Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9.30 mm. to 5.00 p.m.â€"Fri. 9.30 am. to 6.00 p.m.â€"Sal. dosad ; Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Barbara Stephenson and Tony Peck on their forthcoming marriage to take place in June. April is cancer month. Please Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephenson. that she is out of hospital and give generously when your can- Thornridge Drive. and Tony is recovering from knee injuries vasser calls on you. All canvas- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman she suffered in a recent auto sets are volunteers who giveIPeck. Arnold Avenue. accident. Gail will be on their time and effort to this * * * "' crutches about eight weeks. campaign and deserve your co- Mr. and Mrs. John Young! * * r * operation. Funds are urgentlyl“Keegunoo". John Street. andiUCW Mark Holy Week needed to carry on 1‘esearch.;their son Fraser returned lastl Thornhill United UCW celeâ€" public education and patientm'eek from a holiday at Montego brated Holy Week \n'th a sacri- service. Help stamp out this Bay. Jamaica. ficial luncheon last week Tabl- dread disease with a donation. Mrs. Young and Fraser spent;es were attractively set with ap- 18 Barbara is the daughter of Socially Speaking In Thom/rill Compare our charges on loans over 5 l500 with what you would pay elsewhereâ€"then come to Household and save. Choose from many loan sizes and repayment plans. Life insurance available on loans of low group rates. We think you will like doing business with the newest oflice of HFCâ€"Household Finance. You arrange your loan in bright, cheerful surroundings. The HFC manager will give you the most helpful service possible. He‘s a specialist in making instalment loans, and he will handle your account with consideration and understanding not only when you make a loan, but all along the line. In fact, HFC serves more than 1/3 million Canadians like you every yearâ€"and two out of three new customers come to Household on the recom- mendation of friends. Visit HFC’s new oflice today or phone if more convenient. RICHMOND HILI. 'IS Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-443] (across from the Towne & Countrye Square) HOUSEHOLD FINANC NEW W 6991 Yonge Street at Steele: New in Willowdale prompt, courteous, trustworthy money service Borrowrwith conï¬dence . ;. look for the HFC sign of LOANS UP TO $5000 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 10. 1969 at 6991 Yonge Street at Steeles (across from the Town; & Countrye Square) (next to the Richmond Hill Uhived Church) another aï¬cefor Take up Io 60 Months to Repay Thornhill and District News Telephone 226-0171 PHONE 889-3190 Friends of Mrs. William Stur- geon (nee Gail McCrea of Am» old Avenue) will be glad to hear Mrs. Young and Fraser spent three weeks holidaying in the sun and Mr. Young enjoyed a two week visit. Mr. and Mrs‘ John Young! * * * * "Keegunoo". John Street. andtUCW Mark Holy Week their son Fraser returned lasti Thornhill United UCW cele- week from a holiday at Montego brated Holy Week with a sacri- Bay. Jamaica. ficial luncheon last week Tabl- Mrs. Young and Fraser spent-es were attractively set with ap- three weeks holidaying in the'propriate decorations and each sun and Mr. Young enjoyed a'place had an envelope for a sac- two week visit. Irificial offering. "The Liberai†is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190. 6 CALL 889-0355 65}; It's easy to pla how‘s-our ad. Just can 884-1105. uuw 1caluca Iu LuLquuuu .111â€. DR Mallard may be reached. Get well wishes to the follow- 9“- â€" r .mg people who are or have :‘tyiï¬jigslog at 5440 longe Stflrecently been in York Central â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Hospital. Adele Costoff, who Wsuï¬ered a dislocated ankle. APPLIANCEO‘ Rudy Ritchie of Pemberton SERVICE 6 Road and Jack Sm’ndlehurst of OPROMPT & DEPENDABLE‘AIBY Avenue. 9 SERVICE 2 'Frigidaire. Philco. Wasting-Q house, Inglis washers, dry-y ers, duomatics. dishwashers. F ‘and all makes of ranges. 5 n -Dr. Mollard was raised in the Thornhill district and attended Thornhill Public School and Thornhill Secondary. John was married in December 1968 and now resides in Richmond Hill. Dr. John Mallard. a 1968 graduate of the Ontario Veterin- ary College. became an associ- ate of Dr. H. R. Armstrong, with Dr. Harris at the Arm- strong, with Dr. G. Harris at the Armstrong Veterinary Hos- pital in March this year. DR. JOHN MOLLARll Veterinarian Joins Local Hospital Staff Brebeuf College Ladies' Guild Annual Bridge is taking place April 23 at 8.15 pm in Brebeuf College School. Steeles Avenue East, Willowdale. This annual party is always an outstanding spring event in the area and this year promises to be no exception. Excellent prizes. refreshments and an en- tertaining evening is guaran- teed. The Lions annual May auction will soon be here. Pickup will be arranged for household items. furniture, sports equip- ment etc. by calling 889â€"5853 or 6016. The bride is the former Phylâ€" lis Marguerite St. John. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. St. John, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hook all of Thorn- hill. Convening this year's bridge party is Mrs. Bernard O‘Connor. Prize convenor is Mrs. T. P. Phelan and ticket convenor is Mrs. U. J. Vigneux. For tickets please call 221-2197. Please help the Lions by do- nating the items listed above. Funeral arrangements were held at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. Yonge Street. with inter- ment at Thornhill Cemetery. Congratulations and best wish-l es are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gordon Hook on the oc-; casion of their recent marriage} The wedding took place in Holy Trinity Anglican Church with the Right Rev. D. B. Marsh of- ficiating. March 29. 1969. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. Scott. Miss Elizabeth Francis and Robert Francis on the death of their brother William Edward that occurred March 30 at his home. luncheon would become an an- nual event in Thornhill. wwuaie nuuse 1n anus. Mrs. Pengelley’s subject dealt with her imaginative impression The house was bought by.the of the women who were at the borough for $1 fmm gadmac crucifixion. Following her in- Development Corporatmn .25 spiring talk, Mrs. Pengelley part 0f the (1.931 when.Park Wll' sang “were You There When low. a high-rise building behind They crucified My Lord-3n Willowdale Post Office. was apâ€" proved. North York has spent The idea of a sacrificial luncheon originated 20 years $48,000 out of $100,000 that has ago at Eaton Memorial and Mrs. been bUdgetEG to restore it. Pengelley has conducted it in It “’35 USEd as a rooming- recent years in Kitchener andlhouse for several years before many other cities. lit was turned Over to the bor- Mrs. Pengelley opened her program with the rendition of two sacred selections then de- livered an address entitled “The Women At The Foot Of The Cross". Mrs. E. M. Honey introduced the famous soloist Mrs. Jeanne Pengelley of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church as special guest of the afternoon. Mgnfégpréééeidrhope that thejough and became run down Birthday greetings to Nancy Wehrens. May Avenue who will be 13 years old April 15. Find a buyer through a class- ified ad in “The Liberal†Used Cars Column. It‘s easy to place Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wehrens and family enjoyed a day spent at their cottage near Collingwood last weekend. Mrs. George Masters visited her daughters, Mrs. David Suth- erland and family in Singhamp- ton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright and family spent the weekend in Buffalo, New York. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Len Kirk. Pem- berton Road have returned home following more than two months‘ holiday in Mexico. The Kirks journeyed south for Mrs. Kirk‘s health and motored both ways. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. J. Robertson, 240 Crestwood Road, who is now a patient in Branson Hospital. She had previously been conâ€" fined to bed at home for some time. A friendly note or cheery card from some of her neigh- borS‘ and friends would un- doubtedly benefit her greatly. Mrs. Ann Wilson Neighbors and friends were saddened last week to learn of the passing of Mrs. Ann Wilson in her 74th year. She had lived on Crestwood Road for a num- ber of years. but recently movâ€" ed to Willowdale. Service was held at the chapel of the Jerrett Funeral Home March 31 with cremation following. Beloved wife of James Wilâ€" son and loving mother of Marg- aret (Mrs. Alfred Wayne). the late Mrs. Wilson is survived by seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Best wishes to Phyllis St. John and Roy Hook whose mar- riage took place March 29 at 3 pm in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill. Details of the wedding will appear at a later date. Messages of sympathy, floral tributes and the many kindsâ€" nesses of neighbors were sin- cerely appreciated by the fam- ily. The Brownie Cookie Blitz will be held April 30 from 5 to 7 pm. The 4th Thornhill Brown- ie Pack will appreciate your co- operation in this fund raising project. Just a reminder to the ladies in their spring cleaning to save their- good rummage and white elephants for Powell Rd. Home and School fun fair which will be held in the school May 10. ' ' Neighborhood Notes Percy Mulholland. a former president of the North York Historical Society. protested that if the house is a licensed restaurant it will no longer be a suitable museum for children. He had to flee the country, but was pardoned and built Wil- lowdale House in 1851. Service has been working more than a year trying to get the home of Willowdale's foun- der David Gibson turned into a restaurant. He succeeded in interesting former Argo football star Dick Shatto. who now is a restaurateur. Gibson was one of William Lyon Mackenzie‘s chief lieuten- ants in the rebellion of 1837-88. Want Former Home Of; Mackenzie Rebel Saved North York Mayor James Ser- vice‘s plan to turn a historic home into a restaurant has roused protests from history buffs in the borough. Crestwood Rd. News NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 SELLING YOUR CAR? aâ€... -- v... - «9â€..- .--..v.\. .. 5--. Used clothing for Lutheran World Relief and relief for In- Spiritual healing and counsel- dians and Eskimos will be C01. ling services will be held every led during April. All itemslwwnesday evening from 7-8 of children‘s clothing and adults‘pm in the chancel. Rev A. I. are needed lladies’ high heel,‘â€"-â€"__â€"â€"â€" shoes excluded). Boxes are‘ ture". placed in the church hallway. [ §§ fï¬i§ A barbecue breakfast is being held April 13 at 9 am at the church by the youth committee. A discussion and participation in the service will follow. Should the weather be inclement the breakfast will be held in the church hall. Lutheran Evangelism Confer- ence will be held May 9 and 10 at the Holiday Inn, Highway 401 and Warden Avenue and is entitled “The Church's Outâ€" reach in Canada". Registration fee is $2 per person. Speakers at the conference new Suï¬ragan Bishop. Right will include former Prime Min- ReV- Lewis GarnSWOI‘thy admin- ister John Diefenbaker MP. Dr. istering the Rite of Confirma- Otto Reble, regional secretary tion to a class of adults and for Board of Missions Lutheran'..\'0ung People- Church in Canada; Rev. D. Al-lUnitEd ChurCh bert Lotz. president Eastern The Couples’ Club is holdLng Synod and The Rev. Stewart 3 dinner party at the church Crysdale. professor of sociologylApril 12 at 6.30 pm. York University. I Commencing April 20 the Registration forms are avail-iministers Will deal with “Sur- able from Pastor Arnold Weige1.EVival_ After Death and Its Na- WWW‘ Lutherans Plan Barbecue Breakfast The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered April 20 at 11 am. Anyone wishing to have their baby baptized is ask- ed to contact the church ofï¬ce at least one week prior to the 20th. The church council will»meet April 10 at 8 pm. Second Thornhill Guides. Diane Reesor, toymaker; Neila Poscente. writer: 3rd Thornhill Guides, Debbie Bea], second class: Ellen Cook, second class and hostess; Alison Boyd, gym- nast: Jane Sues, Audrey Van Bruchem, Sharon Boyd and Pat- ti Bovwer, home nurse. Christ the King Lutheran 72 Badges awarded 1n recent weeks were presented to the following Guides and Brownies: lst Thornhill Brownies. Ann Antonaci. jester and knitter; Linda Dauncey, jester and knitter; Janice Heramchuk. dan- cer and toymaker; Laura Lang- man, minstrel; Karen Parker, collector and writer; Judi Snid- er, collector and cyclist; Linda Briden, writer. Guides and Brownies PHONE 889-8305 120 Clarke Ave. Corner Royal Orchard Blvd. and Bay Thorn Dr Thornhill Cemetery Company ANNUAL MEETING OF PLOT HOLDERS Corner of Henderson Avenue WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16 - 8 RM. NORTH THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE THORNHILL FISH AND CHIP We Specialize THORNHILL Honored at the recent Thornhill Senior Citizens’ fifth birthday party were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mizen who celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary March 27. Mr. Mizen was the first president of the seniors. The Mizens have lived in the South Tliornhill area since 1923, being one of the first to build a home in Doncaster. Although both born in England. the Mizens were married in Toronto in 1915. living there for a number of years, then on Mili Road in North Richvale for a few years before moving to Doncaster in 1923. HALIBUT ONLY Mizens Married 54 Years The Couples‘ Club is holding a square dance April 12 at 8.30 pm in the church hall. Dancing and games will be enjoyed and all couples are welcome to at- tend. Accommodation for a married student for the 1969â€"70 aca- demic year is urgently needâ€" ed. Please call Rev. J. Stanley Glen. principal of‘ Knox Colâ€" lege, at 932â€"7809 if you can help. The church hockey teams have been invited to attend the annual bash April 12 at 3 pm when Dr. and Mrs. Dillvwn Evans will be hosts at their home 7 Raymond Drive. Holy Trinity Anglican Confirmation service will take place April 13 at 7 pm with the new Suï¬rag‘an Bishop, Right Rev. Lewis Garnsworthy admin- istering the Rite of Confirma- tion to a class of adults and young people. United Church The Couples' Club is holdLng The WMS bale this year will bers. Be sure to be on hand to be sent to Kenora Fellowship make your choice of premium Centre. MacKenzie Portage, Re- to be distributed at the May serve. Ontario, and Rolling Riv- meeting. er Reserve, Manitoba. Child- April meeting will feature the ren's knitted garments. under-lfirst monthly show of the sea- wear. layettes, yard goods, ma- son. Exhibits this month will ternity dresses. dark quilts. used be house plants. including Af- sporting equipment etc. aregrican violet‘s. geraniums. cactus needed. ’etc. A decorative section will The Couples' Club is holding‘include a class for miniature a square dance April 12 at 8.303 arrangements, - spring flowers pm in the church hall. Daucing’and branches and evergreen and games will be enjoyed and arrangements. Fortnighte'rs will meet April 21. Come and bring a friend and join the group as they pre- pare cancer dressings. The WMS is holding an East- er Thankoffering service April 15 at 2 pm. Mrs. S. A. Milne, synodical supply secretary, will be guest speaker. The Presbyteens have sched- uled a retreat at Lake Joseph for the last weekend in April. All interested young people are asked to contact the group at 12.30 pm any Sunday. Presbyterian Church FRASER DUNN “Find out how much you may save on car insurance!†State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co 145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL, ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 Canadian Head Office Scarborough Ontario IIIIIIIII a \‘ ///4 If you are not a member of the society you are most wel- come to attend as a visitor. Come and bring a friend. Re-l freshments will be served. The meeting will be held in the lower auditorium of Thom- hill United commencing at 8 pm. Bob Keith will be guest speaker at the April meeting of the horticultural society and will give an illustrated talk on "seeds". The plant premium list will be available to all paid up mem- bers. Be sure to be on hand to make your choice of premium to be distributed at the May meeting. Higgins will be available for interviews and counselling at this time also. Subject under discussion is "Faith and Health". Horticultural Society DRY CLEANING In by 10 am NO PARKING PROBLEMS" (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) SAME DAY SERVICE 10 am. - 12:00 As an associate veterinarian with Dr. G. Harris. Dr. Mollard graduated in May 1968 and is a native of Thornhilvli Armstrong Veterinary Hospital You’ll Like Our Quick Service and Top Quality Workmanship Saturday 10:00, am. - 1 pm. Out by 5 pm DR. JOHN MOLLARD has now joined the staff of the 5445 YON GE ST. No appointments in the evening hours DR. H. R. ARMSTRONG Phone 884-2162 Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Beyond Compare†no .r/ a . Ill/1;), z/ztx/xt/xzyl/ 72/†ONGE s T Consultation by Appointment M Interesting in the above cate- gory is the work of Claire Mar- lin entitled “In An Iron Glove". This work was awarded the Prix Franceâ€"Quebec and Governor General's Award for 1966-67 when it was first published in French in two volumes. The Ryerson Press has now publish- ed it in one volume and the ex- cellent translation and preface by Philip Stratford add to the interest of this remarkable book. As he so aptly remarks in his preface. “â€"â€"her life was a shocker“. The lives of the literary great (past and present) are astound- ing in their revelations. In- cluded in this group are the fol- lowing, a few of many available Another involvement in man- kind occurs in the book “Com- ing of Age in Mississipi" by Anne Moody. A very disturb- ing book exposing what it is like for a Negro to come of age in the southern U.S.A. The classic. “Father and Son" by Edmund Gosse. a most wel- come reprint. tells of the clash of temperaments between an inâ€" tensely religious father who would allow no compromise and his equally adamant son who sought the right to think and choose for himself. announces that PRIVATE LIVES MADE PUBLIC Willowdale THORN H [LL PUBLIC LIBRARY Family Reading Sunday 11 am. - 1 pm. WM 223-7400 at this library: The Huxleys. Lytton Strachey. Harold Nicol-v son. Joyce Cary, Nabokm‘. The Brontes, Robert. Frost. Rumer Godden. The Sitwells. Gavin Maxwell. Bertrand Russell. Bea- trix Potter. Thomas Wolfe. Rus- kin, T. H. White, Hans Suyin. Boswell. Tolstoy. The lives of the famous and infamous who have made their mark on the world are chosen at random as follows: Pulitizer, Henry VIII. Hitler. Napoleon. Karl Marx, Mussolini, Churchill. Krupp. Eve Curie. Oscar Wilde. Aristotle Onassis. Florence Nightingale. Visit the library. located on Colborne Street in the village. and enjoy some of these fascin- ating books. BOB SHELSTON SR. Low cost monthly and quarterly terms available Fire ~ Auto - Burglary Liability Office PHONE Res. 223-6540 889-4131 W [A / A.I.I.C. GENERAL INSURANCE 7 pm. - 8 pm.