Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1969, p. 24

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. May 1. 171R.“ 24 32.241 32 and h T h. C .l S P b C A I ' hem: the town- Peznberton Crescent will con- ’ ship's $1,639.91 for a total an- Cis: of constructing a 112 foot Vaug an owns ip ounci ays em erton rescent rea Owners Will Get Watermain, Roadwork of $3381.23. ‘ ‘ I I V . 51x pl-opernes have frontage double surface treatment and Residents on Penibcrton (,i'es-=iion be made for the entire tion and alter two readings ii on Bathurst and Pembei‘ton 2027. share. of frontage. of 116.16 feet. eight hare 122.42 0P?" dilClles- from BE‘UWI‘ST cent. trom Bathursr street eastâ€" work. A suitably Signed petiâ€" will be sent to the OMB for ap- Road is to be extended approx- Total cost of the project is as The total frontage is 4.1067? i’eei, and the others have from 51"91‘1 ‘0 “19 935‘ 1mm or L0‘ "1-" 3‘“ 0” Balm‘r’“ 3”“ ‘“”‘ "'r "‘9 ""“°""'“““ “3‘ "9‘ 9""‘31- imaicly 8801‘991 northern- and a timated at $37.320 or this‘feet and cost per toot frontage 66,58 to 105.25 feet 95. Registered Plan 2027. The between l’embcrton Road and (-ei\'e(t March 251. and has now in the insiaiiaimn of water six inch diarnfler main “'1” be amount the township will pa) a will be $7.61. The cost will he Printe waici connections Wu V0“ 0ft'0115‘11’l‘t’1m2 l3” lineal Pmnheriim ('rcsceni will have received council apprmal. A for 27 lots on Hxitliiii‘si and installed on Pemhei'ion ('resâ€"tota] of $14,070, This includes debentured at Qpercpnt mierpgr .m-h (hammer: mil (.051 3;”: tect of road is estimated at Vaugh“n [It’l‘n‘mi’ “4”” in "“n-‘ll'l‘l'llml hll?"“A“‘lU b“ lpt'e- Pembeitnn (‘rcsr-cnt. the PXHl- cent from Batnurst to the east $4,200 for six h) chants and for a 20 )car period. wizh the each ‘ H 826.703. ‘ “‘19,,- hompe and Pemberion pai:p(t_ For councils ('(il’lfilttl’ta: in: 12 inch (1 aniotei‘ \\‘(1191‘111Fi-n limit of 1.01 95. Registered Plan $10.77? 45: for the tow nship's pi‘H ate owner‘s annual share The proposed road work on The imvmmp': share 0! this (rescent will be rebuilt this 77 r . _ , . 7. year. if OMB approval is re- ceived. The installations will be made under the Local lmprmcmcnt Act and council's local imprmea ment policy. Appi'mal was gh-‘j en in the two projects at, the! April 22 meeting of \"aughan‘ Township Council. . In June 1968 a petition to‘ have w'atcrniain services instalâ€"L led on Bathurst Street from: Pemberton Road to Pember-' ton CI'PSL‘PIH. thence‘ easterly along the crescent to the east‘ limit of Lot 93 as a incal im-1 provement was presented to township council. Council gm'e‘ its approval. 1 During the time approval was. being.y sought from the OMB a second petition was received for extension of the proposed‘ watcrmain. The township soliâ€"i citor attempted to have the‘ OMB combine the petitions but the board suggested a new peti- Richvale News Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 Neighborhood Notes 5 The community was saddened! to learn of the death of Mrsi .lolm Bailey [Almau April 21.! Deep sympathy is extended tor her family and friends. i ‘vrade 5 students of Charles‘ Howitt School held a most stic- ‘cessful bake and white elephant sale at the school Wednesday, proceeds of which will go to- wards their Ottawa trip in May. The pupils of grade 2 visited the outdoor school in Kleinburgj on the same day and in addig tion to their studies enjoyed a. cookout. i Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Walter; Wilkinson and sons of West-i wood Lane in the loss of a dcari husband and father. Walter Wilkinson. last week. Second and 4th Guides and Brownies parent committee will meet at the home of Mrs. Belt)“ Vandcrsunden. Westwood Lane.1 May 7 at 9:45 am. The mother and daughter banquet is sched- uled for May 12 at the commun- ity hall. Spruce Avenue, at 7| pin. Mrs. Bill Collett has lunch-' eon tickets available now. for} the “\""s treasure and trivia. sale to be held May 14 from 10 am to 4 pm. She is convenori of the china table and would} be pleased to accept donationsi of china, pottery or glass tori the sale. Lunch will be served; at 11.30. 12.15 and 1 pm. Call? Mrs. Collett at. 889-2547 for‘ further information. ‘ Student film-makers will have an opportunity to enter their own educational television} programs in a province-wide contest. Elementary and secâ€". ondary school pupils are inyitedt to produce a program not morel than 15 minutes long and sub-i mit it to the Department of Ed-l ucation. Panels of students will select the best 10 which will bel shown this fall by the educa-it tional television branch of the: department. . Riclnale Library is planning to send yotu‘ correspondent‘ brief notices of new books available there each week. fie-i tion and non-fiction. New fic-i tion includes, “The Penny Wars", by E. Baker. “The Span- ish Inn" by L. M. Boston. “Tes-‘ tiiiiony of Two Men" by Taylori i / ‘cost “'21! be 311316.60. includâ€" ing oneâ€"third of the assessable cost 188.9011 and share of front- age at $7.32 per foot I$2.415.60!. The cost will be debentured for 10 years at 9 percent inter- est, with a total annual payment of 34.151 79. Sew enieen proâ€" nci't) owners “I” share an an- nual plument of 32.3.0838 with the township paying $1,763 41 Caldwell. "If Israel Lost thel War" by R. 7.. Chesnoff, "The‘ NYLON SIZE LIST PRICE COST gg‘ifcaf‘sil'irf' D7111 3”; salon ‘99' value is hard to beat . . . would be. men it ihcv s es. wri en y . ' . - :- ' I M». mmam Non4~mi0n 591904 were tw1ce the price! lake the tread; you dont bare, to 520/10 """"""""""" ' """"""" 24-80 12-40 t' ~ . .: MT‘ . . _ 1 .. . . . . 3103:1519“ se‘ne :te\§ll§lr]ltt:gu:t:; , be an expert to see why so many owners say baiely 99 520.550/12 ..... 2580 12,90 "Time". R. Wallis “The Other “an .‘to vou on a dime". (hes vou a smoorher. saler ride Side". J. A. Pike. “Psycho-cya L f . l ' . U H h 500-520/13 """ berm-tics". by M, Maiiz. “110w. too. ompai‘e it to any Oiier tire; iances are 'ig . . . . , 56- / ........ . ............. :gaSIaItt‘ialillnhgthlgegtilwl.nlilgtll;-‘ traction Wlll stand almost an “1111 taller. Just packed O 600 13 28'40 14‘60 ney to Power“. D. Peacork,1 with soniuch extra nylon thatu's Virtually indestructible. 640-650/13 ---------- . ~~~~~~~~~~ - 28.60 15.60 “The New Romans". A. \V. ~ , - , - . ,- ,. . h . .d. Fwd.“ “Grand prix Champmm‘ that makes it easy to insme against all ioad azai s â€" 700/13 ..................... . ......... 2860 1615 ships”. G Borgeson and "101 from lass cuts to damao‘eina ‘oliei 11 Men tincturesl are... Go” mm... by S. M“ E1 - ~ o k 1‘0 ~ P _ 645/141600/14) ........... 26.70 15.80 Doug“ An unusual” interesfl We gite you a brand new tire and you pay only 101‘ 9 / / ‘ ' - work 'now "1.11)? library 13‘ amount Of tread worn. TN to net that guarantee am- 6 5 ‘4 14} """""" e Indian Ileiitage 0t Aiuâ€"' ' 5 i - crica" written by A, Josephs-.1 where else in l\orth America. 735/14 (700/141 ---------- 30.95 16.75 Plans for the “Springtime in‘ ' England" tea to be held Ma)" 775/14 {750/141 3150 17.65 10 at. Emmanuel Anglican . . - 1 Church "a barn; “nan-Nd}. \ou don L even have to worry about tread weai-oui. Sateiy 825/14 ‘800/14‘; ....... 3575 19.20 ACW members who are sponfl ‘QQ‘ H’u'l 1'" i ' ' 'd ‘ 0 " (i 1 ‘ '10 l: sormg this ‘ea “in mom Tuesâ€"1 ._., lbl ldtflon nea S are Duaianiee 01 t 11101111 , _ d3." 31 8 pm “"93? Speak” 3‘ so it‘ \ou were to wear out the tread in just 13 months, _ this monthly meeting will be ‘ . . 885/14 Whitewa” . 51.60 15 MR Marga,“ one. “h” “m you get a replacement at half. the price you originally ' ii‘;‘\:::"tgfc “‘3‘” 0f Sellill'lls-g paid. This guarantee is onlv pos~ible bPLdtH€ Satet} ’fi‘l' 560/15 1590/15) - --------- 24195 15.40 _\ damp 1m. “I” b? High Traction i\_\‘lons aie‘Bl llfl'l‘ Blfl [15R ’10 JAB 1‘ 685/15 . 3196 16.20 held in Richmond Hill Arena 10\C.FR" Saturday evening from 8:30 to ' ’ V H ' 1640-650/15“ 3095 80 midnight. Royal Canadian Leg- . I i . ion Branch 375 is sponsoriiie 77 “5 l6 0/1 the event and tickets will be 5 i 7 5) I 31-50 available at the door at $11 oer 815/15 {710/15 35 75 19 person. Featured mu be now * “ f ' I mm mm. MANUFACTURERS LIST PRICE 345/15 760/15 38 85 2° 6° and The Power Prizes and [H V . ‘ * n ' .\lO~tl e a ulatnn‘e's blixl is 1 (P: }n \ r 1.1. 7' l\ , ietieshiuents will and in the H m n ' I p“ 1 a I LO p” " ‘l m” ' (“MM Wl't . . Hawaii 5235 23. 5 tun planned tor the teenage prites are nearly identical. .\e\\'\paper afl\t‘i'[I\P(i sales are Iit'vtll‘z a “‘O‘Wl- 0‘0: ~ ' '- - ' ’ e ’ " WH T W h A | bl $1 0 The Klmme” “Uh “f Rm“ ‘ so 0 below Jisipines. B} toniiasi, Lanadian Jiie gives almost out 1 | E ALL W ere vai a e. .5 extra mond H,“ I. homing H. MW liie \ahe with btaiic \\licel Balante $1.00 dIflOLmL ' at'ian Beer Garden at iii" innz's Hall. (‘ciiti’e Sti'cet bud l'ii- da\ enrnni: 'Iivltei: ma} he fl_,,e."‘ Obtaliied at the door /_,//~/”/7/ - ' . ‘t ‘" p57 I:le “NHL ‘ - 1 Apply for a handy ‘ Kinsmen Club of Richmond Hill presents RH \111 \.\' HICIJH (l \‘llH-IN <1 1'. 1'\t.l Tu

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