Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1969, p. 15

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The annual picnic. being con- vened by Audrey Rowlands. will be held June 20 at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hughes. On taking over the chair making the past season such 3 Dennis Stainer extended a vote success and the meeting closed of thanks to Len Jones. then with the singing of the national gave a brief synopsis of the anthem. plans for next year. He then * * * gave a tentative schedule of The 5th Richmond Hill Scout plays for next season. which as Ladies’ Auxiliary held its 12th y6t has 10 be finalized- annual meeting May 21 with 16 The annual picniC. being con- members present, including two vened by Audrey Rowlands. will guests. Mrs. F. Harrington and be held June 20 at the country Mrs. A. Blackburn. numnuummuummunulluummumnmnuuummunmmmm Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers. be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column -â€"â€" how about yours? cups icing sugar tbls. cocoa cup butter or margarine 1 egg yolk tbls. evaporated milk graham crackers (1 small pkg.t Maraschino cherries Sift, together icing sugar and cocoa. Melt butter or margar- ine over low heat. Add sifted cocoa and icing sugar: stir until well blended. Remove from heat: add egg yolk and evapor- ated milk beaten until smooth. Spoon a layer of chocolate mix- ture. into a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan lined with aluminum foil. Spread well in corners. Cover with a layer of biscuits. Repeat with a layer of chocolate and add a layer of biscuits ending with a layer of chocolate. Cover and chill in refrigerator until set. about 3 hours or more. Re- move from pan. place on ser\'-: ing dish then remove aluminum foil. Make a design on top with a fork; garnish with cherries. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Mrs. D. Orton. Aurora. Lyn annulus. ucw Mary Watson. Sunshine Conven- or Joan Pellett, Telephone Con- venor Sharon Fewster, Uniform Convenor Carmen Wallingford and Social Convenor Bonnie Quinnell and Mildred Mason. Joan Robertson. minus her arm cast which she. has had since the winter carnival. thank- ed the outgoing executive for a job well done. Joan also an- nounced that there would be an Indian theme at the Cub Rally being held this Saturday. May 31. between 1 and 7.30 pm at Bruce's Mill Conservation Area. There will be a charge of 50 cents for each boy and leader to enter the grounds. It was decided to hold next year's meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month. The “15 uull v yllva. it'all season will start, September 23 with a corn roast at the home of Yvonne Sale‘t After the business meeting. the group adjourned to Yonge Gardens in Willowdale to enjoy good food and fellowship. The executive wishes one and all a very happy summer. Business arising out of the last. meeting was discussed, re- ports read, and the minutes of the last. general meeting read and adapted. Nominations Chairman Neville Cross then read the slate of nominees for the 1969-70 executive and elect- ed to office were President Den- nis StainerNice- President Gerry Crack. Secretary Margaret Cross, Public Relations Mary Monks and Membership Secre- tary Marylo Graham. Past, President is Len Jones and Treasurer Trevor Stanley is completing his second year. The annual general meeting of the Curtain Club was held Monday evening at the theatre, rear of 25 Yonge Street South. These are. Chairman of the Resolution Committee Mrs. An- na Little. Branch President Mrs. Phyllis Miller. Executive Direc; tor Miss Verna Harries, Vice- Presideni Mrs. Daphne Strau- mann and Program Director Mrs. Gwen Halliday. Five official representatives from the Richmond Hill and District YWCA are in Hamilton this week attending the National YWCA Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Richardson. of Peterboro. are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Ann Coreen. to Gerald Paul Rice. son of Mrs. Arthur B. Hindle of Richmond Hill. and the late Jackson H, Rice. Wedding will take place on June 7, 1969 in Knox United Church. What’s Cooking? Shelagh is the daughter of Judge George Sweeny and Mrs. Sweeny of High- land Lane. The local horse show is a recognized member horse show of the Canadian Horse Shows Association Inc. and the National Equestrian Federation of Canada and is governed by the national rules of Canada. Congratulations to young equestrian. Shelagh Sweeny. who. riding her pony “Doz- zah" won the reserve jump- ing championship for ponies under 13 hands at the horse show held Saturday by the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society. CHOCOLATE DELIGHT ANN RICHARDSON Plan lune Wedding Pasi President Marjorie Weeks. President, Joan Robert- son. V'ice-Presidenl Yvonne Sale. Secretary Barbara Hurley. Treasurer Joyce Wells. Hospit- al Convenor Gwen Bell. Mem- bership Convenor Pearl Wilson. Program Convener Helen Had- wen. Publicity Convenor Mari- iLvn Schiller. Sewing Convenor Mary Watson. Sunshine Conven- jnr Joan Pellett, Telephone Con» ‘vpnnr Sharon Fewster. Uniform ‘Convenor Carmen Wallingford and Social Convenor Bonnie Quinnell and Mildred Mason. During the past season some excellent. scores were racked up by members â€"- high single for men J. Sheahan. 340. J. Kaiser. 326, J. Farquhar. 323, F. ‘Rose, 289. High single for ladies: Mrs. K. Seymour, 310, Mrs. B. Winger-t, 293, Mrs. E. Costoff. 282. Mrs. Blackburn. advisor of York Central District Ladies‘ Auxiliaries. installed the follow- ing members of the 1969-70 ex- ecutive. It was decided to hold next year's meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month. The fall season will start September 23 with a corn roast at the home at Yvonne Sale, After the business meeting. the group adjourned to Yonge Gardens in Willowdale to enjoy good food and fellowship. Bert Cook expressed his sin- cere thanks to everyone for making the past season such a success and the meeting closed with the Singing of the national anthem. John Allan donated two trophies for high triple score in memory of Victor Rodgers and these were presented by Mrs. Rodgers to W. She‘rar. 751 and Mrs. M. Woodgate. 731. V. Armsden winning second prige. a thermal blanket. and Mrs. Pearson, third prize, a pillow. After a short business meet- ing prizes were given and the draw held for the quilt. This was won by Mrs. Rose Suther- land of Singhampton. with Mrs. Following the singing of O Canada, a toast to the Queen and singing grace, 114 sat down to dinner. R. H. Senior Citizens The Senior Citizens' annual bowling banquet was held May 15 in the Christian education building of Richmond Hill Unit- ed Church. Following the ceremony they attended a party held at, the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Crack. and joined Mr. and Mrs. David Crack, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beswick, in offering their congratulations to the young graduate and wish- ing her continued success in the field of nursing, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Crack attended the graduation of their niece. Judith Crack. from the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing at graduating exercises held Friday evening at Alumni Hall. University of Western 0n- tario. London. GERALD RICE Doug Allen. having just sign- ed up for cable television and thereby upgrading his status. thanked Mr. Coxiord for that opportunity and conveyed to the speaker the appreciation of the members. ' The speaker at Monday's meeting was Don Halliday who gave a clasification talk on “Paper Products Distributing". The May 12 meeting was exâ€" ceptionally well attended with only four members not in at-. tendance. Dennis Steiner re- ported that he had carried greetings to West Kensington and St. Anne‘s on Sea clubs in England and the Amsterdam club in the Netherlands. Ed Nokes attended the Washington DC. Club May 7. Herb Smith and Colin Robertson made up at the Toronto club and Don Halliday visited Brantford. They plan to open a post ofâ€" fice and general store in Chesh- ire but while looking around will stay with Mr. Harper's brother. George Harper, at his home in Manchester. Entertaining at farewell part- ies for Mr. and Mrs. Harper prior to their leaving were Mr. and Mrs. Mars Blackley of Bramalea. Mrs. Harper's aunt. Mrs. Hilda Keech. Alderwood and Mr. and Mrs. S. Stubbs of Cooksville. Active members of the Rich- mond Hill Tennis Club for many years. Mrs. Harper was a former president and Mr. Harp- er. a member of the club's match team. Their many friends in the area join with "The Liberal" in wishing the Harper Family bon vnvage and every success in .their new venture. He gave a most interesting talk on "The Cable Thingf‘, whose humble beginning was in the back of a television repair shop and in its struggle for sur- vival it was nurtured. not by the usual business outlets. but by small town markets without ‘bank or other conventional fin- ancial support and its prime prospects were people in the lower income groups. 'T‘nrlnv tho inrlneh-u rnnrannntc Today the industry represents a $100 million capital invest- ment and has attracted consid- erable American capital and the consequent American control. Toronto is apparently the last major city in Canada to be developed as a "cable" market with the advent of color teleâ€" vision and its need for a more precise signal combined with highrise buildings masking off signals providing the impetus. ROTARY NEWS Stewart Coxlord of CFGM was the guest speaker at the May 12 meeting of the local Rotary Club. The speaker at Monday's meeting was Don Halliday who gave a clasification talk on "Paper Products Distributing". Marcia, looking very much at ease over a hot stove, is shown preparing scrambled eggs and bacon for a Good Friday break~ fast sponsored by the YPS of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church for the congregation. This was the first such project the group had undertaken. Pictured in the June issue of the Presbyterian Record is Mar- cia MacLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. McLeod of Trayborn Drive. This was the final meeting of the season and members were delighted that Auxiliary Presi- dent Mrs. Dorothy Spears was able to join them on this oc- casion. Over 25 members of the branch attended, all taking their favorite dish, which, when spread on the table. looked reâ€" miniscent of the buffet offered by the Town and Country in Toronto! A very successful pot luck luncheon was held Wednesday last. at the home of Mrs. J. A'Court. Dufl'erin Street by the Pleasantville Branch of the The East Central Branch of the YCHA had a very enjoyable and successful evening May 13 at the home of Mrs. J. Heard, Cachet Parkway, with 32 mem- bers and guests present. Plans were discussed for the November card party â€" further details will be published later. Mrs. M. Miller of Tupperware gave an interesting demonstra- tion which resulted in many or- ders. Lucky draw prizes were donated. The next meeting on June 10 will be an evening out for members â€" dinner at the Yang- tze Pagoda. Transportation is being ar- ranged by Mrs. D. Hitchius at 884-3734. YCHA. Her husband, Bill, will join her in August on his retirement from the De Haviland Aircraft Company. A well known resident of the area and very active in the Richmond Hill Chapter of the IODE, Mrs. Houston is sorry to leave her many friends but hopes they will visit her at her new home in the country. Mrs. W. J. Houston leaves her home on Birch Avenue. Rich- vale. this week to take up resi- dence near Wiarton. Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra members and friends are holding a fare- well party Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Thompson. Maple, to honor Arthur Burgin. founder and conductor of the orchestra, who has reâ€" signed. The annual spring mn- cert of the. symphony will he held Monday. June 2. at Richmdnd Hill High School at 8.20 pm. Well known residents of the Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harper and their 13-year-old son. Dougâ€" las. left their Lynett Crescent home on Friday for a iour of western Canada and a visit to Long Island. New York. before driving to Montreal where on July 24 they leave aboard the Empress of Canada ‘to take up residence in Cheshire, England. July 24 they leave aboard the Empress of Canada to take up residence in Cheshire, England. They left by train for Winni- peg, where they will spend sev- eral days with former Richmond Hill residents. Dr. David Punter and Mrs. Punter. before con- tinuing to Edmonton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barlow. Here they plan to borrow a car and tour British Columbia. then travel down to Long Island where they will stay until sail- ing time with Mr. and Mrs. J. Davies (Mr. Harper's sister! who will drive them to Montreal enroute for England. They plan to open a post ofâ€" fice and general store in Cheshâ€" ire but while looking around will stay with Mr. Harper's brother. George Harper. at his On Sunday next. June 1. at 7 pm. the first annual meeting of OMNI OBLI will be held with parents of Serfs invited for cof- fee and dessert. King Campbell will be on hand as well as Queen Pamela with the finan- cial report and words of wisdom ifrom Advisors Bob McKittrick. Bob Thompson and Rev. Bob Smith. On or about June 3 there will ‘be an excursion to Centre 15- !land. Toronto. for a day long ‘picnic and roustabout. Tickets will be circulated among mem- bers. On June 15 the group is pleased to announce that the great Judo expert, Mr. Sacki Toumi, will present a demon- stration of kurate. and June 22 will either be a swimming party or a visit from Allan Spraggett. Final Sigma-C meeting of the season is May 27. This will close the 1968-9 sea- son. Awards and graduation ceremonies will 1ake place and campout registration will be ac- cepted up to that date. They plan to open a post ofâ€" fice and general store in Cheshâ€" ire but while looking around will stay with Mr. Harper's brother. George Harper. at his Tyros from Crosby Heights and Beverley Acres Groups held a car wash May 24 at King’s Texaco. Champion scrubbers were Erick Woods, David Grant and Scott Mayhew. Regular meetings on May 31 have \been transferred to June 2 at 6.30 pm when all boys from MacKillop. BeVerley Acres and Crosby Heights Groups are invited to bring their fathers to a barbecue at St. Matthew's Church. Informa- tion may be obtained by cal- ling 884-3713. Members nf the Crosby Heights Sigma-C went to Queensville May 22 where they went down to defeat in a soft- ball game with Queensville Sig- Active members of the Rich- mond Hill Tennis Club for many years. Mrs. Harper was a former president and Mr. Harpâ€" er. a member of the club's match team. Their many friends in the area join with "The Liberal” in wishing the Harper Family bon vnvage and every success in their new venture. R. H. Tyro and Sigma-C Senior Tyre and Sigma-C boys attended a special program about Camp Big Canoe. with Leaders Larry Price. Garry Holicky and Gordon Derry. The ACW would like to ex- tend sincere thanks to members and artists for their hard work and co-operation, which con- tributed a great deal to the success of the show. They hope to make this an annual event. The Richmond Hill UCW are holding a garden tea June 11 at the home of Mrs. E. J. Um- phrey on the Gormley Sideroag (lst driveway on south side of Gormley Sideroad. off Yonge StreetL Over 400 attended the. Art Show and Sale held last, week by St. Mary's Anglican Church Women in Wrixon Hall. The work of many local art- ists was attractively displayed. creating a great deal of interest from area and out of town resi- dents. In the event of rain. the tea being convened by Mrs. H. Le- Cuyer. will be held inside. Over 12,000 or more nlher Rotarians and their families are expected to attend. Attending the 60th Rotary In- ternational Convention being held this week in Honolulu are Richmond Hill Rotary Club President. Dr. Arnie Aral and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Butler. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Bernie Le Maitre at 884-3805. They are between New- market and Gormley east of Yonge and will be open from 11 am to 5 pm, The tour will include the homes of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Pattison. Mrs. V. Sifâ€" ton. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sifton. Mrs. Robert Purves. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Addi- son. Dr. and Mrs. Leigh. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. S. Blue and Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald McClure. Nine houses ranging from century old renovated farm houses to the most modern of polo arenas. will be opened to the public June 5 to raise money for the York County branch of the Ontario Humane Society. Admission $1 at the gate As a special event, while the judges make their final selec- tion, Plus Tax, a Toronto group. will play until the winning com- bo is announced. then dancing until 11.30 pm will complete the day‘s activities. OMNI OBLI is presenting this fantastic show for the benefit of Cystic Fibrosis and all local teenagers are urged to attend sometime during the marathon day. OMNI OBLI welcomes the at- tempt by interested parties to form a drop-in centre with town financial assistance for the young people of Richmond Hill The Serfs of OMNI offer all their assistance to this group. especially in the area of operat- ing a program on a shoe string budget, with minimum staff. M“Illllllll|II\lllllllllIIllIllllllll“ll“Illl|llllQlll\“|llllllllllHlHllllllliW An active program has been drafted for OMNI OBLI for the next six weeks. highlighted by a,giant Cystic Fibrosis Sum- mer Rock Festival at the local arena on June 7. Eight big groups will com- pete for the summer festival trophy and the chance to be heard by one of the many re- cording company representativ- es that will be on hand looking for new talent. Carrying the banner for Richâ€" mond Hill will be Somebody's Children. an up and coming musical group that should make a good impression on the judg- es. All members are urged to pick up the "What is OMNI to me" questionnaire and fill it out for an appraisal of OMNI OBLI and what ails it. There are still several problems to iron out. â€"- mostly to do with the size and number of leaders available to snend time with the young bloods of Richmond Hill. Tickets at $1 each may be ob- tained by calling Ticket Con- venor Peg Chalklin at 889-1263. The bake sale will be augâ€" mented by a sale of handmade aprons and there will be a 25 cent raffle for a three piece set of coming ware. The winning ticket will be drawn by the popular CFRB Announcer Wally Crouter. Signs of summer! "The Rich- vale Branch of the YCHA is planning its annual strawberry tea June 26 at the home of Muriel Shaw. 18 Maryvale Cres- cent. Richvale. Boys of the lst Beverley Ac- res Cub Pack are reminded of the rally being held this Satur- day May 31, from 1 to 7.30 pm, at Bruce's Mill Conservation Area. Uniforms are to be worn and a picnic supper brought by boys and parents. This year‘s rally will have an Indian theme. Recently returned from holi- daying at the Inverurie Hotel. Bermuda, are Mr. and Mrs. John A. Griffin of Bathurst Street. OMNI-OBLI Hosts Rock Festival 'A beautiful garden at its early summer loveliest will be the setting for a Tea Garden Party sponsored by the Women’s Association of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. The tea will feature teacup reading and door prizes as well as the lovely garden of Mrs. Edith Walker, 17 Edgar Avenue, Richvale, for three hours from 2 to 5 pm on Wednesday, June 18. Pictured above in a corner of the garden are thé committee in charge (left to right) Mrs. Robert Craigie, Mrs. Peter Smith and Mrs. Walker as they discuss plans for this charming event. ' lune Garden Beautiful Setting For Tea .n: rml Good wishes are extended to islthe new Akela Mrs. Riley and to he long standing member. Mrs. M. 3kj Boardman, who is convalescing .11. following a sojourn in York 221Central Hospital. The lst Beverley Acres Ladies‘ Auxiliary will hold its next meeting June 16 at the home of President Mrs. Pat Griffiths. 236 Ashlar Road. It is hoped that many mothers of Ven- turers. Scouts and Cubs will atâ€" tend this meeting. as the main topic of the agenda will be the bazaar to be held in October, and the support of all. mothers is needed to make it a success. Also on the agenda will be the schedule for next sea: ings and members’ 1 will be welcome on ject. The executive of the iary wish to announce future, meetings will be the homes of executive bers. not as previously, i erley Acres School. General business discussed inâ€" cluded the appointment of a committee for the purpose of running 5 p e c i a1 projects throughout the summer. Tent; ative plans have been made for a strawberry festival, barbecue and swimming party, The an- nual garden party will be held early in August at the home of Frank and Edith Titshall. A report was presented by Presiv dent Dickson on the zone meet- ing and the zone rally held re- cently. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Le- gion. held their monthly general meeting with President Joan Dickson in the chair. On Sunday next. June 1. the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be administered and new members will be received. Persons wishing to become members of the church by trans- fer are requested to contact either. the church office or the minister immediately. Please Note: Commencing next Sunday the summer sched- ule will begin, and services for June. July and August will be held at 10 am. Slacks or sportswear is sug- gested â€" refreshments will be served. R. H. United Church The Couples Club of Rich- mond Hill United Church wiN meet this Friday. May 30, for a sports night and an evening of fun. The service Is free â€"- but news items must reach the office no later than 2 pm Tuesday for inclusion in the current issue. Whatever you’re doing â€" why not keep “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your activities by call- ing Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 or dropping a line to 63 Yonge Street South. Entertaining for a June bride? Attending gradua- tion services? Guests from out of town? :la will be the season‘s meet- '5’ suggestions on this sub- auxili- that in held in 2 mem- in Bev- Moving pictures of Yonge Street as it was five years ago and as it is today with some changes being an improvement. were shown. The camera ’had sought out and recorded the blemishes of litter. multitudin- ous, garish signs. overhead wir- ing and poor "housekeeping". Later exhibits by models, printed messages and slides showed how these blemishes could be removed â€" some solu- tions were as simple as a daily sweeping of the sidewalk in front of each place of business. placing of litter in the contain- ers provided, painting, setting out planters of flowers â€"â€" none were expensive. and all were effective. rayie, rnu Daft“. James num- er. John Bradstock. Councillor Ivan Mansbridge and Secretary Mrs. Hannah Porter. The co-operation. which will bring new life to Richmond Hill‘s downtown core, was very evident during the three day presentation. The Lions turned over their Centre Street East hall to the committee for the entire week without charge. members of the Kinettes served refreshments at the official open- ing Wednesday night and mem- bers of the Inner Wheel of Rotary were the hostesses on Thursday and Friday. W The crowd then was admitted to the exhibits set up in the continuous corridor which wound its way back and forth through the large hall and told the story by many graphic means. represents Lanark County in Eastern Ontario in the Legisla- ture proved that he had “been in the lumber business and knew how to make doors“. "Project Facelift" Is Impressive (Continued from Page 1) WE CATER T0 PERFECTION All Facilities Available Â¥ Weddings 4‘ Sales Meetings 1% Banquets 4 Special Occasions THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. May 29, 1969 â€" Telephrme 889-4988 â€" is closer to your shop. There will be more parking space". “What do you think of your neighbor's sign? Is it too big, too garish. too ugly and with too many little words? Maybe yours is worse." asked another. Members of the Civic Im- provement Committee who plan- ned. placed and explained the exhibits were Chairman Doug- las Allen, Al Mahaffy, Charles Taylor. Douglas Hitchins. David Fayle, Phil Barth. James Hunt- er. John Bradstock. Councillor Ivan Mansbridge and Secretary Mrs. Hannah Porter. Photo by Stuart‘s Studio I"! l h]. “II '9 ALL YOUR «CAM GILBERT'S SMOKE Successful men know that glasses can do much to express their personality. Count on us to fit you right . . . flatteringly. Gordon S. Wood GIVE HIM A Bus. 884-1955 Res. 884-4315 Specialists in the fitting of your eye doctor'l prescriptions Men of Distinction Select Glasses Here 22 Yonge St. S. OPTICIANS 34 YONGE ST. 5.. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill onmz sHAMs I SllEl 37-95 â€" $50.00 Prescription 401 4IOÂ¥B MILL lâ€"‘t ax WW ,..“

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