Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Nov 1969, p. 5

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v“... ..‘....yn,...v.... __., .. ._W , - Club members are also being a three-minute comment on the asked to invite their parents exhibit. and friends and to submit their“ For club demonstrations or record books and crafts to the skits. the topics are: Posture Ontario Department of Agriculâ€"{Plays Its Part; First Aid In The ture and Food office in New-{Home; A Craft For Leisure market not later than Friday,Ti'me: Using Your Leisure {Or the York North area» and1Time; Safety In The Home or not later than November 28 Safety On The Highways. York South area. , Club demonstrations are All 4-H members are also asked to bring a pencil or pen to achievement day and if un- able to attend, a note is re- quired and should be sent to the home economist before achievement day. York North 4-H Achievement Day Is Scheduled For November 29 A special invitation is extend- ed to parents, friends and mem- bEl's of Women’s Institutes in York County to attend afternoon programs of 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Days. Achievement day in York North will be held at Trinity United Church in Newmarket on November 29 and achieve- ment day in York South will be held at the Noblcton Commun- ity Centre on December 6. York County Women's Insti- tute Scholarships will be pre- sented during the achievement day programs at both centres. Individual exhibits will in- clude record books, crafts and first aid kits. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Joe Lentini, Michael Carson and Ian Davis. Novem- ber 22. to Gary Andrews, No- vember 24 and to Kimberley Hughes, November 25. Jefferson grade 85 who at- tend Crosby Heights School at Richmond Hill, visited either the hydro atomic power plant in Pickering or Black Creek Pioneer Village on Monday. Richmond Hill, visited either the hydro atomic power plant in Pickering or Black Creek Pioneer Village on Monday. The two showings of the Walt Disney movie, "The Incredible Journey" on Friday last at Jef- ferson School saw approximate- ly 200 in attendance. The monthly meeting of the community club will be held Monday, November 24 at 8.30. The speaker will be Police Chief R. P. Robbins of Rich-i mond Hill. Further news will be--~~pi'eScntcd relating to‘the Jamaica program. The day for the meeting has been changed from the usual Wednesday to ascertain if this is more con- venient for a larger number of parents who may have con- flicting engagements on Wed- nesdays. Guides and Brownies She is survived by her hus- band, an only son. Bruce and 'six grandchildren. Funeral service was held at St. John’s Anglican Church, where Mrs. Bell had been a regular worshipper and an active member of the St. John‘s women's auxiliary for the past quarter century. Church News The 11 am service on Sunday at St. John's Anglican will be a celebration of the Holy Com- munion. .On the following Sun- d'ay â€" the fifth Sunday of the month, there will be a family service. The married couples will hold a square dance in the low- er hall November 28 to which young single adults are cordial- ly invited, (in pairs). Please notify the rector of your inten- tion of attending in order that v Topics of club exhibits are: Safety In The Home: Hazards In Your Cupboard, Handicrafts Are Fun; Six Books We Have Read; It’s Great To Be A Can- Five “tweenies” were enrol-‘ led as Brownies by Commis- sioner Mary Ensor and Brown 0W1 Bonnie Gillett at the regu- lar meeting of lst Jefferson Brownies Pack, November 10. They were Angela Vandame, .lilliam Weyman, Kerrie Snider, Barbara Mashinter and Mary Lomas. Kathy Wick. Dana Ruston, (‘indy Heavener and Elizabeth Burns received their golden bars and Julia Lomas was pre- sented with the collector‘s badge. 'l‘he flying-up ceremony will‘ he held November 25 at tile‘ regular Guide meeting. Late' Mrs. Nellie Bell The death occurred Novem~ her 8 at The Villa Nursing Home of Mrs. Nellie Bell. wife of William Bell of Yonge Street, Jefl‘el‘son, where they had resided for the past 25 years. BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE Wedding Receptions, Meetings. Etc. Phone 884-6161 I ‘ I I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Bayview 1 Reétéytant 1 ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3341 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service irhood Notes Mrs. Bell was born '70 years day greetings are ex- ago in England as Nellie Stev- to Joe Lentini, Michael ens; She emigrated to Canada and Ian Davis. Novem- and was married at St. Chad‘s to Gary Andrews, No-lAnglican Church in 1926. living 24 and to Kimberley in Toronto until they retired to ‘Novcmber 25. Jefferson. to the area where ~50“ grade 33 who at- Mr. Bell had been born at Bond mm Height: Srhnol at. Lake. CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 ll be pre-l The noon luncheon at New- :hievement‘market will be prepared by the centres. lYork Centre District Women's ; will in-‘Institute and at Nobleton by crafts and the York West District Women's iInstitute. Each exhibit should include a poster giving the topic and name of the club. A represen- tative from each club will give adian: One Way To Good Health or A Hobby I Enjoy without whose unstinting etlorts‘ue maue my a rumus ouuu- in canvassing and other dutiesmnoblle and Trailer. Tickets the campaign could not havc‘available at the Legion and Achievement days will begin with registration at 9.15 am and introductions and announce- ments at 9.30 am, followed byibeen the success it was. [from Comrade George Diceman presentation of leaders‘ badges;‘ * * ’7‘ * 135 well as other members. judging of first aid kits; road The following comrades are‘ 2,: >1: >:< * traffic sign identification; farm‘at this writing confined to 1105- Please make a menu“ note and home hazard activities and Pital and We “'iSh them althat \\'e are holding a New discussion of actiVities. ‘ Speedy I‘PCOVEI‘yi Chl‘iS RatCh'iYear's Dance again this year. The noon luncheon at New- ford. Tillie Diceman and Hel‘blllVe will advise further on this market will be prepared by the’Rawding at York Central Hos- later. but to “bring in the New York Centre District Women’s Dital and Tom BRYCG "at" St-‘Year” with your service friends usually done by two or three members of each club while skits involve three or more members and the alloted time for each demonstration is 10 minutes. The day will resume at 1.30 pm with the presentation of skits, demonstrations and ex- hibits, followed by presentation Previous tenants, servicemen, agents? At some time. any one of them may have held a key. Think what might happen if one of those keys fell into wrong hands. Why take a risk? Protect your furniture. appliances. clothing and other belongings with an Economical Tenant‘s Policy. Rates are low. Protection is complete against theft, fire, personal liability and many other hazards. Talk to your Economical Insurance Agent 50011. You'll like his personalized service. Richmond Hill -â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 \Villowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 2321,4611 CANADIAN Sports Officer Gm'd Mills re- 1.30‘ports that social sports begin of at the branch on November 20. exJAny members interested in tion'shuffleboard. cribbage. darts or euchl‘e can inquire regarding the evenings these events are scheduled. This branch has ’been very active in zone and Iprovincial tournament and we lean use all interested players. | . I‘ The annual affair for children] For those mefnbers “rho have and grandchildren of IDEmbel‘Slspare tilne‘ 01‘ who can donate ears tev- will be held on December 14. some time. Property Chairman .ada Members are l'emiHGEd that Bill Hlynkiw needs volunteers ad's‘they must have membeI‘ShiDgfor work around the property. r’ing1dues Paid up for 1969 in Ol‘del‘ Please contact him at the Leg- 1 to that their “offspring” can take‘ion if you can help_ me part in the festivities. Further The column is short this week and information on this Dal‘ty “111 but may we urge members who appear in future columns. have news of interest to Legion bus- Membership Chairman Jack members. please contact Bill and Sanders reminds us of saving Hughes through the Legion or in dues as follows: “Early 884-5404. For the past few months this column has been a hit and miss effort due for the most part to changes in personnel respon- sible for seeing that the items of interest to Legion members were submitted to “The Lib- eral". In future we shall try tL have all these little tidâ€"bits here each week and members are urged to refer to this column for coming events, etc. eral”. In future we shall try tel We still continue to have our He \va have all these little tid-bits here Free and Easy Nights each and to Yor each week and members are every Friday evening. These sion at urged to refer to this columnjFriday night “dos” have become‘ “It's for coming events, etc, ‘very popular and we urge new busy * * * * ‘members and those who may- pointin The annual Remembrance be haven't attended the Friday ritory Day Dinner held at Branch 375 night dance â€"â€" to come out quired has already been reported but’this Friday and see what you‘ve regiom further to that event Poppyibeen miSSing. There is danc-I The Chairman John Ogden reportsflng, entertainment, very inform- total that the recent campaign was‘al. come as you are $011: of membé an outstanding success. Com-lattire. and everyone thoroughly York ( rades Ogden. Mel Collier. ArtLenjoys themselves. AND no kct. 45 Spence, to name just a few putleal‘ly Closing US â€" refresh- Ree“ in long and arduous hours plan-‘ments until 1 am- Bl‘ing .VOUI‘ “Suns ning and organizing this drive..wives and let‘s show them what ation They wish to thank the mem- the LEGION can do â€" sociabil-jamalgi bers. the ladies auxiliary and ity. friendship and most of all‘bOdieS rnnd‘ psneciallv members of comradeship. They wish to thank the mem- bers, the ladies auxiliary and most especially members of Air Cadet Squadron No. 778 without whose unstinting efforts in canvassing and other duties. the campaign could not have been the success it was. * it ’31 it i The following comrades are1 at this writing confined to hos- pital and we wish them a; speedy recovery: Chris Ratch- ford. Tillie Diceman and Herb Rawding at York Central Hos- pital and Tom Bryce at St. Johns Convalescent in Willow- dale. ’ Sports Officer Gord Mills re- ports that social sports begin at the branch on November 20. Any members interested in shuffleboard. cribbage. darts or euchre can inquire regarding the evenings these events are scheduled. This branch has been very active in zone and provincial tournament and we l York County.‘ he: Please make a mental notelsaid' “expect that We‘ll need 3‘ that we are holdind a Newmealth “mt as mg .as th‘? pre' Year's Dance again this yeal‘.‘sent one or even blgger m the: ‘. . . ‘ . future." We “111 adVlse fulthel on “115‘! He also noted mm the pl.es_ later but to “bring in the New 2 . . . ent York MOH Dr. Owen Year’ With your service frlends - , ' - - is a sure howling way to haveIE-lmgellani‘ a-lso [9““d1 It dlf- a good time! Plan to attend. mun to e m mo paces at The Ladies Auxiliary extends:°“5f{'°.s expected to be in New in3:3;l‘gfg‘segzlvfgigghz’: jaggymarket and Oshawa at the same them at their show, “Gold Nug-Egggibizlum’ 0f com-58' Is Im- gets 375”. This is an open night, Woodbridge Reeve John Me so bring your wives and friends. Lean observed that 11 nurses Ehei’hhope 3: “$311371 35 f3“ “"1; had resigned during the year e 91'" 3“ aug‘ V” 1 an “which is something of a large at them. The date is Novembel“ . 1 , . ~ 28, 9 pm. This will be followedth as well as ouler lllClllUClb. it >1: >2< * gumumuummunuimumuuum“munlmunuumuummmummmumuuuu“nmumuuummummunmuumuuuuumuuuug Head Office your legion Reports Kimhaner. Ontano Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion ' The first year of operation for the amalgamated York-Oshawa Health Unit has been a “very Birds" 1970 dues paid by Dec-‘busy one” but at least one per- ember 31, 1969, $8: dues paid son feels it isn't the answer to by March 31‘ 1970, $9; and the problem. after March 31, 1970, the feel That person is East Gu'illim- is $10. Why not be an “Earlyibury Reeve Garfield Wright Bird”? iwho is also the first chairman " * * "’ of the combined health board. We still continue to have our He was reporting November 6 Free and Easy Nights each and‘to York County Council in ses- every Friday evening. These‘sion at Newmarkct. By Bill Hughes ALL THE WAY During the dance a draw will be made for a Polaris Snow- mobile and Trailer. Tickets available at the Legion and from Comrade George Diceman as well as other members. by the Free and Easy do noton~Hahhx mc.‘ The new board employs a" irm- total of 117 full-time staff‘ of members. ‘72 of them in the ghly York County offices in Newmar- nuket. 45 in Oshawa. ‘ esh- Reeve Wright assessed the vour results of the first year of oper- phat‘ation stating that “I doubt if abillamalgamation of the two health all‘bodies is the right answer.” Mr. Wright pointed out the willldistanCe to be covered between .owJYork and Oshawa stating that kets it “makes it difficult to ac- and complish certain things I feel manlcould be accomplished better lon a local level. , United York-Oshawa Health Units May Not Be Answer County Needs uv ;va.. y-_...w -VVWVW, sion at Newmarkct. i Reeve Wright added that it “It's definitely been a verywvas always difficult when “you busy year." Mr. Wright saidihave no guide lines to follow. pointing out the increased ter-EYou‘re expected to accept the ritory and staff members re- marriage and find your way quired to cope with the new from there." regional unit. i The Ygi‘k-Dshawa regional “It's definitely busy year,” “41' pointing out th_e_ “He's expected to he in New- market and Oshawa at the same time which, of course. is im- possible.” SATISFACTION GUARA RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE BEGINNING MONDAY, NOV. 24th â€" Reg. Kresge ¢ .y Price 76¢ Pack Packs BIG VALUE THURS. FRI. SAT. First Quality! Stock up for fall at this low, low price! ‘Clear Beige' or 'Smokey Beige'. Sizes: 81/211. Seamless mesh nylons are topped with a panty brief for a one-piece garment! Beige only.'S-M-L. mm HOSE A (We will not knowingly be undersold) H s E M s S E L M A E s there isn‘t a lot of dissent, that the ship isn't running smooth- 1),]. Mr. Wright assured him that there were no staff problems out of the ordinary except the usual situations that often arise with a new organization. “We‘ve been close to the people. Our main problem is we need more money to pay our staff,” he said. The York-Oshawa regional health unit was established on January 1. 1968 when the pro- vince amalgamated York Coun- ty and the City of Oshawa. The province had originally intend- ed to have Ontario County also included in the new regional grouping: however in the face of strong opposition to the plan by Ontario County Council the ,then Minister of Health Dr. iMatthew Dymond reluctantly [agreed to allow Ontario County unit GEORGE KEITH & SONS. LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that George Keith 8: Sons, Lim- ited intends to surrender its charter to the Lieutenant Gov- ernor and to distribute its asâ€" sets rateably among its share- holders as incidental thereto. DATED at Richmond Hill. this 13th day of November, DATED this 13th 1969. remain outside the regional "2 PAIR PACK” SPECIAL VALUE! "3 PAIR PACK” THURS. FRI. SAT. Approx. 6" long! Blowing locomotive is battery operated and features colored balls. TON KA FUN BUGGY 7 THURS. FRI. SAT. 7' long! Baked enamel finish, all metal body with roll bar and bigtires. THURS. FRI. SAT. Wh iteâ€"Turquoiseâ€" Sandalwood enamel canswith chromg covers. Big savingghere' Reg. Kresge Price 2.87 BIG VALUE Reg. Kresge Price 1.57 BIG VALUE Reg. Kresge Price 7.95 BIG VALUE STEP-0N (AN 'I'OY lOCOMOTIVE 2.37 5.44 NOTICE fiAISY L. KEITH, Secretary-Treasurer Reg. Kresge Erica 5.59 3 IG VALUE . THURS. FRI, SAT. Kresge BIG VALUE PLASTIC ICE BUCKET WITH TONGS WE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY UNTIL PORCELAIN POODLE SET Mother male with 2 babies 1 Choose Pink or White. A resident of Ward 1 A family man with two children Honest, dedicated and sincere A keen interest in our community \ \ \ x \ \\_\ \\\\\u\\\\R WALLY GUS'I'A COUNCILLOR - WARD 97¢ Set Gusiur, WALLY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Nov. 20, 1969 Open Daily TN 6 pm. â€" Wed., Thurs. & Fri. TN 9 pm. for Sound, Honest Judgment Vote on December 61h Elect 16' hot strip track, 1 car. curve jomers, bridge, 3 trestles and super char- gefâ€"ajl add up to fun galore! SUPER Câ€"HARGER if)? WHEELS SET 9.99 5‘“ Reg. Kresge Price 1.17 Pak Kresge BIG VALUE ECONOMY PAK OF 20 mars/ml! guneral game 1‘26 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Wright ’40”! mm 5‘75 Serving the Community under the right 8: Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 3“! THURS. FRI. SAT. Two styles! Half siips have shadow panels, lace trims and elastic waists. Panties are regular or bikini tyge. New fashionable fall shades. ssorted sizes. ////g LIMITED 884-106 Another daredevil set‘. 16‘ strip track, 1 car. 1 loop, 2 1ump ramps and 1 trestle. STUNT ACTION HOT WHEELS SET Reg. Kresge Price 1.59 Set BIG VALUE 5.47Set WOMEN’S SllP & PANTY SETS Kresge BIG VALUE

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