Over 50 attended the shower. eld in the schoolroom of St. ndrew's Presbyterian Church ay 20. Linda received many ovely gifts, including an electric i‘yer. kettle. mixer. elecâ€" ric clock, electric can opener, ath set, Corning Ware set, :anistel‘ set, Teflon cookware. Sissell sweeper, linens and alankets. ‘ hpwer A. community shower was eld for Linda LaRiviei-e who ecently married Rick Nelson, nd is now living in Willoivdale. Ainda is the daughter of Jean nd John LaRiviere of Ontario treet, and has lived in Maple 11 her life. Thanks go to all those who \ttended the shower and partiâ€" :ularly Ada Garnier, Rose Sai- zeon, Bertha Ingram. Doris Cooper. Dorothy Murchison. and Jois Line who organized it and ‘uordon Ingram. who arranged he use of the schoolroom. .inda also received a four-slice caster from the staff at Beaver .umber where she works in the urchasing department. By Louise Cooper A triple record was made in the walkathon. organized by the Maple Recreation Committee. under the special efforts of Jan Myers, to raise more than $3,300 for the new tennis courts to be built on land set aside by the Maple Lions Club in the park be- hind the community centre. Frank Robson. who is an idol of all the youl’fg people in the Village, raised the most money, somewhere around $200; he was the old- est of the 150 who strode out behind the bagpipes of Rev. B. F. Andrew at 9 am and finished the 20 mile walk; he was also the last to return, along with Liberal Corres- pondent Mrs. Lucille Shaw of Kleinburg. and her family of four little ones who all fin- ished as well. Second to arrive was Bill Lamont. aged 12. of M,alaren Road. who covered the distâ€" ance in four hours. Helen (Spencer) Buchanan was recently the proud recipient, 1f 3 4H homemakers award at ichievement day, May 10, at Victoria Square. This coveted award is presented after the "ompletion of 18 various home- making projects including cook- ng. sewing, home beautificatiqn nd first aid. The first to cover the 20 mile route was Terry Watson of Lancer Drive in Maple. who is an excellent runner and belongs to the Bayview Secondary School Track Team, and is practising for the cross country run in September. Terry covered the 20 miles in three hours flair \‘V'HU In all CALcuLII» and belongs to the Bayview Secondary School Track Team, and is practising for the cross country run in September. Terry covered the 20 miles in three hours flat. , Second to arrive was Bill Lamont, aged 12. of Malaren Road. who covered the dist- ance in four hours. The Maple Lions generous 1y donated $5 to be added to A u....-. The walkathon was an ex- ercise in community spirit, since we are sure that 90% of the families in the area participated in one way or another. from pledging mon- ey, to driving the route and supplying soft drinks and food. Since the lunch truck which had been arranged for. did not make an appearance. it left quite a few of the children who had been de- The money will be collect- ed this week from those who pledged. and we are asking that anyone who has pledged, and is not approached please get in touch with any mem- ber of the recreation com- mittee, or Jan Myers at 832-1423, as several children lost their pledge sheets. and since they tried so hard. they deserve to contribute every cent they earned. tory that these men did. It is of interest that this group can be contacted in any emergency. and can have as many as 20 cars in opera- tion on short notice, in case of lost children. The St. John Ambulance men and ladies who were on the scene at all times receive a grateful thanks for their help, and encouragement. The casualties were fortun- had to turn back. The committee hopes to be able to have a display of the pictures taken during the day. along with lists of those who walked. and those who finished. We are all very proud of our young people. and several parents have cal- led to express their pride and amazement and to even apologize for underestimating their children. 'Imimwmhlfltihlhlililihhhtihhl“liilllllllliill“\llhl“llllllhllilhiliililMilli“\lliillllllillii“\ililll\\l\\\\ll\ll\i\\“WilliI“illllillliliiilll““till!llillilllllllllliilll! i\iliillhlllli\NllllllliillIllililtiiili“\lllillllillillllllllllIllll“lI“llillllillllllllllllllllllilltilllllNililllllllllilllililllllllllillllilillllllllillll\lllilliliiiillllllilllllllilillllilllllllllliilll“ '1 Adding to the honor of Helâ€" -n's award is the fact that hers 5 me first to be awarded in York County. ‘ The ladies of the ‘Snow White' Bowling Team took an evening off to go out and have a really good time recently, Pat Allen was miSSed. as she was ill. nut Brigitta Weidenfclder. Au- drey Foulds, Sharon Ground- sell, Ilsa Thompson and Barbara Kidd started the evening with Mape, Kleinburg, Concord & Edgeley News Your correspondent wishes to xtend an apology to Mrs. 'Moss or referring to her little daugh- er Heather. as Heather Rose. eather is just fine now, and vidently none the worse for er experience. This concert will feature orks by Pergnlisi. Teleman, amuel Barber, Mozart, Fresco- aldi and Wagner, and will be eld in Richmond Hill High hool, June 2 at 8:15 pm. Walkathon Raises Over $3,300 For Tennis Courts wening off to go out and have I really good time recently. Pat \llen was missed. as she was ill. iut Brigitta Weidenfelder. Au- lrey Foulds. Sharon Ground- ;ell. Ilsa Thompson and Barbara Kidd started the evening with l lovely dinner at the Skyline Hotel in the cloud room. # in x‘< r Since their husbands had been left at home, they missed mt on the dancing. however. went to a pub afterwards, and in a bobbing up and down eon- ‘est, Brigitta won the bobâ€"off1 pasiLv. Sounds as if the girls? had a lot of fun! Of special interest to they senâ€" iors are the results of the re- cent petitions collected by radio station CFGM on the cancella- tion of the Don Messer show. It seems that the CBC remains firm on their refusal to run the program next fall. so the latest _ official news is that CHCH will produce the program next year. iThey intend to fly the Don Mes- :ser group in to Hamilton a couple of times per month. and then to make the program avail- :able across Canada to private stations. A great deal of credit goes to ICFGM for the results of their Friends and family of Gwen Beecham. 3 Goodman Crescent. will be proud to learn that she has graduated with honors from 191‘ three-year fashion and deâ€" sign course at Ryerson Techno- [ogical Institute. Anyone who is interested in load music would enjoy the final concert by Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra. in which :everal >art. Gwen received her certificate t the convocation held May 16. MJ's. Jennie Cave of Oldfield gtreet, Mnnle has been pler‘s- xntly busy with relatives visit- “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburg. [‘Iaple’ please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Eugeley and Concord, Malcolm Kilburn, 889-8393; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. Maple residents take U3: ld parti- Lose Sai- .. Doris ison, and ed it and arranged oolroom. four-slice it Beaver ks in the \\ nu luclianan recipient. award at y 10, at coveted lfter the us home- ina nnnk- Many parents and residents have called in to ask that their personal congratulations be ex- tended to those who walked Saturday in the walkathon. and also to those who worked so very hard in the organization. Swimming Lessons Advance notice has been re- ceived of the two periods when area children will be able to participate in the swimming lessons at Thornhill Pool. The first period will be from July 19 to August 6, the second from August 9 to August 27. Further information regarding fees and registration will be given as soon as available. Senior Citizens For those of you who have j been as curious as I. your cor- respondent, the recent survey- ing that has been going on in the area has a very simple ex- planation. This has been a town- ship survey -cre\v taking road elevations for engineering rec- ords and plans for future use. ‘ing from Nova Scotia. Halifax. Prince Edward Island, and Hamilton. Mrs. Sadie Gard. of O'Leary, PEI, who is 76 years old and Mrs. Irene Acorn from Halifax are making their first trip to this area, accompanied by Mrs. Hazel Boulter and Mrs. Jennie Ramsay both of O‘Leary, and an uncle, John Home of Trenton, Nova Scotia. Visiting also with Mrs. Cave and the folks from the Maritimes are Mrs. Beulah Mills and Mr. and Mrs. George Mills of Hamilton. The Senior citizens are cal-11vâ€" ing on in full swing, with a de- mbnstration of Pakistani em- broidery which quite impressed those present at the last meet- ing. Plans are underway for a bus trip to be taken this sum- mer and details will follow next week. the total earned by each of the first 20 to complete the walk. As well as the first and second runners. the fol- lowing qualified for the $5. Garth Moore, third, in a time of four hours and 20 minutes. Peter Rayburn, Digby Bourke, Doug Hill, Bruce Palmer, Gord Morris, Bobby Mathewson. Ken Fenton, Ray James, Stephen Morris, Steve Allen and Libby Young. 9 years old, who was the first girl to finish. Gary Roberts, Ted Allen. Ricky Phillips. Kathy Garrick, Nancy Brown and Jackie Holmes. A great deal of credit goes to CFGM for the results of their work. It seems that from their station alone. some 11,000 names were collected. the big- gest response across Canada, the next being from Van- couver, which was the combined efforts of radio and TV. WI The May WI meeting was held in the library hall. Roll call was responded to by the paying of fees. Mrs. Milt Palmer gave a splendid report of the district annual held at Woodbridge. Eld- ers Mills were the hosts and Mrs. Bernice Cook and Mrs. Robert Burton were.in charge of the meeting. Mrs. J. Watson‘s talk was very interesting as she reported on WI projects. Also shown were displays of 4H clubs. paper flowers. baking with yeast and other projects. Mrs. Ella Harris and Mrs. John Hill were the h05tesses and served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Andrew Snider gave the courtesies and a game of euchre was enjoyed by the members, Mrs. Harry Stephenson being the high lady. The standing committees met May 21. at the home of Mrs. Duke Jarrett. to arrange the 7 This donation brought some of the earnings ofrthe first 20 walkers into the $60 bracket. Wendy Gipps. young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gipps, Lancer Drive, participated in the walk, covering two miles. Wendy’s achievement was a particu- larly noteworthy one, since she is blind. The walkaihon was an ex- ercise in community spirit, since we are sure that 90% of the families in the area participated in one way or another. from pledging mon- ey, to driving the route and supplying soft drinks and food. Since the lunch truck which had been arranged for. did not make an appearance. it left quite a few of the children who had been de- *amkak IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE 'The next meeting will be held at the Maple United Church Hall, June 11, when Maple WI will cater to members of the Crown Hill WI. A film, “Crisis in Conversion†was seen by David Langman, David Wright. Gary Forrest, Donald Sinclair, Duanne For- rest, Lorraine White, Gail Cooper and Louise Cooper who also participated in the evening program of song and prayer. new programs for next year. "The WI Rally at Sharon is planned for September 4. St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian On May 18, two cars took eight of the members of the junior and senior Bible classes and leaders to Alderwood Pres- byterian Church for an evening of fellowship with the young people of that church who were presenting a preparatory pro- gram for the Crusade for Christ which begins in Toronto, June The program was enjoyed by our young people, and the even- ing was made complete with a snack on the way home. The May meeting of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church WA-WMS was held at the home of President Mrs. Sandy Sin- clair, May 21. Mrs. Sinclair opened the meeting with a quotation, Mrs. Jean Miller accompanied the singing of hymn 723 “Birds are Singing†on the organ and Mrs. Margaret Andrew and Mrs. Mil- ‘ler presented a most interesting study on the “Birds of the ‘Bibie†topic. It was most amazing to find references to so many birds in the Bible and the ladies had prepared the program well. giv- ing lisls of birds which were not to be eaten. pictures of birds with Bible Verses associat- ed, as well as an explanation on the use of certain birds such as the eagle and the dove as symbols. pending on this for their lunch, thirsty and hungry. Concord and Thomhill. Neil Ross of Sutton, Andrew Kizâ€" ik of Thornhill. Mrs. Lucille Shaw and her family of Kleinburg, and several teens from Concord. There were participants in this walkathon from as far away as Sutton. Kleinburg. The number of young children who not only walk- ed, but finished the complete 20 miles has amazed every- one. The youngest seems to be little Wendy Shaw of Kleinburg, who has just turned six, followed by at least {our seven year olds, Jeffery Shaw, Gordon Coop- er, Bobby Amos and John Phillips. Mrs. Sinclair thanked the study and refreshment commit- tees and the business session followed. At this time it was planned to hold the rummage sale September 27 and to begin promotion for the "Festival of Fashion" show which is planned for October 9. This will be pre- sented by Walker Stores, and promises to be even better than the first one with prizes galore and refreshments. Following the singing of hymn 721. the meeting was closed by Mrs. Dorothy Snider with a prayer. St. Stephen's Anglican) The ladies of St. Stephen’s held a dinner in honor of the Sunday school teacher. May 15, with guest speaker. Rev. Ralph McKimm. who presented an il~ lustrated talk on the Polynesian Islands. where he was on the staff of a theological college. The evening was thoroughly en- joyed by everyone present. MARC Fireworks The recreation committee was well pleased with the turnout for the fireworks display at the community centre. Credit must go to any who helped Eleanor Kennedy organize and carry out this evening of entertain- ment. including Venturers, Guides and their leaders. These two groups will receive a donation for their assistance. and special thanks goes to Supâ€" erior Propane for the use of the stove. to the Lions for the use of pots and pans. to Bill Watson for the PA system and the music. to Charlie Wilmott who helped Eleanor choose the fire- works and then organized the men to set them off. The top earners after Frank Robson, who earned the most, were Jean Bamdon with a total of $102 and Deb- orah Key with $73.80, these were followed with several who earned over $60. ‘ Frank Robson. as usual gave and white hat. The groom's unlimited assistance wherever mother wore a dress and coat of help was needed. Thanks to all apple green silk brocade with Registration 'for the boys’ baseball this summer will be taken May 31 from 9 am till 12:00 noon. This includes boys who will be 12 years of age, as of July 1, this year. these people as well as the re- creation committee. Boys’ Baseball If any further information is required. Ken Kennedy, 832â€" 1408 is the man to call. Scouts and Cubs There will also be a meeting for parents who are willing to give assistance to the baseball clulb this year, on June 9 in the Lions’ den at the community hall. Coaches, umpires, manager and assistant manager will be needed. The regular schedule will get underway Thursday evening, June 26. A most enjoyable weekend was had by 15 Cubs of B-Pack ‘along with five leaders and three cooks who took a camping trip to Camp Samac, north of Oshawa. Leaders John and Judy Agar of Nashville, Bruce Gale, Dr. Ramsay Armitage per- formed the marriage ceremony for Julie Adele McBrien and Russel Walter Jandciu in St. Stephen Anglican Church, Maple, May 3. The Holy Table was graced with two arrange- ments of spring flowers and the guest pews were indicated with satin bows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBrien of 11 Weller Crescent, Maple. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jandciu, 8 Shamrock Avenue, New To- ronto. Jandciu-McBrien Nuptials Held In St. Stephen's Anglican Church The money will be turned in at the community hall June 2 from 7 pm till 9 pm and the last date, June 5 also from 7 pm to 9 pm. Several walkers deserve special mention, for example Kathy Kennedy, who carried one little girl piggy back for long distances, and too many to list here who gave verbal encouragement to others who were tiring. Special Thanks goes to a group from Brampton, the Brampton Radio Emergency Communications Club, with- out whose help, the walka- thon would not have been nearly as successful. tional wedding music played by Dr. Charles Birkett. She wore a floor-length gown of white or-} ganza over taffeta. trimmedi with Chantily lace and embroid- ered flowers on lace. Fashioned on Empire lines it had a cathe- dral train scattered with em- broidered flowers and appliqued lace motifs. A shoulder length \‘eil fell from a crown of white‘I artificial flowers. She carried a7 bouquet of pink and white} sweetheart roses. Given in marriage by her‘ father, the bride entered the‘ church to the strains of tradiâ€"1 4! § § A These young men had radio equipped cars. with Don Quinton in the control car at the plaza, keeping in con- stant touch with the first walkers and those at the last. and keeping track of check points, which would have en- tailed a tremendous amount of running to cover the terri- tory that these men did. Bridesmaids were Diane and‘ Jane Irvine and the flower ‘girl was the bride’s sister, Wendy McBrien. The senior attendants were gowned alike in floora length. Empire design mauve chiffon over taffeta with flow-§ ing trains and matching openl crowned picture hats. They car-' ried nosegays of pink and mauve spring flowers. The] young flower girl‘s gown was similar to the bridesmaids but‘ in yellow with a matching bonâ€" net. She carried a basket of yelâ€" low, mauve. pink and white spring flowers. >wm¢o 0 mm» It is of interest that this group can be contacted in any emergency, and can have as many as 20 cars in opera- tion on short notice, in case of lost children. The St. John Ambulance men and ladies who were on the scene at all times receive a grateful thanks for their help, and encouragement. The casualties were fortun- Male attendants were William Jandciu as best man for his brother and Tom Perry (the bride’s cousin) and Stephen Schtunyk (the groom’s cousin) as ushers. Miss Dodson also sang during the reception held at the Four Winds Country Club. Th e bride’s mother received the 130 guests in [a dress of ice blue with matching cape of silk broâ€" cade, matching shoes and bag and white hat. The groom's mother wore a dress and coat of During the signing of the re- gister Vocalist Judy Dodson sang “Such Lovely Things". Muriel Van Vught. and Peter Beecham as well as the three men who cooked, Ross Garratt, Jack Matthews and Mickey Lip- pay came home about 3:30 pm Sunday, tired, but pleased with the weekend which had been carried out on a western theme. Parents have been calling to ex- press their thanks and apprecia- tion for the efforts of these leaders and everyone who par- ticipated. The youth groups. Venturers, Scouts, Cubs. Rangers, Guides and Brownies participated in the annual church parade Sun- day, to the United Church. The group under Parade Marshall Duanne Forrest, marched be- hind two pipers and a drummer from the Bolton area were most impressive in their par- ticipation. The Brownies particularly made an excellent showing, in- dicating the future of our Guide group. A special thank you goes to Vaughan Township Police for their escort. ' ately very minor. and here, again. since the route was along a high speed highway for a good part of the way, the drivers who passed these \\‘a1kers should be mentioned for their care and courtesy. Kirby Brock. who has his ofï¬ce in the Maple Plaza. also is due special thanks. for opening his ofï¬ce for the full day‘ to make available his telephone and washroom. Jim l-lodgson conscienti- ously manned the desk at the plaza from 8 am’ till after 6 pm, assisted by Fred Young and Don Jarvis. Special thanks to these men. The recreation committee is to be highly commended for their organization of this event, and for their setting a reasonable goal of 20 miles so that 121 of the original 150 walkers were able to finish the course. The first drop-out was Nanna. Jan At- well‘s little white goat, who made it to Highway 400 then had to turn back. matching shoes, bag and headâ€" piece. Following the wedding dinner and an evening of dancing Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jandciu left on a honeymoon to Fort Lauder- dale, Florida. On their return they took up residence in Downsview. The committee hopes to be able to have a display of the pictures taken during the day. along with lists of these who walked, and those who finished. We are all very proud of our young people, and several parents have cal- led to express their pride and amazement and to even apologize for underestimating their children. WALTER LONG â€" PLUMBING 832-1345 MAPLE Alterations - Repairs - New Work For that plumbing job Call Neighborhood Notes . A magnificent time was had by one and all in thisnarea Vic- toria Day. At :the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mal Milbrook‘ 94 Rockview Gardens, neighbors gathered to celebrate this day with a wonderful fireworks dis- play. During the evening Mrs. Milbrook served chili con carne. rolls and coffee to the guests. Your correspondent was pleased to hear of all the variaâ€" ious displays being held in the At its meeting May 20 Vaugh- an Township Council agreed to 0 Pay Donald Moffatt $5.000 for land used in 1967 to widen Steeles Avenue from Bathurst to Dufferin Street. In April 1967 council authorized pur- chase of the necessary proper- ty. A settlement was not ob- tained due to price requested and difl‘iculty in contacting the owner, so the property was ex- propriated, it was reported. The present settlement includes $4,200 of .280 acres at $15,000 per acre, interest of 5 percent for 21/2 years $525, legal and appraisal costs $275. 0 Prepare an agreement with the CNR to accept storm drain- age from the area south of Snidercroft Road. The CNR has agreed to do the necessary work from Jane Street easterly to Snidercroft Road and has requested the township to com- plete the work from Jane westâ€" erly to the Black Creek, near the conservation property. This work involves installation of four catch basins and approxi- mately 800 feet of 42 inch con- crete pipe. Recent purchasers of 25 acres on the south side of Snidercroft Road wish to begin building as soon as possible, but can’t start until the drainage situation is cleared up, it was reported. Councillor Dalton McArthur reported the estimated cost was $60,000 and that a special levy had been placed on the last 30 acres in the area to make up this amount. O Decided to amend Bylaw 3680 which regulates construc- tion of fences around privately owned outdoor swimming pools by clarifying the definition of pool. The. description in the bylaw will now read “Privately owned outdoor swimming pools include any body of water or pool located outdoors on priv- ately owned property contained. in part or in whole by artificial Free Estimates ALMO FENCING 7 73-5831 AND WOOD SUPPLIED 0R INSTALLED KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 1 TEMPLE 3-5401 The Voice of Cancers! ALL TYPES CHAIN LINK FENCING Vaughan Council Briefs community without any unhap- py incidents. due to' sensible supervision by parents. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Bryan Camp of 20 L: Drive who celebrated eighth wedding annive May 13. Antje Kilburn, wife correspondent deserve accolades' since our wedding anniversary u May 26. Fred and Pat Guthrie of Vaughan Boulevard are now the proud parents of a bonny. bouncing baby girl weighing nine pounds. two ounces. Birthday greetings to John Cole. May 14, Bill Lacey, May 17, Patricia Wright also May _17 and Debbie Lacey. May 18. ‘ means and used or maintained for swimming, diving 01' bath- ing, but does not include a farm' pond. provided that it shall not include a body of water or pool that is less than 30 inches in height or in depth, or a combin- ‘ ation thereof.†E‘ “Height†shall be the portion of the pool structure above ground level, and “depth†shall be the portion of the pool struc- ture below ground level. SOII 125 Lake Shore Blvd. Eas Toronto 2, Ontario April 29, 1969 Telephone: (416) 365-6441 Any person in p03session of information regarding this wanted person or the circumstances surrounding the commission of this offence, should commun- icate immediater with the nearest police authority, or the Director, Central Records & Communications Branch, Ontario Provincial Police, Toronto, Ontario. At about 12.35 p.11, Thursday, April 17, 1969, a lone male person robbed teller at a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada at Markham, Ontario. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. May 219, 1969 Following is a ARMED ROBBERY. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, MARKHAM ON ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS 5 ST.. MAPLE PHONE 832-2271 'e of your es special 1‘ seventh took place ONTARIO ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE the composite reproduction and description of the wanted per- and "tie en 31‘)’ ï¬l-“““““-““ ’ MR. F. Desrochers th. B. Gerry Day th. B. ' VA““““““““\‘ “me' 5 N0 DATSUN Phone Complete Service and f1 (‘AINQHu-n and Dofinia 01' PERRY’S PHARMACY MAPLE _ 832-1164 Map/e '5 Original Apothecary Complete Service and full stock of parts Collision and Refinishing Experts 889-8830 16 INDUSTRIAL RD. 884-8134 mars/ml! g uner a! flame AGE: HEIGHT BUILD: COMPL: EYES: HAIR: DRESS: REMARKS 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill 48†30†Serving the Community under the Wright 8.: Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 John Perry th. B. 36,) 18 to 20 years 5’8†to 5’11†Medium Medium Dark Brown LIMITED Was wearing grey ivy league cap, dark blue waist length jacket with zippered front, blue jeans. Subject was of neat appearance. Spoke in normal voice - no accent. Had a moustache which may have been false. 884-1062 at Yomge St. RICHMOND HILL ERIC SILK, Q.C. COMMISSIONER $36.97 $45.47 $50.97. 17