PRIVATE selling of antiques by appointment only. Christ- mas gifts everyone can and will* treasure. Articles from 50 cents‘ to $350. 889-1442. c1w21| (HRZ’VSWZSn bicycle. good con- dition. only $18. Phone 833- 5565. c1w21 excellent condition, $75. 888- 11064. c1w21 25" Viking electric stove, auto- matic. all accessories. excellent condition. 889-2360. c1w21 McCLARY apartment size stove BROWNIE uniform. size 7. 884- 4891. clw21 ANTIQUE Royal Crown Derby china, gate-leg table. Cana- diana wash stand. many gift items. The Inn Shoppe 884- 7887 - 222-6994. c1w21 2 VW wheels. 5 stud, $10 pair 2 metal garbage cans with ’lids, $3 pair. 884-1636. *1W21 FIBREGLASS Dune buggy just about completed. Have $780 invested. will take $300. 832- 1201. clw21 DELUXE dual automatic port- able, Dishwasher. Viking 3 mos. old paid $459. will take $290, like new. 832-1201. 1064. c1w21 CONN teno'r sax, bést offer. 889-1631. c1w21 OUTDOOR picnic table. chaise lounge, 2 leatherette occasion- al chairs. 1 swivel. poker table. child‘s school desk. boy's 20" wheel bicycle. 884-5186. ELECTRIC stove 30". fully automatic, window in door. 4 yrs. old $60. 884-6479, after 5 FIBRE drums, up to 3 feet high. suitable for garbage con- tainers in home or shop. 75 cents each. Call 884-4866. evenings. clw21 FIREWOOD seasoriéd. cannel coal, loam. manure. 884-8160. c4w21 GREY Persian [Emb coat mink trim, size 10. perfect condition $75. Red Carpet boots. size 7%, new, cost $26 for $13. 889- 2177. c1w21 KING-size iihieadboard', 78". Malcolm. antique white, half original cost. 889-0929. HEISCHMANN steam engine. 3 accessories. fuel, $10; also gold and chrome CCM mustang bike, stick shift. all accessories. Both excellent condition. Suit boy 10 over. $55. 884-6263. TV - 23" RCA’New Vista. solid walnut cabinet, very reasonable. 884-8268. c1w21 ’67 HONDA 450 with *xtras Good condition. 884~7768. GIRL‘S bicycle, 28;'.ivery good condition, $30. 884-2198. *1w21 2 BOYS’ bicycles. 26" wheel. $16, 28" wheel $12. 832-1390 c1w21 SNOW tires, almost new; 775 x 14. with studs. on Chev wheels, $35 pair. 887-5863. LIVING room. dinette. wall to wall drapes and gold carpet 9x12 1 month old. Call after 6. 889-8898. cleO PAINTINGS Oils. black and white. Portraits. Private lessons. William Weg- man. 884-6690. tfclz WESTINGHOUSE stove (elec- tric) like new. 832â€"1567 before 5 pm. please. *1w20 PATIO SLABS Seconds 24" x 24" and 24" x 30" 99c regularly $1.65. All colors. Phone 832-2455. tfc13 Large selection of remnants & small rolls at below original cost. Many colors and designs to choose from. Open 10-6 exu ery Saturday ‘til Christmas. Other days by appointment. Gil- lette Fine Floors. 93 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill. 884-8831. tchO ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. 6036 ALUMINUM SIDING Shutters. awnings. doors and win (1 o w 5. Free estimates. Special price for cottages. York Aluminum 884â€"4558. “040 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SlMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FLOOR COVERING-S FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 884-1745,adding machines, etc tfc3| clw21 c1w21 c1w21 clw21 c1w21 c1w21 PEDIGREE baby carriage. like new condition. gray and navy, has new hood and storm cover. mattress included. $35. Large spring horse. all metal con- struction. very good condition, $12. 884-7234. c1w21 FREEZER, Viking. 23 cu ft. chest type. excellent condition 2 years old, Kenmore roller iron. 889-3603. c1w21 15" UNDERWOOD typew’ritE, regularly serviced since new. reasonable. 889-4933. c1w21 PORTABLE Deluxe DiliailWWash Viking Dishwasher, excellent condition, 884-5291. c1w21 REAL good snow tires 650 x713 4-ply. mounted on 1963 Fair- lane rims. Phone 889-1213. 2 SNOW tires almost new. com- plete with Ford rims. 600/650x13. Phone 889-1849. c1w21 2 - 13" WHEELS for wide oval tires. 1 - 15yga110n tank and canopy: bird‘cage and stand: IBM electric typewriter all reasonable. 884-5683 after 6 pm. c1w21 WEDDING gown and veil, like new. size 7-9. $100. 884-8415. after 5 pm. clw21 DRAPES 12‘ x 95", navy blue lined. 884-4514. c1w21 USED RCA TV, $30 or best offer. 884-4089 after 5. BEATLE Bass "Hefner" guitar, Vox amp.. mike and stand. New. $300. 889-5583. ‘ c1w21 GUITAR Hefner Steel. excel- lent condition. includes case. cord and bar. After 6 pm 884- 3370. c1w21 Dresses, pantsuits blouses â€"- all reasonably priced. Joanne Boutique’s Southview Drive & Keele St. at Highway 7 889-0477 uuuuuy LAVA Cm. 115:. uuc DRESSERS, box springs and “d' mattresses, chests of drawers. Tank and Other toys‘ 8843:8291' fridge, range. dining room __ ____ suite. kitchen suite. Chesterfield BEAUTIFUL French Provincial suite. piano and many other Chesterfield and chair. fruit,- household articles. Sold for wood coffee and end tables; oil storage charges. Can be seen painting; living room rug 12x12, at World Wide Shipping. 360 and mat. wall mirror. Coldspot Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill. fridge, Beatty floor model iron- clw21 er. 832-1063. c1w21 NEW broadloom area rug ap- proximately 8x7 feet, bronze- olive; jersey-covered dressmak- er dummy. adjustable sizes 32- 42: hot dog rotisserie for 24†motorized barbecue. 884-5010. D U R A L Super-white Latex paint. interior & exterior, $4.39 gallon; white exterior oil paint. Primer, $6.50 gallon; finish coat $7.50 gallon; Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. 889-3506 - 884- 1125. _ tfcll ORGANS â€" Hammond. Lowrey Farfisa. new and used. Open evenings. Lessons $1.00. Rent- als. Toronto Organ Centre. 5254 Yonge St. Willowdale. op- posite Willow Theatre. 222-6517: 222-6701. tfc12 1970 Mote-Ski Snowmobiles are going fast â€" better reserve yours now! Endean Nurseries 542 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. SEASONED hardwood for fire-1 *V “*1†* Places. also kindling. PiCked-UPWONGE family urgently require or delivered. 96 Steeles Ave. house in Richmond Hill area. W. or call 225-2781. tfc19 Phone 884-5712. c1w21 CASH registers, type\\TiterS. FARMHOUSE. North of Maple USED FURNITURE FOR SALE (Continued) 222-2940.'Sideroad. Phone after 6. 635- tf02016720. CZWZI c2w21 c1w21 c2w21 “‘V“ ELECTRIC stove $40; drapes lg 313- 85"x100"; crib and mattress Tome- $10; continental bed $25; table ‘Smak' and 4 chairs $30: bunk beds 95 32"and mattresses $35; carriage ’I‘ 24"1converts car-bed-stroller $30. l‘5010-:pink 3-piece fur outfit $8; red ClWlefur jacket $5. 884-4602. c1w21 mu“ BLACK labrador†retriever, fem- serve . . ieries‘ale, 11 months. reglstered w1th HilL papers. ready to breed in ap- tfcm prox. 1 month. Retrieving one ..Aâ€" an: unnn -n...n1 fl PETS FOR SALE ZELABRADOR puppies. Wonder- n‘.ful with children. Reasonable. 0:884-8513. ‘ c1w21 I8754. clw21 DINING room suite. 7 piece walnut. 884-2551. c1w21 TAPE recorder. solid state, brand new. $50; electric train, tracks mounted on 4'x8' sheet. $15. Johnny Express. Tiger Joe Tank and other toys. 884-7689. clw21 6%. girl‘s winter boots, simul- ated seal skin 8" high, size 4. combination coal and electric range, modern style white en'a- mel. 889-1349. c1w21 WALNUT arborite buffet, $45. carriage $15, white vinyl head- board $10, high chair $5. 884- 7996. c1w21 FLIGHT bag. navy. used once. $7. 884-2528. nclel 1 bed Chesterfield and chair. Admiral portable TV, odd tables. 833-5580. c1w21 LADY'S muskrat fur jacket perfect condition, long and full. size 16. 889-3920. c1w21 GAS stove. 2 space heat’ers," all good condition, best offer. 884- 7763. c1w21 MEN’S figure skates. only worn once. 884-3116. Ask for Wayne. c1w21 4o" MOFFAT rhnge. $50. 884- 7932. c1\v21 SKIS. boots. poles. skates. hoc- key equipment. boys overcoat. 889-4112. clw21‘ RIDING cap. black Velvet. size YOU could add $15.00 to your family allowance cheque by shopping at Wyn-Dot. Free monthly draw. SiPKNISH guitar and amplifier. 832-1053. Clel WYN-DOT LADIES SHOP Bayview Plaza, Richmond Hill 884-2214 LTXDY’S winter coat. size 16-17. new. Mink collar and cuffs. 884- 8350. c1le YWCAâ€" Resale shop. Stretch your dollars by shopping for good used articles at our shop. We have something for all age groups from infants to Senior Citizens. Dresses. suits, coats, men's sports jackets, toys, skates and nursery furniture. Open afternoons Mon. to Fri. 1.30 - 3.30. Tues. and Thurs. mornings 9.30 - 11.30. Satur- day morning 9.30 - 12.30. 25 Yonge St. N. c1w21 l . AQUARIUMS. 20 arid 30 gal..i all glass. also large breeding tank. 889-6739 c1w21'§ QUANTITY of ham board. 332-,:11 ‘Cm‘tinued’ FLORIBA ’BODYMAN for Richmond Hill. FIREWOOD, any size. 773-5488. New apartment - two bedrooms excellent working conditions. c4w18 two baths â€" St. PetersburgiGroup insurance. 884-8187. SPANISH guitar and amplifier.‘area' Available for renting now ____.__.____23 gqoi1ngq p1‘g9j Ito December “ REIT"- ‘lTn REALTORS ZrflPAIRS lady‘s new sealskin _ boots, size 9. 889-8536. c1w21I2 CAT BOARDING Registered Siamese kittens and stud service. Household pet kit- tens. Beryl Stewart. 889-2581. NEW owneflrmBetty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€"â€" poodles a special- ity. Jill Goddard. 889-360§._ éeason, 5125. 884-7790 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Longr Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi 8: Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. Nov. 20, 1969 FOR SALE clw21l clw21 5 ch I c2w21 LARGE furnished room in new fth home. Yonge, Richvale area. “1 889-7118. c1w21 c1w21 â€"â€" __..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" BRIGHT 2 bedroom bungalow at old - - . ’ $165. Elgm Mllls Rd. HU 8-2578. lke to‘ c1w21 tfclB tfc25 :ii'oom. $10. 71 Pemberton Cres. "'l tfc20 FOR parties, banquets. etc.. Masonic Banquet Hall. 112 Cros- by Ave.. Richmond Hill. Con- tact Jack Williams at 834-3200. THORNHILL GREEN TOWNHOUSES Conveniently located on east side of Yonge St. Opposite Thornhill Golf 82 Country Club. Each suite equipped with 4 ap- pliances. drapes, finished re- creation room 8: powder room. Call 889-7913 or 481-4233. Man- agement by A. E. LePage Limit- ed,‘ Realtor. tfc50 FURNISHEDmrx-oom, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 forxappointment. ' tfc15 1 bedroom apartment. fridge. stove. balcony. immediate pos- session. adults $145. Apply Supt. 165 Colborne Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w21 2,0007 sq. ft.. 90¢ per foot net, immediate possession in Rich- mond Hill. 630-9500. tfc17 FURNISHED bedroom in pri- vate home. Board available. 889- 8064. 0'3le 4,000 sq. ft. storage. minimal heat included. sublet. located Industrial Rd. Call 884-8179. 3 roomirbrungalow. good condi- tion, $175 monthly. Richvale, 884-7254. c1w20 UPSTAIRS apartment, 3 rooms, all conveniences. separate en- trance, adults only. 884-1474l c1w21 FURNISHED room. open fire- place. private entrance, bath, kitchenette. stove. fridge, suit business lady or gentleman. Maple area. Phone 832-1434. ' *c1w21 adults only. Evenings. 884-6840. tfc20 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. 170 Bayview Ave.. 884-6103 2-bedroom apartment. 884-7701. . tfc22 2 bedroom apartment. $160. in- cludes heat. hydro, parking, fridge and stove. Available im- mediately. 884-2451 or 884-8776. AVAILABLE, furnished room with TV. no meals. 889-8629. I c1w21 LARGE, heated, 3 bedroom apartment must be reliable adults with references, $175 a month, $100 deposit. Write Box 22, “The Liberal". c1w21 ROOM available, prefer gentle- man. 884-3540. c1w21 1 bedroom. self contained apart- ment. couple only. 773-5385. c1w21 2 bedroom winterized cottage: 1 bedroom bachelor apartment, $125. 884-1285. c1w21 FURNISHED room. in Maple. 832-2631. c1w2} Butâ€"Sid; éonveniences. 773-5897. c1w21 3 rooms partly furnished, reas- onable, private entrance. private home, gentleman. 889-4232. BEDROOM for rent. 884-1638. c1w21 FURNISHEDiroom, gentleman preferred. 884-4766. c1w21 OFFICE space. 900 sq. ft factory space, building under construc- tion, approx. 11000 sq. ft. ceil- ing height 18’ 6". 889-6161. n1 HEATED underground parking available. Blythwood Apart- ments. 67 Richmond Street,‘ OFFICE space for fent, 300 sq ft. on Yonge. Call 889â€"9389. _ per month. 884-3341 BASEMENT apartment. furnished. fridge and stove. available Dec. 1. 884-2430; 1-bedroom apartmént to rent available December 1. 884-379} WANTED â€" radio TV techni-g cian to manage store. 884-6245.} c1w21| bedroom apartment. quiet. bedroom Wapartment. $35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BAYTHORN PLACE 235 Baythorn Dr. Thornhill Green 889-9073 1. 2 & 3 Bedroom 0 6 WEEKS FREE RENT Transportation. Schools & Shopping Close By ACADEMY TO RE_N ' HELP WANTED_[ HELP WANTED USED CARS IMISCELLANEOUS;MISCELLANEOIE “mm†M nnnnnnn m c†mnkmna um (Continued) { (Continued) "mun-{9h r. 1;}rVA7Fvun l c13w10 *1w20 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c2w21 tfc19 c1w21 c1w21 tfc21 EXPERIETvï¬b fibreglass lay- up man. excellent wages. Apply 889-9543. c1w20 Ladies â€"- let us find you an interesting office position in your area. Register with: Iii-Corps Personnel Agency 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Days 884-6782. evenings 832- 2335. c1w20 WELDERS. fully experienced on steel stairs. railings and bal- conies. 889-0323. c4w20 _u. KEITH LTD. REALTORS tfc19 1966 Coniet'CEpri. 2 door ha-rd; REAL ESTATE Bt_â€"â€"OOKKEE"PE‘R _ typist" expfl- gap, agtonéatic“ power isteering. . 31 en wanted lenced. Permanent position†OW'eI‘ U . cylinder \Vlt-h many Eoipglrllrerllggg eipaï¬sni'lon program. good beneï¬ts 8394323. c4w19 extras. White w1th blue interior. Land commercial residential. LAYOUT man' fuuy exDerienc‘flgon mlles' Private sale by ‘ ' ed on steel stairs, railings andiorlgmal Owner- $1~195 01‘ near' office leasing. rural, busmess balconies. Must read blue- est offer. Phone Mary 889-8470 - - - ‘ and . - - ' opportunltfgs' {ndusn-lalamui nrmt. Permanent 'oosition. 200d “C21 office leasing. rural, business opportunities, industrial and new prestige homes depart- ment. Much extra help to ex- pand commission. Call Mr. Mur- ray at 889-7771. tfc6 CLEANING lady. any day of week. own transportation, 889- 4851. c1w21 HAIRDRESSER with wanted for steady Good salary. 889-4782 889-7632. COUNTER clerk. female, for modern dry cleaning store Monday to Friday 9-6 and every other Saturday. 8-12. Year .round employment. No ex- perience necessary. Apply to Mr. Jack Barth, Barth‘s Clean- ers. 198 Yonge Street North. c1w20 GIRL Friday for 1 girl ofï¬ce to support owner manager and his staff of small engineering and manufacturing company. Applicants with previous ex- perience in typing. payroll, ac- counts payable, purchasing pre- ferred but not absolutely es- sential. Own car required. For appointment phone, Leo, 889-1868. c1w21 Experienced bookkeeper for lo- cal leasing company. Must have experience in customer follow- up, possess typing and have a pleasant personality. Excellent position with good opportunity and salary. Company benefits available. White Box 23, “The Liberal". - c1w21 For men and women who have the desire and drive to be suc- cessful in a business of their own proven marketing concept. Full or part time. Less than $20 investment. Unlimited in- come-possibilities. No door to door. No contracts to sign. For information call 884-5446 be- tween 6 pm and 11 pm. MAN to look after horses. com- pany beneï¬ts. Apply in person only to Leitchcroft Farm, High- way 7 ‘East, Thomhill. c1w21 CHOIR master or organist-choir master for St. Mary’s Anglican Church, starting January 1. Phone 884-2227. c1w21 MATURE man for Willowdale Service Station attendant. 3 pm to 11 pm. No Sundays. 449-0578, 889-9044. \ c1w21 O‘NE car washer and 1 general service 'station attendant re- quired immediately. Good working conditions. A p ply Robert D. Little Shell. 150 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. c1w21 FULL time dental assistant, previous experience an asset. Write Box 20 "The Liberal". c1w21 PART-time, grocery store help, stocking shelves. Apply in per- son - The Manager Steinburgs Miracle Food Mart, 24 Royal Orchard Blvd., Thornhill. RELIABLE cleaning lady with own transportation, in Maple. 5 days. 9.30 - 12.30. Please call 487-2531. c1w21 WANTED TTa'dio, TV techni- cian to manage store. 884-6245. c1w21 Require mature woman for switchboard. General ofï¬ce dut- ies, typing essential. Apply Ratcliffs Canada Ltd., Rich- mond Hill. 884-1151; c1w21 SERVICE statiim attendant, evenings and weekends, experi- enced only. Berta‘s Sunoco. 887-5411. tfc21 FOUR Mgr school girls for Santa's Helpers, 832-2664. TRUCK driver for Lumber Yard. apply Don Mills Lumber, 8060 Woodbine Avenue or call 297-2066, after 6 pm 284-9572. For 2 months (Dec. and Jan.) hours 8.30 am - 4.30 pm. Accur- acy important. Bondable. Rich- mond Hill area. Call 889-3641. SWITCHBOKRD OPERATOR BOYS wanted to sell papers on Saturday, Nov. 22. Top commis- sions and valuable prizes. Phone 884â€"8864. c1w21 FULLâ€"time experienced; gaso-f1960 Rambler 4 door sedan, line attendant, must have neat Chev. V8 powered. stick on appearance_ sfloor. belonged to Doug Rase. Part-time attendants. Bob Don- 884-7683 after 6 or 368-6011. ex- ald ESSO, 9700 Yonge Street. tension 424, days. c1w21 Richmond Hill TERRIFIC OPPOR'ITUNITY Selling Something? . . Use The Classifieds Phone 884-1105-6 Now! TYPIST clientele position. After 6. c2w20 c1w21 c1w21 clw21 c1w21 ‘1962 Valiant. in very good con- c1w211d1tion. 889-2518. clw21 .c1w21‘3309 tchl LAYOUT man. fully experienc- ed on steel stairs, railings and balconies. Must read blue- print. Permanent position, good benefits. 889-0323. c4w20 PRINTING APPRENTICE Young man wanted to learn the printing trade with old estab- lished Richmond Hill publish- ing firm. Must have a Chauf- fer’s License and be available to start at once. MATURE babysitters needed Call WE SIT BETTER. 889-3650 (Continued) (Continued) COOK. Phone 884~2752. mm 1963 Chevy 2 Nova sé. gEcTc'i Apply W. S. Cook. phone .‘~u.7°'_r__. “"H 384.1105_ nc2w20i1964 Beaumont Acadian. 283 *-â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€":-7 auto. as new condition. mechâ€" CHAR wanted every Fnday’ anic owned. 884-6891 between 7 9 to 4. $12. Must be experienc- ed and have own transporta- tion. Bayview-Steeles area. am and lo pm. at Elgin Auto Service. Texaco, Bayview and Call 889-0329. c1w21 Elgi“ k_____91w21 WWNY- 1967 Buick‘ Electra comiertible. wants Man over 40 2 door haldtop. navy b ue and For Richmond Hm A white... all power. radio. Best w, MM , anâ€. m," “Ariana cond1tlon. pr1vate. 833-5458. TEXAS OIL COMPANY Wants Man Over 40 For Richmond Hill Area We need a good man who can make short auto trips. We are willing to pay top earnings, up to $15,000 In A Year Plus Regular Cash Bonus Our top men in other parts of Canada draw exceptional earn- ings. Contact Customers around Richmond Hill. Air mail R. A. Dickerson. Pres, Southwestern Petroleum Corp., Fort Worth, Texas. JOLLY big man, fond of child- ren. 832-2664. c1w21 3 Positions required for local $16646 nursing home" cook full time, _____ kitchen girl. full time, house- 1.965 F5 Resper. weekends only. phone tioned 2‘ 889-9088. clw21 cpupe. _‘ FEMALE help as counter at- tendants in snack bar. no ex- perience necessary. Full and part time. Apply Mrs. Purvis. GEM Store, 7171 Yonge Street, Willowdale. c2w21 COST ACCOUNTANT condition. 636-3447. eiwu gizgeriencedi - min. 4-5 years. 1963 volkswagen 1300 deluxe, 0' eq“ "lent for demand" beige. radio. excellent condition. ing position. Excellent salary . ' and company benefits. Contact: $880 222 3704' cz‘km‘ Hi _ Corps 1959 Chrysler. good shape. spare Personnel Agency parts available $100. 884-5567. 18 Yonge St. N., daytim- Chm Richmond Hill 1964 Austin 850 pick-up tE'ck RESPONSIBLE truck driver 1966 Datsun. candy-apple red, required by Ronalds-Federated 4 door sedan, bucket seats, Ltd. Apply in person 225131095, Yonge Street N, Richmond Hill 1966 VW 1300, black, perfect C1W21 shape, $1095. , RECEPTIONIST 1963 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 Required in our Richmond H111 door sedan, $495. branch for part time. Hours are Many others to choose from Wed. 4 - 9 pm. Fri. 4 - 9 pm both new and used at your Dat- and Sat. 9, am to 4pm. Successâ€" sun dealer- ful applicant must be mature York Import Automobiles and bondable. For interview 16 Industrial Rd., call 225-4453. c1w21 Richmond Hill RECEPTIONIST Required in our Richmond Hill branch for part time. Hours are Wed. 4 - 9 pm, Fri. 4 - 9 pm and Sat. 9 am to 4pm. Success- ful applicant must be mature and bondable. For interview call 225-4453. c1w21 Days 884-6782 ELECTRIC'IAN’ Company in Northwest Toronto: industrial requires man with experience. Must have provin- cial licence. Electronics back- ground highly desirable. Ex- cellent wages and benefits. 2 shift rotation, 40 hour week. Please write particulars includ- ing rate expected to “The Lib- eral†Box 21. _, UM DOQ'OLO‘I uuv 'Vuuv c1w21‘889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 LADY’S CAR _ 1966 Oldsmobile F85 2 door‘Plastermg A Thornhill hardtop. auto, power steering, 3- CL RK 5“ Plain and Decorative Plastering. ' tire power brakes, radio, new Repairs a speciality power windows, 6 way power ' seat. Finished in Moss Green Free EStlmates ,with black vinyl interior. Veryl 433‘7521 889-3185 'clean car with 39,000 originalv £5920 miles. Call Russ Mowles at GENERAL contracting. nltera. 884-4481 or 884-3331. i tions and additions. homes, of- fices. factories. Custom carpen- ANOTHER LADY’S CAR try of all descriptions. Les .1967 Camaro 2 door hardtop, 6‘webb 339-2546, tfc3 TRUCK & AUTOBODY Collision - General Repairs - Refinishing. 41 Maple Ave. Thornhill (East of Yonge, south of 16th Ave.) USED CARS ' ANOTHER LADY’S CAR ’64 Fordm‘wm Camaro 2 door hardtop, 6 .. 1c linder. automatic transmis- condltlon. 832-1567 before 5 pmlsiyon' radio. a lime yellow please‘ *1W20‘beauty. Call Russ Mowles, 884- 1964 Morris 1100. new 5mm? AND NOW tires, winterized and certified A GENTLEMAN‘S runs good, $485. full price“ AUTOMOBILE Greenwood Garage, specialist‘1969 Buick Eleetra 225 L. 31964 VW, good condition. good 'paint etc. mechanic's certificate $550. 16 Yongehurst Rd. off Yonge St.. L2 mile south of Richmond Hill. c1w21 on British cars. 884-8841. FOR the best deal on new and used cars see W&P Motors Ltd. 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 889-7701. home of the VW used car 100%. 3 month warranty on parts and labor. tfc21 1964 Plymouth Fury station- wagon V8, owner moving west. must sell, excellent condition, $850. 773-5902 or 421-4262. 1961 Rambler Classic sedan. au- tomatic 56,000 miles, good tires, excellent body. Needs motor overhaul. not certified. Price $100. 884-6929. c1le 1961 Ford. 6. auto.. motor per- fect. low mileage. snow tires, certified $250. 226-3880. c1w2] 1966 Ford Anglia. excellent con- dition inside and out. new snow tires, winterized and certified. Ideal second car. Greenwood Garage. specialist on British cars, 884-8841. c1w21 1954 Mercury Olds 394. Will van or trailer. Work these ads as hard as you like -- they'll go to work for you one Thursday, all month if you prefer, each week doing a Vigorous selling job on thousands of readers and prospects who shop “The Liberal" Classified Section regularly. Flexible too! More than 25 different classifications to provide an easy to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy, the services you want to offer, or the property you want to rent or sell. PHONE 884-1105-6 - 884-1983 A HELPFUL AD TAKER WILL ASSIST YOU CONSISTENCY! 889-5334 V2 ton, with ’61 sell or trade for Call Wayne 884- c1w21 Evenings 832-2335 c1w21 1"5w20 ,0“, . :clalist‘1969 Buick Electra 225 Limited. 4 door hardtop. equipped with c1w21‘Climate Control air condition- Eadling, power steering. power _5 Ltd brakes, power wmdows. 6 way Ld Hm‘ power seat, power antenna, fused tllt steerlng wheel, cru15e con- nty on trol, llght dimmer. A_M/FM ra- tfcm dlo. you‘name it. Th1s automo- __ bile has it. For demonstration tationâ€" call Russ Mowles at 884-4481 - ‘ west, 884-3331. dition, ;2_ Kinnear Pontiac Buick Ltd. . c1w21 Richmond Hill Cash, Trade or Terms to .in,'.au' Suit Your Needs condition $500. 884-3620 1964 Parisienne Pontiac. black. red interior. fully winterized studded snow tires. inspection slip included. 884-3781 after 4 pm. *1w21 1966 Beaumont Super Sport convertible 327 4 speed. excel- lent condition. Certified. 884- 1078. c1w21 1964 Beaumont Acadian. 283 auto. as new condition. mech- anic owned. 884-6891 between 7 am and 10 pm. at Elgin Auto Service. 'Texaco, Bayview and Elzin Mills. c1w21 1965 Chev Belair, 6 cyl. auto- matic, low mileage. good condi- tion. $725. Call 884-1230 after cu.) pucv utLaAL, u M“. nuur matic. low mileage, good condi- BALDWIN PLUMBING tion. $725. Call 884-1230 after & HEATING 5 pm. *1w21'New work. repairs and altera- 1965 Ford Galaxie 500, 4 doothlons'gg?‘1§§4'_ ., C13w14 hardtop. power steering. and EXCAVATING-GRADING brakes V8 automatic. tinted TRENCHING CALL ANDY. 889-3885 windshield AM/FM radio. $1.200. 223-0635. clw21 tfc14 1959 Chrysler. $100 or best of- fer. 1958 Chev 283 auto. $100 or best offer, 1963 Valiant. slant 6. standard, $100 or best offer. 884-6046. clw21 1965 Falcon Futura. recondi-l CARPENTRY tinned 239 engine' 2 door sport Kitchen and bathroom renova- coupe, snows. certified, A-l tionS. shape. 884-1830. c1w21? 889'3097 - 884-2852 1964 Plymouth 2 door hardtop, mv,v w ",r _ V8 automatic. $595. 884-5168. 0- J- CURRIE c1w21 A BUILDING CONTRACTOR tchO 1964 Valiant Stationwagon. au- tomatic 6. radio, 100%, good condition. 636-3447. c1w21 13759 Chrysler. good shape, spare parts available $100. 884-5567. daytime. c1w21 haytime. ‘ c1w21 1964 Austin 850 pick-up truck with box cover and revolving roof- light. 889-6648 after 6er. 4481 or 884-3331 884-8134 AND STILL ANOTHER LADY’S CAR Real economy 1964 Chevelle, automatic, 2 hardtop. ï¬iic’are available in my home. reasonable. 889-4508. c2w20 RICHVALE area. loving day care for small children. 884- 2327. . v c2w21 DAY care in my home, Beverle? Acres area. 884-1393. c1w21 AVAILABLE in my home. My children are a boy 6, a girl 4. Maple area. Phone 832-2347. clw21 DAY care, any age. 884-4514. c1w21 WILL mind children in my home, any age. 88443028. SET of 4 Autocrat drums. Bass. snare. floor tom and side tom. with headmaster heads. carry- ing bags and cymbals. $175. 884-2254. cl“ 21 DAY CARE MUSIC LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS HIT THE MARK WITH A LARGE AND LOYAL AUDIENCE EVERY WEEK 889-8830 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 SHAMPOOING FALL SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night‘ 884-2433. tfc13 EXPERIENCED man with chain saw. Tree cutting and pruning fruit trees. E. C. Doak, 832- 8985. tfc21 _NORTHERN PAINTING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 Residential. commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions. renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. DRYWALL plaster. acoustic tile ceilings. mnveable partitions. Home or office. 884-8391 - 889- 6784. tfc16 RAILROAD ties for sale, Will build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc41 Trenching. sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 Alterations and additions. Com- mercial and residential. Custom carpentry. 773-5604. th9 RALï¬i ELMS DECORATINGâ€" Painting, paper-hanging, interâ€" ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work garanteed. 887-5610. Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 RON SCOTT PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Guaranteed 221-8822 RON MOORE ~ PAINTING - PAPERHANGING E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs 3 Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 FLOOR COVERING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll PERM-STYLE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed. Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. tfc44 LEONARD! BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete, Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework and Sidewalks. eral†884-1105 nFPdll-N. rauu. otuucvvuxn nuu Sidewaiks. 889 52 $25 per moï¬h. excellent feed ‘ 23 and care. clubhouse. several ____.________t_f°i9 paddocks and beautiful trails. RUBBER STAMPS IGormiey Riding Stables, Germ. several tyne faces to choose1ley Sideroad, 221-6823. c2w21 from â€"â€" including Script. Block‘iï¬Sï¬EEs boardedfbox stalls, IEttfff; 233i}? Far}? “signature miles of trails. jumps, Newman- a The. T.ih.‘i.-‘ MM 472.2274. c1w2]. Custm built homes. renova- DRESSMAKING and alterations. tfc14 tions, additions and repairs . v - 889- 054. KltChenS a specialty. Mon-is J/ Hal-rhoâ€. 11-645 DRESSMAKING and altera- * 77* -’__,tions. 773-5641. c5w21 773-5598 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Chesterfields. chairs. antiques restored. Kitchen chairs recov- ered $7.50 up. M. Cummings, Yonge St. Oak Ridges. 773-5598 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"- siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor Properly serviced at low rates. Satisfaction guaranteed â€" by old. established company. Save by cash and carry. Factory trained technicians. Radio dis- patch TV owned and operated by Gearings. 6309 Yonge St. across from Towne 8; Countrye Square. 223-2270 - 223-2280. PLUMBING & HEATING ELECTRICIAN Additions & alterations Big jobs â€" small jobs 884-4127 Elsi SEER}; Call “Tï¬e Lib-i;g{'gr'ea, 473.2374 BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING mnmso’x’s’ CUSTOM CARPENTRY HANS BUTT 889-4106 CLEANING WINDOWS. WALLS AND FLOORS TV REPAIRERS ALSO COLOR. Day or Night 884-2433 tfc32 [£015 tfc12 tfc46 :1 "15w ‘3 quiet ponies and buggy. with double light driving harne‘ss. 3 887-5500 or 884-5410. c1w21. 2529‘ REGISTERED 3,1: Arabian wean- [teraJling colt. Cicso M.G.S. 2A71320 ;, of-;by HMR Hallany Star 21159 x rpen-‘Cheeta A15930. Show potential. Les very typey, with floating action. tfc3IWi11 mature approx. 14 H.1-L :Price $450. Phone 888-1166. tfc19 tfc41fDo tfc36 tfc2 Universal Janitorial Service Complete building maintenance and home care. 277 North Tay- lor Mills Drive. Richmond Hill. 884-5755. “018 ’s’fï¬iC'T‘ANxs P'UMPED" SEPTIC TANKS Installed and pumped. Free esti- mates. HANSEN BROTHERS Bus. 832-1275 Res. 833-5732 c4w21 Building repairs - alterations v additions custom cabinets Carpenter - Builder CHARLES GRAHAM 18th Ave. Markham 887-560}, *4w18 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292. EVEREADY FLOOR COVERING Have that floor covered now for the Christmas holidays. Rec moms, kitchens, bathrooms etc. Free estimates showing the many lovely colours and pat- terns in tile. yard goods and ceramic. 889-6733. c3w21 HOUSEWORVI? ’fnr Thursdays only. also will do babysitting evenings. 884-3639. c1w21 Wbï¬kâ€"done at home â€" iyping, addressing. letters and other clerical work. 884-8961. *lwzi FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work. manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone evenings or Saturday 773-4202. tfc11 ___.__________ ACCOUNTING-clerk. accurate with figures. requires perman- ent pusition. Car available. Write Box 18. “The Liberal" c2w20 3REs§w DO YOU v Have something to be moved? Have 3/14 ton pick-up. Nights and weekends. Call: _________.___H ROOM and board available for gentleman in quiet home. 884- 1016. clwzl fl/fl BRIGHT room and board, good meals. swimming pool, Bayview and Markham. 884-2111. *lw2]. Méganv ~Stables. c1w21 WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc48 FOR child ‘care elderly care. call 889-3650. ____________.â€", Do you have a drinking prob. lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684. tfcl? REGISTER NOW AT ALLENCOURT LANES The league of your choice. Bowl for fun and health. Your aver- age is never too low to join a league. Ladies afternoon lea- gues. supervised nursery and evening mixed leagues. Call 884-5511. c15w10 ROOM & BOARD S I G N S Truck lettering o Posters Art work - Gold leaf Experienced - fast service FLAGLER S I G N S 884-3071 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WITTINQ Recreation Rooms Alterations & Repairs Stone Overlay Walker Construction 889-5292 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BOARDING STABLES PERSONAL C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 Sewers cleaned Don Turner 884-1642 after 5 pm LOST care. convalescent. call We Sit Better, tfc21 c6w21 “(:20 tfc47 tfc2