Annual summer clearance fam- ous brands for home use. floor models, demonstrators and used trade-ins. Hammond, Lowry. Electrohome. Baldwin, Yamaha, Thomas and Farfisa, at reduced prices. Save now. Budget terms. Rental plan. Or- gan lessons only $1. Pat Wilson's Toronto Organ Centre. 5254 Yonge Street, Wil- lowdale, north of 401. opposite Willow Theatre. Open daily 9 km. to 9 pm. Saturday 9 lo 6 11m. 222-6517 01‘ 222-6701. Park- in; 401 BALED straw. galvanized roof- ing, hot water tank, with jacket, like new, also aluminum storms and screens. 889-2453. *1w5 VICTORIA SQUARE and dis- trict Lions Club require used and no longer required articles of all kinds for the annual fall ruuunage and auction sale. Phone 887-5409 or 887-5485 for pick~up. c1\\75 23"_te1éi}iéion3_'good working condition. 884-2743, evenings only. *1w5 HAHN eclipse. 32" riding mower. used very little GIRL‘S bicyfle. 28" wheel 7567. 773-4243. cl\\'5 PEAY and feeding table $10; child's Eversoft car seat $8. 5 gallon hot watei‘ tank $8, 884- 4517. c1w5 1 sectional overhead door, 8’ wide, 1 4' fluorescent fixture. 1 window fan, adjustable. 884- 4909. c1w5 CRIB, good mattress, $15 CHINA cabinet. bookcase, odd buffet. coffee tables, floor lamps. bedroom suite. oil paint- ings. table lamps. miscellaneous items. all cheap to clear, 884- 1453 anuime. cl\\'5 1967 Ford tractor, model 2000, excellent condition. For further, information call L. Mahon or A. Vallouzzi at 223-4110, office hours. tchl 2 TV’s. good condition each, 9'x12‘ Woods lent new $50. Call through the MOVABLE cedar plank home insulated. heavy wiring. elec- trically heated thermostatically ~28'x47'. 888-1705 or 364â€"2022. 75 h.p. motor. best offer over $500. 832-1436. clws WRINGERnwashmf goodflcondi: lion. $30. 889-0738. cle lApoléI'oid rcamera.“modél_ .160. with case, automatic. Very reas- onable. 884-7428. ‘ cl\\'5 RASPBERRIES, pick 1 Monday to Saturday ‘ 12 noon and 6 p.111, 1 Bring own conlainm quart. Weslside off Hi; ‘2 mile norm of 8‘ 240-2168. 8 pm. to 9 p 240-2168 Mangion Shutters. awnings. doors and w i n d 0 w 5. Free estimates. Special price‘ for cottages. York Aluminum 884â€"4558. tfc40 SUPER white Latex paint. in- terior and exterior, $4.39 gallon; white exterior oil paint. Primer. $6.50 gallon; finish coat $7.50 gallon; Butler and ’Baird Lum- bei' Ltd.. 191 Yonge St. N. Rich- mond Hill. 889-3506 - 884-1125. tfc49 McCULLOCH Chain Saw 18" $55, Jacobson Lawn Queen reel mower 21" $40, 15 hp. soil shredder. $225, 18' boat with Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in~ cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 Concrete sand. stone. loam top soil. etc. Delivered in small quantities. BLACKCURRANTS. 50c pint 237 Crosby Ave. 884-5608. (W I. lmuuuuummnuuumuuuuummmuuumuuuumummummnuluulIuuuulmuummmumlm\mmuumuumuuumuumuuuuuumu\uuuummuuuumuumuuw CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MENIORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. I mm“!\ll|ll““Ill!llllmIllHllNlmlllulIIHlIll\llIlllullllllluulululmllll\HIl“!ll\“lU\\lmlulllullulllilluull“!!!In“!Ill“lululllmlllulull“IllIll!lllllllmIlmllulllullIlllummllmmIwmmmzx\hulmmum|‘mllllIullIIIIIlHHllllll‘IllKKInulullI1|nINmMIllIIlulullll!numumullmIllumlklllluulmllullulIllmumull!tllulVIHl\\lll|linllN|INN“llllmlllNHNlHIHllllHull!WWWIllIIHllulllun11llllI\llllllllmlllll\ll\\l\lllulIIlllllulllluullllnmmml'quImullllluulluulllullulllu\I\luuuluuluuullmlllluuulululullluuuuIlliuuuuumuuuuulIluIImulluuuuuuuuuluImun\ulm|Illll\uuuuuuI\uuuuuuuumuuumv YOU REACH THE PEOPLE YOU NEED WITH FAST-ACTION CLASSIFIED WANT ADS : TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHIN ES Sales Service Rentals DRIVEWAY GRAYEL ALUMINUM SIDING FOR SALE C. L. KNAPPETT 884-3089 ORGAN S.\l.E I‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July v. .A m. V..V.. uv.‘ Vâ€, .;..y u." pick your own, .. lrday 7 am. to 65.31 ‘_ , 7* , *lws pm, to 9 [3‘11]. 1 Stark Mutual Conductance nlainm; 50¢ 3 Tube Tester Model 9-66 «sult- off Highway 47_ case style! plus tube caddy,1ubes of Stouff\villei}value over $400. Sell for $100. to 9 p,m_ Pelelw884-5575 after 6 p.111. *1w5 Eflfl‘lzjrcuf fti frreezerfgoodd con- M smmc Edition. $125. 884-8408. clw5 require used {ow beans 884-1745 th3 $450. (-1va $25 like week c1\\'5 lawnl clw5 cle sally} CLOSING OUT SALE 22. ' FINAL 2 WEEKS “6516A†men's wear must be sold at ï¬' less than half price. I DOMENIC TAILORS fmn-' I 40 Levendale Rd. floor Richmond Hill 884‘ 884 tch Uc4 “'4 1 complete bedroom suite, bed. box spring mattress. long dresser and a high boy. $65, After 5 pm. 889â€"8670. clw5 CONCRETE patio slabs, assort- ed sizes. ‘ 889-5862. clw5 RASPBERRIES ~â€" pick your own 55c a quart in your conâ€" tainers. Sold by pint and quart boxes only. Picking times. Mon- days -â€" 7 a.m.â€"12 noon: 5.30 pm. â€" 9 pm; Wednesdays â€"â€" 7 am. â€"â€" 12 noon; 5.30 pm. â€"â€" 9 pm; Fridays â€"â€" '7 a.m. â€"â€" 12 noon; 5.30 p.111. â€"â€" 9 p.m.; Sat- ‘ urdays '7 am. â€"â€" 12 noon. Closâ€" ‘ed at all other times. Adults and senior teens only. No re- servations. Whittamm‘e's Farm. lSteeles Ave. 3‘2 miles east of highway 48. Also picking black )curranls. red currants and :gooseberries and green and yel- TWO children’s saddles $45 eréirg each. One adult saddle $75. . Washing machine $30. 887-5442 INTERESTING “new 0f sec‘ retarial, order desk and general “terms. pin" V9115|duties in small (Willowdale) of- Kodak Super Sfice for adaptable Good home movie outfit with Hawkltelephone manner, shorthand Eye Instamatic camera, p1‘ojec-1pyefen-ed, Good salary. 889- Itor. bulb etc. never used, $100|7553. cl\\'5 $.51?“ me" 13°" 65' 1he£i£§WAITRESSiâ€"Afull tiling, {ear ' clw5 WASHER. dryer and stove parts. gears. belts, wood bearâ€" ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs and parts for motors. Math‘s TV, 49 Industrial Road. 884:7903. tfc2 BLACKiloarï¬'orrloa‘m for-lawns, l‘ flowers, shrubs, gardens. 773- 5412. tfc42 is);va ghee; bl'onzedT-Freé'blbk: up and delivery. 221-9188. 3 tape recorders, one Philips four-track. one portable Philips, One Uher two-track. 895-8745. *lwï¬ THREE air conditioners, all in workable condition. 884-1146. TWO Racer bicycles, good con- ditiom 884-1146. c1w5 4846. c1\\'5 21‘ wall775\\'i1i1fning_pohl, with accessories $250 or best offer. 225-2444.‘ cl\\‘5 GIRL’S bicycle, 2â€"fur fabric jackets with hoods. large sizes. 884-4896 ask for Pat. ch5 FIREPLACES â€" steel, porcel- ain. cast-iron Franklin units â€" metal chimneys. complete ser- vice with showroom: Fire-G10 Centre. 46 Steeles Ave. West. 889-3133. c10w48 WRECKIï¬G "1956’Cadiuac. _all parts. 773-5514. *2w5 A’LU'MI’NUM’grééï¬ï¬dusevzh'vk 812', with oil heated furnace and hot water rads. $225. 727- 1 double bed complete, 9‘ x 12‘ carpet. 884-4636. c1\\'5 KlTCHEstetV ansttove, bedâ€" room suite. skis and lawn mower. leaving the country. 884-4962. clw5 WHINGER \\'asher-\{'ith pump, reasonable. 884-2722. c1\\'5 BOAT. motor 'and trailer 25 h.p. Evinrude. controls, steering equipment and gas can. 884- 1344. *1w5 19†Portable TV also 23†Con- sole. Both like new. Private. 884-6120. c1w5 CAR air-conditioner, excellent condition. Best offer. 889-6738. c1\\'5 1959 Volkswagen. good motor and tires but poor body, best offer. Also trailer hitch. 773- 5705. c1\\'5 equipment. Can be seen any- time. 832-0044 or 30 Richmond St. Maple. c1\\‘5 LADIES clothing size 14: ar- borite and plywood cut for single sink, chrome hardware. 889-1572. c1\\'5 BABY carriage. excellent con- dition $20. Playpen $4. Aquar- ium 53. 884â€"6983. c1w5 POWER mower. good condi tion also small compressor, must sell. 884-1344. *lws REFRIGERATOR. 2% cu. ft. table top model. 16 cu. ft.‘ up- right freezer. both for $150. 1'70 Bayview Ave. Apt. 302. 1-7 pm. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. clu‘5 RESTAURANT stock and FOR SALE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS â€" SERVICES FOR HOME AND BUSINESS â€"â€" LOOK THEM OVER AT YOUR LEISURE Continued) unu- *1w5 :tance tsuit- tubes: siooj ’t‘1w5‘I con- c1w5 may c1w5 bed- lawn untry. c1w5 Pump, c1w5 :5 h.p. aering 884- *1w5 motor WAITRESS â€" full time. year‘Tï¬eaue' clw5 . a .‘ . . . ___,,, #_ _,_i,v,# ,,,, _,_,,V._.,_- _ 10un_d. expelienced prefene ‘PRESSMAN’ experienced, Held_ 887-0411. tfcé . V m, , ,,,,, ,7 , telberg automatic. modern plant. COUNTER Clerk for dl'Wlean‘ipermanent position, Apply. W. ing store in north Thornhillts. cook “The Liberal", phone area near Yonge. starting nearfgg4_1105l nc3“,4 end of August 8:00 am. to 4:15: 7 77 ~ 7 77 ~ 1 . _ .~ “CLEANING woman wanted. pm. Monday Friday. No ex :Bayviewsmeles area. Must perience necessary but must ‘zha\'e own car. References. 889- have an ability to deal with the;5757 1 '_ public. Phone Jack Barth 884-17,; , CW“? 4411 for appointment. c1\\'5‘ SERVICE STATION EXPERIENCEDâ€"fullAtin-ie'teller; “MAG†Major oil company has opening My. Sutton 8394961 cmï¬ifor a top knotch service station . ____l_, ,,_M_ '_V__ manager in this area. Must be WANTED IMMEDIATELY, manlaggressive‘ good merchandiser 91‘ Woman to supply consumers and customer oriented. Excel- in your area with Rawleigh lent salary and incentive bonus, Pl‘OdeKS. can earn $50 \V68kly plus liberal company benefits part tlmeIâ€" $100 and Up full Give full details to Box 60, gri'ée.1 4B’tgi‘1tioogtawleighl, Dept. “The Liberal". cl\\'4 - 5 - , Riche ieu St., gâ€"‘*â€"â€"â€"â€"†‘ Montreal 207. P.Q. c1w5l,‘ géggiqtiaï¬gésgs for Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone 2m mace 727- c1w5 with offer. c1w5 abric sizes. ch5 lilips iilips, 8745. *1w5 bed, long $65. “ ".l "DEMONSTRATORS Ladies to work full or part-time demonstrating a new mink pi]. .base cosmetic. Commission and complete training provided. For appointment 889-8987. BOOKKEEPING machine oper- ator, full or part time. Own transportation. Apply in writing or telephone Mr. Charlton 889- 1191 â€" 7901 Bayview Ave., Thornhill. c3w4 FULL-TIME man required for office cleaning, good wages, profit sharing. nights, car re- quired. Mr. Cutler Ando-Cast ’Maintenance. 884-8505. c1\\‘5 WOï¬lï¬ENiforvlightifactory "as- c1w5'Gond comp: SALE Wear Reply eral". WAI'J clwï¬'sembly work. permanent. Open-EEOOd Ssbï¬- c 1 w 5 your conâ€" quart Blon- 530 Vs _â€" n.â€"~ - 12 Sat- ings on 2 shifts. 7509 or 65 Duncan Rd, Richâ€" vale. c1w5 CLERICAL sienograprher $90 to $105.50 weekly) required for Branch. Shorthand required. Reply in writing, stating experi- ence and references to Dept. _of Lands and Forests, Room 6, |Biology Building, Maple. c1w5 Apply 889-. ‘Resta ‘No. ' p.111, phone NURE fur section Fish and Wildlifeifol‘ n or Ri FEM. time time. clw5 clwï¬ â€œe EXPERIENCED help for offset Ee' paste-up. Richmond Hill plant. Part time. Phone W. S. Cook. 884-1105. nc3w4 EXPERIENCED waitfes'sesffun time, 11 to 8. 884â€"2752. tfcl Stove CHURCH organist and choir- bear' master for Maple Unite d r-I“°1‘Church. a congregation of 200. 15 {01‘ Hammond organ model no C3. St1'1¢'=‘1\vitli Leslie speaker. ’l‘o com- tfcz'mence Sept. 1, 1969. Telephone awns’ 832-1523 or (-5wl 773â€", STUDENTS tfc42lCatL-h frogs. crayfish or pick ~ .» â€" worms. We buy them. Canadian Pmk' Live Bait. Concession 7. Maple. ' ,l c3w3 tfc49 uua-Auau u. uu... Aver". STUDENTS Catch frogs. crayfish or pick worms. We buy them. Canadian Live Bait. Concession 7. Maple. c3w3 COOK â€"â€" male or female. Ultra modern kitchen. For appoint- ment call 851-2849. c2w4 NURSES for day shift. For appointment call 851-2849. c2w4 'COOK," pit-time’xivait’ressf 884- 2752. tfc5r EXPERIENCED FURNITURE. PACKER ‘ AND DRIVER COMBINED Good working conditions. Steady employment, benefits. Applyl Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. Also lpart time help. c4\\73 TEXASâ€"INSTRUMENTSâ€" ‘ requires a PRODUCTION CLERK This is an excellent opportunity ‘for a mature person who: I â€"â€" has good typing skills I â€"-â€" lias some knowledge of. l EMPLOYMENT WANTED FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in 'your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone evenings or Saturday 773-4202. tfcll MAINTENANCE m e c h a n ic wishes part-time work. Machin- ery, appliances, instruments. Own tools. Reply Box 62, "The Liberal". *lw5 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have two openings for sales- men to join our Thornhili of- fice. Complete training pro- gram. Top commission paid. For confidential interview call Tom McKeaEe 889-8181. c1w5 HAROLD KEFFER LTD. REALTOR 600K â€"â€" male or female. Ultra modern kitchen. For appoint- ment call 851-2849. c2w4 A driver to go to Montreal, leaving Thursday. noon August 7th returning Saturday. August 9th. Write Box 63, “The Lib- eral". c1w5 (Continued) (Continued) 16' Canadian Flight Craft boat. REAL ESEKTE" with 60 h.p. Gale. boat trajler, Experienced salesmen wanted oars and anchor. 884-3134. for our 1969 expansion program. STORE fixtures for sale includ- ing wall case. showcase, cloth- ing shelves and sewing mach- ines. 40 Levendale Rd., Rich- mond Hill 884-6641. c1w5 ASSOCIATED TUBE INDUSTRIES REQUIRES MALE Machine operators and general labor. Stainless steel tube manufacturer. modern plant. good wages, all benefits plus profit sharing. Woodbine-Steeles area. Own transportation. 293- 8278. MW?) SHORT ordér cook for even- ings, 4 to 11. Must be fast on grill. 887-5411. tfc4 SNACK bar â€"7mature woman wanted. 5 days a week 9:00 am. â€"â€" 5:30 pm. Apply in person to Mrs. Pervis. 7171 Yonge Street. Please no students. MAINTENANCE MACHINIST HELP WANTED TEXAS INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE HELP WANTED {Continued} lContinued) requires 1969 mumImuumuummmuuulnuuluuumuuuumumunmuuuuluumumuumuuuwlumuuummuuuuuuuuuuummmmuulmumummquulumuummumu\quunuuuuuuumummuuuuuuuu\muuuummmmmmuuuuumuuuuuumulmumnuusuummmuuuuunuumumu\luuuummuumuummuulumuuuumuuuuuuuuuuummumuuuuuuuum\uuuuuumuumumun\\\1ll\uulllu\uuuuumln\\\\\\\\l\l\\\\\‘ (‘1va c1w5 mummml!‘\uummIlunuumuulm“mummumuuum“muuuumumumuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuunuulmumuuuummmuuummmuuuummumuumm muuuummlumuuIllu\u\u\\\\uImuumunmuuuunununumuuuunmmmvmu“umulmIï¬umu\\u\mllu\muumtumu“umlImu\mmmnnuummuuuuuuuuumumumuummmuumunmm\u\Imu\mmuulmuum1mm“unnummuummg WAITRESSES, steady positions, good wages. 9-5.30 p.m. 12-830 {11111, 5-12 p.111. Apply B & M. Restaurant, 12 mile south of No. 7 on Don Mills Rd. 01' phone 297-2825. cl\\'5 NURSE, practical, experienced. .for nursing home in Thornhill lor Richmond Hill. 889-7072. INOW hiring students for part- time evening work, as ramp ushers. Apply in person after 7 pm. Odeon Parkway Drive-In \Theatre. clw5 ‘PRESSMAN, experienced, Heid- Ielberg automatic. modern plant, \permanent position, Apply. W. is. Cook. "The Liberalâ€, phone i 884-1105. ‘ nc3w4 . , H ,_ ,, _ ,s {CLEANING woman wanted. quyviewâ€"Steeles area. Must §ha‘ve own car. References. 889- 15757. cl\\'5 â€"-a has some knowledge of order entry â€"â€" has a keen aptitude for figure work and’can preâ€" pare month end statistical reports. Good working conditions and company benefits. For interview contact PERSONNEL DEPT. 280 CENTRE ST. RICHMOND HILL 889-7373 SALESLADY for 5â€"52 Ladies Wear Store. Full or part time. Reply to Box No. 66 “The Lib- eral". c1w5 Laud, commercial, residential, office leasing, rural. business opportunities, industrial and new prestige homes depart- ment. Much extra help to ex- pand commission. Call Mr. Mur- ray at 889-7771. tfc52 FEMALE, full or part time, for accounts payable and general office duties. Typing helpful. Own transportation. Apply in writing or 1elephone Mr. Charl- ton 889-1191 â€"- 7901 Bayview Ave.. Thornhill. c3w4 FEMALE instructresses, full- time and part-time. Male part- time. Apply Vic Tanny’s, Thorn- hill Plaza corner of Yonge St. and Royal Orchard Blvd. Fri- day, July 31, 1969, 7 ’til 9 pm. cl\\'5 Qualified in assembling and welding stainless steel and car- bon sgeel pressure vessels. Dominion Welding Engineering Co. Ltd. Maple - 889-4861 FULL-TIME check-out cashier. Part-time waitress. Part-time schoolboy. Apply Manager, S. S. Kresge Store, Richmond Heights Centre. c1w5 2 painters, experienced in resi- dential work. Starting wage $3.50, only tradesman, call 884- ASSISTANT superintendent for apartment, building in Rich- mond Hill, to start August 15, 1969. No experience necessary. Call Mrs. Mack. 884-8776. SERVICE STATION MANAGER Major oil company has opening for a top knotcl) service station manager in this area. Must be 5697 after 6 pm * DICTA TYPISTS "‘ SECRETARIES "‘ BOOKKEEPERS Your skills are needed for per- manent and part time positions 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Days 884-6782, evenings 832- 2335. MW! MACHINE fitter for material handling equipment. Highway 7 and Jane. Phone Leo 889-1868. c1w5 Personnel Agency t EXPERIENCED female help wanted. full time or part time. Young People‘s Fashions. 884â€" 2925. tfcï¬ CARRIER Reliable boy or girl for estab- lished paper route in King City. Phone Glen Pratt. Carrier Cir- culation. 884-1105. nc3\\'5 BOATS - MOTORS 12’ aluminum car top with one man loader and carrier oars. 4 life jackets, anchor and 12 hp. motor, $200. 884-2390. c1w5 NEW 16’ Traveller ski boat, 45 h.p. Chrysler outboard. electric start. Mascot trailer. Complete with skis. tanks. tc. $1,500 or best offer. 449-43 2. cl\\‘5 WELDERS AND FITTERS wood boat $50 Call III-CORPS 1 area. lVlllSL References. 889- cl\\'5 c1\v5 c2w5 cl\\'5 c4wZ c1w5 Ir“31966 Oldsmobile F85, 4 door “’4jsedan, good condition, mechani- ed.‘cal fitness certificate available. List $1,150. Contact Mr. Brown, 39_'Guarantee Trust Co., 44 Yonge “ï¬iSt. S. 884-1188. c1w4 "31965 Pontiac Tempest Lemans. {This one owner car is in top ng‘condition, 6 automatic, brougham on interior. finished in aqua blue, GIRL wanted for general office duties, must be able 10 type. Apbly World Wide Shipping, 360 Newkirk Rd. 1fc4 EXPERIENCED woman wants day work from 9-4, Richmond Hill-Thornhill area. 884-4866 evenings. cle All risks written. Lowest rates. Fast service. Auto financing available. 889-6853, 635-6158, 244-6573. tfc38 1965 International s t a ti o n wagon, good for camping or de- livery. Evenings. 889-5163. 4421 TELLER required, some ex- perienced preferred. 5 day week, usual benefits. Guaranty Trust Co. 884-1188. clw5 CLEANING woman. twice a week. Own transportation. Ref- erences. 225-9849. c1\\5 WOMAN available for plain cooking or housework. 773- 5714. c1w5 CAPABLE middle aged lady wants housework. Own trans- portation. 884-6650 evenings. CLEANING .woman. twice a month. Please provide own transportation. 884â€"7186. clw4 STENOGRAPHER 1' e q u i 1‘ e d shorthand and banking experi- ence an asset. Apply Bank of Montreal, Richmond Hill 884- GIRL with bookkeeping experi- ence for part time. must like to work with figures. Apply Box 67, “The Liberal". c1w5 1930 Ford fire truck for sale. 889-7172. c1w5 1967 Triumph Bonneville, ex- cellent condition. psychedelic paint, extended front end meg- aphones. 884â€"2340. c1w4 1963 Pontiac Parisienne 8, au- tomatic, power brakes, power steering, power seats and car windows and front and rear speakers. air conditioners, tintâ€" ed windshield. finished in gold. Lie. 372-75‘V. YORK IMPORTS 16 INDUSTRIAL ROAD ’66 Honda, good condition, $200. 297â€"2430. c1w5 1967 Ford Galaxie 500 automa- tic 8, power steering and brakes, radio. burgundy and black in- terior,- excellent condition. asking $1.800. 884-8746, c1\\'5 ESTATE SALE 1957 Chev Bel Air, wrecking for parts. 884-4102. c1wS safety certificate. Must be seen to be annreciated. Lic. 384-932. YORK IMPORTS 16 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 1T96’9’BSA. Victor Special 441 c.c. 884-3713. c1w5 1963 Pontiac. good condition, $500. 884-6488. *1w5 1965 Dodge Polara 880. 4 door, power steering and brakes, au- tomatic, private. 884-4368 after 6. clwï¬ 1961 Chev automatic, certificate. 1961 Ford 1969 Datsun demonstrator 1600 c.c.. 96 h.p,4 door sedan. syncro- mesh on all 4 forward gears white wall tires. custom radio. Just 10,000 miles, balance of warranty. Lic. 413-94N. YORK IMPORTS 16 INDUSTRIAL ROAD TQMâ€"Crhev STS. convertible, 327. automatic best offer. Doug 884- TOP-O-THE-HILL NURSERY SCHOOL Wrixon Hall St. Mary‘s Angli- can Church. applications now b81113 accepted. Phone Mrs. Fritzfche 889-3177 or Mrs. Runge 884â€"3149. c5w5 Sunnyhill Nursery Schools Brooke Street, Thornhill and‘ Lillian Street, Willowdale. Ap- plications now being accepted. Phone 225-7177. tfc41‘ 2632 1961 Ford, 6 automatic, radio. 773â€"4136' after 6 pm. clw5 HELP WANTED I TO RENT RICHMOND HILL 884-8134 - 889-8830 RICHMOND HILL 884-8134 - 889-8830 RICHMOND HILL 884-8134 - 889-8830 USED CARS AUTO INSURANCE NURSERY SCHOOL Continued 2 dr. hardtop. V8, radio, mechanical , 4 door mechani- available, Brown, 44 Yonge c1w4 c1w5 tchO c1w5 c1w5 c1\\'5 c1w5 c2w ,Conveniently located on east side of Yonge St. Opposite lThornhill Golf & Country Club. tEach suite equipped with 4 ap- pliances, drapes. finished re- ‘creation room 8; powder room. Call 889-7913 or 481-4233. Man- agement by A‘ E. LePage Limit- '3 bedroom house for rent, 85 Clarke Ave., ’l‘hornhill. clw5 RICHVALE â€"â€" 1 bedroom apartment with fridge and stove, free hydro and parking $130 w business couple only. 889-6637. c1w5 ONE bedroom apartment. furn- |ished. parking, Mill Pond area. Private. 889-1252. clwï¬ agement by A‘ E. LePage Limit- ed. Realtor. tf050 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. Isl house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 AVAILABLE 875 sq. ft. of of- fice space and approximately 2,000 sq. ft. of factory space. Industrial space. will build 6,000 to 15,000 feet for factory. W. S. McCord Investments 889-6161 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment 884-7569 or 889-1769. c2w4 ‘E‘URNIS‘HEbâ€"Ibom to rent géntleman preferred. 884-4766 SUBLET 1 bedroom apartment,l $152 monthly including indoor‘ parking. Phone after 6 p.m.‘â€" 221-4479. clw5 SELF - CONTAINED furnishele bachelor basement apartment, A separate entrance, bath. 889- 8‘ 3227. c1w5 â€" 2 bedroom apartment unfurn- ished, electric heated, balcony, situated at Mill Pond. Adults only. 884-2655. 'c1_w5 FURNISHED room, ‘parking and cooking facilities, 38 Arn- old St. or phone Mr. Gabriel‘ 884-1194 for appointment. LARGE furnished room, semi- private entrance. 884-7329, 128 Pemberton Road. clw5 SINGLE furnished room in quiet home, for business lady. Close to GEM and Towne and Countl‘ye Square. Call after 8 pm. 889-2192. c2w5 FURNISHED room to rent. 884- 5507‘ clw5 ONE bedroom apartment. fire- place and use of washer and dryer, private entrance, $140 monthly. 884-8309. c1w5 2 bedroom apartment in Duplex, $145 monthly. Adults only. 884- 5857. c1w5 FURNISHED room, $15 a week. 884-6531. *1w5 3â€"‘bed1‘oom bungalow. attached garage plus recreation room, large lot. 833-5203. c1w5 FURNISHEDToom. gentlemazi preferred. 884-7315. c1w5 BUSINESS lady, non-smoker, abstainer, wishes home with widow. Will consider light dut- ies for part payment. Quiet home with light cooking. Write Box 55. “The Liberal". c3w3 WANTED unfurnished 2 bed- room house or apartment by High School teacher with 2 children, 519-576-0913 or write Box 64, “The Liberal“. c2\\'5 WORKING couple want 1 bed-@mcrete room apartment, Richmond Hill Repairs. 1] area for October lst. 884-5823. Sidewalks V clwï¬l ABOUT 1.200 to 1,500 squarel .1106†feet of office space required ~ CARPENTER for reasonable possession. Plaza‘Additions’ alterations, “wreak locatlon or on Y9nge Strget'ition rooms, ceiling and floor ML!“ have con‘fenfent pal'klngitiling and painting. Free esti- adJacent or \Vlthln a blockwmates. E. Fox. Ground floor preferred. Reply| 889_7480 to Box 61, “The Liberalâ€. tfc35 MARRIED couple with one child wish apartment {basement or flat) in Richmond Hill. 884- 3595. clwï¬ HOME made hardtop tent trailer for sale. Sleeps 5, Reasâ€" onable. 884-5526. c1w5 13 ft. Scotty Travel {mile}, A-l condition, with reese hitch. 3825. 884-5992. *lws TENT trailer, ’67 Iroquois, per-‘el feet condition. 832-1304. c1w4j- McKENZIE CAMPING TRAILERS LTD. ’ 235 No. 7 Highway E.. ThomhiujC ‘ (at Bayview) tf‘ Wheel camper, low low foldinglh hardtop, auto camper, hardtopHE RideLite tent trailers, Tee Pee Rebel and Iroquois â€"- over 20 models to choose from. Open A 9 am - 9 pm. weekends till 6 pm. Closed Mondays. tfcï¬liF‘ IN the vicinity of Elgin Mills Sideroad and Honey Pot Ski Lodge. Children’s pet. Sandy color, part collie and samoyed. Answers to the name of Thum- per. 884-4947. c1w5 SHETLAND sheep dog, minia- ture, sable and white. Register number 794708. Off Maple Side- road between Maple and Klein- burg. A reward. 832-8997. THORNHILL GREEN TOWNHOUSES TRAILERS WANTED TO RENT LOST 1 bedroom fridge and and parking couple only. ,imit-IPAINTING and decorating, in- tfc5011erior and exterior. For free )king‘estimates call Len Huke 884'- 1mm,12489. tfc45 ffc4‘l unu- ma 1 RON SCOTT .‘PAINTING - PAPERHANGING chm‘ ‘ Guaranteed “13M ‘ 221-8822 c1w5 c1w5 .Prompt service and written cl\\'5 guarantee. Call 226-0968. tfc48 In 4 BAKER’S BACKHOE (Tm _§ EXCAVATING 2w4i’l‘renching, sewer 8: water lines. " ‘ footings. 889-3604. tfc2 ent, ,, _,_ _ , , 7,, 766†BRICK WORK MOBILE REPAIR g{.Any repairs, anywhere. Gas and , electric welding. mechanical re- pairs. Bill Prescott 888-1739. 'W NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 or exterior WOODWORK General custom work and household repairs. Kipras Bag- donavicius, 41 Westwood Lane Thornhill 889-4621. nc2w4 PAINTING 8: DECORATING MISCELLANEOUS Checkvgolir‘gre-llo‘o; pgézsnunder rustpi'oofing and call Ziebart in Richmond Hill. 889-0260. cï¬wl CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms. additions. renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc32 MCCANN PLUMBING AND HEATING 155 Ruggles Ave, Richmond Hill. 884â€"7293. 1fc34 RAILROAD ties for sale. ' wm build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat clocks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc41 Brick veneer, block work, chim- neys rebuilt and repaired, fire- places, all work guaranteed. 884-1560. / c4w3 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. 832-8876. 4 tfc12 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. homes. of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of_ all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tch RALPH EiMs‘DE'conAT'i'N'G Antique and modern furniture. All \\'01‘k guaranteed, Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. tfc44 LEONARDI ï¬nbï¬mns CONSTRUCTION Concrete, Drain and General Repairs. Patio, Stonework and â€" fast service. Call “The Lib eral" 884-1105. International Steel Railing and Ornamental Service Free estimates, phone anytime. Alex Canale. Bus. 889-3533. Res. BBQ-8319‘ tfc43 FLOOR COVERING All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll Several type faces to choose from â€"â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature i’HARRIsoms CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan -â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior, Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc46 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti‘ mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. ‘ E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. A of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31- Plastering Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs 3 Speciality Free Estimates iPLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 WINDOWS, WALLS FLOORS 15% OFF STIRLING MAINTENANCE 884-1311 SEPTIC'TKNKS FU'MPED ‘ PERRI-STY LE CUSTOM UP HOLSTERING 488-7521 CLEANING WINDOWS, WALLS AND FLOORS Day or Night 884-2433 RUBBER STAMPS C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 Sewers cleaned PLUMBING R. CLARK 889-5 889-3185 Tree estiy TV REPAIRERS - 889-8965: ALSO COLOR tfioiliolProperly serviced at low rates. ’ V ‘ E [Satisfaction guaranteed â€" by} , A†typeslold, established company. Save; by cash and carry. Factory} BROTHERS LIMITED [IMATES trained technicians. Radio dis- REALTOR tfc31 patch TV owned and operated ‘by Gearings. 6309 Yonge St. 3 YONG]; STREET SOUTH :d gravel ‘ .' "across from Towne 8; Countrye lxmestone. square. 223_2270 _ 2234280- RICHMOND HILL easonable . . tfc36‘ OWNER MUST SELL 1, Ma 1 ,l ‘ . . p e bedroom bl‘le bungalow \Vlrth tfc12l ~ l lfinished recreation room. Safe g. #1119131 loil heat. On large well land- omes. 0E3»-.- v. H 7 _. 7 A. # scaped homesile. Your down- n carpen-lDOG E‘OOmmg '" pOOdIeS 5‘ payment considered. Bargain Ons. lteslspecm‘y- Jill GOddard- gga'ilnmters call Finn Samuelsen. 'l'hornhill tfc39 tfc4l Fine TROPICAL fish, angels, 3 for tfcll $1; hampsters 90c; guinea pigs $1.75; finches. $1.98; poodle pups with papers $100; Norm’s Pets, 57 Temperance St., Aur- CE ora. c1w5 ROUND. blue tick. 5 ’months‘, th'40‘female. 884-5666. clw5 tf(-2 tfc2 tfc3 tfc2 I WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc48 PAINTING AND DECORATING ‘INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ‘ COLORS MIXED TO SUIT 1 ON PREMISES ‘ STIRLING MAINTENANCE l 884-1311 (Continued) Eiï¬Eï¬IE’NCEb m: chain saw. pruning. E _-.._c...._ SHAMPOOING ‘1' mile 1" SPRING SPECIAL 20% OFFiGood Rugs and chesterfields. Day omboating‘ D31 night. 884-2433. tfc3 write Box CQ EXCAVATING Halibul'ton. Backhoe and loader rental. liam Logan Footings, drains. trenches. ;= Septic tanks. 884-2388. tfc50‘l W PAINTING and'decoratlné ï¬nd â€"â€"â€"-AIâ€"â€" carpentry. First class work. No DEAD 01 C' job too big or too small. 884- Blend up 1 5009. tfc50 1,1"93311,}° MISCELLANEOUS GOT A NEW CAR? Check your yellow pages under rustproofing and call Ziebart in CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms. additions. renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. WANTEDâ€"Grass cutting, odd jobs, serving Richmond Hill, Maple, Oak Ridges. 884-5314- 3383. tfc43 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship, 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292. MEN, experienced in trimming and removal of trees. Reason- able rates â€" free estimates. Gardens Rotolilled. Call 884- 2838. tfc44 ALL types of landscaping, roclb eries. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam, peat and mushroom com- post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A. Hartwick, 889- 6338. - tfc44 GARDENING and maintenance. For free estimates call Pomona Landscaping. 773-4678. tfc39 DOG grooming â€"â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889- 3606. ' tfc41 ROTOTILLING WEED SPRAYING. LIQUID FERTILIZER. GOVERNMENT LICENCE. FREE ESTIMATES. 884-6994. tfc46 LAWN MOIVER REPAIR SERVICE 255 Bluegrass Blvd. 884-8647 or 781-6524. LAWN cutting, John Mashinter.| 884-7573. tic-3 POODLE clipping and groom- ing, $6. 888-1705 or 364-2022. tfc52 CAT BOARDING Registered Siamese kittens and stud service. Household pet kit- tens. Beryl Stewart. 889-2581. Truck lettering â€" Posters Art work â€" Gold leaf' Experienced - fast service FLAGLER S I G N S 884-3071 ~ HAROLD KEFFER, REALTOR GARDENING CARPENTER All types of carpentry. Free estimates C. E. Callin 727-5281 Call Collect New Flagstone Patios & Walks Iveneral Masonry Walker Construction Homes Wanted SIGNS 889-5292 Tree cutting and C. Doak, 832-3985. Richmond Hill We have buyers waiting 884-8947 tfc52 tchZ tfc48 tfc52 with 1fc47 tfc48 tfc25 IN ‘ FLAMINGO MOTEL :Modern housekeeping cottages {and motel on beautiful Lake 1Kashaganvigmog. Highway 121. 11 mile from town of Haliburton. [Good swimming. fishing and ‘boating. Daily and Weekly rates. Write Box 535 or phone 55W4. Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. Sparkling 7 room solid brick split level bungalow. 2 bath- rooms. 0n large lot. Extras include open fireplace, safe oil heat and attached garage. Call Doug Bennett. $29,900. FU LL PRICE 3 hedroom brick bungalow on desirable location. Close to school, shopping and downtown bus. Usual value on today's market with 6% mortgage. Call Mrs. J. Cleland. $20,900. FULL PRICE 6 room solid brick bungalow, immediate possession. Desira- bly located with many fine fea- tures. Your down payment considered and will carry like rent. Call John Cryer. ESTATE SALE 3 bedrooms. living and dining room with family sized kitchen. Features many extras includ- ing one car garage. Idea] famâ€" ily home on quiet cul-de-sac. Call Mrs. C. Ladkin. NEW HOMES $23,900. and up buys a 3 bed- room brick bungalow m‘th many fine features. Your choice of decorating colors, tiles and etc. Your down payment consid- ered. Call Larry Sanders. 6 room brick bungalow. Ideally located in Richmond Hill. Close to Bayview. Extras include al- uminum storm doors, broad- loom. finished recreation room and bar. Call Mel Atkins. 884-4446 PRIVATE â€" Beautiful view. Privacy Hilltop facing west. six room brick bungalow lot 92’ x 150‘. double garage. paved drive. close to schools and transportation. Three miles to Metro. Reasonable down pay- ment or cash. 889-1771. *1w5 p -0- -u-u-ll‘mmm‘ I INVESTMENTS L' ‘D. 7755 Yonge St. at Hwy. 73 Thornhill. Ontario Money loaned on First and Second Mortgages Investors call us about our Mortgage Investment Plan REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MERCABLE 889-8181 NEED MONEY CALL US “Honesty and Service is our Motto" COTTAGES TO RENT WANTED RANCH STYLE 889-3333 MAPLE 889-8303 c10w49 tfc44