THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayvlew at Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproule 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1970 CHRISTMAS II 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am, â€" Holy Communion Church School Nursery to Teens Thursday 9.30 am. a Holy Communion HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. Canon H. R. Howden, B.A. L.Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. RMT. Organist and Choir Director Thursday NEW YEAR’S DAY 10.30 am. â€" Holy Communion in the Chapel SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1970 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 azm. â€"- Holy Communion Preacher: Rev. Charles Ledger 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Trinity Teens and Twenties Maple Community Centre Keele Street North. Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 7 p.m. -â€" Evening Service Nursery Facilities for both Services MAPLE ALLIANCE ST. STEPHEN‘S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage 8 mm. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am CHRISTMAS II 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Nursery in Rectory Everybody Welcome ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge At Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector: Rev. David McGuire Assts. Rev. Fred Jackson Rev. Bruce Fraser SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 8 â€"â€" Holy Communion 10.30 â€"- Holy Communion Sermon by the Rector 7 â€" Holy Communion Sermon by the. Rector Wednesday 10 Holy Communion THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street (Convention of Ont. & Que.) RenMinton Johnston. D.D. Min. Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 1970 10 am. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Service of Worship Nursery and Junior School RELAX FIND WHAT YOU WANT BY READING AND USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Do you know of an easier way to shop or sell? When you make the “Liberal" Classifed columns your mar ket place, all you do is place your ad and wait for the phone to ring (and ring it will) or sit back and enjoy reading the Classified col- umns, then phone for an appointment to see the ad- vertised items. Want ads do the work â€" and quickly. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Muchy Drive -â€" Richvnle Rev. William J. Rhode- 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 PHONES 884-1105 - 884-1983 “The Liberal†“Home Paper of the District Since 1878†ANGLICAN BAPTIST ALLIANCE _ RICHMOND HILL E BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street CHURC}! (Opposite the High School) Centre ‘Pastor. Rev. A. B. Arnot, D.D , Maple 884-3091 vidson SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School es Nursery supervision ‘chool 11 am. â€" Service of Believers :rvice ‘ Baptism ~ . By Attending The ' Church Of Your Choice “The Midnight Hour" Note: Jan. 11-16 Jimmy Lake An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill 1 (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. J. B. W. Lawrence B.A.. B.D.. Pastor WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrlck Road Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden, Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer. Resurrection, Rapture and Revelation Wednesday. Dec. 31 9 pm. â€" Watchnight Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1970 11 am. â€" Message: 7 pm. â€" Message: vide music Church 884-8033 I There is a class for everyone 9.45 am. â€" Church School for 11 am. ___ Morning Worship All Ages Guest Speaker: Rev. Ward M. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Shantz, District Superintendent Nursery PI‘OVidEd Observance of the Lord‘s Sup- Everyone Welcome per. LANGSTAFF 3 p.m. â€" Baptismal Service at tor'1970. Mr. Norman Lawson will pro- 11 am. -â€" Pastor Cowan 7 pm. â€" Pastor Cowan Wednesday 8 p.m. â€"- Prayer and Bible Study Supervised Nursery at All Sun- (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhill Pastor Tom Cowan MA. BD. SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 9.50 am. -â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" Pastor Cowan day Services IIâ€"I‘I'III ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer , For Information call the Pastor; at 832â€"2528 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 19701 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday Church School 11 am. â€"- Our Service to God, (The Friendly Church) ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue S.. Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee‘ Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 1970 ‘ 'lnrl Sundnv Aftpr Christmas GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. H. S. Hallman, Minister Wednesday, December 31. 9 pm. - 12 pm. - Watchnight Service in Heise Hill Church Special Program is being plan- ned. Our Church People are cordially invited. SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 1970 9.50 am. â€"â€" Bible School With Classes for All Ages. (For Transportation by bus call 887-5303 or 887-5846) 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Theme: New Year's 7.30 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wednesday. January 7. 1970 8 pm. â€"- Prayer and Bible Friday 8 pm, â€"-â€" Youth Fellowship A Warm Welcome Awaits You. I Bayview Avenue S.. Near Centre St. 7-30 F Richmond Hill Wed The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee8 P-m Pastor 884-5264 1 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 19708 p.m 2nd Sunday After Christmas ‘A W3 9.30 am. â€" Sunday Church X School. 11:00 am. -â€" The Service Nursery care is provided during the Service Visitors are warmly welcomed CHRIST THE KING 3 LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. F Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive. Thonhill. Ontario jSUNDl Arnold D. Weigel, B.A.. 8.1)., 11 am Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1970 9.3 9.30 am. â€" Sunday Church 1 School â€"â€" Grades 3 - 8. Wedne: 11 am. -â€" Sunday Church MAP] School Nursery â€" Grade 2 Keeh 11 am. â€" Service of Worship Infant Nursery Provided Rev Everybody Welcome RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH‘ CHURCH Rev. William Wallace 1SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 Minister ‘11 am. â€" Church Service Miss Joan Weir LFor further Information call Organist and Choir Director | 889-2131 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 1970‘CARRV‘Imâ€"CHURCH 9.45 am. â€" ChUTCh SChOOl- 5‘ Mrs. Gordon MacKay years and up. . ‘ Director of Music 11 am. â€" Junlors, 5 years and‘sUNDAy, JANUARY 4, 1970 under !9.45 am. h W0 11' S " 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 1 rs 1p eruce THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1970 9.30 am. - 11 am. & 7 pm. Services of Worship 889-5391 271 Centre Street Thornhill. Ontario Highway No. 7B The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans. D.D Minister PRESBYTERIAN COWBOY BOOTS . . . . . . WORK BOOTS SKATE EXCHANGE Richmond Heights SHOE REPAIR SHOE REPAIR SERVICE LUTHERAN 40 Levendale Rd. (formerly in the Mall. Richmond Heights Centre) LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Fast. Expert Work Also a Fine Selection of All Welcome Subject: Prospects ST. ANDREW‘S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Ont. and ST. PAUL'S. 7th Con. Vaughan, Rev. B. F. Andrew Minister Miss Loris Adamson. Organist SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1970 10 am. â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul‘s Church and Sunday School The Missionary Church RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Pastor, Rev. Andrew P. Jones 884-6136 SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 9.50 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour There is a class for everyone 7 pm. 'â€" Evening Fellowship Topic: "Christian Stewardship" Tuesday 7.30 p.m. â€" Youth Fellowship A Toboggan Party Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Mid-Week Service of Prayer and Bible Study Friday 7 p.m. â€"- Navigators - ages 9-12 Evening Activities are in members’ homes. Call 884-6136 for further informa- tion. Everyone Welcome to a New Church with a New Ministry Gormley 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F. James. Burn, BA, BB, Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 1970 SUNDAY, 11 am. â€"- Worship Service (Infant Care) Church School 9.30 am. -â€" Ages 6â€"14 11 am. -â€" Ages 3-5 Wednesday, 4 pm. Ages Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Booger: ‘Director of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R‘C.T 11 am. â€"- Service of Worship 11 am. -â€" Church School a;tumuuumuluumunumm\llnu\uumuumumumumuuuuummuuuuumnnu\umnu\uuuuummumlml\uuuuuuumumu‘ " E HAVE YOUR DOCTOR CALL 773-5431 , annmuumuummummmm11mmnumummuumn11umu11u\mnmmlmnnumuummmmunuuumummmmmnuunumu MAPLE UNITED CHURCH ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH PHARMACY 'I'RY US JUST ONCE CORNER of YONGE & KING SIDEROAD OAK RIDGES WELCOME TO ALL IVE W YMPn/VE W 00/118 Grand, new heights are open to us in the wonderful year ahead, thanks to the loyal spirit of so many ï¬ne customers. W'shing You Every Success and a Happy New Yea UNITED 4 Miles North of Richmond Hill at Plenty of Free Parking FOR PRESCRIPTIONS . . . WE WILL PROVE THAT WE 'CAN SAVE YOU MONEY REGULARLY SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS All welcome HARRIS OPEN UNTIL 10 RM. â€" 364 DAYS A YEAR! Ages 6-8 9.45 am. â€" Church School Nursery, Primary. Kindergarten 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streezs) Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Rev. Allen E. Hallett 889-9126 Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY. JANUARY 4. 1970 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and music- Pastor Rev. David A. Dyer, B.A.. 8.1).l 884-6629 Dec. 31 - 8:30 p.m. New Year‘s Eve Fellowship at the MacFarlane's SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1970 9:45 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Worship Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Sunday Evening Gospel Hour Tuesday 7.30 p.m. and Bible Study -â€" Midweek Prayer 1 Harman. Frank Baker of Toronto is visiting his sister. Mrs. Elias Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Benson and family enjoyed Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. iWillard Benson at Owen Sound. Lachlan Munro, who is atâ€" tending university at St. John's. Newfoundland. is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munro. Mr. and Mrs. David Heise and daughter of Kearns are spending the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor, W. M. Mercer 223-4478 Saturday 9.30 am. Sabbath School 11. am. Divine Worship Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Public Cordially Invited Other Denominations SUNDAY. JANUARY 4, 1970 9.45 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Family Service, Speaker: Rev. Allan Burrow 7.30 p.m. â€" Rev Allan Burrow 6:30 p.m.â€"â€"â€"Communion Service Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study All Welcome DONCASTER BIBIJE’CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue, Richule SUNDAY 930 am. â€" The Lord’s Supper 11 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Monday Doras Club Boys' Brigade 7 pm. â€" Ages 12 and up Tuesday 8 13.111. â€" Service for Prayer Thursday Ladies Meeting Friday 8 pm. -â€" Young Peoples RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL NOT' A DENOMINATION A CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ORDER A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 D. Lowery. Sec., 884-4880 ; CONCORD 1 SUNDAY SERVICES 9.45 am. â€"â€" Bible School ‘11 am. -- Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Worship and Com- munion. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Sharon Community Hall 1st. Building North of Sharon Temple Every Sunday at 11 am. Service and Sunday School Wednesday Meetings. 8 pm. Last Wednesday of each Month Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Bible Study The Old blacksmith ShOP atiAng'lican Church of Canada‘s Claremont has been converted first woman deacon, in an 01-. into a gospel hall by Fred’dination ceremony at Huron Smith who purchased the I’M-College, London. kett property a few montns ago.‘ Mary Laker Mills of Glencoe kett property‘a few months ago. , MaIV'y'Laker Mills of Glencoe He was assmted by Norman in Western Ontario, "joined the Maye. . . . ranks of the clergy" when she nghtly meetings ““11 begin received her ordering to the at 8 pm January 4' full deaconate of the church â€"- The ï¬r“ speaker will be Jim the first step towards women Sm_ifch 0f Wallamia , L‘priests. she said. Convert Old Smithy Claremont Gospel Hall The group which will be worshipping in the converted blacksmith shop have been: holding Sunday afternoon set-L vices and Sunday school in thewI township hall. (Clarke and Willowdale Sts.) the Stoplight: Another year is but another Mrs. E. B. Read and W. H. call from God. to do some deedlBanford spent Christmas with undone. some duty we forgotzihis son-in-law and daughter, to think some wider thought of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lee at Oak- man and good. to see and love ville. with kindlier eyes and warmer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson heart: until acquainted more and children spent several days with Him. and keener eyed. to‘with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne sense the need of men we serve,lBrown at Tottenham. with larger sacrifice and readier‘ Friends in this area were hand. eadflnnnd u. haul-n n: n“. curlrlan Happy New Year to all! Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Ted Jones and children are spending two weeks‘ holiâ€" day with her parents in Min- neapolis. Minnesota. Gerald Sudeyko and Miss Heather McDonald flew to Vancouver to spend the holiday season with her parents. Rev. Don Thornhill, Mrs. Thornhill and girls of South Bend, Indiana. spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Gordon Harman. Mr. and Mrs. David Heisei and daughter of Kearns are} spending the vacation with hisi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Miss Carol Steckley of Nasâ€" sau. Mr. and Mrs. John Eyre and family of Niagara Falls, New York, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McTaggart, Miss Reatha Steck- ley and Mr. and Mrs. J. Greene and son all of Toronto were Christmas guests of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steck- ley. Gormley Neighbor-hand Notes Miss Patsy Hunking of Kitch- ener visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Byer of Calgary. Alberta. are visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empring- ham. Other Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byer of St. Ann’s Lloyd Byer of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Empringham and Bradley of Queensville -and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Empringham and family of Unionville. , Rev. Andrew McNiven. Mrs. McNiven. Robert and Marlene were guests at the wedding of their son and brother, Donald at the Brethren in Christ Church at Boyle on December 26. Rev. Walter Kelly and Mrs. Kelly left from Toronto Inter- national Airport on Sunday for missionary service in Nicar- agua. Misses Ferne and Shirley Doner of Regina, Saskatchewan are holidaying with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donâ€" Miss Marilyn Stacey, RN, who is taking a course in in- tensive care nursing in Rich- mond. Virginia, spent Christâ€" mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steckley and John spent the holiday sea- son with her mother, Mrs. Clyde Slaymaker at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. , Mrs. Beulah Jones enjoyed Christmas with her daughter-in- larw. Mrs. Edythe Jones and sons of Toronto. Mrs. E. C. Wilford, Mrs. Win- nifred Ferguson. Mrs. Gertrude Keenan, all of Toronto are- spending the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Britnell. uu vuA \AMJ u A high school teacher. grand-‘Mills of Oxford Centre (near‘ 7 "W mother of nine and mother of‘iWoodstock) was ordained four"held a skatmg par five. December 22. became theiyears ago, her late husband. Anglican Church of _ Canada‘sLRichard, “(as a church warden H, “or -L..-..I.. ".HI __sc_:ARBORo â€" Previously women were set apart or commissioned as dea- concsses with no status she said. “The Canadian church never made a statement about the position of a deaconess†Glencoe Ontario Woman Becomes First Lady Deacon Anglican Church As a deacon, Mrs. Mills will be given a place in the cleri- cal group of the ordained min- istry. either in synods or other parts of church life. Under the women's auxiliary (now Anglican Church Women) she trained as a missionary and was sent to the Peace River district. As a deaconess she worked with women, children and youth in Christ Church Cathedral in Hamilton. L'Uukboco Wu,“ uv ...... . ____,, .. said. “The Canadian church On ecumenism, Mrs. Mills never made a statement about‘said she doubts the possibility the position of a deaconess." 30f one church for all, "human As a deacon, Mrs. Mills will’nature being what it is". be given a place in the cleri-l But it. would be a good thing 931 group 0f the ordained min-jfor economical reasons if no istry. either in synods 01‘ Otheriother, she said. “But there are parts 0f ChUl‘Ch llfe- [other reasons. We have come "I knew at the age 0f 12 Ia long way but the church is wanted t0 get into church 'being careful, it \vants to work.‘ she'said. In Hamilton,‘make sure the union is a true “ï¬ner: she was born and “159d. one. not create another schism." s e ecame so impressed with - . , _ a deaconess in her own Parish. mi‘ï¬rih “$1.3; ï¬iéiie§§§°éiu§€y it: (LefCthegoto make the Chumhtto become prominent in church Under the women's auxiliaryufe‘ In 19§8 Rev. Shirley Jef- (now Anglican Church Women) 25;; 0:331:13, xaï¬igtgdrauï¬d :2: she trained as â€a mESionm-Y..andPresbyterian Church of Canada. At nights and by correspond- ence she completed high school and received her bachelor of arts degree from Queen's Uni- versity. Mrs. Mills will be known as a “worker-deacon", licensed as honorary assistant curate 'to her home parish in Glencoe. “I im still going to teach. My position in the church will be a voluntary one.“ She teaches business machin- es, accounting and data proces- sing at Glencoe District High School to grades 10. 11 and 12. Mrs. Miils' 5011, Rev. Walter CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. M'ILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 First Jefferson Scouts wish to thank everyone who supported their organization by buying a Christmas Tree from their sale wed --1n- and ‘ Friends in this area were saddened to learn of the sudden passing of James Douglas at Hamilton recently. His wife, :the former Alma Farquharson was raised in our community. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and children spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown at. Tottenham. Miss Frances McKay is spend- ing the Christmas holidays with her parents in Northern On- tario. Her sister. Sylvia McKay who attends Mohawk Day School at Brantford holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ree- sor and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen who cele- brated their 59th wedding an- niversary December 28. Mrs. George Barrett has been confined tb bed over Christmas with sciatica. Merle Coneybeare of Listo- wel spent several days with Mr and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger entertained their family on Christmas Day. Mrs. Nancy Evans was taken to York Central Hospital. Rich- mond'Hill on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillin- ger and family spent several Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek. Albert and Rosemary Leek at- tended a family gathering at the home of Mrs. Dan Reaman of Maple. Eleven children under 10 years of age made the day a memorable one! Unionville Junior Farmers'ing enjoyed a pot luck supper at has Headford United Church recen- ary tly. Roy Robinson showed pic~ 'I tures of his trip and a sump- heli tuous dinner was enjoyed by all. ing Church News Ste The CGIT Candlelight Ser- vice was held at Victoria Square United Sunday evening. The timely theme, “Let there be peace on earth. and let it begin with me", was effectively car- ried through by Gloria Lee, Connie Burton. Joyce Homer. Julie Dunleavy and Debbie Van T01. Miss Cora Brodie and Mrs. Shirley Van T01 had good rea- son to be proud of one of the best candlelight services yet. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings are ex tended to Tonda Nicol, Oxford Street, who was eight years old on December ‘24. Birthdays in the New Year will be celebrated by Leigh Hamilton. January 2.‘ lot A former resident and memâ€" ber of St. John's. Mrs. Mary Ann McNair was interred at the Aurora Cemetery on December 22. Colleen Boyle and Danny Orâ€" satti. January 3. Sharon Work- man. January 5 and to Patricia Worton, January 7. Sympathy is also extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day of Jef- ferson Sideroad in the death of Mrs. Day's mother. Mrs. Maude Lee, who had been hospitalized Richard.â€"\vas a church \vardeu. I SCARBORO __ Mrs Muriel She believes the church w111 Clarke. who on December 31 have to go back into the homes, ended nearly 20 years service as â€d0 more sitting anfl talkmg‘a Scarboro school trustee. says With people". 'I_‘he disenchant‘imodern schools aren’t neces- ed youth can flnd what 1t 15 $ better schools. ‘ looking for in the church, she “I can’t say that all the said. changes that have taken place “It seems youth wants every- thing cut and dried â€"â€" no mirâ€" acles -â€"- yet it is turning to things like mysticism, maybe because it is something un- known." JACKPOT $500 JANUARY 6th â€" 20 Regular Games $20 1 share the wealth â€" 1 rainbow â€" 1 pie plate Earlybirds 7.30 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MARILYN RUMBLE PHONE 884-2577 EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. Yonge St. N. HEADFORD NEWS St. Mary’s Parish Hall St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) BINGO 1, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Harvey ‘of Sault Ste. Marie spent the ‘holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harvey. days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weaver at Cobo- conk. Mr. and Mrs. Neale Sider and family of Wainfleet spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wideman. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger were Mr. and Mrs‘ Gary Winger of Sud- bury and Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore and family of Wain- fleet. Rev. R. Inglis and Us spent a week with Miss K. C. Inglis at Nova Scotia. Sam Kabiotis Opened his drive-in snack bar on the northâ€" east corner of Don Mills Road and the Gormley Sideroad on Saturday. Spending the holiday season with his daughter. Mrs. Robert Bremner, was Angus Millar of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harvey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Harvey of Sault Ste. Marie were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and of Toronto. Parkside Youth Centre will be showing the Moody Science Film “The Windows of the Soul“ in color on Sunday night, January 4 at 9.15 pm. for over a year. The late Mrs. Lee was interred at St. John‘s Cemetery on December 24. Church News The service at St. John‘s An- glican on Sunday at 11 am will be the litany . The usual first Sunday even- The usual first Sunday even-‘ ing fireside held at St. Mark sl has been postponed until Janu-} ary 11. The annual carol service was held at St. John's Sunday even- ing. Lessons were read by Mrs. Stewart Barfitt, Graham Carson‘ Miss Cindy Wilton. Robert Sayers. Miss Billie Locke. Stew- art Bell. Mrs. Betsie Gerber. Mrs. Angelt Eliot and Miss Rosalie Stephenson. “A Christ- mas Lullaby" was sung by Mrs. Dorothy Wilton and Miss Bren- da Ash and the choir sang the ‘anthem “Birthday of a King†with Larry Wilton as soloist. The three‘ celebrations of Holy Communion on Christmas Day were well attended and the church had been filled to capa- city on the previous Sunday when Rev. Earl Gerber and Leonard Lomas had engaged in a “dialogue" sermon. Early readers are reminded of the New Year's Eve Party to be held at 10 pm in the upper room of the parish hall. There will be an adjournment to the church for prayers at 11:45 pm, then at 12:15 refreshments will be served in the upper room. The rummage sale organized by Miss Elizabeth Flood at St. Mark’s Chapel, Oak Ridges, December 20 was most success- ful and realized the sum of $70 for the much needed snowmo- bile for the clergyman at Port Harrison. Quebec. St. John‘s was beautifully deâ€" corated for the Christmas Sea- son and the flowers on the altar were given to the glory of God and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Legge by their daughter Miss Bessie Legge of Toronto. The two young people‘s groups had most informative experiences during their court. visits over the past two days at the provincial courts at Wil- lowdale and Newmarket. On Saturday at 7:30 pm they will hold a skating party. “I can’t say that all the changes that have taken place in the schools are an improve- ment." she says. Mrs. Clarke says introduction of party politics on a municipal level will create difficulties for trustees in the coming year. Mrs. Clarke has been board chairman four times. most re cently in 1968. In 1967 she was vice-chairman of Metro School Board. Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisement (e.g. Box 50 “The Liberal") Please include in your reply only material that will fit into a regular business envelope. BOX NUMBER ADVERTISEMENTS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 1. 1970 TO ANSWER Mrs. Aubrey Barker Stay-laters Mrs. Ing- his sister‘ Lochobar‘ 521“]: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family. and Miss Janet Colvin. ’of Richmond Hill spent Christ- 1mas with Mr. and Mrs Maurice Hamill and family at Markham. 'iDuring the aflernoon they reâ€" his ceived Christmas greetings via orthâ€" radio station CFRB from Cor- Roadiporal Neil Donnelly with the d on Canadian Armed Forces in Ger- imany. Neil resided with the aâ€WWI-{art family a number of years L the ago and aï¬ended pubnc school Mr. here. Ing- ister. obar A Happy and Prosperous 1970M) Clarke Canning. nine, Janu- to one and all is the sincere‘ary 6, wish of your correspondent! ‘ Clarence Steckley visited Mrs. Neighborhood Notes Helen Watt and family at Scar- A speedy recovery is wished‘boro on Wednesday. for John Empringham who is. Visitors over Christmas with ill in York‘ Central HosPitalvar. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley R‘Chm‘md Hl‘l- . lwere Mr. and Mrs. Michael Me- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and Queen of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. family. and Miss Janet Col\'in.,Jim Kennedy of Oak Ridges. Of Richmond Hill spent Christ-ers' Jim Kennedy and family mas with Mr. and Mrs Mauricebf Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamill and family at Markhaln.:smckley and Stephen of Toron- Dur‘“ “‘9 aftern‘m" they Faito. Mn and Mrs. Don Steckley ceived Christmas greetings Vlaland family of Willowdale and radio station CFRB fro!“ cor'lthe MacDonald boys of Willow- poral Neil Donnelly thh ‘heldale. Charlie Hart. spent Christmas with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie and family at Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bucha- nan and family of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nichols and family of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichols. Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton spent Christmas with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Andrew Forson and family lat Cannington. l Miss Vera Nichois of Toronto spent Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. here The Perkins Family cele- brated their Christmas by hold- ing it in the community hall Mrs. John Empringham, Mrs. Lillian Knapp and Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys and James Woodward were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton and girls spent Christmas with Mrs. Earl Jackson and family at Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker were guests at Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Steckley and family at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pennock, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. William Sandie and Betty spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace. vv uuaun unuuu. uuu u..u_, -rfl..- Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.i""'1;lleufirst euchre bf the NEW Stanley Boynton and Grace. ‘Year will be held in the com- Birthday greetings to Jean munity hall Friday evening, Vanderkooy. 13. January 4. and January 9 at 8 pm. HELD OVER â€" CINEMA TWO -â€" - . Themost , - explosive - spy scandal - 9f this‘ century! Towne and Countrye 222-1196 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS * “A riot. The funnaiest since the «k Marx Brothers.†â€"MADEMO|SELLE A STARTS NEW YEAR'S DAY! Yahge St. North at Steeles Ave. â€"Saturday Matinee 1 pm.â€" 2 Big Color Hits For The Kids! “Taffy And The Jungle Hunter†Also “Git†- Children 50c CINEMA ONE M32: “Reivers †JOSEPH E. LEVINE "up"! A "um“ A MIKE NICHOLS-LAWRENCE TURMANlnoomcl THE GRADUATE. â€" Added Attraction â€"- :NNE BANCROFT O DUSTIN HOFFMAN KATHERINE ROSS Both Hits Adult _ Addpd Attraction â€" Entertainment SHOW TIMES Continuous New Year‘s Day from 2 pm Week Nights from 6:30 Saturday from 5 pm. - Sunday from ACADEMYAWARIJ WINNER i’t‘ho MOSTEL “TH E DDDDUCEDS†:nMcl Brook CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE MI. 2, Gonnley â€" Telephone 887-5421 BEST DIRECTOR-MIKE NICHOLS 5 Mon. - Fri. from 7 pm. - Sat. & Sun. 1.30 New Year’s Day Continuous from 1:30 HELD OVER CINEMAS Illlui Hrs." Harold Riv of Willowdale put tent on a puppet show of Hansel and nts‘LGretel and other characters ‘ which was greatly enjoyed by lton‘both children and adults. On and the open stage he demonstrated nily three of four puppet tightwire *walking acts and an Irish jig with a beautifully costumed mm ‘ girl puppet. “a ‘ Wally MacDonald ls spending the Christmas-New Year's vaca- tion with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman of Hopeton‘ Virginia. Lions Annual Party The annual children's Christ- mas Party sponsored by the Victoria Square Lions Club was held in the community hall December 20 with about 80 in attendance. Refreshments were served and to conclude the party Santa arrived to distribute a bag of treats to all the youngsters. Board Meeting The annual hall board meetâ€" ing was attended by 13 people. The purpose was the selection of the 1970 park and hall board: for two years. Mrs. Ruby Brumwell and Clarence Steck- ley; one year, John Lee with John Smith and David Tinker continuing for one year. Clarence Steckley was chosen by the new board as chairman and Mrs. Shirley McCague is continuing as the appointed secretary. The names of the selected 1970 board are submitted to Markham Township Council for their approval and appointment. Sunday from 2 pm TECHNICOLOR? PANAVISION' 11;:in mum mun ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ODEON 884 This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future. TECHNICOLOP r6221