SAND and Salt mixed to D.H.O. specifications $12.50 ton or 2 tons $20.00 delivered. Phone 832-2455 Holland Park Garden Center, 51 Keele Street North. Maple. “024 WASHER. dryer and stove parts. gears, belts. wood bear- ings and “ringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs and paris for motors. Malh's TV. 49 Industrial Road. 88437903. tfc_2 '1‘IEKCTORâ€"161 sale. Like ne\\_-'. I\Iassey-Harris “Pony' ‘. complete with lawn mower. Ideal for DURAL Super-white Latex paint. interior & exterior, $4.39 gallon; white exterior oil paint. Primer, $6.50 gallon; finish coat $7.50 gallon; Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. 889-3506 â€" 884â€" 1125. tfcll ORGANS -â€" Hammond, Lowrey Fai‘fisa. new and used. Open evenings. Lessons $1,00. Rent- als. Toronto Organ Centre. 5254 Yonge St. Willowdale. op- posite Willow Theatre. 222-6517: 222-6701. tfc12 gl'owlds keeping 01 snow plow- ing. Evenings 884- 2165 n06\\24 BABY shoes blonzed F1ee pick- up and delivery. 221- 9188 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in» cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H SIMS '8 Baker Ave. 1970 Mote-Ski Snowmobiles are going fast â€"â€" better reserve yours now! Endean Nurseries 542 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. tfch USED FURNITURE And appliances bought and sold. Also all kinds of goods taken on consignment for auction. THE PURPLE PALLETTE AUCTION GALLERY 773-4531 . Oak Ridges Plaza, Yonge St.. 2 miles south of Aurora. Open evenings to 9 p. m. tfc19 CARPETS d\ed shampooed le- paired installed Indoor -out- door plush pile carpet, $6.77 sq. )‘d.. Ozite with rubber back. $5.95 sq. _\’d.. runners and door mats, assorted sizes. priced to clear. Rubber underpad. $1.19 sq. yd. Visit our showroom, Koenig Fine Carpets. 221-9959. Shutters. awnings, doors and win d o w 5. Free estimates. Special price for cottages. York Aluminum 884-4558. tfc40 Richmond Hill CLEARANCE, shag remnants deep pile indoor-outdoor etc., mats and runners. No reason- able offer refused. Koenig Fine Carpets, 221-9959. tfc18 SEASONED hardwood for fireâ€" places, also kindling. Picked-up or delivered. 96 Sleeles Ave. W. or call 225-2781. 11’le ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. {[036 ALUMINUM SIDING Shutters. awnings, doors CASH registers, typewriters. adding machines. etc. 222-2940. tfc20 24" x 24" and 24 regularly $1.65. Phone 832-2455. tfc25iThe Liberal tfcgg ELACK Persian lamB-j‘zaéket,jRELI.ABLE woman for cleaning new, worn once. size 12, sacri-‘duties in nursing home, 2 days fice. $265. 884-8615. nc1\\'271\\'eekly. 889-3901. c1\\'27 CHESTERFIELD suites, Spanish $157. French Provin- cial $245. Matching tables, drums and marble, lamps, etc. from builders sold model homes. 226- 2770. o'l\\27 DINING suite 5 piece like ne“ 884- 6748 10 am â€" 4 pm clw27 MOFFAT 32" 4 burne1 Stove, clock & timer $35. Viking wash- ing machine wringei' type 31;: yrs. old. $45. 2 men's bicycles $8 each. 889- 842] PATIO SL ABS Seconds FUR COAT lmuskrat, heavy) $40.00. size 16, good condition. 884-7728. *1w27 c H E 5 TE R F'I'E L'D shit-C‘s, Spanish $157. French Provin- FASHION FROCKS Commission and wardrobe for showing our fashions at home parties. Phone 294-2951, or write Nancy Laidlaw, 1 George St.. Markham, Ont. 1ch7 Sumthin’ Old, Sumthin’ New, Sumthin" For Me, and For You -- In Want Ads Your Authorized Dealer Ron Woods ALUMINUM PRODS. 884-1514 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHIN ES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .80 per word thereafter. Minimum charge 51.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MENIORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 ClaSSified advertisements should be ln as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE I‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Jan skliaillé ‘ 30!- 99C LU LILIJJ.‘ .L All colors.2‘ bedroom apar.â€"_tment $35; [£013 room, $10. '71 Pemberton Cres. _,‘â€"’“;‘ ‘ tfc20 884-1745 tfc3 c1w27 tfc49 tfclS 2 bedroom apartment iSIIEd. Woman only. 2 after 7 pm. SUBLET < $225 for $210. large 2 storey. 3 bedroom townhouse, 4 new appliances and drapes. Children welcome. on Bay- view. 889-5114. tfc23 RICHMOND HILL 3 BEDROOM house, double garage, 884-2947 after 6 pm. 7112 ACRE dairy farm, Hwy 48 just north of Gormley Side Road. 4 bedroom immaculate house. good barn. p i g g e r y, chicken house & galvenized equipment shed. Land well fenced. Will consider renting buildings and land separatelyâ€" Mercable, 889-3333 cl\\27 A COZY furnished room, cookâ€" ing facilities. parking. quiet clean home. $15 weekly. 128 Pemberton Rd. 884-7329. i THORNHH116REEN ’ ' TOWNHOUSES Conveniently located on east ‘side of Yonge St. Opposite ‘Thornhill Golf & Country Club. Each suite equipped with 4 ap- pliances, drapes. finished re- creation room 8: powder room. Call 889- 7913 01 481- 4233 Man- agement by A. E. LePage Limit‘ ed Realto1.tfc50 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge tfc51 FURNISHED; loom cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. ‘1900 tfcl5 .‘ WA‘NTnn‘ 6944. _ MONA ROBERTSON Temporary Placement Service 52 Yonge St. S. clu27 PLEASANT matule womenâ€" in- te1ested in demonst1ating cos- metics on a part or full time basis. Training free. Call John Prast 884-8996. *4w25 FEMALE clerk typist for en- gineer‘s department. perferably with stenographic experience. Salary commensurate with ability. plus excellent staff bene- fits. 5 day week. Personnel Ofâ€" fice. Markham Township. 297- (‘1\\'27 purl: : Minn: 1301‘ BUNGALOW with garage, Rich- mond Hill, reasonable. Phone after January 4, 225-0365. 2,000 sq‘ IL. 90c per foot net. immediate possession in Rich- mond Hill. 630-9500. tfc17 3 BEDROOM house in Aurora, gas dryer. stove. 221-5995. OFFICE space, 900 sq. ft factory space, building under construc- tion, approx. 11,000 sq. ft, ceil- ing height 18’ 6". 889-6161. BEDROOM apal tments c1“ 27 3 BEDROOM house. for Jan or 19, Maple area. 851-0450 FURNISHED room, at bus stop. for lady. 884-5408. c2w27 NEWMARKET. 4 bedroom house. immediate \ possession. 884-4413. c1\\'27 FURNISHED room, cooking & parking facilities. adults only. $18 weekly 889-4400. clw27 3 BEDROOM house on 1 acre lot. immediate possesion. 1 mi. south of Richmond Hill on Bathu1st 81.884-4976. c1\\'27 NICE fumished room cooking privileges TV suit 1 or 2 girls. 884-7615 cl\\27 BED sitting loom, w1th kitchen and bathroom, suit married couple. abstainer. Call evenings 884-5088.c1\\ 2’7 LAVEROCK APARTMENTSâ€" 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with appliances. lLvdro, and free parking. 884~2475. *1w27 DOUBLE & single furnished accomodation in lovely modern home. kitchen facilities. parkâ€" ing, business people only. 889- 5326. 02w27 1 CHAIR and Chesterfield, French Provincial, 1 bedroom suite, white and gold, queen size bed: 1 professional hair ..-_.___o, -._.._.D 1 ........ EÂ¥1ï¬35-55fl____°1“'23{Otto Pick and Sons See PAIR snow tires. size 5.20-5.50 Box 126, Richmond Hill x 12, good as new. 884-6570. C1\\'27'MA'r‘npw Indie: 'an "h size bed: 1 p dryer. 635-5520 DINING room suite, 9 pieces, excellent condition, $110. 889- 6824A cl\\'27 HOME furnishings for sale. Call 889-4384. c1w27 LADIES winter coat. 16, $10, girls winter coat, 12, $8. 884- 4160, c1w27 BABE? CRIB 520, high chair. converts to play set. $8, cancel sail and equipment, $30. 884- 4878. *1w27, HELP WANTED FOR SALE T0 RENT (Continued) CALL THE DIRECT CLASSIFIED NUMBERS 884-1105-6 AND A COURTEOUS AD TAKER WILL ASSIST YOU 226-3943lâ€"731 '~~ W _ . .V , ‘â€" c2w26 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper to handle full set of books to Trial L 1 Balance for small business, re- dOUb e ferences. Please apply 727-4719 6 pm. for appointment. nc1w27 4:411- Â¥1w28 c1w27 c1w27 tfc26 t[023 fu1 n- tfc21] 1w27 '27 MATURE ladies for chilaren’s 2 home, Bayview and Eighteenth Ave. area. Some weekends. Must have own transportation. _ 889-3063. c1wZ7 RELIABLE lady to come in daily to give loving care to 2 children attending kindergarten in afternoons and do some housework. Richvale Langstaff area. 889-1929. c1w27 45 8: OVER in good health mechanically inclined, shipping, receiving & repairs, must be reliable and sober. Jarvis Indus- tries Canada Ltd. 293 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill. tfc27 S a l a r y commensurate with ability. plus excellent staff bene- fits 5 dav “eek. Personnel 0f- fice Markham Township 297- 1900 cl\\27 WANTED ~ Parks Managel, for Township of Markham pie- ferably with experience to manage numerous small parks throughout the municipality. Excellent staff benefits, 5 day week. Apply in writing to Per- sonnel office, municipal build- ing, Township of Markham. Gormley RR2, Ont. c1w27 PART TIME receptionist typist required for dental specialist’s office. Accuracy in typing a necessity, no experience neces- sary. Please call Dr. A. Davis 884-7550. c1w27 Clerical assistant. 22 hours weekly. Mrs. Cari‘uthers, 889â€" 6962. c2w26 FEMALE clerk with accounting experience required by Automo- bile Dealership. E x c e 1 1 e n t working conditions and all com- pany benefits. Call Mr. Coom- lber 884-4441. c1w27 GENERAL help for rest home, light duties. Perferably single or widow to live in. Good salary» Write to Box No. 37 “The Liberal" enclosing phone num- ber. c1w27 DRIVER “aimed for research omï¬'u" c5w27 animal farm, non-smoker, re- â€". ,i#ï¬._ fel‘encés, High Oak Ranch Ltd. RON MOORE 884-2580 before 6 pm. c1w27 PAINTING ' PAPERHANGING . Interior - Exterior. Free esti- EXPERIENCED waitress. Sum- . mit View Gardens Tavern. 884_‘mates. Call anytime. BBQ-8965' 1370. clw27 ___â€"Tr§fn§3 HOUSEKEEPER, pleasant wo- Plasmmgï¬ CLARK °' man. good cook, likes children, - ' ~ - live in. 889-8431 6 _ 8 pm. Plain and Decorative Plastering. “9‘12.“ 2 gnnnialflv DRIVER wanted. egg and poul- try delivery must know city. Map’le Egg Grading station 833- 5282. clw27 Olivetti ' Mercatroid operator for Richmond Hill. Call 884- 6944. WAITERS, full time. must be experienced and have own transportation. Phone 889-4988. c1\\'27 BARTENDER. must be experi- enced. have own transportation. Phone 889-4988. c1w27 CLERK typist for invoicing and general office work. Appitude for figures essential. Apply in writing, stating qualifications to Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd. ROUTE saleslady, full 01' part time. Established route, we train. Write to Box 39, “The Liberal". c3w27 CAT BOARDING Registered Siamese kittens and stud service. Household pet kit- tens. Beryl Stewart. 889-2581. WOMAN with pleasing person- ality for fish and chips store. South Thornhill. Call after 10 am. 889-8305. c1w27 NEW owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€" poodles a special- ity. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. ROUTE salesman. full or part time. Established route, we train. Write to Box 38, “The Liberal". c3w27 1 (Continued) CARRIER i“The Libe1al" requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an es- tablished paper route for the Royal Orchard Blvd. area of North Thornhill near Bayview Avenue. Phone Glen Pratt Carrier Circulation 884â€"1105. ne3w25 â€"PERMANENT GM [01 gene1al office. manual typist. Own transportation Higlnvay 7 East. Call 884-6944 A1 Employment Agency 52 Yonge St. S. c2w26 LIBR ARY -â€" i HORNHILL Clerical assistant. 22 houls weekly. Mrs. Carruthers, 889â€" 6962. c2w26 FEMALE clerk with accounting CLEANING WINDOWS, WALLS AND FLOORS Day or night 884-2433 tfc23 ODD jobs. basement cleaning, haulage, light moving. Call 884- 14337. tfc24 24 HOURS Snon- -Blowing sei- vice. Residential 8; light com- mercial. Holland Park Garden Centre. 51 Keele North. Maple. 832-2455, 773â€"5948 tfc24 Recreation Rooms Alterations & Repairs Stone Overlay Walker Construction 889- 5292 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship, 20 years experience. Phone 889-5292. tfc20‘ PERMA; ENT Girl for general office. manual typist. Own transportation Highway 7 East. Call 884-6944 A1 Employment Agency 52 Yonge St. S. TEMPOï¬ARY ASSIGNMENT PETS FOR SALE HELP WANTED tant. 22 hours Carruthers, 889â€" c2w26 1970 c2\\’27 c1w27 tfcilS HANDYMAN All round man for all phases of home maintenance 889-4578. CARPENTER Additions. alterations, recrea- tion rooms, ceiling and floor tiling and painting. Free esti- mates. E. Fox. Properly serviced at low rates. Satisfaction guaranteed â€" by old, established company. Save by cash and carry. Factory trained technicians. Radio dis- patch TV owned and operated by Gearings, 6309 Yonge St. across from Towne & Countrye Square. 223-2270 - 223-2280. Universal Janitorial Service Complete building maintenance and home care, 277 North Tay- lor Mills Drive, Richmond Hill. 884â€"5755. tfc18 SIGN painting, posteï¬s. paint ing and decm'ating. 889-4578. CARPENTRY and remodel] Kitchens. rec. rooms, etc 889-9658 Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- elal" 884-1105. HARRISONS CUSTOMâ€"â€" CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions. and repairs. Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs :1 Speciality Free Estimates Antique and modern furniture. All work guaranteed, Up to date selection of material and styles. 884-6885. tfc44 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script. Block letters, Outline and signature G. J. CURRIE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Alterations and additions. Com- meicial and residential. Custom carpentry. 773- 5604. tfc9 R_ALPI-I ELMS‘ DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work garanteed. 887â€"5610. RON SCOTT fAINTING- PAPERHA\G1NG Gualanteed 221-8822 CARPEN’I‘RY Kitchen and bathroom renova- tions. FLOOR COVERING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Flows. 884- 8831. tfcll PERRI-STYLE CUSTOMâ€" UPHOLSTERING GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 MISCELLANEOUS;MISCELLANEOUSl PERSONAL WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc48 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned S I G N S Truck lettering - Posters Art work - Gold leaf Experienced - fast service FLAGLER S I G N S 884-3071 ELECTRICIAN Additions & alterations Big jobs â€" small jobs 884-4127 488-752] HANS BUTT 889-4106 CLEANING WINDOWS, WALLS AND FLOORS Day or night 884-2433 t1 SNOWPLOWING Driveways and Lots Reasonable Prices. Tom Hodges 884-4769 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS 889-8097 - 884- TV REPAIRERS ALSO COLOR C Stunden Phone 884-1245 889-7480 889-3185 remodelling tfc27 tfc47 tfc27 tfc27 tic-27 tfc41 tfc36 tfc20 tfc15 tfc20 tfc46 ‘3 Semi detached or 3 bedroom lom.|llousp, Richmond Hill area, by ‘tom couple, no children, references. m9 Phone C. Reid, 884-6564 or 884- ;,jrl6181. tfcw23 Dâ€" DAY CARE available in com- fortable home on Zelda Cres, any age. 884-5654. c1w27 AVAILABLE in my home. 8150 “cmBayview. 889-1372. c2w27 tfc2 i2 door hardtop, V8 automatic ‘power steering. power brakes radio, Pres. blue Lic. 333065 iNot certified. Full price $888 VHMAAL‘ iuuun, gun. uuu. yavux, u; transportation 884-6236. tfc26 1964 DATSUN sedan‘ good working order. $350. 884-4100. >77‘, , . ““27 FOR Single person 1n congenial - â€" 7 ho e. 884-6580. 2 '27 1961 METEOR V8 standardl m c “ trans. Good condition. $375.00 or best offer 884-6410 *1wZ7 "‘1 , ; 3:;1, ROOM & board for gentleman, private entrance and bathroom. on Yonge St. \773-5767. c2w27 1967 GALAXIE 500 4 dr. hardtop. V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes. radio. Tahoe turquoise. Lic. 38815N. Not certified. Full price $1521. 1967 FORD LTD 2 dr. hardtop. night blue. V8 automatic, power 5 t e e r i n g, power brakes. radio, white walls, discs. Lic. 100961. Full price $2084. 1965 FORD 1:2 TON PICK UP‘ Transportation 6 C†“‘1‘ Lic- V3183 Fu†priceiRIDEuavailrable,’ Riciï¬hdï¬d’fliu $1089' ito Queenway via Islington. TAN FASTBACK 'Depait 7.45,1‘etum 4.45 884â€" 1967 “IUS G ‘6580 Cl\\'27 Ilish gr,een V8 automatic, 1adio,! -7 ,__ ., . _,,A,_ _ v white walls, discs, Lic. 4006E. RIDE Wanted from Maple Slde' F 11 'ice 1654. load to Yonge St. N. Leaving u p1 TEE: 889-1105 about 8 am. Back about 6 pm. 832-1559 Linda. c1w27 [TITLE FORD FOR the best deal on new and used cars see W&P Motors Ltd. 1'78 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 889â€"7701. home of the VW used car 100%. 3 month warranty on parts and labor. tfc21 TRUCK & AUTOBODY Collision - General Repairs Refinishing. 41 Maple Ave. Thornhill (East of Yonge, south of 16th Ave) THE FOLLOWING CARS MUST BE .SOLD. N0 REAS- ONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED. 2 dr. 6 Cyl. dark blue, Lic. K59- 918. Not certified. Full price $67. DAY care in my home, any age. Essex 8: Markham. 884- 8634. Mrs. T. Tady. c3w25 1966 AUSTIN Healy 3,000 Mark 3 convertible, wire wheels, over- drive. $1550 full price. 884-3395 after 6 pm, Joseph. c2w27 MIDDLE age woman wants housekeeping room. close to transportation. Phone 889-9314. clw27 MARRIED couple \n‘Sh fur- nished apartment in Richmond Hill area. Abstainers. no child- ren. 889â€"0280 or 884-8850 even- ings c1w27 DAY 5622 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 6.: water lines, footings. 889- 3604. thZ PLUMBING 83 HEATING~ Roger Ploulx â€"â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 DRYWALL plaster. acoustic tile ceilings. moveable partitions. Home or office. 884-8391 - 889- 6784. tfc16 SHAMPOOING WINTER SPECIAL RUGS and chesterfields. Day 01 night 884â€"2433. “(:23 EXPERIENCED man with chain saw. Tree cutting and pruning fruit trees. E. C. Doak, 832- 8985. tfc21 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential. commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884- 5697 tfc49 CARPENTRY work, rec1eation rooms. additions, renovations, tile floors and ceilings. Free1 estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. CARPENTRY and ' remodelling Kitchens. rec. rooms, etc. 887-5891 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE USED CARS 1965 GALAXIE 500 DAY CARE CARE wanted, weekdays Evgs. 889-8582‘ Days 884â€" c1w27 1960 CHEVROLET PHONE 889-9261 WANTED TO RENT (Continued) 889-5334 prufllï¬giSNOWMOBILE sleds $145; also c1\\'27 06w25 tfc32 tfc23 MIXED breed puppies. Born November 7. Paper trained. $5.00 each. Phone 884-4013. SPORT NEWS Read/ Liberal Sportswriter Fred Simpson’s expert and colorful stories about Southern York Count3’5 sport stars and their teams . . . regularly on the Sports Pages of 1 Suitcase, zippered side open- ings, on Duffel'in between King Sideroad and 2 miles south. Re: ward. 832-8862. c1w27 LOST on or about December 23 in the vicinity of the Bank of Montreal, a black Alaskan diamond and rhinestone brooch. Please phone 884â€"7667. c1w27 ENGAGEMENT ring, in Leven- dale Laundromat. Reward. Please call 884-3003. c1w27 SIBERIAN Husky pup, light brown, answers to Keech, male. Rewa1d. 889- 7473 evgs. c1w27 GREEN†Skiroule snowmobile cove1. Bayview and Maikham Rd. area. 884-2226 CLEAN room, suit two. close to transportation 884-6236. tfc26 FOR single person in congenial home. 884-6580. c2w27 FOR child care, convalescent, elderly care, call We Sit Better. 889-3650. tfc21 BROWNIE uniform to fit 7â€"8- year-old. Call 884-1859 c1w27 MAN, 64. active. requires light w o r k, preferably afternoons. Would take on also certain painting, tiling. 884-4646. DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C « 66. [£044 TOURS. cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- ual travel, call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. custom sled frames. 889-8782. c3w25 WINTER SPORTS Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, ul‘ call EM.6-8684. lfc17 ‘The Liberal ROOM & BOARD SHIPPING BABY SITTING WORLD WIDE SHIPPING 889-6269 MOVING AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING MODERN HEATED STORAGE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED WAREHOUSE Call BY RAIL, LAND, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TRAVEL LOST AND c1w27 c1w27 tfc47 .and M15. Maltin Hendricks, i161“of Lake Wilcox, announce the an(“engagement of their daugh- tern tel Gent), to Robert Victor and O'.1ton | Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis, of 52 Arnold Ave., Thornhill are very happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Patricia, to Mr. Charles ~F. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘W. Davis of Gormley. c1w27 . . “CARD 0F THANKS SNIDER â€"' ln lovmg memory The family of the late Fred of my dear wife Hanna Eliza Hare wish to convey their sin- ‘Llla’ Snider who passed cere thanks and appreciation to (“Va-V January 11961 irelatives, friends. neighbors JUSt a thought 0‘ sweet I"eme‘m'land the various lodges for their brance {many acts of kindness, mess- Just a memory fond and â€Wages of sympathy and beautiful Just a token of affection floral ' tributes. Especially And a heartache still for you thanking Rev. E, Stotesbury & More each day I miss you the Thompson Funeral Home Though my thoughts are not'for their consideration and revealed kindness during the loss of a‘ Little do they know the sorrowlbeloved husband, father and! That is within my heart con- grandfather. Wife Bessie,‘ cealed. idaughter Shirley, husband Bob Ever remembered by husband 1nd family and daughter Joan D. Elmo Snider. *1w275and husband Fred. clw27‘ of my dear wife Hanna Eliza (Lilat Snider who passed away January 5. 1967. Just a thought of sweet remem- brance Just a memory fond and true Just a token of affection And a heartache still for you More each day I miss you Though my thoughts are not Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitfield of Richmond Hill, wish to anâ€" nounce the engagement of their daughter Patricia Gail to Mr. Alan Budd, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Budd of Oak Ridges. c1w27 3111 flHrmuriam EWING â€" Jim and Sheila (nee Orr) are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Shannon Leigh. 8 lbs. 3 025.. on December 18 at Toronto East General Hospital. WARK â€" Dave and Heather are happy to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Deb- orah Lorraine. 9 lbs.. 8“.) 025., on December 26, 1969 at York Central Hospital, a sister for Janet Lynn. Sincere thanks to Dr. Granton. clw27 WHITE. Harold W. â€"â€" At York Central Hospital on Monday, December 29, 1969, Harold, beloved husband of Mary Ann White, 81 Edgar Ave., Thornhill. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service on Wednesday at 11 am. Interment Hi g h l a n d Memory Gardens. c1w27 ml; 111’ SR. - \Iewman. :â€" ‘Neighborhood Notes ‘ PAYNE -â€" Bruce and Kathy are‘ And a Happy New Yeal! W 21:11:; \of $2011a\1271;g::r:e}31 utcheef is illgséï¬grs‘y\ktllt12tltlslnsvpeeltslalJï¬liltI CANADIAN 3231-1393533; 1510533? 3512333323 ‘Z’lé‘aerepaEI .5 â€Eric? CANCER er “1: g2?“:zgsgzg§32§§3::sf§g_ _ seems; _ EWING â€" Jim and Sheila (nee fouxgntheeflr w‘ay intoy OVEFSiZEd RIChmond 3;:81' DIStrICt Orr) are pleased to announcelstockings. BARWICK. Ernest Raymond â€" Suddenly, at Northwestern General Hospital, on Wed- nesday, December 17. 1969, Ernest R. Barwick, formerly of Montreal. beloved husband of Irene Millen, dear father of Audrey (Mrs. W. Gougeon), grandfather of Ray, Brian, Kenny, Kevin and Robert Paul. Mr. Barwick rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 78), ’l‘hornhill. Service was held in the chapel. Cremation. LEE Engagementa RUSSELL, Eleanor A. â€" At Northaven Nursing Home, on Monday, December 22. 1969, Eleanor Neill, beloved wife of the late H. F. (Frank) Rus- sell, dear mother of Jane (Mrs. J. Devlin J12), Molly ers. ~M. Slattery), California and the late Lieut. T. Neill Russell, grandmother of Rus- sell Devlin, Thornhill, Roslyn Davis and Michele Gee, Calâ€" ifornia. also survived by 3 great - grandchildren. Mrs. Russell rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge Street (at Hwy. 7B), Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel, Interment Prospect Cemetery. clw27 EIE â€" Maud, at the Martin Manor Nursing Home. New- market. Tuesday December 23. 1969, beloved wife of the late Joseph Henry Lee, dear mother of Evelyn (Mrs. Fred Day) sister of Frank Rigby, and the late Elizabeth Mur- phy. Service was held at Marshall Funeral Homes, Richmond Hill. at 3 pm. December 24. Interment St. John's Church Cemetery. V Emma Tï¬irthn clw27 clw27 c1w27 CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank those who entertained and gave gifts to the ladies at the North Haven Nursing Home. Special thanks to Pastor Evans for his Sunday visits. Don and Dorothy Reesor and their children spent the Christmas Season with Jack and Marion Stephenson in Saskatchewan and the Dr. George Keilys and Russell Boyâ€" ingtons were at Newmarket with Dr. George Kelly Jr. and his family. â€"Mrs. Edith Creasor, Mrs. E. M. Smith and Staff. c1w27 Reg and Joy Crawford were at Bancroft this year. Mrs. S J. English went to London to be with her daughter and family, the A. W. Millers were with Jim’s rollicking family at Markham for breakfast and with Paul and Rena Mingay and their family for dinner. Pherson. Mrs. John Brown entertained fa mi 1 3' members Christmas Eve. There was a family par- ty at the Grants on Christmas Day. And at the Gohn home Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller were among the guests ,. On Wednesday Jack and Mary Rodick entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rodick, Mrs. William Rodick. Grace Rodick and her fiance Ted Early, Miss Lily ’l‘ate and Mrs. Mary Mac- Plierson. Christmas Concert ,were away from home for the The Christmas Concert at1first time â€" they travelled 10 Brown‘s Corners Church held Belleville to be with David and December 17 was as sparkling [115 family. and full of delight as such an At the Walter Craigs there event should be. was a real fmnilv rmminn And ther were Mrs. Don Ree- sor and Mrs. Clayton Jones and Debbie Stewart and Sharon Buchanan providing accompanâ€" iments and leadership. There \were teachers and assistants ‘piloting the children through the event and there was Rev. Chris keeping a careful watch and chairing proceedings. The Sunday school staff included superintendent B r u c e Arm- strong, senior class teacher Harvey B r o w 11, intermediate, Wes Lammers; Garnet Stewart and Miss Debbie Stewart, junior class (2) team teachers; Mrs. Bob Hood, junior class (1); Miss Carolyn Copp and Mrs. Eleanore Webster, primary (2) team teachers, with Debbie Hood assisting: and kindergar- tners Mrs. C. Paxton and Mrs. There were the usual family parties. < 1 1 _¢_‘ There was Chris Hood slng< ing “Where is Love†from 01- iverâ€, David Webster .reciting “Jest ’Fore Christmas†and Jul- ie McConnell playing a piano solo. Mr. and Mrs BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF Gormley Phone Ross Hord WOOâ€. Brian and Margaret (Patter- son) Murphy had a particular- ly joyous gift last Saturday â€"â€"- their baby son, Brent Ross Murâ€" phy, arrived bright and early on his pal'ents’ fourth wedding anniversary. Needless to say everyone is ecstatic. On December 17 members of the UCW provided a luncheon for staff membrs of the firm where Mrs. Gladys Harris works. Serving were Miss Mary Rodick, Mrs. H. R. Paterson and Mrs. Harold Steffler. The kindergarten and prim- ary children at Buttonville School held a Christmas Party Thursday before school closed. There was a tree and gifts all round â€" a very special dav with table decorations and party luncheon cloth for thenc- casion. And wonder of won- ders! No measels or mumps! Church News At Brown's Corners United Church the season was mark- ed by meaningful services â€" the Christmas Service at _ 11 am December 21. the CGI’l‘ Christmas Vesper Service that same Sunday evening and Christmas Eve Communion by candlelight with the congrega- tion partaking from the com. mon cup. WILLOWDALE -â€" Ron Bar- baro. unsuccessful mayoral can- didate in the recent Borough of North York election. has been elected president of the Life Insurance Managers Association of Toronto. He is a branch manager for North American Life Assurance Co. Richmond Hill & District Unit 18 Yonge St. N. Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 We've no red carpet to roll out; no brass band to sere- nade you. But we can help you with names and loca- tions of schools. lists ofcom- munity facilities, shopping information and all the other things you’ll want to know about your new home town. A Welcome Wagon hostess willvisitatyourconvenience to provide all this and,gifts as well. It's all yoursâ€"freeâ€"fora telephone call to Welcome Wagon at Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information Local Services Rendered 10 Cancer Patients JUST ARRIVED? Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service . Home Nursing Services 884-4070 the Walter Craigs there a real family reunion Jan_et home from Europe, ras for the summer. be others. doubtâ€" new year and to all brides and grooms Phone 297-1741 BU Carolyn‘s the mak- the Fier- has mat-