.Mr. Ind Mrs. James Lloyd Robinson of Richmond Hill are happy to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter. Margaret Anne to Mr. Rob- ert Ronald Lalonde of Elmville. Ontario. Wedding to take place December 14 at '7 pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Phelpston. Ontario. c1w23 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hillaby are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Jane. to Mr. Charles Doyle. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doyle of Thornhill. December 14th at 4 pm at Rich- mond Hill United Church. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker. Don Mills are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their youngest daughâ€" ter Ruth Olive to Mr. WaJter John Madill son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Madill. Richmond Hill to take place December 21, 1968 at 4.00 pm, in Richmond Hill United Church. Richmond Hill. *1w23 TEETERâ€"Helen and Doug are happy to announce the safe -arrival of David's brother. Gregory Allan at York Cen- tral Hospital on November 25, 1968, Blbs 14ozs. c1w23 MABLEYâ€"Rod and Bonn! (nee _Binghaml are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ‘ter Laurel Leigh on Novem- ber 27, 1968, Many thanks to iDr. W. R. White. clw23 “Want Extra Cash For Christmas... Use Liberal Action Want Ads Now" Zflnrthmming mania:ng Register now â€" our Consultants will be pleased to advise you of positions as they become available allowing you time to find the position you really want in the area of your choice. " Secretary â€" Good shorthand and typing. some dictaphone for busy sales office. easy travelling time. $92.00 Payroll Clerk â€"- Experienced with desire to learn bookkeeping for future advancement. Steele§- Woodbine area. $75.00 Jr. Clerk-Typist â€" Finch - 400 area. Willing to train in various phases of office procedure. Own car an asset. $70.00 Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received at the Township Office by the undersigned until noon Monday, December 9, 1968 for the supply of: 1. Dump truck, 5 ton, complete with Vee Nose and wing and one way plow. 2. Dump truck. 3 ton, complete with dump body and hoist. 8. Pickup truck, 1/13 ton. All with trade. Bidders are required to tender for each item under separate cover. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Additional information and forms of tender may be obtained from the undersigned. T. E. Arlidge. Road Superintendent, Township of King, Nobleton, Ontario. ADVERTISING -â€" SALES â€" ACCOUNTANCY STENOGRAPHY -â€" MARKETING â€"â€" SECRETARIAL ENGINEERING â€"- CLERICAL â€" WAREHOUSING OFFICE MANAGEMENT â€" PRODUCTION DATA PROCESSING TENDERS FOR TRUCKS OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm. épebgll 3921130111121 100 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 201, Willowdale Iï¬irthn Seeking A Change In 1969 "WE SEEK AND SERVE ALL I} 2 2 3 - 2 7 4 4 TELEPHONE 9 AM. TO 9 PM. Monday to Friday Evening appointments arranged where necessary Township of King c1w23 KNOX. Dora â€" In her 67th year. at Branson Hospital. on November 30. 1968, beloved wife of William and dear mother of Bruce. Jack. Bar- bara (Mrs. Gard Wainright), Dorothy (Mrs. Donald Perry), Betty (Mrs. Gerald McLean) and Susan (Mrs. Ken Pittam). also survived by her sister (Mrs. Mark Penny. Newfound- land and 16 grandchildren. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Chapel. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday. December 3, 1968. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w23 CANNON. Claraâ€"At the Prinâ€" cess Margaret Hospital. T0- ronto. on Monday, December 2. 1968, Clara. beloved wife of Alfred Cannon: dear mother of John and Jean (Mrs. (Rev) E. H. JonesL Loving grandmother of Geof- frey, Christopher. Derek and Gregory; sister of Mrs. Laura Goodwin of Holland Landing. Jack Tate of Sutton and Frank Tate of Richmond Hill. Rest- ing at the Giffen-Mack Chapel. 2570 Danforth Ave. at Main St. Service in St. Columba Church, (St. Clair‘ Ave. just east of O’Connor‘ Dr.) Thursday 2 pm. Inter- ment Highland Memory Gar- dens. c1w23 BULL. Clement Edwardâ€"Sud- denly at his home, 5 Long- bridge Rd.. Thornhill. on Sunday. December 1, 1968. Clement. beloved husband of Anne Fenton. dear father of Susan and Ron. A family ser- vice was held on Tuesday afternoon. Cremation. c1w23 |"?}| 1N9! DEIGHTON, Walter J. Seniorâ€" In loving memory of a dear father. who passed away Deâ€" cember 6‘ 1966. The blow was great, the shock severe. We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. More each day we miss you. father, Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts con- cealed. Sadly missed by son Walter Jr. and family. Â¥1w23 McKEE, Martha â€"â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, who paSSed away suddenly in Orillia on December 6. 1967. She left us very quietly with all her thoughts unknowm But left us with the memory that we are proud to own. So treasure her dear Lord in your garden of rest, For when she was on earth, she was one of the best. Sadly missed by her family, Gordon. Myrtle, Laura, Mary, Eva and Archie (Bud). ORRâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband and father. Elmer R. Orr. who massed away December 5, 1967. We who loved you. sadly miss you As it dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are ever near. Lovingly remembered by wife and family. *Jw23 WATSON. Mrs. Jenny (Isaac)â€" In loving memory of my dear aunt Jenny. who passed away December 10, 1963. Five years haVe passed and gone. But you are constantly with me. Athough not in body, but in spirit. Ever remembered by nephew Jackson Cook. nclwz3 RAHAMâ€"In loving memory of' a dear wife Hazel Raham.“ who passed away December V 8. 1967. w She bade no one her last fare- - well. She said good-bye to none, The heavenly gates were opened A loving voice said, Come. Sadly missed by husband, Lew. c1w23 3m memnriam TRIBE, William Johnâ€"Veteran of the First World War. At York Central Hospital on Tuesday. December 3. 1968. William dearly loved husband of Violet Chapman. 55 Tray- born Dr. Richmond Hill. Dear father of Irene Nix. Richmond Hill and Rev. Arthur J. Tribe. Toronto, brother of Lucy Tribe. Wood- bridge. Resting at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service in St. Mary's Angli- can Church on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Richmond Hill Cemet- ery. c1w23 HUTCHINS. Charles Douglas (Of RE. No. 1. Schomberg)â€"- Suddenly at Picton, Ontario, on. November 27. 1968. C. Douglas Hutchins. in his 54th year. Survived by his wife Eleanor Haldane Hutchins, 3 sons, John, David and Brian. and his mother. Grace L. Hutchins, of Aurora. Service was held in Trinity Angli- can Church. Aurora on Fri-} day, November 29. c1w23l HACKETT, Jamesâ€"Lance Cor- poral of Nova Scotia liegl- ment, World War 1. Suddenly at Toronto Western Hospital on Wednesday. November 27, 1968. James Hackett of To- ronto. uncle of Wm. J. Hack- ett, Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel of B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill. In- terment Holy Cross Cemet- ery. clw23 To Voters Of Vaughan Township shall do everything in my power ing me Reeve for 1969-70. I to justify your confidence. Season’s Greetings T o All A sincere thank you for elect- GARNET WILLIAMS { Michael had worked hard 1 Viduring his father's campaign a1.liand he was happy to enjoy the ifelfruits of victory at a- mammoth 23Jparty in their Victoria Square \home. Reeve-Elect By MICHAEL RAPSEY Several weeks ago young Michael Roman was the politi- cal hero of the Roman house- hold. He had just been elected hobby-leader in his grade 4 class at St. Mary’s Separate School in Richmond Hill. On Monday night it was Dad’s turn to be a hero as he swept to a runaway win to become Markham Township‘s deputy- reeve. Dad’s overwhelming win didn't bother Michael 3 bit as he reflected that his win by four votes was equally impres- sive percentage-wise, ‘ Reminders of the past cam- paign were still in evidence â€" Vote Roman signs at the drive- Topping the polls with 1,880 votes was John MacKay who has been,a member of TSA 1 since its inception eight years ago and chairman of the county school organization committee. Mr. MacKay has also been a member of the York County Public School Committee for three years and is a director of the Ontario Public School Trus- tees Association. Only 25 votes behind him was Mrs. Louise Aimone who had seven years experience on the board of Markham TSA 1. and represented the board for three years on the York South Reâ€" Markham voters left little doubt as to what they wanted their representative on the York County School Board to have ~â€"- experience. The more experi- ence the candidates had. the better they did at the polls. ay entrance, scraps of paper Experence Wins School Bd. Seats JUNE MALLON Tops Separate School P01] JOHN MacKAY Tops Public School Board H. & R. Block Ltd., Canada’s largest income tax service, wants to locate a person capable of open- ing a volume tax service office in your area. Excellent opportunity for right person. We tram you. For Details Write to: Michael Roman & Dad Happy Pair OPP OR 1' UN! 1' V MANAGER WANTED H. & R. BLOCK LTD., 2077 Yonge St., Toronto 7, Ontario. For the 100 or‘more Roman well-wishers that flocked to the party there were reminders that the man of their choice was now deputy-reeve. They had chosen him for different reasons â€"â€" some be- cause they had a personal grudge against the incumbent, some because they agreed with Roma'n‘s policies and others be- cause they personally admired him. “I don't agree with every- thing Tony says or does", com- mented one man, “but whatever he does he does from his con- Science." For Mrs. Roman the party was a time of quiet elation. “It's a very wonderful and re- warding experience particular- ly after you‘ve worked so hard for it," she said. “You appreci- “However, our engineering studies or reception in the area only proved that it was no more than 'pretty fair‘. Our engin- eers have discoverd that on the whole most homes are receiving too much Signal from the two Toronto channels and usually an inconsistent but less than excellent signal from Buffalo. With cable television these dis- tortions and inadequacies covered with election returns by the telephone. ‘Announce Cable TV Coming To JRichmond Hill By End Of February Mr. Coxford acknowledged that "generally speaking most residents of Richmond Hill feel there is already pretty fair re- ception here. Cable» television has been available for years in Newmar- ket. Aurora and certain parts of. Markham Village. The serv- ice is based on a sophisticated master receiving tower deliver- ing by wire a clean, snow-free television picture to individual homes. The company hopes to com- plete the installation in all sections of Richmond Hill by February 28. Making the announcement this week was Stewart Coxford, president of the newly formed Richmond Hill Cable TV Limit- ed. Mr. Coxford. who with part- ner John Graham is a principal in CFGM Radio Broadcasting Limited, stated that “already over 70 percent of the town is wired but only the first phase. the northwest section of the municipality, will be energized by December 15. Prospects are that installa- tion of the new cable television system in Richmond Hill will be completed by February 28. 1969. gional Education Committee. , Elected to the separate school The third member electedgboard were Mrs. June Mallon,’ was John Honsberger who pick-la former guidance counsellor. ed up 1,691 votes. Mr. Hons- trustee and secretary on the berger was a member on the Markham-Vaughan Board. Dr. York Central District High William Lacroix, Steele Valley School Board for 11 years and aiRoad and Gordon McMahon, member of TSA 1 for one year.'Thornhill. a member of Mark- Giving Mr. Honsberger alham-Vaughan Separate School close fight for Markham's-Board for two years, gional Education Committee Giving Mr. Honsberger a close fight for Markham's third seat on the board was Mrs. Mildred Toogood. Mrs. Toogood, who had 12 years exâ€" perience on the Unionville Public School Board and has been a member of TSA 2 for four years picked up 1,364 votes. Trailing the polls were Elson Miles with 1.209 votes and Peter Rossi with 653. Mr. Miles is a former chairman of TSA 2 of which he was a member for two years and Mr. Rossi has two years experience on TSA 1. And she remembered her husband's first political defeat when he lost a race for elective ofï¬ce by 14 votes. “It’s heartbreaking to know that one more hour of work could have made the differ- ence,“ she reflected. “We were so naive then. I often wonder how we got so far knowing as little about campaigning as we did." ate it more after you've worked for it" “However, while the com- pany has the Bell Telephone construction crew in Richmond Hill free installations can be made when the crew is work- ing a» particular street," “Most of the time the chan- nel will be delivering informa- tion on local weather. It will also carry public service an- nouncements for local non- profit organizations." Ofï¬ces of the new company are at 244 Newkirk Road. Phone 884-8111. Rates for the cable service will be $4.95 per month and $17.50 for initial installation. For full details see advertise- ment on Page 10 this issue. Mr_ Coxford also said the presently unused Channel 5 would be used for local cable- casting. "It is expected that UHF; Channel 19 will also be award- ed to the Ontario Educational Television Authority. Both Channels 19 and 25 are expect-S ed on the air before the end ofl 1969 and both will be available‘ to Richmond Hill Cable sub‘ scribers at no further charge": Another bonus for cable users will be the availability of Channel 12. Peterboro, which carries Toronto Argo home games. These home games are presently blacked out for gen- eral area television set owners. The advantages of cable tele- vision will be even more pro- nounced with the soon to be available to all set owners of UHF signals. the Channel 17 Buï¬alo educational signal, and the awarding in 1969 of the new Toronto Channel 25 station to one of {our applicants. should be eliminated.“ They turned back bids by Paul Greenan. a 10-year veter- an of the Markham Township and village board. Bernard Rain- ford. a former member of the Vaughan Separate School Board and Father Francis Robinson, parish priest of Our Lady. Queen of the World Church, Richmond Hill East. Final results showed Mrs. Mallon. 294, Dr. Lacroix. 240. Gordon McMahon. 228. Father Robinson, 216. Mr_ Greenan. 113. and Mr. Rainford, 53. MRS. LOUISE AIMONE Markham Twp. Representative Bringing “The Liberal†to your door every Thursday â€" storm or shine â€" is almost routine for your carrier. He has learned the importance of providing a valuable service just like many of our leading citizens learned on newspaper routes in their school days. If your son has a chance to take a newspaper routeâ€"even in the winter- time â€" encourage him to accept it. No better opportunity exists for a boy to learn business values and earn money while being a student. With nearly 60 carrier-salesmen presently gaining the benefits of newspaper route experience. YOUR CARRIER DOES HIS BEST! Whenever winter weather strikes with cold, snow, sleet and wind, your reliable carrier makes an extra effort to provide the service you wish; prompt arrival of a protected newspaper. Seldom are you disappointed, no matter how severe the weather. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 5, 1968 “Home Paper of the District Since 1878†“The liberal" Sealed tenders. clearly marked as to contents. will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 o’clock pm. to supply five (5) 1969 4-door automobiles and to take in trade two (2) 1968 2-door automobiles and two (2) 1966 2-door automobiles, a total of four (4) trade-in vehicles. Bidders must use Township specifications and tender forms. Tender forms may be received from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Mrs) Amy Lord, Secretary, Board of Commissioners of Police for the Township of Vaughan. FOR POLICE CARS TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17th. 1968 TENDER WHEN WINTER DOES ITS WORST