Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1969, p. 4

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The story that goes with this symbol is very interesting: In the last half of the 15th century. two struggling art stu- dents, Albrecht Durer and Franz Knigstein, worked as laborers to earn money to con- tinue their studies. Because their labors did not allow enough time to advance in their studies they drew lots to de- termine which one would con- tinue to work and support both â€"â€" the winner would remain Durer won and agreed that when his studies were complete he would return and finance the studies of his friend. He developed his talent and genius and as an established success returned to keep his agreement with Knigstein. However. he soon discovered the great sacri- fice his friend had made â€"- the hard labor had twisted and bent Franz’s fingers so that he could no longer manage the delicate brush strokes -â€" but Knigstein felt no bitterness. He was overjoyed at his friend’s success. One day Durer found [him kneeling in prayer, his gnarled hands held in spiritual suppli- cation for Albrecht's continued SUCCESS. mnmuuuuumunuunuul\l11uu1ual\\lu1lm\muummuuuuuum â€"â€" the Winne1 at his studies. Church News friend’s hands and later com- Rev. and Mrs. Willis Hunking pleted the masterpiece known and family will be taking up as the “Praying Hands". residence in Kitchener this Galleries and collections all month. Mr. Hunking SPORe at over the world now feature the Gormley Missionary prayer Durer's works but this master- and fellowship meeting August piece outshines them all. It tells 13 and was presented with a the story of love. labor. sacri- monetary gift. fice and gratitude. It is a con- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott and stant reminder to all, from family were at the Stayner which many people have drawn Camp Meeting last week. courage and comfort. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott and family were at the Stayner Camp Meeting last week. When my daughter Kathy was at the Stayner Missionary Camp she purchased a lifetime ball point pen for me with the “Praying Hands" reproduced on the clip. mummum“mullqu1mmum11u\11l\\\umuuumnmmlmuum Free Estimates ALMO FENCING 773-5831 KIN“ L” I The localites were impressed with that area‘s great beauty with snow still on the slopes. CORRESPONDENT The t Mu Ht u - , s - , The leelal , requue§ a Springs, and through Rogers’ correspondent fo r King Pass on the Trans-Canada High- Clty. If you enjoy serving way. Glacier National Park and your community and Want the Calgary ZOO .Wlth its life- to earn some extra mone Size replicas of dinosaurswere then phone Staff WriteÂ¥lother highlights of the trlp. . Mrs. Lorraine Russell enjoyâ€" lrfigeleme MCI-480d at 884' ed a day's outing August 3 at Alliston. Evidence of a decided split in opinion on the effective date of regional government in York County has become evident re- cently. A resolution has been passed by King Township Council ask- ing York County Council to seek agreement from Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy Mc- Keough that the advent of any gchanges in municipal structure Earl Rowe Provincial Park at‘ be deferred until Janary 1973. Support for this resolution was sought from the other 13 municipal councils in the county with mixed results. Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox News amummulnu\lm\llmuumuummnmmmmummuunuummumumuuummunuuuunuuuumlmmmmnummumum“; filmmuuuuummummmuuuuu““mumk\\uum\\\\m\mmuu\\uumuuumuumuu\mumu“mumunmuumuuufi AND WOOD SUPPLIED 0R INSTALLED The new deputy-clerk of King Township will be Dav- id Hodgson, 21, son of Wil- liam Hodgson, former reeve of the township and warden of York County, now MLA for York North. The new appointee will begin his duties August 18. Mr. Hodgson attended the University of Western On- tario in London, majoring in economics. He graduat- ed in May with his bachelor of arts degree. His early education was received at the Kettleby Public School and the Dr. G. W. Williams Secondary School in Aurora. He replaces Douglas Gos- bee, who held the position for about two years. ALL TYPES CHAIN LINK LAKE WILCOX Name David H odgson Deputy-Clerk FENCING KING CITY CORRESPONDENT “The Liberal" requires a responsible boy or girl for an established paper route in King City. Phone Glen Pratt. Carrier Circulation, 884-1105 Notice is hereby given that the Regular Meeting of Council scheduled to be held on Monday, August 18th, 1969 will be held on Monday, August 25th, 1969 at 8 pm. Persons planning to attend this meeting will please note this change of date. KING CITY, OAK RIDGES GORDON COOK REEVE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 14, 1969 TOWNSHIP OF KING NOTICE RE: REGULAR MEETING Durer sketched his CARRIER Summer school at the recrea- tion centre last week found the children busy at plastic crea- tions. embroidering, model clay molding, sewing and making models. Parents’ night was held August 5, but there was a small turnout owning to baseball on the diamond the same evening. Field day is being planned for August 29. Senior Jefferson Scouts are having a canoe trip with a sup- ply of dehydrated food when they go on their 11-day trip to Algonquin Park August 18. They will be under the leader- ship of Scoutmaster Stuart Bell. Registration for Brownies and Guides of Lake Wilcox and Jefferson packs and companies will take place September 9. Parents are invited to meet the leaders then. The Guide Leader for Lake Wilcox will be Mrs. Marny Clews. Roundabouts Freddie Black celebrated his sixth birthday with a few friends August 7. Bradley Sim- monds, Darrin and Dinneen Reed, Darrell Daines, Cheryl and Douglas Penley, Wendy ‘Consisonolly and Kim McNally helped him enjoy the games, gifts, ice-cream, cake, hot dogs, pop and candy. Travelling the Highways A legend has grown around the “Praying Hands" â€" that anyone who owns a replica will enjoy peace and tranquility. Midhurst Park, near Barrie 5W“ was the site of the Sunday days school picnic for the many chil- (they dren of Brethren in Christ divm" Church, Oak Ridges. last week. stem All enjoyed games and baseball The ‘ and visited the zoo. All shared teq their lunches and had beverages Trlps supplied by the church. 0f 1‘ Guiding ,, mile , Dru'nl' Commissioner Jean Hadcock and daughter Leighâ€"Ann spent the week at Mekeewa Guide Camp near Orangeville} i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lennonville ‘and son John, with guest Ste- phen Ashby, visited Manitoulin Island last week. Trips on the ferry to Tobermory, around the island, and to Whitefish Falls where a TV series for fall view- ing was being filmed were en- joyed. We are sorry to hear that Ed had to be hospitalized in St. Joseph’s in Little Current for a few days and the trip was cut short. However, the boys fished and hayed and had fun driving the tractor and taking it down- river on a barge. Stephen cele- brated his birthday while away, with a large cake and gifts. Larry, Kay and Michael Daines and Jan Cooper have arrived home after a trip to the west coast. Their final destina- tion was Vernon, BC where they visited with Simpson and Jane Cherry, former residents of Lake Wilcox, for a couple of days. They returned with over 200 colored slides taken at points of interest on the trip on which they visited Sault Ste. Marie, White River (Canada’s coldest spot), Iron Bridge, Vermilion Bay. Nipigon. Brandon. Swift Current. Moose Jaw and Banff. “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox ls Mrs. Carol Dailies, 23 Willowbank Avenue, 773-4589, in King City Mary Dawson, 884-1105. “tans-Canada High- A resolution has been passed National Park and by King Township Council ask- Zoo with its life- ing York County Council to H. G. ROSE CLERK Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Post and Sharon arrived home from Manâ€" itoulin Island August 1, after enjoying boating and fishing for bass and perch. Sharon also enjoyed water skiing. Brother Tommy and Hans Flubacker were up the weekend of July 27 and also enjoyed water skiing and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Collins. Ricky. Glen and Carol, with guest Brenda Daines. spent 10 days at Big Doe Lake. Boating (they broke three cars), cliff diving, fishing. swimming and steam baths were daily events. The only wild animal they spot- ted was a lonely porcupine. Trips to Sprucedale, a village of 100, which entailed a five mile hike and visiting “The Point" were points of interest to the girls. Each night camp- fires, singsongs. ghost stories and goodies brought the day to an end. A very pleasant visit to West Bay with the Stan Williams‘ family, former residents of this area. was an added pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Penleys and family spent the weekend in Orillia with their boat and new motor. We are sorry to hear that Doug got a bad bump on his cheek when caught off guard in one of the swells. Lorelei and Dal-fell Daines spent a day at Lindsay Camp with brother Larry and his wife and son Michael August 3. The children were enthused about staying in the camper and hik- ing and picnicking. Cheryl Biso enjoyed a week with a friend in Toronto. They visited the Alpo swimming pool, went shopping and to see “The Eye of the Cat” and “Dead End." The Get Well List Bev Findlay had his foot in- jured with a large pallet at work and is manoeuvering very well in spite of his bandages. Matt Tracy and Mary and friend Frank visited the lake August 3 and 4. Residents were glad to see Matt back to the cottage after his long stay in St. Michael’s Hospital. Danny Peterson received stitches to his head when he fell off a fence. Mrs. Ed Jones of Gormley was home for the weekend from Riverdale Hospital, Toronto. Birthdays A happy birthday is wished for Freddy Black August 6, Fred Black August 11 and Dor- othy Black August 14; and to Cheryl and Douglas Penley August 9. Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peters celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary August 10. Con- gratulations. Baseball August 6 at Lake Wilcox dia- mond the senior girls lost to the junior girls in a practice session. The same evening the senior girls defeated the senior boys in another practice game. ust 10 Lake Wilcox and Oak Ridges Peewees defeated Newmarket 7-6 August 5. day ev pital i joyed dogs, 4 afterw in opinion on the effective date of regional government in York County has become evident re- cently. Divergent Views 0n Regional Government Councils in Richmond Hill and Vaughan and Markham Townships did not go along with‘ the proposal. Whitchurch To“an ship Council decided it needed: more time to study and con- sider the proposal and Wood- bridge Village Council agreed that more time is needed to study the form of regional gov- ernment very thoroughly before it goes into effect. Woodbridge Reeve John Mc- Lean explained his council's stand by stating that a wrap-up of regional government in just six months with a year for im- plementation would not be suf- ficient time to allow all muniâ€" cipalities and authorities to do a proper job. He feels there should be more time to permit authorities to prepare for re- gional government properly. He would like to have also a clearer picture of the complete functions of the upper and lower tiers of government. Consensus of the three coun- cils which were not favorable to the King Township resolu- tion appears to be that nothing can be gained by delay which could hold back development in the area. The OASA 1e bantams played Wed evening at the Ontario ] l in Aurora. Both teams ed the game and the ;, cake and lemonade se] rwards. playoffs started Wednes‘ 1e hot served Hosv Your choice of sleek matched lamps for the “in” sports-car look! Chrome 12 volt for grille or bumper. Easy mount. Mom-Master Supreme is your best filtration! For clean oil, clog-free per- formance. For most stan- dard cars. BRIGHT SPECIAL Drive/Fog lamps COMPARE AT 7.95 EACH COMPARE AT 16.95 Complete angler’s gear: 51/2’ 2-pc. rod and line; anti-reverse reel with bronze oilite gears, starâ€" drag, positive pick-up. A big value! V; JOHNSON PRIZE-CATCHE Spin-Casi Rod, Reel and line YI I The silent spin-cast reel with perm-alloy gears, multiple point pick-up. Full drag adjustment. Matched 5112’ rod; 10 1b. test line. Mote-Master Supreme is your best filtration! For clean oil, clog-free per- formance. For most stan- dard cars. REG. 1.98 low sale pn'ce. 4 household‘must’ gaspineg redm pang Flower, Sacha seems. FRESH new SAVING ON Glade Mi SAVE!3ROLLS OF cellulose Tape Lâ€"Big. handy 13- eduond formis late Closed-face reelâ€"anti- reverse, star-drag; 100 yds. monofilament line. 6’ hollow fibreglass rod with _end tip and 3 chromed guides. SHAKESPEARE Spin-Casi Sel acthOO‘ Iuetoslol A 15-02 can of the super- lubricant! Adds power .and performance. Frees sticky valve-lifters. (With Free decal) sou elude Mist § i “OZ can, to- V : :scascnsalc! v :t at Golden I Eellulose Tape .E >0‘â€"for one .ock up in a . __. mnnm‘n TIRE Vl'chek deluxe poly box ‘ that floats! 3 cantilevered . , trays, 36 tackle sections. 16 x 8 x 7”. Sale! landing Nets Husky 30” scoop net with neoprene sure-grip and 24-” anodized handle. Package of 5 sizes‘ Assorted Floats JOHNSON'S Garbage Can AND Disinfectant Spray TACKLE BOX SPECIAL Bold bright washable seat’cover happily reduced! Throw style; elastic side gussets. Fits mos_t cars. Coach: Blue, brown, green, red. Sedan: Brown, green or red. REDUCED! TERRYCLOTH Am Seat-(over REG. 4.19 !.°“" .59 E ST- NORTH' 7o ONG .99 Styrofoam floats, head rest, aluminum frame with tough canvas; 2 x 4' Lucky day for late vaca¢ tioners! Big 30” x 72” vinyl air mattress, with. bright floral prints. Water lounge LOUNGING BUYS Air Mattress _ NORTH, RICHMOND HILL 884-1196 to q 5.99 Cushion those shocks-and get a glide-ride over washboard and paved roads alike. Cross-pin type; oversized %” shafts of chromed. steel gives .you smooth riding comfort. SAVE! RIDE-O-MATIC Shock Absorbers REG. 5.74 S. , .99 W9

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