Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Sep 1969, p. 5

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a-nmum1mml\umummmmmuuummun“mmuumnmmlmmmnmum“mm\umlmmmmumummnummumun\mmmmummlmmmmmnuml1\ummumuuuunmmmnumuuu\l111mm“mmummmu\uuummmIu1ummlmuuuu1mnmunumunumm1nuummmmlmmuumnmumml1munIm1u\\uumu\m4! I-mamlmulmmmmnmmmmmmmnmmumuuummImmummunm\um1lumml“mummmlmmmuummuuuuuuummmmmmunmmmmmnmu mmmmmuummummlmnuuImumnu1mummnmummummmmmmumummunmumummumumnuummnmmm\\ulnnummmumuumuummmumuumul~13 Late Charlo- Hoover Sympathy of the community} is extended to Mrs. Charles Hoover and family and to Allan HooVer. brother of Charles. in the sudden passing of Charles Hoover on August 20. Mr. Hoover farmed for many years on the farm now owned by A1- fred Hohl and served in various offices in Markham Township over 85 years. Funeral service held IAugust 23 in Heise Hill Church was largely attended and I silent tribute to the life of of service given by Mr. Hoover. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoover and children of New Dundee spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eliott. bOth "156d inlth‘s commumtym Ben Boulton of Montreal en-r‘ Mr. and Mrs. William Ash. Garth Hunkmg 0f KltChenfirljoyed a two-week visit with his‘Connie and John visited rela-j spent last week with his coustson-in-law and daughter, Mr.‘tives in Saskatchewan. DOUSIB Emom land Mrs. Gordon Dodd. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko Mrs. Marjorie Dunster of‘~ A number of our travellers and Miss Ivadelle Sudeyko at- Surrey. England was the guestlhave returned from very inter- tended the annual banquet of of Mr. and Mrs. John Leary for‘esting trips -â€" Mr. and Mrshhe Child Evangelism Fellow- 1 week recently. Rolph Empringham and Mr. and‘shlp on Saturday at Cook‘s Joseph Jones was a guest at Mrs. Jim Empringham and Presbyterian Church in Toronto. the wedding of his granddaugh- Bradley of Queensville spent. A miscellaneous shower was tenMi'ss Bémnle Jones of Mark-two weeks in the Canadian‘held Monday evening at the [uni at an Anglican Church inlWest. [home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ML “"1 Mrs- Hamld Siderlholidayed with her uncle and and famny 0f Fenelon F3115 andlaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mohl. Mrs. Henry Koop of Willowdale! Mm Alex McTaggart of T0_ were at the Missionary Church‘mnto spent several days with Sunday morning- Ham“! andwher parents. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mrs. Koop (Velma Cober) were Steckley. both raised in this community. m," 3mm," of Mantra] en- Mrs. Marjorie Dunster of Surrey. England was the guest of MI. and Mrs. John Leary for t wéék recently. Who May Take Lunch To School Still Undecided 1 York County Board of Education ran into heavy water when trustees discuss- éd school lunch policy at a board meeting August 25. While rural representatives were shocked at the sugges- tion that many elementary school children would not be allowed to take their lunches to school. urban trustees were concerned about the added burden on the teacher (and the board. "It is a matter bf basic’ philosophy." she declared. "Is the board to be respon- sible for children from nine to four?" The hour and one half lunch period was too long for children to fill in at school at noon. argued Rich- mond Hill Trustee Deena Simpson. Trustee Les Burrows of Sutton, on the other hand. commented, “It is a shock to think a child cannot take his lunch to school. They should be permitted to do so if they so desire. A number of par- ents leave home at 7 am and commute to work. The chil- dren are On their own." Trustee Merna Colbourne of the Town of Markham asked that the staff policy be amended to permit children of mothers who were the sole. aubpdrt of families to take their lunches. and that it also make provision for family emergencies in which case the principal could use his --~ A - . IcA SHOPPERS RECIEVE A DISCOIVJ‘NT-THE‘ _ l ‘ a ‘ . 3 t r I _ ‘ ‘ : A: When an IGA shopper saves $150.00 in IGA‘ Cash Register 'T'afiles,‘s'he .céir'lw'aéqujréla $2100’TF‘qid Cerfifiééie; Iris'ii'a, “ ' ' -' ‘ I ~ ' : discourrf she (an measu're . . -. it's not iusr‘ 9n advertising-daime Of. hourse'fif prefers, Ihg‘éuSIdmerl'may éichangé'; V L 5:51 her tape; for Earcn‘Merchandise Certifisa'jrerorfiaralogug Méfifiihdi‘e ‘-_ “(chain a" hey-3‘ Jmiefmbi. on“? . . . or Merchandise, Gormley Neighborhood Notes CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 Willowdale on Saturday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stickley‘ Miss Charleen Milsted spellt spent two and one-half weeks several days with her cousins.laway. going as far west as ;Mr. and Mrs. Phil Paxton and Banff, Wfamily at Fairport Beach near‘ MI.- _. and Mrs. Russell Heise. ;{AJ3X. Shirley and Lucille. accompanâ€" ‘I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones of ied by Mr. and Mrs. David :iElk Lake visited their aunt Mrs.iHejse of Virginiatnwn holiday- -}Beula Jones on Sunday- led in the western provinces for ‘I Misses Jan and Joyce Loewenialmost three weeks. ‘ ’lof North Bay were Weekend‘ Miss Sarah Gibson has re-“ .Elguesm at the home 0f E- W'iturned from a six-week trip to Misses Jan and Joyce Loewen of North Bay were weekend guests at the home of E. W. Jones. Congrahulations to Brent‘visite‘d Rhodes and Greece, tom‘- Moorby. son of Mr. and Mrs. ed Austria by car and Spent Bert. Modrby. who Celebrated three weeks in Yugoslavia. hls first blrthday recently. Miss Sherri Leary and Miss Miss Sharon Vallee of Ottawa Barbara MCCutcheon Spent two was a guest of her friend, Miss months tourin . . g m Europe. They Brenda Chapman for a weeks went to Paris by boat, toured holiday. - . the contment and flew home MISS Nancy Dart of OShawa from London via Air Canada. holidayed with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mohll Miss An“ Dunc“? .spent 1191' MN, “m, “new”... A; anentire holiday vismng many Miss Sharon Vallee of Ottawa was a guest of her friend. Miss Brenda Chapman for a week‘s holiday. Mrs. Alex McTaggart of To- ronto spent several days with discretion about letting the remained at school for child remain for lunch. lunch.“ She objected strongly. "It is standard procedure She objected strongly. however. to the idea of the board supplying “babysitting service" from 7 am to 6 pm because the parents were at work. “I would fire a principal who did not use discretion in considering a family emerg- ency," Director Sam Chap- man assured her. The policy would permit all children who travel to school by bus to stay for lunch. except kindergarten children. All children who live more than a mlle from school will be allowed to stay at school for lunch. also children in grades 1 to 3 who live more than three-quarters of a mile from the school. During the winter â€" De- cember to March. all stu- dents living more than three- quarters of a mile from school may take their lunch. and children with health problems may take their lunch, although they will re- quire a doctor’s certificate if the condition extends beyond three days. “We may be asking chil- dren to walk home on roads their parents may not want them to walk on. and I can- not accept this." protested Trustee Marvin Hunter of King Township. “There may be traffic problems in rural areas. We had no problems the past when children "It is standard procedure in rural areas for children to take their lunch to school." agreed Whitchurch Trustee Arthur Starr. “A mile and a half is too far for a small child to walk on a highway like Don Mills Road." Miss Sarah Gibson has re- turned from a six-week trip to Europe. Sarah flew to Vienna. visited Rhodes and Greece, tom‘â€" ed Austria by car and spent King Trustee David Bach- ley suggested the staff re- view school lunch policy to differentiate between regula- tions for schools in rural and urban areas. In some rural schoOls. he pointed out, ten pupils might be obliged to go home for lunch while 300 stayed at school. and this could be considered discrim- inatory. Miss Ann Duncan spent her entire holiday visiting many places in Europe. and Miss Betty Arbuckle spent six weeks in the British Isles. Mr. and Mrs. William Ash. Most trustees agreed that policies of the former area boards had worked very well for them and questioned the need for a change. “We had no trouble in the spring. Are we being flooded with children who want to take their lunches?" asked Aurora Trustee Keith Nis- bet. AS a county board. said Chairman John MacKay. they had to adopt a uniform policy. Everyone is paying the same‘ school tax. and sud- denly they discover that chil- dren in one school may take their lunch. but in another they cannot. Most mother's. said Mr. MacKay. enjoy having the HEINZ FANCY TOMATO JUICE 4:31 HEINZ POWDER DETERGENT Sept. 3, 4, 5, 6 BLUE CHEER Food Prices Effective 1 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Evans attended the funeral of their friend, Robert Bottomley of Scarboro on Tuesday last. L vander Bent in honor of her brother and his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stickley of Saska- loan. children home for lunch Mr. Chapman agreed. “It is better for elementary school children to go home if it is at all possible. 10 tell mother what happened and who pinched who“ He agreed there are par- ents who prefer to have their children remain at school for no good reason. but he point- Mrs. Claire Zonnekeyn was seriously injured in a car acti- dent on Don Mills ROad. August 27. Mrs. Zonnekeyn was taken to York County Hospital, New- market. but then moved to T0- ronto General Hospital. Her youngest son. Khimo is in York County Hospital with a broken leg. He agreed thew are par- ents who prefer to have their children remain at school for no good reason. but he point- ed out this adds to the superâ€" visory load of the teacher who has a right to some free time to eat his own lunch. l A miscellaneous shower will be held Friday evening for Don- ald Sproxton and Miss John Branch at Victoria Square Hall. This notice is your invitation to attend and ladies will provide The policy requires that the lunch room be supervised by {teacher or other mem- ber of staff or a volunteer. and that in planning future schools a lunch room he in- cluded if there will be more than 25 students remaining at school for lunch. The board agreed to de- lete a staff recommendation that teachers be encouraged to arrange for recreational activities at noon such as sports. games. music. drama. library use, home economics or industrial arts clubs. Miss Sarah Gibson has re- sumed her teaching duties at Nopean High School in Ottawa. Mrs. J. Allan Pope returned from a tour of several countries in Western Europe. She spent the last week visiting relatives in Devon. Cornwall and Lan- cashire, England. Rev. Andrew McNiven. Mrs. McNiven and family of Fenwick moved into the parsonage at Heise Hill Church on Friday last, Mr. McNiven is the new pastor of this church. This could mean bringing in extra help. said Vaughan Trustee Ross Jolliffee. and in a large school it would in- volve considerable cost to the board. “We are not ready for this yet." said Mr. Jolliffe. His proposal that staff reâ€" view the policy and bring it back to the next meeting of the board on September 8 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities ALLENBOURT IGA refreshments Miss Marlene Williams of Ot-‘ tawa spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt. Major and‘ Mrs. Fred Lewis. ‘ “‘Uses of Ice” was answered by nine members and three visit- lors. Mrs. Harry Smith gave the Gazette and Mrs. Norman Brown gave an interesting paper on “Noise”. ‘ Church News mét with strong opposition from Mr. Chapman and Asâ€" sociate Director Gordon Mc- Intyre. “Many children will go home for lunch." said Mr. McIntyre. “but many will take advantage of no policy and this will he a problem for the principals." Friends in the community were sorry to le'arn of the sud- den paSSing of Orval Glausser of Toronto at. his home. Wed- nesday evening of last week. “If you want different policies in rural and urban areas yau will have to decide what is rural and what is ur- ban, or we will have princi- pals doina different things and you will have no choice but to support me and to support the principal in whatever he does." declared Mr. Chapman. To have no policy. he said. would be to invite confusion. Gormley WI met August 27 at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. Russ Ellas presided over the meeting and the roll call. Mrs. Nisbet. commented that there were inconsisten- cies in lunch hour policy. In secondary schools. he said. students who live only a block from the school have to get parental signatures before they are allowed to go home for lunch. Bishop Roy Sider of Sherks- ton was in charge of the Aug- ust 24 morning worship service at Heise Hill Church for the in- stallation of the new pastor Rev. Andrew McNiven. The evening service was conducted by Wilbur Cadell of the People's Church. Willowdale. representing the Gideons. No one spoke against a clause requiring that ar- rangements to purchase milk be made for students who stay at school for lunch every day. Mrs. Colbourne moved that the board adopt the policy to avoid confusion when school opens and review it again in April. Guest speaker at August 24 services at the Missionary Church was Mr. Pettigrew who came from Iridia‘ last January and is working with World Vision in Toronto. -The motion was defeated and the policy returned to staff for further study. A number of local families ., are attending the annual Breth- YOUR CAR' ran in Christ camp meetingiFind a buyer through a class. convening this week at the‘ified ad in “The Liberal" Used Niagara Christian College Cam- Cars Column. It’s easy to place pus at Fort Erie. your ad. Just call 884-1105. GIANT SIZE PKG. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Cory Knipe. Septem- ber 5 and to Carol Hallgren on September 10, Mrs. Jean Holden of Glasgow. Scotland spent three weeks. August 1 to 24. with her niece Mrs. Janet Harper of Drynoch Farm. whom she had not seen for 20 years. Eva Joy Henke and Julia Lomas spent a very enjoyable week at Arrowhead Ranch. Col- lingwood. Church News The service on Sunday at St. John's Anglican Church will be the Litany. . Muunnuumuuummnmunmmnumlluimummmuumuumm Rev. Eérl Gerber and his fam- ily have now returned fom their vacation at Camp Koinonia. ELGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS mumuuuunuuuumuunmuulmmu1mml1nulummuuuuuum Whitchurch annshlp Council still can't make up its mind if it wants to get involved in setting taxi rates. The 40-clause taxi bylaw was referred back to com- mittee. August 26, after Councillor Robert Lewis warned that by not control- ling the rates council was leaving residents to the whims of the township‘s one cab company. “By leaving it wide open we’re putting the public in the position of having to pay whatever these one or two cabs want to be paid," he said. Councillor Norman Barn- ard. a retired industrialist. said he didn't. think council had the authority to sét the fee structure. “Competition will take care of it." he said. “Then you're not protect- ing the public,” countered Mr. Lewis. “I don‘t think I’m requir- ed to protect them in that sense,” Mr. Barnard shot back. He said that if the pres- ent company over-charged it wouldn’t be very long be- fore another company start- ed up. Lewis Wants W hitchurch Set Taxi Rates Reeve Stewart Burnett commented that he felt the township was presently being largely served by cabs from Aurora. Aurora. King and Mark- ham Townships are all cur- rently embroiled with taxi operators over fees. Correspondent: Leonard Lomas Telephone 884-3000 SELLING YOUR CAR? Kenny IO Serve SMOKED PICNIC Ready To Serve 3 LB‘ Mild :- â€" - Sweet Pickled a??? WHIZ 39¢ M Composite of an unknown per- son wantéd for the attempted armed robbery of the Richmond Hill Credit Union. 66 Yongé St. 8., Monday. August 18th. 1969 at 4:55 pm Male, white, 28 to 35 years, 6 ft. 160 to 175 lbs. Dark brown hair. Med. build, clear light complex- ion. wearing a light tan or grey short sleeve shirt. dark pants and shoes, sunglasses. This person was armed with a revolver at the time of the rob- bery. Any person having knowledge of the p1 is asked to contact the Chief of Police, THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Sept. 4. 1969 COMPOSITE DRAWING DESCRIPTION of the person described or of the robbery if Police, Town of Richmond Hill. R. P. ROBBINS, Chief of Police Town of Richmond Hill. BAYVIEW 8: MARKHAM RICHMOND HILL

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