Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1969, p. 4

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Aroundabouta Get well wishes go to Com- missioner Mary Ensor. who is suffering from torn ligaments in her back. W'Iâ€"‘gv Ailierxr Brockton who is fighting off a b_a_d c01d_. To Alice Ashby, who has a broken arm and to Stephen Ashby who recently had- to have several stitches in a cut on his head suffered at the arena. To him Ellen Woods. who is also confined to bed with a slipped disc and to Mrs. Kit Towers. We hope their period of inac- tivity will not be prolonged with Christmas only four weeks away. Sympathy is extended to Mrs} Alice Nolan from neighbors and friends. Mrs. Nolan‘s father passed away in England Sunâ€" day. She had been planning a trip home in the spring, her first in 20 years. Mrs. Elva Smith and daugh- ter Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright and Wayne were feat- ured on Channel 3’s Western Jamboree November 1 and 8. The group, known as “The Harmonaires“ have made sever- al public appearances. Community Hall Lake Wilcox Brownies met in the community hall Monday. This group has room for a few more girls and will welcome any who would like to enjoy the Brownie program. The old school bell will ring out once more when York County's newest and ,most modern school. Whit- Zéhurch Highlands Public School. is officially opened ‘today (Thursday). Guides meet ln'the hall Tues- days and will also welcome new members aged from 10 to 15.» Tuesday _ evening at 8 Is euchre night and Wednesday at the same hour is binr’o. The building. planned and constructed under direction of the former Whitchurch Township Public School Board. is of revolutionary design. Saturday. December 13, the recreation committee wm “he a Christmas bazaar with a bake table. Bring your baked articl- es for this table with you. The time is 1 to 4 pm. AIOLIIIU L n 1 a u UL“?qu classrooms in clusters of three form pods at the “corners” of the star-shaped building. and can be opened for group teaching or closed off for more individual in- struction. making it one of the county's first "ungrad- ed" elementary schools. Separating the classroom pods are special education um .nâ€"uu.» .m..- _- ".7 ,, ari es. rofessor Ernest Smith of Newmarket, a former prin- cipal at the old Lloyd Pub- lic School. now a member of faculty of the science de- partment of the University of Toronto. will officiate at the 8 pm opening ceremon- ies. But instead of cutting a The school. designed by Architects Salter and Allison of Barrie and built by Lisgar Construction Company of Weston at, a cost of about $700,000 including furnish- ings. is the second of its kind in Ontario. It opened this fall with a staff of 17 and an enrollment of 450 ranging from grade 1 to schools in January. Mem- bers of the Legislature and Parliament. and municipal leaders will be special guests for the occasion. All York County residents are invited to the opening ceremonies and to join in the tour of the school and the reception that will fol- low. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll\llll“lllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll4' Saturday. Deeember 20. San- ta will be on hand to greet the neighborhood children and get last minute Christmas orders. Church News In the centre is a large gymnasium-auditorium core surrounded by storage rooms. a library and re. source centre, audio visual reference centre. guidance room. health centre. electric- al room. change room and showers. vuulw A‘vwg The married couples of St John‘s Anglican Church will meet November 28 in the par-‘ ish hall for square dancing. The group will host single ad-'| ults and as in previous years are looking forward to a happy} time and a good attendance. { Around this nucleus. classrooms in clusters of three form pods at the "corners" of the star-shaped building. and can be opened for group teaching or closed off for more individual in- struction. making it one of the county's first "ungrad- ed" elementary schools. Sunday. November 30. at the family service at 11 am young people from St. John‘s Sunday school will provide special mus- lc and a special sermon for all ages. Whitchurch School Designed For Future Church News The congregation and Sunday school Christmas party is to be held on December 13, and ten- tative plans were made for it. Mrs. Beynon read a paper on a “Fowl Supper of 1904" and con- ducted a contest on Christmas customs. The junior choir will be tak- ing part in the church service on November 30. and all par- ents and friends are invited to attend. * RTNG CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our ne‘ pendent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is M Daines, 23 Willowbank Avenue. 773-4589, in 1 JD! 11A: n,____ Tuesday. December 2. at 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursda3 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox News Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings Phone 173~5892 has a ephen ) have m his vho ls 'ith a 5. Kit ;‘ inac- ,onged weeks a Mrs. rs and father Sun- ning a 5. her daugh- 'rs. The children of the Sunday school at this church are very pleased with the “Love In”. a theme under which they parti- cipate in cooking. sewing, dra- ma. music, tape-recording and other special features. There is a separate program for the four to six year olds. There will be another six week course in the early spring. Cancer Society Eleven ladies attended the work meeting at the home of Mrs. Doris Smith November 18. Twenty Christmas stockings and 20 felt cosmetic bags were completed for the patients at Princess Margaret Hospital, To- ronto. The December meeting will also be at the home of Mrs. Smith. pm, the advisory board will Mrs. Elsie Dellar, Mrs. Ida meet in the upper room. Arlt and Mrs. Doris Smith at- Monday. December 1. at 8 tended the workshop in Mark- pm a card party, featuring crib- ham November 6. Special bage. euchre and bridge, will speakers were present at a unit be held at St. Paul's United meeting at the Highlands Golf Church. Club. attended by some local The children of the Sunday women. .Whitchurch To Studyiéi‘li [Sum \ r :Musselman s Lake RoadES-i Whitchurch Township Coun- cil will consider improvements to Maple Grove Avenue in the Musselman‘s Lake area and plowing it during the winter for use by permanent residents. but Councillor Robert Lewis ‘doesn't believe the municipal- ity should accept the responsi- bility. classrooms. staff and admin- istration offices. future kin- dergarten and maintenance areas. ' Broadloom on the floor helps to reduce noise and because of radiant electrical heating the children can sit comfortably on the floor. as well as at the conventional desks, says Wes Brillinger. last chairman of the old Whitchurch Board, who will be chairman for the even- ing‘s ceremonies. One of the great assets of this design, says Mr. Brillin- get. is that it can be extend- ed in any or all of its eight different directions. adding to classroom. administration or special education areas on the 17-acre site as the need arises. "By allowing p e r m a n e ntlof 'w'i homes to be established at‘Noven Musselman's Lake. we are be- sat! ing forced into poor planning," Lions charged Mr. Lewis. “This is a dance case where the buyers should H.311. have been aware of what they Guild were getting into and those es- The tablishing permanent h o m e 5 Lady ‘there should have known the arate road wasn't maintained by the montl municipality before they movedlifl the firofessor Ernest Smith of Newmarket, a former prinâ€" cipal at the old Lloyd Pub- lic School. now a member of faculty of the science de- partment of the University of Toronto. will officiate at the 8 pm opening ceremon- les. in. Ernest Davis, township roads Residents of this area are al-‘ superintendent. said he doubts most all familiar with the Royal grading of the mad requested Ontario Museum in Toronto, by residents of the area would But perhaps they do not know be adequate and council decid- Of a tsel'Vice the museum is now ed Reeve Stewart Burnett. Offering the public. November Deputy-reeves Lawrence Henna-:27 from 7 t0 10 pm staff mem- ‘sy and Councillor Norman Bar-f â€"â€"_~â€" nard would meet Mr. Davis to[ view the road and determine‘ ° 1 what will be needed. l TownShlp 0‘ "IE‘I’T‘TTnTn A T “We may be able to make improvements without too much expense." observed Mr. Hen- nessey. 4-H Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaugh- lin of Fenelon Falls were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred James and family Novem- ber 16. Mrs. Audrey Boyle has re- turned from York Central Hos- pital. Richmond Hill and is confined to bed at home follow- ing a fall. in which she sufierâ€" ed a broken leg. Mrs. Earle 'Stob‘esbury has been visiting friends and rela- tives in the west. Anyone needing transporta- tion or help for a cancer paâ€" tient is asked 'to call Mrs. Ida Arlt at 773-5070. Those wishing to make in memoriam gifts are asked to call Mrs. Smith at 773-5371. Guiding The executive of the mothers’ Bravdford. group of Lake Wilcox and lead- Tuesday, November 12 at as mat ThUI‘Sday evening at Nobleton, Oak Ridges Peewees the home of President Mrs. came up with a 3â€"3 tie. Local Doris Smith to discuss plans goals were scored by John for a Christmas Party. This Lenneville. Dale Rofiey and year the mothers and the girls Mike Green. Green assisted will co~operate in making this a Lenneville and the latter garn- very special event. It will be ered two assist points. held at St. Paul's United De- Bantams cember 16 at 7.30 pm. Playing in Bradford the ban- Teenpower r tams lost 5-3. Albert Shaw, en’s Christmas Carol for the Elmwood Beach Association. along with carols, December 22 lin the community hall. I think I heard that Santa and his elves will be present, too. lLions Club Last week Oak Ridges Lions hosted 30 senior citizens at the Lions Hall at a card party. ‘Prizes were awarded and a birthday cake served in honor of Willy Platt who will be 95 lNovember 27. The teenagers met November 15 and discussed plans for a choir and other activities. Choir practices were started Sunday at the community hall. The teeners will present Dick- white rib b o n. Professor Smith will ring the old hell that he has rung so many times before â€" the bell from Lloyd School which is now mounted at the entrance of the new Highands School. “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Carol Daines. 23 Willowbank Avenue. 773-4589, in King City Mary Dawson, 884-1105. Special speaker will be TV personality Elwy Yost. exec- utive director of Metro Ed- ucational Television Asce- iation (META). Located at the intersection of Concession 5 and Bloom- ington Sideroad. the school incorporated several smaller public schools that formerly served the area â€"Armitage, L e m o n v ill e, Bogarttown, Hartman and some classes formerly housed in Vandorf School. Saturday, November 29. the Lions are sponsoring a teenage dance with a band at the Lions The Ladies' Guild of Our Lady of the Annunciation Sep- arate School will hold its monthly meeting December 2 in the auditorium. Museum 27 from 7 L0 10 Pm staff mem-Inunuuunuuu\\mmuumm“nuuumumll1mumumuummuuu PERSONS LEFT OFF VOTERS' LIST IN ERROR A person whose name has been omitted from the Voters' List because he or she is entered on the Assessment Roll for the Township of Whitchurch as an "alien" may obtain a certificate to vote provided evidence satisfactory to the Township Clerk has been produced that such person is not an alien. Note: This applies only to persons entered on the A55- essment Rolls. Certificate to vote will be issued to such persons provided citizenship papers are brought to the Township Clerk's Office. The “are or husband of a qualified voter whose name has been omitted from the Municipal Voters‘ List. pro- vided he or she is not otherwise disqualified, and any other person whose name is entered on the assessment Roll for the Township of Whitchurch but whose name has been omitted from the Voters' List in error. may obtain a certificate to vote by appb'ing to the Township Clerk‘s Office. Applications for above certificates will be received at the Township Clerk's Office. Don Mills Road, RR. 1. Gormley, Ontario, (at Vandorfi, any time during regular business hours. SPECIAL NOTICE TO NEW CANADIAN CITIZENS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS DECEMBER 1, 1969 Township of Whitchurch 1969 bers will be on duty to identify] and evaluate articles brought to them by the public â€"â€" at a nom- inal fee. Midgets Friday, November 14‘ Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox Midgets played at Bolton Arena and de- feated their hosts 2-1. Peewees and Sunday, November 16. the house league played in the Bradfprd arena, and the Oak Ridges Peewees were on the long end of a 3-2 score against Bradford. Tuesday, rNovember 12 at Nobleton, Oak Ridges Peewees came up with a 3-3 tie. Local goals were scoredA by John Playing in Bradford the ban- tarns lost 5-3. Albert Shaw, John Wood and Roger Cum- mings were the goal getters for the locals. 1muuuuuuuuuunu\1nnumuuuuuum1luu11\muuuuummnm grade 8. and it has already attracted many visitors. Principal Terry Gray was formerly principal of five small schools in the area. and even before the offic- ial opening he was arrang- ing tours for groups of par- ents who wanted to see the school in action. The opening next week will include a tour of the school. entertainment. re- freshments donated and served by members of the community. A11 arrangements have been made by the former Whitchurch Board. Trustees and officials of the York County Board of Education which took over administra- tion of all county public schools in January. Mem- bers of the Legislature and Parliament. and municipal leaders will be special guests for the occasion. All York County residents are invited to the opening ceremonies and to join in the tour of the school and the reception that will fol- low. A 21-year-old man in- volved in an accident that killed three people was sentenced last week in To- ronto to nine months defin- ite and 12 months indefi- nite in jail for dangerous driving. James Wardrop of Oak Ridges was charged initial- ly with criminal negligence causing death. An Ontario Supreme Court Jury con- victed him guilty on the lesser charge. Wardrop was charged af- ter a collision July 26 on Highway 11 near Aurora Cemetery that killed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of Newmarket and their 14- year-old granddaughter Di- ane Saunders of Aurora. Wardrop's driving license was suspended for three years. Nine Months Sentence For 0.1%. Youth Thomas Kerr Clerk-Treasurer. Township of Whitchurch HOCKEY That‘s the way King Town- ship Councillor Gordon Rowe put it when he once again com- plained before council Novem- ber 17 about the “terrible water condition in Oak Ridges which is continuing to exist after six months." When your wife starts beef- ing about something you're really in trouble. Mr. Rowe told “The Liberal" that he‘s been “receiving doz- ens of complaints from unhappy householders and I’ve been pas- sing them on to the people in charge with little result. “Even my wife is beefing and] when that starts to happen you have got to do something about it", he added. Councillor Rowe, who lives on Elmira Avenue in Oak Ridges. said that some 500 homes are affected daily by the water which contains an abnormally high iron content. Wife Even" Beefing" To Councillor Rowe -â€" Oak Ridges Foul Water The problem started six months ago when the Ontario Water Resources Commission â€"- which is solely responsible for the water supply â€" com- menced using a new well locat- ed in Oak Ridges across from the post office on Yonge Street. “They put this new well into the system but they haven‘t been taking the iron out of it. Apparently the OWRC is in the process of letting out a contract for a new pumphouse to enlarge facilities which will mean that the iron will be removed then. But I didn’t think it would take this long.“ Councillor Rowe said the water ruined the laundry, stain- ed dishes and was “simply in terrible condition. Even if the taps are shut off and only drip they leave rust marks on the sinks. If you leave a glass of water overnight it's a horrible 65‘2‘1 100 44 YONGE ST. 5.. RICHMOND HILL William Platt, Oak Ridges, celebrates his 95th birthday today. Pictured above. third from left at a recent meeting of Oak Ridges Senior Citizens Club, Mr. Platt expects other club members to share in the celebration. Also in the picture (left to right) are Mrs. Etta Burns, Mrs. Annie Platt, Benjamin Betts and Annie Phillips. The seniors held their organizational meeting November 6, and have nearlv 20 people turning out each Thursday afternoon to St. Mark’s Hall on Yonge Street for games" and conver- sation. and of course, a cup of tea GUARAN T Y TRUST Earn the highest TRUE savings interest in Canada Interest calculated at 6% per annum on the DAILY balance. SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS highest daily interest Capital and Reserve $33,000,000 MEMBER or CANADA nmsn' msumcn oomunon Withdrawals may be made at any time. Minimum balance $3,000.00. Enthusiastic Seniors Enjoy New Club COMPANY OF CANADA 884-1188 He said the water represent- ed “quite a financial loss to householders because it ruins their washing. They have to take it to the Laundromat. They simply can't use the water.“ color in the morning." Clerk-Treasurer Harold Rose agreed. the situation was bad but said he had contacted the OWRC continuously but “they don't give any indication when it will be corrected.” Mr. Rowe agreed that “we‘re always rushing through corre- spondence to the OWRC but nothing ever seems to happen.” Mr. Rowe said the situation would be corrected and he told “The Liberal" he had been talking to an OWRC represent- ative personally. In other business the council worried over the continued 1a- mentable condition at the Mel- ody Acres Subdivision located on King Sideroad just south of Temperancevdlle. “Bu-t I don‘t’know when as of yet," he said. A homeowner in the subdivin sion appeared before council to; complain about “the disgusting shape the road is in. We get no services at all out there and‘ yet we have to pay taxes. Our homes out there are in the $30,000 price range and some- thing should be done." Councillor Rowe explain- ed that the road â€" such as it be â€" was considered an “unassumed” one until it could be brought up to provincial standards in or- der for it to be eligible for 50 percent government grants. ‘ He said the municipality had‘ signed an agreement with the original subdivider. Shorham Holdings, which called for the company to accept costs of re- pairing the road. lfi-ELECT REEVE STEWARI BUR BETTY van NOSTRAND <1} 15 years as a public school trustee 753 Seven years as a member of Whitchurch Council Election Day â€"â€" Monday, December 1 POLLS OPEN 10 AM. TO 8 PM. For cars or information please phone any of the following numbers-â€" 727-5775 - 727-5464 - 773-5685 - 888-1133 FOR â€" A VOTE VOTE van NOS'I'RAND Whitchurch Township Council ELECTORS OF WHITCHURCH THE YEAR WHEN EXPERIENCE WILL BE VITAL 0N DECEMBER 1st, 10 AM. TO 8 RM. UP TO DATE EXPERIENCE WITH THE PROBLEMS OF OUR TOWNSHIP. COMPLETION OF LAND USE ZONING PROTECTION UNDER OUR OFFICIAL PLAN. REALISTIC 'APPROACH TO PRESSURES 0F URBANIZATION AND REGIONAL CONTROL. STRICT BYâ€"LAW ENFORCEMENT. THE MAN WITH THE TIME FOR THE JOB. FOR COUNCIL 22 years of public_ser_vice RE- ELECT (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) for 1970 WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP Norman T. BARNARD nuv: YOUR COUNCILLOR THESE PAST TWO YEARS RR. 3, NEWMARKET 895-2970 & \VmeVmevamvme"mV'yZmV'KR'R’fiZM”~"9 SIMON'S Concrete Mobile LTD. for Fill your tank TODAY - with our Fuel 011. Take no chances with a low sup ply. Buy the best . . . buy from us. RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 TOWNSHIR 727'5091 Quality Controlled ' Concrete Wall Forming Floor Finishing \lETT Bil

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