The Libexjal, FOR EXAMPLE:52,000 to carry for 36 mos. This sale lasts only 10 hurry, select your new car now...while rates of interest are specially priced 0 Free treats for the kiddies! I A luwton Bros. Tent Sale Plan Richmond Hill, Thurs., April 24, 1969 - Page 23 0 lowest finances ever! 0 Greatest savings A on new cars in the district! typical finance co. localbank CANADA BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT O Advertised specials sold on a first come, first served basis 0 Free balloons for the kiddies! GIVE YOU IOWER RATES THAN BANK FINANCING! LAWTDN BROS. SEE. TRY. BUY. THE FABULOUS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH lINE CHRYSLER CHARGES and of $365 $389 $756 PAYMENI $65 $66 $80 11.6% INIEREST 21.2% 11.9%