Page 22 - The Liberal, Richmond Hill, Thurs., April 24, 1969 LOOK FORV %HE PRICE 0?! ï¬THE “:2qu ,A largevvolume ' purchase from the factory makes these tantastic low prices possible SEE. IRY. BUY. IHE FABU / OUR GREATEST FROM STOCK SALE JHEIR WINDSHIELD? ever! flk’gmkowflunflï¬r §"§cԤ3§‘7@ $3 IlOUS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH lINE NEW VALIANT V190, two-d‘oor turquoise. #V649 A NEW NEW 128" WB, sweplline, HD springs, chrome grill, front bumper, side mouldings. Stock #T646 ï¬l-door hdlp. V8. aut. PS, PB, radio,WW tires, RC mirror, wheel discs. Iurquoise. SIock#C49Z 4-door sedan, beige, 225 engine, aul., WW tires, de luxe wheel covers. Stock #P629 7 I‘ v n ' Performance hood paint, wheel covers. Stock #8622 NEW D100 I/2-TON PICK-UP NEW $3449 69 FARGO ; PLYMOUTH 9FURY11 $2949 ; CHRYSLER QNEWPORT $2699 $2202 $2189