5 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Dec. 26, 'lflfiiil C O N S I ST E N C Y! 13h???iflli‘?.%s‘l{§Eil’iniiltliiib’i‘télilS El‘En‘i-“i‘i’tsr Work these ads as hard as you like â€"â€" they‘ll go to work for \'Oll one Thursday all month if you prefer. each week doing a Vigorous selling job Oil thousands of readers, and prospects who shop "The Liberal" Classified Section regularly. Flexible too! More than ‘25 different classifications to provide an easy to shop market place for the items vou want to sell or buy. the services you want to offer. or the property you want to rent orrsell. I’IIONE ddl-llOS-tfl: 88471983 A HELPFUL AD TAKER WILL ASSIST YOU â€"_.__. [HELP WANTED WE‘wa Mlscuhigmvs anti... lGormley Neighborhood Note _ Dnivrns‘ubnt‘éd’f iod’r-od. ‘ a.» .l i“ . ‘- CAS“ RATES, lst inseam“ ac cam word. L “mum i gt 9i i CLI \VINt home and Office. Avenue Taxi. 250 Yonge Shoat-2433. Day 0' 'glt. t‘ :6 .5 N 'i 1 W l charge $1.00 Second and subsequent insertions if Nomi, 834.1111, “GM kw“ SH \‘VIPLS;N‘G-_393 P“ TIRSGi‘VV‘WER‘ iBOWENâ€"AGerald and Ai'leiiel CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED ._ 337-5445 . ,., . . ,7 7 _ 7 7 r i ‘ A x ’1 . . .. . WordllngUDCllahged-V 40 Per Word- ml‘n- Charge 300' ’COOIs'Z. short order. must. be Bugs and Chesterfields D3,. mJR. E. Dunn. 884-2798. tic: 3',mp1s:fddggsï¬gli’[lgï¬ï¬uglf NCighhorhOOd Notes Mrs. George Stacey in the pas-lily in Switzerland COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 1161‘ word: mm- charge 5150 c;‘pei‘l\c“nced. Fill] or part timelnimu~ 884-2433 “Myâ€â€"t,I;UMBlSG‘&fhE‘TIV(.' ICC Ann 3 H“ 3 W Dncc,.n_i Mr. and Mrs. David llcise of‘siiig of his father in Scarboro Church News l < .. -. - r. i, ~ ~- . . 7 ‘ I A’, - H > i-. . - -l 'l . BOX NUMBERS an extla charge per insertion of 5013 Id†a.‘ “Oh-‘9. 334 5411-flflw PLUMBING _ HEATH“ v Roger pmmx 7 Telephone 77, her 16. 1963‘ a 5,5“... 1:01.,lFCfUhSVale$10114th lhe llOliâ€"»W1‘ V ‘ _ ..t The pioneer girls‘ mother and ’ CARDS 0F THANKS. iN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ' . . - ‘~" A. MILLS & SON Ln, 884-1650. tfc24. Jeffrey. Thanks to Dr. Zuko~ fa) Sf???“ “‘3‘ “‘3 Pd‘emsi 3h- “? “'1 held their Christmas daughter Christmas meeting ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- lWA‘WED r0" ""9 "“‘â€"‘- James D. Stewart :“MHSVOW’Rriioui " ’ tynski and the nursing sinii‘md ""‘1RU55911 “a†. meemg Decembe“ 19.“ “‘9 was held in the Heise Hill ' t‘ 5150 Woman 10 hCll) in house- â€) (Tm. 334-9901 i j .4 . 1‘ ‘ ’ at York Central m)me l Smildlng a few days with home of Mrs. Harry Smith with Church basement Thursday serum ‘ , _ 1 pm “mm?†and HM“ ~~ ‘il_l1\(‘\‘vd)S and sidewalks clc.ii'- "1“2611'elatlvcs iii the area are 11112.11 members and four guestslevcliing of last week They re- Classmcd adverusemcms should be in as early in the Must have mm -tmmportaâ€0;li Hmâ€? fl 7 fi/fcil‘cd b_\‘ snow blower. Reasonablc;_7_ 7 .,77. and Mrs. Abraham Lehman of present. ‘sented a program and servfd week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- « . . . o-)_ i ‘ -)~ RON MOORE "alesr 334-2833. 11'023' Cai’lisle. Pennsylvania. l Mrs. Deb Baker had he ' ‘ ~ . . a . ‘32 pm how. b-1287. C]\\..[) V V 7 77â€"7 . r_ _ . . ,, I 7 i delicious lunch afteiwaids. am. Send adsby mm and enclose paymentortelwhone EXPERIENCED “0.1‘igt.délmél_ :rAiNTiho - PAPERIIANGING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR 5 sf'f‘m‘, Faker, IS Waiting his Gazette and. showed several of A Watch Night Service will u! n 8844105 or 8844983 and you will receive an invoice. “team, emplovmem .if 5:181â€; mteï¬m. _ interim; Free cm“ I PAINTING i :isteis ALIS. Elias Elliott for 3 her mothers older Christmas be held at Heise Hill Church . [Applgv Perri“; Flower Sho'; 232' mates_ call anytime. 889_8955.il\. lâ€"Vade. RR 3. King. Phone.McCLOSKEY. Edward I'l‘edl Hâ€"I 6&9“? \i‘ K C 1 cards. some dating back to 1900.chceinber 31 at 9 13m. This ,1 Main. St. Newmarket. Ont. '395â€" 777* . "035 7213:9556 .. “Viz? Slime†3‘ "‘5 "mm 3.34liainllyaliloi-bcis'on egridgvesfl‘adig [Si Elm vi‘o 1td how service “in be a, Spedal musk“- FOR SALQ FOR SALE 2962. c‘Zw‘ZG STONEW'O'R’K " SHEET METAL WORK “60'2231323r1194' the former Banns house. at theersenG lï¬oycrdtistllidt lieglpliljgilggi“. the direction of Mrs ~ -â€"â€"~â€"~A » -- A A- W A is s - -‘7--mv ~~~ â€" r e. ,- . .. . i. . '. e- .. ,_ g l H - ‘ . i I 18 cu. ft. upright freezer. tele- _77 7__‘7‘C°ntl_fmid_l7_ 7 _ 77 Looking for qualified. per-man- EXPCI‘tly done, all work gnaw"- gmirsilough. newfandlefpaned- 1968‘ Ted‘ beloved hushaqd of mushroom farm to hing City. learly days in the institute. lJ. Barker the Christmas Cantata phone table. 884-4123. czwzs HAY. Straw and oats. Will de- ent. office personner ‘Wed-Pahosr Planters. “11â€â€th pea mg†100 1.5‘5.“"â€' ftc’ Fay McIntyre dear father or School “1“1‘11‘?“ and let‘Chersl MVS- Boycl‘oh the" Dl‘eselited‘ll'as presented at Heise Hill Tï¬laéfE~35fsgï¬gg“0be liver. 884-2557. i=4ir23 Call Mona Robertson fireplaces. barbeques. etc. For t“; ggi‘ï¬fges- “01k gua‘f‘m‘; Ma,.,._Anne (Mrs. D, Chm alike are enioymg an unusualâ€"Mrs. Norman brow-n and MrSHChurch December 13 and was horse $15 raw-3573‘ clwz-G .FmEISIJACES pmï¬me wig: A_1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY {we estimates! can 3843484. 98 av: 7§.i__ man}. Barbara and Tom.ilyylong Christmas vacation thlleack Giamble Wltl’l life memberâ€"liven attended. Doug Johnson ' ‘ "'â€"â€â€œâ€™â€œ' -‘_ ‘I ‘ stone brick tile Lowest. oi‘ices' 78A Yonge St- 501ml 96“'20 BAKERS BACKHOE brother of Joseph Mary Mine year-'- 16 days“ . lSh1p pms and was "1 tum her‘i‘VaS at the Ol'ga'fl fOI‘ this pl‘e- BEDROOM suite. 3 piece. 375%?†4&8" ' ' - [24' 38445944 “mmâ€"Fir WWPAYNF~â€"-â€" EXCAVATING and Barmm Res'un mol Miss Ivadel Sudeyko. Miss;self presented with a life mem-‘sentation. The same program dresser $15; radio-record playei‘:7'777j_7‘j7 _7 7 7 777 1 ‘3 “icon I “ I ' ‘ ‘ l'l'l.cnchin.â€", sewer & water lineq U ‘ - | g ‘ Jean helly and Andrew JoneS, tiersh’lp pin by Mrs. Harry was presented at the Missionary $45. 889-0361. clw26 ALUMINUM l. 7 L. ,, “I Drains. septic tanks. All trpcsl - °‘ Malbllah Funeml Home 126 all students at Emmanuel Bible 5mm, . » .â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ v *svxâ€" VVONIEN for punch press day f . .t . .k foolmgs' 889‘3604- tfcz Yonoe Street North Richâ€"ic , A . . l ‘ChurCh Sunday evening- FIREWOOD ,Doms‘ “.indo“,s_ awnings‘ and shift 8 am to 530 pm Km)†Eggs-(521;? e EST†Yr (5 CLEANING. "Iona-a Hm Service “:35 held .ollege' ale holidaying at their; On behalf of the WI Mrs. The Missionary Church and $17 a sinole cord 8. V 4. V 16.. railings Ron Woods. 334_1514_ S ’d ' ' “'1 f‘ . i: - d» v ll- E ‘ FALL PECI I Sit d I * 1 L » t R. q despecme homes. ‘ Jack Gamble presented a black the Stouffville Church are com- An h. ‘dbvo d he ‘ del‘iVAl.\'-i “€36 323399 19-? 1 d3“ aslllllhg Li -~ _/ H y d tfc31l‘mo. t‘ d 5 A 1 >_ ‘ d “1†ilk-l h amen 13“ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wideman handbag to Mrs. ’I'. Hepburn aslbining for a Watch Night Serv- 1. d1 ‘ Yo ' e_ L â€"»r x â€" r r â€"â€" 5 0_“0 ROE 5 RICllmonfj MASONRY C'ONTR'ACT‘ORҠ? “if ‘has and CheStelflemsw mm“ H“ - L“Miami family were guests on Suri- a bon voyage gift for her triplice at 10.30 pm December 31. (/5 more \ioodl- 334 7790. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 10 miles hmth of Highway ï¬t , Day. 01 night. 884-2433. tfcl7icâ€"Mrâ€"-~Aruâ€"â€"â€"~-â€"â€"â€"iday of the Roy Brilhnner mm- to Spend Christmas with her The (“mom Times Like These†I.) . . - v ‘ . . ‘ ~- A . - »v 47 â€"- rivnhâ€"râ€"r-A «#7 r . . . c __ -. _. . ‘f‘f $111th18. doors. Windows. :.idâ€" 401 0“ Mmge SUCCL 339‘7549- 8522:2211}; FITZSIMMONS Custom Up. 3:“ .t ' ly for Christmas dinner. ‘late husband‘s brother and fam- will be shown. Oil painting and Drawings mg. awnings. Free estimates. , 7 7 7 7 7_777_77tf7°175 Riclm‘fond ‘ Hm ‘honl 334; hoistery. furniture refinishing. Congratulations are extended Art Lessons York Aluminum. 884-4508. _ URGENT. woman to do house- 5688 ' p e “23 repairing. recovering. restyling. - to MR and Mrs- Roy Whldeman' William Wegman tfc30 work in exchange for board and A -._ terms arranged. 773-5082. “‘ho I‘ll†celEbI‘ate their 50th, ‘ Yonge St_ N_ 884-6690 "â€" rooln. Spending lnoney provid- gi/ULL llS IOI‘. your sand. gravel. cgwlg g Â¥edqin% anniversary NEW‘ - - . - ~ ~71 a' l. l stain; wï¬aows __ gtaï¬ï¬jiii‘: ï¬gmelllugttodilgillghllgligzil.‘ :13:le Plrlt‘lmlgltjp dih‘lii’eliild ngxdlseosilgbll: NFURNI?I€.RE USEREPPFNG. Mn and Mrs. Roy Klegg are errigraatlilations also to Rev.l Correspondent: ' ‘ 0 FCï¬NISHED'b d f - -A{ Mr. or Mrs. Ferguson 334-8735 rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ew revo u will?†at] pmcebrs' ha pV to announce the forth- Am“ Wing" and Mrs- Wingel“ Mn†Anne Wh‘te' 24 R°°5°V°lt Drive Patio Doors _ E 1‘00"! 01 13h» ’-‘ ‘ 9 v ‘ 832_8876 “C12 Removes 3“ f‘mSheSi StratO‘Dlp p -‘ i - who will celebrate their 60thl 889-3806 SAN-DUN $13 weekly. Call 727â€"9117:2 2 _7 A q 77 __7_ 7 __ 77c“‘l;§,_._‘ CKEFEV.TER._ Stripping Service. 5 Maple Ave- r glarilangem (I): t thNeI]; wedding anniversary December 884-4645 c w‘5 BE a Rawleigh dealer in Rich- 1 ‘ nue. Maple. 832-2052. tfc12 a 1 9 v a 0 ’n e 0 - - School News uite outst'indin ‘ - c3\\.26iiâ€"â€"aâ€"nd~v2â€"bédiioom~aï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ht§ mond Hill. Good year around Anerations, repairs, kitchens,’ Fibbn Cb’vERAING flack Kgnï¬qeth iii-okok.C sorli o: zghzï¬slthv‘ifr goggle and Victorl Pupils of grade 1 classes at (tlic that maily adflltasnii'eii‘i; hbtiife MAN'S black Ski slacks, size 30â€" fridge. stove. balcony. Apply 1b5 gaining; I‘llo .Lflpltgl neceisrziiiy. Lizdioot‘iizhetc. ‘Igi‘esgngitliemateé.ml types floor tile‘ Sheet goods, Kilngsiitlgn.‘o:1:ariodCThe ahefildigg are emoymg- then. Chnstmas m Sharles II-tlowï¬g Sellogldllafl I a with the intention of making 3.2- Man’s “9“ 1391‘“ “eVel‘Sible 999).?â€1‘152‘3‘ ._.. “Edi; {will 9400:“ mil r em’ "3‘17 Eallln 834â€"6864 ‘ttcai Expert “'°“k'“a“5“h’ 3‘ low to take place Januarv 25 1969‘the balmy “mate “f-Bermma‘ liary fix“ lllg line deTmdey 5mm ones’ Size 36-38. total $15. Lady‘s STORE to rent suitable for. ' ° R“ ‘e ‘0“ St" 5", -_k.‘_._~,.-..'.. ‘ cost. Free estimates. Gillett at 4 m in the Thomfml {in-[ted MP and Mrs- P- Bemtema and: 3.5 “ len my on†orqflto Langsmff Secondary swam†blue ski jacket. medium size small business or offices. Yonee Hem" Nomeal' ’ PAINT'NG Fine FlOOI‘S- 884-8331- “011 Chmng ciu-oelfamhy Plan to spend theirp‘ty. Ha" and SP?“ .501“ “me and Others from BaWiCW. Rich- $10. 334-5275. oiwzs‘and Centre Streets 834_7701‘ cl\\~’6. AND DECORATING S.rhï¬rï¬KiL-Iâ€"NG , 24%.... .,,. ;L Christmas with Albert Heisel hating on the Ice m Nathanlmond Hill. Thomhill. Markham. s_.-._'.‘c.+_-__. _ L ‘ .V. 7 I ‘ As I J"-i~7- Ex em workmanship. reasom ‘ i and family, lPhlllpS Square. They had their woodbridge, Stouffviue and v FIRSI giade Late). paint One c4\\25 C RR ER P SERVICE , . . . I - . - - .. . . coat S“ er Whit $4n9- q I . , v T _ 7 77777777 “Th Lb ‘ l†_ ‘ able prices. Free estimates. 889_ S u L t J m l Miss Shirley Doner of Regina,‘ We]? 1" the Cdeterla Pi‘lor to hint: City raised $6,202 in L‘ _p i e .o ca.IFUp.h~isHED 1.00m, cookmg e. ieia tequiics it ie- 0136- ,Lfcm ma or arge obs i Saskatchewan is spending thelvnewmg the Christmas Windows Christmas card sales. Repre- 1S1“ tints aVallable- Butler 3: faculties, 16 Lorne, lst house SPOHSIPIE‘ boy 01' girl for an M77“â€" H’"_'f‘/f"'â€"â€"â€""â€" Free Esum‘ftes i holidays with her parents, Mr. in the tWO large downtown de-lsentatives of these schools were Balm Lumber Ltd. 191 Yong? east of Borlg's Jewellers at ESti‘thhed paper T011153 1“ GERERAL collimcnng‘ altera' Phone Anyt‘me l c NAG Y I 1 .- and Mrs. Harold Doner. lpartment stores. honored at a luncheon held re- Sti.. N. Richmond Hill. 889- Yonge, tfc51‘Maple and Lakeland Avenue Trions and add1t10n5~homes. 0[- Ask For Alex. Canale ‘MC 0 H â€"n O‘mg mem" Mr. and Mrs Joseph Heise A large number 0f Paranis cently at ARC Industrie ‘n 3506, 884-1125, {£321"â€"-*~-~~-â€"-dâ€"â€" area of Lake Wilcox. phone flees, factories. Custom carpen- Bus; 839-3533 01‘y of 3 deal' gl‘ahdmmhel‘, . ' . - - - . . 3 ‘ _.___.c._ c..__._-. . RICHMOND HILL, 3 bedroom G, P_ ,t C . 7 C, 1 t. m. of an descriptions Les RES 889 8319 Lillian McConaghy, who pass. and ML and Mrs- Russellhelseend Interested reSldentS 0f the Richmond Hill. SEASONED FIREWOOD back Split, 2 fun bathrooms, 882511110153“ amEI llcu 61313515. Webb 889-2546 - th3 . - . '20 ed away December 1967. and family Will be Christmas ï¬red were on hand to See the The next in the series of HOLLAND mm; large lot. $185. Available March _'__:__-g.-_,_ P“ “ -_W-'_b/e ‘3“ One has stepped moss the Day guests of Rev. Allan HeiselChrlstmas decorations and al‘tlfilms presented by Richmond ‘ GARDEN CENTRE 1 1969 Phone 38477306 after 6- MALE CLERKS ELMS 1DIEC'ORA'I‘ING border, aanI‘hNII‘S. Helsehof Hgmtikllton. lgork. sf thttehstudents of; Charles mm ans for Chndren and me . ‘ 25 Wott u t. ,.u b . ain mg. paper- anging, interâ€" O k d1 . d u _e sympa y o e com-i OWII. at eir Open ouse re- Library Club of RHHS Wm be 51 KEELE . . Pfh’m 7 if WH_p_ Michal; 11 en app ca ions wl e. V . 7 . ne we new an ove so we. , . ‘ _ “$2455 ST N “1:81:52†MASONIC Banquet Hall, 112 received by the undersigned for {3" ifd exmrlfl'dFree eggl‘iniggg' And is waiting in a country munlty ls “pressed to Mr' andlcenfly' The decoratlons wele Show“ January 4’ 2.1â€â€œ m. the “C17 Crosby Ave" available for wed_ the position of Male Clerks Oi guaranee . - . . Fairer far than we can tell, i . high school. It is entitled. _-.. . . ding memo... Xmas p3,...esywiu. u... Markham Township. .. 73W 77 And the grad sweet .mn. we Watson 5 Scores Three As Rams Win 8-3 implied lg gelledeyglhe . l our ‘1 par 0 e seria " Ive WASHER-Midi)?“ ind WVSWVBO' w . Poli e De art ii iii D t' t lCARPlZNTRY WORK additions IN V M ‘i ' C '7 l ~’ . bowling banquets. Contact Jack; C p ‘ e - u ‘95 0. ‘ ‘ TERESTED 1“ getting mm CheUShEd ‘l A three-goal performance byfin between Watson's three goalsclues to Fertune" will also be Paris. Eeal‘S. hens. “'OOd bear-l r' - _ o - . include telephone and Policei'enovations, garages. recreation the travel business? Start thnd the touch of her dear liantll . 11135 andll'i'inger rollers etc. For‘Mlnlams 884 3â€"00" :13“ ‘2 Radio Dispatching as well as‘rooms. tile floors. No job too your spare time. Affiliation‘Waits to welcome and so greetlLarry watson wa?‘ an the liieimalsmg the .Scor? 6'1" lpr?sented' Admission is we and all makes- Repairs and parts i'OI' -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_ General Office Duties. Tyne-small. Free estimates. T. l’rice available in your area by ln- us. lneeded by the RIChmond Hull Twcron’ “1th ms “gong goal’1dnldl'e" imdel' Seven muSt be hioloi‘s. Maih’S TV, 49 Industrial writing necessary. Salary $3.-‘-389â€"3653. tlc28 tei-iiational travel and vacationlln a lorelier. brio‘hter land. lRamS 13“ “Wk as they VSkthd drew Stl'eetsVille to Within fotll‘laCC-ompanled by an adult Road. 884-7903. tfc‘zo 5650,00 (starring wager 1.{a,.vey‘â€"SEFTICâ€"T ANKSAPUMPKFDâ€"1mganiza‘mm write _ Club “hm loving memmf'y Rolph Jomlroughsliod over Streetsvdle bylgoals but Gordon put the Rams; school at Chm-[es Hewitt mu BOQRINGS N“0‘w‘_31§i7qc “ ‘ ’ ‘ "‘ ’ " "" " N. Cox, Chief of Police, ’l‘owii- â€" ‘ ‘ remational suite 31 223‘Mccona h (Grandson) 3" 3‘3 Score‘ lout 0f ream 0“ a 5h“ 59“ “9 0H,TeSllme 0" January 6, 1959. i BOWLERS needed on Monday . , $23. and up. Complete \Vlth ’ ‘ g y The Rams wh h v 't b ‘a ass b Bodnar 'L' MADE FOR 1‘ 9 w - .ship or Markham. Gormley. RR . . . v Church St. Toronto 2 Ont. 1w26. ' 0 a e†99“ p .y - . . . l ‘0“5 96 EDDINGS. iiite '7 .in. Call Jud B ikei { f 1 . . C l . . . 5 p y A - ' . lee splay “hung can all that c e 'f l th (1 Harrin ton 1 his I "t - e - r pLAN AHEAD RESERVE after 6 m 884_3636 c8w19 2, Ontario. c2w25 SPEEDY cngl -~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~s ~~#â€"Aâ€"vâ€".â€" I 5†c 53 u 9“ e 1‘03 g s P aymg 11> A few tickets are still avatl- YOUR DATE NO-w CALL 884- Wfl p. ._ H . [YOUR NEWTï¬ï¬aiï¬lï¬iY' ' CARD 0F THANKS this season. turned it on despite game on defence, was outstandâ€" ab1e for the New Year‘s Eve 6741 STUART’S .STUDIO WEDNESDAY afternoon ladies; . 889-5061 889-9413 BUSINESS _0PPORTUNITÂ¥ I m rk t h v ver [the fact they were playing with-lstanding as he picked up three party at the community hall, Photogra 1w 30A Y0 - S‘ league 130 pm, can Betty Mar- A permanent career in real eS_ W tfc27 Free dealership available no Iri- 3’01“ ‘ e. ‘t’ 33y 0‘ Ht: out the service of four regulars assists and kept the Rams outlspruce Avenue, which win be Richmomf hm “Eamo- tin 334â€"5441. c8w19 me can be you,.s_ all PLUMBING by Vestment' our electrical upph- 3:35 arfé’l’ï¬fvfefs {jigli’ng in); out with injuries. lot trouble on many an occasion. sponsored by the Lions and impâ€"0mg" ~:~râ€"â€" BOWLERS needed for ladies Lack of education or sales ex- REXWAY GUARANTEED- ances‘ are on conslgnnlent to stay at York cent'ral Hospital. Pam“, the Offenswe . STANDINGS TiCKEfS are $15 Per couple, but I . . L'ED Singer Auto- afternoon leaguc‘ Tuesday 130 patience is no draw back. Many NEW WORK, REPA1RS you. sales and serVIce in your My Sincere thanks to an ’ along With Watson were Lindsay 1203 24 each couple receives $5 back matte. Zig lag console sewing pm. Can Dorothy Long after 6 of our highest earners Comm MAINTENANCE, ETC community. Apply now. . .write Mart Stym'w Bruce Hutchinson. Greg . W L T F A Pain refreshment tickem Plan to machine. NIahCS buttonliolesppm 884_1972 C8w19 from dead end jobs ; 884-7319 to C. DESJARDINS, 1 >11- 06 Bodnar’ Greg. Sephton’ 'Nhlton 12 4 2 93 73 zsiattend and support this dub in: “ws on. buttmm dams‘ (.mJ - 7 7 7 _ 7 ‘ , y' .7 i l “C25i138 Danfortli Ave., l , ' ““ Harvey Gordon. and Jodie 'Lindsay 12 3 1 93 62 251th i' i f C - Emma-e mo, . k lBOWLERS needed Wednesday 0"“ agents “130) unhm‘t'zd 77.. . _,. . ..k ., M T -o t 6 0m â€" ozl * * "‘ †H [d ,‘l i - l r .r. | er Pomm‘mty e forts†0" n i i m M l - :3 is at . - ’ ' ' ' -. I ‘ ital . w {1‘ -_ l i T I ‘ ' l _ ' ' ' A ' - 0 â€" j or ’lll‘llel‘ n ormation. blind ileum N“ attachmems‘ï¬np.m.j384-53:):. A w flirt/191 e e 0 el ._ “liggx‘siolg‘glqlls i M1,. and Mrs†J. van Rawnb the scoring at the 3:32 mark oflGeorgetown 8 5 4 83 68 ZOlSenior Citizens needEd- Slal't 118W PaymenlSVOleo you have a drinking prob-1f TOP COMMISSIONS. ‘D‘av m. Nigh; ‘waaij wish to thank the stafrlthe first period when he took;Richmond H 9 8 l 96 '76 191‘ seniorCitizens Club lnprnbpl’s $6300 1361‘ month for 9 months 1cm. If so AA can help. Write.“ INCENTIVE BONUSES “43433 5 and nurses from the York uremia pass from Steve Hall andBowmanVille 8 8 l 81 89 17lwere entertained when the gg$§ff100 Cass Dlea‘lcr “TiteoBgijox 84. Richmond Hill, or call * PERSONAL ON THIS JOB "' “C44: 11-31 Hospital 4th floor [or an Faced tile‘lem’sth 0f the ice heal-loathing 3 1i 34 107 illLions hosted a dinner for them. 7.7 __ 137 “lira. citâ€"playroom; _ lit-17 Tnnihiho & DEV ELOI’-‘_._-_C .To , â€"_â€"lYOUNGPï¬ENwmhgelbokw that was done for their fatheizlmg 30b Templeton “1th a back- Sh‘eetSY'he ft 1: 2 83 110 10 The women of CarmIIe United ANSCO photo developer. pl'int- Will the ladv who witnessed , MEN! ‘ . Ub M BUILDII‘G . f . . .â€" ‘A i‘h‘ a l c s.‘ ° who was safely transferred to hand dme mto “19 bonom Thomhlu 3 13 0 63 121 4 prepared and served the delici- lng kit and enlarger. Com- an accident between a venou- “ GROUP INSURANCE JBHCk ' ' Block Work ' ‘ Palms 01 “0â€.†mt .,m° conbld‘lgd' Holland recently. Also \l’ei‘ylcomer- 1 ~ SCORING LEADERS 0115 f00d- plete $30; 12 string Elpl‘ado and black Baracuda and an- * MEMBERSHIP IN THE General Alterations Em yogggeilzpslés' can sail/anon many thanks to the various doc- Greg BOdnal' made.†.2") ("1‘ G A Pl-l Guest speaker on this 0003- classical guitar and case. $60; other car at approximately 5.40 LOCAL REAL ESTATE WALKER CONSTRUCTION YmY- ‘ 5 - “C29 tors especially Dr_ 5. Zukotym a slap shot from Just instde thelRod Chapman 12 11 23lsion was the district governor 1 child's ski-bike, $4: 3 pick-up pm. on November 7' 1963’ at BOARD. Phone 13395292 MEDICAL secretary. 10 years ski, for their continuous care bluellne. . John Dunkley 812 20 of the Lions c1ub, Arthu electrical guitar, Bentone amp- the intersection of Newkirk and * EXPERIENCED AND UN- “033 experience. 3 languages, seeks and attention given c1w26 hard-Skating 59ft0n_ sand- Greg Sephton 9 16 15 Chambers, who was given . lifter and Trimolo, $100; TransJMarkham Rd†please phone DERSTANDING MANAGE- PERRI.STYLE CUSTOM position in Doctor's office. Tel. i: )k * wk WlChed a {3081. along With one Stephen Hall 6 19 15 hearty round of applause at the isltlol‘ recoird psliiger.dbatterie5,i889 7951 days 92243415 even_ I! EEEJTATION FOR GEr UPHOLSTERING 833â€"6696. c2w26 CARD 0F THANKS by Dave TIVEI‘OH 0f StreetSVllle. Harvey Gordon 8 6 Micorrï¬lus‘i‘on of his talk.d 1 t Spec 5, L ; up lt'iltol‘,l‘ ‘ tfcgl} ’ i t ' - - . - . 1 - ‘ . an swere expresse a so 0 ~ . t intâ€"fl l‘ - r ‘ ‘ . ' . s r i ‘ v - . dollhouse. old Iaim house .24 a, WHICH BRINGS T0“ OllR‘date selection of material and manship guaranteed. A150 cush_‘0Pl)01t}"_‘1W 10 thanh 01†10h" .‘from Carrville United who have fslmz mg“. 2 floors. ereumci AGENTS MANY CUBTOMJgtfleg 884 6883 “cfl‘ions and arm caps etc Please tives, friends and neighbors tor1 ‘been catering for the Lions iilll. fireplaces. etc.. 560. 839- ERS BY REFERRAL, 1;.-.‘4. 7.-. " ..._._.,.,L_.,_ . - ‘. l . . , flowers. donations. to the Yorkj lmonthlv dinner meetings for ‘_ c2w25‘ ‘" ï¬O'YOUCflhvg'THEn‘joa‘ Due to expansion we need a BILE‘MITCHELL $171.?_';§0;‘e“1“g5 OI baub‘iï¬ Central Hospital fund and: CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE sevei‘aliyears. . “APPLIANCES " 'Due m moving of premiSES‘ I.9_;liinited number of new mnbi- CONSIRUCT‘ON " 'Cai'ds- AlSo the Headiord laldi33‘ RR. Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421 Janai'y 8 is the date of the Electric slows 34" d 30‘: ant-cords regarding me loaning of tious assor-iaies. lRec. rooms. additions. firm, fOl‘ ‘Dl‘OVldmg lllm'h am ‘ 3 next meeting of the senior citi- i'econditioned $35 up. lwheelchairs bv the Red Cross Call today for confidential iii- Place?» WSW!“ hUildhigS aildl & B 5â€le thanks t" Rel: Jenkm‘ M1†the l0" and peace “fiMl's' Earl Emprmgham' Nomiâ€. Zensl at the community ha“ at wring“. washers with Suds l,e_ have been ten’lpm.m.ih, mispmb tei-r‘icw, repairs. ’l‘liornliill 889.7545, 0 35011. 7 Dr. James Langstal'f and Christmas be with you al|_today,zi‘tliigl Committee Nll's. Earl 130 pm, All club members 3p- turn completely overhauledled. Anyone having tliese chairs-,TOHIOI‘I'UW nei‘cr comes! I W V “33 ACCOMMODATION liaraildbléime Mill's-ha†Funflial lilollle' all“ ah‘ll‘vsflfllal “fâ€? mn‘cereiï¬llgpnflglla?" l\{llis'.tl13ll()lgi,}lhilil' Dream? the. aSSlSlanco 0‘ m; “'"h 1 year warranty 595 no. or knowing of their where-lqu Mr. Orrin. at lid-0330. LEONARDI BROTHERS for elderly ladies in pyixaie‘ 9 lO-SS Of a tear llls.)-lllL.‘\\lSl‘i oi‘ you: C01103p()nk'elll.~\ll:_- Peiln “oibsonkwhll ht local Lions and wish them an Dryers Completely overhauled‘abouts is asked to can Mmu‘honm BLA(K Runny nu CONSTRECHON homo Good meals and 1.5350n_l,fatliei.‘and glandtatlicr.‘ H ..\lcri'y‘ Christmas. everyone. gulf.- ‘ixllhllal'd “lg-Ethine 3;: airwall readers of this column a “1‘11 1 .‘car warranty $65 up.lSusaiI Warren. Campaign Chair-i “V936 Concrete. Drain and Gf‘llCl'a] 'dble rates. Eli-5839. tfcl9 “519 Leel“ Elmo“ “Id‘3'~\Ch“S'~.‘“as Pal-"95 . . ii 1.5' ‘ .10 i so ' [pp 5 ‘Joyous “Ollday .Season‘ RICHMOND Hum man for Richmond Hm Red lRep‘airs Pam) Swnmwrk and { Albert and Rosemary. " Christmas festivities seeui toii\‘115-'Héll‘)1d Hm. . I ‘Emmanuel Anglican REFRIGERATION lCmSS 3‘ 7734333 Chas, l ' Side‘valkx 3 l“ c1w26lbe the main order of the day" gallgyti'eï¬fes‘lgmems lgnï¬sef" On December 24.tlie special oak Rid es plaza i ‘ l _ 22 t just now. On December 16 the lhnԠ1 19 951“? 59.35 9 e.Christmas Eve servxce for chil- 773.5903 f 884-1964 l .> 889 5 8 “C39 United Church Choir herd us Tï¬géfiigat the conclusmn of the,dl.en will be held at 7 pm. Pay- (om-34 CAT boarding â€"â€" ilIdl\r’id‘.lallâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"V~~ Y , w~-vv~’BAB\'51TTmG anytime durm annual Christmas party at the, , . ' , tents are urged to take their bR-CKVS-r â€"d» .~ w. -c. ‘-. cages. large indoor i‘un. $8.00l _ Cumulus ‘the (lay. Call 72739117. c212§i home of the organist. Mrs. Stan- he‘lfl'boirio‘il golf“: _ 1 0 d children to church to help im- umii‘ \‘Ye pâ€"rovgnvloénlslnfnS18:lwï¬ï¬ï¬TAiL'41 y'dgc'fyf‘ per week. Home pick up extrallChlmnei's and fireplaces hiiill . WW. w»â€" l iley DeFoe when a good time Marx? giasddaglghi’elf‘gses‘ï¬zy.part to them the true meaning ' - '1 '-l . . charge. 884-2475 :-3w°4 and repaired. Free Estimates. .\ 'v w s V a \ l\\‘aS had by all. ' - - ‘Of this Cl‘riSlmas 59350"- Results iiarameed. \I v lBug Shampooelsv £1001 mull“ c- .. _ T. “ . . . . . . - .. . 0’. n . . . . . . . .lniornin . Athird daughter was . - v .. 3;" . .’ trc3icr'. -' - 0mm ., lie "Y " s. r ‘, . £1223: 311153;? 5121;13:1- Clllgahlâ€"jrohTABLE TV RENTALS 3715,5135 evggflglectï¬ppin‘flL,er Walker Construction ‘ - i' ’ 1party in the Sunday school. Rev. 3:23;“: sister for Rum andlcarols will be held. On ClmSt- ~ . . VI ua )‘l- ' . ~ ' o ' --‘ . l .- - . - _A - . - vate instruction. Latest niodlelrnl WEEK 0R MONTH come‘j- 884'2475- 93“"34" vâ€"â€" is “99ԠJénkmson and Anni-Jet} Birthday gl‘eeuhgs are ex'lmas~Day 3; $3n2?\,flnnie%$r methods. " RICHMOND HILL Tv SE1CEEST~Terriers Corker? RUBBER STAMPS l ‘lkmbon Fri-Dre??? ctr? Jill-Iii m lend“ t0 Anne smith Decem'iglimiion anu lciroiServiccwill Par wusows Toronto Orgam 334.7455 {Shepherds Labs. ahd 30,119,: Several type faces to choose; ‘llliigilgglfrllglggguue:n511\1:.< per 27. Janet Ottawa}: eightltaï¬e ishacnen a: 7 rpm . . -_\ Centre. 5254 Yonge St. Willow-l tfc43§Collies. pups. inoculated. 85 â€" from ‘â€" hiclhdihg SCl‘ihl. BIOCR ,For [he , , , luccaguo we‘re 11:35 to .mleilyears Did.December. 2" dus'l 0.113;.“ Bob Lohg took dale. Open evenings. 222-6517. $15. Will hold free 'til Xmasdem‘l'sr Outline and signature l Cl D St 'd'v ei‘enine Earl Emprmg-ham Decembel 28' ‘unior choir toaCliristmas' [f‘,-)1â€"-â€"'â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ ;88q_7934 “Coma fast gnome can wrhe Lii,.i s r s L dons u _ a u" "A , °:Alan Chadwick December 28 J ‘ , .V H ‘ . i _ . _ ‘ " VV N 7777777 ' 7 -~ PM,†884410.) N} , for a gathering at their home. and Allan Nichols December 30. at St. Stephens ouse .n Fei all who enjoy winter sports A (‘A’l‘ BOARDING ‘ ' . V " . l ' L'CW Belated wedding anniversaw ronto recently. >311:de FRANK WATTS pIANOS4“};Edâ€"énwï¬13kegand RegisterechSiaiiiese kittens and HARRISONS FYSTOM till Mrs. Lawson DillllleI‘SOH‘S‘congra‘ula‘jons to Mr. and Mm ates some of l'llS time to t Sod Supply Co Ltd‘ lucndmons‘ Cali 884_1146: stud service. Household pet kit~ CARPEVTRY ~ home was the meeting placelnmuls Janvis‘ married 32 years organization. _ v > Brings You ‘ my; tens. Beryl Stewart. 889â€"2581. Custom built homes. I‘an\a- » , " B A lll'Q‘hW-“dfly CVChlhg The“ “lejDetefllbel‘ 5 and to Mr. and The hex} hh‘PUhg 0f hmmal TRAXL BLAZER l“v'_i\,ï¬D‘{Oâ€"bâ€";.â€"TT’â€"_T’l tfc23 tioiis. additions. and repaiisl ' UCW. with 19 ladies in attend-ij William 0m married 52 uels ACVt will be held Januaio Special Clearance sale on 1968 (01-. Are-SM asll.ét: Eggptéggieaâ€"BEAUT[FUC'CHEISTMRSâ€" Kitchens 3 Specialty. Morris? j .ance' held their Christmas years December 6. I V _ 14 at 8 Pithhgï¬ #7777 models. Display on West side of e p . t “as (“FT Harrison 8843833, “C45, pleatingi 4 d b Mr. and Mrs. Bring Deejai‘ill w I rease Woodbine .12 mile south {V 1‘ 7 .777. w - » ~ .. mm"*:7â€"-â€"‘ *fl"? . . rs. -lart Styrmo aSSISte .V' celebrate their thlr We mg 0/0 a e n( 7 Highwav or can 889:2â€. o.‘ BY THORXHILL MOSS .Rhilte poodle ‘pupplei. impaired Plastering Thornhill , several members narrated thelanni\.ersam, December 31‘ 9 i J Efé.i1,Ai‘ticles for annua1 spring “22;?aoldbt‘SQLerRialijgécd-_3b ' R_ CLA'RK ‘ , l I :origin of the Christmas carol‘ Mrs. Ross Nichols is no“: a r G __TYP_EleTER7$__-_ Auction Sale. 8896853 _ 889.889.0234 - P éï¬mlï¬'scl’lain and Decorative Plastering; fl 7 7 7 71 I‘Good King Wenceslas." ‘ patient at the Willows Nursmg For consumers as ADD“. ‘ Y ‘6016. tfc22 ' ‘ " ' i “Chan‘s a SPECIZMY l , The members joined to Sing Home, Aurora. . . t , ‘ S; 'a“ _‘"“:.‘_â€"'f‘â€"Tâ€"I" †Free Estimates ‘ , i , V 1 Several caroli ‘ The many friends of “[311 Customer SEFVICC and main - Sales Servxce Rentals TDl‘AD 01 (“Phled fall“ ahhhdlsl l 433-7521 339-3185 RLAL ' w- \Iamn Jenkinqon com Styrmo are pleased to learn enance employees of Consum- “l‘thorized Deal" lJ-ICREd up promptly For dire“ C tfC30 iEndean Nursenes t ' ductebd the worship service asâ€"ithat he is able to be home from ers‘ Gas Company. members Of A†Poln‘lm. makes fill. Vile lll- Huerta“, Lon; Dlstgnce auddiSk ~ 7â€"â€" r A 7 4 r â€"â€"oâ€"~77 ~ ‘7 v. 4833 YONGE STREET y'ono-e Si. N_ - Sir-ted by 311$†FaVe \Vills, ‘hospital following recent surg- L003] ‘ISL IntFr-natlmlal (hern- cludilig new and rebuilt i L iul Aeiiltli 31800. Lall al1}lllll‘3. 19m Plymouth. \8 allltlilld‘lc. ‘ . V - l 5 . ' . . . . ~ . ‘ i441 workers Lnlon. will receive . _ o ant Fd P 1 , ‘ q _ g V . . . SEPT†TANKS WILLOWDHF R. ,h d Hi†.\lis. Edll Einpiinuliam ple- er} and that Joe Stephenson is (d I I _ y ( am “Name and “(Mme mmL . econi & V- on. \loodhlle. excellent iiiiiiiiii: condition. A â€" 4 it mon \omed the rpm†of the “Om,†also a, home an“ undergoing wage increases toiallmi. 16 r. e . . . s .. .. . . l MS 5mm†rental Hues Md“: 0,“ MGM“. XL, 32“ _ M). one. a“.an 384_3Ab4_ “‘13., pl'upgn 5-35_00 â€" :iiiiig romiiiitice after which eye surger), - orertwo years in an agreement able to Sludonl‘i: tfc44 WW ‘ ‘ L 7‘77 } 7 7 7‘ 7 77 _ .,,,. .\[1'54 ,[enkinsijn presided at [he sprd) ]'€(‘0\ei'}‘ 13 wished i'eacllCd aflo“ "Vin" “10111â€: or 8;“Bni‘ “3‘15 All risks written. Lowest intcs ' election of officers. tor Alan Chadwick who has Mini 1 pmwd . .a’er ‘ "9' Fast service. Auto ("main-iii: o Y Officers fer the 1969 term are: been ill. 1" agreemml “as lip ‘ Rmhmm‘d “m 884'1745 ial‘alldblé‘ 889-ï¬853. 633-6133. President Mrs. Reid Bl‘Lllll\\Oll. Pro-Christmas guests of .\Ir. l).\ kEl Illgiibeliihlp hlggtinmeeat; 777 7 7 “1'3 ' l‘thSTB. tl‘c‘ib‘ v 1 7 v ‘ dice-PresidentMrs. Harold Hill, and Mrs. Harry Barber at a €111)†i (WON S 7 w i C- L- Khamiett W i Secretar} )ll‘S. Carl Walker. holiday party were:_ MrsD. Adel- iniil‘eélse offï¬lu r {[131}; 11996698 CHRISTMAS TREES GARAGE.‘ “ " '6. , . ._ _ 7 . 7 ‘Assistant )li‘s. Demon Brum- ine Daley and Miss oro w an he 0 c on i -' scam“ Pine & Spruce reasonable Rigg‘h-iiligand Distillealné‘ti «‘1 - H. (g: R. Block LlCl.. Canada S largESt lllcOllle id). “911‘ Treasurer 311.5. Frank Barber of Toronto. Mr. and The cgmract will expire Jul) Visit one of our lots and 6 m‘ ‘ a“ b. l \ l . WE CLEAN service. wants to locate a person capable 01 open- .Bruiiiwell. Press Secretary Mrs. fill-s. Don Matthews and family. 7. 1910- Increased “can?†'1 p ' ‘ “‘" W†"’ ’ ’ ' DRAWS .wiliiam Sandie. Manse Comrilit- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jeffries schedules. additional shift \‘onge st. South at tiPERIl-ZNCSDVdressniihcr i‘C-. ing a volume tax service office in your area. l "THE DOMINION" l pairs and alterations, 884-3083. Excellent opportunity for right person. We train or “"23 Sewers cleaned i you. tee Mrs. Gordon Echhirter. and tamily of Guelph. Mr. and premiums and Iother items are Mrs. Harry Barber and Mrs. Mrs. Neil Brown and family of also pl‘OVlded'llI‘ the new con- Herman Mortson. Christian Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Gor- tract. Negotiations began in BAYVIEW .\I.\l.l. .\’l‘ - . , 2 .,; _ . . . . . g V _ _ _ . Bavriew and ('unimer TOURS “(-ri '~ 7 ’1" dyt ,. “Al L Km myd‘il' m M“ Hildï¬â€˜ Wllhtnll digging for Details l‘lle l0: Eduunjon Mrs Jim B(,)-d_ \‘icii. (ion Davie and family of Lx- )[giy Hug year and Icontinped ‘ ' m. , .i M \' mike“ 'm a.†“.5 (liiww‘; “1m ‘Tlc‘."l"‘l“lll “Md†or H. 8: R. BLOCK l.'l'|).. iii: and Flower Committee Mrs. bridge. Mr and Mrs. Hurry Barâ€" through the (-onclliatlon Officer ii in \‘ [ON'HM‘UW and mdlllw h" n“"(‘““’â€â€œâ€œ \3’9‘ “ll/"d "‘ on" y - \‘ Sizirvlei Del’iie Christian (11.» her .li'. iind lalllll\' of Guelph and ('t)lltlll€lllOII htlzii‘d stages. ‘l "inn" 'tdl lilt‘t‘l will \ ll (l"t“‘l\‘0" 1' w l i- l » lf’drll‘l" up Dlpc _ ti tinge ‘ l" ‘ ~ . ‘ . ' SM. H-r lie I \\'n \‘ y†i' . .1 ' H '.., " ‘ " Thm. “'1 “'l “i l ‘V “"3 ‘ †T“. I - on“ .- t‘lklllll and \Uirlal \l-limi \ll's :ilid \ll‘ and Mrs Daild Barber Rates llll(l(‘l' the new aurora . .. Islr t. . (l I 1.l\t» \QCKIH mathihvl} » l ! (Villl iii. iii: 1‘7lliitn'ywl.ll' («t ‘v|~lv\nr\ inn 0 t. ( llâ€. [JUVMM Humhml‘un‘ “OPHNPHL H!â€" TUHHI,†In a†11;} povKOh‘k mpâ€, run“. n.1,â€, g: 36 ppl. “1â€â€. 1 A ‘m'up . “I 3' ‘(m‘il'lls' my ill RRLIHS Ril'hmnnd "in __________â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" .‘l‘l' e in the leirl nl Steward. I‘nJH: iirl i‘iiiA immi) (l(‘(‘}i\'lt)n, ‘10 $4M) pt‘l‘ hmii;