Two tenders for 51's" crushed gravel (from Connor Transport Limited at $1.40 a ton picked up. and from Indusim Limited at $1.90 a ton picked up) were accepted since in some in- stances it would be more econ- omical to pick up the material from the latter‘s pit than from the farmer‘s. The tender from the Gormley Sand & Gravel ($1.25 per ton from the Bramp- ton pit and $1.20 from -’the Whitchurch pit) was returned since that company had not in- cluded a deposit cheque which was one of the specifications of the tender call. Carl. a graduate of Richmond Hill High School, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Green, 212 Weldrick Road. He won a similar award last year. Vaughan Township Roads Department should be well prepared to cope with the annual rush of road Work brought on by the spring breakâ€" up and with maintenance throughout the rest of the year. At its February 24 meet- ing township council accepted its work committee’s recom- mendations for acceptance of tenders for road materials. A third year student at the School of Mines. Northern Col- lege of Applied Arts and Tech- noloSY. Haileybury Campus. Cairl Green, has been awarded the Patini Scholarship valued at $150 on the basis of his per- formance during the fall semes- ter. THE LIBERAL, Richmond HiH, Ontario, Thursday, March 6, 1969 ImuumummummumnmlIum“mmmmmnumuuuummum The 18 horse power Ski- doo was supplied by Reli- able Mower & Marine, Richmond Hill. Ill“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Vaughan Twp. Okays Rd. Material Sources Two tenders were also ac- cepted for the 22% calcium chloride brine solution because of problems of supply in prev-‘ ious springs. Those tenders were Miller Paving Limited .0930 per gallon and Vaughan Minerals .0950 per gallon. Ma- terial will be purchased from the latter only when the former is unable to supply the required quantities when needed. These were the only tenders received for this material. Indusim will supply 54;" crushed limestone at $2.25 per ton picked up; W. A. Ryder Paving Limited will supply DHO primer at $.196 per gallon (delivered and applied); Miller Paving Limited will deliver and apply 35% calcium chloride at $.1545 per gallon; and Royel Paving Limited will deliver and apply RT2 Tar Primer at $209 per gallon. No tenders were received in response to the advertisements for concrete sand with chips, so invitational tenders were sought from seven firms. Four tenders were received and that of Crawford-Ontario Sand and Gravel at $1.10 per ton was accepted. Deputy-reeve Albert Ruther- ford declared his interest in these decisions and did not vote on them. A Willowdale man, F. H. Buller of 16 Michigan Drive. was the winner recently of a Skidon draw sponsored by The Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce. The ticket was drawn by Miss Sharon Moynes of Maple. in .v r. P P. member Bill Street presented the keys 40' heavy duty installed with all hand antenna $64.50 Rotor and color antenna $99.50 and up All Work Guaranteed Phone 889-7951 Willowdale Man Wins Ski-Boo CARL GREEN Wins Scholarship TV TOWERS Chev. Pontiac 1965-66 MO'I'O-MASTER Front-End Parts You‘re in the driver’s seat! Its great to feel the handling ease of a car that responds instantly to your touch on the steering Wheel. Regain peace of mind for carefree normal driving. TIE ROD ENDS (INSTALLATION $2.10 10 $3AOO ea.â€"in pairs) .29 Each Can-Charge '93:? Credit Card Today ‘a = “Apply for a A 3 1o IDLER ARM SUPPORT KITS Chev. Pontiac 1965-66 .90 Each 6 CYLINDER $9.50 8 CYLINDER $13.50 ENGINE TUNE-UP INCLUDES SCOPE TEST Plus Parts Plus Parts camaay N BONUS .. In Accordance with proced Ontario Department 0: Reg. $14.00 AUTHORIZED SAFETY II INSPECTION this week only EXTRA! By Appointment with procedures FUEL FILTERS Complete kit - Univer- sal, for cars not al- ready equipped with this type of ï¬lter. From . . Replacement Cartridge â€"- For most cars now equipped with gasline ï¬lter. From res set out by Transport Chev., Pent. ; 1954-'68 ’ 6 cyl. - \ -""‘“'w.m’“ .u.‘ Dan’t take chances with a dangerous, leaky mufflerâ€"replace with a Mote-Master Muffler from Canadian Tire. BIG SAVINGS FOR OTHER CARS 3:23;; MUFFLER LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE AGAINST BLOW-OUT ' F 5 U C I n T 5.. .5 TD... 70 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill 884-1196 32919 40.59 40.94 38.98