BANTAMS October 29 Thornhill 2. Maple 2 Chris Sutton scored two goals assisted on both by Dave Court- emanche and Dave Halpin. Jim Martin scored from Pat Esau and John Regan. Pat Esau was assisted on his goal by John Re- gan. Gary Smith was unassisted and Dave Halpin was assisted by Dave Courtemanche. November 7 Thornhill 3, Newmarket 2 This was a league game. Dave Halpin scored from Chris Sut- ton and Dave Courtemanche; Dave Halpin was assisted by Chris Sutton and Pat Esau got his goal on a pass from John Regan and Ernie Takeuchi. November 8 Thornhill 2. Gouldinz Park 2 Hugh Matheson scored the pair assisted on one by John Regan and on the other by Pat Esau. Roberts 31. Harold Hingley 31, Ed Palmer 30, Keith Jones 26. Mean: High triple tflat) Greg Daoust 629 (hdcp) 746. High single (flat) Keith Jones and Ed Palmer 279. Over 200: Keith Jones 229, Gary Cook 222, Ted Pugh 210. 214. Ed Palmer 229, Greg Daoust 216, 215, Adrian Langerijt 202. :Women: High triple (flat) Mabel Tutt i654 thdcpl Jane Garnett 806. High single (flat) Mary Red- man 270 thdcpl Jane Garnett 307. Over 200: ‘Lil Poole 221. Marg. van Roode 220. Jane Garnett 230, 256, Joe Anne Robert 228. Ma- bel Tutt 249. 215. Bubs Pugh 231, Carol Jones 299. Carol ‘Brodie 216 and Mary Redman 270 November '1 9, Chipmunks 5. Beavers n. Thornhill 2.Newmarkei8 High Average is for Betty Bobby McIntosh was assisted Cross 181. High triple, Slice by Randy Bagg. Paul DeMarco Mansfield 537 lhdcpl Marie scored on a pass from Mark Baker 635. Woolnough. High Single lflat) Margaret November 8 Webb 194 (hdcn) Norma Rink- .mcnwan. onawn Lean \‘VI‘IO played both positions of right wing and centre played an ex- cellent game. i: 4: a * ATOMS November 8 Thornhill 0. Milton 7 PEEWEES November 7 hornhlll 3. Newmarket 3 .im Cole had two goals unâ€" assisted. Mark Steele was as- sisted by Gord Sutcliffe and Jimmie McLaughlin. November 8 Thornhill 5. Humbervlew 1 Jim McLaughlin was high man with three goals. Bill Siml had one goal and one assistl Mike Johns had a single. Mark? Steele had two assists. Single assists were by Neil Stephens, Jim Rennicks. Brian James, Kevin Smith and Cal McCathie. First away game will be at; Sutton. Saturday. There willi also be an exhibition game at Oshawa on November 17. Junior “C†Hockey Thornhill Mustangs 3 Lindsay 6 Brian Ross scored from Tony Lockerbie, Mike Stratton from Pete Law and John Betts from Brian Ross and Tony Lockerbie.‘ ‘November 9 Thornhill Mustangs 1 ‘ Lindsay 4 The loner was scored by Brian Ross from Ross Johnsoni‘ 1‘ >l- wk >k BOWLING Ladies' Afternoon Club Standings: Lions 35. Tigers 23. Panthers 25. Cougars 26, Bob Cats 19 and Leopards 19.1 Over 200: Thea Hegenauer‘ 209, Shirley Hopper 220, Carol‘ Innne ORR ninth“. Qmiik 0'70 l l cation V ference School, vember pm. to residen‘ Cong Mrs. H on the ; Monika Barbara Mrs. Avenue the dir Hill D; Mary's sze 2 many. 1 ope and and Or: Hill. modale onen f1 Monday MIDGE'I‘S NOVICE November 7 Rlchvale Ready-Mix 6 Newmarket 4 Scott Howson, Bill Coville. Wayne Grant and Jerome Flanâ€" nagan sparked the Thornhill team. Howson was high man with three goals and two assists. Bill Coville with one goal and three assists and Wayne Grant with a single and two assists. Jerome Flannagan scored a single in his very first game with the club. November 8 Richvale Ready-Mix 2 Humbervlew 4 This was an exhibition game, a hard skating one according to Manager Bill Coville. Scott Howson was assisted on his goal by Jerome Flannagan and Bill Coville scored from Barry McEwan. Shawn Lean who played both positions of right wing and centre played an ex- cellent game. Ian MacKay was assisted by Bob Leon. Paul De Marco scored his goal from Mark Woolnough and Mike Coyne tossed one in the net from lan MacKay. * It: 4: * JUVENILES November 7 Thornhill 2, Unionville l V Keith Gillison delivered the first goal assisted by Gary Mas- ‘lers. The winning goal was by Gary Masters unassisted. Jim- mie Atkinson played an excep- tional game in goal. November 8 Thornhill 3. Oshawa 6 Keith Gillison scored on a ‘pass from Ted Fobert and Rick Thompson. Al Collins was as- sisted by Ted Fobert and Rick Montgomery was assisted on his goal by Barry Gillison. First away game will be at Sutton. Saturday. There will also be an exhibition game at Oshawa on November 17. A council resolution submitted November 3 recommending that council adopt in principle that the members of the parks and recreation com- mittee be appointed to the board touched off a new exchange between Messrs. Roman and Sumner. Mr. Roman said that to appoint the members of the township parks and recreation committee and ignore localrepresentation would be setting a precedent. Later, councn gave tnlrn reacting to bylaw 2503 establishing the German Mills Community (‘entre and naming George Metcalf. George Greer, Zoltan Berta, Mrs. Kay Greenwood. Mr. Toogood and Councillors Sumner and Jongeneel as its board for the balance of the year. “Next year. we should review this whole question of community centre boards,“ said Mr. Rumble during the discussion. d-M“ll“W“lllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllillIllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllll$ g:mmmmlum\m\ull11mmllmm\m1munmmmmmmmmmmuummn“munuumunuuumu\mllum“ulmummmmmmmmmmum1mmmmuuuumunmun1mmuuml\1lml\Iuummmmmuluummunmmlumlmummmumumuuuumunumummuu‘ 44 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL 884-1188 Appointed By Bylaw For 1969- 70 Term Thornhill 3. Aurora 3 Mr. Sumner, who finally won, maintained that for the remainder of this year the Markham Parks and Recreation Committee should serve as the new centre’s board, while Mr. Roman opted for a board composed of residents living in the immediate area. For nearly a month, appointment of a board of directors to administer the community centre. established in the former German Mills Public School, as been “hanging†as Ward I Councillor Al Sumner and Deputy-reeve Anthony Roman battled over who should serve. German Mills Community Centre Board The new German Mills Community Centre now has a legally constituted boa-rd â€"- for the balance of the year. m of Canada Dopocit harms Corpomion Cupid and Ram macawâ€"mm m $500,000.13!!! 1â€"5 years Guaranty Trust 7 Your money earns more 'TH ORNHILL SPORTS Squaw? 209, Shirley Hopper 220, Carol‘Monday to Friday. The child- Jones 250. Gladys Smith 279. ren receive a hot meal at lunch Thornhill Mixed League time. Cost of the service is Standings: Adrian Langerijt‘$15 per week, but if necessary, 40. Reg. Edwards 32. Joe Anne financial assistance can be ar- Roberts 31. Harold Hingley 31, ranged. Childen between two Ed Palmer 30, Keith Jones 26. {and five will be received at the Men: {centre For further information High triple (flat) Greg Daoust‘call 889-2564 or 884-8101. Standings: Lions 35, Tigers 23, Panthers 25. Cougars 26, Bob Cats 19 and Leopards 19. Webb 194 (hdcp) Norma flick etts 240. ‘Lil Poole 221. Marg. van Roode 220. Jane Garnett 230, 256, Joe Anne Robert 228. Ma- bel Tutt 249. 216. Bubs Pugh 231, Carol Jones 2299, Carol Brodie 216 and Mary Redman 270. North Thornhill Ladies Club High single (flat) Mary Red- man 270 thdcpJ Jane Garnett 307. Over 200: Pussy Cats 14. Teddy Bears 9, Chipmunks 5. Beavers 0. High Average is for Betty Thornhill 2. Unionville 1 Keith Gillison delivered the first goal assisted by Gary Mas- ters. The winning goal was by Gary Masters unassisted. Jim- mie Atkinson played an excep~ lional game in goal. N0vember 8 Thornhill 3. Oshawa 6 Keith Gillison scored on a pass from Ted Fobert and Rick Ian MacKay was assisted by Bob Leon. Paul De Marco scored his goal from Mark Woolnough and Mike Coyne tossed one in the net from Ian MacKay. ‘1 h-V;Hill Day Care Centre at St. hmson-lMary‘s Anglican Church Mrs. Kane studied in W’eimar, Ger- many. and has worked in Eur- ‘ope and at the Loyal True Blue Tigers‘and Orange Home north of the rs 26,>Hill. The centre can accom- ds 19.?modate 50 children and will be mauer'oncn from 7.30 am to 6 pm, Carol Monday to Friday. The child- 279. ren receive a hot meal at lunch time. Cost of the service is 1“ ference at Langstaff Secondarï¬children‘s emergency use, gal- at School, Garden Avenue, No-Ioshes, sets of weatherproof vember 20 cpmmencing at 7.30 hooded jackets, snow pants and pm, to which all interested hip waders and finally a variety residents are invited. of live traps for small mam- Congratulations to Mr. andhnals. On Friday evening the Lang- staff Home and School Associa- tion will hold a dance at Heintzman Community Hall for parents and friends. People Helping People Vol- unteer Service would like per- sons ’interested in foster home care, ‘emergency homemaker service, big brother and big sister care, volunteer day care centre staff. temporary accom- modation for young people. white cross volunteers. emer- gency babysitting. visitations to Those ladies who enjoy a so- cial evening and an interesting demonstration of plasticware are invited to attend at Charl- es Howitt Public School on Pearson Avenue. Tuesday at 8 pm when lst Langstaff Scout! and Cub Ladies’ Auxiliary will‘ present such an event. ‘ The Royal Canadian Legion A young people‘s special pro- Branch 375 had as their guestsigram by the congregation and C‘ for Remembrance Day the community of Christ The Kingiw World War I veterans of Rich- Lutheran will be presented No-iflj mond Hill and area who were Vember 16\_f1‘0m 7 to 9 Pmâ€? entertained at a dinner and featuring Danny Goldring andlg dance on Saturday evening. His Swinging Guitar from Rich- ( Music was provided by the pipe mond Hill. Sing your favorite‘ band of the Newmarket Branch folk songs or bring your guitar of the Legion. Stan Wood ofvand join Danny â€" admission is‘ Carrville. who was unable to just 25 cents each. attend. was greatly missed. Congratulations to the voungl. Best wishes to Louis and Nalai Bozic who are the new proprietors of Richvale Beauty Salon.’ Anyone wishing to assist the[new crafts and hobbies and ex- 3rd Langstaff Brownie Pack change ideas for projects. The which meets Tuesdays from hobbycraft and bake sale will 6.30 to 8.30 pm is requested tolbe held at the church Novem- contact Mrs. Evelyn Goodwin atlber 22 from 11 to 3 pm. A spe- 889-4513. Jcial attraction this year in ad- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lotz, Oaku Avenue. on the arrival of their daughter, Monika, a sister for Steven and Barbara. Mrs. Johanna Kunze of Oak The snowsuits were made from Avenue has been appointed as off-color runs of RCAF fabric the director of the Richmond by a Port Credit firm. a local Birthday wishes are extended to Danny Wetmore who cele- brated his 10th birthday No- vember 12 and to Lennie Wetâ€" more who was six on November 11, both sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wetmore of Pearson A/enue. \Visiting at the Wet- more‘s home is the boys’ grand- mother, Mrs. Clair Earle. from Sussex. New Brunswick. York County Board of Eduâ€" cation will hold the area 3 con- Neighborhood Notes homes for the aged, volunteer Friends and former neigh-drivers. recreational activities, bars of Keith Sanderson. RR 3. or tutoring projects to contact King will be sorry to learn that them by writing to Help Mate, he is in hospital following sur- 9000 Bathurst Street, Thornhill. gery on his knee. Mr. Sander- Further to our item about son. who lived on Roosevelt Burlington Outdoor Resources Drive at one time, is president Centre (BORCJ in last week's of the Richmond Hill Kinsmen issue, we have a few more in- F‘ub. whose members are hop- teresting details: mg for a speedy recovery 1'01" The most expensive items in him. [the school are probably the On a second recorded vote appointing the parks and recreation committee as members of the community centre board, only Messrs. Roman and Jongeneel were opposed. Later, council gave third reading to Bylaw 2503 establishing the German Mills Community Centre and naming George Metcalf, George Greer, Zoltan Berta, Mrs. Kay Greenwood, Mr. Toogood and Councillors Sumner and Jongeneel as its board for the balance of the year. Mr. Jongeneel presented 'a motion naming Mrs. Frost a member of the board and dropping Mr. Toogood, but the motion was defeated with Reeve Stewart Rumble and Councillors Sumner and Eldred King voting “nay†on a polled vote. He was supported by Ward ‘2. Councillor James Jongeneel, who urged that Arthur Toogood of Unionville be dropped as a member of the German Mills Board and Mrs. Lionel Frost of Thornhill be appointed as a member. Richmond Heights Centre FRAMES! PHOTO 3 t1 3 S SUPPLIES Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roasevelt Drive 889-3806 RICHVALE NEWS FRAMES! Louis andldition to 0 Custom Frames 0 Ready-Made Frames 0 Assemble Yourself Frames The ACW are now selling tickets for the annual poinset- tia tea and bazaar at Emmanuel Anglican to be held November 22 from 2 to 4 pm. Christmas decorations, hand-knit items, candy, aprons, white elephants, baked goodies and refresh- ments will all be available, but come early for best selection. Pennies being collected each month are to go to the support of a foster child. It has been decided that a child in India will be the recipient of the help of Emmanuel’s ACW. dition t0 the decorator treasur-3nunuuuuuunu1mm1uumuunmmuuumlIuuunumuuuummu es, Christmas gifts, etc. is a col»‘ lector’s item, unique stamps! WANT EXTRA INCOME? from foreign countries. A tempfraliy.9°b-.m.ay-.l?e fl“? Congratulations to the young‘: people of Emmanuel Anglican. 4 who have made such a good job‘ ‘ of painting the church hall. 3 On November 17 at 8 pm. the women of Christ The King Lutheran will meet at the church to continue learning new crafts and hobbies and ex- change ideas for projects. The hobbycraft and bake sale will be held at the church Novem- firm supplied the plastic bags and another donated small specimen bottles. Ron Ritches. a former Richmond Hill teacher is with BORC full time, Anne Wasserfall. a young teacher‘s aide has been involved With natural science all her life and the third member of the staff is Bert Howes, who lectures the youngsters on geographical, geological and industrial featur- es of the landscapes. Church News t The most expensive items in the school are probably the overhead projector. the 40 pow- er st‘ereoscopic microscope, a ibioscope which enlarges micro- scopic images and projects them on the wall and a set of classroom binoculars. The lib- rary section has many books on birds, insects, surveys and foso sils. There are dip nets for pond surveys, shovels for mak- ing soil profiles, measuring de- vices for everything and even a drawer full of mittens for‘ children‘s emergency use, gal- oshes, sets of weatherproof Behind the acquisition of al- most every item lies an inter- esting story, since BORC was set up for less than $3,000. The snowsuits were made from TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSWIEDS FRAMES! 884-3221 'school. ' -, She expressed heartfelt ‘thanks to the CGIT, who each fsent a gift to an Indian child. 1 Her mother. Mrs. Rose Fox.1 ‘is working steadily packing and‘ mailing parcels as the donations. 'come in. Yield 91/2_°/ov|nt:resit . L$269,000 Debentures issued debentures in the amount Mrs. Lyn Law. Oakbank Drive. is still in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. We hope she will soon be well again. Ottawa Visit Mrs. Lily Bow. Grandview Avenue. enjoyed a trip to Ottawa October 27-29 inclusive. Ninety-one members of the To- ronto and District Liberal Wo- men's Association travelled by 'train to the capital and watched Parliament in session as the Speech from the Throne was debated. They also toured the mint and some members visited In 1967 Vaughan Township of $209.000 to pay for: the de- the National Art Gallery. \ In 1967 Vaughan Township issued debentures in the amount of $209000 to pay for: the de- velopment of Carrville Well 2 $100,000. purchase of a works building (Mirawall) $80,000 and construction of Kleinburg Fire- hall $29,000. The debentures were printed but were not sold because of unfavorable market conditions. 1 Township council decided at its November 4 meeting to offer for sale these debentures which carry a 7%% interest rate. talong with $90,000 debentures for construction of a hydro- electric substation on Bathurst Street dated December 15. 1969. bearing 91/202; interest Since the township will require considerable capital funds next year. it was reported that it was felt that now is the time to sell these debentures. A temporary job may be theIMrs. Lois Chreptyk. Pemberton answer. Read the Help Wanted Road who celebrated November Columns in “The Liberal" every 6 and to Kristine Schonberg week for job opportunities who was eight years old No- throughout York County. 'vember 5. Offering price of the $179,000 1967 issue is $92.64 per $100 debenture which will yield 91/z% interest. Less the commis- sion of 50c, the net return to the township for each $100 will be $92.14. Offering price of the $90000 1969 debentures is $100 which will yield 91/20}. Less the commission of 50c. the net re- turn 10 the township will be $9950 per $100. lllll“llllllllll“llllllllllllllIHllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll) Thornhill Minister To Retire To Coast The sale will be handled by Harris 8: Partners and Burns Bros. & Denton Ltd. of Toronto. Many neighbors have con-Hitcy now reside in Maple. tributed small games. dolls.‘With The Sick toys and books. new mitts and Mrs. Christine Drake. Spruce- toques. candy and hot chocolatelwood Drive. is recuperating at to make it possible for Carol home following surgery at York to treat her pupils to a real Central Hospital. Friends and Christmas party this year. neighbors wish her a speedy There are 195 children in the recovery. school. Mrs. Lyn Law. Oakhank She reports that the many parcels mailed her to help clothe the students are begin- ning to arrive. The reservation can be reached only by plane and there is no regular mail service. The principal and interest for the years 1968 and 1969 were paid from current funds â€" 3514.500 in 1968 and $15,500 in 1969, leaving a balance of $179,000. Your Help Is Needed Miss Carol Fox. 126 Glen Cameron Road. who is teaching on the Poplar River Indian Reservation in Northern Mani- toba, was flown home for treat- ment following an accident at that isolated point. She hopes to return to her teaching duties in a few days. WWW WMM W}; AAAA Mr. Higgins, who retires officially as a U n i t e d Church minister on Decem- ber 31, will preach his final sermon at the 11 am serv- ice on December 7 in Thornhill United Church. Rev. Albert Higgins, BA BD. and Mrs. Higgins, plan to leave Thornhill early in December for their new home in Victoria, British Columbia. South Thorn/ï¬ll And Ba yview Glen News Robert Strain and Jean Phin- nemore. Elgin Street. each cele- brated their eighth birthday November 11. Serena Simpson. Clarke Avenue. was seven No- vember 8 and Heather Mor- |rison was 14 November 9. 1 Belated birthday greetings 'are extended to Peter Wilson, 91 Morgan Avenue. who celeâ€" brated his fourth October 27; to Bruno Tomosso. Morgan Ave- Jnue, who was 11 October 28: and to Karin Dysart. 115 Mor- gan Avenue. who was 14 Oc- tober 30. Friends were sorry to learn that Paul Banks of Weldrick Road suffered an eye injury while playing hockey over the weekend. Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. Lois Chreptyk. Pemberton Sympathy is extended to John and Els‘e Moore, Yonge- hurst Road ’ the passing of their brothel. Sam Moore of Scarboro. two weeks ago. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Lang- hammer~ Yongehurst Road have returned from a vacation to Bermuda. This trip was a spe- cial wedding anniversary gift. Neighborhood Notes Mary Lennox, Proctor Ave- nue, was nine November 2 and Brian Lennox will be 11 No- vember 16. Church News November 2 the senior girls of the CGIT and the Venturers of Thornhill United Church held a Hootennany at “The Vil- la Hospitalâ€. The patients en- joyed the games and singsong. followed by sandwiches and cokes. age are also needed. Sympathy Former friends and neighbors of Sandy Hansen were sadden- ed to hear of his sudden death November 5. Sympathy is ex- tended to his wife Bette and children Laurel, John and Bob. Formerly of Woodward Avenue, they now reside in Maple. With The Sick While Caroi was here. Mrs. Joy Gould. Morgan Avenue. held a meeting to plan future help and to find out what is the greatest need. Carol reâ€" ports the children are desper- ately in need of warm clothing. Ideas to raise money for post- Barney Danson MP. York North, invited the ladies from his riding to have dinner with him in the parliamentary din- ing room. Senator Arthur Roe- buck joined them. Birthdays NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT M rs. Rhona Wehren: rs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) . Please Phone Ahead for Prompt Take-Out Servive 0 884-8911 3 WWW Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buchanan. Silvv er Aspen Drive. Arrangements are being made to see “The Star of Bethlehem†at the Mo» Laughlin Planetarium, } BANQUET ROOM 1 AVAILABLE Wedding Receptions, Meetings, Etc. Phone 884-6161 I‘IIIIII‘ The Colonists from Doncaster Bible Chapel. with their leader. Mrs. Penny Phinnemore. enjoy- ed a skating party at Toronto City Hall November 7. This was followed by a pyjama party at the home of Penny Phinne- more in Toronto. Sunday. November 9 the Uni- teens from Thornhill United Church met at the home of Mr. A tea in honor of Mrs. A. I. Higgins was held at the home of Mrs. George Stanley Robin- son. Highway 7 November 12. Rev. A. I. Higgins is retiring as minister of Thornhill United Church. They will make their home in Victoria. BC. where their two sons reside. His last sermon will be preached De- cember 7. November 12 members of CGIT wrote exams on their babysitting course. I‘IIIII“ The number 2 group of the UCW met for lunch at. the home of Mrs. Nora Kellam. Idleswift Drive. November 4. Mrs. Higgins was guest of hon- or and was presented with a trillium leathercraft pin and earring set and a scarf. Blood Clinic Blood Clinic A blood donor clinic will be held at Thornhill United Church November 26 from 1.30 to 4 pm and from 6 to 8.30 pm. Mrs. Alice Bradbeer is the new chairman. A meeting of volun- teer helpers was held Novem- ber 12. BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 . . . is ever quite equal to the warm welcome extended to newcomers by the Welcome Wagon Hostess. Her smile may be no brighter. her greeting no more cheer- ful, but she's made the wel- come moreawork ofartthan a mere greeting . . . com- plete with a galaxy of gifts and helpful information on schools, churches. shops and community facilities. 80 when a new neighbor moves in, follow up your happy hello with a Welcome Wagon greeting. A Hostess awaits your call at Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 Bayview Restaurant REGULAR PRICE REC E IVE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd. FOR 2 THE PRICE 1 OF Mamaburger m N0 HAPPY HELLO . . . @Wagk THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Nov. 13, 1969 BUY ONE at your AT COMING SPECIAL . . . § 8116 YONGE ST. â€" THORNHILL g Week Days 12 Noon - 9 p.m., Sat. 9 am. - 6 pm. 3 5 889-0564 (Lots of Free Parking) ‘ awmammmmmzzmmmmnnmnnnxmwx gmmuxluumxulxummmummuq The meeting is coming up November 21 at 8 pm and will be a games night at the home of Mrs. R. Fox, 126 Glen Cam- eron Avenue. Proceeds‘are for a community project. so come out for an evening of fun and‘ bring a neighbor. The patients at "The Villa Hospital" invite you to their sale of handicrafts and Christ- mas tea at the hospital (Bath- urst Street just south of Carr- ville Road.) November 22 from 2 to 4 pm. We regret the error in the item about the November meet- ing of the Doncaster Com- munity Ladies‘ Club last week. Congratulations to Beverley Ann Side of Thornhill and Lar- ry Wayne Guest of Brockville who will be married in Thorn- hill United Church December Neighborhood Notes THORNRICH SERVICES LTD. 8 8 4 - 8| 7 3 HOME ’ I ANSWERING SERVICE Home and Commercial Telephone Answering, Dispatching, Paging. and Mobile Radios 7 RM. TO 7 A.M. DAILY SERVICE PLUS 24 EOUR WEEKEND SERVICE Per Month Service can be extended to 24 hours daily during vacations at extra charge. JUST NORTH RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 300 Yonge Street N. RICHMOND HILL Garnished with mustard. ketchup, pickles and onions MluuumuuuuuuuuumImum“111quqummmummnmmuu 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 Mamaburger Delightful ls our service. too! YOUR answer to the problem of wintry cold â€"- our Fuel Oil. Call right now. RAMER FUELS 0 lOCAL TRADEMARKS. In. 1W "W