THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 20, 1960 CATCH READY BUYERS FAST! SELL YOUR DON’T NEEDS WITH A WANT AD! Three Lines To Serve You 0 Phone The Exclusive Want Ad Numbers .0 884-1105, 884-1106, 884-1983 Any Time ‘ HEL 1 - " CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 7 HELII)C WAETED IMngELLANEQUE[MISCELLANEOUST T0 RENT I PERSONAL 1 CASH RATES 17 7 77 8 h 77 m7 PART-TIME. weekend shite-n- “1mâ€? CLEANING home and office. 'Continuedl lEEE‘4§_"‘-fvTâ€"’â€"I"Z â€""â€" â€'.‘â€"'â€"'â€"â€"-â€"- «En a 7 . 5 user Ion . c eac wor , inlmum board Ope,.a,0]._ 884711267 “WM SEEKING a reliable “mm†m 88479477,; Day or 77“ H7 36 â€".P77.. 7 . 11 . . __7 I . 77iu1nislied loom forlDo 7\ou have a drinking prob-l 5 charge $1.00 Second and subsequent insertions if EXIRDRESSER wanted 70" do relief in homekeepma and 71177†‘1"_ .‘__ "'5‘ ‘ _ c ‘ “TING: &7PAPER item-78047137297 c1w34‘lem. If so AA can help. write: . , . 16 s l- :hIhG City pick-up and deliv- HANGING FURNISHED moorâ€"250373“ 84- Richmond Hill- 01' 0311‘ 3111-. and Mrs. s. T. Baker of wordin unchan ed, .80 per word; min. char e .90c. . .- - . . i 4 . . E E 3' expeiience. 884-0021 clw..l4 d’eimg dPi’a'1mem or a "1"“! ery service. 833-5306. tfc34 R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. Hr man only. 884-1428. Â¥1w33 EDI-G'SGB‘L tfc†Thornhill are happy to an ~coM1NG EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 FEMKL'E 'de,’ ’ chauffeur-s Private hospital ‘Bai'i‘iew and‘ - . -, _ _ w â€" â€" - --â€"â€"â€" - .L .. 1 11.1 71 â€"- .1 :Box NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50° licence for demél labora'orv ,John Street. T1107â€,th MHSYFILOOR polishing. painting and PLUMBING & HEATING EFURNISIâ€"IED bedroom, Bay-view‘DRIVER of red truck waiting‘lnounce the engagement of their C ï¬ns 0 THANKS IN ME‘IORIA‘IS DEATHS Phone 88478896 . 771734 be free to work Saturdays and.“md0“ cleaning. 884-0033. Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€"‘area. Call 884â€"5963. c1w341f01‘ green light at north-eastldaughtcr. Bonnie Barbara to Dr. . A 7 7 F 71 l 7 7 7 -7 77 _ 7 77 775mm,,†0, ewmngs as ,9q,,,,_l_7 7 7 77 7 (10345738741650. tic24 6777mm new house m7“ corner of longe and Markham John R. Little. on of Mr. and ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per 111- HOUSEKEEPER 101‘ adult tam-79d. Phone 889-1127 for appoint-i t SHAMPooï¬'G TFIREPLACES. cllimnevs new drive-war big vardenp lel Rd' at 10 am. Tuesday, Feb-‘Ml‘s. T. Little 0 Thornhill. The ; sertion $1.50 11y. Live in. Apply 889-3968. menl. '.\lrs. Lodgel. chi-34 Ru... and chesmnelds Dav erebuilt. repaired. \Vork’g'uaranl after 6 pm 635-6356 ' 1 ~84 “my 11' “he†V°lks“’ag°"“"eddi“g t° take place at 1130 :Classified advertisements should be in as early in the 7 77 __777777_777777 77:17\"34l"#' IIIBE'R'A’Lâ€_" ‘niglï¬t 8843433 ' {fclszteed 384-7723 and 339-30377 »â€"â€"+â€" ' . â€"â€"~'â€"£ “ - ialong7left Side “'35 hit by a cal“ Pm" Jilly 5- 1959 at St- MaFY'S ._ week as possible but not later than 930 am on Wednes_ 7HOMEMAKER7 reliable and CARRIER FIREFMG -7 7777 777777 037733 LAgGE furnished room close7speeding through red light Anglican Church, Richmond days7 Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone ,kind. 12 noon â€" 6 pm, 2 scliooli“Tlle Liberal“ requires a re-i C ,- . ' ,l-ePans a bpem' B} ’Tâ€"_ to onge Sneet' 884'5312- 7 180mg south on Yonge St. is Hill. *lw34 . . . 1 him 889 7633 , i . . {ally Vilntei pliccs. Call Paul KERS BACKHOE clw34 courteously asked to phone 884â€" * * ' * us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an Invoice. ,c 7re'7“ ' _ 7- 7 7 Cl“34l5i’°““_b1€‘ b°-V 01‘ gll‘l f0“ 3" 531-7253 -4\\"34 EXCAVATING 2132 . . - - - lEXPERlENCED teller requirediiestablished paper route in thei s'u â€" - w L i T. h- 7 . 2 bedroom apartment. Yonge .' 0‘ anyone “'1‘†“'lmesse‘l Mr' and Mrs‘ William Framp' : Bank of Montreal, RichmondlCroSiJY Ave â€" Bcdford Park areai MCCANN PLUMRI‘NG let-mamg' sewer & water llngs'land Rmhmond St- Adults Ohilï¬ accxdent please phone' CIWM ton' Oak Ridges' oniar‘o' are 9‘: Hill. 884-4421. c‘)\\'34',0f Richmond l‘illl. Phone Glcni AND HEATING f°°“,"°5' 889-3694' ttc2i884'4291- 91W“ happy to anqounce the engage- 3-77 777_;7__77 _ i - _ - â€" 7" - â€" m- Pratt, Carrier Circulation. 884-!155 RUSS-Ties Ave-J Richmond BRICK veneer block “cpl;- 2 bedroom 4532 weele 156’“.- ment 0f the“ daughter Lynda EARLY new portable Ping,†7 7 Emilnuedl 77â€"7-77A7-l shorthand secretary. Own 11057 n03“.3271[ill. 884-7203. tfc34 chimneys rebuilt and repaired: View $35 weekly 630-9569 n5. sally to Lee sampson' son 0f g-EE tab_1e' 889'_28£71‘1_“.1ft"34 CHIGKEN ’“a"â€â€e' “'39 f0" iivansiioitaiiiiilpiosiggnti’ Xiomh-i-HOW'l‘OiEARNï¬-MTOTRHEiRECfrooms: additionsi-cmcd". fireplaces. Also stonework. All ' chi-34 FOR SALE 1\ir' and Mrs. 8' Dean (Jr-M“- mL burner space heater! Slooofllaulmg a“7tay_7884_37134_ 77cl“.34 884769447. y :100\l\l7§i NONEY, I need a full m, 911mg. “mail-S7 garag057rustomnvork guaranteed. 884-7728 lopZeb-6711700111..aparmï¬htAélï¬den 7_777â€" elester, England. r1w34: ETUS. 889-4170. clw341BABY stroller, like new. Reasv ' . . . . ~ ‘. Part time man to help meet the carpentry {or all your needs_13879'308" 1 Claw33hr- '~ 3 yea“ Old ihomughbl‘e‘i Mill?- 7 7 HOUSEK E 7 . . clcome. Phone aftel 6 pm. "' ‘ "'â€" 7‘ 7 ' .' ' 7.: onable. 884-4787. clw34; . PER “uh dlilvmisjdemand for a much needed ser- Harvey 889-3126. New CARPENTRY work r (-rc tio "" . »' - - Stumble for Show" - 384'7075- Elf-BY shoes blamed. Flee inch 1.11 _17 1.11 ,hcence 1,“. m ,0 take care . f 1 7 Pl .111. 1 7d - e a '1 H3 4009. «1034 g E in ~ . -_ v ,. , ' ,‘ " 1 \‘l' - "1., _'-. 7 .. H .. ‘ i" ..- ‘7 '7’ WW - '7 ' 379 and delively. 2219188. 7 iWRISl‘ patch. nevei used. 727 of ,emed gentleman 8847725271777}? 770' “‘°d°"‘7‘7i 9357‘“? “"3 _ SNOW REMOVAL mom; 3.‘ “‘°"‘_ .'T’"f“‘“7°f“ STORE front for rent, 283 Bay-7 C1“34 5 on. tfc34IChUIcll St. N. 884-1267. clw34 - c1w34l e -’ goo pd} ng smk‘ no Drivewavs and Sidewalks clear- 5- 1301518“; - Laughs. nee View P1823 $65 mOIliilil' Phone “117__.111_. __ 1 11. . 1 11 .11 11 97' e‘en- ‘ ~ -' ‘1 ‘ ‘ S a ‘. H. ‘ , -' 7: , ' I ‘ fibreglass canoev Paddles, CUTTER, must sell. 884-2756. Cï¬â€™EFflmnte'df'fï¬llâ€"ume“Ké‘ele7i;ng; {:51Iiiï¬ï¬ggionuioziaï¬,ed by snow blower. Reasonable 8 lm eh Hce 8 9 “Bye†884â€"5112. tfc31 BARR, Ruth Lamondâ€"At the QW- Ca“ anyilme 33493334 77 1_7_ _77 _7_7_ 0313‘} and Maple, 14 Ridgemount, Foc'r. J. Aspenlieder, Sharon, On- ‘__1at°s' 884‘::§::§ 1___â€c_23 WKUESï¬fi'ï¬de 6 room house on Yonge Street. oNurgmf nymel's “1323' .:u_.â€"_â€".-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" BUNK beds 500 sets. brand new.'informati0n call Franco Pagli- tario. phone 478-4989. c3w33 ING EXCAVATN Thornhill, $135 per month, Call ACADEMIC tutoring, chemis- - n e rua . . RUNK beds, brand new. 500 cheap. HU 8-7911. c4w31 uso 537-2181. c1w34 PART_ I 7 _ 7 FALL SPECIAL 7 ,7 .h . ‘G' , 884-1146. c1w34 try. physics, mathematics for Ruth Lamond Barn Daughter ms cheap Liquidators 3368 7 77 7 77777 7 T counter clelk f01 20% off rugs and Chesterï¬elds “ €91 drive loadei hi h h l -t n of the late Charles Denroche Y I" St '488_7911 ' 2 734 2 Single beds. $25 each. 889- DENTAL assistant required for dry cleaning store. 2 week days Da’y or night 88472433 wen" snow removal AD7ULT apartment, 1 bedroom,l g SC7°°~7°°mmum Y 00 989 Barr and Elizabeth Henrietta .._1_° _g_e .1. 7 11'____c “11. 1009. c1w34 modern dental office. Some ex- 4â€"9 pm and Saturdays. No cx- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ 'â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"' â€"-- 2224651 16th Ave- RiCilVaie available immediately' Hunt 3339 unwersny fresnman' 889- Young of Lindsay. A Private EISIngeI“i :ethIlg flachitnile, gr;- HXijo’O‘O‘aiésf‘soâ€"cent‘;‘5 perience preferred. Call 884- perience necessary but must be iLlliihgfilgGa; 7 *7w33 Ave. 884-8860 after 7 pm. . c4w32 service was held on February 79an mo e. smg s 1 com; bale, 332.245., . “.34 4094777777777 77517v64x71e3t 17n apriï¬ol‘anxe into court- - James D Stewart ° ï¬siroumswonnâ€"'â€" A W34 17. 1969 at the B. E: Ring 7. _ s 777 P-E-Gâ€" b-lâ€"i-bl 7â€" 5- l-wvr- -7 WAITRESS wanted‘ day Shift, 0 s 0 pp 10. ppy in per- 7' Expertly done, all work guaran- PARTMENT, 2 bedroom, Funeral Home. Thornhill. 1n- ml‘ table' Gendm" c°mp°s" ditionp °i-e§so§.si2.°91§§§.§§§4 n0 weekends From minimum so" 10 M" “"3 Barn" Earths 884 2201 tfc43 tee‘l' Patios' plantersi “mm†frld-ge‘ Stove at Yonge street‘ BUSINESS terment Rwersme cemetery' ï¬nnwnew' 4.x8. $125, cash and after pm 61w“ to $1750 per helm 389_00277 Cleaners, 198 Slonge St. N., be- 7 7 7777 firepmces‘ barbecue; em F01- available March 1, $125. Adults. Lindsay. c1w34 art“ HU 849117 c4“,31‘7FI7SI7I71NG7 77717777 7 7 11 7t__ 7 (,1w34 f701‘e 6 pm. Cl\\‘34‘ RON MOORE free estimates, can 884.34347 884-4883. clw34 77 ‘i‘ * ‘1' ’9 ~â€" ~ -â€" â€"â€"7-r.-â€". ~. 1‘0 In exce en con- » w â€"--_-v--, v -- , T ‘ ’ ’ m “ PAINTING - PAPERHANGING ‘ “Ag. i"fâ€"â€"â€"‘. BE YOUR. owN Boss BOWEN William Johnâ€"(Mem- yNUSUAL 4 sealel dmetle m .. . . . 7. OFFICE ell-1 mt], “pal-lance REAL ESTATE 7. 7 .7 7. _ . “8“3453 bedroom, newly dec01ated _ _ i . 7 excellent conditiom solid maple ggo‘inénboy 5 medium 512115379354. and shorthand. good typing ADJ SALESMAN 111161101 â€" Exteliol. Free cstl- 711071597 $180 monthly. Immediate Eat-n $3.00 per pom-77 Full or be: Teamsters Union No. 230) ï¬uble bed headroom-d7 Best of_ _ _777 :7 '77 7 7 __7 77 777 my world Wide Shil‘mingv 360‘We have two openings for sales- mates- Ca†“Wilmer 889'89607- â€"â€"‘â€" occupancy, 884-6214, if no 3115- .part'tlmei Office Cleaning- C?“ On_ Sunday! February 16'1969' 51-7 449.04097 c2w33 ELECT;th gluing 11and ampll- Newkirk Rd (.1.7\.341nen to 30m our ’l‘hornhl’ll ot-‘_7__ _ _ 7_77 7 "C3" wer phone after 7 pm. c1w34 487'2179- “W34 Emails; awenï¬aiï¬lgvegnhï¬; ___7‘. __7_____ . _I- 77 7 7 77 7777 '. . ‘ ' , _ ' --iv !â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" an 8‘ . a 2.7 ALUMINUM 181. $ caS . a 832 BOYS 1711:1717 ggglizlertlenistsiiilrilligid 137172777 7 7 E. PAYNE 7 RESTAURANT for rent, Keele 62nd year). yDear father of floors. Windows, awnings, and -- - -- . Earn extra monev working confidential interview call' MI, Diamst 59pm lanks- A“ “pest .. .._.11_1.1.1 find Maple) 14 Ridgemo‘mt- For John (Bud); Ivan (Shorty): ailing; Ron w00d5_ 334.1514_ 1Il’IAthCi), uprlllght I‘eceintly over- evenings and Satuiday mom7 Keffer 88978181 - of. concrete work. WOMAN will do ironing in my information call Franco Pagli- Shirley (Mrs7 R7 pricey an of an. tfc36 , ekce ent COD 1121011713334; hugs. 0311884749777 (73777733 HAROLD KEFFER LTD 7889-5762 FREE ESTIl‘Ii’fI‘Cg? home. 884-6042. Cl\\'347USO- 537-2181. C1w34 AUCTION sale of farm stock Toronto and Joan (Mrs7 F7 ' -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'*â€"â€"‘ REALTOR 11111111 __ REGISTERED nurse availame WONDERFUL home for chil- implements, 40 head of grade Benn) Tweed. Loved son 0f I000 card tables and bridge ï¬ts. Brand new. cheap. Liqui- _ 7 Gators, 3363 Yonge St 488_ dryer combination. Any reason- MASONRY CONTRACTOR for part-time work in doctor’s dren, 3 bedroom on beautiful Holstein cattle, milkerS, Spring- Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen. Stonework, Fireplace,‘ etc. V. Office. 0811 884-2944. c1w34 acre, $185. Phone 884-4172. ers, calves and Heifers, 10,000 Richmond Hill; dear bI‘Othcl‘ c3w33 bales of hay. 800 bales of straw, 0f DOI‘OthY (MYS- 0- Stundcnl. PHILCO automatic ,a.h . d NPGHT watchman required. “ 5 e1 an Must be dependable and bond- able. Some light duties requir- clw34 an c2w34 able offer accepted. 884-6835f 0t 0 d 16 El‘ b th St S 211'__1_____. __.11_ ed. Apply Oxford Picture Frame ,5 erbaar v . 123 e - - INCOME tax returns completed. . . 7 . MOFFAT automatic washer and â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"----â€"â€"â€"â€"cl-lv_33 Co., 273 Newk'u-k Road, cut-34 USED CARS Richmond Hill. phone 884- Reasonable, Call 834-27387 FURNISHED mom, cooking 35' can cherry 7Burrell bulk Richgiontlnlillg Norm. ills/Ichâ€" as dry,,,._ 15 1,, “1,057 2 years SNOWMOBILE, 1968 Polaris ERIEâ€"7:771 wantérfmk 7 77 7 5688. um 01,934 facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house £0019"- 30°1bs- milk bash N°- 1 3°“ WH‘ i th e’igyou rS: 'fld. Excellent condition. 884- 37871711318 lcaoltt. 1:3f h.p.8(7.;x70(;d con- in Snack bargmm 530 771) 10730 19627E01‘d Ec7on7’ol41ne van, good FURNITURE STRIPPING COMMERCIAL art work desi; east of Bork’s Jewellers at 55°81giggctlgï¬iï¬lrcogksgt Giadys' (Mr: 3;? BennaeYS' 21115: 11â€" 70mm Hon' es 0 el' 8 5 ï¬wm p.111. Apply Mr. Palmer, GEM S9n-dfl’2;_§33_'2 0'â€"â€"-i1-‘:?1‘i New revolutionary bath PFOCESF- ed. part-time. Preferably to be Yonge' “C51 hitch, 12 ft. of insledge cock- Richmond Hiil: Evelyn (Mrs: SNAP - 0N electric impact 1 1.. 1.1 .1 . _ .1 1 111 . _1 Store_ 7171 Yonge sweep w“- 1965 Austln 1100- 3844901 Removï¬s 311f1‘7‘15h95- Strato'Dlp done at home. 884-5348. ClW34 BASEMENT7‘aDathel7lt -â€" $0m' shut 3 Fun-ow 12" bottor’n plow W. Young) Toronto and Mur- mmnch' recent factory rebuilt. ELECTRIC National Cash I‘eng- lowdale (7.2“.34 after 7 p.111. clw34 Stripping Serv1ce, 5 Maple Ave- flVEjï¬Ekâ€"Qm travéfflmvmg pletely furnished. Qu7et7 pi‘ivate‘3 pt hitch active hay mower, my, Hawkstona Loved by 17 1 home. Male non smoke! â€"~ 5111- 7 ft cut, 3 pt hitch also full grandchildren. Rested at the arm. $65. Phone 889-3838. tel“ Apply Floyd Pel‘klnS, 110 BEPENDXBIZEWCI’ééhing'woh,5h 19637Econrolineiiin‘rgoodfcondi; 1199-111113319-13312932: “C12 and basements cleaned or odd c1w34 ChUYCh St- 5- Phone 884'1328- tion. Private owned since new. CALL us for your sand. gl‘aVâ€"6l,.jobs. 12 ton pick-up with hitch: ~1_7_ _ '1 _ _ . . required weekly on Thursdays, 7, . . . £000 chests of drawers. Un- -- ---- -- CHM Bayview-Steeles area, nea1‘C311333‘5026-77 “wt†“11' top so†and limesmne- C311 Jim 33243862- C3034. $3inted brand new. $15 each FIREPLACES' Pdrtaï¬le‘ Flag" Clarke and Henderson 9 to 3 30 1968 Datsun 2000 Spoi‘tsâ€" 135-11413 Prompt deliver-V Reasonable YOUNG MEN 16 19 lookin ' ' . . ’ .' - ‘ - - .‘ ' ’ ' ' s . a ' i ' i g ï¬sh and carry. Liquidators, Stones bu“: me- Lowe“ i’uces' $10 and calfare. 889-5555. c1w34 5 Speed gear box. only 12,000 lates' J' 8' DEFeuan’ Maple' for work. Anything considered. g1? occupancy' $20 weekly: 884' line power. implement and furâ€" Marshall Funeral Home, 126 6239' 7 _ “1‘V34'niture at lot 12 Con. 3 Whit- Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. 5,000 square feet self-contained‘church Township. Situated 21:2 SerVice Was held chnchaY. sprinklered, industrial space miles east of Aurora, 21/2 miles 2 pm. Interment Richmond available immediately. Short orlsouth or 11/; miles west of Don Hill Cemetery. clw34 3368 Yonge St. 488-7911. c2w34 773-4687. uc24 -~-*.â€"â€"â€"~ .â€"- miles ï¬nished in blue with 832-8876. tfc12 ., . ---â€"--- -_â€"â€" 1___ . - 1% â€"-r â€"â€" .-â€"--â€" --«â€" MEN With cars requ1red to sup- -_ 7 _ ._._-â€"V..-------_~__.___ Can you help us. Call Salvation 7 7 _ 7 77 7' ,7 ‘7 ~ ~ . u . . CHILD’S CCM t 1'. b‘ d .- . . . w . bl ck nt ‘10 ‘. L en -e No. 477- CARPENTER . , -â€" long telm lease. Call J. Chap- Mills Road, 3 miles north of EWING Ioom cliall. (.aived “cyce 13“ e1v15e boys fol lalge ’1010nto a 1 el 1 ‘C L Arml- 839 7633- “029 man, Realton 22336567 u2w34 Gormley7The property of Bruce LEECH, Herbert R,._At York Eade, Central Hospital. on Thurs- aalnut showwood. new Candi- new, $20. Rollaway bed, new, daily paper. evenings and Sat_ 407, York Import Automobles, Alterations, repairs, kitchens, Lâ€"â€"â€"â€"ADY available fâ€"â€"vâ€"â€"0r part7time Terms cash. Sale at 12:30 sharp. dayv February 13' 1969- Her' 50m greemgold upholstery 839- $15. Steel bed frame with cas- urday morning57 Call 83449777 16 Industrial Rd. Richmond rec won-‘57 etc Free estimates7 work 6710 or 11 pm ExperienC7 3 bedroom apartment, air con- ?727577_77777 77 7 c1w34 toâ€: 39 r '19“ 310- 884 5212734 777 c3w33 Hlll' 889 88301 7 c71""4 €005! work- Teasonable- C- ed in cash register.7 clerical and ggéorlfflg’gegazlgiye; 31:35:: Fred Dew, Clerk. Alvin 57 Far, bert Leech, beloved husband 'HOLLYWOOD dayâ€"inter, seats â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" WOMAN to work full time 9-5. 1964 MeFeor- 352 m°t°1v 3 bPeed Callln- 834'7864- “C37 typlng. Would conSIder working d Y ’2 o 3 ml dren weblmer. Auctioneer. Phone 8877 of the 1ate Margaret Homby, 377 bolster removed, sleeps 1' POOL table and accessories. Experienced preferred7 Apply automatlct 131957 Other eth‘asi ex' GENERAL contracting, ziltera- in factOI'Y- 384-2573. c2W33 :gme ï¬gi’thl rat: 2223044 53117 c1w34 59 Arn01d St.. Richmond Hill, and chair. 884-2635 daytime Brunswwk- 4x8. brand new- in person or phone 834-0040. cellent condition $1900- 334- tions and additions, homes, of- FURNITURE slip covers out ' y r ' chm, in his 88th year, dear father 397W- c1W34 W°rth 3400' Sell 5390- qumda' Allencourt Variety, Allencourt 75729- C17"V34 fices, factories. Custom carpen- and fitted in your home. work_ _1_1____-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , of Arthur, Dorothy (Mrs. B. BARY7â€"éf-llfsffoo (inï¬rm-311i mm 3368 “mge St' 4884:1134 Plaza. _ c1w34 1965 Buick Le Sabre, hardtop, try of all descriptions. Les manship guaranteei A150 cush- LARGE and comfol'table b§d‘ Fowler), Herberta (Mrs._ R. 559w, white enamel $22. Liquida- 1-11.. - 1111c w Eofdï¬ï¬fgtï¬mï¬faâ€kgli_igf 36.000 miles, safety certificate. Webb 889-2546. tfc3 ions and arm caps, em please Sizing broom}; filmlshfdulzlth Plewman) and Frederick, 775,57 3363 Yonge 5,7 488491177 7 WANTED - gentleman in Richmond HmAnglia137171.78897347377clog-1 RALpH “MS-DECORATING; phone evenings or Saturday #:ivtate d NOBLEâ€"Willis and Marilyn dear bé‘ottilfielrk ofE windfall»: .: 7. . c2w34‘8 table 53‘"; '78_ 1130â€- 13gge Must have licence to drive and 1965 Volkswagen 1200. This 1 Painting, paper-hanging, inter- 77737-4292- 7777 tfcll Female preferred 8&3549 ‘ are very happy to announce Wich, du b0 7.) 25712177717175“ BFEICâ€"Eï¬dgsikjljï¬aet-witlrar-ito? .wnh “tensmn' 8847'1‘1781 be free to live in pleasant home. owner car is in first class con- ior and exterior. Free estimates- YOUNG man requires work of ' cm?“ the blrth 0f the" sonv J0" sails/life gifeabggrandchudren lbbrlte top, like new $50.11eavy'evemflgs' , - MT“ A-l Employment Agency 884-:diti0n- Complete with saslwork gual‘.amێci- 334-7901 any kind, good steady workersï¬mw. '77â€"1'71‘61 WNW Dice“, at York. cen' Rested at the Marshall Fun-I 'dtuty 1101 Point stove. good con-'DRY northern hardwood 11/216944. attached“? fully guaranteed and has “asterade school education For-'n- HOUSE and 1,5199 ° “('1 ‘ tlal H9spltal' Februal‘v 1-3' seal Home 126 Yonge St. N. fdltion $20. Must sell. 773-5725100195 delivered. $24. iMԠ'i: - . i . _‘ is. '77Safcty certificate. Licence No.) {[7603 (SOVER‘ING 'erly steel wool worker. 12 years rooms' all comemences‘7 new 'y 1969 a? 6'33 a'm' speclal Richmond’Hin Service was; 77 01w“; C L_ Knapp?“ AN, willing \vOIkeI 101 textile7603246_ York Import Aummm, MI 7 7 7 77 experience. can evenings 8847 decorated. On paved load. 4, thank you to Dr. Joan Bate. h M saturda. Intermén-t u â€" «_ -â€"~ .7 - 7 -, Phone 884-3089 ,“'a."‘?“°â€59~ Smpp‘"g and. I“?“biies. 16 Industrial Rd, Rich-‘ 7 types £71901 “19' $119“ é°°d5289067 c1,,.3411hlles west of Aurol‘a- Possgs- 7 7 _ 7 chi-34 9. 7 y; 7 7347 ORIEN'IALlugigenume Cami-i {f 31 ceiving. Must have drivers mond Hill 889 8830 71 7.34 Expert wotkmanshlp at low,77777 7 77__ 171 r 510,, March 17 wl-lte Box 077: as >11 s s 7 AuIOIa Cemeteiy. Liv :Iiul‘. ileaViest quality. Oval,i.- - _ .. A . . licence_ Apply Fabric Mill Outâ€" .. .. ' .1 '11 .' ( “. cost. Free estimates. Gillett’MARRIED, female, available‘uThe Libel-3111 “W34 TUCKER11331ph and Isobel are‘ * * * * Zfiinged, '8x10. underpad includâ€" BUGS tiled» ShamPOOEdv 1'9' let, No. 7 Highway and Wood- AUTO INSURANCE tFine Floors. 884-8831. tt'c11 for permanent full time office MARK’HXMâ€"R'OAD 1 happy to announce the birth WEATHERILL’ Romanâ€"TM “‘9 3811. 1 month Oid- Cost $935. pa‘red‘ "mailed new broad' bine Ave. c1w34 All risks written. Lowest rates â€_SEP‘ï¬'C"TXï¬{sâ€"§UM’§EDâ€" position. Previous typing. key ‘ . of a daughter, Marianne Eliz- Markdale Hospital’ on rhms' - punch and reception experience_ 1 bedroom apartinent.eq1upped, beth at York Central H057â€- day. February 137 19697 Rob. 7--. 7 l 7 l f. .6 . , . _‘_1__v_i “vi 7 7 7. . . ;s§ciifice $400. 884 7672. L1\V34 00m 10m $3 3UP Squale 331d. MALE 01. female, experienced Fast seIVIce. Auto financing $257 and up Complete with :mo Sâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"1 P t ed. 7 rubber underpad from $1.19 , _ available. 889-6853, 635-6158, s 7 0 eay as up 1c mat bookkeepel wanted for small of 244765737 W738 free spray flushing. Call mediateâ€. 889_0651 anytlma ert Weatherill, of Flesherton, husband of the late Margaret. o d r ferenc s. Availabl im- 73345156 0" 884‘7243- - ' g o e e e SAM SORBARA tal. Febiuary 9, 1969. c1034 . - square yard. Visit our show- . . . . :ttesgfs and box spriggs, Single room 221799597 cswzg fice7 in Richmond Hill. Accurate I SPEEDY c1w34 Real Estate Ltd. CARD 0F THANKS dear father of Lloyd of mu e, queen me an king Size. ï¬CTURE f d_ typlst and some correspondence, 1966 Ford 1/2 ton custom cab. 889-5061 - 889-5413 Realtor we wish to thank our friends Unionville, brother of Her- Gheap. Liquidators. 3368 Yonge fame moi lugs. 3 8.30 to 4 pm. 889-5392 7 to 9 Covered long box. West coast tfc27 c2w34 neighbors and relatives for the“: bert, Markham, Gertie (Mrs- ISL 488-7911. I 2 st les. 4 and 6 foot len ths. - - - - _1____â€"_ . ________ . c w34 y 8 pm. 223 2136. c1w34 mirrors, cab lights, padded an PLUMBING by _ many acts of kindness, expres_ T_ Weggh stouffvflle7 and j*â€"â€"~ . â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" From 60c to $1.80 per length. ‘ i I .QREEN cliestel‘field and match- . POST Paper Box Ltd. has open- dth» Push butt†radlov 33800 REXWAY GUARANTEED - sions of sympathy cards and Mrs. Laura Smith. Richmond Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd. ings -f01_ assistant letterpress miles 773-5526. c1w34 NEW WORK, REPAIRS USED power mowers. Call 884- Transportation floral tributes during our recent I-lill. Rested at the Marshall this chair, 5 piece kitchen set, 191 Yonqe St N Richmond v u ' ' v k, . n 7 V V _ __7’_’â€"’â€"4â€" :Q-‘tlemely g°°d §°ndlt1°n Hm 83935067 33441257 “C33 press man and a manwth gen- 1966 Chevelle Malibu. 2 door MAINTENANCE, ETC. 8861' 52‘134 WANTED â€"â€" to Avenue Road bereavement. Funeral Home, 1215 Yonge St. :ghone 221-7111 evenings and ----â€"-SAL-IE'_S7‘LE7V-7- . "#eral set up box experience. Ap- hardtop,7 well equipped. like 884-7319 A dog kennel, good condition, and Davenport arriving before Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hanson Nu Rwhmond Hm‘ senile: (“WNW- Ci\\'34 7 - A - bALE' lply 189 Edward Street. Aurora. new. Tires, mechanically in- tfczsllnedium' size. 889-5882. c1w34 m 9-37297 clw34 and MichaeL c1w34 was held Saturday. Intermcn â€â€™ â€" ‘â€" ' Flooring remnants and left 1 34 d ‘ 8 a ' 88 1 Boston Mills Cemetery C1W34 . ' - r‘ r '_ ' r ‘ ~v _ . ‘ 1 --â€"â€"- - LA - ._ 7 '7 l 7â€"‘77 7†'7; >77- 1 1.11.1. .1. 1_1_7_11.. . . ’1‘ * 7 lpamtmgs dla-“mgs'l0ve1‘ pieces of vinyl sheet goods. â€"â€" . ~7r~ wf-w-Ei-‘ï¬â€" ignide. '1 “181.1‘6‘1‘.A 1..u.)n(-11ui%3.i CLEANING FRICXCLEv med1um 5129 mtRIDE wanted, urgent to IxeeletC 1): WAYS a ,1. s. s . 1 ess‘mst Pmna‘lsv 011 amt - . , , 7. ,lPART time sales’help, 3 to 4‘ “n91 ‘35 company “'1 3’ v n WINDOWS WALLS lgood condition. 884-3294. After and No 7 stamina 3 am re- ARD OF H‘ l 1‘ 7 . . .- ~ a _ . Also odd tiles. man) colo.s etc. . .884 11-40 1 .34 - - - c: . . v , -h wlLl‘SHIREâ€"Fianus at his :m‘f‘ésggd xiii.“- IA†b910,, cost open a“ dayJevemngs per\~'eek.Guara7moed1 ‘9 1 , . 9‘3, 1 AND FLOORS ‘6. pm, c1\v34!tui~ning 4.30 pm from Ricll-;SNIPER' 3:15-7P9f’17leâ€"dwfe7“71; , homeinTomnmon February :7 ' - l 13"“ Wegman. 7 gamma“ Gmeu Fine F rs Irate plus generous commission. 1967 Chevy 2. 327 cu. in. duall _Da7v or Night l 1A 5’“? todvalfmpkps'and‘nlond Hill. Call Ruth, 884â€"8689. W hank 31 “meme, 0'7 ,et ., Francis beloved hug- 7 , l 100 , . . . P an , d1 . . d .v . l l 1.. I-L-- --- - . .1433} 93 Yonge Street South 884- Thomhln' Maple' WOOdbr'dge‘quads' Crane "am' SOl'dS' mud“ 834-2433 conditions. Call 884-1146. “N34 -m 3V “19 an seluuis “ H ed bahd of Nancv Medland, dear .zmixed seasoned Hardwood 8831 i ,. iand Kleinburg areas. Car an as- more. Call 888â€"1729 after h". ire-t4 1f .7 ' . _ â€, .j’ . 1" York C_en“'7al7 “95911313 ffâ€; . I B'.b .. (VII-g J7 -' . . ~ C1“33. , . . ,. 7 7 77 777 7 7 _777777 (- RIDE wanted fiom Mdikhlmlme man, In “mes bv “lends fathel 0 al aid ‘ -~ 'All dl‘y. Single cord, deliverediâ€"- â€" -â€" 56L CailMI.MCG131h. 884-4408. *1\\.i4 7 â€"â€"--~-7- â€" -~ â€"â€"â€" -â€" â€"â€"â€"7* 7 77 _ d Bl _l 3 q - 7 W7. m, Bette (My; J7 Hardwood Sl b ~ 61 l c4\\.331-â€" 7-r 7 7 7 .- , BILL MITCHELT; WANTED to buyy a few pupples and Lawiente R03 [0 001 and for calds' expresslons of Hg , d 7 7 d 17 7d a s. 7s1I7i.,e75 Steamer “777711757 2 sectional, _7 777777777 7 77 7 1960 Pontiac station \vagon._ 6 CONSTRUCTION {or resale as pe157 839-79347 lsub\\'a_v,arriv1ng between 8 andvsympath‘, and floral tributep Brmvni both of Ric Inc-717 1°01 eweâ€, .516~ 7Haidw0od 7 living room chairs; 1 unfim Looking for qualified, perman-{cylinder automatic, power \\'lll- Rec moms additions “1787 “774538307 Call after 430 834.4954_ lPaul and Rav Snideu 11“.“ Hill. Also survwed by six :‘mbes 318- “ hllC bli'Ch anll- ished wardrobe. 1 aluminum ent, office personnel? dow at back, in good condition. plac'os €7,576,“ buildings and â€"# - --â€"~ ‘1 c1vv34l .73., ,7. 1. grandchildren. Interment .‘6b1°~ . . i - 7 Mona Robertson Cl\\'34 , 7' H- 7 - i Mount Pleasant Cemetel‘Y. . I .117â€" â€",â€"â€"-.â€".â€"â€"- a - stem and seieen door Size 32.2 1.11 .1. .1 1 1 liepalls. lhoinhlli 889-7646. Artlcles for annual Smng CARD 0F THANKS , Cm“ ; DYS ski Jacket. blue_ cut7 x 801.0; 1 old fashioned drop A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1963 Triumph TR4. i‘cd withi ll'czl Auction Sale 88975853 7 889_ PETS FOR SALE We wish to expl'eg hue ap-i7 7 'glgvetlixlh' gandmade 730mg“; leaf table and chairs. 222-3044. 78A Yonge St- South convertible black top and radio. â€"iEOV’A’Rï¬'I-Bi6fï¬ï¬sï¬ 6016 ' “C22 __1__1__f__l_1b_lr preciation for the kind expres-' , town; air 0 - ' ' - M ‘ . ' . - ‘ Jimps- gsectional furrliitu‘ g 0-. â€"â€"â€"- Clâ€"WE‘ 8“ 69 4 I 22 go-Od condition B?“ Offel' L51“ CONSTRUCTION DEAD 01‘ crippled farm animals REGIST-E RE1131 em28894-78165 0g 31°“ °f SymPathY 5â€â€ the v -borite' tables t 889611530:111 ANTIQUE maple 43" °°l°nial to“ w‘u N°ble' 88‘5'8367' -- a“??? Concrete Drain and General icked u tom ti For direct BeSt Often we 2' 34ideath M m" “Ste-1" Mrs' myrtle it P ~ ’ ec' ' bed. Includes mattress and EXPERIENCED 1960 Buick Le Sabre $3004 Repairs. Patio Stonework and p' p p I? y. '- c “ Enghsh of Deumt' -- clw34 . 1 ,7 E . 7 _ - line call Long Distance and ask T 7 . C ke MI. and Mrs Jack pal-ken :â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-w~~â€"--â€"w--_â€"_ spring. $20. 884â€"3828. clwo4 FURNITURE PACK R power brakes and steering. new, sidewalks, for Zenith 328007 Can anytimg BEAGLES. ell‘lcrs- 0c is- - A- e HAYE5771n107/mg memory of a = SE'iISngIFENgIgEA‘IiIQOD RECREATIONâ€"rm AND DRIVER COMBINED batter)" g°°d mow“ t1"ms‘ms’i 389'5228 Ed Peconi & Son Woodville 51‘991‘91'd5' Labs’ and Border 64 Spruce venu. c1‘v34 dear father Edward Hayes 2 GARDEN CENTRE bah baI‘StOOIS and floor lamps G°°d “fling conditiPnS~ Steady flinfli‘igssilm‘ 9‘93 ___111 “C39 Ont- Licence N°’ 324C ' 66' ‘gf'uleliliopiii’ssl mocumed' Sgt-E * i * who passed away February 20. :51 KEELE ST N_ MAPLE custom made from barrels by employmentv beneï¬m Al’l’13’71962 Dodge, 8 automatic, 2 door7 7 tfc44‘_°_‘__1111'1_1_’_-CARD 0F THANKS 19667 33242455 ' "Lam Cooper. all new and used bar- Lamb 7the Mover- 889'4911- Aisolsedan. $400 or best offer. Safety RUBBER STAMPS i i CAT BOARDING We would like to thank our He lived for those he loved, : tfcl-Iii‘els and rainwater barrels. P§£t7117131797 MB); A 7_777C47“'f3711certificate available. 884-1607 Several type faces to choose ‘RegiStered Slamesehkllgtens :thlmany friends. neighbors andgAnd those he loved remember. *_.-_ ___11___1Phone 884-4866, Richmond HilL SECRETARY with knou-ledaeiafter 6 pin. chi-34 from â€" including Script Block StUd sel‘Vice- House 0 pet '1 " - 1t‘~ for the acts of kind- Sadly missed bV daughter ASHER dryer and stove' , . _ ‘ . ° ‘#â€"â€"â€" -- 7-# . V ,- . - -’ . l1_1__ 7_17771 ., , 38937-31 19 a “95 . ‘. ' 7 - ' (1“34 of bookkeeping. Capable of teak-‘19“ pontlac comm-Ille V3 ilettels, Outline and Signatuie . iicllS- Belll Stellart- ~3 ~ f1 t and cards during Eve] 'n son-in-law Einest. ,- . ._ 111â€"1111. 1 1 . . . t r 7. .. . ,1968 I-Iardto tent trailer. siee s‘ - ineSSt 0““5 . l ' . 532:5;“ï¬esigï¬dlglï¬llglgogtcbiar'LUMBER _ an kinds used, ing full charge and dealing withlfuuy powerecp $9007 334-50987 â€" last SCI'HCE‘. Call The Lib- 4 used onlypz weeks $750 77%; t“Hirsute recent bereavement of a. clw34 ~ ‘ M ' - ' ~ ~ " 7' t ‘ ’ ' f y 31 makes Reining and parts for new and used plywood, new PUNK“ 15193537“? Pflbolrf‘alitll; After 6 pin. cl\\'34 9â€â€ - 884'1100- “b51607 61,,34, brother and son 17:17ng 3b}??- ./ ' ’ ..- panelling and accoustic tile.7-Veal‘1‘°un Posmon a go C“ 7'†- 1 l i Also to the Oak 18(735 - ~ -: , 3°‘3rsflathsw'49“mm†New and used plumbing. New near Gormley. A challenge at “3W “‘Q‘edge 19?“ Pai‘mmï¬l HARRISONS CUSTOM MOBILE. tmler- 12- Can be! Marshall Funeral Home. or. TUE“ gwfl aluminum doors any color 320 $95 a week with one montli‘se7 an .7Em0nsii‘ftol7‘ _ 7 “pg? CARPENTRY pulled with Volkswagen or aninN Bayview and John St. arealMinton Johnson and the York SPARE ROOM :smnvMOBn‘E CLEARANCE each Counter tops and ,sink'honday- Must haVe 0““ n‘ans‘inansmlbsmn' fink biakeb‘ r3130». Custom built homes renova- compaCt ca“ 51991†4- fuuy'usqueakW- a terrier‘type male'Central Hospital. INTO SPARE CASH = SALE - ' - ' s- ? ortation. Write Box No. 58 :plus all faCtmy equ‘pmem‘ 1" t - - - ' - - equipped, Propane stove €th dog, long bushy white hair. may The Abbey family7 BY USING 7 units, used inSIde and outside 9 . , -No 62307N York Import Auto- tions, additions, and repairs. . , 7 7 SSIFIEDS 3‘- 1968 Polaris 20 hp. doors from $1 up “The Liberal†stating. c1d34' ‘. ‘ d . d R.7h Kitchens a Specialty Morris Reasonable price, or for rent. be on lady dogs doorstep. c1w34 witâ€"777774 ~1967 Ski-D00 - 14.5 11.13. S “1 - ' W.â€â€" “13115461†“Sinai R n K - +2 38 ' ti 4--Hogans Trailers, 334 No. 7 Markham Licence 1002 or 1003. f -1965 - Snowcruiser - 14 hp. Declienï¬ffï¬fjn Contractors H . A" ‘b I. ‘ ' . 1 WM “111- 339-8330- “W341 “mm 88 8 ' c DlHighway, 9'2 mile east of Bay-[8894464. c1w34_ 21ELIABLE MOWER&MARINE °use“'“'e5' “mess g1" 5' 1967 Au‘tin 1100 standard . view 889-4725 c8w33 ___..â€"â€"â€"â€"- _ 23 d - ~ I 3 - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ ' 324 Yonge St. Richmond Hill flight?" gï¬hgfge 31:73:“‘30‘gesï¬fi-oné,model, 19.000 miles, extras, “35‘6"â€: R CLARK “mum†GIGANTIC 5,197 save 33007143“. DAY CARE . "T. 884-44 4 v . v .' l‘ dio. Excellent condition. 3800 ' _ r - - . 2 6 71 7 47 Off l\o. 7 East 70f tonge awaits you. Free samples and7la7 b 7 offer 83978808 c1“Mil-“am and Decorative Plastel_mg_,7tastlc discounts on7tent_traileis D__Ay___â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"ilable in my home“ ~17717____7777 7_77 __ (7:3 ‘ 389-6980 lexceuent earnings, No experinfl. :5 _._'_â€"' 'â€"#-! Repairs 3 specialty Wheel.camper’ Rlde'the‘ and: care ava lot-34 mRGANS â€" don‘t buy One 'â€" °3W34 cnce needed. no investment. 1952 Ford Fail'ialle. 4 doom Free Estimates Iroqums and Tepee. Free camp-Em c I mntil we prove you can play.¢ Must Drive For a personal in- good condition. Approval cerv 48877591 88973185 ,ing equ1pment with purchase ofiDAY cal-e in my home, pre- 7 meSIiltS guaranteed. New and .teH-iew can today7 22341997 ‘tificate provided. 889â€"1849 after N moo new trailer. Offer gocd until school age. Crosby and Osiris and has openings for msed Hammond, Lowrey and ‘ ‘ “(.32 6 pm c1w34 77 777 7 777 “ March 1. small deposit“,an pal“ area. 884-2184. c1w34 FEVIALE ASSEMBLERS ' ‘ i ‘ ‘ i '7’“ ‘ ' ’ ' "*" ' â€"-â€" , l i " _ l - ' 2' *7 _â€" *"’_ "fâ€"“f A 7311532:- I'f‘fili'SIiZ-uglgfin TRAVEL ' Iii-CORPS OFFICE 2 SEPT“? TANKS 'igafilhtsingnirliaiigiinistd 2859an Di“ far" 17‘; “‘f “2â€â€ ii" {if in a clean modern plant making transistors ... ~ - ' " >- -â€"â€"-~vâ€" ~_7â€"~--_A- â€"ru 7' l _ . 7 7 ' _ 1 ' sc oo ers. 0c 'p01 all " , date insuucuon. Late“ mOdem TOURS‘ cmlses‘ Fall and bus P 05:11:31: A eiuv ‘ i PUMPED $25.00 O ngdmla) lEaSt' tThosinhlu'A'iew Ave. 884-7583. cl\\'34i and bIâ€"metal products methods. tickets. reservations and individ- “50mâ€? “ A g 'c r ._ Den 313', Pm 0 Pm' â€"___â€"â€"-â€"â€"'- , ,- ' :at \vilsonvs Toron‘o Organ‘ual tun-01‘ can A7 H7 Creighton Male 8.: Female office personnel l [\Vefekends to 677 mornings by ap- D ‘7 :centi-e. 5254 Yonge St. Willow- Travel Agency. 889-5643. seekingfemanem 0“ Temp“ HOUSE’or-Vfdi'FlToIEEâ€"Reason- inomtment- 220-6915- c3“‘33' v BOAR EXP - "dale. 0 en evenin s 222-6'17» tic-4713“v P0511101“- ahl ~ Ad it famiiv. Phone 1 . . . , “I. p g. :0. ‘ *Bookkeepers \ 191 18?“ u f ‘ 1 R00“ and board for gentle-i l\either had many of 0m present emplfoyeesdwhen l7the773; "' tc_1: i ‘ , ‘ .11 s 6 5-6477 a ter 5 pm. _ , - ,. i 4 - d we look for evidence 0 goo eye- an 5- .1111_ .1____ .._. - . 7 _ e . 4 301ne us. 7 7 7 7 : TYPEWRITERS iâ€" i :gliiikrtiiggs “CM, 1 242" 7th b daze: i co-ordination such as that required for sewmg or knittmg, -.-. v . ~ l'â€"â€" '7 i .Y 1‘00m “'1 oar v ‘i d '‘11 r in 011. : Sgglhgarvi‘tijcgelzfl: I jM ismnograp‘hers l' Sgelsfx 5011:5111? Rfl§€ariifienctiuioelti ' SPORTS‘tleman. abstainer. in quietf $211 \:‘l.illtp:nizipate in a company1paid medical plan and ~â€" . x< - ‘- ' x ~ ~ 7; _â€"__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"77 7 _ 7 Z Authorized Dealer ' b ‘ iï¬iï¬keepmg mamme Opel lbusiness woman. Reasonable‘ “'5 CLEAN 7’68 Trailblazer, 18 hp, good,home, 5 daysaieekly. Cancels?“ other banana 7 7 7 7 :311 popular makes for sale in77DRESSMAKING and altern- a. Accountants 13nd close to transportation. By ' 3» DR AINS condition, 8475. 640-3956. c1w34,17n_gi_73L56°-_’__1___.7 There are openings on all three shifts With a shift bonus :sluding new and rebuilt stampltions. 387 Bent C7I‘escent. Rich-7 Register with. ‘March lst. 884-4379. c1w33l f7 _POLARIS SNOMIOBILES771ACCOMMODATION availabie for 2nd and 3rd shifts :gi‘d portable and electric modâ€" mind Hui-313370137 “23734- HI-CORPS lRESPONSIBLE adult familyl Sewers cleaned iClearance saleynew also demon-‘7:or “$1137; 71:37:: all; $33716 Help us grow at: acts. Special rental rates avail-1 AVE your bridal. bj‘idesmaidS‘ 18 Yonge St. N. iwant furnished home or apal‘t- wiumut digging iStl‘aiOI‘S- Sales and sen’ice- BUT‘ ome' 00 - â€" r treet E :ible to students. dresses. suits etc. custom made 884-6782 ment for month of April or or rell Mower and Marine, IDivi- 52371: Fate5~ 727083: “7d? 2870 Cent 9 " : l. H. SIMS by profegsjonat specialized for Member longep References, Would conâ€" 7 7 sion of Burrell Overhead Door ROOM and board in adult Richmond Hill, Ont. :7 88 Baker Ave. larger women who are hard to Asmciaiion of Professional sider being caretakers while tearing up pipe Co Ltd,.t Highway No. 7 be- home. packed lunch central“ 889-7373 'dichmond Hill 884-1745 fit. Call nnw for appointment. Placement Agencies 8.- t‘onsul- family on holidau. Phone 384- C. STUNDEN tween Keele and Dufterln. Phone 9 in 6 pm. 884-83123.n tfc3 884-5515. c5134 ants. chi?“ 3818, c1034 884-1245 Richmond Hill c143.“ câ€"KV: l . I