Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1969, p. 13

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Members of St. John Am- bulance Brigade held a very en- joyable Christmas get-together on Friday evening at the home or Mr. and Mrs. George Dohcrty of Mill Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Painter arrived on Friday from Liver- pool. England. to spend the Christmas holidays with their son and family, Dr. Robert Painter. Mrs. Painter. Charles and Cathy on Vaughan Road. Mr. and Mrs. John Asher of Gait are spending the Christ- mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones on Knollside Drive. Miss Mary Dawson is spend- ing this week in Florida. She will celebrate Christmas with her brother, Alex Dawson, Mrs. Dawson and their daughter, Mrs. Kathy Burnie of Oshawa. at Brandon. Illlll\\\l\llll\ll\|llllllllllllllllllllllllllNllllHllllIll“lllllllllllllllllllllll“ A Christmas party was held on Saturday evening by train- ees of ARC Industries and pit. pils from Thornhaven School. who with their families enjoyed an evening of dancing and en- tertainment. ’l'lmr’s Gold In That 'I‘har Legion, On Sunday last December 14 tiainees and senio1 pupils of Thomhax en “0316 entertained bv the Internal Order of agles at Nouh 101k Vetelans ocial Club 1mm“\muuuumuumumuuuum“munum\uummumuumw Versatility and variety was the keynote of the pro- gram â€"- Down By The Old Mill Stream. lulled the audience into a delightful reverie â€" but not for long! Somebody Stole My Cal and Give Me That Old Soft Shoe and similar songs from the good old days soon had the audience aud- ihly tapping their feet in accompanying rhythm. Looking at the attractive chorus line of "The 375 Golden Nugget" presented recently by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion. one would never think that Christmas greetings are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold llemstad. who are currently on a world tour. and will be spending the feslive season in Australia. Mrs. llemstad is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins, Church Street South. four of the members grandmothers and the mainder admit to being next birthday”! From the opening num- ber of the show. a Can Can. one realizes that the cast has boundless verve and vitality. dexterously exercising the high kicks and ryhthmic movements of this invigorating dance. Many of the numbers were accompanied by the Auxiliary Highsteppers dis- playing their dancing abil- ity and one cast member in particular should have auditioned for “Hair” her convolutions were in perfect accord with the rhythm. be it Can Can. Waltz or soft shoe! Producer Gloria Sanford â€"â€" this caused many a reverb- eration from the audience. especially when hearing their individual names mentioned. The show was a delight with an infectious gaiety which permeated Legion (‘ourt from the opening to closing number and the producer and assistant pro- ducers. Audrie Apperley. Mabel Brookcr. Ethel Buck, Elsie Burnie. Gerry Chap- man. Joan Dickson. Ida Ellis. Marie Finnerty. \‘i Lawrie. Lucy Rickard. Mary Robson. Nancy Sut- clift‘e and Edith Titshall. are to be congratulated on “a jolly good show". This will be the 11th year the auxiliary, under the direction of Producer Sanford. has presented an annual show. with different themes and attractive co- ordinated costumes. “The Golden Nugget 375" has been enthusias- tieall)K received by mem- bers of the local Legion. the Senior Citizens. auxil- iary branches in Keswick. Bolton and “'illowdale and the Villa Hospital. Obviously a very popular item in the show was “Wel- come To Our Guests" by What is the theme for next year's show? It has already been decided but is closely under wraps. From the glint in Producer Sallforh‘s eye ifs going to be good -â€" a local produc- tion of “Hair" maybe! are 1'8- “39 (llSplay OI Ul‘lenlal aruc1es and ipcnny auction rounded out “"3 ate to the season was provided evening. i lby pupils from the vocal studio ‘ Chrlstmas “"5“” were l’x"of Miss Joan Hall. The singers changed and a jolly lime “'aslincluded MiSS Jean Hamilton. ,had by all. Beverley Charbanick, Bruce "‘ "' * lPlunkett. all residents of the Three pupils of Miss RutthillaL and Judith Thomas. Car- Garson successfully auditioned lotte Barber. Cathy Maxwell. for the Christmas concert held Ann Beckwith and Joan Plume. December 13 by the Canadian Mrs. Gloria Park accompan- Trinity Teacliers' Association‘ied them on the piano. at North York Public Library.l Dancers Denise Sexion and A program of songs appropri- Members of the Richmond Hill Jaycettes held their Christ- mas Dinner on December 8 at the home of Joyce Nakamichi, 343 North Taylor Mills Drive. Homecooked Oriental food was served and an attractive display of Oriental articles and penny auction rounded out the evening. Jim, currently on a tour of Europe, went to Germany from Ireland where he had spent a nostalgic holiday seeing his birthplace, Ballymena, North- ern Ireland, and stayed with his grandfather, Robert Hamilton.. A confirmation class [or ad- ults and young people at least 15 or in high school will be held at St. Matthew's United Church in the New Year. Those wishing to attend are asked to contact the minister, Rev. James Burn. Happy Christmas to Jim Ham- ilton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hamilton. of Rockport Crescent. who will .be spending the festive season in Germany, staying at the home of Mrs. Margo Worm. mother of local resident, Alfred Worm of Cen- tre Street East. Corporal Wayne Bowerman, Mrs. Bowerman and children, Edwina and Ronald, of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, are spend- ing the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowerman of Sussex Avenue. Corporal Bowel-man. a mem- ber of the Canadian Armed Forces Air Services Branch, is stationed in Moose Jaw. Pianists Linda Hare and Di- ana Bubeloff played Christmas music and a selection from their own repertoire and Singer Judith Dodson sang The Bells Of Christmas and The Carol Of The Birds and played a recital arrangement of Christmas numbers. A tape of Leon Major‘s ad- judication of “A Delicate Bal- ance” was the program for the last meeting of the Curtain Club held December 8 at the theatre, 25 Yonge Street North. Leon Major attended the De- cember 5 performance of the play and later met the director, cast and crew at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crack, for the adjudication, followed by an informal discussion of the play and playwright, Edward Albee. Leon cember play an cast an “Gleetings of the season and best wishes £01 a year of hap- piness. " YWCA The campaign committee of the Richmond Hill and District YWCA has a message for all â€" “As the campaign draws to a close we extend our thanks to the residents of the Richmond Hill area for your generous supâ€" port. To date we have received over 55.000 and donations are still being accepted at 25 Yonge Street North. This will enable us to carry on with our pro- gram to serve you in the New Trees. Trees, Trees It's still not too late to get your Christmas tree from the Rotary Club‘s lot in front of Town Auto Body. Yonge Street North. They have an excellent selec- tion of pine and spruce trees and the salesmen 1club mem- bersl believing in the old adage “the customer is always right" couldn’t be more solicitous in helping you find exactly what you are looking for. The lot will be staffed until Christmas Eve â€"â€" why not drop in and make your personal con- tribution to the Rotary Club for the many community pro- jects undertaken annually by the club from the proceeds of this sale and other fund raising events? 'Tis the season to be merry -â€" how about you? Entertaining at Christmas Parties? Guests from out of town? Going away for the festive season? Keep “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your activities by calling the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 or by dropping a line to 63 Yonge Street South. The service is free â€" but news items must be in the office by Tuesday noon for inclusion in the current is- sue. The editor would like to take this opportunity of ex- tending to one and all every good wish for the holiday season and a very Merry Christmas. They “7111 study the book “Man In Life”. St. Matthe\\"s United Church Adult Study Group for couples and singles will meet for six sessions at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. 433 Osiris Drive. beginning January 8. Christmas came a little early" at the Villa Hospital this year with Mrs. Santa (ho! ho! ho! Margaret Barenthin) entertain-1 ment director. sliding up the chimney to spread charm. cheer and gifts. Following dinner the festive evening continued with enter- tainment provided by Mrs. Santa's busy helpeifis. The Couples‘ Club of St. Mat-y The many friends of Mrs. thew‘s United Church is hold-'Floyd Perkins, Church Street, ing a New Year's Eve Party at South will be sorry to hear she the home of Robbie and Eileen is in the intensive care unit of Robbins. York Central Hospital having Interested couples are askedisufiered a coronary on Tuesday to sign the list on the vestibule last. bulletin board. 1..“ nun-uh “mumunmummmummuum Dancers Denise Sexion and Carolyn Lismore, from the Den- nis Moore School of Dancing, rounded out the program with several enjoyable dance rout- ines. The evening concluded with everyone joining in Christmas carols. Ill“\llllll\lll\“llllllllllllflllull‘l\|lllllllll“M“l\l\l\lll\\\l\lllll““1““ “A way In A Manger” Mull“l\\\“MM“!ll!ll\\\\l\lll\l\\\llll\\\l\lllllll\\l\\\\ll\\\\ll\l\\ll\\\ Rotary News The speaker at the Decem- ber 8 meeting of the local Rot- ary Club was Art Robertson, principal and headmaster at Variety Village. Variety Village. l After dinner, entertainment? A vocational schoolfo1 p11\si-‘“as provided by the Senior cally handicapped teenagels ‘Citizens Choir who sang several the school is SPODSOI‘Ed by. carols and a solo by Mrs. Mai-j Variety Club, which is a se1vice Duchorth. E1e1-y one then club in one sense of the \VOI‘djjOined in a general singsong. with one \e1’3 distinct differâ€"| This “as folloned by pupils ence. To be a member of Variâ€" of the Dennis Moore School of ety Club. you must derixe partinancing “ho gave an excellent of your income from the enter- program of dancing. showing ‘tainment field. 'their versatility with a vari- Since the T010nto club 11 as ety of classical. tap and modem started thev haxe had 255 boys. n.umbers This was very much all but 8 being employ.ed In enjoyed by all. 1968 they paid the 001 ernment The highlight of the evening a total of $70. 000 income ta\ “as a drama on school life in and this year Mr. Robertson re- the good old days. presented ported that between them they by club members. The costum- will make $1,000.000 in income. es were hilarious. with mem- Since the Totonto club was ety of classical, tap and modern started they have had 255 boys, numbers. This was \ery much all but 8 being employed. In enjoyed by all. 1968 they paid the government' The highlight of the evening a total of 570.000 income tax was a drama on school life in and this year Mr. Robertson re- the good old days. presented ported that between them they by club members. The costum- will make $1,000.000 in income. es were hilarious. with mem- He then showed 40 slides of hers dressed in children's cloth- the boys and school. all of es of 50 years ago with panta- which were very interesting. loons and plenty of ribbon! The theme of the school is not This show made a real hit with the disability of the boys. but all the seniors. their ability to graduate and' Mrs. Yerdella Dixon, leader take their places in society. Eat the seniors’ choir was the Mr. Robertson was introduc- talented director of the show. ed by Ken Brown and thanked Mrs. Elsie Aston accompanied by Ed Nokes. ‘the choir on the piano. KK’KKflKKKKOi IQKKKKKKIKWKKK'KKKK On Monday last the annual children‘s Christmas party was held. complete with Santa, ma- gician. fun and games. 7 Next week Jack Reid give his classification talk In a real manger filled with straw and tended by a donkey and a little lamb, lay the Baby Jesus who was three-week-old John Som- ers of Markham. The Mother Mary was Mary Jane Paton, gowned in blue and white, praying at the Babe's head, while Joseph, Cameron McKittrick, knelt at the foot of the manger with staff in hand. Last Sunday morning the nursery department of Richmond Hill United Church presented their Na- tivity Tableau to the con- gregation. The angels in white gowns. some with wings and stars, were Jane Per- ratt, Jennifer MacKenzie, Ingrid Trulsen, Susan Roseblade, Kathryn Hunt- er, Katharine Thomson, Gil- lian Booth, Joan Whitting- ham, Christine Gerber and Barbie Anne Lekx. The three wisemen in colorful robes bearing gifts were Drew Thompson, Glen Dimpfel and Mark Merner. The shepherds with lambs and crooks were Neil Suter and Mark Dimpfel. As the children grouped around the manger, the junior and teen choirs and the kindergarten depart- ment sang “Away In A Manger“. A feeling of goodwill and fellowship prevailed as visitors from other churches came to share the Christmas tableau. Mrs. Dorie Hiscott led the child- ren. assisted by Marion Babcock, Elizabeth Miller. Sheila Watters and Jane Hiscott. 51’“ Almost anyone has a special and dish “hich family or f1iends ““5 enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers. be it ’°°k‘main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€"â€" how about arly Iyours? lual' Ed Lomax extended a vote of was‘thanks to the UCW and Dennis ma- Moore dancers and Mr. Me.- Pherson thanked everyone who will had worked so hard to make {the party such a success. This holiday mould makes an excellent accompaniment for your leftover turkey. CRANBERRY CABBAGE SALAD cups finely shiedded cab- bage tsp. salt cups fresh cup water to 1 cup sugar pkgs. (3 ounces eachl lemon jelly powder 1/2 cup cold water 1 cup boiling water 8 to 12 ice cubes Sprinkle shredded cabbage with salt. Wrap in damp cloth and crisp in refrigerator. Cook cranberries with 1/4 cup water and the sugar over heat for five minutes. Drain, 1‘“ese1\ing syrup. Dissolve one package of lemon jelly ponder in hot cranberry syrup, drained cranberries and cold \x‘ater.‘ Pour half of the mixâ€" ture into a 11/2 quart ring mould. Chill until. set but not firm. Dissolve second package of lemon jelly powder compete- ly in the 1 cup of boiling water. Add ice cubes and stir constant- ly for 2â€"3 minutes or until jelly starts to thicken. melted ice. Stir in shredded cabbage. Pour over set layer of cranberries. Chill until set but not firm. Pour in remaining cranberry - jelly mixture and chill until firm. Makes eight to 10 servings. N .14 cranberries 1O: “ thfi‘NF‘ medium . add 1 Homestead Street Remove un-. Joining in the 1 The Ladies Auxiliaryâ€" to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, wish the many organiz- ations they have worked with‘ throughout the year and friends la very Merry Christmas and a successful New Year. 3I1 =:< >1< Attending the Dawson-Detlcf- sen wedding in Albany. New York, on Saturday were: Dr. and Mrs. Alan Ripley and Stephen of Cachet Club Gormley: Pol- ice Chief Robert Robbins and Mrs. Robbins of Rockpmt Cies- cent and Miss Mary Dawson of “The Liberal" staff. The “edding took place in Saint Margaret Maly's Chu1ch. Albany at 6.30 pm and “as followed im- mediately by a reception at the Bavarian Chalet. Western Turn- pike. Schenectady. The groom was Glen Dawson, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson, of Plymouth. Mass, former residents of Centre Street West and Mill Street in Richmond Hill. The bride was Marguerite Ann Det- lefsen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Detlefsen of Albany. Glen is employed in the federal tax department and his bride is employed in the state tax department. . nuumuuuunumumummuumuumuunmumuuuumlmmm nummuluuuulnulumuuuumum\uuuumnmum“ummnmw R. H. Senior Citizens There was a full turnout of Senior Citizens, 180 in all. for the annual Christmas Show held December 11 in the Rich- mond Hill United Church. The dinner. served by mem- bers of the UCW. included ten- der roast beef with three vege- tables and a choice of any kind of homemade pie. What’s Cooking? Wondering what to do with the children during the holiday season once the excitement of playing with their new presentS' has worn off? The Curtain Club has the answer and you’ll enjoy it too! Take them to see the delightful Christmas musi- cal “Rumpel Stiltskin“ be- ing presented December 27 at 7.30 pm and December 28 at 2 and 4.30 pm at Bay- view Secondary School. Directed by Ronald Chudley. Rumpel Stiltskin received critic's acclaim when it played last year to packed houses at the Col- onnade Theatre in Toronto. and with the present cast of Kay Turner (the popu- lar barmaid of “The Pig and Whistle Show"). Ron Scott. Trevor Stanley, Yvette Steel, Ed Moriarity and Yancy Bukovec. it should be bigger and better than ever. Reserve your tickets to- day â€" $1 for adults and 50 cents for children â€" bv calling Beth Jones at 884- 6947 or from The Playpen, Levendale Road, and give the children a jolly post- Christmas surprise. Mrs. Santa, The North Pole The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, wish the many organiz- ations they have worked with throughout the year and friends a very Merry Christmas and a successful New Year. Attending the Dawson-Detlcfâ€" sen wedding in Albany. New York, on Saturday were: Dr. and Mrs. Alan Ripley and Stephen of Cachet Club. Gormley: Pol- ice Chief Robert Robbins and Mrs. Robbins of Rockport Cres- cent and Miss Mary Dawson of “The Liberal" staffi The wedding took place in The g1oom was Glen Dawson, g 5ounger son of Mr. and Mrs. g William Dawson, of Plymouth 3! Mass, former residents ofg Centre St1eet West and Ming“; Street in Richmond Hill. The@ b1ide was Marguerite Ann Bet-Lg; lefsen, daughteI of Mr. ands! Mrs. Karl Detlefsen of Albany. ‘5 Glen is employ ed in the federgal‘ tax department and his bride is employed in the state tax department. . The many friends and 'cus- tomers of the Spasopoulos brothers; owners of the Three Coins Restaurant, will join us in wishing them a Very Merry Christmas and New Year. And a happy festive season it will be .. for the first time in eight years the whole fami- ly will be together at this spe- cial time of the year when family ties are strongest. Ted Spasopoulos was the first of his family to come to Canada from Greece eight years ago, Bill joined him in this country five years ago and Teli came three years ago. A month ago their parents. Peter and Helen and sister Jeanie arrived, along with Teii's fiancee, from Floriana, Greece. The elder Spasopoulos are en- joying getting acquainted with their four grandchildren, three of whom have been Canada. Christmas Day will begin with attendance at church, and then home to a traditional Greek Christmas feast which will feature turkey. In Greece the bird would have been pur- chased several weeks ago and fed special foods to fit it for the festive table. Also featured will be beef tea. boiled pork, pigs feet, ears and ribs. ' .Q “We'll huff and We'll puff" â€"â€" and as one can see from the above photograph taken at the Christmas party held by the Couples Club of Richmond Hill United Church, there are obviously a few experts in this field among members as the ball is well over the line of no return. The party, held December 13 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Dilworth on Boisdale Avenue, was a great success and over 18 couples enjoyed a delightful buffet dinner, games and dancing. Joining in the fun were the ministers, Rev. Robert Smith and Rev. Allen Hallett, and their wives. born S’fix’flflfiKKrifi-Kfiil‘W-fififimKKWâ€"KKfi-ZxxifilfikmfiEWING On Christmas Morning All Eyes On T he Ping - Pong Ball! A star may glow in its orbit; Moons may wax and wane; The wondrous sights of northern lights Shall come and go again. But never a shining light Has brightened land and sea As that which lies in children's eyes Around the Christmas tree. As shepherds watched, the angels came to tell of Christmas glory. Our per- sonal greeting to you. and may many blessings be yours ROBERT D. LITTLE 9“!!ku WKâ€"nfifi ‘Vounu ”uni in“ Evan Hanan II a? g Egflmlmammwmmamhmamrmm“mahxflmmx KKKKKKKKKQE Kfllfifilfi'fliflflflflfflflflfllKIRKK‘BEKKKKKIKIK‘Q HEMK4 (Photo by Stuart's Studio!

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