1969 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. July 31. Owning your own home gives you security. stability. 3 growing equity and a lasting sense of pride and accomplishment. Check the many homes for sale on today's Liberal Real Estate Page. The day you purchase your own home is a day you will never forget. TRADE NOW ' WAREHOUSE PRIVATE l PRIVATE. MUST SELL 1 storey. open span, 4500 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, two storey semi- 3 bedroom home. west side of KING CITY â€" 80 FOOT LOTS Concrete block building now detached. $5,000 down, full Richmond Hill. 884-5743. w M C h You would be surprised how' available for only $26,500 with chi-5’ chi-3 o c y small the difference is from House wantEd price $22,900. 884-3353. your present home to a brand REALTOR 73-4 bedrooms. double gar- your terms. W'PRIVATE 227 Eglinton Ave. W. Owner leaving province. HUGE 6 bedroom split level house. S . 3 no“. ranch bungalow located ‘ . . . . I . . DOIICSS 3 bedloom bll('k hun- T t 50:41.12 . , V , ‘. r) â€" aqe‘ Inn‘nlv 1-00!“ or r (i u . 3"tï¬edroom b no k bungalow Finished recreattlon roggn, tllaigiie gamw' tastefully decorated. sum RiChmongl‘Oï¬liï¬ ï¬gs-273?. Just off heele Street. Peatuiling Toronto 1.. 483-9331 1.60m in (.YOOd are-l (1:. Llstlngs TypeS “1 rec room and large land‘ pmpe‘tl' mm “Hg "r 00 'room. patio. large kitchen. 884-5969 paWd mads' cums' unafr- ‘ ~b “ he If vou are interested in sell' ' h s l - scaped grounds. Now on sale Private. 533.000. 884-8808. beaminnly landscaped. $28 900' ~ ‘ ground wiring etc. For more _in- THOR“,th PROPERTIES to st ools and transporta- . . - - . .‘mg your ouse et oui asking $25,500. tfc48 88443526 Ems NORTH OF formation without obligation tion. if you am, thinking. experienced sales staff assist you. 3 bedrldtlii‘nc cam/ix?!) d Riiciilito’lvnmiTLâ€"“RRLVATE B'RXC’EBRI’OGE‘aref’cuitani; RICHMOND “"J' gi'gc‘iang‘g‘fggg‘," 2:2‘°éhï¬â€˜\§:f,l; 3112"“; 122',":‘,‘,' 3â€?“ T“; of “Himâ€"‘1 ("all NIH Stanlev. EstimateS With no obligation . . remo - ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . , _ . _ .. - . . 1. ~ . g. o i s oreg, ._ _ - . . . .. r , t. ened rambling brick {arm house $5,200. Lovely older horlne'nogn‘ Lilgr:\llntflflilllilpe.d goocd [lililiring :EiléiOOHothwnpe‘; {blegggélr Reï¬nm.‘ cmï¬ (m. garagp‘ walkout 1.3mm, 380 8181. ' All inquiries stilctl}, confidential \"t - - . ree aventle. gracious lvi - ‘ a re ar , . ‘ . . ~ . v v ' i‘bloii'i2 Ogijyelgilgatitili and farm†room with beamed ceiling and older style farm house. interest. large lot, low taxes. \our "' '* â€" ’ mom Haul“ hone" Itld- LlSt bow â€" We need )Our house i y ' fireplace. large dining room â€"~ crl parties phone Bracebridge 00“" payment- 300 "UV , REDl‘t‘ICD T0 Realtor can EARlLEVi fTElr’AkRT ‘3 or 4 bedropms â€" 2 4h pce. 045-5806. Private sale. cBwIi “(Tl $49,900 00 - 1 acre. pmppm, in T ea 8 a e N) er baths _ fami 3" "mm W"- Sun a f .‘ ‘ ‘ ' , - '“10111th ([099 In all convert- moiâ€"ï¬ll. l!‘m‘_‘__‘i ' 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora ‘deck __ broadloom throughout . lent investmentI at \\ oorl- imp“, overlooking pond and .SAZTRDIOOSPAHERE â€" BIG ROOMS 727.9413 '# bwner has bought _ re. S. J. p bine-Steeles. l 2 stoi ey REAL ESTATE LTD. consenmmn “ML 7 mom ~ .- uioia. The large, large ciw'5 duced to sell. 884-5759. c1w51 homte. 335.000 ‘gown pay- ,house, 2 car garage. propertv 1'†kn?“ 4 hokdrmmC-l 1% i“ ‘5 men ' an mm age" .I' r . . i ' d - - ' - l‘ .' )l‘ic ‘ tome ma e it i ea .. 3631 reSlgne fm another building rm. the large family New {mm REALTOR 884-5422 773-4302 10L ace with hot water heating. $56,900. - Custom built. family lam? mall“? “995 arid landâ€" .home' less than 1 war 01d. scaping. Must be sold as owner ‘um-a modem with 4 baths, 4 has purchased another home. “ ' ’ " . “â€" bedrooms, 2fireplaces and tam-. 4 BEDROOMS - 1 ACRE ' ' Local Representatives: Mrs. .10 Kostecki, REALTOR LTD' Art Plasschaert PHOTO M .L.S. maultr‘in urn m HOMES 28 Yonge St. S. , Members of York County. my mom Off kitchen. piugl$24.900. Just, west of New'mar: 889-7381 773-4335 i Ontario & Canadian Assoc. .30'x24‘ recreation room. Excel- kel 003" 400 lllgll\\a)' we have“ "outnumm. 884-7751 iation of Real Estate Boards. llent 7347'?) mortgage- 12 4 bedl'mm- 2 5'0"†home - monnmLL apric- Lia l situated on an acre of land ‘ A V ‘ p ‘ 0N1 YONG! 37. For above propel“?S PlPaSP Pall with a beautiful view for miles. '- . 80x2†Ft. LOT RICHMOND HILL ‘ V l $2930†Smith RiChmond Attractive three bedroom 1 Mrs' wngm- 8844915 0" House needs some work but at 85 Yonge St. S. j Hill. close to Yonge. 6 room ; brick home. Well trced lot. . 485'9331 this price its well worth looking 889-7771 . . . . bllngalOW Plus 3 “mm bl'le i garage. close to schools and ; . . , , Richmond Hill 5 Leading Realtor guest house_ owner will hold gho r i r T r, ,0 hm, at . ROIAL TRUST COMPAM 1 UNIONVII I F QPECHL , h d ‘ W "E e “t - A w R (‘ASF Rrurr LTD ‘ “ " ‘ , one mor a e, an yman's I . . I l _ RE LTOR . . .. . J , . 2 MILES NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL ' Opponumï¬fmn Workman $22500 can Flank 1MP REALTORS i A beautiful roomy 4 bedroom home on a large . . . . o . .4 i 95 i . _ n . t I . . . ‘ " Only 3528.900. Spauous 6 room ranch style bung- THORNHILL JUST NORTH m.- R. mu, , '35: If“? ï¬refgg‘11333he mfg:- _ v “AWW ‘- ,T0ronu}""ge 5‘ 9 “ï¬rmâ€. yell klept loli Themdftehlzfdmni 1m th}: him]?- alow, with 2 car attached garage. huge homeSIte Brick and frame rancher on West of “mu 5L 1 man-m “I†price. ‘Cau' ' “1&894654 7274288 ., isl {Ea srlnait. it?!“ “Sigh 1/ eupvrll‘imeAi‘l t‘l‘qr‘ With mature fruit trees and birch trees, owner landscaped 1’2 acre. Open i 1 Frank Mom W.W (ms C0 65 C 056 S. U 3 Tea .V C l(- i e VA~--â€"â€"~« - v it other rooms are large. lots of storage space. A i AURORA $65000. A ranch bungalow with sunken living room. 3 bedâ€"l rooms. large family kitchen} fireplace, 30 ft. panelled rec. room, loads of cupboards. quiet area. Mrs. Armstrong. WEST OF YONGE must sell. Reasonable down payment to existing mortgage. Please phone BOB NIXON BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SUMMER SPECIALS $22,500. West. Yonge solid brick two storey home in Richmond Hill. Carries for only 3164. Give me a call, Mrs. home that is different. PIT. Asking $42,000. Drew, 889.7771. . , ~ - - $32,500. Excellent buy, 3 main floor family room andt . 200 ft. fiontage, all paved, large building With bedroom brick ranch bunga- bar. tiled laundry room. breeze- REALTOR R It L. .t d R n 5 BEDROOM, OUTSTANDING VALUE showroom, offices, stock room and garage for 12 low with attached garage. way and oversize 2 car garage 1323.500. Th re e bedroom 884 5422 "3 4302 ea y lml e . ea or ' ‘ _ . h I Th Ml cars and complete tractor trailer, 15 ft. overhead open fireplace and finished nestled on a picturesque 5 acre Panel! bungalow on large lot ‘ ' 389.3111 . 773-4332 x I have a truly fine bedloom ome in orn _l . doors 2 income apartments upstairs, gas pumps recreation room, well treed setting well back from the road. (175 X100 l- Near Schomberg- , ‘ 884-2622 ._ This home is beautifully laid out, most practical 1 PLENTY OF TREES , home you've seen in a long time. Two full baths Mrs. Kraehling, 889-5451. RICHMOND mm A Woman‘s Delight lot, immediate possession, Vendor will hold mortgage. , Mr. Crowther. $23,900. Four bedroom solid Richmond are open to the company of your choice. Asking $78,000. Will accept house or land as down pay- ment. This is a fastastic opportunity. ' brick bungalow, l-iill. COUNTRY LIVING $26900. modern 3 bed- room split level, attached King size 6 room ilé storey home in older part of town. west of Yonge. and one 2 pc. ensuite in an extra large master bedroom. All the rooms are large, lovely family room with sliding doors to garden. Wonderful Call BOB MILLAR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION lBungalow in A-l condition†Call Wally Gustar 25‘ 1iving_dining mom. garage. b r o a dloom . ‘ $34,900. West side Yonge, 8 lbright good sized rooms, living 889-5651 884-8542 big bright modern kit- throughout. many extras. place for- Dad and Mom. Asking $51,000.00. Good ZONED OPEN STORAGE i mom Smile 311d hl‘le bunga- mom- dlning mom. friendly. 20“ I, _ , chen. 2 washrooms. Must. WW down Payment mn‘ $28,000. mtge., 731,93. Call Bill Murray, 889-7771. low, 4 large bedrooms, ]2 lkitchen. 3 bedrooms, 3rd bed- 3"05' Beef mm" fa'm‘ be soldyow'ner has bought_ Sideré‘d. Call MF- W311- $65,000. The best beef cattle I .. . . V ,. r Lalge industl 1al Site, Highway No. l near h'iilg‘e- acre. lot, plenty of room for iroom could be used as den, TRY $3500.00 DOWN RICHMOND HILL. WEST SIDE Presently being used for garage repairs and bodv svpimming pool 2 four piece [mm-iv mom and hm. playroom farm in the counliy plus an 3 INCOMF HOMF r. - - - " ' . . ' r r ‘ ~. . ' - v -: l ' ’ ’ . , . lhis lovely 3 bedroom home is in excellent mn- . 0t, tial for contractor or an 'one washrooms. double gara e, 2 easy tmancln . low taxes. Fuili mom house" For further _ , - 322.900. Modem 3 090‘ . . ‘ ’ work High p en 5 g g ‘nformatlon can Florence 2 “para†“paHm‘m's' mom solid brick hiinga- dltlon and has been extremely well kept. Has a kitchens, $10,000. down. own- price $25,900. Mrs. Kraehling. l 889-5451. } Cobden. requiring outside storage. L -, "th 2 ‘ u ower wl bediooms ‘0“: ml] basement. Daved finished basement suitable for a second family. 7 ner will take back 1 mort- upper with 3 bedrooms. _ . Please can BOB NIXON gage. Mr. Sunter. ' RICHMOND HILL Near schools, shopping in dl'f‘e- “My delcomfle‘: The lot is completely fenced in. and has a garage RAVINE SITE WITH STREAM . ESTATE SALE 2 b ildi 1 t 1. hm LOOK ‘ Newmarlfet- Asking 326- l 1:;0L‘tirugne Mail i and a paved drive. For further information or Richmond Hill bungalow with built-in garage. 3 Keele Sto Maple. 9 room rolliglge Witlli mnagtureo treiégand 5.3: 900‘ Don t delay’ can now†l ‘ ' ,_ aDDOintment t0 inspect pleas-90311 Jack Madden, 66’ TREED LOT 5 889-7771 or res. 884-1280. Price only $31,900.00. home on large landscaped Markham. Priced to sell Gramsch. large bedrooms, backing onto a ravine close to _ _ well located. Cyril Cutler, 889- _ lot, modern convenienceS, all 5451. SIGN . 1 $7,500.00 FULL PRICE Yfmge Stgfet and downtOWn bus- only $24,900. heating. double garage. all Eggymgogemgggg Try $1.000 down. 0.... . THORNHILL BACK SPLIT Wlth a 7/2% mortgage-Can p335 considered. MI. Neu- Photo M.L.S. Realtor l SHAMROCK dining room. ’18, living ‘ gigrtgaggrgogrzléfebgï¬irpcsi See thls fine spotless home today. Spacious Iiv. ' l room near centre of l lolwemr] good lot with $2" 1 ing room. Separate dining room. 3 bedrooms. l l Lovely broadloom and lots of cupboard space. NEW, ONLY $25,500 RICHMOND HILL 5 at $95 900 Don-t miss ture trees. Located in _ . . . ‘ ' ' . 3 bedroom bun alow with l REAL ESTATE BY HARRY SADLER r ‘ " ' , Holland Landing area. Asking price is $35,000. $10,000. down Will buy. Side-split 3 bedroom stone front home on 230 . . .g. this, call now. V deep well freed homegite attached garage walk -’ 131%: llVlng-dmlgg Yofm t Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. J MUQT BF g0â€) Call MFA Clarke- Owner has been transferred. (all Mrs. Irene ' ‘. .‘ ‘ ' ~ ’ ‘ com ma ion. mo ern 'it- . j . , - _ _ out from dining area, paved road. north Yonge Chen run divided has me . I ' , .. , 522500-00 FULL PRKE Benmtv 889 7771 or 889 0468' l .. ‘ . e nt' . 6 loom bilck bungalow, suburban. Buyers call RALPH GERRETT trot-au- dio... double garage. at 5 t e est , m, schools, m 2.,- i,,,, $4000.33 ddgwjn‘k 22101:? 4 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT - nice lot. immediate posses-3 trig-dining "mm- h'lihl mom '- I -m ‘ 'y Thornhill $29 000 Close to school sho int! and THORNHILL SIDE SPLIT Sion. $24,900. Mr. Manuel. knchen fun basemem home in Richmond Hill. .. . t . . ' . . pp 7 _ SOUTH WOODBRIDGE I. fly to “ent Asking' $22,900. Anv Newt" T“"â€â€œ"â€â€œâ€™â€œ"d~ {35‘ 0113- The open Slime fll‘eplafe IS the focal pomt ' ‘ - ' 00559-5510†C311 Mr- Mal“ in the combined living room, dining room. Kit- $43.700. 3 bedroom brick home with den. broad- t loom throughout, 2 baths. large landscaped lot, i 7% mortgage plus many more extras. 510.000. down. Call MURIEL STUBBS $22,900. RICHMOND HILL 3 bedroom solid brick home on large lot, close to l all schools, plaza. and downtown bus. Carries l l l $37300. Immaculate 6 room - Harry Sadler brick bungalow on lovely‘ 50x290 ft. treed and fenced lot, completely finished base- ment with parquet floors: ideal for an apartment. Own-1:; er will hold 2nd mortgage. Mr. Carlisle. CIRCLE THIS ONE $20,500. ProfeSSionally land- scaped, beautifully decorat- ed inside and out, 4 bed- , room bungalow, large livingâ€" ‘ Your Home? Put it in the hands of a good realtor. Whatever you pay him â€" a percentage of the first month‘s rent or a monthly per cent of income over a long term â€" will usually prove well worth it. A realtor, in the first instance, will help you set the right rent. From constant contact with the market, realtors know the current rental value of properties. This will avoid charging too little for your property with a loss of revenue, or too much and a high rate of vacancy. The right kind of advertising in the right media is the realtor's specialty. Or perhaps he already has 6999996oooowoom“â€â€oowbo““â€mwo ‘ for $110. month. Call C. CUFF WEST SIDE 6 room split level home on lovely treed lot. This property is priced to sell, normal down payment 884-5422 889-2351 3‘ reasonable down payment considered. CALL 25 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL mini-h in N. 5. SMITH REALTOR then has a separate eating area. There are 2 4-pc. baths and lots of cupboards, nicely fenced yard. Make an offer today. Call Don Buwalda, 889-7771 or 884-8270. FAMILY AND A HALF' Need space for live-in relatives? This delight- fully clean bungalow has a whole house on the main floor â€" with new broadloom in the living- dining rooms and balls â€"- plus a very large recreation room below and separate living area including bed-sitting room (11x20), separate 01. trade your resent home. Com leteiv 5e arate ‘ dining area, broadloom prospective tenants, making an ad unnecessary. I I ' apartment on ground level p ‘ p throughout. Carries $150. ;‘ t How alboult‘ the liease?-“St;nldard lease girmstfaliie kitchen and 4 pc. bath. All this beautifully fin- ’ _ : mthlo M135 th riand_ oo genera . rea or W] e D you own pi a s . - For further mmrmatmn can ED BUNNETT 3 s u e BEFORE you ran into them by including speciï¬c ished and an attached garage and large fenced BE CONTENTED - clauses for your protection. This can also save you a 1“ Yard â€" only $31i900- C311 MIS- Bales» 889' 3 ACRES 50 acre farm, vintage brick legal’ fem ' 7771. Cond buildin lot- with lentV Of “.995 03 s home, 2 car garage. good Does your insurance cover renting? Your realtor ' , sedan Weqtgnf Aurorap An ideal piacékfning barn, rolling land, 5 acres‘ can advise you and help you workout a separate policy ONE OPEN MORTGAGE GARDEN CENTER secluded home b t l. t '1 - ' hush‘ 39"†have a look at for me“ llahmw-and me“ If requniedi “"le Bungalm" ' Garage Excellent location in the Thornhill area Valu- A . .. Li. (‘ Use to paved highway. this. no more gnod deals like -' If redecoratlng changes are. adv1sable to secure. a v 7 ‘ r V . g. "‘ . ’ . ' ‘ better or quicker rental. a realtor is best equipped to AURORA LOtA l‘iOh, 3 bedrooms. famlly tuli- able property situated on busy highway. Sales Priced at $17,500. Your down payment consid- this around. Mr. Dawson. advise you because he lives and works in 'the competitive chen. living-dining area, aluminum equipped, office, garage and three connected greenhouses. ered. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , ket. c ' . . - For further information can REG“ WILLIAMS Members “f “‘9 “mmâ€, ' mar , . ,p .» .1 . shrubs, trees, close to shops, schools. Full plice. ample parking and stoiage alca. SpaClous 4 bed- York 'County Ind District his feel'La'}.’i,.2"§,3,‘n§‘§.§.{ 21:29:13.1: Prestige Titlniiiidl. only $25,000. Be first. Call A. WEHRENS room home. modern kitchen and separate dining 5 BEDROOMS, RICHMOND HILL cal Estate Boards j see you next week. ‘ I I I DREAM r00m_ Illness forces sale of this lucrative bu5_ “ ’ RKHMOND H L ‘ ‘ ‘ iness. For further information please call Beautiful brick bungalow with attached .garage, separate dining room. family sized kitchen on a huge lot close to schools, shopping and bus. Only $60,500. Call MRS. BOYLE AURORA â€" 81’2'70 MORTGAGE 3 bedroom solid brick home on quiet crescent close to schools and shopping; steps to commun- ity hall. Many extras include broadloom. rec. room with bar. aluminum storms and screens and raised patio. Only $22,500. Call RALPH GERRET’I‘ $3.000 DOWN $14,500. full plice. ‘3 bedroom home just. north of the Hill. new oil furnace. Carries like rent. Call BERT CUFF COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Valuable corner property on Yonge Street north of Richmond Hill, 110x205 ft. Now has 12 room house on property. excellent potential for future use. For further information call FRED CELSIE LARGE FAMILY OR INCOME HOME 322.500. Located in Newmarket. rented pres- ently for $165 monthly. Close to Main St. and all conveniences. For more information call MRS. LENHARDT $2.000 DOWN 310.000. ftlll price for this cozy ‘2 bedroom bun- galow. Just 15 minutes to Metro. (“all MRS. BOYLE APARTMENT SITE, 22 SUITES Excellent location. serviced. close to shopping. transportation and business section. .30,000 full price. Call BOB MILLAR TRADE-INS ACCEPTED BLYTHEWOOD 67 Quiet adult building. one block west of Yonge on Richmond St. "‘ Five minute walk to all conveniences * Beautiful treed site "‘ Open court. â€"-. 90'x100‘ * Extra large one bedroom apartments available Septem- ber lst * Room sizes-kitchen 8'xll', DR. 8'xl2', LR. 12'x20', Bedroom 10'x14', Balcony 5'x20' * 2 elevators * Broadloomed corridors * Intercom " Large appliances * Double stainless sinks * Cable TV * Garbage com- * Ample guest, parking pactor * Work shop * underground parking * Mail delivery to suites * Long term leases with cancellation privileges " Outstanding valtle, owner-manager. 884-3341 , iv. s. .sm'm sag-495; it, OVER 2,000 PROPERTIES “Vs Be f 'ice To You†LIST NOW . . . 884-4425 2 OFFICES 38 SALES AGENTS N. 5. SMITH REALTOR N. s. sm'rn 884-4455:- N. S. SMITH 884-44257 ’ : N. S. SMITH 884-4425 N. . 5. SMITH 884-4425 :1 {gowns-Hams: vumitbn FOR POSITIVE RESULTS CALL 889-6241 773-4l51 N'. 5. SMITH 884-4425 ii. 5." SMITH sin-«25 viii. s. Slur-rigs:sz ._ l 6% Mtge., $110. Mo. Carries BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom bungalow. lovely living room, Hollywood kitchen. with large eating area, completely finished rec. room with bar, paved drive and garage, close to everything. Call MR. BAILEY ti"?- N.H.A. 6"} Low Down. (‘arrics Like Rent 0 ROOM solid brick 2 storey. just l'ecentlvder- ol'ated inside and out. panelled rec. room. private drive, very clean home. ('all MR. LUNDY NEWMARKET â€" REST Bl'Y Detached, Only 821.500. Your rloyvn payment considered for this lovely 6 room aluminum covered home. contains huge modern kitchen, 3 good bedrooms. attached gar- age and all electric heating. To view call D. BEGGS 24 ROLLING ACRES PLUS Remodelled Farmhouse iDi’.Al.LY located lust ot‘f Don Mills Rd.. south of Newmarket. This gentleman‘s farm features 10 room house with modern king siae kitchen. two 1-pt'. baths, 3 bedrooms and steel siding 35'x60’ barn. To view call BEV CAMPBELL 1 BEDROOMS -â€" BAYVIEW Just North of .\'o. 7 Hwy. This is quality â€" huge living area. rec. room wall to wall fireplace. 2 car garage, hot water oil heating. large lot. dead end street. Builders‘ own home, 4 years. Call MR. MARCUSSEN YORK COUNTY DISTRICT TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARDS mg 884-4425 IllilPlE IISIIN SHINE -...a,- -. '\.. :"mw. a. saga :- i~. «psi. q. -.. Harvey Annan at 889-7771 or 727-9440. HUMBER TRAIL â€" NEAR NOBLETON A stocked trout stream and Humber Trail Park are at our backyard. Our home with 3 bedrooms is nothing to boast about, but it was a lot of fun for the family. We will miss the beautiful shade trees (approx. 2 acres.) Circumstances oblige us to move. Please contact our agent, Mr. Steiner. 880-7771 or 727-9440. NEAR 'AliRORA â€" KING TWP. 10 acres nice rolling land with view. 325.900. Price AURORA ROAD 1 mile. west of 400. Detached brick home. 6 rooms, fireplace, bar in basement with washer, dryer and electric stove, plus a pond. brick Ral‘JB-Q and many extras. $29,000. half cash. Owner takes back 1st mortgage at 6’}. Contact. Oscar Steiner at 727-9449 or 889-7771. URGENTLY WANTED FOR WAITING CUSTOMERS acre building lot, in York County, 100-150 acre farm and house with all conven- iences north of Hwy. 0. 10-15 acre farm and home in Holland Marsh. We have daily requests for homes in this region. if you are considering moving now or , in the future, please call. All inquiries are. treated confidentially. Oscar Steiner, 727-9449 or 889-7771. Serving Willowdalc, Thornhill and Richmond Hill Members of York County and Toronto Real Estate Board iwuiflik H. Keith Limited. 8242 Yongtp Street. Thornhiil. Ontario