Arts of the old world and the new are on display at the recently opened Carrville Gal- lery of Imants and Aija Gran- tins. ' This particular type of art became popular in 15th Century Venice. when caskets were de- corated in this fashion; and in the 17th and 18th centuries it spread to other parts of Europe as intricate designs were being lpblied to European furniture. Mr. Grantins. who is known as "Ed", is a carpenter by trade and an expert in the ancient art of marquetry. or wood-inlay. He came to Canada nine years ago via Germany. Working in his spare time, he has created a collection of marquetry in various forms for the Carrville Gallery. Mrs. Grantins, who paints under her maiden name of Aija Brunins. arrived in Canada at the age of 11, and settled with her parents in Orillia. Her father. also a carpenter. makes violins for a hobby. and her mother weaves intricate and colorful Latvian designs on cu'shion covers, blankets, and linen. There is still time to get your tickets for the YCHA annual White Rose Ball being held May 2 at the Inn On The Park. This annual fund raising ball promises to be the outstanding social event of the season. Music for dancing is being pro- vided by Frank Bogart and his Orchestra and a fun fashion show will be presented by Leo- nard Furs; Toronto, following the dinner. Many lovely prizes will be presented to lucky winners dur- ing the evening. VTickets are $20 a couple. For information please call Mrs. R. Pickthall at 889-3033 or Mrs Both natives of Latvia who met and married in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Grantins have been working from their studio in their home at 52 Oak Avenue, Richvale. ~Aija’s field, however. is paint- ing oils. She graduated from Ontario College of Arts in 1962, and paints when she can take time from caring for her two small daughters and their home. Commenting 0“ his new 9’" a1 affer suffering a heart at- terprise. Mr. Grantins said. “We tack last week are happy in this area, arid hope Mr. and Mrs. Larry Black and that business will develop. Pos- daughter Deanna of Campbell’s sibly we shall start leasing Bay_ Quebec spent the week paintings in the near future.†with the Williamson Clarks of Gallery hOUI‘S 31‘8 5-30 10 10 Pemberton Road. Mr. and Mrs. pm on Thursday and Friday and Arnie Jensens were weekend 10 8-111. t0 9 Pm- 0“ SatUI‘GRY-guests of the Clarks also. It is located at 16111 Avenue; Belated birthday greetings to and Yonge Street. [Maurice Clark, 12. April 15, Guide and Brownie cookie blitz takes-place next Wednes- day. Guides and Brownies will be’calling on all village resi- dents on that one day to sell cookies. Please help the girls by purchasing cookies from them. All proceeds go toward Guide and Brownie activities. White Rose Ball Oils Ancl Marquetry At Carrville Gallery Cookie Blitz Newly opened in Willowdale. Groovey styles from “dol- liesâ€. Also Pandora has the fabulous "Pex" sheer panti hose. Drop in and see us. Open until 9 Thursday and Friday. 6036 Yonge St. 3 blks. south of Sleeles Ave PHONE 889-8305 120 Clarke Ave. Corner of Henderson Avenue THORNHILL FISH AND CHIP We Specialize THORNHILL HALIBUT ONLY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 24, 1969 PANDORA BOUTIQUE PANDORA Thornhill and Déstrct News Socially Speaking PHONE 889-3190 W. Orr at 889-1334. Thornhill Presbyterian Church. maker. cookie Mr. and Mrs. H. R. BLu‘gess. Mrs. Read is the former Mar-1 * * * “ Vednes- Thornridge Drive, were hostsilyn Isabel Macklin. daughter Holy Trinity Anglican ies willlat a pre-White Rose Ball cock-got Mrs. Marjorie Macklin and‘ The Right Reverend Lewis e resi- tail and buffet dinner AprillVernon Macklin. Brian is theEGarnsworthy, Suffragan Bishop to sell 13. The eVening affair was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie of Toronto, administered the e girls get-acquainted party for the Read of Thornhill. Rite of Confirmation to a class from group who will be attending * at! * a: iof 37 candidates April 13 at 7 toward the ball together. The first ladies- golfel-.curler pm in Holy Trinity Anglican ities. Special guests at the gather- day is being held at Thomhiu Church. ing were the co-chairmen of Golf and country Club May 6_ A reception followed the serâ€" et your the Thornhill Branch. Mrs. Roy Ladies will enjoy a game of vice in the parish hall when the annual Pickthall and Mrs. William Orr golf and luncheon at the club. candidates and their relatives 1 held with their husbands. Mrs w_ w_ Wilson is conven. and friends met Bishop Garns- a a Park. Tennis Club ing the occasion worthy and his wife. AMrs. Ar- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fowler on the birth of a son last week and to the proud grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler. Weldrick Road. The community extends a warm welcome to the following lnewcomers on Yongehurst Road: Interested adults are asked to call Mrs. L. Scarff at 889-7146 or Miss B. Rowe at 223-6164. Juniors and intermediates please contact Calvin Harley at 889-3313. With sunny skies and warmer temperatures over the past two weekends, some club stalwarts have already been out on the courts. It looks like another successful season is underway for the Thornhill players. Friends of Ken Hunting will be glad to know he is recover- ing from a recent tonsillectomy at York Central Hospital. Bride-Elect Miss Barbara Stephenson, Thornridge Drive, was entertained at a kitchen shower April 16 at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Robertson, To- ronto. Many local residents at- tended the evening party. An enthusiastic membership of juniors and intermediates are an active group in the club. This year, interâ€"league teenage tournaments are planned to give young talent competition and practise. Lessons will be available for both adult and junior members. The tennis club is having its official opening May 4 (May 11 in case of inclement weather) when members will meet at the tennis courts in the village park for a get-together and re- freshments. The local club won its first league championship last year and hopes to realize another successful team for this year's tournaments. The league con- sists of teams from Richmond Hill, Barrie. Newmarket and Thornhill. I CORRESPONDENT: MRS. RHONA WEHRENS I 130 May Avenue -â€" Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. M. Borin, Mr. and The community extends get Mrs. Terpstra, Mr. and Mrs. well Wishes to Andy Pederson Hawker, Mr. and Mrs. George of May Avenue who is in hospit- Bosch and Mr, and Mrs. D. a1 after suï¬ering a heart atâ€" Boulay_ The community extends get well wishes to Andy Pederson of May Avenue who is in hospit- al after suï¬ering a heart at- tack last week. Belated birthday greetings to Maurice Clark, 12. April 15, Gordie Cooper, seven. April 17 and to Brian Cooper, 12 on April 21. Mr. and Mrs. Rae McKay (formerly Ginny Chevis) and daughter Michelle of New Brunswick spent the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chevis. Weldrick Road. ‘ ronto. Many local residents at- Second Thornhill Girl Guides, tended the evening party. Cynthia Holliday, Joan Gordon, * * * * , Julia Finch. Kathy Davis. Eliza- Best wishes are extended to beth Graves. Christine Briden, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Leslie Read Barbara Simpson. junior relig- on the occasion of their recent ion and life: Sherry Hubbard. marriage that took place inlseamstress; Neila Poscente, toy- Dr. Lindzon was shot in the thigh as he chased two men who were running from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Sher- bourne Street. Toronto, af- ter they had staged a hold- up. Thornhill Dentist Dr. Jack Lindzon, who was shot last month in an attempt to chase down two suspected bank robbers. is out of hos- pital and able to spend some time at his oï¬ice in Agincourt. Although he will not benefit from new legislaâ€" tion which will provide compensation for victims of crime, Dr. Lindzon says he is pleased that such a bill has been introduced at Queen‘s Park. He was the last man to be shot trying to aid in ap- prehending a criminal be- fore the new legislation was introduced. The bill. said Attorney- The men he General Arthur .Wishal‘t. were later ap] would pay up to $10,000 in police and c compensation. but would armed robbery Bill To Aid Victims Too Late For Dentist NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Shot By Bandit “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who Congratulations to the follow- ing Girl Guides who have suc- cessfully passed badges: 3rd Thornhill, Debbie Beal. Kathy Fisher, Jane Sues, Sharon Boyd, Patty‘Bowyer and Aud- rey Van Bruchem, first aid and emergency helper badges; Deb- bie Beal, Kathy Fisher, home nurse; Elizabeth MacLeod, jun- ior religion and life; Kathy Fisher, Debbie Dowker, senior religion and life; The first ladies' golfer-curler‘Pm in day is being held at Thornhill Church Golf and Country Club May 6. VA 1'61 Ladies will enjoy a game of vice _m golf and luncheon at the club. candld? Mrs. W. W. Wilson is conven- and fl‘1 ing the occasion. worthy Track and Field thur C mï¬fhan A field day for all boys and girls in Thornhill is now being planned by the Lions Club and will take place sometime in June at the village park. Prizes will be awarded by the Lions. Watch for further notice in "The Liberal". Guides Happy birthday to Mrs. Ida Ellis, Weldrick Road, April 23 and to Diane Greenfield. eight, April 25. Your correspondent and daughter Nancy enjoyed lunch with their aunt Mrs. D. Haining and cousin John, Sunday and attended the Unionville Skating Carnival matinee of “Pzazzâ€. Ross Doan Home and School Fair will be held April 26 at 1 The track and field club, un- der the leadership of Glenn Rae and Geoff Walker, has been holding meetings in Thornhill Secondary S c h 0 ol Gymnasium once a week all winter. The club is affiliated with the Thornhill Area Rec- reational Committee and will‘ soon become affiliated with the amateur athletic association. Boys age 8-12 have been keeping fit by playing basket- ball and doing calisthenics at the winter program, designed mainly for boys not participat- ing in a hockey league. A meeting is being called in May when boys will meet to elect their own executive and membership committee. Boys interested in joining the local club can call Mr. Rae at 889- 7839 or Mr. Walker at 889-5085. Think “Cookies†on cookie blitz day, April 30 and help sup- port your local Guides and Brownies. ‘ Roselawn School Boys’ Bas- ketball Team won the Vaughan Township Championship. Top scorer was Reg Simmons with 69 points in six games and team members were Wes Rochester, Jeff Coilett. Greg MacMiilan, @3131 iï¬Ã©rnrksv. Mafc Hutchison and Kim Derry. Congratula- tions to the team! not be retroactive Dr. Lindzon, 27, was walking to his car after conducting dental examin- ations at Sacred Heart Sep- arate School near Wellesley Street when the men. pur- sued by the bank's loan manager, ran from the bank. He joined in the chase and was shot by one of the bandits. Police found him lying bleeding on the school grounds. He was discharged from Wellesley Hospital April 10, returning to his home on Alcane Crescent. His wife reports. “He is just fine. he is working part time now.“ Dr. Lindzon has been told by police he could apply for compensation to the police- commission or the government, and he may be eligible for a reward from the Canadian Bankers’ As- sociation. The men he was chasing were later apprehended by police and charged with may be reached by phoning 889-3190 In Thorn/rill April 10 was a great ‘day for St. Luke's Aces Tyke hockey team. That night at Habitat Arena at 6.30 pm they played the final game for the lucky green trophy against the St. Luke's Kings. Last Friday they screened the motion picture, “To Sir With Love†which starred Sidney Poitier. A capacity audience enjoyed the presentation very much. Tyke Hockey A reception followed the serâ€" vice in the parish hall when the candidates and their relatives and friends met Bishop Garns- worthy and his wife. Mrs. Ar- thur Crawford and her com- mittee arranged the reception. In the absence of Mrs. Mae Barbour, who is recovering from surgery at Branson Hos- pital, this column is being pre- pared by her son, David. " Christopher Atkinson. Wil- liam Bush. Robert Campbell. Philip Goodwin, Scott Haworth. Stephen Haworth. P e t e r Hedges. Brian Hodge. Norman Longstreet. Patrick Yord, Anâ€" thony Martin. Larry Martin, David Mitchell, Graham Nich- ols, Scott Rowswell, Stephen Shields, Raymond Bruton, Vic- tor Crocker, Robert Ellis, James F. Kellam'and John Sutch. Mrs. Rose Fox is still in Ches- ter. Nova Scotia, where she Vwas called because of the critical condition of her mother. This week her mother is reported as holding her own. She under- went surgery last Wednesday. A speaker will be on hand to talk on the new library re- source centre which is expected to be open by that time. The following candidates were confirmed: Arlene Brank- ston. Katherine Brown, Susan Church. Judith McLean, Carol McIntee. Pamela Trench. Eliz- abeth Secord, Karen Wood. Carole Crocker, Susan Crocker. Linda Goodkey, Margaret Hol- lingworth. Victoria Norris. Gail Spurgeon and Georganne Tonks. ‘ :It wag announced recently that Sister Lyn Heffernan will be returning to England at the end of May. A gathering has been arranged May 25 when members of the congregation will meet to say farewell to Sister Lyn. Neighborhood Notes Please continue making your contributions of news in the usual manner. The parent-teacher associa- tion of Woodland Public School will hold its annual general meeting May 6. Election of ofï¬cers for the 1969-70 season will be held. Congratulations to the pupils and staff of Woodland Senior School on the success of their movie night. ‘ The game was a real thriller all the way as these two teams are very evenly matched. The game ended in a 4-3 win for the Aces. The following are the players on the St. Luke‘s Aces: Captain Jerome Flanagan. Assistant Eric Coyne. Goalie Tom Aitchison Defencemen Brian Miklas. Dav- id Rozycki. Billy Dunn. Harold Tschipper and Forwards Gregg Foy. David Skinner. Shawn Leon. Tim Coughlin. John Reb- The players all received a crest and the team a trophy which each player will, in turn, have in his own home. RRRWWW" “WVWV ‘ “ V ‘ ‘ ‘ ; " ~2 E r STUDIO or E E Mr. Tonys HAiR DESIGN; South'Thornhill and Bayview Glen The news of Doncaster, Highland Park, Grandview CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR PHONE 889-5205 ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, Weather Vanes and Whirligigs, Water Color Painting, How To Paint In Oils, Camping and Family Fun Outdoors, Camping and Woodâ€" craft. Snorkel and Deep Diving, Skin and Scuba Diving, Small Boat Sailing, Better Boating, Modern Riding, How To Fix Old Cars, Complete Book of Water Skiing. Bird Watching, Wild Flowers, Peterson‘s Field Guide to the Birds, Shell Collecting and Fisherman's Summer and Compleat Angler. ’mmmmmmw. W.WWW’WV 6\5\).‘ MM SUMMER RECREATION The time is ripe for a refresher course activities.‘ Below is a partial list of books in to assist, amuse or instruct as the case may be. Invites you to come and see the hairstylist team under the masterful direction of Mr. Tony. Specializing in the International trend: style, cut, wigs, hairpieces, etc. For Appointment phone 889-5187 - 889-5188 10 Royal Orchard Shopping Mall THORN HILL Brian Miscï¬tan. Keith Mc THORNHILL PUBLIC LIBRARY Family Reading A speedy recovery is wished for Ruth Webb and Margaret Ryan, also Allan Fitchett who] suffered an accident to his! thumb last week. I Mahon, Mike Lewis. Pierre Kir- win, Kevin Rossi and Andy Mc- Callum. The coach is Peter Rossi. The Aces also finished second in the Thornhill Church Hockey League Tyke Class for 1969 with games being played week- ly at Doublerink Arenas. I ‘wiiigoaglg W NORTH THORNHILL SOFTBALL LEAGUE Temphone 889 3443 Registrations are still being Neighborhood Notes accepted for the North Thorn- ‘Nancy Nichols wishes t0‘hill Softball League. Contact thank the neighbors and friends Stan Daurio, 31 Silver Aspen, who so kindly contributed to- 889-7086. Spring training will wards the cost of the typewriter be held from April 21 to May presented to her last week. 8. The regular schedule is from Nancy sincerely appreciates this May 12 to July 31. gesture and is now making ex- ‘â€"~â€"*â€" cellent use of the typewriter. E5: 1 z 1 z i S ; 5 ‘ 5 ; 5 c 5 s a “‘75 Powell Road Home and School Association will hold its April meeting Tuesday at 8 pm. A new way of embroidering by paint rather than needle and thread â€" Artex â€" will be dem- onstrated. Visitors will be wel- come to attend and refresh- ments will be served. On April 30 from 5 to 7 pm. Brownies from Crestwood Road and Steeles Avenue will knack on doors and ask residents to buy cookies. Help support these youngsters by purchasing at least one box. Happy birthday to Joan Ful- ler and Linda Antonacci. Challenge 0F « Crestwood Rd. News ancer Every adult éhould have a regular physical checkup to guard against, cancer? says the Canadian Cancer Society. Two performances of the musical comedy, “Pajama Gameâ€, by the Thornhill Theatre For The Performing Arts were near sellouts at Earl Haig Secondary School; April 11 and 12. The play directed by Song- writer Mary Eustace starred George Anderson of Downsview as “Sidâ€, the supervisor of the pajama factory and Margaret Leeds of Thornhill as “Babeâ€, head of the union’s grievance committee, shown here during a dress rehearsal. The Thornhill Theatre was formed in January and “Pajama. Game†is the group‘s first production. Miss Eustace is currently considering an offer to put on a second performance of the musical at the Downsview Airforce Base. Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road "Pajama. Game " Sells Out in summer the library After the game. the girls, coaches. managers and their wives were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- kay, John Street. The girls re- ceived a trophy donated by the Vaughan Recreation Committee. Wendy Dobson the team’s cap- t-ain received the trophy for the triumphant team. Further de- light was added to the evening when the girls entertained the guests with impressions and impersonations. in the third game. Thornhill'Bernie Nobert, Ron Anderson got a shutout against Maple bylGOI‘d Green- the score of 5 to 0. Terry Tarl- Division Managers, Boy's ( ing scored two goals and had to 8v Ted MCFaFlanei 9 to 11 one assist. Debby Orton, one Bryan Leonard; over 11, San goal, one assist. Carol Webb M35§0n- one goal and Jackie Lockerbie,. Girls 3 to 11v Mr- and Mrs one goal. Three assists for Lor-‘Ralph Booker. _ raine Sherman, two for Wendy1Â¥ioivfrilhipon Braver- Dobson and one for Janet Macâ€"; KaY- a Girls Hockey North York Champions Thornhill Girls Hockey Team won the North York Playoffs On May 12 at 7.45 pm the an- nual meeting of the Thornhill Minor Hockey Association will be held at Henderson Avenue Public School. It is hoped that as many interested parents as possible attended this importâ€" ant meeting. ANNUAL MEETING OF TMHA By resolution of Council, I hereby proclaim Daylight Saving Time to extend from 2.00 am. Sunday, April 21, 1969, to 2.00 am. Sun- day, October 26, 1969, in the Town- ship of Markham. All residents are hereby notified and requested to govern themselves accordingly. H. C. T. Crisp Stewart Rumble Clerk Reeve PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM 'TH ' 7 ORNHILL SPORTS SCENEEHEE GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 1969 Executive: President Stan Daurio, Vice-President Glen Hunter, Secretary-Treas- urer Alf Fluf; Umpires-inâ€"Chief Bernie Nobert, Ron Anderson, Gord Green. Division Managers, Boy's 6 to 8, Ted McFarlane: 9 to 11, Bryan Leonard; over 11, Sam Masson. FRASER DUNN “Find out how much you may save on car insurance!†(Photo by Stuart's Studio) State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Canadian Head Office Scarborough Ontario 145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 EYATI FAIR & INIUIANCI a s““““__ u a 5 g â€" u ‘ . NOW OPEN. . . I :Joe's Barber SIIQP: ï¬â€œâ€œâ€œâ€œâ€œ!!!!“‘ i THORNHILL â€". sassy-0342' «.““““““““i Roselawn Public School Auditorium CARRVILLE ROAD 8 pm. Thursday, May 1, 1969 Doors open 7.30 pm. The Public in and in the vicinity of that block bounded by Yonge St, Maple Sideroad, Bathurst St. and Carrville Rd. is invited to a Public Meet- ing dealing with a proposed Secondary Plan (Amendment No. 18 to the Official Plan of the Vaughan Planning Area) for the said bIOCk. The Secondary Plan, guiding future development of the entire block. will be on display in the Rich‘ vale Library and in the lobby of the Township Offices in Maple. ’ 10 ROYAL ORCHARD SHOPPING MALL Specializing in . . . All Men's Styling including Coloring HOURS: Tues. to Fri. 9 am. to 7 pm. Sat. 8 am. to 6 pm. - Closed Monday NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Sanitone will send you and a friend by Come in and complete a Sanitone Sweep- stake entry form . . . and you may win a 14â€"day holiday for two. You’ll fly CP Air Jet Empress to Mexico City, spend seVen days at the luxurious Maria Isabel Hotel... PLUS . . . seven days W in Acapulco at the magnificent El Presi- dente, Pick up an CzIyichas/trvgdmmr entry form today from VAUGHAN PLANNING BOARD 271 Bay Thorn Drive, Thornhill 889-0391 gm CLEANERS [425-1 John M. Dewar, Director of Planning