Members of Richmond Hillistandinz tha Town Council decided .luly 21|government to seek a meeting with princi-iprovide legis pals of Richmond Hill United‘air pollution Church to attempt negotiations Reason of purchase of sufficient land? The church across the. Yonge Street front- age of the church for a propos- ed hus bay and 10 foot wide sidewalk to be installed during Yonge Street reconstruction. The town‘s appraiser. Edward Higgins. will also be present. The. bus bay, with others along the main thoroughfare. was included in plans drawn up for the work. However. at a council of the whole meeting July 14. after a strong protest had been received from the church. the majority of council members present. approved of the deletion of this one bus hay from the plans. At, the regular council meet- lng July 21, Cnuncillnr Lois Hancey presented a nine-page submission to council, in which she set. forth her belief that all property owners. without ex- ception. should be dealt with on the same basis. She remind- ed council that five profession- als in traffic movement had presented facts. figures, experi- ence and knowledge as to fin- ancial and physical benefits of provision of bus bays and were in unanimous agreement as to the very real need for bus hays on Yonge Street. Their reasons Were keeping four lanes clear for traffic flow. safety of hus passengers. accident preventa- tive measures. etc. Mrs. Ham-9y was supported by (‘nuncillnr Ivan Manshridge who ramp. nut strongly for re- tention of the bus hay in front of Richmond Hill United Church for the protection of bus passengers and mntorixts. Mr. Manshridge had been away on holidays when tho commit- tee of the whole meeting was held. Deputy-mew Floyd Perkins oxprpssed his willingness tn go along with negotiations with th9 vhurch. “My feeling is that it will do a great deal of harm to that. property and I cannot go along with a bus hay there at what. it is going to cost when only 300 feat. away (at, Lorna Avenue) there will be M bus bay." Councillor William Lazenby stated he was worried about tho cost of acquiring the neces- sary land at. this location. “I'm quite in favor of. meeting with these people and nf having Mr. Higgins negotiate in our be- half.†"Unless council is prepared to removc all parking from. Yonge Street. they are creating a bottleneck and bus bays will do nothing to relieve that conâ€" dition." charged Councillor John MacDiarmid. who claimed that. council has been evading a decision on this point. Bus Bay At Yonge-C “Council has not yet beeni asked in make a decision nnf parking." cnuniered M a y 01' Thomas Brnadhurst. "I take it for granted that when improv:L ments are made “'19 will have to make that decision. The whole Hiing is predicated on the fact that in get four lanes of traffic we will have to take parking off Yonge Street.“ However. Councillor Hancey reported that there are indicav firms that parking will be per- mitted on Yonge excepl during rush hours when reconstruction ls completed. In ‘her presentation, Mrs. Hancey listed a number of reas- ons given by councillors during tho discussion on the Yong?- Cpntrp bus bay al fha mnoting on July 14. following them with her rehnttals. Several of these are listed below Reason No bus bays were provided in Aurora during reconstruc- tion of Yong. Street. Answer Aurora's need is different to ours. It has nnly the Gray Coach stopping in town. while we haw a local bus using Ynnge at the rate of a minimum of one an hour each way. During the week school buses use stops to pick up and discharge stu- dents and the TTC has 41 buses each way daily Monday to Fri- day. Of 1hcse 19 each way stop on lhe street during peak and rush hour periods. Reason Buses don't use bLL: bays In North York and Lf they do the rear projects into and impedes the flow of traffic. Answer It is our responsibility to notify the TTC and the chief of police of such practices. This will ensure that bus bays are used legally and properly by the bus drivers. Reason Costs Answer Costs of bus bays are minimal} compared to the overall cost of the project. The DHO is sub- sidizing the land aquisition by 509’». Asphalt. curbs. markings. etc, will hp subsidized in the total project, If bus bays are not provided now and have to be provided in the future. the town would have to bear the total cost. Reason During during the vice. a ma the bus ba.‘ to the '[‘TI bus will I stop at thl bus bay. ( Gas fumes frnm th» huses u'nuld penetrate thp church building and hé obnoxious to the congregation. Answer bus bay. 0n nne of the recpm warm Sundays all (10an and Windows at the from. of the church were closed during 9h; =Iervice. Also it is my under- deletion n thp p t ‘hp re July 2 an of th plans. regular 21. C 1g the w] the hours maximum bay is pos TTC bus l he the are not justified 1e whole year tours of church mum of one b1 5 possible accor bus schedule. making the : ourh if there i ‘ nne of the re d from ty of mu approved one bus I 9 year and‘ church ser-1 one bus in ,e according edule. This I thp same“ there i: rm, the rent-Any doors and! an? of 'he'i durm; *he‘ I, l standing that. the prnvim-iai government is attempting to provide legislation to prevent air pollution by vehicles. Reason OVER TWICE AS STRONG --as required by Government Safety Standards. ON-COURSE STEERING â€" Won’t wander. Requires less attention: HIGH-SPEED STABILITYâ€"Setscars closer to roadg'improves oqntrol. SPLIT-SECOND STOP-START TRACTION -â€"Due to new secret-formula rubber compound. UP TO TWICE THE TREADWEAR â€"Becanse treads don't grind-off the rubber. ' SMOOTHER, EASIER ROLLING â€"Actua11y saves you gasoline. will lose Its hedge eCentre Should Be Negotiated = Claims Ward 3 Councillor Lois Haney and some landscaping. lpensated for any loss or dam- Answer 'age and should he treated the The legal survey shows that‘.same as all other property own- the hedge is located on theTers affected, town's existing right-nf-way.iReason but the church would he com- No room for wedding parties to park or congregate on side walk. Answer ThPre is no reasnn why, If the bus hay is not in use by a bus. it muld not be used fnr D70/14 E70/14 F70/14 670/14 H70/14 F70/14 670/15 H70/15 70 SERIES SIZE REPLACES WHERE CLEARANCE PERMITS 695/14..†735/14..n 775/14...! 825/14..†850/14.." 775/15..†825-815/15 855-845/15 Whim One Side Red Reverse * I MFRS OUR SINGLE FUII List I Prim Each TIRE PRICE pick up and discharge of wed-istiil be room on the lawn and ding parties and guests. In fact on the improved to foot side- it would provide better protecâ€" walk for before and after wed- tion, safety and greater con-.ding pictures. conversation. etc. venience than the travelled From observation, use. of the portion of Yonge. There wouldlsidewalk by the congregation 54.20 55.90 60.10 67.50 75.50 60.10 67.50 75.50 40.90 42.20 45.4.0 51.00 55.55 45.40 51.00 57.00 LESS V BIG TRADE-IN OFF THESE PRICES on PAIRS or SETS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. July 31. 1969 No Time Limitâ€"No Mileage Limif ROAD HAZARD INSURED AOLMONTH 9 FREE Installation 0 FREE New valve witH $1.00 Static Wheel Balance CASH BONUS COUPONS or guests before or afier church service is minimal as far as time is concerned in compari- son to use of the road. bus bay and sidewalk. If a bus bay is not provided here it is possible “Na Wear-Out "Guarantee (See Catalogue for particulars) future ronzestion may make it necessary to have "110 smpping" nn Yonge. The congregation and guests Would then be in‘ convienced more by no bay |Continued on Page ‘9!