THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hil’l, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 27, 1969 CATCH READY BUYERS FAST! SELL-Y9UR- DON'T NEEDS WITH A WANT ADI BABY slloés broï¬iévdi. Free pickâ€" up and delivery. 221-9188. “n.0,! sets. cheap. Liquidators, fdh'ge St.’ 488-7911. c2w34 Z'dozen sealers, pints and quarts, boys skates size 9; Ac- cordion. 884-4371. *lwsï¬ 's'TRAw, clean and dry 25c per bale. Cash at barn. 297-1908. *1w35 BUAï¬k_bEdsu,_braxA1§l _new TELâ€"EVISIONTRCA. can Aexen~ i9v6‘8‘5ï¬6'xi'véxi'liiser, electric start, reverse, wide track, cover. 884- 8459. c1\\'35 2 new glass belt willé track snow tires 775x14 with 1 GM rim $45. 773-4384. C1W35 Lâ€"ibYD_baby cal-rig? g1'eEï¬ and white. excellent condition. $25. 832-2302. c1w35 lNGLIS gas dryer will tradé for electric or sell $50. 889â€"9601. c1w35 OVAâ€"K dining 133â€"0111 taBleiwith 6 chairs $35. 884-1743 after 4 pm. c1w35 i.n~g;â€"o-rwa[terhoons. 832-1448. cl\\'35 CbllF-clllbs.-3:75.V7. 9 and pub 191' and 1 2, 4 woods. 889-04872! ’19'6'9'skidod'2'4‘h.p.’N‘m~dic $850 or best cash offer. 832-1288. C1W35 UPHOLSTERED chair, new con- dition, $60 or exchange for drop leaf table. 889-2307. *1w35 MECVIIKRY range, large size. in good condition, $60. 884-6196 after 6 pm. c1w35 19‘65FOMC7 snow ('l'Lliï¬Pl‘ 14.5 h.p. with trailer, $450. 884â€"6644. *l\\'35 FAR'I‘Sifor 1962 Ecoline, also ten 13†almost new tires. 889- 0392. After 6 pm. c1\\=35 U.P.HOLSTERED Chan" new con" FICTUREâ€"falï¬eimoldings. 3 dmon’ $50 °r “Change for, drop styles. 4 and 6 foot lengths. @eaf table. 889-2307. "1W35 From 60‘: to per length. WHEELCHAIR, like new, used Butler and Baird Lumbgr Lth VVflDDLIVAIALLM unc ucw, uacu UUDLVA uAAu an]... u “Kuhn†._.._. 3 months. $65. 889-2147 after 6 191 Yonge St. N., RichmondiLooking for qualified. perman- p.m. o2w35 Hill. 889-3506, 884-1125. tfc33 ent, offiï¬eMpersolr‘mleil‘?t M'oï¬n‘ana’tazgiï¬i‘s’s‘iarise; oi'NINGToom suite. Gibbard C: L °§§IE§T"ASG°‘ETVCY to '66. Vauxhall or Envoy, reasâ€" light, bedroom suite and night A'1 IPYO St S u; onable. 884-2219. clw35 tables, light. cni-ome kitchen; 3“ ghee“; °“ BABYYI-ibsfloo‘onlyfmind 591' 5 965- Clal'tdstyle. ‘l’a“b°q“ed“ ' um I - , ' . 1r; ~ .. other house 101 aruc e5, goo†“ WA H 7777;: ‘ggg‘; 4812351? condition. 884-1827. C1\':’3-’J LINE MECHANIC c2w34. EDAAN’SAFLQWERiS'V "For a modem} high‘ s-pegd pack- HOOVER electric upholstery shampnoer. new. cost $30 sell 320. Call mornings only. 889- 5890. ' clw35 ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 1,000 card tables and bridge sets. Brand new, cheap. Liqui- dators. 3368 Yonge St. 488- 7911. c2w34 LIGHT walnut 4 piece bedroom suite with Beauty Rest mattress. Also power mower. Excellent condition. 884â€"1663. *1\\'35 TENT, used 1 yr. 9x12. sleeps 6 Also Coleman lantern, never used. also Coleman 2 burner campslove, nearly new. 884- 8408. L-1\\35 1000 Sealy Posturpedic mat- tresses and box springs. single. double, queen size and king size. Cheap. Liquidators, 3368 Yonge St. 488-7911. c2w34 St. 488â€"7911. 22'.st Wednesday bit, paintings and drawingslh'lal'cll 5th - 7:00 pm -101) Art lessons, portraits, oil and Tl‘m'Sday _ black and white, March 6th - 11:00 am - 10.0 4- . ill’ . Friday 88 6690 w lam wegmacllwï¬ March 7th - 11:00 am - 10:0 "- ' â€"r Kennedy Rd. Hwy 401 1,000 chests of drawers. Un- Toronto painted, brand new, $15 each, Admission $100 cash and carry. Liquidators. out & Que_ Dealers «any. ‘v,,,#, n; Ann pun-u 1,000 chests of drawers. Un-i painted, brand new. $15 cachï¬ cash and carry. Liquidators. 3368 Yonge St. 488-7911. c2\\'34 INDOOR â€" outdoor, plush pile carpet $6.77 sq. yd. new Ozite rubber back $5.95 sqi yd. Let us dye, shampoo. repair or install your carpet. Visit our srowroom. 221-9959. c4w3’5 Mixed Seasoned Hardwood All dry. single cord. delivered $19. Hardwood slabs. single cord delivered $16. Hardwood cubes $18. White birch avail- able. 884~7790. tfc34 WASHER, dryel" and stove sevefal 5e parts, gears, belts, wood bear- 223'3693; lugs and wringer rollers etc. For LUMBER all makes. Repairs and parts for new and mbtors. Math‘s TV, 49 Industriali panelling Rdad. 884‘7903. tfc‘lOKNew and LUMBER â€" all kinds. used, 31} makes- REPairs and parts for new and used plywood. new motors. Math’s TV, 49 Industrial panelling and accoustic tile.‘ Fdad. 884-7903. tic20 New and used plumbing. New: ORGANS __ amialuminum doors any color, $20 “mil we prove you can play_ eaeh. Counter Atops and sink Results guaranteed. New and}umts, used inSIde and outsmle used Hammond, Lowrey and’dom‘s, from $1 up. Fél‘fisa Organs. Terms. Organ‘SpeCial prices ings end wringer rellers etc. For les§ons only $1_ Individual pri‘: Demolition Contractors vagte instruction. Latest modem; 2" cedar 3"" methods. 5 Thornhlll Pit Wilson's Toronto ol-gan' Off No. 1 East of \onge Centre, 5254 Yonge St. Willow, 889-6985 “ ‘ dfle. Open eveningS. 222.6517, c.)\\'.34 L' Authorized Dealer All popular makes for' sale in- clglding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- 95. Special rental rates avail- aflle to students. ; L. H. SIMS - 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, Ist insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second Ind subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge 51.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. 'MARRIAGEs; BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be In as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals (Continued) 2"‘i'ciiil.-~. _* â€" r; 7 7-7 3.13 2 single beds, $25 each. 889â€" tfc34 1009. a r 7 7911374 7560 HAY 3.000 bales. 50 cents a ' 3363 bale. 832-2458. tfc34 c2ws4'bHESTERFIELD for sale. Good "â€"aâ€™ï¬ condition. 884-6640. c1w35 9; AC- 23†Zenith TV $100. 889-3783. *1w35 c1w35 clw35 ETOURS. cruises. rail and bus ,tickets. reservations and individ- ual travel. call A. H. Creighton 884-1745.Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc31 tic-17 tfc21 THORvdf'yel'. in good condition $25. 773-5196. c1w35 HOOVERMATIC “Eben, 889â€" 2495. ('1w35 1968 Mercury‘ 3.9 h.p. fishing motor. Used 6 hours, $150. 832- 1123. c1w35 23†Zenith '1'v $1UU. nus-5'lua:|5_6 pm“ Plasticap Ltd 177 Clwsa Crosby Ave. c1w35 THOR d-ryer. m good condltlon "OMEN required fmï¬ï¬Ã© $25. 773 5196. c1w35 . . . day work In prmtlng plant loc- HOOVERMATIC waShel‘: 889‘ ated at Kecle and Steeles area. 2495. clw35 Telephone Miss Atkinson 739- 1968 Mercury‘ 3.9 h.p. fiEï¬inâ€"g 1175. c1w3§ motor. Used 6 hours, $150. 832- FEMALE help wanted +12 1123' 91‘V35 shift. Steady employment. A1)- ï¬INING room suite 9 piece, ply in person between 2-4 pm, walnut. very good condition. PlasliCap Ltd. 177 Crosby Ave. 884-1227. cl\\‘35‘ ('1\\'35 FfIiEPEACES. portable. Flag- stone. brick, tile. Lowest yrices. 773-4687. tfc24 ELECTRIC National Cash regis- ter. Apply Floyd Perkins, 110 Church St. S. Phone 884-1328. c2w34 METELibaby crib and mattress, 54" steel bed spring and legs. doll cradle, metal doll house, all good condition. 884â€"5508. . c1w35 KITCHEN counter 9' Formica top, also top cabinets 30" deep, sink and deck taps included. Ideal for summer cottage. full price $30. 889-7024. clw35 POOL table and accessories. Brunswick, 4x8, brand new. Worth $400. sell $300. Liquida- tors, 3368 Yonge St. 488-7911. c2w34 DRYâ€"hâ€"oi‘tl1el'nWhardwood 11/4.» cords delivered, $24. C. L. Knappett For all occasions: Weddings, funeral arrangements and cut flowers. 9106 Yonge Streel. Thornhill Phone 889-0764 HALLICRAFTER sxuo Re- ceiver covers short wave, broad- cast and ham bands. complete with headphones. Best offer. Also Mundinger accordion, 120 bass, like new. Asking $175. 884-6015. c1w35 WANTED. Someone to take over‘ payments on a repossessed Sin- ger automatic Zig Zag sewing: machine, like new, buttonholes,‘ !se\\‘s on buttons. fancy patterns“ guaranteed. Regular $239. For only $81.20 balance or 10 pay- meryls. Call collect 727-9983. ' cl\\'35l CONTENTS Contents of large Bayview home. Chesterfield and chair. black leather, coffee and end tables, lamps. bar and stools, 5 bedrooms, one king size one queen 2-39†beds. large marble coffee table. Spanish dining room also living room with matching lamps and drum tables, 6 chair dinette, oil paint- ings, other occasional pieces, several sets of drapes 95†long. 223-5692. *2w35 WANTED â€" to Avenue Road and Davenport arriving before 9 am. 889-3729. c1w35 FOR SALE Transportation Phone 884-3089 Canadiana Motor Hotel TRAVEL ANTIQUE SHOWSALE Three Lines To Serve You 0 Phone The Exclusive Want Ad Numbers .0 10:00 pm 10:00 pm 10:00 pm _Gâ€"o_5d PART-I’l‘Ii/I‘Eihelp wanted for clwss weekend Shifts. Apply in person a Thursday. February 277 bgmegll I 970‘! tfc31 c1w35 tfc35 livid-'1 considered. :hton’Direct written inquiries to Trail ways of Canada Ltd. 120 Don tfc-iflcaster Ava, Willowdale. c1\\'3i “Earn extra money working ,evenings and Saturday mornâ€" ings. Call 884-4977. c3w33 EXPERIENCED presser-cleaner. Shirt finishers, alteration girl. New dry-cleaning plant. Thorn- hill. Top wages. 638-3409. Before EXPERIENCED tellerflrequired. Bank of Montreal, Richmond Hill. 884-4421. c2w34 12 and after 6 pm. Cl\\'35 EXPERIENCED accountant to do P & L and A 8: L statements also T.1 generals, evenings and weekends. Write Box 61, “The Liberal“. clw35 MEAT wrapper. food outlet. female. experienced. G 0 o d wages and working conditions. 5 day week. Phone 884-5801. PART time sales help, 3 to 4 evenings per week. Guaranteed rate plus generous commission. Thornhill, Maple, Woodbridge and Kleinburg areas. Car an as- set. Call Mr. McGrath. 884-4408. c4w33 SALES ladies, part time, even- ings and Saturday, for fabric outlet. No. 7 Highway and Woodbine Avenue. Apply Mr. Liss. c1w35 DICTA $80 Sharp dicta for interesting posi- tion. Able to handle accounts receivable. Keele and No. 7 location. Call Mrs. Elie. 922-5123 Personnel World Ltd. c1w35 must urlve. rur a pcnuuai iu- terview call today. 223-4199. ' tfc32 L‘ 1 REAL Es'fATE SALESMAN ‘We have tWo openings for sales- p y r ,men to join our Thornhill of-‘ _.fice. Complete training proâ€" };gram. Top commission paid. For ’confidential interview call 'l‘om McKeage 889-8181. HAROLD KEFFER LTD REALTOR clw35 Sales Clerk and Cosnietician Richmond Heights Shopping Centre. Salary commensurate with experience, plus excellent staff benefits. Drug store ex- perience preferred, but some retail store experience essential. Apply Personnel Department G. Tamblyn Ltd. 84 Sheppard Ave. East, Willowdale. 225-8811. iUI WILL do typing in my own home. 884-1607. c1w35 HOMEMAKEVR, available Satur- days. 884-7052. tfc35 FINNISH woman desires house: work, $12.00 daily 9 to 3 Thurs-‘ days. 884-3780. *1w35 HAVE truck will travel. Moving and basements cleaned or odd jobs. 1,12 ton pick-up with hitch. Call Jim 832-8862. c3w34 YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anythng considered. Can you help us? Call Salvation Army. 889-7655. ti‘c29 REGISTERED nurse available for special care of elderly, conâ€" valescent or baby. Call 384- 3395. c1w35 COMPETE bdb’kkééï¬iï¬gier- vices available â€"â€" payroll, typ- ing and all correspondence. ren- idcred at home. Please call 884- Accurate typist with flare for figure work for varied position at Keele and N0. 7. Call Mrs. Elie 922â€"5123 Personnel World Ltd. c1w35 RELIABLE man wanted to train for Real Estate career must have car. Extra help given to help finance and make fast commissions. Call Wm. Hobson 889-7771. H. Keith Limited. HELP WANTED ! HELP WANTED {MISCELLANEOUSIMISCELLANEOUS ,,,#_h_______.d d1 ............ fINE MECHANIC For a modern high speed pack- aging plant, located in the west end. (Keele and Highway 7’, some experience with high speed packaging machines preâ€" ferred but; not essential. 889- 7356. c1w35 Housewives, business girls, mothers and grandmothers. A part-time career in fashions awaits you. Free samples and excellent earnings. No experi- ence needed. no investment. Must Drive. For a personal in- terview call today. 223-4199. ' REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have two openings for sales- men to join our Thornhill of- fice. Complete training pro» gram. Top commission paid. For confidential interview call Tom McKeage 889-8181. HAROLD KEFFER LTD REALTOR Iii-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Personnel Placement Agency Male & Female office personnel seeking Permanent or Tempor- ary positions. * Bookkeepers * Clei‘kâ€"typists * Girl Friday * Stenographers *Bookkeeping machine oper- ators ‘ * Accountants Register with: Member Association of Professional Placement Agencies 8: Consul- ants. c1\\'33 Have an opening for a mature young lady to handle telephone reservations in their charter sales office. This office is locat- ed on Doncaster Ave. north Willowdale. The following qualifications are essential. Good typist, accuracy with detail work and pleasant telephone manner. Only applicants with previous business experience and willing to accept responsibility will be TRKILWAYS OF CANADA LT D. EITEEK TYPIST $75 ATTENTION! III-CORPS 18 Yonge St. N 88-1-6782 BOYS c1w35 clw35 c1w35 c1w35 .m,._e_‘CVO“,Ei““ed’ _ _, CLEANING home and office. SCHOOL bus drivers. wanted|884-2433. Day or night. tfc36 immediately. Tribblings Bus kTN‘Gâ€"Cit' . s: . - V - y plck-up and delivâ€" Lmes 887'3272' 61‘“? my service. 833-5306. tic-34 EXPERIENCED‘wditréssTGal-[RODR- . . . . » ,. ‘ pollshma. painting and awe Restamant’ 884'6531‘ _ “lwindow cleaning.a 884-5033. kaï¬fziï¬ifor cleaning. 9-4 pm. Must have own transportation. 889-3595. *1w35 DRIVER wanted for light deâ€" livery truck â€" must know the city reasonably well. Concord Floral Co. 889-1136. (-1w35 BANK teller. experienced pre- ferred but not essential. Con- tact Mr. Sellars. 884-1138. HOUSEKEEPER, adult home, central Richmond Hill, by day or week. live in 01‘ out. 884-1313 or evenings. 884-1535. [‘2W35 ARTIST WANTED to paint wall plaques and decor items. 633-7862; evenings 832- 2481. c1w35 WOMAN for light housework 1 or 2 days weekly, for 4 model homes, Crosby Ave. 884â€"8830. c1w35 CERTIFIED mechanic, must have licence. for import car dealer. Apply Bus. 889-3830. home 630-6223. c1w35 EXPERIENCED hairdresser; _ _* < 7†> “W†part-time. Thursday. and Fridayl RON MOORE evenings and Saturday 10-6 pm.,PAINTING â€" PAPERHANGING 889-4415. cl\\'35 Interior â€" Exterior. Free estiâ€" B’U‘sifï¬ï¬â€™sé'bï¬meâ€"mfgâ€"small‘mates. Call anytime. 889-8965; newly finished home need some-i ' W “C33 one to do cleaning once a week! E. W. PAYNE Langstaff 889-7794 after 6 pm. Drains, septic tanks_ All types C1W35 of concrete work. STUDENT, for part time work, evenings, as ramp usher. Apply in perSon after 7 pm, Odeon Parkway Drive-In Theatre. No experience necessary. Single girl age 17-25, excellent starting salary. with regular increases. Complete employee benefit pro- gram. For apointment call 884- 7501. clw35 HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY! I need a full 01' part time man to help meet the demand for a much needed ser- vice for motorists. Pleasant, dig- nified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full information contact F. J. Aspenlieder, Sharon, On- tario, phone 478-4989. c3w33 YOUNG woman wanted for of- fice, full time. Typing and an aptitude for figures. Can be inâ€" terviewed Saturday also. Apply ‘immediately to: Speedex Mfg. Ltd., 385 Ohio Rd. Richmond Hill COUNTER clerk for dry clean- ing plant 7:00 to 4:00 Mon to F1'i., and 7:00 to 12:00 every other Saturday. No experience necessary but must be meat in appearance and have an ability to deal with the public in a friendly and businesslike man- ner. Apply to Mr. Jack Barth, Barth’s Cleaners, 198 Yonge St. N. clw35 REdi‘STERED" nurse available for special care of elderly, eon; valescent or baby. Call 384.1 3395. _ c1w35‘ COMPLETE bookkeeping sell; vices available â€" payroll, typ- ing and all correspondence. ren- ‘dered at home. Please call 884- 6200. After 6 pm. c2w55 CARETAKER, with 3rd class engineer papers, requires part- 'time work in exchange for apartment. Write Box 60, “The Liberalâ€. cl «35 FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone evenings or Saturday 773-4202. tfcll USED power ï¬waers. Call 884- 6861. c2w34 ENGINE parts (connecting rod, piston) for N.S.U. Quickly ygotor Bike. 884-8469. *1\\'35 1 lady’s hacking triding) jacket} good condition. Call 884-4956. c1w35 ï¬ï¬os \\'a_xiied, allâ€"ï¬xhkes and conditions. Call 884â€"1146. WTNTEDIO buy, a few puppies for re-sale as pets. 889-793§._ BY THORNHILL LIONS Articles for annual Spring Auction Sale. 889-5853 - 889- 6016. tfc22 DEAD or crippled farm animals : picked up promptly. For direct ‘ line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime.‘ Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville,‘ ‘ Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. tic-143844245 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 3m STENOGRAPHER WANTED 889-7549 clw35 c1w35 c1w35 cl W35 tic-15 l Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. ‘ tfc15 PLASTERING, repairs a spec-ii alty. Winter prices. Call Paul 531-7253. 04w34 McCANN PLUMBING AND HEATING 155 Ruggles A\'e., Richmond Hill. 884-7293. tfc34 REC. rooms. additions, remod- elling, repairs, garages. Custom carpentry for all your needs. Harvey 889â€"3126. tfc32 SNOW REMOVAL Driveways and sidewalks clear- ed by snow blower. Reasonable rates. 884-2838. tfc23 CLEANING FALL SPECIAL 20% off rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884â€"2433. tfc17 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 In W. rflll‘n l Drains, septic lankS- A†types‘Expertly done, all work guaran- of concrete work. teed. Patios. planters, fountains, 889-5752 FREE ESTIMATES fireplaces, barbecues, etc. For t£c31 m», pstimates. call 884-3434. Stonework, Ostergaard, Richmond 5688. FURNITURE STRIPPING New revolutionary bath process. Removes all finishes. Strata-Dip Stripping Service, 5 Maple Ave- nue, Maple. 832-2052. tfch; CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery, Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876i , tfchl Alterations, repairs, kitchens, rec rooms, etc. Free estimates, good work. reasonable. C. Callin. 884-7864. tfc31 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tch RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Emee‘stimates. Work guaranteed; 884-7902: All types floor tile. sheet goods, Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. ti'cll â€"SEP"1‘"I’C_TANKS PUMPED $25. and up. Complete with free spray flushing. Call SPEEDY 1 Plastering BILL’MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION Rec. rooms. additions, fire- places. custom buildings and repairs. Thornhill BBQ-764$.“ _£E6NK1€51 BISOTHERS “omes’ pul’b‘ ““"’“‘““’“' V†lReasoname prlce, or 101' rem. CONSTRUCTION $15- 339'7934- “022 Hogans Trailers, 334 No. 7 Concrete, Drain and General FREE to good home â€"- 2 year Highway, 1/32 mile east of Bay- Repairs. Patio. Stonework and male dog. part Labrador. Very view, 889-4725, c8w33 Sidewalks. good with children. 884-6301 W , ' e, save $300, fan- 889'5223 ‘after 4 pm' “33.5 tastic discounts on tent trailers th391lS’lilVERAL large aquariums, Wheel Camper, Ride-Lite. and , ‘compressor. filters, large breed-,Iroquois and Tepee. Free camp- RLBBER STAMPS :ing StOCk- Must be 501d. ABeusfiing equipment with purchase of Ann, ___.1 .._4:l HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. ï¬045 Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral". 884-1105. tfc MASONRY cdï¬TnACTOR R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs :1 Specialty Free Estimates all PLUMBING by REXWAY GUARANTEED. NEW WORK. REP IRS MAINTENANCE, TC. 884-7319 889-5061 488-7521 I‘L'O'ORTOVERING CLEANING WINDOWS, \VALLS AND FLOORS SHAMPOOING CARPENTER SEPTIC TANKS PL‘ MPED $25.00 Day or Night 884-2433 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearinz up pipe C. STUNDEN Fireplace, etc. V. 16 Elizabeth St. S. Hill. phone 884- tfc23 Richmond Hill 889-5413 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhlll "tfc34jR. E. Dunn. 884-2798. tfc {axial_P1mï¬imé“&_nnh'rma_ ‘. iRoger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone â€"â€" (-2\\'34L884-1650. tfc24 Income tax rétlirii farms cam- m. pleted. Call 884-6944 \nv tfc43 lateSJIDAY careï¬Vailable in my home§ 7902-;for 2 pre-school children. Keele' 11_c4§‘St. Maple. 832-1213. clwsaj 1DKYVeél'ewin inyï¬h’ohlemforï¬pfe: ondsgschoolers. Rockport and Bayâ€" low'view Ave. 884-7583. (-lw35 “1.19†AVKINIIKBIET-lioi: z‘pre-s'éh'riol? ers, Markham and Essex. 834- ED 7269. c2\\’35 with LOVING day care for children, any age. West side of Yonge Centre St. area, near McConaghy [3 School. 884-8408. c1w35 tfc27 tchf‘) {(044 tfc21 PLUMBING Repairs - alterations. New work. George 783-2613. *1w35 CEEEEfAL cafbeï¬try. huge}; tion rooms, kitchen and repairs. 884-2505. *2w35 FIREPLACE'sfcï¬iinneys, new, rebuilt. repaired. Work guaran- teed. 884-7728 and 889-3087. BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 BRICK veneer, block work, chimneys rebuilt and repaired. fireplaces. Also stonework. All work guaranteed. 884â€"7728 or 889-3087. c3w33 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. ’1‘. Price. 889-3633. 222-4651 CARPENTER Additions, alterations, recrea- tion rooms, ceiling and floor tiling and painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. fireplaces, barbecues, etc. For free estimates, call 884-3434. c8w34 DAY care given in my home. 832-8814. c1w35 bKY‘ééâ€"re. c’ï¬iludi'ven any agé. Oak Ridges. 773-5252. c3w35 WILIjgive day care. 1 or more children, west of Yonge. 884- 7472. *1w31 THORNHILL, care my home or yours. Teachers’ references. 889-6509. c4w35 AVAILABLE in my home, vic- inity Palmer and Lawrence. 884-7312. clw35 NURSE will tag care of chil- dren in her home. 884-8698. clw35 i?ETs FOR SALE COMPETENT day care avail- able for young child, 1-2 yrs. old. Apply 12 Centre St. E. Apt. 3. Richmond Hill. c1w35 UFIBERSTANDIWG mother m care for children in her hplne, breakflgtiand lunch provided, Bayview and Markham Road. 884â€"5286. cl\';35 PUPPIESVfree to good home. 773-5157. c1‘.‘.'35 FEMAIE'doEbEI'fbééglgaud pal-t lab, 5 months old. Free to good home. 884-5033. clw35 BEAGLES, Terriers, Cockers, Shepherds, Labs, and Border ‘Collies, pups. inoculated, $5 â€" \$15. 889-7934. tfc22 offer. 483-2612. clw35 CKT BIOâ€"A-RVDIN'G Registered Siamese kittens and stud service. Household pet kit- tens. Beryl Stewart. 889-2581. POODLE SPECIAL Registered Standards, top qual- ity stock, male and female. Blacks, whites, apricots. Guar- anteed healthy, excellent tem- perament, also miniatures. 889- 1968. c1w35 ELACK'g'elding 15.2, 8 years. Western pony saddle. 884-7411. c1w35 8 year old Pinto mare, 15.3 hands. green jumper. For quick sale $350. Phone 832-1472. :;:'_:__' ___.___._â€"â€"â€" ;HAVE your bridal, bridesmaids T0 .dresses, suits etc, custom made »_______â€"â€"__ by professional. Specialized for RICHMOND Hill, Thornhill‘larger women who are hard to area. 1 bedroom apartment. fit. Call now for appointment. basement acceptable. Preferably,8g4.5515_ c5w34 furnished. April 1 occupancy.! :â€" â€"i# 481-1021 after 6 pm. c3\\'3o|_______â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 1969 Showmobiles, 20 hp. Rent or sell. 889-6509. c4w35 FOR SALE WINTER SPORTS IContinuedi PAINTING sTPAP'ER‘ HANGING RUSSELL PILON EXCAVATING 4 wheel drive lander snow removal L651 16111 Ave. Richvale ’1‘7w33 DAY CARE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 889-7480 881-1105, 884-1106, 884-1983 Any Time c3w35 c3w33 1’ {032 tfc35 le35 bRESSMAKFNG and altera- â€"ltions, 387 Bent Crescent, Richâ€" mond Hill. 884â€"4514. c2w34 I tfc25 lady. Close to transportation. 884-5540. *1w35 2-bay body shop with compresâ€" sor for rent. 889-0277. c1w35 NfCE furnished room, suit gen- tleman. 884-7315. c1\\‘35 {bejiroom $32 and $35 weekLv. 630-9569. c1w35 3 bedroom house. Carrville aï¬d Yonge, $185 monthly. 889-0998. c1w35 FURNISHED room’suitable for 1y. West Richmond Hill. 884- 3205. clw35 LARGE7mï¬i§ï¬â‚¬frdbifélt£é to Yonge Street. 884-8312. iRICHVALE Lions hall has iopenings for dances, wedding 3receptions or stags. Call Stan budd. 889-5038. c2w35 GROUND floor room, $15 week; THORNHILL townhouse sublet 5 months. 4 appliances. drapes. Close to Yonge bus, shopping. 889-7913. c1w35 1 bedroom apartments. Clarke Avenue. near schools. shopping, transportation. Parking. 223- 3630. c1w35 [ADULT apartment, 1 bedroom, available immediately. Hunt Ave. 884-8860 after 7 pm. n1 LARGE furnished bed-sitting room with light housekeeping facilities. Private washroom and entrance. 884-8549. clw35 LARGE 4 bedroom apartment over store. $185 monthly, in- cluding hydro and heat. 773- 9003. c1w35 FU_RNISHED.1‘6(;m for yo’ixfg lady. Kitchen privileges and garage if desired. 884â€"3949. LARGE 4 bedroom apartment over store. $185 monthly, in- cluding hydro and heat. 773: 9003. c1w35 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 COMFORTABLE 3 bedroom‘ apartment in farmhouse. at Duf- ferin Street and No. '7 Highway. Phone after 6 pm. 889-0488. clw35 MASONIC banquet hall, 112 Crosby Ave., for wedding re- ceptions, banquets, dances, stags. Contact Jack Williams. 884-3200. c14w35 FULLY equipped restaurant for rent Keele and Maple, 14 Ridge- mount. For information call Franco Pagliuso 537-2181. mount. For infogrlat-ionâ€" "2211 1966 Dodge Coronet, hardtop, Franco Pagliuso 537-2181. V8, auto. must sell, exceptional c1w35 bargain, $1,475. Full price. 884- 5,000 square feet self-contained 3309' Clw35 sprinklered, industrial space: _ available immediately. Short or 1 long term lease. Call J. Chap-jNURSING " 2* -2 ’ ‘ r223“ -â€"_J. *7. _r 7-â€.â€" Iman: l’iealt01_2371;6_36“ "7714-1 FOREST GLEN RICHMOND H111 I. .basement; NURSING HOME LTD. apart. 3 rooms, pluate bath; stove. fridge} Dal'kiflg. filliel‘A new home for the aged loc- adullS. abstalnel‘s- 220'3435- __‘ated 2 miles east of Neumarket. 5 room. 2 bedroom bungalow, 428 Melrose Avenue. off Ave- nue Road, $140 monthly. Lease 2 years. Kenneth Sharp, Real- tor, 223-2540. c1w35 BACHELOR APARTMENT Ideal Yonge St. location in Richmond Hill; suitable for middle-aged lady. Mr. Sumter, 884-7751. S. J. Carlisle Ltd. Realtor 1 bedroom apartment. equipped 783-6156 or 884â€"7243. SAM SORBARA MOBILE trailer. 12’. Can be pulled with Volkswagen or any compact car. Sleeps 4, fully equipped, propane stove etc., Reasonable price, or for rent. Hogans Trailers, 334 No. 7 GIGANTIC sale, save $300, fan- tastic discounts on tent trailers Wheel Camper, Ride-Lite. and Iroquois and Tepee. Free camp- ing equipment with purchase of new trailer. Offer good. until March 1. small deposit, no pay- ments until spring. McKenzie Camping Trailers Ltd. 235 No. 7 Highway East, Thornhill. Open daily, 1 pm to 9 pm. Weekends to 6, mornings by ap- pointment. 225-6915. c3w33 ROOM or room and Board gentleman. 884-1016. c1 SINGLE room with board, gen- tleman, abstainer, in quiet home. evenings. 88445650. c1w35 ROOM avaiiéï¬l? board op- tional. private entrance, park- ing. 889-3270. c1w35 ROOM & BOARD ACADEMIC tutoring, chemis- try, physics, mathematics for high school. community college and university freshman. 889â€" 6809. c4w32 DRESSMAKING T0 RENT MKRRH'AM ROAD TRAILERS Real Estate Ltd. Realtor TUITION c1w34 (-1w35 c1w34 c1\'.35 c1w35 c2w34 rd for c1w35 ‘ AUTO INSURANCE unuu quULULquJ ‘Ail risks written. Lowest rates‘MARCH 1. SATURDAY at 1 Fast service. Auto financing D-m. Auction sale of farm mach- avauable_ 389.5353, 635-5153_ inery including Cockshutt com- 244-6573. ï¬c38 bine No. 535, 12 foot width. pick 1961 Dodgefgoodâ€"ru‘ï¬in com up attachment, 2 years old harâ€" dition. Best offer. 884-468;. after Vested 1 “99' F°rd "3"†590° 5 pm clw35 super maJor. power steering _____.___._ |(1850 hrs.) Ford 4 furrow trac- 12 ton pickup box. fenders on inside. 8‘ x 51/! $10 or best of- fer. 884-1402. c1w35 1958 Chevrolet, good for parts. $35. 884-5269. c1w35 1965 Pontiac. in good running condition, $750. 832-1496 after 6 pm. clw35 1968 Datsun 2000 Sports. This 150 h.p. really moves. The 5- speed transmission is a real dream. One owner, 13,000 miles, A-l condition. Licence No. 477407. York Import Automo- biles. 16 Industrial Rd. Rich~ mond Hill. 889-8830 1961 Dodge, good running con- ‘ dition. Best offer. 884-4688 after “H L: 5 pm. clw35 1965 FalZExfâ€" 6 automatic, good tor condition, $875. 832-1402. No 1962 Volkswagen window van $250, can be seen days 8 a.m - 5.30 pm. and weekends. 884- 4172. c1w35 1966 Ford Fairlane GTA, good condition $1,700 or best offer. 884-5439. c1\\'35 1963 GMC 1,2 ton pickup. Short box with canopy cover. Mech- anically A-l. no rust. $1095. 884â€": 3689. t£c35 i1969 Datsun 1600 demonstrator, Only 3,000 miles on this fantasâ€"_ tic 4-door sedan. Fully equipped with front disc brakes, radio. heater, fully synchronized 4- speed transmission and ’69 plates. Licence No. 41394N. York Import Automobiles, 16 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 889-8830. c1w35 UMU many ome machinery. elec Also approx. 7.5 including appro: grass hay. Prope Maple Ont. Lot of Vaughan 11/2 Maple on Keel Orr. Auctioneei * * MARCH 5. Vi Clearing farm stein milking or springing be 2 tractors, com vator, 4 Furrc new, Acron Ir (2,500 ft.) extra 3 Surge milker: 37 can bulk (:01 “milk quota", the property 0 ‘n‘nD -L LL... an"! 1963 Mercury 4‘d09r SEdan. A-l Ave; in Stouffville, farm sold. Best Offer» 834-5709- 01W3° no reserve. terms cash, Sale 1 1964 Meteor. 352 motor, 3 speEa pm. Atkipspn and Wilson, Sale 1964 Meteor. 352 motor, 3 speed automatic, plus other extras, ex- p.m. Atkinson and Wilson, aaie Mgrs. and Auctioneers. c1w35 cellent condition. Best offer“ * * "-‘ * 884-7528. c1w355MARCH 12, WEDNESDAY Auc- i9'67â€"flllgsâ€"“Enâ€"fhgtgï¬j tion sale of farm implements 11000 miles radio seat covers’ and household furniture, some floormats, 2 spare tires. 832- 2605. clw35 antiques, 550 Oliver tractor, 3 Pt. hitch. near new, 3 Furrow glivei‘ plow, 3 pt. hitch, MC A L:L_L 1mm 1967 Datsun 16:60 Super SportiDeering~mowen 3pt hitch, MC automatic sedan. Borg-warner, Deering hay baler, near new. line 3-speed automatic. Disc brakes. implements at Lot 35 C011. 5. twin carburetors, one ownerrMarkham Township on Town- finished in white. Licence No. line between Markham and 416128, York Import Automo- Whitchurch. property of Dennis biles, 16 Industrial Rd. Rich- White. No reserve, property mond Hill, 889-8830. c1w35 sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 -‘ ‘ Al‘n‘:nn_ n rs___._.__ A new home for the aged luc- ated 2 miles east of Nenmarket. Private and semi-private rooms. living and dining rooms. Excel- lent food and care, regstercd nurse in charge. Call Newmar- ket. 895-9353. c4w35 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EM.6-8684. tfc17 USED CARS TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. IS GROWING Permanent Position â€"- Full Employee nenems Qualifications: 0 Must be able to meet and communicate with customers. 0 Arrange daily work pattern to meet deadlines. 0 Neat in appearance and habits. 0 Training period will be provided. Official application forms and further information may be obtained from the undersigned Written applications will be received by the undersigned for this position PERSONAL R. A. HORWOOD - SUPERINTENMNT 4 Yonge St. South -- Richmond Hill â€" 884-4466 and has openings for FEMALE ASSEMBLERS in a clean modern plant making transistors and bi-metal products YOU HAVE NO PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE? RICHMOND HILL HYDRO METER READER Richmond Hill Hydro seeks the services of Help us grow at: 280 Centre Street E., Richmond Hill, 0m. 889-7373 c1w35 €2w35 Full Invest. Annual lnco S 800 $2.400 $1.200 $375 $2,000 $6.? Small or large we ca you. Full or part time. Call Mr. Fisher 487-2179 â€"â€" NOW â€" !MARCH 5. WEDNESDAY m Clearing farm auction of 1-101- stein milking herd, I17 fresh ‘or springing before sale timel. '2 tractors, combine, baler. ele- vator, 4 Furrow plow nearly new, Acron Irrigation System (2,500 ft.) extra good condition, 3 Surge milkers, vacuum pump. ; 37 can bulk cooler, 686 pounds "milk quota", hay, straw. etc, ithe property of BRUCE HAR- PER at the south end of O'Brien SALE REGISTERS tor plow semi-mounted, Haybine No. 461, 2 yr. old, 3 heavy duty wagons and racks, truck 34 ton GMC many other items of farm machinery, electric motors etc. Also approx. 7,500 bales of hay including approx. 6600 bales of grass hay. Property of M. Emedi, Maple Ont. Lot 13 Con. 4 Twp. of Vaughan 1L2 miles south of; Maple on Keele Street. Gord iBRADFORD: Fire destroyed the barn plus three calves, a mare and a Shetland pony Mon< day night on the former prop- erty of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hodgson at the intersection of Highways 88 and 400. Alvin S. Farmer, Auction- eer. Phone 887-5311. c2w35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OWN YOUR. OWN Office Cleaning Business YOUR Full Employee Benefits INCOME TAX RETURNS COMPLETED? Contact HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-6782 Full Investment 8 am. to 9 pm id med NEED Annual Income $12,400 $3.61 $6,f‘ c4\\'35 clw35