Public Schools Need More Teachers In Sept. At a meeting April 21. York' County Board of Education ap- Proved the employment of 1.198 teachers for county PM)- He schools for 1969-70, 34 more than are now employed. This includes 21 master and associate master teachers who will spend about 40% of their time teaching. and 15 teaching consultants who will spend all of their time teaching, as well as five special education con- sultants. It also includes principals, vice-principals, and special ed- ucation teachers. with an over- all ratio of one teacher to 25.6 pupils. Trustee Myrna Colbourne of the Town of Markham asked how many pupils this would mean to a classroom. Education Director Sam Chapman replied that class sizes varied from ten pupils in some special education classes to 35 pupils in classes. York Home 8. School Has Annual Workshop "The Year of Change" was the theme for the annual lead- ership conference of York County Council of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations. The conference was held April not the Aurora Highlands Golf Club. Among those present were a representative from the York County Board of Education and several principals. Everyone present took part In group discussinns on “Com- municationâ€. “\Interrelation Beâ€" hveen Associations, County Board and Council." “Commun- My Involvement“ and other sub- jects. It. proved in he a most informative wnrkshnp with a pleasant exchange of views. Conclusions and recommenda- tions from the conference will be read at the annual dinner meeting of the association's council scheduled for May 27 at the Aurora Highlands Golf Club. They asked for more time to nonsider the effect of moving children from one school to another. Many transfers of pupils were recommended in the report in order to reduce the number of portables needed, and to equalize the size of clasâ€" ses. As it stands. adoption of the report‘Which was presented to the board April 21. would result in closing of six one and two- room schools. and two four- rnnm schools. Board Reviews Effect Of Boundary Changes Ynd County Trustees want time to study staff recommend- ations for changes in school boundaries before approving them. Many Of these would he ac- commodated in the new Noble- ton Senior School and the Whitâ€" church Highlands School which [5 due to open in September. Professional Engineers Will Meet On May 12 The final dinner meeting of the 1968-69 year of the York Chapter of the Association of Professional Engineers will be held May 12 at 6:30 pm at the Summit Golf and Country Club, Jefferson. approximately 3'2 miles north of Richmond Hill on Highway 11. There will be a gUesl speaker and the executive for 1969-70 will be elected. All members are requesth to be present to participate in the business of Iheir chapter. PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate. of Giovannl Pacitti. Deceased All persons having claims‘ __ against the estate of Giovanni" Pacitti. late of the Town of Richmond Hill who died on or about January 1'7. 1969. are re- quired to send a statement, of their claims to the undersigned' nn or before the ‘2nd day of May. 1969 after which date the estate will be distributed. hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill this 25th day of April, 1969. Lawlor. LeClaire and Stung. 59 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Ontario. STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service 59 Yonge Richmond Solicitors Administr ay OI Apl‘ll. 1803. vlor. LeClaire and Stong. Yonge St‘ N,. hmond Hill. Ontario. ’ icitors for the ninistralm- , some general Dinner Rolls Tooth Paste 1.29 Poly Green -â€" Junior Size Pepsodent Score After Shave 5 oz. Btl. or Garbage Bags Restwell - Assorted (‘nlnrs Shaving Cream 2for77¢ Fatigue Mats 88¢ Dominion's Own Brand Fish 8: Chips Seneca Dnmininn's Own Brand Domino Fancy Apple\ Cider 2 69¢ Domino Rhubarb :3; 45¢ Dominion‘s Own Brand Richmelln Raisin or Brussels Sprouts 3 :42: 89¢ Dominion‘s Own Brand Richmello Scone or Apple Pies THIS‘WEEK’S: Bl 20c OFF CHASE & SANBORN BAKERY FEATURES T U K Y INSTANT LUNCHEON 951' com: MEAT £399 1 x 49¢ IfinosL l .09 11 n1. Bnmh Dominion FRESH GRADE "A" EVISCERATED â€" 5 to 10 Lb. Average Maple Leaf Fully Cooked Vac. Pack 2'12 to 3 1b. Average Fresh Cut Turkey Thighs or Wieners Drumsticks lb. 49¢ Meaty Shoulder Dinner Hams lb. “9 Lamb Chops lb. 49¢ sz. of 12 Special Sa v9 100 2:137" 3 9 VI Special Save 90 Special Sa vs 300 Spacial Save 160 Spmial Save to 20 on Pkg. Special Save 9c Mix or Match 69¢ 1 lb. Pkg. Brings You Extra Savings on a Wde Variety of Quality 53¢ GRAPEFRUIT California Garden Fresh Crisp Florida‘s Finest Indian River - White Ontario Hot House â€" No. 1 Grade GREEN CABBAGE CUCUMBERS 2 35¢ BUNCH CARROTS 2m33¢ Texas No. 1 Grade Turkey Breast lb. 69¢ Maple Leaf Rindless No. 1 Breakfast Frozen lmpnried Whole or Top Half Bacon Lamb Legs lb, 47¢ Sausage Maple Leaf Pork 8; Beef BARLINKA G R A P E S RAM South African â€" New Crop 'l‘asw, 'l‘ende‘r 1 lb. Pkg. 1 lb. Pkg. Fresh Ground Fresh Thick Chuck Steak lb. 69¢ Sole Fillets lb. 79¢ Smoked Fillets lb. 59¢ Fresh Ocean Perch Fillets lb. 49¢ mmsw CHUM CAT or DOG THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, May Dominion Assorted Choice Dominion Choir-e CORN 4 79¢ PEAS 4 79¢ Enchantment Jelly Beans or Ju Jubes Richmello Salad TOMATOES 29¢ CANDY Tomato Juice Pride of Jamaica Choice Sections DRESSING 49¢ Dominion Fancy Whole. Kernel 8c Off Household Cleaner GRAPEFRUIT Aylmer Fa ncy SPEC 8. SPAN 250 Off Powdered Detergent TIDE Values effective in Richmond Hill until closing Satur- day, May 3, 1969 . . . We reserve the right to limit nuanfities . . . DOMINlON STORES LIMITED quantities GRAND PRIX é Soft Drinks Lynn Valley Standard Halves 4 22:: 99¢ COCKTAIL MIXES Richmeflo Coffee Pkg. of 12 Envs. PARTY TYME r A 24 may 1757/425- DOA King Size Pkg. POTATO CHIPS SPECIAL 12": SPECIAL SHIRRJFF 11 oz. Pkg. LIMITED Giant Size SPECIAL SAVE 100 SPECIAL SAVE Ho 16 oz Pkg. 48 M Tin 1.59 l9l9-l969 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 1969