Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1969, p. 6

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JUNIOR bed with removable sides. 884-4350. clw7 INGLIS wringer-washerlifiovod condition. 773-5192. clw7 ~,__.___.. i BARN constructed building. 70‘ x 35’, demolished and clear lot. Site 27 Spruce Ave. Rich- vale. Offers to Box 72. “The Liberal". c2w7 HAY FOR SALE Large quantity. first class mix- ture. baled. Maple area. 889- 7834. c4w7 VICTORIA SQUARE and dis- trict Lions Club require used and no longer required articles of all kinds for the annual fall rummage and auction sale. Phone 887-5409 or 887-5485 for pick-up. c1w7 OLDER style "thbie’find‘c’hfirs 575. Tea wagon $60. dresser $20. pine table $15. 889-3136. clw7 WRINGER-WASHERTInâ€"gné.’ in excellent condition. $40. 889- 3830. clw'l STOVE. 4 buffier 24" electric range in good condition. Phone 884-1394. c1w7 vaeds and 36” continental 884-7985. SIMPLfc’I’TY riding 1; mower. 30". $350. 833-6885 NEW color Emerson television. 25". $530. Also black and white 19“. $125. Miss Canada Deluxe Moffat stove. in gold. $259. Emerson black and white 23" console $199. All with full BEDROOM suitfis’of poles. skis and boots $30 and rec room furniture. 884-4962. c1w7 warranty. 889-1646 OLD Masters wall plaques. ori- ginal oil paintings, cheap. Brass‘ items, buggy wheel. antique‘ carnival glass. walnut stereo â€"â€" German. table lamps, records, miscellaneous items and odd- ments etc. Owner moving, ad- dress 137 Palmer Avenue, Rich- mond Hill. Phone 884-1453. CHILD'S play and feeding table $10: chrome highchair. $12. child's padded carseat $8. 884-4517. *1w7 4-piece stereo - radio . record-1 player combination. Excellent: condition. Best offer. 884-6548.! clw7l MOVIE camera, Sanyko Micri Super 8. Telescopic lens. Nearly new. 884-7787. c1w7 MOVING. selling part of an- tique collection including oak and burled walnut sideboard, walnut and birdseye maple cupâ€" board, pine cupboard. 7’ harvest table. pine jam cupboard. etc. 889-8199. cle Concrete sand. stone. loam top soil. etc. Delivered in small quantities. O 'III“I“I“““II“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIIII““IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIII“III“IIIIII“IIIII““III“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIIIIIIINIIIII““IIIIIIIIlIlIIIllIIIlllIIIII\uwII\H'Iluunuuuulwuuuuuuumuuunuuuuuumummmmmumuum.uu“.mummuuwm“u. , \umuuuuuu\uuHIIvuluV\l!\nu\\UIVuluuluuuuu'ulum YOU REACH THE PEOPLE YOU NEED WITH FAST-ACTION CLASSIFIED WANT ADS 1M9- MIRIMIIIII“ SOiI. etc. D-gl'i\:é1:éa' lriAanqii-Elfilz cu. ft refrigerator; quantities. .‘rl Admiral 30" range: 1 22" Taco C. L. KNAPPETT Rotary mower; 1 21" Electro- 884-3089 ‘bome TV. Owner being trans- tfc2 ferred overseas. Best offer. 832- ALUMINUM 1 118- ,, ELY? Doqrs. windows. awnings, and POWER mower, small compres- railmgs. Ron Woods. 884-1514.‘sor, vacuum cleaner. cheap. 884- tfc36,1344. *1w7 a-\lmmum“mum\\n“mmmm“mumm\u\\l“ul“1mmmm\umimmu\mmmu“uanum“mummummmmlmumnmlnumu\muumumumummummmmmluunumummuuuuuuuumumuumumuumuuuumuummuuuumnuuuu\umuumummuumm\\u1mumunuumlmu\muuuuumImumuumummuumumuuum1mm“umumumumumuu1mu\umnmummm1uumuumuuuumummmumsl1u\uuu1numumluununuuuuumnummuu“m1nuunuumuuumuuuuunuuumnmumuuumnuummuumumuu“\uumummuxumum\m\mmmuummmmni Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. MOVABLE cedar plank home insulated, heavy wiring. elec‘ trically heated thermostatically 28'x47'. 888â€"1705 or 364-2022. Richmond Hill ORGAN SALE Annual summer clearance {amâ€"1 ous brands for home use. floor; m o d e l s. demonstrators and used trade~ins. Hammond.‘ Lowry. Electrohome. Baldwin, Yamaha. Thomas and Farfisa. at reduced prices. Save now. Budget terms. Rental plan. Or- gan lessons only $1. Pat Wilson's Toronto Organ Centre, 5254 Yonge Street, Wil- lowdale. north of 401. opposite Willow Theatre. Open daily 9 am. to 9 pm. Saturday 9 to 6 pm. 222-6517 or 222-6701. Park- ing. tfc4 GE refrigerator and automatic dishwasher. Phone 884â€"7197. ing THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 14, 1969 Immmmnmmuumuummul1llIn1\ulummuml1mmm1mnmu\unl\1m1mm\lluum“\\\mmmml‘\\\\1lulmmmmmmumm\mmm1mnunnu“mummannuumunumnuumm“u\mmmnummuuumummumuunu\uuumuumuuuumumumummmuuuumuuum\l\x11\u\\\\\l\xxu\uumulnmllu\\nu\mmu\muummuuuuu\muumw\\uuumumumuu\mum\txxu\luummuuummuummnuuuuumuummnmvmummum\11mmumum\uunm\ununu\m1\mmxlmluml\uumuuummnu\mummum“mumuuwuumuuu\u1u\\tu\mm\muunu\umxunmmnunuumuummu-p CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second Ind subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHIN ES FOR SALE Ericssers. also bed and desk. clw’? ss4-1745l m3! c1w7 lawn clw'l clw7 ime_1"|66 Honda. 30.5 c.c. in very good . $7.303c0ndition with "Scent tuneup FEMALES for Light assembly Lum-vand mechanical fitness certifh work for electronics manufac- Rich-icate 8815468 c1w7 turer. Pleasant working condi- ‘1125. . A‘_,,V_V‘ _ «r -7 7-- tions â€" 8.30 - 4.30 pm. Apply tfc49!COMBINATlON record player 222 Newkirk Rd. Telephone ‘ ‘and radio. 34 wood bed and‘889-7313. ch7 5 mattress. 3 drawer dresser withi" "â€"“ EiEh’fifT'Yil’ST large round mirror. 36 pron REQUIRED lpane gas Stove- 884‘7051' iPreference will be given to tchl c1\\'6 GENERAL ELECTRIC 1969} versatronic all cycle dryer. Tap-. pan-Gurney electric stove with‘ rotisserie and stainless steel oven. 15 cubic foot General Electric refrigerator. crosstop freezer. R.C.A. Victor televi- sion. Girls 3 speed bicycle. 889- 2094. clw7 DINING room suite. solid oak. 3 pieces. including round table with 3 extra leaves. Dining room suite. walnut 9 pieces with china cabinet. Washer wringer type. A-l con- dition. $29.95. Vacuum cleaner. Electrolux $15. beds, contin- ental $25. Chest of drawers. new and used $15 and up. Many other articles of good used fine furniture and antiques too numerous to mention. 8236 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- 5582. Open 10 am. to 9 pm. clw7 tContinued) WASHER. dryer and stove parts. gears, belts. wood bearâ€" ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs and parts for motors. Math's TV. 49 Industrial Road. 884-7903. th2 BLACK loam drâ€"loam for lawns, flowers. shrubs. gardens. 773- 5412. tfc42 BABY shoes bronzed. Free pick- up and delivery. 221-9188i _ CRIB.bassinette and baby's white lounger. good condition. $20 or best offer. 832-1369. c1w7 PLAYPEN $10, large assortment of baby clothing. good condition. best offer. 889-2398. c1w7 TEE-NEE trailer. 35 hp. John- !son, manual and 5 gallon gas Hank. 773-5211. ciw'l ‘FLORAL chgsterfield. matching ‘chair. large oil paintings. Reas- onable. 889-2360. c1w7 TWO boys‘ bicycles. 26" wheel, $20 each. One kitchen table and chairs $12. One small desk $7. 889-1706. clw'? SET of men's hockey goalie pads. Steve. 884-4764. *1w7 RELAX-a-cizor. used only once. Attachments and instructions. $125. 889-2279. c1w7 WE INVITE YOU To come and see the bomplete line of 1970 SKI-D00 CLOTHING ‘Now on display at your author- iized Ski-D00 dealer RELIABLE MOWER & MARINE 5 624 Yonge Street North ‘ Richmond Hill 884-4464-5. LARGE walnut arborite buffet also gray Roxatone buffet. jun- ior bedroom suite. white. baby feeding chair, carriage and other baby needs. 884-7996 or 884-7615. c1\\'7 FOR SALE 884-5575 Scooter $2. wagon $3. lady‘s bicycle $10. “88:?!” 88 movie camera and projector outfit $95, “Dual-v stereo tapeqecorder _ lety cue-“can “urn. I.qu buys a amplifier 5200‘ 20. extension Week. permanent, Steeles and ladder $6. 30' extension ladder ‘VOOdb'ne- 2914”? 91““ $8. step ladders $2. L.P. records. REAL ESTATE 10 for 55. 1e h.p. motors $5. 12".Experienced salesmen wanted electric drill $15. 14" electricifor our 1969 expansion program.‘ drill $9. 2' x 4' fluorescent light lLand. commercial. residential.‘ fixtures $5 each. 8' fluOl-escent‘office leasing, rural. business lamps 50c. twin beds. white!opportunities. industrial and bedside tables $6. tables $4.;new prestige homes depart- G.E. 40" stove $50. 3 tele-o- ment. Much extra help to ex- posts $4 each. army ammo boxes pand commission. Call Mr. Mur- 50c. foam fire extinguishers $3, ray at 889-771. tch 10 lb. sledge hammer $1. new H. KEITH LTD. REALTORS .barbeFu§ “"th m°t°riZEd 1"?“ PART time secretary for Rich- ‘$5» Plcmc freezer 53‘ vaporlzeramond Hill Agricultural Society. i53- folding 13““ Chairs 51‘ Set:Must be capable typist and able lOf. 5°?ket “Tenehes etc- slovlto take minutes. Some agricul- idl‘lll blt set complete plus sparef tural interests preferred_ Apply ‘58- C1“",in writing to Arnold Mortson, l FOR SALE iRR 2. Gormley. Ontario. Open evenings until 9 p.m. clw7 FOR SALE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS â€"â€" SERVICES FOR SALE 884-5575 tf049 30 01‘ DENTAL assistant, expérienced 01‘V7‘preferred. Call 884-4601 ‘be; (ELEANING woman. once week. 884â€"8480. 02 WAITRESS â€" full time. year round. experienced preferred. 887-5411. th4 HORT order cook .fnr even- ings, 4 to 1]. Must be fast on grill. 887-5411. tfc4 MULTILITH OPERATOR Experienced for steady work in a pleasant shop. 884-2470. wages and working conditions at the Eglinlon Equestrian Club, John St. east of Bayview at Thornhill. A car is necessary. Phone evenings to foreman Mr. Stainton. 887-5639. cl\v7 TRUCK driver in Richmond Hill lumber business. for local and city delivery. must have working knowledge of Toronto area. All employee benefits in- cluding group insurance. Per- manent work for the right man willing to learn the business. Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. Ltd. 71 Centre St. E. Richmon Hill. 889-4909 or 884-1361. STABLE HANDS Experienced stablehands needed for steady year-round employ- ment. Age is not a factor. Good WOMEN wanted for light as- sembly work. Good working conditions. all benefits. starting rate $1.85. transportation essen- tial. Apply General Freezers, Woodbridge. c3w7 MALE help wanted for sheet metal and assembly department. Good working conditions. all benefits. transportation essen- tial. Apply General Freezers. Woodbridge. c3w7 HIGH school girl as mother‘s helper in lawyer's modern country home. close to King City High School. live-in. with warm, happy family. Starting August 22. 884-6059. c1w7 STENOGRAPHER required.| shorthand and banking experi-; ence an asset. Apply Bank of Montreal, Richmond Hill 884- 4421. c2w7 PART' time counter clerk 1'0 drycleaning store in North Thornhill area. One to two days per week. After 4 pm. and Sat- urdays. No experience neces- sary. Apply in person Barth‘s Cleaners, 271 Bay Thorn Drive from 6 to 9 pm. Thursday or phone Mr. Jack Barth, 884-4411 for appointment. c1w7 tween 9 am BAKER required for Mister Donut. Richmond Hill. Top rates. 884-8377. c1w7 AXI drivers wanted. male or female. full or part-time. Vil- lage Taxi. 889-1154. c1w7 COOK. Phone 83314-2752. th7 DRIVER and warehouseman. must be over 25 years old with references. Concord Floral Co. 889-1136. c1w7 WANTED SALES PEOPLE Thornhill and York County area, top commission plus bonus, good training, immediate advertising. We would like ex- perience but not necessary.. Call Tom McKeage, Sales Man- ager for confidential interview. 889-8181. Res. 884-7969. Harold Keffer Ltd. 8108 Yonge HELP WANTED St. Thornhill SHOE-RETAIL Experienced and responsible man or woman required to run “The Shoe Shelf" at 135 Centre Street East Iopposite the Lions Hall) 5-day week. excellent working conditions. Apply in confidence to John Francis Footprints Ltd. 130 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884-5171 - 884-6551‘ c1w7 MAN to work as animal control officer. with chauffeur’s license, southern York area. post vacant September 2. Call 889-1081, 887-5562 between 9-6 pm. 889-7313- Cl“'7lCIRL Friday. Eokkeeping and CLERK-WEST jityping. 1 girl office, start imâ€" REQUIRED ,mediately. Good salary. 889- Preference will be given 10‘6018- c1\\'7 those applicants with previous LOOKING for an attractive. Office experience. The ability to experience payroll clerk with handle CUStomEI‘ Phone reqllil'e'.transportation. for Downsview ments would be helpful but isiarea. 5313” open_ not essential. Apply: 1 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC- IClerk-typist for Lawrence Ave. 280 CENTRE STREET EAST ;West. New firm. pleasant office, RICHMOND HILL istart at $75, 889-7873 I Call Mona Robertson SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST Good shorthand essential, var- iety clerical work, four days a week. permanent. Steeles and Woodbine, 291-19864 c1w7 REAL ESTATE requires 21 Experienced salesmen wanted GENERAL CLERK for our 1969 “mnsmn Program- This is an excellent opportunity Land. commercial. 1'e51dential.!for a mature person who: office leasing, rural. businessi _ has good typing Skills opportunities. industrial andi _ has some’knowledge up new prestige homes depart- order entry ment. Much extra help to ex- pand commission. Call Mr. Mur- ray at 889-771. tch H. KEITH LTD. REALTORS reports_ PART time secretary for Rich- Good working conditions mond Hill Agricultural Society. company benefits. Must be capable typist and able For interview contact to take minutes. Some agricul- PERSONNEL DEPT. tural interests preferred. Apply 280 CENTRE ST. E. in writing to Arnold Mortson, RICHMOND HILL RR 9. Cnrmlev. Ontario. 1 889-7373 ;t1ckets. reservations and incwio- lual travel, call A. H. Creighton: Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47 I l FOUND -- has a keen aptitude for‘PONY on Railway tracks. be- figure work and can pre- tween Hwy 7 and Richmond pare month end statistical Hiu. Removed to Canine Control Unit. Owner call 889-1081 or andi887-5562. c1w7 PERSONA Do you have a drinking prob- llem. If so AA can help. Write ‘Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call c1w7 c1w6 c1w7 c1w7 c1w7 c1w7 clw'l c2w6 (Continued) SALESLADIES. full time for textile mill outlet. Interest in fabrics necessary. No students. Apply Fabric and Drapery Mill Outlet. Corner No. 7 Highway and Woodbine Ave, c1w7 SERVICE station attendant. evenings and weekends. full time employment. Good wages and conditions. Apply in person, Berta Service Centre, 887.5411. c1w7 RECEPTIONIST for three‘ afternoons and one evening and alternate Saturdays. Box} 76. “The Liberal". clw7l SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST Required. Must be skilled short-I hand-typist. Salary open. Carter Construction Co. Ltd. 66 16th' Avenue East. Thomhill. sag-I 7541. c1w7 MAN with electronics experi- ence required by manufacturer of automatic controls. 889-4978. Mr. Thompson. c1w7 'fEMPORARY switchboardâ€"re- ceptionist. Radio Station CFGM. Call Miss Edwards, 884-8143. PART-time Secretary for St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Typ- ing necessary. Phone 884-1394. clw7 MALE Clerk, ‘typing helpful. own transportation. Apply in writing or telephone Mr. Charl- ton. 889-1191. 7901 Bayview Avenue. Thornhil] ASSISTANT superintendent for apartment building in Rich- mond Hill. to start August 15, 1969. No experience necessary. Call Mrs. Mack. 884-8776. YARD HELP Man to work in stone supply yard. Apply Credit Valley Quar- ries. Highway 7. 1 mile west of Keele. ’ c1w7 BOOKKEEPING machine oper- ator. full or part time. Own transportation. Apply in writing or telephone Mr. Charlton 889- 1191 â€"â€" 7901 Bayview Ave. Thornhill. tfc'? PART-TIME waitress {\Tanted for lunches. Apply in person, Richmond Inn Motor Hotel. CLERK TYPIST Bright young lady with at least 2 years general office experi- ence and own transportation. Please phone 297-1422, Mrs. Griffiths clw7 OFFICE STAFF Richmond Hill firm has opening for reliable woman in business office. Variety of duties, must be able to type, accurate with fig- ures. meet publicl Please reply giving experience to Box 74, “The Liberal'I nc3w7 BABYSITTER to care for 2- year old. Warking mother. Live in or out. Richvale area. 889- 1694. clw7 WAITRESSES, steady positions, good wages. 9-5.30 p.m. 12-830 p.m., 5-12 pm. Apply B & M. Restaurant, 1%; mile south of No. 7 on Don Mills Rd. or phone 297-2825. c1w5 PRESSMAN, experienced, Heid- elberg automatic, modern plant, permanent position. Apply. W. S. Cook, "The Liberal", phone 884-1105. nc3w4 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED female help wanted, full time or part time. Young People's Fashions. 884- 2925. tfc5 CARRIER Reliable boy or girl for estab- lished paper route in King City. Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier Cir- culation, 884-1105. nc3w5 FULL time staff. night or day. 1 night cleaner, waitresses, dish- washers, night cooks, (qualified supervisor) with at least 2 years experience. Must be able to work nights. 832-1555. 02w6 LOOK AT THIS! Do you want extra income? Ladies to demonstrate cosmet- ics, door to door selling is not required to earn up to 55% commission in some cases and advance to supervisory position. If you qualify call 884â€"7192 Tuesday and Wednesday. 7:30 pm. to 9:00 pm. c2w6 Clerk-typist for Lawrence Ave West. New firm, pleasant office start at $75. Call Mona Robertson A-l Employment Agency (Permanent Placements) 78A Yonge St. 5. 884-6944 or 889-8315 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS FOR HOME AND BUSINESS â€" LOOK THEM OVER AT YOUR LEISURE c1w7 clw7 c1w7 tfc7 c1w7 clw7 (Continued) T E M P O R A R Y assignments available for experienced clerk typists. bookkeeping machine operators. all types. and switch- board operators. MAN wanted to work on golf course. experienced preferred. Royal Downs Golf and Country Club. 7985 Bathurst St. clw7 CLEANING lady required one day weekly. transportation pro- vided if necessary. 884-6916. DEPENDABLE man wanted for saw department, Plastic Fac- tory. Richvale area. Steady emâ€" ployment 889-2613. clw7 E'X'iv‘EizfEfiéisD-w'ziifiékéfcfi. axy Restaurant. 8 am. - 5 pm. 884-6531. clw7 MOTHER'S help to live with friendly family â€" light duties, baby-sitting, own room. wage. 889-4651. c1w7 CATERING COMPANY Requires vending hostess for cafeteria at Keele and No. '7. Must have car. 8 am. to 1 p.m., 5 day week. Apply in person. 840 Caledonia Road (just N. of Castlefieldl Mr. Traynor. Call Mona Robertson Temporary Placements Service 78A Yonge Street, South 884-6944 or 889-8315 ’7' Male with knowledge of book- keeping and typing for busy office â€"â€" varied duties. Good chance for advancement. *Clerk-typists. minimum 55-60 w.p.m. For permanent and temporary positions. Call Ill-CORPS Personnel Agency 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Days 884-6782, evenings 832- 2335. clw'? BOOKKEEPER. part-time, 2 days per week. Fabric and Drapery Mill Outlet. 297-2392. c1w7 BABYSITTER wanted 8 am. to 6 p.m., 5 day week. room and board plus $10 a week, child welcome. call 884-4602. c1w7 WAREHOUSE laborer. Keele Street and Highway 7 area. 889- 1138. clw7 FEMALE, full or part time, for accounts payable and general office duties. Typing helpful. Own transportation. Apply in writing or telephone Mr. Charl- ton 889-1191 â€"- 7901 Bayview Ave.. Thornhill. tfc7 TRUCK driver. experienced in heavy work. Over 24. Apply Credit Valley Quarries, Highâ€" way 7, 1 mile west of Keele. BOOKKEEPER and typist ac- countants office part time, must be good writer. Apply 7039 Yonge Street between 9 and 11 am. c1w7 PART-TIME help Wanted, fem- ale, evenings, Monday to Thurs- day. assisting carrier boys. Av- erage $3 per hour. Phone J. Kennedy, 884-4409. c1w7 HELP WANT ED MECHANICALLY inclined man to work in steel fabricating shop. Painting and cleaning up. May suit older man. 887â€"5766, ask for Herb. clw7 MANUFACTURER requires temporary female clerical help, Highway 7 and Keele St. 889- 7334. c1w7 RICHMOND HILL‘S most mod- ern Shell Service Station re- quires additional high calibre attendants. All company bene- fits. Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply to Bob GustaV§on, Robert D. Little Shell Ltd. 150 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. 884- i0004. clw7 THORNHILL Insurance Com- pany requires full time clerk- typist for Claims department. Telephone Mr. McKay at 889- 6204 for interview. clw? Pfill‘y acquuca .qu L11“: LLCLn‘ typist for Claims department. Telephone Mr. McKay at 889- 6204 for interview. clw? PART-TIME r571 e heifi. Please apply in person Scotts Chicken Villa, 187 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. clw7. WAITRESS wanted. 7 a.m.’to”2‘ pm. Monday to Friday. On‘ Yonge Street. 889-0027. clw7‘ MAINTENANCE man‘with Ichauffeur's license for Rich-‘ ‘mond Hill shop. 884-8187. ‘ cle Summer Properties TRAILER and cottage lots in lovely Forest Harbour, off 103 ll-lrehwav at Port Severn. $995.. -years experience, wants steady FURNITURE slip covers cuti and fitted in your home. Workâ€"‘1 manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone evenings or Saturdayi 773-4202. tfcll INSTRUMENT technician. 5; job. 775-6697. Bradford. c2w6I c MPANION. light housekeep-f ing by active Canadian pen- sioner. Box 73. “The Liberal". *1w7 AGGRESSIVE. mature execu» tive wants challenging position, sales-oriented. 889-0268 or Box, 27, Thornhill. c2\v7. RiYERSOAVN student seeks part- time job. commencing in Sep-. tember. 884â€"3731. *1w7‘ llO'dUU‘i i c1w7. RUBBER STAMPS | Several type faces to choose: from â€" including Script. Block letters. Outline and signature. â€" fast service. Call “The Lib-. eral" 884-1105, E HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs. Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 TRAILER and cottage lots in lovely Forest Harbour, off 103 Highway at Port Severn. $995. â€" special for 2 weeks only. In- formation 832-8767 evenings. TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- ual travel, call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. Do you have a drinking probâ€" lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EM.6-8684. tfcl? TRAVEL c1w7 c1w7 clw7 c1w7 c8w2 FURNISHED room. $15 a week.‘ 884-6531. *1w5‘ FURNISHED room ih’q’ui’ed home. 884-5558. c1w7‘ 6 room house, Richmond Hill. 884â€"3522. c1w7l 00‘2’0044. LAW l â€"Aâ€"__â€"â€" w . RON SCOTT FURNISHED bachelor apart- PAINTING - PAPERHANGING ment. completely private. suit Guaranteed mature buisness person. lady 221_8822 preferred. 884-2438. c1w7‘ “02 IN Richmond Hill. 2 bedroom’ RON Mb‘ORE l house. close to Yonge St- 889'1PAINTING - PAPERHANGING 6016. CI‘V7'Tnlpl‘inr - Exterior Frpp esti- FOR RENT Fmates. Call anytime. 889-8965. Brand new 3 "bedroom bungalow tfc35 with double attached garage.i""” E.’W_'PAYNE' ’ near highway NO' 27' Ir‘m‘Edj"D1‘a1ins. septic tanks. All types ate possessmn. 2 year lease. Call of concrete work 889-7771. c1w7 “C31 3 bedroom nousâ€"9' “0 more “1; bILTUS for your sand, gravel; 2 Chlldren- 884'6954- nc1W7|fi1L too soil and limestone. 7iAGGRESSIVE, mature execu- _ltive wants challenging position, â€" sales-oriented. 889-0268 or Box 5127. Thornhill. c2w7 i1 RYERSON student seeks part- 3time job, commencing in Sep- = tember. 884-3731. *1w7 2 bedroom apartment, electric‘GENERAL contracting, altera- heat. ideal location in quiet tions and additions. homes, of- building. 884-2655. clw‘? ficves, factories. Custom carpen- RE‘STAijAN'T for rent in try of all_ descriptions. Les Maple. 832-2396. c1w7 VIEW 889-2045 tf°3 BASEMENT apartâ€"ment {FEM-L?“ ELMS DECORATING mm $31 a week. AvailableiPamUng. paper-hanging. inter- BASEMENT apartment f o r rent, $31 a week. Available Aug. 28. 884-4985. tfc7 ONE bedroom apartment. avail- able September lst. 55 Trayborn Drive, Richmond Hill. Phone Mrs. G. Miller. 884-1418. c1w7 HREE accommodation. Thorn- hill area. 889-4336. c1w7 3 bedroom apartment. posses- sion October 1, very nice loca- tion, small apartment house, no children. 884-7472. After 5 pm. *1w7 FURNISHED bedroom and! small kitchen. Private entrance! â€"â€" suit teacher or working person.i Good parking. Adults only. $18} weekly. 889-4400. c1w71‘ E 5-room house on Yonge Street“ Thornhill. large yard $145 per‘ month. Call 889-6269. 'c1w7xâ€" ROOMfwould suit gentleman 'ample parking. After 4 pm. 889-5786. c1w7 fURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. 884-4766. clw7 AiTTVRACTIVE room to rent close to Yonge, Richmond Hill‘ Suit business girl. 884-6968. 7 FURNISHED room, TV, main floor, $15 per week. 884-4602. 69 Pemberton Crescent, bunga- low, $55, $32 and $10 weekly. *1w7 of business. In Maple on 4 lane highway close to intersection.t 832-1436. clw7, STORE for rent, suit any type] NICE furnished room. cooking facilities. refrigerator. semi-j private entrance. Parking, $151 a week. 128 Pemberton Road.| c1w7! 'GRADE 13 text books Analysis ‘13. Algebra 13. Physics, Chemis- Etry and Investigation Approach. 1889-6784. c1w7 [DEAD or crippled farm animals ipicked up promptly. For direct Lline call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. lEd Peconi 8; Son. Woodville. Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66 MARRIED couple with one child wish an apartment (base- ment or flat) in Richmond Hill, 884-3595. c1w7 3 bedroom house in Richmond Hill â€"â€" English family. 884-6767. bed: EMPLOYMENT WANTED TO RENT 'MISCELLANEOUS‘MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED TO RENT gtg’l‘y'RAILROAD ties for sale. Will pace ‘build retaining walls. planter 6 0()d‘boxes and boat docks. Free esti- ' mates. 889-6338. “ML "13 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING tfc47‘Trenching. sewer & water lines.‘ “A; footings. 889-3604. tfc2 c1w7 c1w7 tic44 c 1w ha'riging. 884-5697. ué49‘pruning. E. c. Doak. 832-8985. PAINTINGâ€"sa‘DE’CORZATiNG “csz All work guaranteed. Interior ACQâ€"EXCAVATING or exterior. Free estimates. Backhoe and loader rental. AA Painting 888-1751- *10\\‘2 Footings. drains. trenches. PAINTING‘and'decorgnngfmi Septic tanks. 884-2388. tfc50 terior and exterior. For free cXfiâ€"pENTRY (york, I-eéregtion estimates 0311 L9“ Huke 334- rooms. édditions. renovations. 2489. tfc45;tile floors and ceilings. Free MOBILE REPAIR Any repairs, anywhere. Gas and electric welding. mechanical re- pairs. Bill Prescott 888-1739. RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 ior and exterior. Work guaranteed FLOOR COVERING All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR - EXTERIOR FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL JOHNNY 773-4464 Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed, Up to date selection of material and styles. 884â€"6885. ’tfc44 LEONARD! BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework and Sidewalks. CARPENTER Additions. alterations. recrea- tion rooms. ceiling and floor tiling and, painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script. Block letters. Outline and signature G. J. CURRIE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Alterations and additions. Commercial and residential. 773-5604 All types of carpentry. Free estimates C‘ E. Callin 727â€"5281 Quiet adult building, one block west of Yonge on Richmond St. ‘ Five minute walk to all conveniences * Beautiful treed site * Open court â€" 90’x100’ * Extra large one bedroom apartments available Septem- ber 1st "‘ Room sizesâ€"kitchen 8’x11', DR. 8’x12', LR. 12'x20’, Bedroom 10’x14’, Balcony 5'x20’ * 2 elevators * Broadloomed corridors " Intercom * Large appliances ‘ Double stainless sinks * Cable TV * Garbage com- pactor * Work shop "‘ Underground parking * Ample guest parking * Mail delivery to suites " Long term leases with cancellation privileges “ Outstanding value, owner-manager. CARPENTER. Call Collect 889-5228 889-7480 hanging. inter: _ W .s‘ 7771* W ,7 ,7 Free estimates" Plastering ' Thomhll] L 884-7902? R. CLARK “(.46 Plain and Decorative Plastering . ‘ Repairs 3 Speciality 2VE§INtG d Free Estimates 1.9: 5 $9. $00 5x. 488-7521 889-3185 BLYTHEWOOD 67 tfc2 tfc44' 1968, 15’ Travelaire trailer. my equipped, immaculate condition. ,889-3724. clw7 tfc52 “039 tfc35 tfc7 tfc411ij CQ EXCAVATING Backhoe and loader rental. Footings. drains. trenches. Septic tanks. 884-2388. tchO CARPENTRY work. recreation moms, édditions. renovations. tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292. PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR COLORS MIXED TO SUIT ON PREMISES STIRLING MAINTENANCE 884-1311 ] BRICK & STONEWORK Fireplaces -â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built â€" patios. walls, flower-boxes. garages, etc. Guaranteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Conâ€" TV REPAIRERS ALSO COLOR Properly serviced at low rates. Satisfaction guaranteed â€" by old, established company. Save by cash and carry. Factory trained technicians. Radio disâ€" patch TV owned and operated by Gearings. 6309 Yonge St. across from Towne & Countrye Square. 223-2270 - 223-2280. WALKER CONSTRUCTION v “048 MCKENZIE CAMPING TRAILERS LTD. 235 No. 7 Highway E., Thornhill (at Bayview) Wheel camper, low low folding hardtop. auto camper, hardtop, RideLite tent trailers, Tee Pee Rebel and Iroquois â€" over 20 models to choose from. Open 9 am - 9 pm. weekends till 6 pm. Closed Mondays. tchl :1 am - m, \‘Ctncllua “H V H”, ,, pm. ClosedP Mondays. tfc51lFINCH and Dufferin arriving 7:30, leavihg 4:00 or 4:30. 884- 3116. *1\\'7 ROGâ€"M & BOARD iRIDE’“Tantécl’fl:Â¥x1?719i§£f<fi1ii ROOM andbboard'aliéilablé for‘Road and Bayview to Motorola, gentleman. King Sideroad and‘Don Mills and Steeles. 7 am. Bathurst. 773-5770. tfc? returning 4.15 pm. 884-6393. clw'r ROOM and board available toriâ€"m, _,7_ lady teacher. close to McCon- ‘ aghy School. References re- MORE CLASSIHEDS quired. 884â€"1640. c1w'7 0N PAGE 13 Truck lettering - Posters Art work - Gold leaf Experienced - fast service SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 1 Sewers cleaned | New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 889-5292 FLAGLER S P‘G N S 884-3071 884-3341 TRAILERS C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 J. J. LAMBERT REALTOR SIGNS LORRAINE HUGHES â€" 884-5207 DOROTHY RISEBORO â€" 773-4585 URGENTLY NEEDED Listings of All Types NE HAVE BUYERS WAITING Listing or Selling Call: tfc36 ThB'mhm tfc48 tfc47 tfc48 tfc20 tfc2 Agents call 889-3262. clwé 1964 Corvair Monza. 4 speed 1965 Ford. 289, in very good condition. call 884â€"8987. c1w7 156â€"8â€" Triumpli Bonnevillefifiéo: A-l motor. interior and body in good condition. radio, certi- fied. asking $500. 727-9090. ‘66 Rambler. 7'70. certified. au- tomatic. power. recliners. radio, deck and tapes and winter studs included. $1.550 or best offer. 884-1067. c1w7 17963#R§mbler American. semi- auto. no rust. radio, $395 or ofâ€" fer. 221-5996. c1\\'7 1968 Fargo half ton. long box, many extras, excellent condi- lion. also homemade camper, will sell separately. 834-6479. c1w7 AUTO INSURANCE All risks written. Lowest rates. Fast service. Auto financing available. 889-6853. 635-6158. 244-6573. tfc38 1965 International station wagon, good for camping or de- livery. Evenings. 889-5163. WAGON SALE ‘ 1964 Rambler stn. wagon. 6 cyl. auto. gadio. excellent condition. he. X88-203 1964 Ford Fairlane stn. wagon. 6 cyl. auto. radio, lic. 511â€"97X 1964 Ford Falcon sin. wagon. 6 cyl. auto, radio. This one must be seen. lic. X89-972. Many others to choose from. 1964 Comet Caliente 6 automa- tic. Best offer. 630-7287. c1w7 1964 Studebaker V8 automatic. reclining bucket seats. excellent condition. $450 full price, certi- ficate. 889-1694. clw'T 1961 Chev Bel Air. 6 cyl., stand- ard. mechanical fitness certifi- cate. best offer. Call after 6 pm. 773-5652. clw7 ‘ 1363'" GE“ emcyi.’ 'a'utomatié station wagon. radio, $600. 884- . 5831. clw'r 1966. 890 Honda. new trans- mission, luggage rack. $200 or best offer. 884-5783. *lw7 '61 Chev 283. Car ofparts foi' sale. 773-4619. clw7 WRECKING 1957 Oldsmobile, all parts must go. 832-1434 for information. clw'! ‘1964 Sunbeam Alpine convert‘ ‘ible. In immaculate condition, mechanically perfect, with 4 new polyester tires and 2 snow ‘ltires. $750 or best offer. 884â€" 4792 after 6 pm. c3w7 E61 Volkswagen. as is, best of- lfer. 832-1224. clw7 1965 Chevrolet half ton. Exceh lent condition, one owner. 884- 7610. After 5 pm. c2w7 TOP-O-THE-HILL NURSERY SCHOOL Wrixon Hall St. Mary's Angli- can Church, applications now being accepted. Phone Mrs. Fritzfche 889-3177 or Mrs. RumzsI 884-3149. c5w5 Runge 884-3149 _ YORK IMPORTS 16 INDUSTRIAL ROAD RICHMOND HILL 884-8134 - 889-8830 USED CARS Transportation NURSERY SCHOOL $650. c1w6 *1\\"7 tchO clw‘?

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