, thought provoking and very appropriate for this time of year. Christmas Record PRESENTING Z MODDS OF CHRISTMAS O :31 selections by 14 famous artists. 0 Side 1â€"holiday season gaiety. - Side 2 inspiring traditional carols. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENTâ€"OET YOURS TODAY 4-123 0000,}‘75AR the store is Willowdale. B'YONGE ST. SOUTH all try Joy‘ as serving Mrs, Roy Jones of 19th Ave- nue entertained recently at a luncheon in honor of Mrs. James Jackson, who left on Fri- day last for Ottawa, where her husband has been appointed 1 Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peters on Bathurst Street are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Arends. who arrived on Wednesday from the Nether- lands. The many friends of John Pastlethwaite. Palister Cres- cent. are sorry to hear he is at present a patient in York Cen- tral Hospital where he under- went an appendectomy on Sat- urday. Fortunately his stay will be of short duration and he hopes to return home by the end of the week. Mr. Peters is the owner of Peters’ Upholstery on Indust- rial Road. ‘égistrar of Carleton University Shirlene Austerberry. a tal- ented member of Richmond Hill and Newmarket Figure Skating Clubs. will be representing the latter as a soloist in the Parade of Champions being held this Sunday at the Newmarket Arena. A grade 7 pupil at MacKillop Public School, Shirlene is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Austerberry, Crosby Avenue. unmuumuuuuumuuumum\“mumt\\ltm1ummmmmmunu of U n i o n Congregational Church. Quincy. Mass, was a special guest on Sunday last at Richmond Hill United Church. maxim“ Out of town guests in- cluded their grandchildren. Barbara, from McMaster University, accompanied by her fiance, Robert McCor- quodale, of Port Credit, and Ian, from Waterloo Uni- versity. and others from Orillia, London, Kitchener. Oakville. Burlington. Whit- by, St. Catharines and To- ronto. uumuumumm“n\\\\\\\\muluuuuuunmummm\\umm\\\\\\\w Following the opening night} of All Things Bright And Beau- tiful currently playing at the Curtain Club Theatre, set de- signer and cast member Kings- ley Owen entertained cast and crew at his home in Rosedale. After the Saturday perform- ance they all adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Stanley on Zelda Crescent. where they displayed addition- al talents â€"- singing. dancing, poetry and story telling! Entertaining on Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Schell of Leisure Lane who held an “At Home" for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Schell. of Willowdale, in honor of their golden wedding an- niversary which they celeâ€" brated November 28. Mr. Schell has been as- sociated with the YMCA since 1912 and was manag- er of Geneva Park from 1937 - 48, and during the afternoon a presentation of two pictures, suitably in- scribed, was made to him and his wife by Arden Pat- terson of Willowdale. They were different studies of the old tuck shop of Gen- eva Park, one to hang in their home and the other in a place of honor in the new Geneva Park Tuck Shop. Mr‘ Smith is currently com- pleting doctoral studies at BOS< ton University. He has served churches in Kansas, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and Connecticut. Following the service mem- bers of the congregation ad- journed to the church parlors \for refreshments. The happy couple receiv- ed many greeting telegrams. cards and flowers and over 100 relatives and friends dropped in during the afternoon and evening to extend their congratula- tions and good wishes. Celebrates 50th Anniversary Rev. John W, Smith, pastorlfi U n i o n Congregationalig Richmond Hill YWCA Members of the YWCA are busy preparing for their Christ- mas tea and bake sale being held from 2-4 pm December 12 at the Y Centre, 25 Yonge Street North. The sale being convened by' Mrs. Peter Osmond, will have an added attraction â€" a child- ren‘s room â€" where youngsters may be left, for a nominal charge, while their mothers“ browse and enjoy a leisurely cup of tea. There will also be surprise packages for 25 cents, decorated gift boxes and purse size calen- dars, as well as a varied assort- ment of Christmas goodies for the festive season. Open Thursday & Friday Evenings ’til 9 pm. â€" 884-8574 E 1 Wmmmmawxwxmmammamxxammmmmnnmmwxnmmmhmmammmmm g Y? 105 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill -â€" In The A&P Plaza M y ‘8 §mmwwmmmmmwwmwwmmwmwmmwmmmwwwwmay: This delightful study of well known local resident, George Topper, and his granddaughter, Brenda Gardner, was taken at an “At Home" held on Sunday last by his daughters, Mrs. Sally Gardner of Richmond Hill, Mrs. John O’Halloran, Galt and Mrs. Peter Abram, Midland, in honor of his 80th birthday which he celebrates December 6. ,,- J..L- L. nL‘n‘Ivfi Brenda, who will be 11 years old on the same date, is snuwn congratulating her grandfather in her own inimitable manner, obviously to the great enjoyment of the recipient. Over 150 relatives and friends attended the party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Topper on Bayview Avenue North, including their sons- in-law, John O’Halloran and Peter Abram and grandchildren David Gard- ner, Barry and Rodney O’Halloran and Michael, Jane and Patrick Abram. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Dec LU Happy Birthday To Us! IVMl-Mvvw .. -v-" 11 years old on the same date, is shown er in her own inimitable manner, obviously (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) 5, 1968

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