Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Dec 1968, p. 20

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20 PHONE Socially Speaking in Thornhill Congratulations to Greg andCliib meeting held at Bayview busy 889-3190 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hursday. Dec. 5 IIIGR v â€"’ Thornhill and District News “The Liberal“ ls always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers ()ur representative in Thornh may be reached by phoning 889-3190. member of the family in the Thornhill area. ill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who . vembcr 24 to compete in a bon- South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 Neighborhood Notes Iket convenor is Explorer Diane nie. Henderson Avenue. Novem. A happy birthday is “islled’Cl‘Ol‘ik. 889-1927. Price is 50c.ber 26; Mrs. J. Schaefer. Grand- for Christine Carter. Morganflor adults, 25c for children. 1view Avenue. November 27' Avenue. who was five years oldl Entertaining at coffee partiesMrs. James Henry. Elgin Ave: December 3~ and for Da\ honor of York County Trus-[nue and Mrs. K. D. Walker, “vanace' Clarke Avenue, wholtee-Elect John MacKay. 1ast,Steeles Avenue East, both on was 14 years old on the samelweek were Mrs. Allan McKech-lNovember 28. date. Bill Allen was 13 Deccm- (\fiaipmmwmm her 4 and Joanne McArtllurJ S Clarke Avenue. was nine De-g to call COUNTRY CLUB extended to Bill Barkwell. Mornl can Avenue who will be seven December 10. to Sue Anne Rae.1 Morgan Avenue. who will be nine December 16 and to Cheryl « 'Linda Harley on the birth oflCountry Club. their daughter, Kimberley. bornl During Sister Jane‘s visit she November 26 in York Centraliattended hockey Cripps. Centre Street. who will; She was recently selected as a spiel at the Cleveland Skating he 11 December 17 ,member of the University Of‘clllb_ CLEANERS . WWWWN \RN a game at‘Guelph swim team. The four curlers made an ex- Doncastel‘ Commun‘lty Ladles ‘ 884 3193 3 Hospital. lDoublerink Arenas to see the. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Easton. cellent showing at the bon- Qlllb IS halilngna MCEt the . ' ‘ 9 Congratulations also to mefThornhill Mustangs play andiSilverAspen Drive. entertainedspiel by placing fifth and just Nfe‘ghlfm's 1“?th {it $9 1101119, Pickup & 773-5028 "grandparents M... and Mm Hallwas taken on a tour of Torontolat a wine and cheese party NOâ€"rmissed winning a prize._ ‘ 0 MIS- Rose 0"- 6 G‘enlg Delivery 727.9582 ‘Harley and Mn and Mrsl Mrs DeMarco attended the‘vember 23 in honor of Mrsl Mrs. Hiscock stayed with her" Cameion Avenue. December .6” ' Robe” Jackson‘ a“ of ThomnMetro Bu11ders Ball NovembergEaston‘s brother. Donald Cam-ldaughter Mrs. R. C. Trump,l at 8 pm. This will be a euclneE N W kw. hm. l8 with her brother and sister.;sell. and his bride Deanna. Ml'.‘\\'hile in town and the othcr.L and bingo‘nlght. with the pro- L I. it it. * Mr. DeMarco was unable to at-iand Mrs, Camsell were recent1y1thr9e ladies were guests of i'ela~ “’e‘ls gomg ‘0 .contmllmlyig Sister Jane Emmrd of Detroit‘jtend this year owing to a busi-imarried out west and are now‘tives of Mrs. Cunningham. \I‘Ol'k. E\'Ci‘.\'0ne IS Inv'l‘md.I ness appointment out of town. , Michigan, was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent De- Marco. Doncl‘cst Drive. Sister Jane, associate director for ' Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit, was in town to be guest speaker at the November Serra NORTH RICHVALE NEW CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Jones of. theirl i Lindsay are visiting ' daughter and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jerry Sykes. Weldrick Road. The Jones' plan to leave‘ Wednesday for Florida. Max Schomberg of New Jer- sey is visiting his father and. mother, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Schomberg, Pemberton Road. Belated birthday greetings to Yvonne Jeffery, Bathurst Street who celebrated her December 1 birthday with a party on Sat- urday. She was 12 years old. Happy birthday also to Michâ€" ael Quintile, Weldrick Road, who was one year old November 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacKay and daughter Michell from New“ Brunswick are enjoying a visitI with Mrs. MacKay‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cy Chevis, Weld- rick Road. ~ . I Mrs. Emma Masters. Weldrick Road was the hostess at a'brid- a1 shower for Miss Judi And~, rews of Richmond Hill, whose marriage to Mr. Kenneth Stark- ey will take place December 28 at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Keith Swindlehurst, May Avenue is a hockey casualty again this year with a broken wrist. ' ’ 'storm sewer. ,The gala dinner and dance was :held in. the Centennial Ballroom floor show by Monique Leyrac and other entertainers during the dinner hour. Joseph DeMarco celebrated lhis 16th birthday last week with la family dinner party. His ‘sister Carolyn, first year mediâ€" cal student at the University of Toronto, attended the celebra- tion. Neighborhood Notes Friends of Fred Groves. Roos- evelt Dr. will be sorly to learn that he is a patient in Toronto General Hospital and will join. with us in wishing him a speedy recovery. Mrs. A. Miller. Westwood Lane is recovering from recent surgery at York Central Hos- pital, Her neighbors and friends send her best wishes. Drainage at Charles Howitt School has caused concern and engineers. Mitchell and Perry Limited recommend filling and connection to the municipal A cost analysis is now being prepared for con- sideration by Vaughan Town- ship Public School Board. Mr. and Mrs. Les Walters of? Pearson Avenue celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary December _] receiving many wishes for their happiness in future years. A note of interest to the resi- dents of Richvale is the 20 foot sugar maple tree which was planted in front of Charles Howitt Public School, accom- panied by a redwood plaque, hung in the main entrance. as a memorial to the late Carl residing on Helen Avenue. Over 50 relatives and friends activities from Cliatham. Willowdale, To- the{of the Inn On The Park where ronto and Michi guests enjoyed an entertaining the reception party for the new-chad a Inost enjoyable three day .fly married couple. i in >I< >l< ii ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wally Crouter Elizabeth Street, enjoyed week in Freeport. The Bahamas recently. Ill Its ill Ilt Mrs. Pat Cunningham, Claire and Mrs. Mrs Lorraine j ichvule District News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE, 24 ROOSEVELT DRIVE â€"â€" 889-3806 lone of his requests. j Engraved on the plaque is a poem written in French by Carl Dair. which translated reads: “Then. when I shall die. my lCanadian friends, Plant a red mapletree, so that you won’t forget me. And each year. in the fall. when it becomes crim- son, Work for the good of the world and I shall have peace." Senior citizens Christmas Party will be held at the com- munity hall December 18 at 1.30 pm. Dale Carnegie Alumni Associ- ation are sponsoring a rum- urday. beginning at 10.30 am, Church News Walter Gibbons. the blind student from University of Wat- erloo. was given rapt atten- tion by a group of young people Time was limited for outside gan attendedltween the scheduled games and 3 Moore. Mrs. Ann Urwin Uplands Avenue. returned last.‘ Hiscock week from 3 Cathy DeMarco is another drove to Cleveland, Ohio. No- Beach. Florida. mage sale at the community" hall, Spruce Avenue, this Sat-l at the Folk Worship Service' but the ladies ac» :complislied some shopping be- visit. >I<*>k-l' greetings are ex- tended to Nancy Challoner and; Carolyn Kearns who celebrated‘ birthdays recently. I * >l< it >I . Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Spaf'ford.‘ .I Birthday i holiday at Delray Thornhill Trap/1y Winner Former Thornhill Secondary School football star Terry Hemming. of Thornhill, has been awarded the University of Guelph 1968 Ted Wlldman Trophy. Ithree volumes of the Interpl-NJ The trophy is awarded annually to the student .er‘slBible was made to Rev.‘ in his graduating year who 18 a member of the iDaVId 300W“, Who 15 study- Varsity football team and who has demonstrated mg at Wm‘ffe C°uege' Rev: proficiency in the sport of football coupled with high Boorman was made a deacon at . d . ,h. t .a ceremony in Trinity College aca emlc aft levemen .. I ’ Chapel. Next summer he will Terry LS now in his third semester of Guelph s be going to Qu’AppeHe, Sas- diploma in agriculture program. He formerly “203333”- b ~ f E I played under Coach Bill McVicar at Thornhill Sec- . men“ 915 ° .mamfue ondary where he was awarded the Most Valuable Anglican met for a social even- . . . mg and election of officers. De_ Player Trophy and given recognition as the out- ,cember 6 at the Anglican Con- Standlng senior athlete- fegnce Centre at Aurora. He received the Rookie-Of-The-Year Award while playing intermediate football with Richmond Hill Indians. then moved up to senior with Oakville Black Knights. I During the course of the, Iafternoon a presentation of Selling Something? . . . ( Use The Classified 1 Phone 884-1105-6 Now! .THE THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE (Nov. 30) It'rom Davidson and Ramer. held recently at Christ The; King Lutheran Church and at} the social hour which followed. . _ | Kevin Smith and Jim Mc- A large portion of the evening‘s Both three goals; Mike Coyne had (Nov. 29) W. A. Stephenson 7, * * * * / Richvale Ready-Mix 2, South Shore 3 THORNHILL CHURCH Newmarket 2 Rick Hodge drifted home LEAGUE Tikes: offering was given to Mr. Gib- bons to assist him in his edu- cational pursuits. Rev. William Rhodes, Rhodes and daughter Aim held Mrs. Laughlin scored singles. unassisted. (Nov. 30) Richvale Ready-Mix 2. two goals and one assist; Bob Thornhill Presbyterian 3, St. McIntosh a .goal and three as- Luke's Kings 11; St. Luke’s sists; Mark Woolnough, one Aces 7, St. Edward’s Eagles 1; goal and one assist; Rick Large, Holy Trinity Chiefs 12, Holy I‘ South Shore 3 two assists. Single assists Went Trinity Braves 0; Thornhill Plans are being made for the annual Christmas dinner. .» A special meeting of N“ M.Mmm« W Ring Funeral Home BYRON E. RING the Progress Club was held Novem-1 ber 27 at the York Educational Clinic for Perceptually Handi-‘ capped Children in Richmond il-Iill. Thornhill and Richmond Hill members of the club sponfi ‘sor the clinic. Members metl gnarents of the children and lteachers displayed work with1 the children. Members and* wives went on to a dinner at the Yangtze Pagoda. The CGIT girls at Thornhill Church as a Christmas project brought gifts for Indian chilâ€" ldren‘ at Cape Crocker. These jwill be contributed to the cf- ;forts of the Thornhill and Rich- .‘mond Hill branch of the (Knights of Columbus. who have Ipurchased mattresses and foot-‘ wear. They are also acceptingi Idonations to add Christmas1 lcheer for the children. All gifts‘ Iwill be delivered December 14. The Explorers are workingl diligently to provide you with an hour's entertainment Decem- ber 13 at 7:30 pm. The one-act. (play, “The King's Star” will lbe held in the auditorium at IThornhill United Church. Tic- ''v 7783 YONGE ST. 889-7783 THORNHILL Annual Meeting of the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee will be held on Thursday evening. December 12th, 8 p.m. in the Teen Teaching Room of Woodland Senior School Henderson Ave. Thornhill GRAND OPENING THORN HILL O . . . a. _ . , y . Get well wishes to Rev. Fred Dair. The late Mr. Dair was open house Sunday afternoon Jalslfeztt “3238013311133: 353;:3 guigahpg/{lalugggspave Hal Emted 3' St‘ Ed“ards TroJans D e I I t e S s e n Jackson, Hillsview Avenue, who the best typographer Canada from 2.30 to 4.30 pm at their on Howson‘s goal and was as_ * * >l< * Atoms; also suffered a fractured wrist. ever had. He lived on Scott home on MacKay Drive. Memâ€" Sisted on his own bV Dino Pam_,MIDGETS St Luke's Blues 3 St Ed_ Note: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Drive before leaving for the bers of Emmanuel Anglican andjalone ‘ Wm, 30, lwardls 2. St Edwal.dis'Ha“'.ks 2. Here’s a lightweight saw with Janes. May Avenue, are the University of British West In- Sunday school children and‘parfi ' ,t j. ,,. ., Wilsbnis' E550 4 iThomm-fi ’ Presbyterian 1:, new design. more power, faster Y t proud parents of a new baby dieS, Kingston. Jamaica togents were invited and turnedpEEWEES South Shore 3' "Thomhill United 3 Hoh, Trinj cutting, and double the fuel I (\TNJflTlTeli. not Mr. and Mrs. teach. Mr. Dair passed away10ut in large. numbers to enjoy 4ND“ 29. Randy Bagg scored a goaliity Vikings 3; St. Edwaras Jetsl and on capacity. cuts through magi; (gums. ‘eP°"edl”}anffnl;‘°$bvae hfld bégg‘ggnfif’spnah” 0f “‘9 ’eC‘O’y North End Cleaners 2. from Billy Law. Rick Hartwick 2, Thornhill Presbyterian 3;‘ 15” hardwood In 12 seconds . . . tells trees up to 5’ in diameter. Includes all the famous Homelite professional features. And the cost is so THORNHILL Newmarket 7 1was assisted on his by Ian Mac-iThornhill United Warriors 3. ‘ ROcky Pantalone scored on a;Kay. MacKay assisted again for Holy Trinity Rockets 0; Thorn- .pass from Ernie Takeuchi and Billy Law and Joe DeMarco hill United Invaders 1. Holy Chris Sutton tallied the other tossed one in the net unassisted. Trinity Terrors 2; St. Edward’s EUROPEAN STYLE MEATS . one from Dave Courtemanche * * * * Tigers 1, St. Luke’s 5. IOW- Try it “may â€" the" CUt and Pantalone. JUVENILES Bantams: - your way to better profits. IMPORTED CHEESE (Nov. 26) (Nov. 30) Thornhill United Wolves 6, St. - North End Cleaners 6, DEMS 5, Unionville 2 Edward’s Astros 0; Thornhill BREAD AND PASTRY Gold Star 1 Wray Windsor scored from United Bears 5, Thornhill Presâ€"j Dave Courtemanche rapped John Stevens; Stevens unassist-lbyterian 3; Holy Trinity Rifles home three goals to lead the ed; Chris Sills from Rick 0, Holy Trinity Rams 0. WE SPECIALIZE IN way with singles going to Barry James and Tony Lockerbie; * * * * Howson from Garry Smith; Gary Masters from John Betts BOWLING Sought TAKE-OUT SERVICE Scottl Hillie‘r Dfrom HCoui~tek-‘.and Stuart Francies from Gary.LaIc)iies’ Aftercnoodn Cllub L ‘ {Pgnczrll‘ebziaarnge mancie; an ave artwic :Mastei's. oves 5; ar inas 41: arks ' - -_ o from Jim McIntosh and Barry * * *- * 39; Canaries 34: Robins 32; Blue ' Hm (‘T’rn‘Ed Beer- PaStmm' Sandwuhes Howson. JUNIOR e, HOCKEY Jays 18. (lourtemanclle‘s first goal was (Nov, 27) Over 200. Mary Redman 232: and Party Platter K etola assisted by Scott llillier and his Shanahan Ford 4. Newmarket 7 Gail Robertson 217: Thea liegâ€" mail ‘second by Kenny ()kada. A three goal effort by Bruce enauer 213: Marion Duncan‘ ‘ . f (Nov. 30) Shilton was the one bright spot 218: Jean Smith 279: Doreen Power qullpmelll - t North End (‘leaners 5, for the losers with Paul Raylner Marks 224: Joan Fulton 202; '7'" 7 a. V _ . I f t ' I South Shore 1 scoring the other one unasâ€" Joy Picktliall 211: Peggy Rose- [NVIVhZEITfifiIbt ‘ n A three goal effort by Rocky sisted. Tom Hill, Brett David- well 215. _ i ‘ Pantalone paced the win with son, and Raymcr assisted on menu“ Bowling League ’l‘el.: 889-1038 I " coals assisted on by Dave Cour- other goals. Standings: cougars 10; pm, ‘ " ‘m‘x” ‘ ' ‘ ’ ’ temanche and Chris Sutton. (Nov, 29) Also scoring was Ian Boyd from Shanahan Ford 11. Ernie Takeumi' Barry Howsonj Two goals for Paul Rainer, High three (flail Greg Daoust scored from'Jim McIntosh and assisted on one by \y’ayne‘688 (lidcpl 829; high single Dave Hart‘HCk- Blackburn and Brett Davidsonllflatl Greg Daoust 297 (hdcpl‘ * * * T T and the other one by Davidson.;344. BANTAMS ics 9: Mustangs 7; Falcons 7: Oakville 7 Tliundcrbirds 5: Wildcats 4. t’. HARTZ CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS En Iish Deluxe Genykage with guarantech Hart: ‘ singing Canary. and Food sum: Set. ) D b a. .i c c i 1” (Bruce Shilton scored a pair. as-‘ Over 200: Bill Meaney 220; #" fiesmuvmw 324]; N (370“ 29’ Isisted on one by Vince De- Harold Hingley 221; Greg M. °"""G?i‘hsa"u°5éi'i§igfii l w- A- Stephenson 6‘ Marco and Paul Rainer and on Daoust 297. 211: Ken Poole, . Newmarket 2 Mike Coyne led the way with English Genykage with guaranteed Mart: 268. 241: Keith Jones 227. 201; 55"," cinamang p.m.; snmrsu. Adrian Langer, 231: Ted Pugh the second by Ramer and Chris Hatton. Regular Value $19.79 www' with full matchlng illuminating cover and ReguIar Value $26.10 Christmas Special $16.95 Senior Aquarium Starter set for those who want a largeraquanum. Includes deluxe stainless steel. tapered leg, picture frame aquarium 20"110”x three goals followed by Rick Hatton managed the hat trick 202 and 221. Chfmgmipfigif; 3:33; _ “Page With a goal and two as' with three assisted on one by Ladies: ‘ ""2" sonu'" a sistsz Bob MCIINOSTI- a goal and Shilton and Mike Strod: Shilton High three (flail. Carol Jones " I,” Exgzam Canary can,“ U4 one 3551515 Hugh Mameson' a assisted on two of the Hatton 729 (hdcpl 816: high single ‘ 321 daywritten gualaniec goal: Mark woomough g0! four goals. Single goals were by (flail Carol Jones 273 (hdcpl 7‘ gfilg'tggf'gae’fgcggflgfilg; § “SK” and thk LaI'gcv “NEW 7 Davidson from Hatton and Joe 302. J We value, no not accAep; ‘‘‘‘ *"W'TW Dellarco; Blackburn from Ray- Over 200. Mabel 'I‘utt 207: yorsggf‘gtwgnfagjargmi, a. Iner; Joe DeMarc-o from Hattoh Mary Redman 201; Carol Jones. and Blackburn: Wayne Keeling 273. 260: and Erma Palmer 206. Junlor Aquarium starter Set Hg is ' ’ “ W" “ Wlih everything for the beginner. wit . . Includes deluxe stainless steel. tapered I Thornhill Trustees Are Acclaimed “‘ accessories* 1‘ i /: lime‘“ “Find out Near Agreement With Markham mmnmrzrzrmwrzm flt‘ , _ . g v . V ‘ 12”,.'ilthtullmatchln illuniinatingcover 110“ mUCh ReSIdents of Thornhill Police Street. .\0 other details wele andazcessomsa Reggu,,,vmesa7_10 1.“, , , Village saved themselves the disclosed concerning the agree- cnrislmas Special $24.95 fl expense of an election by ac- meilf. Humor anld'SenioILA‘fla'rolflm Starters“: ‘J - _ . v s . . , , I . 1-. are com 2 e m own I 0 car inguranceyn (.Immmg the present three irusâ€" .\li_ Roomson sa.d that or (“I accessories. v, “mum”. ‘ ' tees to another twoâ€"vcar term. hoped that the agreement mill {5 Cwom 'g"bl‘b. ‘-C’a'o.' limo BMW! aquariumcanstvuclion. "N - . - ' . .. . I y s (.1 on: 't: "z, Ada va F: ’=-' BIO» i TIDE ai for retention ofcementand greater ‘ \‘rl‘iembmi 33' M‘ul‘hdm “(Md )9 “E.” I § L9”: C' ”’ 0‘3 P 5" "'05 ("‘3' “3 'igldtiy. The stlongest most leakploot ‘ Reliovninated and acclaimed within two weeks. Negotiallons ,2; lcnngrwrromew (no new; troy “mm... mac. I ~ ~ i ~ . . . v. ,1 g ‘ouv ADI18'44’“ ard T’?Dl.3ll‘13i"- Cat» - were Chairman Reginald liobln- with both Markham and \uu; P_ 145 \RVOI D \\E\'1'E “"1 “f 33 Thol‘m‘ldie DIV“ “3" T‘WI-‘Thips "8"“ be?" “m‘ V: "" ‘L ' '"2"T,“"". lp"u'.f;‘?£.°.’f”'.‘ .. . . é; " i’ ‘r L lVTAR WWW“ Judges of H5 Brooke tinting for the Past “‘0 5'3 'N' it. 4 a 71:3: â€"5 till. n' A\ ATLABLE ‘1: U59 “‘9 9’33" 3"“ Wh"e speed IHUI‘NHI 1" (‘ ‘ ‘0 Street and Eric Cole of 33 (ION-I1 .‘li'. Robinson 8150 Said 131111 R “a 3"." M “Fallon 5‘ NO“: H V ‘ V ‘ ‘ I’ 7 i. 2'3. 'i' WI i" ’C l“ ' labels t° bundle V°‘” Chr's‘mas [LLLPHOXE Street. Only four pcoule 09- he believes that the days of the ‘ H ‘ fig 9 ‘ 3,3,1, 0, Maudijlfl 0... O. ,., XT .g. cards-T“°VW"'D° “Wm” M V°”’ Bus 889-3288 :idcs the candidates attended police village as an adminlslr‘d- {Q "‘ “lfpi’p 5E.“ flagellwnfi'fliaiw ifwif Tiff ‘ ' ' ' ~ “ ‘ . , . . i - . = I.: e {7.6 ., i I; M eta . Letter Carrier Or You may PICK "‘9’" the nomination meeting ueld at live unit were numbered. How- :SFJW 31m. ° 9” ” 1-,: UP at "‘0 DOS! OffiCGi “mum 15 Colbourne Street. a private ever. he pomted out that until 24’ home. a suitable arrangement could - In his remarks followinj the be concluded with the town- " :vd MAI MAILING DATES. & , _ , a _ , _ . CHRISTMAS L Insular“! meeting Mr. Robinson noted ships and the Pi‘Ovmmal go“ 1‘" Y . . v V DEC_ that‘the village was near C311- zrnment the board of tl‘Uste'ES Foiouioiiovm removal glaze 1:81.“. \Imuay eluding a new mad manlcii- would continue to protect the 15 ‘ “ . ii v . .' .r, i e_ ’1'. ‘ v n dehvew lie-yaw Allmmobile Insumnce CO‘ ance agreement 'Iltll linsm .n 'iitervfls of the \lllage lesl § 8116 YONGE ST' _ THORNHILL TO'-‘l]>llll). [litter the lie" rienk bx: .U’ i . . .. - ‘ . ,_ .. . . ~ 1 ( i ‘ ‘ rn-nmliln.iov.a,,,w Lflll(i(lldll}ll(‘dtl 011M” azreeznenl .\Tlil'i\..iiil‘ Ill '1 1 '> "the end of the police \il- \\ eek Days l.’ .\00n - .‘1 p.m. -â€" Sill. J (Lin. â€" b p.m. ‘0‘“ . . , . . ... Sl'al‘ml‘utliii . i , . . .‘. .H “3‘ i. ‘z i l-\ » .. Hi .1- .224 .W‘e‘l‘lt,'/ln.- rag-AWL“ Mule/m. it.» Hi illIllJltlE‘ ..l llt‘ lt, )(il. (it Hi“ . (it"llllllol} (in. .4 n... I ‘1 ~ _ . I, I. H V. v I. A w v: I. "- " H H R. _: _: .2 ‘1 I: q “I i: a: K: v IL. '1‘ I "‘5 ‘l' " tor the llln.lllilij«llct.‘ u: u v“ {1‘ 'l “P. 0? “1‘3- ”“I‘ ll m” W ‘l i on the e»; fiilit‘ ole ion» or qule a .nrig tme. ! _â€"â€"â€"_â€"-â€"

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