18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Nov. 20. 1969 Gormley Neighborhood Notes' Victoria Square Neighborhood News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED â€"- 887-5445 Moving Day 1 November 15 was moving day again at Gormley. State. in the war zone but now Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cullen controlled by the federal gov. and son of Fordwlch Spent sun. iernment.. day with her parents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Patten-l They will work here under‘ers. Henry Heise. den moved to Stouffville and‘the Good Shepherd Relief Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Klinck of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Story and Team. which is an inter-mission ListOwel \isited Mr. and Mrs. family and Mrs. Annie Story of‘medical team. Frank Bennett on the weekend. Stouffville moved into the Pat-i Dr. Kelly will be the only Congratulations to Miss Jean tenden house. As a parting gift‘doctor in this area. Mrs. Kelly Toplin of RR 1 Gormley. who from their neighbors on Con-‘with other nurses. will be as- will be awarded the Whitchurch cession 3 and 4. Mr. and Mrsfsisting him. in one 0f 14 hos- Township Proficiency Award Pattenden were presented withipitals now in operation in this November 21 at the annual a lovely coffee table. varea. graduation exercises of Dr. Mrs. Albert Leek moved into‘ Mrs. Minnie Wyant of Stayn- G, W. Williams Secondary an apartment in Stouffville.ier spent Sunday with her School. Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Blake and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Church News four children moved from the and Mrs. E. J. Stickley. i The men's fellowship of Mushroom Farm into the house: Miss Irene Cadeau, RN of Heise Hill Church met Monday they purchased from Mrs.iTimmins. had supper Saturdayhight at. the home of Bruce Leek, with Miss Mildred Brillinger. Van der Bent. Mr. and Mrs..Dennis Hails Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson; The WMS ladies of the Mis- on Concession 3 moved to Kingof Pueblo. Colorado and Miss‘sionary Church met Thursday City and the new owners here Eileen Clark of Buffalo visited‘night at the home of Mrs. are Mr. and Mrs. Alexander‘Mrs. Beulah Jones one day last Geoffrey Campey {m- 3 work Chalmers. week. imeeting and re-organization for We welcome all these new Mr. and Mrs. John T. Evans the coming year. people and also Mr. and Mrs. have been attending a Jehovah ing officers were appointed; Thomas Franey. who have mov-'Winess assembly in Honolulu.’ President. Mrs. Geoffrey ed into the house recently va-iThey are remaining after the Campey. Vice-President. Mrs. cated by Mr. and Mrs. James conference for a short holiday. Fred Yake. Secretary-Treasurâ€" Prier just east of the railroad tracks. Neighborhood News Miss Beulah Heise was mov- ' . ed from Briarbush Hospital to on a two week busmess tl‘lp‘Mrs. Albert Yake, Mrs, Pau] the Willows Nursing Home, Au-‘for the Canadian Imperial Bank Bolender. Program Committee rora. on Friday. of Commerce to various islands Mrs. B. Benfield, Mrs. Ron Mrs. D. C. Henry of Toronto in the West Indies. [Elliott plus the executive. M NEW LOCATIO and they are having a wonder;Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. H. S. ful time. iHaliman. Work Committee Mrs. Genevieve Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harmon and family of Kingston spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Gordon Harmon. Congratulations to Miss Mar. garet Smith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith who re- ceived her student nurses’ as~ sistant cap recently at a cere- mony at Huron Heights Secon- dary School. Newmarket. This Is a two year course. Mr. and Mrs. George Boyri. ton were among the 40 guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton in Thornhill at their 25th wedding annivers- ary dinner on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer and Coleen were guests at the wedding of Miss Francle Hutch- inson and Mr. Kenneth Wide- man at the 2nd Baptist Church Friday evening. The reception was held at Summit View Gar- dens Restaurant. Miss Shirley Smith and her cousin Miss Norma Smith of Blackwater left Saturday to spend a week in Jamaica and 3 week in Barbados. ' Miss Donna Merritt. who has spent two years in Kenya, Af- rica, is visiting her brother-in. law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullings. * Mrs. N. H. Brown. Mrs. Jack Gamble and Mrs Allan Pope attended the annual WI conven- tion at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Mrs. George Boynton and Miss Alma Heise attended a. two-day training class conduct ed in Newmarket by the WI on “The Main Dish Makes The Meal". Now they are conductâ€" trig this cooking class at the home of Miss Alma Heise for women in this community. The second class will be held at 1.15 pm November 20. Eleven lad- ies were present for the demon- stration last Thursday. Miss Ivadelle Sudeyko. who Is attending Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko. . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eade who celebrat- ed their 49th wedding annivers- ary November 10. Gormley WI will meet at 2 pm November 26 at the home of Mrs. Arthur Cruickshank. The roll call. one reason for buying a Canadian product. Mrs. Jack Gamble will give “The Gazette". Mrs. l". Munroe -- will tell the story of the birth- stone "Topaz". There will be a craft sale followed by the con- vention report. We hava had a request for used Christmas cards for Nig- eria. If you have my birthday / or Christmas cards, please leave them with us for mailing. . Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Kelly ' have gone to Nigeria for six ' weeks to help in relief work. They flew from Malton last Thursday night. and are now at Bori, in East Nigeria, in Rivers For All Occasions We Deliver to Toronto & Surrounding Districts Rice's Flowers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE ' 884-1812 Phone 8891812 - At All Hours - stery, drapes and bedspreads. specials! Open ’til 6 p.111. Thursdays and Fridays ’til 9 pm. CHRISTMAS MAGIC Entertainment for All Ages SPONSORED BY THE . RICHMOND HILL JAYCEES ' Full 1'/ - 2 Hr. Show at the I970 HORNETS S2374 Bakers 9144 YONGE ST. 223-8066 featuring the Matinee from 2.30 - ADMISSION: Children $1.00 - Adults For Ticket Information Call 884-3763 - 4662 - 5590 01‘ Gm.) They say the weather is grand or Mrs. Jack Wright. Assistant served SAT, DEC. 6th ‘ Bayview Secondary School“ ' "Amazing Cont/ins" Evening from 7.30 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, RR. 2. Connie? Turkey Supper A very successful turkey sup- per was held in the community hall Wednesday evening of last week. It was sponsored by the CCW. the executive of which extends its appreciation to all who helped in any way in the preparation and serving. Euchre . . Another euchre party was held in the community hall Fri. day evening of last week. Prize winners were Mrs. William Orr. Miss Jean Orr. Mrs. Herman Morison. A. Wood. George Fos- ter and Frank Brumwell. Lucky draws were won by Jim Weir and M. Granger. The next euchi‘e will be held November 28 at 8 pm. Lions . . i Members of the Headford. ‘Buttonville and Victoria Square ;boys' baseball teams. sponsored iLions. enjoyed a bus trip to the Ontario Science Museum. To- ronto. Saturday morning. ' On their return the Lions refreshments in the community hall. ithe community centre park. .Used Stamps ‘ Please save all used postage Hope called on Mr. and Mrs. lstamps and turn them in to Airs. Mabel Frisby who after collecting and them. Old English Tea Party An Old English Tea Party. sponsored by the Headford - Gormley- Victoria 5 q u a r el Branch of \‘CHA will he held‘ November 22 from 2 to 5 pm in the community centre. There will also be a bazaar and bake sale and craft demonstrations. 1 William Wegman will have; an art display. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Vernon Pennock tMargar- by et. Sandlei who were married. November 15 at 4 pm Rev. Martin Jenkinson at manse. the A reception followed for 30 guests at Summit View Gardens Restaurant. The follow- this past summer by the local‘son. Birthday greetings to Mrs, J effer- Frank Brumwell. November 20;. Lois Draper. November 21: Mrs. Reid Brumwell. November 25 and Pat, Williams. November 26. ‘ber 24. Mrs. Mabel Anderson of Port‘ Rolph Boynton one day $1.50 ORK UPHOLS'I'ERY and FURNITURE (Formerly Peter’s Upholstery) HAS NOW COMPLETED THE DECORATION OF ITS NEW SHOWROOMS... 169 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL You are cordially invited to come and see the fine selection of custom-built sofas and chairs \displayed, in attractive, reasonably priced groupings, and the wide range of fabric samples for uphol- Christmas is only 5 weeks away, so take advantage of the opening M. PETERS A. DIMUCCIO ‘ 884-2189 Wedding Anniversary greet-l . ’ The Lions are sponsoring a ings to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nich-‘ Geoffrey Campey has been Alex Logan. Mrs. Lloyd Harvey. turkey shoot Noyember 29 in 015. married 35 years. Novem» last looks ' week. shipping ing flairs" Burnished Olive “ Gold"k Gold“ Camelor‘ Navy. Sizes 36 to 46. Also tails. Vera has from a vacation in Jamaica. for less! 7%le no A. PARK ROW “Duel D’Artg evening Telephone 887-5421 . attended the 25th wedding an- Miss Vera Nichols of Toronto niversarv of Mr. and Mrs. Nel« From the sale of these had Sunday stamps much needed equipment with Mr. and Mrs. is purchased for leper colonies. ols. returned John Virginia. Kauffman. best by Take 60 days to pay . . . some as cash at Elks! gnan" 3-pc. sun Newest double breasted 6-button style with match- 9.95 B. PARK ROW CO-ORDINATED SUIT 61button jacket with high side vents. " Navy/wide Wine rail slopes with bankers grey flalr‘s." Camel] green & brown stripes & olive mix flair pants. * Bur- nished Bronze/rust stripes, burnt olive tlairs. ' Sizes 36 to 44. $15.00 C. PARK ROW Double Breasted BLAZER EMS Gold, Green, Navy or Bronze Wool Flannel. 6 An- tique brass buttons. Deep side vents. Deep flap pockets. Sizes 36 to 46. And th0usands of slacks available, colour coordinated to match this trendy blazer. $45 .00 . mulbpifeédnwrei TO SUIT YOU BEST RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE ’ Open Monday through Friday until 9 pm. dinner son Boynton at their home in 1.. Com] Nich- Tl _ - 5v just mmhm 0†gamrday e‘enms Robyn MacDonald and Michael and Clarence Steckâ€" Hazel l\lr.vand Mrs. Rolph Boynton ley were hunting last week at .lanci of -\iirm~a, IL.le suits yo utex Snow Road. but were unsuc- §W cessfizl Y :uests with Mr. and APPLIATCE. Saturday SERVICE 6 \lrs. Clarence Stet-klrv were. . v O Mr and Mrs John Kaufiman PROMPTg‘E‘Rgfg’ENDABLE. ‘ O O of Hopeton. Virginia. Mr. and Mrs Charlie (‘roxiord and Don- QFrigidaire, Philco. Westingv me of Toronto. Terrv and \l'al- Qhouse. Inglis washers. dry- ers, duomaiics, dishwashers MacDonald of Toronto. Miss .and all makes of ranges. CALL 889-0385 Hopeton. McQueen Mr; and of Toronto. Kennedy, Dougie .,.. ,, ,/, , '