t The Ladies‘ Auxiliary to Casting for the February" The 2nd Richmond Hill Scout ’i‘he1stRichmond “in 5mm Branch 375, Royal Canadian production, The Loves of ('ass and (uh Auxiliary held lts Motliers' Auxiliary hech iic- lAeg‘ion. Richmond Hill, hosted McGuire will take place on monthly meeting October 29 at monthly meeting at the home of the Zone E2 shuffleboard tourn- Tuesday next, Noveliiber “.25, at the home of Mrs. A. Hagcnauer, President Mrs. Phyllis 'l‘hom. amcnt Saturdav last. the Curtain ('luh Theatre. 30 Rockwell Avenue. ’l’hornhill. son. ,_ Under the direction of Zone The play, a delightful com» President Mrs. W. (‘hirrcy plans “m... made. rm. Hm Sports Officer Betty Young of I‘II3-dl'alllll will be directed by thanked members for their help in making the dance, held Oc- ,tober 25 by the group commit- ’l‘he Richmond Hill (‘ivincttcsgtee such a great success. Aurora and assisted by Auxili-"I‘ony Miller. ary Sports Officer Mary Rob-. â€â€˜ ‘I‘ * son. 25 teams entered withl ' ‘ Richmond Hill teams winning are cndcavormg to help the: lst and 2nd place. Congratu- Canadian Cancer rummage sale to be held in the Presbyterian Church November 22. starting at IO am. I Members and friends are On November 26 the auxili- asked to bring their rummage Society by ary is holding an auction sale to the church Friday night or lations to the winning team â€" delivering pamphlets in their of baked goods and trivia at,phone 884.3071 for a pickup_ Mary Robson and Ethel Buck own areas regarding “Early De- the home of Mrs. W. smith, 212 and 2nd place team â€" Peggy tection of Cancer in Women". Beechy Avenue. Lewis and Vi Lawric_ They are also undertaking as Auxiliary members are minded of the nomination and election meeting November 24. + u * The following slate of offic- ers was elected at the annual meeting and banquet of the Horticultural Society held No- vember II at the Summit (loll and (‘ountry Club. Honorary president and char: for member, Dr. Lillian Lang? staff, Life Member R. D. Little.‘ Past President Mrs. .I. W. Ruin-, ney. President Miss Gladys Mc- Latcliy, 1st Vice-Presidentl W. A. Risebrougli. 2nd Vice- President Mrs. W. E. Le Claire, Secretary Mrs. II. II. MacKay, Treasurer Mrs. Douglas Boyd! The rummage sale held by IIUnOI‘al‘l’ Directors, Mrs-ithe Richmond Hill Symphonyl B‘- I". AIHICX'SOII- P- 3- Allflï¬Orchcstra on Saturday was 1' ‘- Lamb and J- A. Balesi ‘most successful. reports Con-. 1970 Dirccwrs- Ml's- “ayncwenor Harry Perry. He and} Morraggm‘t- “"5. L- Banks“his committee feel this initial, mas wrapping paper for the‘ lecetls from which will go to thc‘ icentre. To see saliiplcs of this attractive paper please call Mrs. M. Austin at 884â€"1506. it 4 >! Mr. and Mrs. William Niddric of 'l‘rayborn Drive and Mr. amt Mrs. Kenneth McNabb of Toronto cele- brated their wedding anni- versaries recently at the Skyline Hotel. «ivâ€"(M0- D. Douglas Boyd. R- 11- Keith a“(blond-raising sale could be mOl‘CIIlltltltItttIltIIIIIIIIIIllltltllltttlltttltllltltltllttlltttltltlttltltttttIIIIllIIIIIbride. white bells aiid 0- L~ Lonafvorth: 1970-71 D_i‘:pl‘0fll.ilbl£‘ another year. by put-; rocml'si “‘55 ‘Mcua “IaCk'c‘viting into practise the lessons Mrs' R' W- “hen†“rs‘ (’"leaI‘lled from this event. Beatly. Mrs. Edith Walker. andl The committee, comprised of MI" Limc- ers. Elsa Thompson, Mrs. Edith, _AU(II101‘S I0" 197â€. W- 5- Dunn. Mrs. Alice Burnett, Mrs.‘ quuhart and Miss Mabel‘Beth Harwood, Mrs. Mary Hay- Mackle. * * It ward, Mrs. Evelyn Spragg, ‘1 b ‘ fB ‘. lKeith Andrews and Bill Rose 1 9‘“ 9‘5 0 eta b'gma Phi-‘worked diligently to ensure Delta Lambda Chapter. metisuccess. October 28 at; the home of Joan The proceeds will be used 10’ MO‘TOW- They \\'€IL'0m€"d l'K‘Wlpurchase the music needed for member' Don"? Mcpha†“'hoithc benefit concert which will t°°k Pledge thuaIS N0"embel‘lbe held in May. This concert, 11‘ ‘is being held to raise funds forI After the business meeting roofing the Centennial P001. Mrs. Joanne Bullcn introduced‘and is planned for the town the guest speaker. Mr. Postiaii,al«ena_ 0" POSIvian'S RUB‘S Limited. L0n-l On Friday. the orchestra willi don. who has spent his life perform at G. w. Williams Sec- Ieal‘hmg abOUt and selling Cal‘cndary School at Aurora and» pets. Members especially cn- on December 1 a concert will, loved his talk on Persian rugs be held at Richmond Hill High and hOW they 81‘0 made. 110 School, with a Chirstmas coir; brought with him many rugs toeert to he announced later. demonstrate the various typesl * it * available as well as two films' The women‘s auxiliary of on oriental rugs and their niak- York Central Association for‘ mg. which greatly impressed the Mentally Retarded held al everyone lJl'CSCHI~ lhighly successful Mini-Bazaar' Members met again recentlylou November 3 at ARC Indus- for their regular meeting at Ill€,trics tAdult Retarded Centre). home of DorrieJIucineld. The‘ This was the first time menu, Pl‘Ogl‘i‘l’m 0“ "The WSW"? 0f bcrs had held their annual sale Dress was given by Nancy at the workshop. which they; Jackson and Mrs. Huckfieldlhelp to support. and in addition Their presentation was accomp-lio having a [very profitablei filmed by Slides 311d “'35 \'Cl'.\‘iafternoon, they hope that many' informative _ people had a chance to see the All Chapters 1" this 31‘†“WI centre for the first tiliie andl for annual Rituals at the R01- appreciate its value to the com: ling Hills Golf aiid Country muniiy~ i Club. After dinner members Director Miss Dolly- Kctola‘ had lhe PICJSUI‘E or hearing drew for the prizewinners of' Mrs. Olive Garrett. Canadian the oil painting, quilt and editor of “The Torch" the sorâ€"‘hookcd rug. Lucky w inncrs ority magazine. New iiieiiibei'Jwere Ralph Carter, Markham, Mrs. Mt'Pllail received her Mrs. Marlene Webb. Goodwoodl Pledge Ritual along with other‘and Mrs. M. Wagg, Stouffvillel new members from other cliap-W‘I’inncr of the doll was Miss1 ters. Mrs. Huekfield of DeltaIMaria Ridder of Richmond Hill; Lambda Chapter. who has Members would like to exâ€"‘ transferred from SUdhlll‘.". l‘e-Ipress their thanks to all thel ceived the Welcome Ritual. lfriends of the retarded of Yorkl IIIIlltttllIllltItIlllllltIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIltItlIllIlIIIIIlIIItIlIIlIttIIIIIllIItIIIIIIcentral “11° “owed to make} this event a success. What’s Cooking? I ARC Industries located at: _ Enford and Industrial Roads Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends welcomes interested visitors to enjoy â€" why not share the come and see these youngl . ~ . people learning to help them-I recipe with our readers. be it main course. dessert or snack? selves. Their handcrafted Each week one will be publish- Christmas cards made on the . _ premises. are still available plus ed ili this column â€"â€" how about yours'.‘ beautiful wrapping paper and many other handmade articles. STEAK AND KIDNle For information call 88-1-5861. PUDDING At this time of year when . is The CWL of Our Lady Queen finely chopped beef suet can be bought so easily. it makes it x s. of the World Parish held its monthly meeting November 12. much easier to make "steak Ch'dh‘Ed b.\' MFS- Harry Bryan. aiid kidney pudding," ll Mrs. N. Turgeon introduced To make the suet pastry: lihe guest Speaker Mrs. John 1-_-lb. flour ,Le Claire. who spoke on the advantages of belonging to a credit union. also the possibil- 1 tsp. baking powder ity of primary school children Cold water ‘becoming members to learn at Mix suet. flour ete.. add suf-‘an early 31-18 the habit 0f savâ€" ï¬ciem com water to make a ing no matter how small the soft dough. roll out as required. amount. 1 11,10 1!: ihs~ chuck steak A short business meeting folâ€" 14 1|)_ beef kidney. or 3 sheep lowed and Mrs, 81') an thanked 14 1b. suet 1,2 tsp. salt kidneys members who had brought gifts svasoned “our for the mentally retarded and i3 pint or stock. reported that Dynes Jewellers 1 small whole onion ’nptiou-Hilld .\Ilencourt Pharmacy would "I. accept unwrapped gitts for this Cut beef ilito pieces, alsORSSOL‘IdIIOII. She also spoke on kidney. roll in seasoned flour. IIIE‘ help the leaL'ue could give Grease a pudding basin, line patients iii the Villa Hospital. with suet pastry. keeping hack Mrs. Pat Killean reminded enough for lid. Fill with meat. members that the Red Cross kidney and stock and small Blood Donor Clinic would be onion on top. Wet edge of held in the Lions Hall Novem- lining. cover with lid of pastry. ber 27. then piece of buttered paper; Mrs. John Featherstone res and pudding eloth. tied on ported that seven mothers are tightly. Place in saucepan of teaching catheeaties to 62 sep‘ boiling water and keep water arate schoolchildren in their an inch or two from the top, homes. keeping totted up with boiling Attention was drawn to the water from time to itmc. Steam recent announcement by Robert for about 4 hours. Nixon. leader of the Ontario This pudding can be reheated Liberal Party of Liberal supâ€" the following day if necessary port for full la\ grants in Jack \Vhltc. Roman Catholic school: up to i 'l‘rench Street. grade l3. ' \ (lay. November ‘ speaker was AI Wainio ol’ tlie,marrlage H Department of Lands and Forâ€"son of Mr. and Mrs. H. “II- ,ests. All members are urged to at- i-c- a project of selling of Christ- tend and bring a friend. IF >91 ’R ‘Adult Retarded Centre. all proâ€"‘R. H_ thith Church The Sacrament ill be administered licxt November 23. information. The AOTS Men's (‘lub 19 and the All couples are. invited of Baptism Sun- Parents wishing to ha\e their children ‘baptized are requested to con- tact tlle church oliice [or furth- Nmemlwr er ik ‘ For a review of The Miracle Worker which con- cluded its highly successful run at Bayview Secondary School on Saturday see Mary Monk‘s column "In The Spotlight" on the, edi- torial page of this issue. 1 w I! >9 A bridal shower was held 7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown, mot Crestwood Road, for Miss .lo- guest Anne Gambarotto prior to her to Roger Williams. ‘liams. Roosevelt Drive. Rich- thc Christmas party being heidIFallS. December Clu . . New couples are especially. at 13 by b. welcome and may obtain inforâ€"i Imation about the club by phon- ing Mr. or Mrs. G. R. Quancc 884-6325. An Ode To One i For Job Well Done Each year along about November, The O.H.A. presents member With printed words that doth extol. That member's as a whole. The board decides, private vote. Who of their troop does work of note, Announcing at the an- nual dinner, The talented deserving winner. virtues, in Tonight, it is my plea- sure then, To take in hand, my feeble pen. And thus a tribute. pay to one Who has long years of service done. This person of the fair- er sex. Is one who often signs our cheques She banks our dough, accepts the challenge. To see that everything's in balance. She‘s thoughtful. slim. petite. And never defeat: She‘s furthered horticul~ tural ends. And reaps the gratitude of friends. We think our group has chosen well, And you will too, now, when I tell A name here agree Has earned it to the last degree; And now â€" before you get annoyed. The gal I mean, is Evie Boyd. R. D. Little composed the above sonnet. which he read on presenting the Ontario Horticultural Asâ€" sociation‘s Award of Merit to the most outstanding member of the yearâ€" Mrs. Evie Boyd â€" at the annual meeting and banquet of the Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society held Novem- ber 11 at the Summit Golf and Country Club. kindly, one to show that“ all will the Couples’ Hostesses were Mrs. Brown and Mrs. T. Haekwood of Rich- Imond Hill and guests included Ivo Gambadotto and her daughter Janice from Niagara Falls. l The room was attractively iMrs. ‘decorated with a white lace white {ribbon roses. l\li55 Gambarotto received iabout 40 gifts for her future} iliome. up a. ’R. Hill Tyro and Sigma C Richmond Hill Tyro held a Ispeeial local rally at St. John‘s lBaptist Church with all three luiiits participating. The pro- gram included games, skits, worship and presentation of Iawards. )9: I Four boys earned flashes â€". ISteven Veale torangel, Paul Keith (red), Joey Thomson lblue) and Michael Young ,tgreyt. New members received were iDoug‘ Barton, Stephen Holicky. lJohn Horton, Drew Ryland ‘ICrosby Heights Unitl; Danny lBrewer, Ian Bylioe, Glenn Sparrow, Brian Casey (Beverly Acres Unitl; Bill MacLean, Pet- ‘cr Bradstock, Ricky Keith, Michael Turner and David Wickens tMacKillop Unit). ‘ Members of all units plan to Vivisit the Ontario Science Cen- tre on November 22. Boys will meet at 9.30 am at St. John's Baptist or St. Matthew's United Church. since return is planned for 4.30 pm. Further information is avail- ;able from any group leader. { >t< >i< * Senior Citizens The regular monthly meeting of the local Senior Citizens’iRainbow trout, then continued} ,Club was held November 12.,to Collingwood where he was lBazaar Convenor Mrs. A. Wood delighted with his catch â€"â€" a; ‘reported on this most stlccess- ,ful event. The choir. to which more linen have been added rendered ’two numbers and the members; all stood to sing “O God, Our Help in Ages Pastâ€. Mrs. Wood then gave a humorous reading President J. Lerette of the United Senior Citizens of On- tario was special speaker and presented the past president‘s pin to Bert Pattendeii. Mr. Lerctte spoke of the convention and the 26 point resolution preâ€" lsented to parliament at Ottawa Iwhere delegates were cordially ilreceived. Mr. Lcrette also explained the need for more star mem- bers as the organization was ‘growing and proper headquart- ers were needed. ’I'ra\el costs ‘also had risen. It was grati- ‘l'ying, he said. to know that lmany more names were being Iadded to the roll of star memâ€" Ibers. (Free estimates $4 Sq. Yd. 0 HUGE SELECTION OF ROOM SIZE RUGS I Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. 6313’» Yonge St.. Willowdale (AcrOSs from Sayvette‘s) Wall To Wall Experts in your home without obligation) 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . . Harding (‘elanese * Kraus B.M.I{. Burlington " Peerless Armstrong Caravelle INDOOR â€" OUTDOOR And All Ix'odel Carpets HEAVY KODEL .99 226-0941 I Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. - 9 p.m. -â€" Sat. til 6 p.m. ‘ ‘I‘I“I““‘I“I A lunch is necessary.. Mrs. Laura Wilson. Arnold Crescent. is spending the win- ter with her daughter and son- lnâ€"law~ Betty and Yvon 'l‘asse. at their home in Honolulu. K r The Villa Hospital is holding its annual Christmas bazaar No- vember 22 from I - 4 pm. Among the many attractne gift articles for sale will he knitted goods. leathercraft. stuffed animals. floral arrange- ments. children's games and a sale of patients handicrafts. Patrons may relax at the tea court and will be most welcome to visit the hospital. , i , Danny Boyle and AI Snaith. co-eonvcnors of the fall card party to be held at St. ‘riel‘s Anglican Church Hall on \‘ovember 26 report. scrt and coffee will be served. followed by cuchre and bridge games. Plan to attend and forget about those non-caloric des- serts for once - â€" these \\llI be good, rich and caloric-laden. Cubs from the 4th Richmond Hill Pack. along with from the Pack, were escorted on a tour of Leggat Aircraft at Button- ville by Mr. and Mrs. S. Din- ning. The Cubs climbed aboard the planes, sat in the pilot's seat and thoroughly investigated the ground operation. Two pilots from Toronto Airways then took the boys in groups ithl'ec for a short flight over area. It It i YWCA 'I‘he Resale Yonge Street North has some- thing for all age groups from infants to senior citizens dresses. stilts. coats. men‘s SPOl‘iS jackets. toys, skates, nur- sery furniture. It is open Monday and Fri- Shop at 25 to‘vale on December 7 at Niagaraldav afternoons from 1.30 to I330, Tuesday and Thursday .mornings from 9.30 to 11.30 and :on Saturday morning from 9.30 ,to 12.30. | it! ill #1 l The annual Christmas i gift program for patients ‘, under special care held by l the York County Branch. mental health association, is now underway and boxes for unwrapped gifts have been placed in Dynes Jew- ellers. Richmond Heights , Centre and Allencourt l Pharmacy, Allencourt ‘ Plaza. Mrs. Roy Jones of 19th Avenue also extends an open invitation to attend a take-a-gift coffee party she is holding at 11 am on De- cember 4 at her home on 19th Avenue. Gifts from the boxes will l he collected on December 9. so while family Christ- mas shopping why not buy * an extra gift for the less ; fortunates and drop it in ’ one of the boxes? Your do- nation will brighten Christ- mas for these patients, many of whom are forgot- ten during this festive sea. son. It: a at Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinck were Captain and Mrs. Paul Tomelin and children Kathy, Daniel and Laura from Ottawa. During the past week the Zineks visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Matheson in Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horodyski, Rex- dale and Mr. and Mrs. W. Chub- by. New Toronto. ienjoyed a day’s trip to Meaford where Mr. Zinek caught one, ,4‘2 lb. white fish. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Chester Zinck, no relation. but also a native of Nova Scotia. CONVENIENT LOCATI O N S GLASSES ' PRESCRIPTION SERVICE EM PTICAL RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 l l I W ’( "'1"K'C‘C‘i’i‘K'K’K'IICKKKKKKKKKKK7:K'4'!!!KKï¬KWKKKKKKKKKIEKKKKKKKK(KKKKK tic RICHMOND HEIGHTS CEN HWD'AW}. 3%»): I Gaby that dcs-‘ .(‘u bs1 3rd Richmond Hill‘ of. Richmond Hill and surrounding Both fishing enthusiasts, they charmer: KKKKEREZKI {gimkintaéixkiéiezmuéi acacia-amine hmond hill Muslo CENTRE â€"- Where the Record Action is â€"â€" hhihhherkWMhhwrkki hhHMhé‘ohï¬ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Nov. ‘20. lfloil ’ A warm welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. 'I'om Sheppard who ha\c recently mmed from Weston and taken up residence on May .\\enue. Riclnale. Both talented artists. they ha\e a studio at their home and are acmer engiigcd in com- merclal art. The .\(‘W of St. Gabriel's Anglican Church held a suc» cessful pot luck supper \o\cm-1 ber 12 in the parish hall with a delightful variety of foods: prepared and enjoyed by mem<j bers. Auctioneer was Mrs. Victoria ‘Cox who conducted the amusing penny auction which followed: the meal. 1 m 1 t . Tickets for the Albee play. A Delicate Balance. are practically sold out with the exception of a few for the opening perform- ance this Friday night, No- vember '31. In the play. directed by Ron Solloway. are Mary Monks, Maron Graham. Joan Harold, Kim Colycr. Neville Cross and Gerry Crack. A Pulitzer Prize play of 1967. A Delicate Balance has been described as “a beautiful play. easily Al- bce‘s best and most nia- ture. .Probing, tantalizing comedy. Filled with hum- or and compassion and touched with poetry." It I will mean as many differ- ' out things as there are dif- iLadies Auxiliary being held No-p‘h Mary's Anglican Church on ‘vcmbcr 25. August 15. MI‘. Harper “III explain the The bride. a research assist- DI‘OCCdUFCS Ihat lakP 913C? ant in social psychology at IDI‘IOI’ t0 and during the hObhY‘Queen‘s University. Kingston, Show. ‘is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Parents “'IShIhg I0 either Peter Bourjeaul'd. 230 Richâ€" purchase or sell Scout or Cub mom] Street. The groom? a “III-forms, ma»"_ do 50 ‘I‘V‘I’L‘gh fourth year student in civil en~ M‘dge WOOIdr'qge at 884'6850‘ gineering at the same univer- * X , I I sity. is the son of Mr. and Mrs Mr' and Mrs‘ Vern Dynes “I Frank Southwell. 237 Church Harrygan Crescent entertained . _ . on Saturday evening at an end lbtmel Rom.†of season party for members of {ms of Richmond ithe Richmond Hill Dynes Jew- bChOOI‘ .eucrs 33]] Team, Rev. David McGuire officiated Also attending was Manager agaiml a haCkgl'Olmd 0f I‘C‘d Casey Cripps, but unfortunater and white gladioli. Wedding ‘Team Advisor Angus Philip mUSIC “'85 played by 311's. was unable to be present as he‘Ralph Markham, and vocalist is currently a patient at YoykiCathy Maxwell sang Ave Maria Both are gradu- Hill Iliin Central Hospital. Iduring the signing of the reg-t * r * Iister. JOhn Edgar RObertsonyson Ofl Given in marriage by her MFR Mona 301391150“. Centl‘elfather, the bride wore a floor Sil'eet WeSt. arid H- 6- R01lel‘t'ilength gown of white silk with son. Toronto, was entertained [ace yoke and coat of nylon and at a family coffee Party In theilace and chapel train. She York Pioneer Restaurant, Union‘wore a floral headdress of Station. 135‘ saml‘dayi before stephanotis and carried a bouâ€" Emmi"ng [or Trenton, .[mmlquet of white carnations around ‘where he was flown by Jet tela purple orchid. Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, to . V , r commence basic training with Maid 0f hOhOI “:{IS bUSdn the Canadian Army, tEngim Dewsbury. Bridesmaids were eel-Siv Monday, Katherine Bouryeaurd a nd Prim- to joining the l-eguial.,Clia1*lotte Karu, sisterswofithei army, John served three years? in the Mobile Command and was the last senior sapper of .the 38th Unit Engineers (Re- serve), PORTRAITS * 107 Yonge St. N. l l l Pick-Up or Use 0 For Appointment 884-6741 RICHMOND IIILL l l Beginning . . . Monday. November 24 FREE If TRE v’ PHONE 884-7362 Phone 884-4111 3134:1315! 2i). amaaai‘miammmmam3.9. manual: 3; ‘2: am». '2. '3: Si Di21RESIBJIMDIXEIHFPIZHBIMEMZESI .r i AND RECEIVE A ; 10% DISCOUNT ON ANY ORDER PICK-UP MONDAY - TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY with Orders Over $2.00 â€" Under: 25c Charge 0%IIFF Junior Snow Boots $4.98 THIS OFFER IS GOOD THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY, NOV. 20, ‘21, 22 ONLY Reynolds' Shoe House 38 LEVENDALE ROAD 1 ‘ *3» a. ferent people in each andi- ‘- <-. . . enee. ; NEWLY WEDS MR. AND MRS. DAVID SOUTHWELL Don't miss this play â€" . . -. obtain your tickets today by calling Yvette Steel at I 884-7065. I _ v a w w. "an," 0{ Dim,“ “NHL The bride's grandmother bride. and Barbara Southwell, the bride's parenti. quamcrs Wm be. me gucsl came from England to attend sister of the groom. Following a honeymoon trip speaker at the next meeting ofthe wedding of Joanna Bour- 'l‘ony Thompson was best to Cape Cod the newlyweds lthe 5th Richmond Hill Scout .IPHUI‘CI and David Southwcll in man. L'shers were Ronald returned to Kingston where Colcs. a cousin of the groom,‘Mr. Southwell is continuing his and Raymond Karu, brother-in-‘cducation. law of the bride. Out of town guests Included The attendants were dressediMrs. Sylvia Clarke of l-lcrtford- alike in lilac taffeta with dotted shire, England, grandmother of nylon overdress fashioned withlthe bride; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- empire waistline, full floor-diam King of Brampton: Mr. length skirts and long full,and Mrs. Sam Jarman of Clcar~ sleeves with cuffs of taffetaiwater, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. and nylon, :William Partridge of Vancow There was a garden supper;er, and Quentin Van Zonncvcld for 7.3 guests at the Iionie of of Vancouver. ALL UPTIGHT THIS FALL? Richmond Hill Police Association is sorry if you are . . . BUT Due to unforeseen difficulties The ANNUAL FALL DANCE HAS HAD TO BE POSTPONED BUT Coming This Spring Watch for: Notices of a Mammoth Spring Dance and at Richmond Police Hockey Spectacular Signed K. G. PATON m. Present this ad at IZZAVILLE - in the A & P Plaza - Richmond Hill WE MAKE OUR OWN DOUGH ur Free Delivery Service PHONE 884-8129 All. FAMILY FOOTWEAR Regular Stock Also Ree. to $0.98 Broken Lines OME FITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT Opposite Loblaws Richmond Heights (‘entre Richmond Hill