Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1969, p. 7

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COLLTE pu . female, registered. 550. 884-63 1. c1w48 18 month Vold "AppalBosa mfv. gentle. call 888-1114. clw48 RABBITS for sale. 889-2987 I beiieve lthat 8 hours pay en- h‘tles an employer to 8 hours Work. Can you use me after school and during the summer. I'm 1’5 and in grade 9. Mike. 989-7851. ‘ clw48 ADORABLE miniature poodle pups. perfect pets. King City. 833-5577. c1w48 German Shepherd. friendly natâ€" ure. 889-3219. *lw48 ram, {603 with childrEF Phone 8894619. nc1w48 DOG grodifing â€"- poodles 3 specialty. Jill. Goddard. 889- FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home.-Workâ€" manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone evenings or Saturday 773-4202. ticll RELIABLE truck di'ivér, fully experienced seeks permanent position. Phone 884-7518. VERY capable college student would like babysitting hours. evenings or weekends in the Markham-Bayview area. 884- 4603. c2w48 EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. 9-4 pm. Richmond Hill. Thornhlll area. 884-4866 after 6 pm. c1w48 QUALIFIED nursery school teacher seeks part time position. stating September. Telephone Aurora 727-5753. c1w48 MAI? and 1,6 ton truck. small moving. clean yards, basements. etc. 884-6463. c2w48 ffiGH school female student. Grade 13, requires summer em- ployment. office. store or fac- tory. Also Grade 9 student de- flres part time employment as mother's helper, conscientious. unable. 889-1597. clw48 5 gear old university student Maire; summer employment In the Richmond Hill-Thornhill area. Will accept anything. full fir part, time. 884â€"7509. clw48 ENGLISH irsrért’t’e} ifiuppies, re- gistered. tri-color. males only. Maple. 832-1145. c1w48 FREE to good farm type home. CAT BOARDING Registered Siamese kittens and stud service. Household pet kit- tens. Beryl Stewart. 889-2581. TWO Siamese kittens. Call 884- 8985 or 884-7696. clw48 EREEN ACRE Pet Shop and Aquariam. Oak Ridge: Plaza. open 9 am. to 9 pm. daily in- cluding Sundays. 773-4401. fREE to good home â€" watch- dog. 884-7908. c1w48 EHETLAN'D pony. very good with children. has bridle halter and very good western saddle. 3100. Also very good rabbit cages. Phone Maple. 832-2063‘ c1w48 COLLIE pups. sable and white registered. shots. 727-6023. SCOTTISH ten-{err pubs. cham- pion sire. 884â€"4954. *1w48 ACADEMIC tutoring, chemis- try. physics. mathematics for high school. community college and university freshman. 889- 6809. c4w45 Taught in your own pool. Quali- fied Red Cross. Royal Life in- structors â€"- Pre-schoolers to adult. Phone 889-3033, *1w48 Summerhill Ideas. Children practise freedom in an orderly environment. Very up-to-date teaching techniques. Kindergar- ten and Primary, day school. 889-5404. clw48 MUSIC store going out of busiâ€" nass. Guitars. drums. mikes. strings and picks. half price. Store closes Saturday. Mod Music. Bayview Plaza 884-2336. c1w48 Sunnyhill Nursery Schools Brooke Street. Thornhill and Lillian Street. Willowdale. Ap- plications now being accepted. Phone 225-7177. tfc41 DAY care available in my home. Blue Grass and Beechy Drive. 884-6857. c1w47 DAY care in my home for preo schoolc‘vs. Rockport - Bayview. 884â€"7583. c2w48 TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- ual travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. PETS FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED SWIMMING LESSONS PRIVATE SCHOOL DAY CARE NURSERY SCHOOL TUITION TRAVEL MUSIC [e in my home. Beechy Drive. c1\\'47 home for preo nc3w46 c1w48 c2w48 c2w48 *1W48'household furniture, chester- "lâ€" field. wicker chairs. television. dishes. etc. including some an- _ tique items such as sewing-box hemis- (Rosewood inlaid with pearl :s for decorations). 5011686 FOR: Mrs. Vera Weller. Noble- . 889- ton, Ont. on Bolton Road just C4W45 West of No. 27 lights. Gord Orr. Ed. Auctioneer. c1w48 tfc41 tfc25 COUPLE requires house for September 15th. about 5150. 783-9835. c4w46 BUSINESS couple want to rent or sublet commencing July lst for 6 months. 2 bedroom apt. furnished or unfurnished. Reply to Box No. 19 “The Liberal“. STORAGE space needed be- tween 1.500 and 2,000 sq. ft. preferably on farm. Richmond Hill area. 884-4866 after 6 pm. c1w48 sale of house and lot and house- hold furniture. piano and stool. buffet. 2 pine cupboards. anti- que. 6 oak chairs antique. 6 rocking chairs. GE deep freeze” McClary refrigerator. Moffat annex stove. bedroom furniture. dishes, cooking utensils, a num- ber of good antiques at 236 Main Street. Markham. second house north of CNR tracks. The property of Mrs. E. Pingle, no reserve on chattels. ‘Term-s cash. Sale at 1 pm sharp. Alvin S. Farmer Phone 887-5311 Auctioneer At same time and place will be offered for sale subject to re- serve bid, 6 room brick clad house and garage, large lot at rear with 66 foot frontage, oil furnace. good cellar. This house is in good condition. Close to school and church. Terms on property 10% of purchase price day of sale. Half cash within 30 day balance. Left on firsth mortgage at 7%. You can in“ spect inside house morning of: :' s I I 27f] bedroom house in the Richmond Hill or Newmarket area. 284-9370. c1w48 RELIABLE people looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom house in Rich- mond Hill area by June 25th Phone 884-7725. clw48 2-3 bedroom house. close to public school, by July lst. Call 884-8297 after 5 pm. clw48 2 responsible adults wish 2 bed- room. private apartment or bungalow. Phone 5:30~6:30 weekdays. 884-5632. c1w48 YOUNG man has steady job. would like room. 401-Richmond Hill area. 889-6826. After 6 pm. c1w48 BASEMENT apartment or two rooms. mature lady and daughâ€" ter will day care for reduced rent. 884-6801. c1w48 MORGAN mare 4. 14 hands, THANKS to B. V. Mary and St. Jude for favor received c1w48 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call EMS-8684. tfcl'l SALE REGISTERS reasonable to good home. 887- 5963. . c1w48 1 Appaloosa mare for sale. 884- 6521 from 8 am. to 9 pm. IMAY 31. SATURDAY. â€"â€" Clear- ing auction of farm implements. also furniture. and appliances. deep freezer. good. Viking clothes dryer. antique china cabinet. antique desk. 2 con- tinental beds. oil lamps. antique crooks. large kettle. carpentry tools. (2 cars scrap). garden tools. patio lights. old sealers. piano and bench. refrigerator. power mower. quantity odd dishes. 3 couches. etc. The prop- erty of FRED J. WILSON (form- erly Wilsons Park‘. Green River on Hwy. No. 7 lbeing 5 miles east of Markham at Green River. Property sold. No re- serve. Terms cash sale. 1 pm. D.S.T. MAY 31, SATURDAY, Auction sale day‘ MAY 31, 1969. SATURDAY. at l p.m‘ AUCTION SALE of JUNE 4. WEDNESDAY evening. auction sale of furniture. and antique articles also collection of 6 guns. Russian rifle Cooey shotgun. Spanish dress bayon- ets. 1 settee and rocking chair to match. white china walnut. drop leaf table: pine desk. num- ber of chairs. set dishes. antique candleabra. marble bases. small tables. lamp, mirrors. cranberry. amber and blue glass. china. crooks. Many other articles not mentioned. At Victoria Squarei Community Hall. 3%: mile north ‘ of No. 7 Highway and 2% miles south of Gormley. goods ready for inspection from 4 pm on. Terms cash, sale at 7 p.111 sharp.» Alvin 5. Farmer ; Phone 887-5311. Auctioneer_ c2w47‘l LIVESTOCK FOR SALE J. Wood. clerk. Atkinson and Wilson Sales Mgrs. and Auctioneers c1w48 PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT c2w47 c1w48 c2w47 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jolicoeur of Richmond Hill wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Lynda Marjorie to Mr. Darryl Middleton son of Mr. and Mrs. J_ Middleton of Rich- mond Hill. The marriage to take place September 6, 1969 at Rich- mond Hill United Church. Mrs. M. Spellman of New- burgh, New York. is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter Sharon to Mr. Derek Adnams eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Adnams of Rich- mond Hill. Wedding announce- ment later. c1w48 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stewart are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Karen Elizabeth to Lieutenant Robert David Anthony of the Canadian Armed Forces. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anthony of Brooklyn. Nova Scotia. COLLINSâ€"In loving memory of Kate Isobel Collins. who passed away May 26. 1968. Her memory a daily thought. Engagtmmta Sadly missed by husband Bill. daughter Kay and husband and grandchildren. c1w48 ROOTS. Joanâ€"In loving mem- ory of my dear wife. who passed away June 1. 1968. The depths of sorrow I cannot tell. 3n memnriam Of the ‘loss of one I loved so well. ' And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory I shall always keep band Jack SCHELLâ€"Jim and Carol (nee Lee) are happy to announce the arrival of their baby daughter, Kimberley Carol. Wednesday. May 21. 1969 at York Central Hospital. a wee sister for Timmy. Special thanks to Dr. Zuck. c1w48 I BUTTONVILLE, ONTARIO I I 291-7369 ‘ rg“““““““n‘1 Lovingly remembered by hus- A formal training in electronic or mechanical work, and several years’ experience in electronic controls, instrumentation, or general industrial machine repairs are required. We provide a good starting rate of pay, fringe benefits and excellent working conditions. If you have the necessary qualifications and wish to arrange an interview call or write: Personnel Department Written applications will be received by the undersigned until 5 pm. June 9th. 1969 for the position of Assistant Road Superintendent for the Township of Whitchurch. Experience in road construction and ability to direct workmen are prerequisites. Also experience in record keeping; D.H.O. reporting and radio control are assets. Pension. Medical and Hospital plans in effect. . Applicants should state age. education, mar- 1tal status and also experience supported by references if available. ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Female for light manufacturing Don Mills and Highway 7 area ELECTRO - MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE 13111115 FAYETTE CANADA LTD. Township of Whitchurch HELP WANTED STERLING DRUG LTD. Aurora 727-4261, Ext. 243 c1w48 c1w48 *1w48 Thomas Kerr, Clerk-Treasurer. Township of Whitchurch. RR. 1. Gormley, Ontario. BROWN. Emilia Margaret Florence-â€" Peacefully at Brier Bush Hos- pital on Sunday. May 25. 1969. in her 97th year. Margaret! Florence Brumwell. belovedi wife of the late Edmund‘ Brown, dear mother of Mrs. Mabel Wilson. Merton and Millard. predeceased by Ev- erett. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday. Inter- ment Victoria Square Cemet- - ery. c1w48 Enflhmming! marriage 'GLTHRIE-BRACEâ€"on Thurs- 1day. Mav 22. 1969 at 10.30 an at Toronto. by Rev. J. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Glan-fof Bethel Baptist Church. uncle field are happy to announce theiof the groom. Linda Jane Brace. forthcoming marriage of their only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Lavinia Joy. to Law- E. Brace. Richmond Hill. to rence Michael Patterson. son of‘Roger James Guthrie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Pat- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gutherie of terson. The wedding will take'Toronto. *1w48 v 9 . w place Jul) 1... 1969 at 3.30 p.m.|fl““““ in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Richmond Hill. *lw48 I I ll CARD 0F THANKS LEITH. James Robert. Passed away after a length illness at St. Joseph‘s Hospital. Guelph. on Thursday. May 22. 1969. beloved husband of the late Doris Leith. who passed away suddenly on May 8. 1969. Be- loved father of James Henry of Maple. Mrs. Bert Hore (Dorothy) and Mrs. Mike Kempinski (Elsa) both of Guelph. Funeral was held in Huntsville. *1w48 O'CALLAGHAN. David Johnâ€" ‘ Suddenly. on Sunday. May 25. 1969, John David O’Callaghan. beloved husband of Faye Kerr. loving son of Mrs. and the late Dr. M. J. O‘Callaghan. of Belleville, brother of Betty (Mrs. R. Cook). Norah (Mrs. H. Davisonl. Sister Mary Kathleen of the Precious Blood Monastery. London. Ontario. and Jerry (Mrs. A. Capellil. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. SCOTT. Robert â€"â€"â€" At York Manor. on Thursday, May 22, 1969. Robert Scott, beloved husband of Mary Frances, Maryvale Cres.. Thornhill. dear father of Jean: brother 'of the late Irene. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Satur- day. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w48 SCHMIDT. Henry â€" At York of 1024 Srigley Ave., New- market, beloved husband of Camillia Radacz: loving father of Robert and Richard; also survived by his mother Florence Schmidt and sisters Mrs. Irene Becker and Mrs. Elfredia Meg and brother Edward. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. In- terment York Cemetery. County Hospital on Friday May 23. 1969. Henry Schmidt of 1024 Srigley Ave.. New‘ market, beloved husband 01 Camillia Radacz: loving fathei of Robert and Richard; alst survived by his mothei van-48; CARD OF THANKS c1w48 I wish to thank my friends, and neighbors for their concernil and for the lovely cards. gifts and flowers which I received during my stay in York Central HoSpital and a special thankl you to Dr. A. Arai. Dr. M. J. I Abrams and the nurses on the’ 2nd floor. II CARD 0]“ THANKS I wish to thank relatives. neighbors and friends for their flowers. cards and kind thoughts during my recent stay in York Central Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. David Robson and the nursing staff on the 2nd floor. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Med‘ plete wnh comb‘ 180 sheets of quahty paper in each pad. ANN Just spray on and glcde your iron atong Excellent results every hme. 40m ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SPEUK SPRAY STARCl-l Reg. Kresge Price 31: Pad h ENCIX‘ELRSARY 2 THURS FF." SAT. BRUSH HAIR ROLLERS Rog. Kresge Price 57c Each Reg. Kresge Price 97c' Pkg. NOTE PAPER Valerie Williams 23 OZ. K mart BRAND THURS. FRI. SAT. â€" Large ~ Jumbo â€" Boufiant 'oller§ in a package. Each com- K mart BRAND K mart BRAND THURS, FRL SAT WITH COMB 6 7‘ Pkg. 2m 77¢ n the 2nd[. 9 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. Monday - Friday . ' Jim Smith‘l Room 223, 153 Front St. W. Toronto I 01‘\'487|f‘““““7“““‘l c1w48 (We will not knowingly be under-sold) b‘““““““““j Experienced tractor-trailer operators over I age 25 to work from terminal on Keele St. north I of Highway 7. Chapffeurs licence with clear. driving record and stable work history required. I Must be bondable and pass company medical. A Afternoon assignment with weekends off. Rate $113.84 per week plus 10c an hour. Excel- lent benefits. 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL THURS. FRI. SAT. 10 combs in assorted styles and colors in each package. One for every member of the family. COMB PACKAGE 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Get nd of offensive odors fast! Moralâ€"Lavenderâ€"Pine Scents available Each pad contains 180 sheetsâ€" for ,1: um, um" and: AIR REFRESHER LETTER PAPER Reg. Kresge Price 27: Pk Reg. Kresge Price 47: Each Reg. Kresge Price 5 6 OZ. K mart BRAND K mart BRAND THURS. FRL SAT THURS. FRI. SAY DRIVERS R: r'lce 4/ ’: r152 war 2m63¢ Pads Canadian National Employment Services I wish to thank all my friends. relatives and neighbors for their kind expresions of sympathy during our recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375. and the Marshall Funeral Home. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, May 29. 1969 CARD or THANKS [CARD or THANKS CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Charles Clow and family *1w48 40H! ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL THURS‘ FRI. SAT. A mixture of popular nuts tightly sealed in air-tight tins. 40H! ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL MIXED NUTS Four AA batteries on a card. Big savings price! 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL THURS. FRI. SAT. Clpans sinksatlle. counlers as we" as murors and wmdows ever so bright! 22 OZ. K mart BRAND SPRAY WINDOW CLEANER PENlIGHT BATTERIES Reg. Kres Reg. Kresge Price 99; Tin K mart BRAND 1% VOLT KRESGE'S 40TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! ' FINE ENGLISH IRONSTONE K mart BRAND 1 L8. TIN eg. Kresge Price 39', (Sad vsmw 293,.3547‘ IAL Reg. Kresge Price 73d THURS. FRL SAY 20 PIECE DINNERWARE 33cm 57‘ Ice 39 Open Daily TN 6 p.m.â€"Thurs. & Fri. 'Til 9 pm. Excellent quality dinnerware set includes 4 eac Dinner Plates, Cups. Saucers, Cereal,‘$oup Bowls, Salad Plates. Two lovely patterns available! 'Jewel'â€"green design on white body or ‘Dancing Leaves' â€"ye|low-brown leaves on white body. lronstoneâ€"Use in oven as well as on your table. Will .not chip. break or crack. Each set In a see-through carry pack. We would like to convey our sincerest thanks to all friends and neighbors for their con- cerned inquiries following our daughter Valerie‘s car accident. Also to the people who were so helpful when it hapened. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Williams clw48 Reg. Kresge Price 12.97 Set THURS. FRL SAT. Wide size loll so handy ior wrap ping large leftovers. 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ALUMINUM FOIL FEMALE ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS in a clean modern plant making transistors used in radios. TV's. stereos, etc. YOU HAVE NO PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE? Neither had many of our present employees when they joined us. We look for evidence of good eye-hand coâ€"ordination such as that required for sewing or knitting, and will train you. You will participate in a company-paid medical plan and other benefits. Applications for second and third shifts are being ac- cepted at: THURS. FRI. SAT. First Quality! Fine rib Imiu. with spandex 1on5. Assorted soltd calmsâ€"Black. Char- coal, 8mm, Navy. Flt sizes 10 £013. 40m ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ‘ SPECIAL NYLON STRETCH HOSE K mart BRAND 9 VOLT TRANSISTOR BATTERY Reg. Kresge Price 68c Box Peg. Kresge P'vce 39: Card run/595:.” 2cam47‘ :CrAL YHUPS Ffll, SAY. 25' x 18" K mart BRAND Reg. Kresge Price 98;; P‘ THURS‘ FM, SAY‘ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. SEMICONDUCTOR DIVISION IS GROWING SERVICE FOR 4 1 on each card! Buy now and save K mart BRAND MEN’S 57¢ Box 2Prs-l.37 and will have openings for 280 Centre Street E., Richmond Hill. Ont. 8.30 am. - 2 pm. 889-7373 I wish to thank all my friends for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers received by me while I was in York Central Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Kerr. Dr. Wesley and the nurses on the second floor. K mart BRAND WOMEN'S POLYETHYlENE RAINCOAT WITH HOOD Reg‘ Kresge Price 476 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL THURS. FRl. SAT. All neatly packed in I pcuch' One size fits all! Assorted colors available. 500â€"2 Ply tissues in each box Extra special price! 25' x 12" K mar‘ BRAND ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 40th doth S RY B ¢ ANNIVER A SPECIAL 2 ms THURS. FRI. SAY. Big savmg price! A big help in your kitchen! ALUMINUM FOIL 40m ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 40m ‘ ANNIVERSARY pm SPECIAL YHURS. FRI, SAT. Curl Combs ~ dresser combs 4 pocket combs! Choose your monies from 1M many colors and Slzes. ' THURS. FRI. SAT. Many sizes. colors and shapes Special valueâ€"buy now! K mart BRAND ‘Oth ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PACKAGED K mart BRAND MEN’S COMBS Reg, Kresge Price 67c Box Reg. Kvesge Price 34c Box PACKAGED K mart BRAND Reg. Kiesge Price 23c Pkg Reg. Kresge Price 23: Pkg WOMEN’S (0MBS K mart BRAND SPRING CLOTHESPINS Reg. Kresge Price 77; Pr‘ 40m ANNWERSARY SPECIAL SeamleSs hosiery with run- guard top and toe. Impec. cable fit and wrinkle freeâ€" that’s Cantrece! New fash- ion shades in 8%9; 9%10; 10Vz-11; 11112-12, CANTRECE NYLONS 2 PAIRS FACIAL TISSUES 'NUDE HEEL' Reg. Kresge Price 55‘ Mrs. Gertrude Fisher 60 wooden clothespins in each bag! EFUh THURS. FRI. SAT‘ THURS. FRL SAT 37‘ Box MT zsaasss‘ c1w48

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