Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1969, p. 11

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Buttonville Community Happenings CORRESPONDENT: Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Dr. George, Kelly who celebrated his 81st.3Hamilton birthday on May 23. The familyUlune 18. celebrated the event on Sunday.‘ Dr. Kelly took a few days offg to recuperate from his recent' accident but returned two weeks' ago to his duties as veterinarian at the Stout't'ville Sales Barn. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton spent last. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tim Paterson at Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones are getting settled in their new home at Markham. Mrs. .lack Gough spent Sev-I eral days in Scarboro Generall Hospital last week but was able to return home on the weekend. happy to say. We are sorry to learn that 'red and Ellen Gough's daugh- ter. Wendy has been ill recently and wish her a quick return to health. Wendy is one of the four singing sisters who enchanted Brown's Corners UCW members with their music recently. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thom- son of Unionville whose son Bruce died suddenly on Friday. of last week and to close rela- tives In this community who lost, a newbew and cousin. A service was held Tuesday from the Dixon Funeral Home. Markâ€" ham. WI WI members met at the home of Mrs. John Donaldson for the May meeting of the organization May 21, when Mrs. Bruce Davidson of Stouffville was guest speaker. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Rus- sell Boyington. Mrs. Rose Brodie and Mrs. William Mc- Gimpsey. Mrs. Lloyd Baker. chairing her first meeting as president for the 1969/70 term paid tribute to Past President Miss Cora Brodie for her leadershipl over the past three years. Mrs. Davidson's talk led her audience on a fascinating jour- ney through Canadian history from the days of Cartier to the present. Mrs. .lones' solos were "The Lost Chord,” and “Bar-l County Board Sets School Bus Policy After having tried for several, veeks to come up with a bus olicy delicately balanced beâ€" ween service to students and financial costs, the York County Board of Education at its May 12 meeting finally adopted Al olicy concerning pupil trans- ortation. The trustees agreed the maxi- num distance a pupil should valk should vary with the age f the child and also that there‘ s a maximum length of time a' hild should be expected to pend on a bus. h Accordingly. k i n d e rgarten -hildren living more than threel uarters of a mile from school! vill be transported: pupils from. I- 'ades ‘l to 8 6 will be trans-. orted if they live over a mile; rom school. Children from in- ergarten to grade 6 should not 'n- expected to spend more than hree quarters of an hour on a chool bus and any pick-up he- ore 8 am will be exceptional. . Student in grades 7 to 13 will be entitled to bus trans~ ortation if they live more than wo miles from school and hould not be expected to spend ore than an hour on the bus. Any pick-up before 7.45 am vould be exceptional. It was oted that. the two mile pro- tision for grades 7 to 13 as- umes that there will be facili- ies for students to lunch at chool. Students will be issued bus rivilege cards and these may e suggested at the discretion f the school principal if there re discipline problems. Bus rivers are to be responsible for conduct on buses and will‘ eport discipline problemsl romptly to the principals. Where students can conven-j ently use public transportationfiI tickets or reimbursement for“ ickets will be supplied ratherl han transportation by schooll HS, mum Lindsay landscaping I BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME THIS YEAR . 'IAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOWI for Landscaping and Spring Planting All Work Guaranteed .llnlimited Quantity of Trees All Types and Sizes Maintenance I Residential and Commercial ‘pring Clean Lips - Top Soil all Now â€" Free Estimates 884-7790 “wowsqu- i.-.--.-.<.-n-u-<~.o.u-u-ua Auction Sales May 31. Saurday. 1 pm. WANTED - - - SELLERS before sale min: articles lW'ERS mini articles now on (11:. lay ean be purchased before alps â€" open 9 to 9 daily. itini. Ros: Armltage Auctioneer #8 Auction Burn. u r, mile south of Markham n 48 Highway Markham Rd.l PHONE 297-3696 -..-..-i.-n-u-u.l--.L-o-u-. ‘r 6 vinyl sides. Handy pockets. 3 -Ftnt:. Rakcr. Mrs. F. H. LEAF -â€" PHONE 2974741 The ’Valu-Bulbs’ â€" made by General Electric especially for Canadian Tire! 1000 HOUR QUALITY Your Choice 40, 60 or 100 watt... Reg. 2 for .46 Bulbs Hurry, Limited Quantity Special f... .33 . yawn-Area aucxer-snni Car Cushion REGULAR “.98 «sch. Add luxury comfort Q In your driving. Plush: grid centre with foamâ€" 1 ed; black; blue; brown. PORTABLE CAI-TYPE Baby Sitter commas AT 5391:. Comfortu padded my! seat. holds baby secure and safc. Sturdy safety harness. Colored plastic balls. 3 ‘REDUCED! 20 ft. REDUCED! BIG 6 ft. Save! Town 8. Country Save! OSCILLATING Grass Seed Sprinkler Regular 99c‘.77 Save $l.ll low profile adjusts Fan Trellis Reg.$2.992.59 Popular Rcd ( 'etlar, l’ci loralcd \ in_\l how for tlccp sunk- All purpose for- ' 3 - ' l1. F21 1r m'i ‘ - '- _ H V .2 .\ .Is slats “uh "tulips: ; [HIE lull. partial. lclt or my I]; wuphng. cadmium plated 1‘" " em“! " ' right. “any duty \\ uh mph.” con- - . . ‘1 holder at bottom. “he” "0 *q' 1" motor. runner base. llCc‘lUl'. end cap. \lrs (‘hurch News u mil.t SAVE Brand New Speedy Wax Spray Jumbo 31-02. graduated size. Automatic car wash con- tainer; just attach to garden hose. jobs for a showroom shine every time. plus Turtle Shell protection. Hurry, get yours while they last. CIAL BUYS SPECIAL! 25 ft. n l: Soaker Hose Reg.$l.29 .99 Reg-$4193.59 ’ Border Fence 'l-‘or Iunn or tlouct.‘ bccl. l‘ilc‘\ll’7lC \tccl \\llll coating. 15" high. more than /2 10 wash and wax For Home And Garden .2 SPECIAL lil\\ll ncul. grccn plastic SAVE! 20 it. Lawn Edging .79 :KCCp tlll\f‘\\.l) and Rugged grccn pol) construc- tion. 3‘s " high. tI)I “all Plato-r» Iur single toggle snitch. Bumn halcluc. ch_‘lr..... ,. ......... . o tl‘l Duplex ()utlct I‘latc â€" \lllftrL brtmn hakclnc thSlgll, 0 ll l 'l oggle Snitch w tlnsh UPC. ch. :SW‘. I Rccflc ..... Silent \Iercur} l)pce~ RC5; \I lLl . . .‘ll’l. (\l Snitch Bo\-- - l III-lit) \.. 30 amp. 2 tuse. ch. v.15 . [Bl (lutch Box â€"â€" complete \\‘llh knock-outs. 4': R62. 396 ....... .......... 1(‘l Snitch Box ~ - “ill! knock outs. For Rt‘lllC\. B\ or I 00m. Reg. 39¢ .............. . .34 \\ e reserxe the right to hunt qtidnllllc\ nu .ul mic we”). fill E \\\. x 884-ll96 ((il l)uplc\ Receptacle â€"- 3-\\nc \_‘l\\llll(l Upc. Bump, Regular .‘ulc . ................. . 'lls (‘ciIing Receptacle â€"â€"~ for " . " or 4'" oullct hoxcx. Regular .Wc‘ .................... Ill l‘lug ('ap A pnpul‘dl Noun missing ilcxlgn. R€cular 1:6 .. ......... .. .29 .34 .09 Garnet France}: and mission service last Sunday l\li<: F. French and \Ii's. lilorrl llei Flirts Duzan chose as his :ulrlr‘c‘t "On a (‘lear Day You (‘an See Forever”. and at the new old and t'lilH'llthh No iunior Choir familiar lilll lllé‘ hl‘lfllll H0“ Qllih mpmhpry ('hpy‘)l Tenn) son and ' - " Amon Wl members \ihn at- e (‘hur h l"l - ' , cdmlei . ‘. E . .. C ' H “Hand OPP!“ (‘entury l'unes EIH'P litmus new (‘hrlslophor Hood sang the Alan During business a bus trip to tended the district annual for were Mrs Russell Royinzton. . . , . r _ . ,. fl . . . . . mean.n! “th .\mllh 2mup< Lerner son: of that title. was agreed on for East \ork VI'l ginups uhich uas Mrs. James Rlldlt'k. \liss (ora mfik mm. Brmmtq Cornerq B_ \ g! a d ‘t d held May 22 at Centennial L'ni'- Rl‘Ole. .\lrs. A. Rrihinso Mrs. K. . . . _ ' we? ‘ Im'. Hm“ con m” 9 ' Lnitecl Church for the youth the presentation of missions THF‘. l.lRF‘.RAl.. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Mar 29. 1969 which uprp roceuod b\lidrllelon li'rim representatives of of the \arious youth groups As Debbie eat-h presented his groups gift Hooper; there of the mission progam through the )ear. the The choral intrmt sun}.' by ccrs the junior choir "Kum Ry Yah" lion. sf‘i the mood for the service. “it: a Complete with folding tri-leg for transport to picnic etc. Full IR". chronic-plath grill. just the .\i/c to accommodate all Ihmc .\tcak oml burger lake-out ortlcrs. Sums in thc trunk. Adjustable cooking heights. deep lire bmxl and mum (ll‘llC tripod Ir}! uwcnil‘l}. GREAT FOR CAMPING! Folding $100! .99 Strong.cninl'nntnblc cnnxas suit. 12% \ I?1 1". /incâ€" plated, tubular .\lCC! logs. l'ultls lt‘l' \lt‘lilgt‘. it)" high. REGULAR $l.29 and Mrs. George llooper directed .\rthur REDUCED! FAMOUS Weedex Bar Regular $4.19 l waded \\llli 1.44) lor Lillâ€" in; bl‘oatllczll north in um. X to 9 dub. ( ’mc‘ix IlUltltl sq. ll. \\ llll ran pullcr. William The Call to Worship and Prayer the iunlor chou' in the anthem ln\ocation .\latchell. DMId hriet (l0<(‘i’lpli0n Sharon Rnclmnan led “ere made by ’F‘ight the Good Fight." and C o r d u n organism “ere ‘\lr<. R0: Craw~ Bishop and lord and John Stcuait In Bible On June I, at ll am the serâ€" sluclied readian )oung people I'eceued \ice of \\or<hip is to be centred offering. sang the messen- around the Ordination to Elder- dedica- ship of young men of the Con- :i'egatmn â€"- Rae Donaldson and Hewitt. offering SPECIAL! 6-12 INSECT Repellent Spray 5 “.99 ‘2 “1.49 A conilnrt Hunt for campâ€" ing. tishing oi‘collugc cxpc- tlilions, lluntly aerosol. ('oniplclcl) odorless tooi .t not, 30lle CQUPGNS Special Savings for the Home! annual [lo-£17k Clock. ('onmare at SIS ill A hanommc 'vnc [\th "m nen own: room in even Bram face wuh nmwn ’l'lm. Fa~3»rcad it x 8" 'Kllfl'itn dial and hand‘. 9.99 ’Sonvo‘ Clock India, 'an‘snlflf AM-FM Warm and :lncs commrl'mn rI‘K an. n : (tn and get: vml up to Ream-hi1 ‘95 muuc. [A t < .'_ Feature Spot-ml! G :ix(_ (woman at V3 "‘, "Vi-ulips" Laay‘i Shave". The Cast:(' sum 1;,er pane-v aanr‘ uni. demdah‘w 'nlzn many that" mac mm]: ode lor leg. one Mr underanmi, .88 "Johnson" ley lug Clm. rmpw a: l' “S. likerw rv-aim m r gs [but 4 hour. Cram. 1‘! 114 rug. ram... who.” a 1 «Wm WM... \Hamr‘m dries :21 9-3“ 1.49 Seals. lixvt‘. Tub and Tile Count. (on more at (I h’-_ cr- u anu «w: z-vc- In snrvwrv Anil huh, law on (Inc-(I l'f ungwrd «Maui 7- pncelam, wood mPtal. t~ m. tube. .69 .29 “‘4. to. $0_ ans...» “Ma, uwv. “lav m1 r4“ Jorng or" "-s‘. Ironing labb, ll amour in in" ' : z :4 52 w v-wd 1" a . _. . a l Mun, Err-co gre} hand to me airfare Daemon" wow Covav Ma ’04 9.4. Add 1 law :tamnlir in mm <rnning_ (and mmuv .69 rnvmo v‘fi‘u' mth a man underâ€"purl for smrnrfi \ellnu (‘ilsy paw-11'. "Mary Fine-Q0!" Spmy.$imm.l)vy m. ( mpzvr ,~ c s n: Fnr .'n<p 're-hwnlelcinna' mm.“ * Fauaemi tann‘ .mmw rial, mgdjgd ’88 \flru '- mm mum \ivv‘adn' “c 195:?! me right to :21! queen-c: on a! 22m

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