The Lions Club held its lad- ies‘ night Monday evening and entertainment was provided by several Lions performing as ballerinas. Films were enjoyed by members and guests. The Lionettes will hold their monthly euchre party February 25 in the community hall. Spruce Avenue, commencing at 8 pm. Refreshments and prizes are included in the small admis- sion fee. manning a trip to Mexico? Why not bone up by reading fng excellent books on the Mexican scene now on the shelves of Thornhill Public Library. Colbome Street. _ Neighborhood Notes A correction from last week's column â€" senior citizens wish- ing transportation to attend the meetings held in the commun- ity hall, should call Mrs. Myrtle Bellamy at 889-0951. The next meeting of the senior citizens club will be March 5 at 1:30 pm. Newcomers will be warmly wel- comed. If you have been missed by your heart fund canvasser, pieése send your donation to Chairman Mrs‘ William White, 8 floosevelt Drive. Thornhill. The need for heart research fun'ds is of the utmost import- nnde and your contribution wogld be greatly appreciated. Library Books 7 (Sne'df the world's most beau- tiful museums is in Mexico City. Richvale Peewee Hockey Team. sponsored by the Lions Club. finished in second place in the North York Hockey League. which has nine clubs participating. Lion John Bailey is manager and Councillor Dal- ton McArthur is coach of the team. Congratulations to Sally Mc- Lein, Thornbank Road, for her secbnd place win in piano sight reagling at the 26th annual Kiwanis Music Festival held in Tor‘onto last week. First Langstaff Cub and Scout Ladies‘ Auxiliary will hold its annual father and son banquet March 13. at 7 pm, at the community hall on Spruce Avenue. Scouts. Cubs. Venturers and Rovers of the York Summit District are preparing for the ninth annual handicraft and hobby show to be held Saturday from 1 to 7 pm at Bayview Seo- ondary School. Markham Road Ind Bayview Avenue. Challenge OF Cancer 18 1 The special day is spon- sored by Women’s Inter- Church Council of Canada. ‘iounded in 1918 by ten Women of five denomina- mions, Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian. Since its beginning. United. Roman Catholic, Quaker, Salva- tion Army. Lutheran, Greek Orthodox, African Methodist and Disciples have joined. The purpose is to provide an ecumenical experience for women through wor- ship, fellowship and work. Offerings from World Day hf Prayer are distributed to 20 countries around the world. - Copies of the order of service are printed in Braille, French. Chinese : Women of all faiths from Thornhill and district are invited to attend the Wom- en's World Day of Prayer laking place March 7 at 2 pm in St. Luke‘s Roman Catholic Church. World Day Of Prayer To Be Held March 7 The Canadian Cancer So- ciety has local organizations in over 1400 communities in Canada and extends its serv- ices in educating the public and improving the comfort of cancer patients to almost 2500 other centres. Wednesday, February 26th, 6.45 pm. Community Hall, Victoria Square Tickets (incl. membership) only $3.50 Tickets Available from: Mr. A. Hewitt. 889-4061: Mr. G. McKerey‘ 294-1935; Mrs D. Price. 884-3674 ENJOY A W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L DINNER Bear a rising star in Provincial Political Affairs â€" DOCTOR. RICHARD POTTER, MPP QUINTE â€"- At the Annual Meeting CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE, 24 ROOSEVELT DRIVE â€" 889-3806 orhood Notes York Summit District consists arist with hymn singing to Lions Club held its lad- of 23 groups and is bounded by mark the beginning of Lent. :ht Monday evening and Steeles Avenue, Highway 48, Everyone is welcome to attend. inment was provided by CFRB Sideroad and Bathurst The youth group of Emman- Lions performing as Street. The show will have 47 uel have arranged for a lec- ias. Films were enjoyed hobby classifications for Scouts, turer in eastern religions at Mc- nbers and guests. 50 for Cubs. Last year there Master University to visit the Lionettes will hold their were 1.500 entries and more parish on three Sundays in y euchre party February are expected this year. Demonâ€" Lent. The first visit by Mr. the community hall, strations of Scouting skills, Whillier will take place Sunday Avenue, commencing at rope-making. first aid and films at 7:30 pm and his topic on RefreShments and prizes on nature will be featured. Par- the occasion will be "Hindu- luded in the small admis- entS Will have an Opportunity ism". Any interested persons THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 20, 1969 Richvale District News YORK CENTRE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking St. Lukes Church PHONE 889-3190 M‘i‘Arsmall Mexican World" by William Spra-tling is a reprint of an early classic by the Ameri- The “Life of Diego Rivera" is another addition to the library. His controversial murals and his equally controversial personal life make fascinating reading. Kate Simon's "Mexico. Places and Pleasures", her famous travel book, is also available. One of the best of its kind by an author who writes of the people and their country with candor. Miss Simon has delved into the lesser known fascinat- ing things to do and to follow her advice is rewarding. The story of its inception. plan- ning, building and equipping is told in "The Museum of Anthro~ pologyâ€. This is a most excit- ing book for the text and illus- trations and is worthy of the great subject it portrays. to see samples of the many abilities of these boys. Class- ifications of art, toy making, woodwork. coins. photography, baking and Cubcraft will be available. Lucal service club members, school teachers. busi- nessmen and hobbyists with special qualifications will he judges at the show. Chairman is Bill Harper and committee members are Norman Perry. Don Davidson, Dan Boyle and Bob Miller. Church News At Christ The King Lutheran Church. elected officers of the church council are Chairman Rev. Arnold Weigel, Viceâ€"Chair- man William Miller. Secretary John Boothby. Treasurer Josh von Windheim. Financial Secâ€" retary Mrs. Jean Porter and Re- cording Secretary Hans Lotz. The first Lenten Sunday ev- ening service to be held by the .Thornhill Ministerial Associa- tion will be held in Christ The King Lutheran Church in Thornhill Green. February 23 at 7 pm. The theme for this lenten period will be "Some Gifts of God". Music will be by the Thornhill Ecumenical Choir and the preacher this Sunday will be Rev. Minton Johnston. man William ivuuer oculcmiy -â€"vâ€"â€"~ ~_-~ “~- . I ~ ' I (Evenmgs) I . Congratulations to the follow- JOhn 800mb)“ Treasurer Josh mg people who celebrate birth- VOn Wmdhflm’ Fmanmal sec' Neighborhood Notes days this month: Mrs. Marjorie realty Mrs“ Jean Porter and Re' Congratulations to Mr. and Fitchett. Leonard St. John, cordmg Secretary Hans LOtZ' Mrs. John Bagley (the former Peter Webster and Brett Brad- New members will be receiv-lDiane Rose) on the arrival of beer. ed into membership at the 11 their first baby. a daughter, at Donna Webb is in Toronto am service March 9. Anyone Queensway General Hospital, General Hospital awaiting interested in being received in- February 9. Michelle Lori heart surgery. to membership is asked to con- weighed 7 lbs. 4 ozs. and is the‘ Mrs. Marjorie Fitchett was tact Rev. Weigel. first grandchild for Mr. and‘hostess at a miscellaneous Mrs. Bob Bagley, May Avenue. shower to honor bride-to-be "Dl‘- “not Yards“ andau on- lung Lutneran buurcu In Thornhill Green. February 23 at 7 pm. The theme for this lentenn period will be “Some Gifts of God". Music will be by the Thornhill Ecumenical Choir and the preacher this Sunday will be Rev. Minton Johnston. Confirmation classes at Em- manuel Anglican Church will attend the Ash Wednesday evâ€" ening service at 7:30 pm iearly readers please note\. vice will be an instructed Euch- y The ser-: Roselawn School Association played host to neighboring fschools â€" Jefferson. Ross Doan. Charles Howitt. Powell Road, Langstaff and Thornhill â€" in ,Roselau-n Auditorium. February 11. Guest speaker. H. G. Hedg- les MA. member of the provin- ‘cial Committee on Aims and 10bjectives of Education in the 1schools of Ontario spoke on the Hall-Dennis Report "Living and Learning". A brief question {and answer period followed. ‘rafter which refreshments were ‘served. The council supports the preparation and distribu- tion of large quantities of Christian literature in Can- ada and abroad. The council has repre- sentation on the following: Religion and Theatre Coun- cil; the committee on over- seas students and trainees: the committee on aging of the Ontario Welfare Coun- cil; the committee on liter- acy; Christian Literature National Council of Churches, USA; Church- women United. National Council of Churches USA; Indian and Eskimo Associa- tion of Canada; an affiliated member of Canadian Coun- cil of Churches and Inter- national World Committee. and Japanese as well as English. Women from all the local churches worship together and become a link In the golden chain of prayer on this special day. Make a note on your calendar and plan to attend. “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhlll area. Our representative in Thomhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who The local branch has been ac- tive recently with talks on can- cer education to local groups. Mrs. Ruth Keffer spoke at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Feb- ruary 10 and Mrs. Mary MacKay gave instruction and a demon- stration of cancer dressings at C hrist The King Lutheran Church February 17. Canadian Woodenware Children in the area are in- vited to attend the showing of “Jungle Book". Walt Disney's ioutstanding film. February 22 ‘at Bay Thorn Public School, Thornhill Green. There will be tWo showings of the film at 1 pm and 3 pm. Admission is 30 cents. The movie afternoon is being sponsored by Bay Thorn Home and School Associ‘ ation. Cancer Captains The Thornhill branch of the cancer society urgently needs team captains and canvassers for the area north of Steeles to Elgin Streets between Yonge and Bayview. Please contact Peter Boone at 889-2458 if you can assist in this urgent need. Mrs. Jean Smith, John Street. is giving a talk on early Can- adian woodware and will display items from her collection of 250 wonden utensils, hand-made by early settlers, tonight (Thurs- day) at 8.30 pm in the North York Public Library, Willow- dale. This is the last of a series of four talks on collecting Canadi- ana held at the library. “Pajama Game†ly won the Markham Township Public Speaking Contest. Joe is 13 years old and a grade 8 student at Woodland Senior Public School. VJoe will com- pete in the county-wide finals being held in the near future. "Jungle Book" can who taught the Mexican silver artists how to create more marketable designs. “Life in Mexico" by Frances Calderon de la Barca. Among the most interesting letters ever written, the journal of this in- trepid Scotswoman‘s journey in 1838, from Vera Cruz to Mexico City. is fine reading. A theatre event to look for- ward to is the production of “Pajama Game" being present- ed April 10-12 at Earl Haig Sec- Congratulations to Joe Ring- hofer. 16m Avenue. who recent- The youth group of Emman- uel have arranged for a lec- turer in eastern religions at Mc- Master University to visit the parish on three Sundays in Lent. The first visit by Mr. Whillier will take place Sunday at 7:30 pm and his topic on the occasion will be "Hindu- ismâ€. Any interested persons are welcome to come hear this distinguished lecturer. Members of the community enjoyed the Calypso night held by the ACW of Emmanuel An- glican Church. Dancing and entertainment were highlighted and a hot chili con came was served at the conclusion of the evening. Get well wishes to James Adams. Yongehurst Road, who is a patient in York Central Hospital. Secretary-Treasurer A. Matck- ars of North Richvale Ratepayo ers Association wishes to inform residents of this area that in reply to a letter sent to Vaugh- an Township Council regarding street lighting, the folloxxdng in- formation comes from Hydro Superintendent Stan Green- wood â€" it is proposed that in 1969 the following streets will be lighted. Â¥ongehurst Road. Pemberton Road. Walmer Road and Kersey Crescent: in 1970. Weldrick Road. Pemberton Crescent and May Avenue. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) may be reached by phoning 889-3190 In Thorn/rill The Risfkin Grout) entertain- ed at the dance and were well received by the enthusiastic crowd. Refreshments were served in the cafeteria, made over for the evening into a coffee house with individual tables covered in red and white check cloths and dec- orated with centrepieces of wine bottle candle holders. Thornhill Athletic Commit- tee sponsored the dance under the direction of Jo Ann Ritchie and Ron Nordin. co-chairman of TAC. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill. Up- lands Avenue, have returned home following an enjoyable week spent at the Quebec Win- ter Carnival. While there they saw Princess Grace of Monaco. llll'lllllllllllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll? ondary School, Willowdale, by the theatre group of North Thornhill Recreation Associa- tion. The production is under the direction of song writer Mary Eustace Nobrega. The gymnasium was gayly and artistically decorated in a Valentine theme for the oc- casion. A pyramid of basketball nets, filled with balloons, were decorated in red and white and a large red heart hung from the centre of the gym. The music director is Ed Mcâ€" Donald, well known for his musical talent and choir master of St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church. Bill Whitehead is business manager and the pro- duction will feature a cast of 60. Sweetheart Queen Helga Pieroznski was crowned queen of the Sweetheart Swirl held at Thornhill Secondary February 14. Helga‘s princes- ses were Mary Ann Wilson. Barâ€" bara Bush, Barbara Massey and June Biscard. All the queen candidates were grade 9 and 10 students. Mrs. Marjorie Fitchett was hostess at a miscellaneous shower to honor bride-to~be Barbara St. John, whose mar- riage to Jeffrey Lambe of New- market takes place March 1. Barbara was the recipient of some lovely gifts from friends and neighbors who attended. Neighborhood Notes mum“\mummuumuuuuuuuumuumuuumnummmuuuu Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs David St. John. in the sudden death of her father. J. M. Whitmarsh of Steeles Avenue East. Condol- ences go also to Tom Bradbeer and family and to Allen Fitchett and his family in the deaths of their respective aunts recently. Powell Road Home and School Association held their meeting February 4. A sizeable number of younger adults were in at- tendance. and found the films and discussion particularly in- teresting. Guest speaker was C. Fawley of the Toronto Alco- holism and Addiction Research Foundation. The next meeting will take place February 25 at 8 pm. Come along and help your child's teacher to win the prize for the grade having most par- ents in attendance. Remember also to gather your white elephants and clean rummage for the fun fair. de- tails of which will be announced later. Attention all children and adults in the area! The Thornhill Lions Club is sponsoring a skating carni- val February 22 commenc- ing at 2 pm at Thornhill Pond, Centre Street and Oakbank Road. Races will commence at 3 pm for all age groups from tots to teens with cash prizes for the winners. Hot dogs and hot choco- late will be served. Every- thing ls free and a large family attendance is antici- pated. A costume parade will open the carnival and prizes will be awarded for the most original and comical costumes of the day. Music will be supplied for family skating following the planned events. This has been organized for the entire family to enjoy so plan to attend and have an afternoon of outdoor fun. In case of a sudden thaw, the carnival will be post- poned until suitable weather conditions are the order of the day. Crestwood Rd. News Lions Skating Carnival Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 Webb is in Toronto! H o s p it a l awaitingi MIDGETS Richvale Ready-Mix 2. Newmarket 5 Cal McCathie scored the first goal assisted by Paul Ralph. Kevin Smith was assisted by Jim McLaughlin. (Feb. 15) NOVICE (Feb. 14) Richvale Ready-Mix 2 Base Borden 1 Paul Ralph scored assisted by Wayne Grant. Alan Ralph was assisted by Brian James. PEEWEES QUEBEC TOURNAMNT The North End Cleaners made it right up to the semi- finals before being defeated by Princeville. The first game was reported last week, North End Cleaners 12, Thurso 0. The second game was against St. Fidele de Charlebois 7, 1. Dave Hartwick scored on passes from Barry Howson and Ernie Takeuechi. Barry Howson rapped in two more goals as- sisted on one by Dave Hartwick and Ian Boyd and on the other by Dave Hartwick. Singles were scored by Rocky Pantalone from Chris Sutton and Dave Courtemanche; Dave Courtemanche from Rocky Pan- talone, Barry Howson from Jim McIntosh and Dave Hartwick. Ian Boyd was assisted by Dave Hartwick and Barry Howson. The third game saw Thorn- hill shutout Waterloo. Quebec. 3. 0. Dave Courtemanche scored assisted by Kenny Okada and Rocky Pantalone. Barry How- son scored from Ian Boyd and Dave Hartwick. Chris Sutton was assisted by Rocky Panta- lone and Ernie Takeuchi. W. A. Stephenson 1 Richmond Hill 2 John Regan was assisted by Mark Woolnough and Rick Large. In the first of three games in the playoffs, Wilsons Esso won The fourth game saw Prince- ville eliminate North End Cleaners in the semi-finals. The score was North End Cleaners 0, Princeville 6. BANTAMS (Feb. 14) ‘Nuff said (Feb. 16) FRASER DUNN “Find out how much you may save on '99 car insurance. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co Canadian Head Office Scarborough Ontario 145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL, ONTARXO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 W. A. Stephenson 0, Newmarket 1 uuu bmlvm; NJ .. About 106-pettshienereï¬enjoyed the ggod thingé to eat and the evening of excellent entertainment. 7 . “Who gets his territory?†is the question being asked. by this group of hardtboiled gangsters gathered around the bier of one of their pals(?) 1n “Chldlow’s Alleyâ€,’a skit pre- sented at the annual pot luck supper and entertainment sponsoned by St. Lukes Catholic Women’s League. v. ~ -. n 1 n 11 n1, ,, L," /,A,LAJ\ 1'_L__ 11-“.1 A1 Iv uluyu u uvwb my. Participating (left to right) are Lieb DeCarlo, Paddy Shanahan (seated), John Ford Al Bodogh, Florence Martyniuk (president of the CWL), Al Mallon and Klaus Maier. ’ This year’s event, held on St. Valentine’s Day, had as its theme the “Roaring 20’s†and featured Joe Bananas and His Bunch, a musical group and the Flapper Floosies dancing the Charleston. Mrs. Ugo Rossini, who was in charge of the entertainment, sang, accompanied on the gultar by her son AGordon, who also‘ sang and played and joined his mother in a duet. 1 LL , , ,1I,,,L gizmt\, F,/â€"-§=â€"†51555? '3 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 3 “A?! lu- £ II‘UIANCI a Rough, Tough And Nasty Mourners 2. 1 over Newmarket. February 14. Goals were by Randy Bagg and Billy Law and one assist from Keith Bagg. (Feb. 15) Thornhill 5, Beeton 0 Goals were by Janet Mackay with three, singles by Terry Tarling and Wendy Dobson. As- sists were Debby Orton with 2 and Lorraine Sherman with 1. (Feb. 16) Thornhill 1, Unionville 2 Lorraine Sherman from Deb- by Orton and Terry Tarling. GIRLS HOCKEY (Feb. 15) (Feb. 12) Mustangs 6. Bowmanville 9 Goals: Bruce Shilton. two goals. Wayne Keeling two goals, Paul Raymer and Jim Cain. As- sists: Vince DeMarco with two, and singles to Mike Stroud. Paul Raymer. Brett Davidson and Ian McKinley. (Feb. 14) Thornhill Mustangs 3 Oakville 6 Bruce Shilton scored the three goals, one unassisted. He received his assists on the other two from Wayne Blackburn, Jim Cain and Brett Davidson. The end of the road is In sight for the Thornhill Must- angs for this year anyway. They have 1 more game and that’s it. BOWLING Ladies Afternoon Club Standings: Canaries 21. Rob- Thornhill 0. Newmarket 2 FIRE Wednesday. February 26 An address on “The Human Family" Mrs. R. M. Vanderburgh. PhD. Professor Anthropology, Erindale College Tuesday. March 4 “The Communication Thing" Tuesday. March 11 “The New Morality†Tuesday. March 18 "Rights, Authority and Discipline†The Committee encourages registration and par- ticipation in the whole program. In order to defray expenses. a registration fee is being charged: $3.00 per family for all five sessions. Those who cannot attend the entire series are welcome to participate in a single session. They are asked to contribute $1.00 per family per session. Tuesday, March 25 A, SSEï¬Ã©siï¬m with panels of parents and young people discussing aspects of Family Life together. The time of each meeting is 8:15 pm. The Place: Holy Trinity Parish Hall Registration BOB SHELSTON SR., A.I.I.C. GENERAL INSURANCE THORNHILL - VAUGHAN & MARKHAM THE FAMILY LIFE SERIES “A Policy For Every Need†Top Service Backed by Years of Experience LOW COST MONTHLY AND QUARTERLY TERMS AVAILABLE JUNIOR C Office 223-6540 - Res. 889-4131 AUTO - BURGLARY - L ALL WELCOME bins 18, Cardinals 17. BIUe Jays Marion Duncan 236, Billye Maver 203; Horty Stocking 248, Fran Clark 228; Joan Fulton 270, Pat Thompson 265, Mary Reman 229, Betty Richardson 236. Mary Hegarty 214. 11. Doves 11, Larks 6 Thornhill Mixed Bowling Lea- Standings: Furies 12, Mus- tangs 8. Cougars 7, Wildcats 7, Falcons 6, Thunderbirds 2. Men: High triple (flat) Garth Poole 642 (hdcp) Garth Poole 756. High single (flatt Keith Jones 293, (hdcp) Keith Jones 315. Over 200 Ken Poole, 239, 208. Reg. Edwards 242, 201, Garth Poole 214, 242. Keith Jones 293, Bill Meaney 219, Bus Tutt 209, 208. s Women: High triple (flat) Mary Redman 671, thdcpl 746. High single lflat) Carol Jones 298 (hdcp) 324. Over 2002 Jean Garnett 211, Jane Garnett 213, Lil Poole 225, 205, Carol Jones 298, Eva Hingley 207, Joyce Robertson 206, 221, Joanne Roberts 221, Ellie Poole 223, Mabel Tutt 209. LIABILITY (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Trouble Sleeping? Each One a Pleasure to Have Around What do all pets have in common? They’re all a pleasure to have around. Come in, browse . . . and find the pet just right for you. Supplies, too. We are specialists in tropical fish and offer advice in all phases of the hobby. THORNHILL PET 8116 YONGE ST. â€" THORNHILL Week Days 12 Noon - 9 p.m., Sat. 9 am. - 6 pm. (Lots of Free Parking) RICHMOND HILL Deadlinefor tax savings on registered retirement savings plans Deposits made by February 28, 1969 are tax free for 1968 returns Victoria and Grey Trust oï¬'ers you three tax savings retirement plans. ' --an "equity fund plan†designed for greatest capital appreciation -â€"a high cumulative income plan â€"a Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cate plan fully guaranteed as to principal and interest. Start Retiring today at Victoria and Grey WCTORZAM GREY Vlbl Ufllfl and URL†TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 We would love to send you the book “Good News For Modern Man†Free of Charge . . . just write to Thornhill Presbyterian Church 271 Centre Street, Thornhill or phone 889-5391 AND SPORTING GOODS M. N. FOYLE. MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Why The 1 Christian ‘ Science Monitor 1 recommends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper keeps you in- formed of what's happening in your areaâ€"community events, public meetings, stories about peopte In your vicinity. These you can’tâ€" and shouldn’t â€"â€" do without. HOW THE MONITOR EOMPLEIAEITS YOUR LOCAL PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and world news . . . with exclusive dispatches from one of the largest news bu- reaus in the nation's capital and from Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countries and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITORâ€"IT'S A PAPER THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Pieasc start my Monitor subscription for the period checked helm. l acme 3â€" (U .5. funds). DIYEAR$26 usmm [j 3 months $6.50 Name Street. Ci‘y‘ State, .ZIP Code 884-1107 PB-l]