Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jan 1970, p. 14

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l4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Jan. l. Thornhill and District News “The Liberal“ is always pleased to publish items of interest lfi7o contributed by its readers Please Call Mrs. Margaret L in the Thornhill area. awrence at 889-2804 Foursome Enjoy West Indian Cruise A seven day cruise aboard the North German Lloyd Line's luxury flagship “T. S. Bremen”, was a real “fun trip" for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark, 68 Denham Drive, Richvale, (left) and Mr. and Mrs. Les Clark, 36 Kirk Drive, Thornhill. . . The two cousins and their wives flew from Toronto lnternational Airport to New York City, where they boarded ship on December 5. ' .. . The captain received his guests at a formal reception on the first night out. and there was first class entertainment every night of the week, including 3. “Pirates’ Night" with everyone in appropriate costume. _ ’ _ . The cruise took the vacationers through tropical waters around the W est Indies. stopping l briefly at St. Thomas Island and San Juan. A highlight of the trip was an elegant buffet as i the ship approached New York such as most of the travellers another pleasant memory Ross iClarkmhas Thornhill Public Library Members entering the library on December 20 were greeted by the aroma of good hot coffee and cookies served by the charming ladies of the library. The occasion was the library‘s Christmas Coffee Party and gave members an opportunity to chat informally with Libra- rian Mrs. Maud Carrutliers and her staff. The coffee party is an‘ annual event which is always held the last Saturday before Christmasâ€"well worth remem- bering for next year. Thornhill Public Library is sponsoring a children's art com-i petition. Open to all members of the children‘s section of the‘ library, a prize will be offeredl to each of three age groups for‘l the best picture suggested by books read from the library. These age groups are: 4 to 6 years; 7 to 9 years; and 10 to 12 years. . Entries m u s t be original drawings, NOT copies, and‘ should be no larger than 18 x 242 inches. The pictures may be‘ Harbor. done in pastel. chalk. crayon. paint or whatever other tech-‘ nique contestants care to use. All entries will be on display in the library. The contest closes on January 31. 1970, and will be judged by Michael French“ talented young local artist. >l' * ’1‘ it: Mr. and Mrs, Williston S. Davis, 57 Arnold Avenue, are very happy to announce the, engagement of their daughter Shirley Patricia to Charles F. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,W. Davis of Gormley, Congratu- lations to Shirley and Charles. ’3‘ K x" * Congratulations too. to Larry Silverberg. Silver Aspen Drive, who recently received his de- gree as a chartered accountant. Larry is employed by a firm of accountants in Toronto. ’1‘ >3< ’3‘ )k F r a n c e 5 Cox, Thornridge Drive, has' as her house guest this week Julie Elbring of Ket- tering. Ohio. family were the Cox’s next door 'Underground Oil Pact: loften discarded. Both the On- chise Julie and hemplace by emission of fuel oil neighbors before their move to‘ Family Reading THORNHIIJ. PUBLIC LIBRARY Reference Material Much valuable information is available to you in the form of pamphlets, cuttings and other kinds of material. These circulate and a sample list is given below: Laws governing fishing and hunting, alcoholism. drug addiction, agriculture. St. Lawrence Seaway, handicrafts. South Thornhil Neighborhood Notes ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gutsch. Proctor Avenue. arrived home from the states in time to spend Christmas in Sudbury‘ with their son Arthur sch. Mrs. Gutsch and their children. The local couple had spent a month touring through. Kansas, 'l‘ennesce, Kentucky and Florida. They were joined in Sudbury- by their daughter Mrs. Fred Kisit and Mr. Kisit of Montreal. who are now in South Thornhill for the New Year festivities. Trudy Johnson had four days off at Christmas and at the New Year from Wellesley Hos- pital where she is in her final year. Miss Karen Brookfield is visiting her at her parents' home on Woodward Avenue. Ann Russell, Proctor Avenue. spent last weekend visiting friends in St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malinâ€" ski. Proctor Avenue, entertain! - ed her sister and family from Hespler over the holidays. Carol Fox is enjoying Christ- mas at home. Details of the Christmas Party at Poplar Rivâ€" er, Manitoba. will be reported later. Harry Morrison. Sprucewood Drive. is home from the Uni- versity of Guelph for the holi- days. The January meeting of thc Doncaster Community Ladies‘ Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Russell. 64 Proc- Canadian artists. Centennial projects, Gut-i forestry, health. wildlife and tor Avenue. January 9 at 8 pm. This is a community get-to- gether and the evening will be spent in games. with donations of articles for a layette being received. The club keeps a supply of diapers on hand and when a layctte is needed, each member donates an article to complete the gift. New neighbors are always welcome at these get-togethers. so come out for an evening of fun and get to know your neighbors. Church News Leaders of the Thornhill United Church CGlT will meet January 5 to organize the win- ter meetings. They will consid- er Bible study. mission study and possibly a fashion show, The regular meeting of the CGIT will be January 7. 11 will be a fun night of games and crafts. Rev. Garth Nelson and Mrs, Nelson left Monday for London. where Mr. Nelson has aceepicd a call to Robinson Memorial United Church. lle preached his last seiwice here December 28. Following the service a presentation was made to the popular couple by Clerk of Session Allan Maston. The Nelsons' new address will be 2:24 University Crescent. London. Ontario. . Assisting in Sunday morn- ing's servce was Doug Martin- dale. a candidate for the min- lAhd Bayview Glen News CORRESPONDENT: MRS; MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 Tables were laden with ice sculptures and delicacies had never ever seen before. â€"â€" he was winner of a shuf the States. i it 2" * wk Among those entertaining over the holiday season werei Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patton, Thornridge Drive, who held a Christmas luncheon for a large group of friends on December 28; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gray who hosted an eggnog party for their neighbors on Christmas Eve and Mr. and Mrs. John P a s s m ore who entertained neighbors at an informal gath- ering on December 28. Markham Adds Clausei Markham Township has ad- ded a clause to its proposed agreement with Public Fuel Transmission S y st e m that would revoke the firm’s fran- if contamination takes‘ l'rom the company line. i Public Fuels intends to in-l stall an underground fuel oil distribution system in Bayview'l. Subdivision. ‘ Council authorized the reeve and clerk of the township to sign an agreement with the company by a 3-2 recorded vote at its October 20 meeting. The additional cember 15 session of council.‘ further stipulated that: Upon revocation of the con-. tract the company will take‘ (necessary steps to prevent fur- ther contamination and immedi-‘ ately slop service. ' isti‘y from Thornhill United, Church. lie is at present at1 Breck University in St. Cather- ines and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martindale of Elgin Street. 1 liiterim moderator until the end of March will be Rev. Ar- thur Organ. B.\. BD. DD. He is retired from Mount Royal United Church. Montreal,‘ where he worked for 13 years and had the largest member- ship of any L‘nited Church in that city. He has been prominent the work of the church general council le\el. Bess Connor. Cathy Lomaxt Jean Saunders, Linda Brooker and Malcolm Elston 0f the L‘nited Church, completed the 25 miles in the Canadian Bible Society, Thornhill Branch, Wal- in at kathon. held last October. Last Sunday each was presented with a Bible from the Bible Society. It is reported that the total returns lrom the village's churches was $4.000. sufficient to purchase a Bible \an for use in Zambia. The Leper Mission has re- ported that up to Nmeinber 30 this year. the value of used postage stamps sent to it had exceeded $4.400. \‘ou are asked to cut the stamp from the cnielope leaving a quarâ€" ter inch on all sides and lea\e them at the church. , clause to the" contract. approved at the De- fleboard tournament). , Mrs. Kay Warren. president of the Richmond Hill Branch, Red Cross Society and Mrs. Alice Bradbeer, blood donor chairman, recently visited the House of Concord, to present a citation on behalf of the society. The citation was given in re- cognition of the support the boys have given to blood donor clinics. Over 200 boys from the school have donated blood to clinics held in the area in reâ€" cent years. il‘ it it‘ it Readers are reminded that good use can be made of those Christmas Cards which are so tario Crippled Children's Celi- tre Children would welcome the cards, which can be used in pro- jects undertaken by the chil- dren. The addresses to which cards should be sent are: Ontario Crippled Children’slm goal. And there was no stop- Centre. 350 Rumsey Road, , Toronto 17. l Attention: Mrs. June Anderson. l Metropolitan Toronto Asso-, ciation for Retarded Children, 186 Beverley Street, Toronto. Approach TYRC l I Traffic Is Continuing Hazard At Thornleai l York County Board of Educa- tion will ask Toronto and York Thornlea Secondary School be-. fore proceeding with the widen- ing of Bayview Avenue north of; Highway 7. 5 When the school opened in September. 1968. concerned par- ents appealed to the former York Central District High School Board which enlisted the co- operation of Markham Town: ship Police Department, and an: officer was posted at the school) morning and after school to en- sure that students could cross safely from the west side of the road to the east side where the School is located and back again. The situation is particularly hazardous during the morning rush hour and in winter, the board was told. when snow is piled in ditches and on the shoulder. Various alternatiyes were suggested. underpasses. over- passcs. sidewalks. crosswalks, Vaughan Township Trustee Warren Bailie told the trustees that the former Vaughan Town- ship Public School Board in co- operation with llie Toronto and York Roads Commission had undertaken a ”road profile" study. and that shoulders were often extended to ten feet in the vicinity of schools, with walkways for the children. Chairman John MacKay. trus- tee for Markham Township. urged that the staff ask the TYRC to study the traffic situa- tion on Bayview Avenue in the \iclnll} of the Thornlea school before the road is widened. Thornhill Area Recreation Committee members lime been doing “their thing” for the past 110 years and its taken the rest of the world that long to get around to doing it 100. What‘s the thing? Co-ordinating recreational activities instead of becom- ing actively involved in them, actively running them. This was the word Decemâ€" ber 11 from David Parker of the Community Programs Branch of the Depart nicnt of Education. He was guest speaker at the ’l‘ARCs an- nual meeting held at Wood« land Public School, “I came here tonight to ad\ise you to do what He subsequently learned you've been doing for the past 20 years.“ said Mr_ Parker. “It is only recently that it has become the provincial l trend whereby the various ‘ recreational committees are getting out of the actual pro- } graming of area activities and into the co-ordinating of groups who run the pro- grams themsehes. Vou‘\e been doing this all along. I NOVICE ,(December 21) SILVERSTICKS l TOURNAMENT Thornhill 3. Camp Borden 1 Goals were scored by Scott ,lrlow'son. Scott Burkart and Jen, Ricky Herbert,‘ ,ome Flanagan. glhe spare goal lender was terâ€" i-ilic. Thornhill 6. Penetang 5 Brian Anderson was top man with three goals. Singles were by Wayne Grant. Jerome Flan- ‘agan and Jason Hurlbut to leadl lthe Thornhill team to a finel win over Penetang. Defencemcn Barry McEwan, Matt.Nichols and Mike Mc- Laughlin were outstanding for Thornhill. (December 22) Newmarket 4, Thornhill 0 Thornhill 3, Penetang 1 Tired or not. the plucky little ‘novice crew rallied to score another win over Penetang to advance to the final game of the tournament. Scott How'son i Just a tired hockey team. "‘ Socially Speaking In Thornhill , NOVICE (December 15) Thornhill 4, East GWilliambury 4 Scott Howson scored the four goals assisted by such stalwarts ias Brian Anderson, Jason Hurl- ‘but, Barry McEwan and Mark jNelson. Barry McEw'an was igreat on defense. :(December) 19 ,‘ Thornhill 3, Woodbridge 9 ,4 Scott H o w s on added two‘Masters was assisted on his goal lion game. Imore goals to his formidable total goals for the season. They ‘were number 24 and 25. Dave iHowson scored the third goal. and the Metropolitan To-i - - . - 1 ronto Association for Retardelee left minding the net fOi this. Assists were by Jerome Flana- gan, Alan Ralph and Shawn Leon. (December 20) Thornhill 11, Alliston 0 Ricky Herbert was the hero ping Scott Howson. He chalked up another three goals and one assist. Other goals were by Jerome :Flanagan with two goals and: two assists. Pat Bertrand with two goals, Mark Nelson with a pair and Mike McLaughlin. (Dave Howson, and Jason Hurl-‘ but with singles. Assists were by Alan Ralph. Barry McEwan. Shawn Leon and Scott Burkai't. * is it * {ATOMS (December 21)) Thornhill 2, Shopsy‘s 6 Ross Gordon got both Thorn- hill goals unasssisted. (December 21) Thornhill l. Shopsy‘s 4 Mike Carr did the honors for Roads Commission to examine‘Thomhiu, ftraffic hazards in the vicinity of it a" it PEEWEES (December 19) Thornhill 5, Woodbridge 1 Brian James, three goals, one assist, Gord Sutclifi’e. one goal one assist, Danny Forgarly. one goal. Jimmy Cole. two assists. Single assists to Cal McCathie. Rocky Pantalone. Jim Rennicks and Jim McLaughlin. (December '20) Thornhill 9. Alliston 0 * Cheers for Dino Pantalone and Brian Morley for their combined efforts in goal. Rocky Pantalone. four goals, one assist. Jim Coles one goal, one assist, Mark Steele, one goal, one assist. one goal. one assist. Mike Johns one goal. one assist. Gord Sut- cliffe. one goal, Jim Rennicks three assists. Cal McCathie three assists and one assist for Dave Brown BANTAMS (December 19) _ Thornhill 1. Woodbridge 1 n . a llugh Mathcson scored for Thornhill asSisled by John Regan- (December '11) Thornhill 0. Newmarket '2 A n 0 t h e r Silversticks game tournament and "out“ said. i Ill it i MIDGETS (December 17) Thornhill 8, Alliston 1 Goals â€" Bill Law. two. Ian Macka}; two. and singles for Randy Barge. Rick Hodge. Dave ,O'Brien and Gillison. Assist: (5‘ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'li T hornhill Recreation Committee Plans For Future congratulate you " aware of the recreational to gel 3 proli'am underway " ed for the recreation comâ€" .\lr. Parker did llil’ml .wu facilities that are available Mr. loss: said two of the mittee's blue-covered infor- somc suggestions which 111- "We've got to try to reach programs he would particu- mation booklet which outâ€" cludcd' everyone. make them realive larly like to see initiated lines all the activities availâ€" OAn e\en urcziicr effort to the facilities are there for in 1970 are figure skating for able in the Thornhill area assure that the committee is them to use. We have the the girls and wrestling for as coâ€"ordinated by the TARC. reaching all the people in the community and finding out their recreational desires and needs. 0T0 investigate areas invol» ving cultural and intellectual acmities other than just strictly physical activities. 0T0 consider appointing rcâ€" prcsentnlives on the coni- miltee from such groups as the senior rill/ens as well as committee in e m h e r s from younger groups in the com- facxlities and in a number of cases the money if required the boys. He also called for the Townships of Markham and Vaughan to hire full-time re- creational directors. "Markham has had a diâ€" rector during the summer months for the past two years but 1 think we should press for full-time recrea- tional directors in both municipalities," he said. Mr. Rossi said future planning should be directed The activities of any club or group not included in the booklet should write to PD. Box 142. Thornhill. Copies of the booklet may be obtained free of charge by writing to the same address Reports of the various rc- crcational activities during the vear were read. Three new members were elected to the committee: They are Leonard Ehrlich, Douglas MacMillan and Arie munilv towards eventually establish- Van Velzen. Thev replace “,1 park“. “regal 11m in in: a recreational centre .Iohn Gamblin. Bill Seelcv. today’s society the “0rd 1-0. where all the area's activi< and Mr. Rossi was moved up creation c n v 0 re (I almost tics could be located. to the post of past chairman everything that didn't 0mm] “This could inclule a new in 1970. The 1970 chairman "a pcrmn's actual working arena. swimming pool. tennis will be selected at the com- day on the job. Physical acâ€" and other facilities. We mittee‘s inagwral meeting tivity is only one facet of a would have them all in one planned for January 15. recreational committee‘s pro- location, I realize this can‘t Other members of the gram.“ be accomplished over night 1970 committee are: Glen 'I‘ARC Chairman Pctci‘ but the time to get started is Rae. Dennis Moore, Eric Rossi re vie w e d the past. now. It would have to be a Cole. William Bambridgc. year's activities and also joint venture by both Mark- Bryon Ring, and Stan Finch. urged the committee to see ham and Vaughan Townships. The secretary is Mrs. that the entire community is PETER ROSS! The chairman also plump- Norma Sautman. li‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'l' [York County Board Considers lBursary For Late Eilert Sand guEET A request from Royal Or- as secretary and senior princi- ‘chard Community Parent Edu-vpal. ll L SPORTS SCENE lcation Program that the nextl “lie would be pleased had two goals. Jerome Flaiiaâ€"’goal in the first game in the, \ ‘ l . tl b . l' . . . _ , . . a . ,gan one. Wayne Grant had two tournament. (.oalie Dave llow-,ne ‘ SC ‘00 m ‘9 aica e sometiing was done ”n .. name) to help the children. assists. Single assist to Brian son and Defenseman Barry Mohamed for the late Eilert Sand ‘Anderson. David Howson. spec- Ewan were outstanding. was rejected by York County The trustees agreed they would welcome the coâ€"operation l , _ . . - g ,. . _ iBoard of Education at a meet- ichdhledilnblgr 33:1' Pdflolghlf‘fflanld 38:12:01.3? '5an ing December 16. of the parents of Royal Orchard Newmarket 3. Thornhill .219. Scott llmfison Brian An-l A planning official with melt-omniumty m dccwling upon a l The “fill and final game ofldcrgon and Mike ’McLauUhlin board. and for many years a;suitablememorialifprflMr. Sand: ‘the Silvel‘sticks ended in a New~ were also Olllgtanding D ,teacher and principal with thei market victory over Thornhill, >:< >3 a a ‘ iformer Vaughan and Markham ‘ "Even tho' the team lost". 5103's Township Public School Boards. N. Thornhill Sponsors said Manager Bill Colville. "It (December 31;) .Mr. Sand was also active in . i I C ' W35 the greatest 0H0” 0‘ “‘9, Thornhill 4. llumbcrvicw 2 Lchurch and community work‘Wlnter Jkatlng Play iseason." . Coal getters for ThornhilljUp to the time of his sudden. 500“ HOWSO“ “111’ were Ross Gordon. Bobby Nichâ€"iDaSSlng in November while 0“ l .- .1 .00 it his ‘) .4 starred The North Thornhill Recrea- Brian James.‘ .their end for the remainder of; the game, ‘ taking 15 shots on: ,goal but were unable to tie tliei ‘game. >ll it! uh >11 WHITBY TOURNAMENT ‘(December 26) Thornhill 3. Markham 1 Mark Nelson, two goals. one ‘Results For Week Ending December 20 ' Marco. Thornhill 1. Oshawa 4 lsingle. >Z< wit !l< * JUVENILES Thornhill 2, Nobleton 3 ‘ I Barry Gillison was assisted by ,John McDermott who played a ‘strong game on defense. Gary :by Barry Gillison. :(Deeember 20) i Thornhill 0, Camp Borden 5 JUNIOR (‘ HOCKEY '(December 16) l Thornhill Mustangs 2, Ajax 4 ! Brett Davidson was assistedi by Bill Huke. Wray Windsorl was assisted by Peter Law and Stuart Francies. (December 19) Thornhill Mustangs 3. Milton 12} Brett Davidson was unassist-‘ ed on his goal, Tony Lockerbie was assisted by Tom Hill and Ross Johnson. R055 Johnson‘ was assisted by Tom Hill. 3(December 21) l Thornhill 3, Milton 7 Dave Large was assisted by‘ Pete Law. Brett Davidson by Tony Lockerbie and Bill Huke. Tom Hill was assisted by Brett ‘Davidson. *a*>)- 1GIRLS HOCKEY ‘ , Thornhill 4. Maple 0 , 1 Terry Tarling, two goals. one [assist , Debby Orton. one goal, one lagist. Alma Howson one goal.l Three assists for Lorraine Sher-l fman and one for Pam I-luckvale.‘ Standing in League Thornhill 12. Richmond Hill 8. (Unionville 4, Maple 0. Winner of Thornhill Hockey Association draw is Len Dale of 120 Babcombe Drive. The prize was a 1970 Ski-Don. BOWLING Ladies Afternoon Club Leopards 15. Tigers 14. Con- gars ll. Lions 9, Bob Cats 9. Panthers 5. Over 200 Mary Redznan 208. Doreen Marks 207. Eva Salb 232. Jean Smith 201. Mars. Haggarty 2228. Betty Richardson 227. Marion Duncan 202. Bonnie Mamies 1243, Carol Jones 214. Thornhill Mixed League Harold Hingley ‘23, Reg Edâ€" wards 20. Keith Jones 19, Jo Ann Roberts 17. Adrian \':in do Langerijt 14. Ed Palmer 12. Menâ€"High Triple ’flali Bill Daoust 632, -hdcpI Ted Pugh 681, Men llieli sincle ‘l'lai' Ted Puzh 1234. ‘hdcpi Reg. Edwards 261. ()\ er 200 Keith Jones 206, Reg. Edwards '23, Ted Pugh 220. 2174. Bill Dziousi 23.. 211. John Van Roode 219. Women â€" High lr‘nle ‘flat Carol Jones (3'33 ihdcpi 636. High Sincle It’lat‘ Kathy Daoust 237. ihdcp) 287. ‘ Women â€" Lil Poole 236. Marg. van Roode 214. 218. Jane Garnett 226, Kathy Daoust 237. Mabel Tutt 200. 206, Carol Jones 210, 216, 209. Pam Kclson 206. Sue Melick 202. Mary Reil~ man "““ ; .by Mike McLaughlin who was; «December 23) Bobby McIntosh and Paul De‘ Thornhill 3 Camp Borden . . . (December 18) iversticks. ihad two goals, Paul De Marco scored the one. ‘one shot on goal in overtime. two goals. Brian Anderson. oneioisv Bill Colville and Paulia trip to Sault Ste. Marie. tion Association Winter Skating assist. and Mike McLaughlin Ralph. Trustees suggested it would Program got off to a flying one agglst, . ‘ . (December 27) fbe more fitting to place a pic-lStdl‘t Saturclay_ With DYE): 120 Down 3 to 2 m the last me Thornhill 1 Dixie 4toms‘7 in”? 01' a plaque in a school to Chlldl'en participating. minutes or play, six Thornhill At the Centennial Menaicommemorate his name. and (of MIT” Jean Crebbin and‘ h“ attackers held Newmarkct iniPaul Ralph scored theiloner‘ set up a bursarv or student assistants quickly classified the lgirls and started the figure skating program in four clas- ses between 9 and 10 am. The hockey program for boys, under the direction of Ron An- derson. got underway at 1() am with boys seven years and Chairman John MacKay men-fundell followed b): boys 8‘ 9 and ;lioned that Mr. Sand was very 10’ "Kid's at .1030. . Boys H much interested in the musical‘ye‘“S and up laced‘olf “t 11‘15’ . . The first Goal of the season '0 rams in the school, “H had 6 . iii“ diet) love for children.e and'was scored by slx-ycar.old Paul ithe home and school might like‘Featherstone The second game of the Sil- to co-operated is seine type of Edgar Vandervcer 0f Storno- Rocky Pantalone inem rial .. ,way Crescent got together some Jim Rennicks 0 ' 1of the men of the community Assists: Kevin Smith, ,.c,‘,§e.;fb,:,§’§;h‘2}”ih;° .133? Oi‘for a game ,of shinny hockey Brian James and Jim Cole. “ iSundaymorning. AEOOd time, o t~'but‘ 1e" ch Mn; A, . Camp Borden won the game by cSaIddlmakgntdoeeifiicatbihn. Sgrleeld‘g;be;1f1 WSW at 11151, was had [or Thornhill. ‘iund. (December 23) it was pointed out that new (board policy regarding naming Thornhill 3. Aurora 5 , . Ross Gordon, two goals. Mikelor schools requires that when of a person is used. it Richardson one goal assistedlthe name ' 5 should be that of a person pl'Oâ€"l nent in national history. substituting for regular Pauliml Bei‘nardi. it >2 )i‘ ~2< PEEWEES Dire r S m Ch man ut‘ . .. . . - (December 37’ ‘,\vithi:itio ten aor 15 :Ears thgre‘ Th? giogiams aie‘ 1‘0 :on,UntLi1e Richmond Hill 4. Thornhill 1 we few people in the com- “Le‘ild it?”a;..;;1‘;;§'“;n‘,‘,famg _Brian James was assisted _b_.Vljmunity who know who the per-‘3“? of {fig}? g Jim 9018' ““8 “-3; an OXIllb"“'0ll “'35 ""1905? name is ”W5 Plans of the Thornhill Lions commemora e - l i n ind or arena in the (December ‘38) He cited McConaL‘hy and Skylar: revcgiw December 6 Thornhill 2. Finehurst 3 MacKillop Public Schools in at an NTRA organizational Rocky Pantalone was 85- Richmond Hill as examples. meeting, , sistcd by Gord Sutcliffe and. “A bursary to a student in A large number of partici- Danny Fogarty. and Mike the area where he was knownpams in the NTRA pointed out Johns was assisted by Jim Colefiwould perhaps be more suit-:me need [or an arena in the * * * * able,” MP. Chapman declared. ;area and demonstrated the BANTAMS “The policy we passed on:amount of support to be expect- (December 21) school names reflected Eilert’s from the community. ‘ed thinking,” added Trustee Louise} Anyone interested in helping Aimone of Markham Tov.‘nship.:tlie arena project is asked to, a former trustee with the old‘phone Charles Stewart. pro- Thornhill 0, Newmarket 2 Thornhill 3. Camp Borden 1 I Thornhill Elgpll‘ingwood 2 Eboard where Mr. Sand served,gram chairman. at 889-4967. JUVENILES ' go~~.wWWAwwwwvw ~ 5 (December '23) 5 R. F 1 H (3' Thornhill i. Nobleton 2 ; 111g unera 01116 5; Teddy Fobert scored lheg , ‘4; single. The juveniles were( . . . , , Z shorthanded with only nine ,' B\ R()‘\ 1‘" Rlbb’ g; players and onlv beaten on the i' {5 last minute of play. é * * * 778:} voxorz S'l‘. ‘ at JUNIOR "C" HOCKEY 5 (December 28) 'l HORNHILL 3: Talk about getting clobbered. __ § That‘s what Newmarket did to( 8894183 {7 Thornhill to the tune of 16 t0( 2 1. Tommy Hill scored for f, 5.5.“, 7: Thornhill assisted by Brian? M Ross. ‘ l ‘ ' * ii; CHURCH i ( iiioawiii l YE GLASSES LEAGUE At last a voice from the, 1' EN E Church League. Sat. Decem-l CONTAC L s S ber 28. the Presbyterian tyke‘ (To your eye doctor’s prescription) team beat St. Edwards 2 to 1. Jack Proctor had both goals: Assists were by Bill Greg and, Garry James. The whole team, played great positional hockey. Jeff McKnight as usual was a standout in goal. x >1< >:< a“ 1 GIRLS‘ HOCKEY (December ‘28) Thornhill 2. Maple 0 Alma llowson was assisted by Debby Orton and Terry Tar- ling by Lorraine Sherman. GORDON S. WOOD Prescription OPTICIANS 34 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 Official Title For Markham Director Kunio llidaka was oilicially appointed planning director of Markham Township at the Dc- ccmber 15 council session. Mr. llidaka had been appointv ed to the position by the townâ€" .a...oooooooooooooéooooooooo "W Special Purchase . . . Children's Books ~hip planning board for some time but in order to have ofâ€" ‘. v. .‘ . . i‘iczal status the appouitmcnt ‘\l‘l“l'3'IfALnlll L LI“ and in be made by a township [LLLblRAlED o o bylaw. The planning director's salary . will be determined from time 9 to time by resolution of coun- l8 9 8 cil, ln approving Mr. Hidaka‘s of- ficial appointment council also agreed to hire a senior planner lor the (ox-nship by the first of ’ne ; BOOKS & MUSIC 'rowxi: & cocxravs SQUARE} VONGE STREET AND STEELES AVE. 1‘ OOOOO?¢¢OOOOOOOOOOO“Q”M” o.99.9..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jeai'.

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