llll“!II“llIIlllll“Illllllllllllllllllllll\“INllllllll“I|lllllll|llll||llllllllll' l1\l\l\lll\l\lllll\l\l|Il\lll“\ll\l\\l\\\ll“\l|llI“l!m“l!llll\\\\lllll\l“lll\\l was assisted by Mike Carr. The next game will be the first of the playoffs with New- market. It will be a best two out of three in the "A" series. t at r a PEEWEES (Feb. 20) North End Cleaners 2 Newmarket 3 Barry Howson and Danny Clark scored singles unassisted. (Feb. 21) North-End Cleaners 0 Newmarket 2 North End Cleaners 3 Richmond Hill 2 Barry Howson scored from Dave Hartwick, and again from Jim McIntosh. Dave Hartwick scored a single assisted by Dave Courtemanche. MIDGETS (Feb. 21) Wilson’s 15550 4. Newmarket 7 John Blackborough scored unassisted. Ken Moore was as- sisted by Randy Bagg. Bagg scored a pair assisted on .other by Doug Sheldrake. i(Feb. 22) Wilson‘s Essa 2. Bramalea 1 Billy Law was assisted by [an Maokay and Ken Moore. John Blackborough was as- sisted by Ken Moore. it It i it JUVENILES (Feb. 8) Dems 4. Base Borden 1 The best of five series in three games straight against Camp Borden Ross Johnson KeithI one by Norm Ast and on thef (Blackburn. 1k in :u o BOWLING ‘Ladies Afternoon Club Standings: Canaries 28. Car- dinals 20. Robins 18, Blue Jays ‘16. Doves l3. Larks 10. High triple flat: Lois Web- ber 669. Over 200: Jean Simpson 255. Mary Redman 265, Betty Rich- ardson 208. Billy Maver 236. Jean Smith 208, Dorothy Hunt .205. Ruth Brain 261, Bonnie Manzie 245. Thornhill Mixed League Standings: Furies 14, Coug- ars 14. Mustangs 13. Wildcats 11. Falcons 9, Thunderbirds 2. High triple (flat) Beryl Iver- son 614, (hdcp) 782. BANTAMS (Feb. 18) W. A. Stephenson 2 Base Borden 4 Rick Hodge. one goal. one as- sist Mike Coyne one goal. Singlo assists for Greg Mac- Millan and Bob McIntosh. It was the first game best out of three against Base Borden In the Little NHL. (Feb. 22) W. A. Stephenson 3 Richmond Hill 4 Hobby McIntosh, two goals, one assist; Rick Hodge one goal. one assist; Mark Wool- nough three assists. Mike NOVICE (Feb. 22) Richvale Ready-Mix 3 North West Boys’ Club 4 Dino Pantalone was assisted by Kevin Smith; Scott Howson was assisted by Wayne Grant and Cal McCathie: Paul Ralph was assisted by Mike Carr. The next game will be the first of the playoffs with New- market. It will be a best two out of three in the "A" series. There will be free re- freshments for everyone who attends and free fam- ily skating to music will follow the other events. There will be something of interest for every mem- ber of the family so plan to be there. bring your skates and have fun as a family unit. A costqu parade will «men the carnival and prizes will be awarded for the most comical and most original. Races for all age groups will get under- way at 3 pm with silver dollars I: prizas. The weatherman refused tn co-operate last Saturday and the skating carnival sponsored by the Thorn- hill Lions Club had to be postponed because of the thaw. Weather permitting it will be held this Saturâ€" day. March 1. beginning at 2 pm. on the pond at Centre Street and Oak- bank Road. Attention I“ children and adults in the Thornhill urea! HQME\' / ELIEST m 5 VTHORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORP- ORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM for approval of a By-law Imposing a Storm Sewer Rate. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. go The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Markham intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of storm sewers on Scrutton Road from 600 feet north of Denison Street to Den- ison Street; Denison Street from Scrutton Road to Pharmacy Avenue, at an estimated cost of $407,358.00, and intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that will or may derive a benefit therefrom. The estimated cost of the work is $407,358.00 of which no portion is to be paid by the Corp- oration. The estimated cost per foot frontâ€" age is $18.58. It is proposed to raise a part of the annual payments by, an estimated an- nual rate of $1.72 per foot frontage plus an annual acreage rate estimated at $30.03 per acre on the land hereinafter described. . (a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is that part of Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4 in Concessions 3 and 4 of the Township of Markham bounded on the north by Canadian National Railways Toronto by-pass line: on the East by the Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario hydro transmission line, on the south by Steeles Avenue and on the west [by the Department of Highways right-of-way to be designated as Highway 404. (b) Exemptions will be made only for corner lots, where a lot has two sides only one side Will be deemed assessable. No exemptions will be made for the area rate. Any ratepayer may. within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice. send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of Markham. at the address given below. a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to‘the imposition of the special ra e. . The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the said special rate pursuant to the statute and may approve of the said works. but before domg so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. DATED at the Township of Markham this 27th day of February. 1969. Carnival This Saturday 1969 Firs Township of Markham RR. 2. ’Gormley“ Ontario. t publication this 27th day of February. Township? Clérk. ies was outstanding In this game. (Feb. 15) DEMS 8. Orangevllle 0 Gary Masters scored twa goals, one unassisted and was helped by Ross Johnson on the other. Wray Windsor was as- sisted by John Betts and Barry Gillison; John Stevens scored on passes from Barry Gillison ,and Angelo DiVincenzo. An- gelo Di Vincenzo scored twice assisted by Garry Hughes on one and by John Stevens and Tony Lockerbie on the other. Peter Law was assisted by Stu- art Francies and Barry Gillison by John Stevens and Dave Large. (Feb. 22) Over 200: Jean Simpson 255. Wilson’s Esso 2. Bramalea 1 Mary Redman 265, Betty Rich- Billy Law was assisted by ardson 208. Billy Maver 236. [an Mackay and Ken Moore. Jean Smith 208, Dorothy Hunt John Blackbomugh was asâ€".205. Ruth Brain 26], Bonnie sisted by Ken Moore. Manzie 245. * * * * Thomhill Mixed League The best of five series in three games straight against Camp Borden Ross Johnson was assisted by John Stevens Wray Windsor. Wray was as- sisted by Dave Large and Wayne Henry. Stuart Francies scored the third and fourth goal unassisted. Stuart Franc- Debby Orton was assisted by Terry Tarling and Lorraine Sherman. W. A. Stephenson 1 Base Borden 1 Bruce Perrins was assisted by Rick Hodge. JUNIOR’ C HOCKEY (Feb. 22) Outstanding player was Ian Macklin in goal, Gary Masters and Angelo Di Vincenzo. (Feb. 20) DEMS 5. Orangeville 2 Dave Large scored from Gary Masters; Mike Stratton delivered a pair unassisted. Mike Stratton was outstanding in this game. John Betts was assisted by Mike Stratton and Rick James was assisted by Garry Hughes. (Feb. 22) ‘ Coyne. one assist (Feb. 23) Thornhill Mustangs 5 Ajax 10 This game eliminates the Mustangs for the year. Goals were by PauI Raymar with two assisted on one by Vince; (Feb. 19) Thornhill 1. Richmond Hill 1 The first game of the On- tario Quarter finals with Mil- ton was outstanding in this DEMS 0. Milton 3 GIRLS‘ HOCKEY l‘lS V/gi/Eiiiaé DRTS SCENE 3 High single'ttlat) Mabel Tutt 248, (hdcp) 286. Davidson scored one unassisted. Vince DeMarco was assisted by Jim Caine and Paul Raymer. Ian McKinlay was assisted by Brett Davidson and Wayne Blackburn. Over 200: Beryl Iverson 218, 217. Eva Hingley 206, Mary Redman 219. Carol Brodie 204, Mabel Tutt 248. Igï¬gh Triple (flat) Adrian Langerth 632. (hdcp) 728 High Single (flat) Adrian Langerijt 260. (hdcp) 292. Congratulations to Mary and Jim King who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Feb- ruary 22, by having a party with friends and neighbors. The Kings have three sons, Ian, A1- lan and Brian. UVI-l ‘l- w in I The movie to be shown by the Roselawn Association. Friday at 6:30 and 8:30 pm, ‘is 3 Walt Dis- Demarco. and on the other by ney production. Lieutenant Joe and Vince Demarco. Brett|Robin Crusoe. starring Dick Van Sympathy of the community is extended to Heinrich Drensek and his sons Karl, Bill and Manfred, in the passing of a be- loved wife and mother. Erna Drensek. of 69 Crestwood Road, February 14. Funeral service took place at Jerrett Funeral Home, with interment at West- minster Cemetery. The Drensek family has since moved to Wil- lowdale. Birthday greetings to Bar- bara Rogers. also to David Ryan who was nine years old. Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Olive S1. John was host- ess at a lovely miscellaneous shower held in her home. Cen- tre Street. Thornhill, for her niece. Barbara. Donna Webb, who had under- gone surgery in Toronto Gen- eral‘Hospital last week, is now progressing very well and hopes to be home again soon. Crestwood Rd. News NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARK- HAM for approval of a By-Iaw Imposing :1 Sanitary Sewer Rate. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. (O The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Markham intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer on John Street from Highway 404 to Scrutton Road; Scrutton Road from John Street to Denison Street; Denison Street from Scrutton Road to Pharm- acy Avenue at an estimated cost of $244,014.00, and intends to charge the whole of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that will or may derive a benefit there- from. . The estimated cost of the work is $244,014.00 of which no portion is to be paid by the Corp- oration. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $15.70. It is proposed to raise a part of the annual payments by an estimated rate of . $1.46 per foot frontage plus an annual acreage rate estimated at $12.22 per acre on the land hereinafter described. (a) The area upon which such a sewer rate is to be levied is that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Concessions 3 and 4 of the Township of Markham bounded on the north by Canadian National Railways Toronto by-pass line, on the East by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario hydro transmission line, on the south by Steeles Avenue and on the west by the Department of Highways right-of-way to be designated as Highway 404. (b) Exemptions will be made only for corner lots, where a lot has two sides only one side will be deemed assessable. No exemptions will be made for the area rate. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice. send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of Markham. at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the said special rate pursuant to the statute and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objection will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. DATED at the Township of Markham this 27th day of February. 1969. 1969 Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 RR. 2. Gormley. Ontario. First publicatién this 27th day of February, Township of Markham H. C. T. Crisp. Township Clerk. 1 On Thursday lasl. children‘ .of Richvale Nursery School and ‘ltheir mothers, look toboggans land enjoyed the morning out of doors zooming down hills and acquiring rosy cheeks. They returned to the school in Emmanuel Anglican Church for games and juice and cook- :1es. The ninth annual Hobby Show of the district Scouts and Cubs. held Saturday last at Bay- view Secondary School was most successful. Judges, chosen from various fields. began their difficult task at 9:30 am and were through at 12:30 pm. A great many parents and adults spent hours poring over the boy's exhibits. which were of high quality. Out of 23 areas. the Scout troops and Cub packs from Thornhill came out on top. However. all entrants deserve commendation for their fine ef- forts, which were certainly worth seeing. Dyke and Nancy Kwan. A car- toon will also be shown. Admis- sion will be 25c for children, 50c for adults and the location is Roselawn School, Can-ville Road. Luna. WNW†"‘3": “awn.†Charles worth seeing. will hold Registration night for the March 11‘ new Royal Canadian Air Cadets Friends is February 27 (tonight)‘ at 7:30 that Fred Neighborth Notes Church News The ecumenical service S-un- day will be at Thornhill Baptist Church at 7 pm. Lyn Heffer- nan will conduct the service and Rev. Reginald Howden will preach the sermon. His topic will be “The Saviourâ€. The “Calypso Night" at Em- manuel Church. sponsored by the ACW. was most successful. Curtis Lucas. who comes from Trinidad, demonstrated the “Hully Gully" and led the more agile participants under the broom handle for a limbo. Winner of the best ladies' cos- tume was Betty McCarthy and Brian Walters won the men‘s prize. Chili con came and cre- ole salad were served by the ladies of the catering group. Recorded music was provided by Frances Groves. Rev. Roland de Corneille will speak on “Modern Israel†at the next meeting of ACW, March 4 at 8 pm. Mr. de Cor- neille heads the Anglican Church section of the commit- tee for Christian and Jewish Dialogue Several members of the soc- ial action group of ACW at- tended a recent meeting of Vaughan Township Planning Board and found it interesting CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 lANGSTAFF NEWS Richvale And District News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE. 24 ROOSEVELT DRIVE â€" there is no commitment con- Roselawn Association and cerning a military career. There parents; Committee to the 2nd are no fees and uniforms are on and 4th Richvale Brownies and 103“ WithOUt Charge~ Guides will meet at. the home Four administrative areas nflof Mrs. Michael Matyas, 68 the York County School Board‘Rooseveu Drive' March 5 all 8 were established last week. pm. Guest, speaker will be Karl Area Number 3. this area will sing of Karl's Beauty Salon. be represented by Superintend- Richmond Hill. and it is hoped ent John Kippen. whose assist- that members will make 3 ant will he Douglas Adams. emu-in] mm. to attend this pm. at Legion Court in Rich- mond Hill. The new squadron is sponsored by the local branch of the Legion. Branch 375. which includes Richvale, in co« operation with the Air Cadet League of Canada. Cadets are boys from the ages of 13 to 15 and their commanding officer will be Captain Keith Robinson of Thornhill Green. Registration is restricted to 50 cadets and there is no commitment con- cerning a military career. There are no fees and uniforms are on loan without charge. The group committee to the lst Langstaff Cubs and Scouts will meet Wednesday evening (tonight. for early readersb at the home of Dave Rhind. 4 Col- by Lane. and enlightening. Board mem- bers‘. though, seemed a little awed that ladies would attend the meeting without an axe to grind. How about some other residents attending. to see the thoroughness with which this board examines the proposals brought before it? CORN CREAM 5m: 4195.025", 89,; Iona Brand SWEET PEAS 5'9-n-owm99¢ A&.P Brand, Choice Quality INSTANT COFFEE PEARS IONA 3zs-n-ozans1.00 A&.P Brand Macaroni 5. Cheese, Catelll or Kraft DINNER 7 7'/4-oz pk9599¢ WHAT HAS A&P DONE FOR YOU lATElY? CHANGED THE QUALITY OF OURjï¬ï¬‚ Not at A&P! We haven’t changed the quality of our beef to Red and Blug Brand, simply because A&P Policy is to offer our customers only the "Choicest of the choice,†which is Canada's Finest naturally aged RED BRAND Beef. You will not find Blue Brand Beef at A&P . . . Never! And, our beef doesn’t cost any more . . . It just tastes like it ought to! Jane Parker Reg. Price 56¢: â€"- SAVE 10° Jane Parker, English Jana Parker, Daily Dated, Sliced White, Cracked theat 0f 60% Whole Wheat BREAD FRUIT CAKE will be sorry to learn Groves of Roosevelt Hewitt Public School an Open House on APPLE PIE 8-INCH 24-02 PIE ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD .ARE GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1969 The Sunday evening Lenten service will be held this week in Thornhill Baptist Church, Yonge Street. Thornhill. Lyn Heffernan will conduct the ser- vice and Rev. Reginald Howden will he guest speaker. Music will be provided by the Thorn- hill Ecumenical Choir. The church union discussion group will meet Thufsday (to- night) ai Emmanuel Anglican Church. For further information please call Norm Reeves at 889- 0155. Drive is once again a patient in York Central Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. A note of interest to area re- sidents â€" beginning this sum- mer there will be an outdoor farmers’ market at the drive-in theatre Saturday mornings at Highway 400 and 7. If the mar- ket is successful at this theatre, the idea will be carried out at others. Sing of Karl's Beauty Salon 2807 or Mrs.W Richmond Hill. and it is hoped 6113. that members will make .3 CBAstandsf special effort to attend (1115 Better Advertis meeting‘ 7 name is a gram Richmond Hill Films for Chil- dren and RHHS Library Club will present, “Eagle Rock" and the sixth chapter of the serial “Five Clues to Fortune". Satur- day at 2 pm at Richmond Hill High School. Church News Calypso Night held Tuesday of last week in the church hall at Emmanuel was highly suc- cessful and the ACW wishes to Reg. Price 2 tin. 49c â€" SAVE 24c Reg. Price 2 tin: 49c â€" SAVE 96 Reg. Price 39: â€" SAVE 46 Reg. Price tin 35c â€" SAVE 50 25â€"02 cake 10-02 iar CHIC. t t Members of the Alpha Group ‘ a of Holy Trinity Acw, Thornhil] are preparing for their annual and Easter Egg Kitchen. The eggs 2nd are cream-filled. chocolate coat- and ed and hand decorated. Orders lome must be received by March 15. 58 To obtain further information a"! 8 or place your order. please call 1‘33†Mrs. Douglas Hambleton. 889- FEATURE PRICE! 889-3806 thank all who made it so The monthly meeting of ACW will be held March 4 at 8 pm in the Church hall. when guest speaker will be Rev. Roland de Corneille. ACW‘s social action group will meet March 11 in the rec- tory at 8 pm. CBA stands for Campaign for Better Advertising. Behind this name is a group which originat- ed in Emmanuel Anglican Church but has since spread to other churches in the area and to other interested groups. The objective of the organization is to obtain a higher standard in television commercials, and less violent movies and novels than are now being submitted to the public. One question being ask- ed of people by the group is “How many hours of violence entertainment has your child had this week?†The next meet- ing of the CBA will be held Thursday (tonight) at 8 pm‘ in the education wing of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church. As previously mentioned, th e group’s first attack will he on television commercials, in or- der to have some voice in the content of these. You are asked to discuss this matter with your particular group. club, etc. and to have a representative present at the meeing. if at all possible. SAVE 8c 1.19 GROUND CHUCK 7-INCH CUT, FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY WING STEAK or ROAST "351-09 DELMONICO STEAKS $51.49 PRIME RIB ROAST BONELESS RIB EYE BRAISING RIBS BRISKET POINT PORTERHOUSE THE LIBER 5. Harvey. 889- TEA BAGS BATHROOM TISSUE pkgourons42€ FACIAL TISSUE pkgomozw FAB DETERGENT Snappy, Meat Loaf or Fish Loaf Ballet AAP Brand, Special Blend PET FOODS (150 Off Deal) 34.3 CELLO BAG AL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Feb. 27, 1969 Ontario Grown. McIntosh. Controlled Atmosphere, "Just Picked. Crispness and Flavour". Fancy Quality OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY G. FRIDAY ’1'â€. 9 RH. AMPLE FREE PARKING 105 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL APPLES RICHMOND HILL VICTORM and GREY '1U1 L11 1111 and URL}! TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Principal Toronto office: 197 Bay Street M. N. FOYLE. MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Your money in a two, three or four year Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cate will bring you the extremely high interest rate of seven and three quarter per cent. One year Certiï¬cates pay 7 % and ï¬ve year Certiï¬cates 71,5 “0. AkP FOOD STORE STEAK or ROAST Freshly M3nced Centre Cufs Lean “$1.09 Reg. Price 59c â€"â€" SAVE 10: Reg. Price 790 â€" SAVE 10¢ n69¢ «49¢ "389;! giant size box pkg of 100 15-02 Pin FEATU RE PRICE 29¢ 79¢ 69¢ 884-1107 10¢ 20¢ 40¢ 20¢ 20¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢