:51 “WWIIIlllllll|l\l|l\llllllllllll‘lllllull“lull“IllllllmlulllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘lll“ |Illlulll\llllllllmil“llllllll“llllllllulllllllllllllllllllllllHm“|"Ill"\|l|ll\l||llll|||lllIlll|llllll||llll|l||lllllNlullllmll45 ITAY care available in my home. 884-2226. clw5 DAY care for school age chw'ilri vicinity of Walter Scott School. 884-3098 after 6 pm. c1w5 DAY care in my home, Rock- pqrt-Bayview. 884-7583. c2w5 DAY care available?) my home. Call 889-4508. c2w5 DAY care évéilable inwmyihome. 884-8642. ch5 RELIABLE day care in my home, large yard. close to Rich- mond Heights Plaza. 884-8302. rlw4 mate. care any age, Oak Ridges. 773-5977. ‘ ('1w5 Z moKtrh‘orldi pullets. sex link. 384-7580. clw4 ï¬XGLE puppy. 889-4145 Dn you have a drinking prob- lem. If an AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EMï¬-8684. H017 AVAILABLE. hot. meals, play puummumu1mummmuuuunuulummumuumm1ml\mmmuummmtInuuumuluummunmumumunummvmmuuuvlamuuuuuunmuumunmummulu1mmm\mmuuummunu11kt amuummunuu“munuuunuuunuuuu\\\umuumummuu1\\\nunmmummumuuuuumummu\m\mu\u\\\uumuu“unuqu mumImmuuunw1mm:unmunnumnumumnmummunmuulmmmumiumuunmmmmnumuummummmmumnuï¬ FAST-ACTION CLASSIFIED WANT ADS THE PERSON: A Registered Nurse, preferably with some Public Health experience who has a high degree of organizational skill as well as the ability to relate effectively with other people and who is looking for a challenging position that will utilize these talents. THE JOB: Under the direction of a Company physician to organize and operate a modern employee health service for 500 employees. To develop practices and procedures conforming to present. day public health standards. To schedule and assist in pre-employment medical examinations and_ to develop a programme of per- iodic re-examinatlons. To administer first-aid in cases of work injury. To maintain medical records for each employee. Steady employment and show average earnings for experienced Industrial Nursing Opportunity with a, kitchen cabinet manufacturer. Own transportation 3 must. APPLICATIQNS: Please make application. in your own handwriting, giving full details of education. exper- ience and salary requirements to: LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DAY CARE PERSONAL APPLY MR. DATEMA. SERVICE MANAGER REQUIRES Neat, Personable Hostesses For Full & Part-Time Work PHONE 884-8911 FOR APPOINTMENT Chine! Makers Canadian Tire Store FOUND . . . lOOK THEM OVER AT YOUR PLEASURE HELP WANTED 1 Fully Licenced 1 Apprentice Usual Company Benefits Box No. 68. “The Liberal" IUCHMOND HILL MECHANICS- 889 a 6243 For appointment call RICHMOND HILL c1w5 884-1196 BUTCHER business and equip- ment for sale. sacrifice. Lease ‘expired and owner retiring be- 'cause of ill health. Counters land scales less than three years old. Balance equipment good shape. Apply C. N. Gage, 274 Bayview Plaza. Richmond Hill. Phone 884-7691. clw5 SHELL CANADA LTD. For immediate lease two ser- vice station locations. Two bay outlet in Maple and a one bay with snack bar outlet mar Wondbridge. Far particulars phone Oshawa 723-1126. clw5 PERMANENT sitter réquired for 7 and 3 year old. Preferably Gormley - Buttonville area. Phone C. McWhitar 297-2626. 0-“ “m c1w5 ACCORDION teacher to teach and manage Northern Music Studios. Oak Ridges. Write or phone Ii H. Fuller, Oak Ridges. 773â€"5421. c1w5 Tested . ‘. . T Classified. Try 'lt BUSINESS “PPORTUNITY BABY SITTING ’The Liberal TUITION 884-1105-6 a1" . . . Time Time Prnven 11. , . . Phone TRAILER and cottage lots in lovely Forest Harbour. off 103 Highway at Port Severn. $995. Summer Properties LAKEFRON'I‘ LOTS In the heart of thickly woode Frontenac C o u n t y nestles Penyck Lake. *Spring-fed. clean lake * Sandy bottom *Excellent fishing 8: hunting *area *Ideal for winter sports *New. private road *All facilities within 5 miles *160‘ to 475' frontage *Priced from $10 per foot *41/2 miles north of Hwy. 7 on Hwy. 509. 45 miles north of Kingston For brochure and further In- formation. call Thornhill 889- 8641 after 6 and weekends or write Nimaro Holdings Ltd. Box 269, Tweed. Ontario. c2w4 â€" special for 2 weeks only. formation 832-8767 evenings EXCELLENT lots Duclos Point. Lake Simcoe. Only 42 miles from Richmond Hill. 884-2273 or 226-2598. tfc51 TOURS. cruises. rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- ual travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. 889-7624 - 773-4211 250 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill N. S. SMITH REALTOR LOTS FOR SALE 1 commission $200. weekly draw on Earn while you learn train- ing program Unlimited $$ opportunity Residential. Land, Commercial and Surrounding Arc-as Experienced bookkeeper required to assist our accountant. Should be familiar with honks of original entry, receivable and payable postings, trial balances. Typing required. Staff for dietary and housekeeping department RADIO STATION CFGM FOR RICHMOND HILL SALES HELP & AGENTS REQUIRES FEMALE HELP TRAVEL Call or Write Bill Lain: VlClNlTY BAYVIEW AND JOHN ST. THORNHILL PRIVATE HOSPITAL CALL MRS. KREMER 884-8143 c8w2 tfc4’7 unmumuunuuuu“munmuun1mIImmmunummmmmnur Brian. Fowler Elmer Winner mununuummumIu“uummuuuuumummuuuumuuumum Read “The Liberal" and rout the forces of darkness. You'll be formidable on community af- fairs. politics, sports, the arts â€"all your interests. Be bold. Get. home delivery of “The Lib- eral SHIPPING WORLD WIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 A winner of the second Elmer Summer Safety Con- test is Brian Fowler. 10. of King City. who earned sec- ond prize â€"- a Flyte Ac- cessory Kit for his bicycle. Richmond HiII's Newest WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING Son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fowler. 115 Clear- view Heights. Brian colors the Elmer Safety picture that appears in "The Lib- pral“ each week. A non- test enthusiast. he will b9 oral" each week. A con- test enthusiast. he will he going into grad? 5 at Eva L. Dennis Public School in the fall 300 Yonge Street North (Formerly Country Fair) BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING MODERN HEATED STORAGE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE MOVING STAND YOUR GROUND Call AND RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE BIG _ VALUE Reg. Kresge Price 98¢ Pr. 5,“?58‘9 THURS. FRI. SAT. Traveliing? Don't forget ï¬le sprers! These fold neatly into aplastic case. Many colors and sues. ‘ SllPPERE'ITES KRESGE’SE; SUMMER SAVINGS! WOMEN’S VINYL 63¢ Pr. PANTY HOSE Reg. Kresze Price 3.77 Kresge BIG VALUE THURS. FRI.. SAT. Sturdy 10 oz. cotton twill pants are fash- ioned with the still popular bell bottom legs. Two front poc- kets, bartacks and belt loops complete the scene. Assorted colors. Panty brief with seamless mesh nylon stockings in Beige for summer wearing! Get your supplyatthisspecial price. S-M-L-XL. AT BIG SAVINGSI Reg. Kresge Price 1.39 Now, you need never run out! An assortment of wrappings for Birthdays, Weddings, Showers etc. Flat fold. 8-18 BOYS’ BELL BOTTOM PANTS GIFT WRAP 71¢ Pkg. PKG. OF 25 SHEETS Kresge BIG VALUE THURS. FRI. SAT. Summer's here, you'll need V0 5 spray for quick haindo’s! Regular-*Hard-to-Holdâ€" Super-How types. HAIR SPRAY THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Jul:~ 31. 1969 Cutlery Traysâ€"Square Waste Kresge BIG VALUE Basketsâ€"Heavy Duty Pails- Laundry Basketsâ€"Mixing ¢ Bowlsâ€"Round Dishpansâ€" Decantersâ€"Drain Boardsand Racksâ€"in Avocado, Spanish Gold, Orange and Turquoise. EACH PlAS'I'ICWARE HOUSEHOLD AIDS Kresge BIG VALUE 1.77 18 OZ. VO 5 Open Daily TN 6 p.m.â€"Thurs. & Fri. '1'†9 pm. Non~s|ip style in Beige. One size fits all. WOMEN'S STRETCH NYLON For the little tots and bigger girls too! Slims with elastic waist, foot straps and stitched front crease. Infantsâ€"Sizes 12-18-24 months. Feature shoulder straps and domes inside legs for easy dressing. Royal, Red, Navy, Brown, Blue, Pink. Toddlersâ€"Sizes 2-3-3X. Shoulder straps to front waist. Royal, Red, Navy, Hunter Green, Brown. Jr. Girlsâ€"Sizes 4-6X. Royal, Red, Navy, \Hunter Green, Brown. Kresge BIG VALUE 53‘ smz'rcu 1 "non sums Kresge BIG VALUE THURS. FRI. SAT. Handy little gadget to keep your clothes free from lint! Excellent buy! BABY SHERRI! DOll. AND STROLLER THURS. FRI. SAT. A dressed, 16' drink and wet doll with sleeping eyes and rooted hair comes complete with a folding stroller. Reg. Kresge Price 4.98 Kresge BIG VALUE . CHILDREN’S WITH REFILL Reg. Kresge Price 99¢ THURS. FRI. SAT. [INT PIC-UP 67¢