Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1969, p. 15

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v THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 6. 1969 13 I d‘lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIlllllIIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIIIIllllllIlllllIllllllIllllllllllllllllllIlllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill 3:5 Whatevert/Iepat/i you tread, constituents Say No m Church semces let that pat/1 lead to God I B A P T I 1 E ‘ MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South. Maple I MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH ST.JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH I Minister _ Rev. Norman H. Boogers Maple Community Centre 75 Oxford Street, (2 Miles South of Maple) Keele Street North. Maple Richmond Hill Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor MPS’ Mail Rejects Vatican Recognition By RON WALLACE cyclical on birth controll.” Mr. Roberts said in a re- cent, report, that if Canada did or {our letters eierv day. and "without. exception, they are all against recognition of about 70 countries presently recognize the Vatican. Prime Minister Trudeau Director of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.C.T. Canada's poSSible recogniâ€" Paflum D- 5- Davmson (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Organist Mrs. J. Keffer 11 am _ Service of worshi tion of the Vatican has Stir- . - n s I - n 233'9725 Rev. J. B. W. Lawrence ‘For Information call the Pastor 11 a.m. â€" Church School 1" red Canadians into writing 312‘slati322:[iiisu'nTSSIOiZIZNEE thin: eighth“ agre d “um has reeleved more “ml 5700 Sunday 59m“? B.A.. 3.1).. Pastor ‘ at 832-2528 , J their Members of Parliament. lm‘ing the example of Great MI: 'Robm‘; H t 9 .1 ‘. letters “Phosmg ,remsmlloh . 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Church 884-6323 SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 l 1 and the reaction is anything Britain “.hi‘ch for mm. mm “‘1 ‘ e :3, “1"”. “7‘ and 0111-" a few in law- 7 Pvm- -‘ EYefllni 59"?” 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Church School 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday Church: - ~ but favorable. Years has had ('11 1mm.” re. Em] tie fieavsieate axes ls Spokesmen for Conserva- Nursery Faculties prewded “:11 am"‘ Morning worShip SChOOI DenomInatlonsi John Roberts. York 5101- lations with thep Vatican He said thatsrecognition the Leader Rabert Stand' field and NDP leader Tommy both services. i __ ' ‘ _ ' . l - . 7 pm. Regular Evening 11 a.m. Our SerVIce to God RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL, me‘ has reamed more than “One factor the govern_ letters. about 50 so far. have . ' Service ‘ (The Friendly Church) 24 Oak Avenue Richvale 35 ietters on the subjech 311 _ Come from the clerg‘, the Douglas Said the NO Darli’ Nursery Fac‘l‘tles valded CHRISTâ€"THE KINâ€"G ' ‘ opposing the recognition mint “must consul“ . he 0 L d leaders have not received a NHILL SUNDAY illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . . ~ ' 531d. IS that the Provmce range ° 9' 0th" g'm'r’s- letter in favor of eco '. THOR LUTHERAN CHURCH £9.30 a.m. â€"â€" The Lord‘s Supperi HO‘WVGI- he .Pomled “Ut- of Quebec might well open and many are from Roman t. r 3‘“ THE CHURCH OF ST. BAPTIST CHURCH Royal Orchard Blvd. I11a,m._Fam11y Bible Hour 9 World Day most. of the mail from Icon- 3 mission to the Vatican if Cathhiics 10“- GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL. (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Bay Thom Drive. 7 pm. _ Evening Chapel Hour: stltuents on any given issue the federal government fails “Evideme the”. is mm. In the case of Mr. Stand- l field. the latest count show- Of Prayer Blvaew at Crosby Stop 17. Yonge Street Thornhlll. Ontario Monday is more anti than pro. to act-r objection to Canada's recog- Richmond Hill REV-Minion J“hhsmn- D-D-MIfl-l Arnold D- WEIgel. B.A.. B-D-i I Boys' Brigade March 7 Mr. Roberts said the Vat‘i- ' n . nition of me Vatican" he ed 156 against recognition. Rev, David 1v, Sproule SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 pastor- 7 pm _ Ages 12 - 14 ‘ can issue wasn't. as strong “fl la‘er “lid The L'h‘ said‘ “hm if h-s “huh h‘ I Mr. Trudeau saw the Pope 884-4236 Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving phone 339-0373 9 pm __ Ages 15 _ 18 “Mt (hurrh for me as the 95.3.8 tax subject eral that. Quebec could open dorm know... on January 16 in Rome. (md Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert 10 a.m. â€"- Senior Sunday SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 ‘ Tuesday WW; I,“ “has,” m“ [about 200 letters to his of- 8 channel 0‘ COmmumcalmns While the mails are ob\'i- told a news conference after- Newton-Smith School 19.30 a.m. â€" Sunday Church 8 pm. â€" Service for Prayer ice Mar”; 7 at 2 pm for fice) but it was running fm “its? numbers 0‘ Roman nusly rejecting prime Minis, wards that the federal cabi- SUNDAY. MARCH 9, 1969 ill a.m. â€"~ Service of WOTShIPj School: Grades 3 to 8 ' WedneSdny a" denomination. on the ahead Of the abortion topic. cat‘hohcs' ter Pierre Trudeau‘s anâ€" Ml has decided in favor of THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Nursery and Junior School 111 am. â€" The Service 18 p.m. â€"â€" Ladies‘ Fellowship west side of Richhmnd Hm "Many People seem l0 fGEI “BUI I am sure the 39‘” nouncement. Mr. Danson Tecngnlllnn 0f the HOLV 599- 8 a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion Wfimofifi‘fiifL 11 a.m. â€" Sunday Church Bi-monthly will he 5L Marvis Arum that politics and religion ernment. will take no action said, “we \muid he an irre- HP. quoted the POP? 85 “el- 1030 am. â€" Morning Prayer BAPTIST CHURCH School: Nursery class to grade 2 Saturday can. Yonge Stréet South. ShOUIdn't be mixerl." he “I‘m the“? hf“ been {Imple sponsible government If we coming “19 mm'9 but 198"th Church School 311 ages and (A Fellowship Church) Infant Nursery Provided 17 am. -â€"â€" Men's Prayer Hour Miss Margaret MacDonald_ said. “Those opposing it are 111119 for DUbllC dISCUSSIOI‘l- let the mails make the {is}. it entirely up to Canada. .nursery care 50 Wright Street Everyone Warmly Welcome! Correspondent: D. L. Clarke, fourth year student in so” prohestahm peep].e who a r. s n cision5_" He added that the Mr. Trudeau also ‘Said m 2 pm. â€" Confirmation Instruc- _' â€"‘_â€" 889-1830 1010”. University of To, dont like Catholics. and Barney Danson, York letters would all be consirler- Rome that he would await (Opposite the High School) UL‘S LUTHERAN ST. PA those who react to the Cath- North. said mail on the sub- tlon. ' d h r ' 'h h f' l - ' ' Piston R". A. B_ Arno.” DD. CHURCH ronm‘ Wm speak and Show . . e . ouever. “ en t e ma reaction to his announcement Wednesday _ 8843091 View RICHMOND HILL slides. She participated in ollc Church as an anti-pro- ject has been “heavy”. He decision was made. before the next move was Bay Avenue S., r - 8 pm. -â€" Holy Commumon SUNDAY, MARCH 9' 1969 Near Centre st. EREE the oppmtion Crossroads gresSIve force (recent en- said he receives about three Mr. Danson estimated that taken. ’ ‘ - orner o w i - v r ANGi’i'CAnfiAEIYISRCH 9'45 a‘m' :lleézs school FortTha Revnigfiglgds Hglaupmnee‘ plstor i 3f;ng “5:125:12; diagofgglg d‘IIlllllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-l' Richmond Hill 11 a.m. â€" Subject: "Nicodemus" pastor 384.3264 3"“ Bum 2g; B'A" B'D' among the Africa" NW” A h I d ' I S Rev. F. C. Jackson 7 pm. â€" “Heaven-or Hell” SUNDAY. MARCH 9, 1969 - near Lagos‘ Nigeria' Stua' "at er n "Stna lte o Priest-In-Charge (Notes will be supplied) THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT SUNDAY- MARCH 9‘ 1969 OMS fl'l'm‘l all Parts of North Rev. B. W. Fraser All Welcome 9.30 am, ._ Sunday Churchlg'45 3“" â€" Sum.” SChoorll. Am9'lca Parllcmale in this SUNDAYv MARC“ 9-1959 WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST School 11 “‘1' “' M°ang Wm m moment in an attempt to - ~ in... n. 1. T. s - improve understandins and aug an n ustlla ommlttee - 8 am _ H01 C i CHURCH a.m. -â€" e erVIce “What Does the Bible say About relations with African 0 Insulated Windows 0 Shower Doors . . y ommun on Meet Us Where wudrlck nond With Holy Communion Baptism-Zn people. A” concerned 0 Bathtub Enclosures 0 Table Tops 0 Sliding Doors For Patios & Cabinets 0 Sliding Glass For Sashless Windows 0 Bar Mirror Installations 0 Store Fronts & Aluminum Entrances Diamond Glass 8. Mirror Corp. ltd. 10.30 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: Rev. T. A. M. Bametti (Church School and Nursery Care) 7 p.m. â€" Evensong 8 pm. â€"- Farewell Get-together for Rev. James F. O'Neil and Nursery care is provided during the Service , Midweek Lenten Servlcel 7.30 pm. Wednesday The Missionary, Church Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden. Pastor 884-7859 We. Preach the Redeemer. Resurrection. Rapture and Revelation SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 6 p.m. â€"â€" Class Study. “Science Returns to the Bible“ 7 p.m. â€" Sunday Evening Service. “The Christian Teen- Ager and Dating" Tuesday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Bible Study and people will find her mes- sage most Interesting. Sets Criteria And Objectives Vaughan Township has agreed criteria for its operation whichl to sell approx1mately 5.28 acres were accepted by council Feb-. of industrial land to Goldberg ruary 25. ‘ The Family 10 am Bible school and Frieberg of Toronto. Objectives as set out in the 5 HARLECH COURT THORNHILL ONT 7 ' ' "‘ Prayer Hour . -. , ‘ _ . . . . .0 or (Nursery and Coffee .1116 n The AUthority Of 6'45 p‘m' ’Echristia“ Yomh croft Road extension. in the ln-‘ate forms of developmeiiil. th-i 889'6281'2 M0“ ‘0 Fri: 3 “‘1' "‘ 5 3-m- discussion group) 7 pm __ ..'No more Sacrifices” “‘53 ers dustrial area adjacent to the‘ing regard to industrial. com-i - ~ - CNR Marshalling Yard. Sell- mercial and other developments 7.30 pm. ,â€" Holy Communion EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€" Richvale . Rev. William J. Rhodes 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long, Organist SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 Wednesday. March 12 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical) RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor. W. M. Mercer 223-4478 Saturday ing price was 921.000 per acre. This was reported at council‘Si February 25 meeting. The purchasers have agreed to complete a building contain- ing not less than 30,000 square feet of floor area on or before which attract a high tax assess- . mént structure; and to increase job opportunities for local resi- dents and corresponding pools of labor for industry. thus en- suring that a greater share of money earned in Vaughan ls RICHMOND BILL (Beverley Acres School) Pastor, Andrew P. Jones SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 9.45 a.m. â€"- Family Bible Hour no“ ChurCh for the “7' ening service at 8 pm for THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Nursery in Rectory 11 am. â€" Choral Eucharist 7 pm. â€" Ecumenical Services at Holy Trinity Church 7.30 pm. â€"â€"- A.Y.P.F. Mr. Whilller. lecturer on East- ern Religions at McMaster Uni- versity will speak on Buddhism. Everybody Welcome HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 7 pm. -â€" Pastor Tom Cowan Baptist-C urches In Canada) 26 Churn Street, Thornhill SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 9.50 a.m. â€"- Bible School 11 a.m. â€" Pastor Tom Cowan MA., BD. MA.. BD. Midweek Hour Classes For All Ages 11 a.m. â€"â€"- Morning Worship Pastor Speaks on Joy in Prayer (Series in Philippians) Wednesday 7.45 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting GORMLEY Pastor, Rev. H. S. Hallman Friday 8 pm. â€" Youth Fellowship Speaker: William Anderson. 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Sabbath School 11 am. -â€" Divine Worship Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Public Cordially Invited DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clark 8: Willowdale Sts.) SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Family Service Speaker: Mr. Allen C. Burrow the denominations on the east side of town will be Our Lady Queen of the World. Here the girls’ groups of each church have been invited to join in the service on the theme “Growing Together With Christ". The theme will be developed in special musical numbers by Our Lady Missionary Sisters. July 31. 1970. Industrial Committee At the second meeting this year held January 28. council decided to Set up on industrial development committee. Nam- ed to it were Councillor Gordon Risk. Councillor David Fraser, Reeve Garnet Williams. Indus- trial Commissioner James Mc- Donald and Planning Director‘ John Dewar, reinvested locally. The committee also defined its duties and functions as: To encourage continued de- velopment of industry within the municipality to retain the ‘ present high ratio of indust- rial-residential assessment. To act as a focal point for , industrial development activi- It was not- ties and enquiries. ed that the committee is aware ' THORNHILL YOUlh EVaHSEIlSt 0f 15- B~ 0' Andes Evangelical Mission . that many initial enquiries are; Brooke and Jane Streets Kitchener. 6.30 p_m'_C0mmunion ServicetIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI The committee presented‘highly confidential and win con: Rector THORNHILL PRESBYTERIANT-45 pm. â€" Women's World 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service itinue to be directed to the in- Rev- E. Reginald Howden. B.A- CHURCH .Day of Prai‘er in Stouffi'hle Mr. Allen C. Burrow . idustrial commissioners. Their. Adult Entertainment L. Th. 271 Centre Street Missiona‘ry ChUI‘Ch- Wednesday imain function will be to en-, , Ne w: From Next Door icourage a flow of enquiries. l The committee will study and SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 Estelle Markham. ARCT.. RMT. 9.50 a.m. -â€"â€" Bible School with' Organist and Choir Director Thornblll. Ontario. i l 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans, D.D.{ and Bible Study Pl .1 Wednesday Minister Classes for 911 Ages . BRADFORD: Ontario Provirm WILLOWDALE: The North recommend to council develop“ ' a'm' ""1 1030 “IL â€" HOLY Mr. Franz Loesgen. Organist 11 MIL â€" WOI‘Shlp , A CHURCH OF CHRIST 131 police have revea1ed that a york Borough Traffic Com_ ment policies such as impost‘ “If He Hollers Let Ham G0” cmfifmmlon 11SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 7-30 Pm- aggzalagervme Concord Road and King High Weston man who picked up an mittee will consider an idea to fees to deve10pers. seriéicing Sin. 1 u "m‘ â€" Morning worship ‘ Drive in' d m h u er ‘ - rangements. etc. an s a e. aomruncr 2 pm. -â€" World Day of Prayer 7 pm. â€"- Evening Worship 189m. â€"- Prayer Service and CONCORD oflugghwailn 4%?) E21910; i: gldan 2111:1339“: 11:6 :éeaa: 133125032: policies which will Fontinue to; m Starran Raymcgldn St. goalies sUNslt). LUReS ChurCh RICHMOND HILL Blue Study . SUNDAY SERVICES accident. knew the victim. An- Yum suggested that North attract destrable prolects and at armature-om ana yr! 61' AY. MARCH 9. 1969 A Warm Welcome Awaits You 9.45 am_ __ Bible 5.311001 (A11 drew snabak’ 45_ of New York pay the students exactly the same time maintain firm THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion Corporate Communion Break- fast for 1968 Confirmation Class 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer "Why Not Do What Comes Natural ?" - The Rector. 7 pm. â€" Holy Trinity Church Preacher: Rev. Irving Higgins 7 p.m. â€" Young People's Family Life Program in Parish Hall ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage M.A.. DD. 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. T. Evans DD, Interim Moderator SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Worship Guest Speaker J. C. Cooper 11 a.m. â€" Nursery Department ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple and ST. PAUL’S. VAUGHAN. 7th. Concession Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 10 a.m. â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School Holy Communion 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul’s Church and Sunday School ATTENTION KIDS! Odeon Richmond Hill and the PLAYPEN SALUTE “THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN AN UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streets) Minister The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Organist and Choir Leader: Gordon M. Fleming Church Office: 884-1301 SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 9.45 am. â€" Primary. Junior, Intermediate Church School Nursery Kindergarten 11 a.m. Sermon â€"- “We Believe in God." ST. MATTHEWS ITNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue 'Rev. 1". James Burn. BA, RD. Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1989 ‘11 a.m. â€" Worship Service (Infant Care) Church School 9.30 a.m. -â€"- Ages 6-14 11 a.m. â€"- Ages 3-5 Everyone Welcome Minister Mrs. Wilfred G. Bowes Director of Music SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 and Sunday School THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Ministers D THEIR FLYING MACHINES" (Starting March 13th) We are hold airplane CONTEST Buy fantastic models ing' a model building at the PLAYPEN BUILD them them at THE ODEON and display where they will be judged on March 14 at 6.00 pm. GRAND PRIZE PT-19 Flig with gas powered motor ht Trainer STILL l PRESCRIPTION PRICES . .. VANGUARD PHARMACY 9014 Yonge Street 889- ‘Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.D. lRev. Garth C. Nelson, B.A.. B.D.. S.T.M. SUNDAY. MARCH 9, 1969 19.30 a.m.â€"Intermediate School young holstein herd also good. 11 a.m. â€"â€" “Judas: Tried and Suicide". Rev. G. C. Nelson 11 a.m. â€" Nursery For further Information call 889-2131 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.D. 9.45 a.m. â€"- Worship Service Ages) 11 a.m. â€"- Ministry of the Word 7 pm. â€" Worship and Com- munion. Wednesday 7.30 p.m. -- Bible Study ' Friday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Young People's A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 R. Witty. Sec. 889-5057 CALVARY CHURCH 96 Hunt Avenue Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Pastors: P. A. Sorenson R. A. Cruiokshank 884-4387 884-8963 SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1969 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service ” SALE REGISTERS MARCH 13. T A THURSDAY Clearing farm auction of 40 young Holstein milk cows. in- cluding fresh, springers, bred heifers. 3 tractors. combine. Forage harvester 3 heads. For- age blower, J. D. Hay-Bine, P.T.O. mower. P.T.O. Spreader. 4 Furrow plow, 2 RT. wagons, 2 grain augers, elevator, 2 row corn planter, P.T.O. sprayer, baler, electric welder, hay, grain, 44 can cooler, 4 Surge milkers. pump, etc. Selling at the farm located at Lot 26. Con. 8 Pickering Twp (being 8 miles NE of Markham) or (30 miles NE. of Toronto) the prop-' city of the late DAVID MC-‘ DOWELL. Note. This is a good :dairy equipment with large; cooler. No Reserve â€" Terms' jcash. Sale 12.30 noon. ‘Atkinson and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. .' iand Auctioneers. c1w‘36. THE SAME 1111 market was taken to the motor- ists home where he was re- moved to a hospital but was dead on arrival. I He had com- plained of chest pains. Charges are pending. ik ik III * WILLOWDALE: North York Board of Control decided last week to let a restaurant use the home of David Gibson, founder of Willowdale, as as restaurant- museum. The two-storey brick house. built in 1851, is behind‘ the Willowdale Post Office. The house has been a subject. of controversy since it was given to North York by the builder of a nearby high-rise. Alderman Murray Chusid once called it a “financial sinkhole" after council budgeted $100,000 to turn the house into a pioneer museum. Only about half was spent. Ilr ix it it > BRADFORD: Bradford's firstl case of dangerous driving against a snowmobile operator was thrown out of court for lack of evidence recently. Edward Corner of Lefroy was charged after he cracked his snowmobile up against a guide- post on Highway 11 south of' Lefroy Road. Corner was in- jured in the accident which caused $800 damage to the snowmobile. OPP Constable Gordon Smith testified that the vehicle was in flames when he reached the scene and that tracks in the what is paid a contractor. The student president at Downsview Secondary School said that grade 13 students need money to enter university and by cleaning shelters they could earn about $400 each. n at: s n NEWMARKET: The Newmar- ket Library has been estab- lished for more than a century. In 1860 a library service was .started in a cultural and educa- tion hall and by 1885 the serv- ice grew to 885 books. Armour BRADFORD: Bradford Co-Op- erative Storage Limited was fined $100 recently for import- ing and selling an American- made weed killer that isn’t: reg- istered with the federal Depart- ment of Agriculture. Coâ€"Op Manager John Fern- hout testified that he had bought the US. product because it is $5 per 50 lb. bag cheaper than the same product made in Canada. He said he bought 30,000 lbs. John Russell of the agricul- ture department testified that the federal legislation is de- signed to assure product safety and quality. it it Ill NEWMARKET: A Holland Landing man. George Harrison. 24, whose only hope for sur- vival is a kidney transplant. will undergo the operation soon at Toronto Western Hospital. snow indicated that Corner had The donor will be his mother driven straight into the guide-.â€" or possibly his motherâ€"in- post. law. Watch for the . . . of our EASTER SATUR and SUNDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY Adults: 33.50 - Children: (Free under 8 yrs.) RESERVE NOW Book NOW for . WEDDING. .‘lEETlN PEPPER P At Preston Lake Grand Opening FABULOUS BUFFET SUNDAY NIGHT THEREAFTER. (Easter Bunny Gift For Each Child) DON‘T BE DISAPPOINTED - RANQUETS * RECEPTIONS (Don Mills Rd. - 9 Miles N. of No. 7 Highway) DAY AND $2.00 GS * ETC. OT LODGE Phone 727-5194 ‘week. control of development. Information sources, possibly a brochure. on community reâ€" sources will be developed by the committee so that industry can easily assess the tremendous It will periodically report to council on development activities and potential in Vaughan. other matters. WHITCHURCH: Damage was, estimated at $30,000 in a fire that destroyed a farm equip-‘ ment building on Concession 3 of Whitchurch Township last: from Newmarket. Holland Landing and Aurora Firemen were called in Queensville, i Starts March 6th Week Days â€"â€" 1 complete show at 7 pm.‘ “If He Hollers" at 7.20 “Shalako” at 915 Saturday â€" Continuous show from 4.30 pm. “If He Hollers" at 4.35 & 8.25 â€" “Shalako” at 6.25 & 10.15 Sunday â€"â€" Continuous show from 2.00 pm. “If He Hollers” 2.05. 5.50, 9.40 â€" “Shalako” 3.55 & 7.40 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 Iirsl tube;$l,500,000 v. _. “lllllitirri how come? Often a fortune has to be squeezed into a tube of toothpasteâ€"or for that matter, any productâ€"before it can be sold. There's 0 lot of money for product research . manufacturing . . . for packaging . . advantages of the product. The product months, maybe yeors, Does advertising reduce the cos without it, manufacturers could not at on old ones . . . because advertising te make moss production possible and practical. So if your teeth are cl little brighter, core than lost yeor . . . that's the poin and often millions of do . . for consumer testing . . . for .ond finally for promotion to tell you the you eventually see in on ad has token liars to get there. ts from millions to 79C? OI course not. But, lord to invent new products or improve ‘ls enough people about the product lo and you're spending less money on dental t we're trying to get across: Advertising helps good things happen. advertising helps good things happen 6â€"MPB-E 151

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