There's No Place Like Home Your THE LIBERA L. R l 884-“ . 'S‘."“s7MI'rH REALTOR Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursda 2 OFFICES “We Wish To Be Of Service To You" LIST NOW . . . 884-4425 I. 3.. SMITH l 38 SALES AGENTS cl\\'48 ay, May 29, 1969 OVER 2,000 PROPERTIES This Tudor style 7 room home is located near Sher- wood Forest Park. It has three bedrooms plus a den which may be used as a. fourth bedroom. Extras include wall to wall carpeting, Open fireplace, TV cable hook-up and built-in stove and oven. For further information or inspection call Mr. Bern Peck Member of York County & District Real Estate Board KING TOWNSHIP 2 ACRES Immaculate 3 bedroom home, double attached garage situated on a well landscaped lot. Spac- ious living room, modern kitchen with breakfast area, fireplace and walkout from attached family room; sauna in basement. EXClUSlVe new listing offering exceptional value at $42,000.00 in this excellent area. LONGFORD DRIVE - NEWMARKE'I‘ $19,100.00. 6 room semi-detached back split, ex- cellent condition, 3 bedrooms, 1 4-pc. bath, 1 3-pc. rec. room, fenced yard with trees. Call Irene Benoit at 889-0468. NEWMARKET $25,800.00. This custom built bungalow is ideal retirement home. Lovely fruit trees large lot in quiet area. Should be seen. Irene Benoit at 889-7771. $39,500.00. One hundred acres. 16 miles south of Barrie. 95 workable acres. Completely equipped with all the modern facilities. Pressure systems, hydro, stables. Equipped with water bowls. Barn overall width 122’x74’. $77,800.00. One hundred and twelve acres 21$; miles from Tottenham. Good producing farm, part rolling land. 5 acre hardwood bush. 2 creeks and 4 springs. Facilities for a beautiful pond. These and other acreages, call Don Sin- clair at 889â€"7771. Three bedroom bungalow in excellent condition, new broadloom in living room. dining room and halls, large beautifully finished rec. room with open fireplace. Fenced lot. 832000.00 is the price. Call Irene Benoit at 889-7771. Serving Willowdalc. Thornhill and Richmond Hill l-l. Keith Limited. 8242 Yonge Strvet. 'l'hornhill, Ontario lESUE ‘ O'HMEAN .' REALTOR . TOWN OF MARKH A M $33.90". RICHMOND HILL BEAI'TY 889-77 71 BON D HEAD Members or York County and Toronto Real Estate Board [AND AND HOMES NORTH OF MITRO THORNHILL OFFICI "41 YONG! ST. 4136;33:625 wn Heme gawwwwmwmunavvfls mom frame house for 'V'V‘IVVVvvvvâ€"vâ€"v‘v.iv . 7 7 , GRAMA Rnaltv Limited. Realtor 1â€"2-3 Bedrooms SOME \VITH 3-PIECE EN SUITE POWDER ROOM Each Suite Thermostatically Controlled Full Length Fabric Drapes Large Breakfast Rooms, Kitchens Elegantly Designed Thornhill's First Luxury Apartments 6 Weeks" Free Rent FOR YOL THERE i‘ Separate Mode 389-0271 7471 YONGE ST.’ YONGE VAME Y TERRACE THORNHILL Just north of Steelcs For Inspection 12-9 PM. DAILY 12-6 RM. WEEKENDS Suites Now Open DUR RELAXATION: is an Olympic size sauna and fully pped gym room Presean Adult Section Owning your mm home gives you security. stability. a growing equity and a lasting sense of pride and accomplishment. Check the many homes for sale on today’s Liberal Real Estate Page The day you purchase your own home is a day you will never forget Must be experienced with progressive dies. Top wages ' New plant. t Class Too!makers 2 house for sale, ‘ Must be moved site. 155 Hender- Thornhill. 889- cl\\'48 KENT TOOLS LTD. 25 LAIDLAW BLVD., MARKHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 294-4400 PRIVATE â€" Maryvale Gardens 3 bedroor area, Thornhill ~â€" $37,500 â€" 3 broadloom. bedroom rancher, 2-4 piece extras. gool bathrooms, fireplace. roomy kit‘ ham. 294-4 Chen, lots of cupboards. Fully "‘ , landscaped, double garage. 889- 13:? 10:31, 7868. ‘1w48 rnnml $27. EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. 889-5651 - 884-2377 ER ’7 7 2-439] Members of York County‘ Ontario 8; Canadian Assoc- iation of Real Estate Boards Beautiful ranch style bunga- low with attached garage. This home is on more than 12 acre of professionally landscaped property which includes a pond, patio and barn. Many more extras. For appointment to View. call Mrs. Locking. High rolling land with a view. partly wooded with spring, ideal for pond. ‘ 40 minutes from melrowâ€"- off 48 Higlmay. Only $10,000.00 full price. Call Frank Mole. LARGE TREED LOT 6 room bungalow. complete with storms and ~screens. Must,be seen to be apprecij ated. Call Ben Thompson. WEST SIDE - RICHMOND HILL Cheerful living in this spac- ious 6 room bungalow. Has to be sold. Make offer. Call Mr. Garth Palmer. $21.500.00 - NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL 4 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow on 12 acre 10L 2 car garage. near Yonge. To View call Mr. Mashinter. Beautiful 6 room bungalow, has family room and living‘ room, both with fireplaces. f, It also features large swim-l" ming pool, professionally landscaped lot. broadloom throughout. must be seen to be appreciated. Call Mrs. Jacobsen. FULL PRICE 031. Y 312.900.00 Frame bungalow with gar- age, north of Richmond Hill To view call Mrs. Gibney. GORMLEY "2 ACRE LOT COUNTRY LIVING 25 ACRES 77 3-4391 EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW $8,000 down. llnmaculate 3â€" ‘bedroom. in Richmond Hill, rec room, garage, paved drive, nice- ly landscaped, good financing. Must be sold, owner tranferred. $29,900. Inspect today. Phone Bill Cullen, 763-3881. K. C. Herlt Ltd., Realtor. clw48 3 bedroom brick bungalow. broadloom. finished basement. extras. good mortga‘ge. In Mark- ham. 294-4631. c1\\‘48 3 bedroom biiék bungalow, split level entrance. finished rec. room, $27,000. 884-4782. After 5 13.111. *1w48 WATERFRONT cottage. Hali- burton Kawartha line, complete- 1y furnished. 2 baths. sauna. completely winterized, King City. 833â€"5577. cl\\‘48 i COTTAGE for sale. 3 bedrooms. COTTAGE for sale. 3 bedrooms. living ronm, kitchen etc. mostly furnished. fridge. stove, TV etc. 125 miles in the south Lake of Bays area. Hwy 118 near Bays- \'iile. Ont. For further informa- tion phone 884-8787 after. 5 pm. ‘ c1w43 Cut your monthly payments in half with a low cest mortgage loan. $1,500 - 320.000 on 151. 52nd or 3rd mortgages. A privateiand coï¬fidential ser- vice. 247-6219 GENEVA INVESTMENTS ASSOCIATES After 5 pm and weekends call Ken Gishnv‘ne ‘at 278-4957 '01" Dennis Sked at 742-3855. SHEPPENG MORTGAGES COTTAGES FOR SALE OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING MODERN HEATED STORAGE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING '24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE MOVING BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA HOMEOWNERS LOANS Call AN D and benefits forget. “046