Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1970, p. 11

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1970 11 THE HERBAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hursduy. Jan. 8. . .\l r. and Crainpton Mrs. D. Douglas-" of Dufferin Sii‘cet‘ . l entertained on Sunday at a party for their daughter. Kat-‘ rina. who was celebrating hot" third birthday j ér a \t\\'.\\\\\$ The East. Central Branch of YCHA will hold its first meet-i ing of the New Year at 8 pm on Tuesday next. January 13. at the home of Mrs. Robert Ross. 130 Centre Street West. 2: a. ,_ Ilill Senior Citi- zens wish all residents of the community a happy and pros- perous New Year. The first meeting of the New Year will be held January 14 at 2 pin and it is expected that a good crowd will be present. i I it $ 1 Richmond OMNI OBLI Citizens of O.\l.\'l OBLl are busy rehearsing for their satir- ical review “Good-Bye Sixties"i to be presented this Friday and Saturday, January 9 and 10 in ‘OMNl Hall. Richmond Hill The 6th Richmond Hill Scout has vacancies for boys the Branch Troop Canadian Legion, 11 - 13 years of age. bowling teams of Congratulations to Mr. and The many friends of Mrs.« The Auxiliary to Mrs. Robert Mlllen of Parks- Arthur Rickard. May AvenuepLadies‘ ton Court who celebrated tlicirare sorry to hear she is cur- 375. Royal 59th wedding anniversary on‘rentiy in York Central Hospital are practising for the zonel Meetings are held Wednes- United Church . December 28. where she underwent maJOi'Jiow'liiig tournament to be heldiday evening at 7.30 pm in the Ah all star ’m“ of talentless: Belated birthday wishes arehsurgery on Tuesday. ‘January 17 at Bolton andiPresbyterian Church. peoplewill present, music. skits kl“ s‘ Mrs. Rickard is a \‘C‘l‘l’ aCiii‘t‘ Nobleton. l Those interested please (40“"and comments of our time as it‘ also extended to Mr. Millen . . Get well wishes aie extended tact Blair Pruce at 884-6302. ““010de in the 1960 decade. . “ho was 81 years old on Jan-lincmber of the Ladies' Auxili-E tPhoto by Stuart's Studio) uai'y 3, any to Branch 375 Royal Can-'to the many members suffering. . - a , Ti . . . x it o n i -. . ’ ‘ . . .. - ._ - . . d ., , ckets at $1 aie available adian Leoion. fiom the (intent epidemic of .Celebiating then ~5th wcd- . .. Attention Guides and Browniesl °t it t lflu and. in particular. the aux- ding anniversary on Sunday 211.021 taliii ((1)01:er OBLI “films. 0 O o n e an aye H To commemorate the The Canadian premiere of iliary sends best wishes to Lucy were Mr. and Mrs. Tommy * ‘, g l iiia'ni'ond 'Jubciice di’caEaEI The ‘Loves of Cass MCGPMtglgkairghonchrnl-lioRgighftflm-oghg zzhlrdé0203111195“???(1'31ts.olf'lllDi‘lsa With the ,.c_m,ehh,g of : New Year‘s Eve brought a change of pace for members of Richmond Hill Curling Club 1.1:" Ingram 32.25;. in. opening high-wary .13 9191185951105 hahzod '1 Their formhronefifihglg ‘8", schools following the 1 as their tripped the light fantastic instead of concentrating on rocks and brooms. :lufli‘iig Ri)chmond 'iiiil's {3,593,3233fi31"‘3’: “[2; p .' t ‘7 friends extend COHSFMUIMhmii Christmas "Ohdfb'sl' 00"“ . The evening's festivities started with a cocktail hour and dinner, followed by dancing, " ‘ . . . " . ‘i _ l . . . _ . . . r- Named outstanding 10- and best, wishes on this ans- "mm” 3“" 5°C” cubs ’9 i gaining momentum until midnight heralded 1910 and a new decade. ('FGM- “'i“ sponsor 3 51’“ first presented in 1966 at thei suine activities how _ how 7 _ , a . ' i . - k I ‘. ' ' ' I. i ' ' . I _. - , A 7 V 7 V H W , , x“ WW§IMNWWKWWWMA :nnouncetchnt on “glue; “.9th H8395 ’lh‘eatie m New iont: :11: (:rrlali-mhkgmf pICJOUS ocsasionk ». about Your group? Inter. Holiday 5111956 or Mrs. Gor. Mr. and Mrs. hen Tomlin Jr. ‘ ‘ ay nex, anuary , York and is by Biian Fiiel. man 1 ..0e 1 ica e o ‘ _ esting programs or guest don Stephenson HardinaBoule-i fH ‘di a B lv ‘d t ti . . amH'DXimaiCiy 7-17 pm. tl ‘ l' the hiahlv success-i Jacey Ann Drive attended 2 Richmond Hill and Dis- t ' ' B ‘ . . . . ' “I” 0 8‘ .nb oue a1 en eran'i Januar S 961 l’ , , . 8U ‘01 0 h - t . speakers planned for the \aid. “9‘9 Mr. and ‘ rs. Ray ed Christmas Day the grand- y p a ' This Will enable Gmdes ‘ful. Philadelphia, Here I Come; the recent grand awards thlct Branch of the Cana- New Year" iWoodhouse and family of Mont-i n, my ‘ f “1‘ L l' H th . and Brownies all across The colorful volatile Cass night accompanied by his Ella" Red Cr055 Society is Whv not have the best l‘Cai~ ‘ 'll‘toliiilii: 0(1 Ah S'Sd es“lCiiutiah’ell 0N “Fa“? to‘ jOi." hands m who returns to her homeland parents. He "(‘(‘eived a m urgent heed of volun- possible coverage by send- * * " Guest:nallel01‘1(1)1gel‘ residents} 0/0 ALL ermanent eyes the" imagination and re- in Ireland with humorous con- plaque, an embroidered teers to knit and sew. in in regular reports of Ml‘. and MI'S- “US$811 Cripps of R' 1. nd H‘ll 1' 7‘ dedicate themselves to the , "11 b l'i'ed bv crest and cash award. For further information g . . . . f B - d l \v fle v to , .lc imo .l ‘ now “'i I rinciples and purposes of sequences. .“1 e p.) - . l 13 , 1d please call Mrs Robert meetings f01‘ “10111510“ "1 0. 915 3C 1 renue ‘2 ‘ing in Toronto included: “If.“ p‘ . ’. Helene Knight. of Markham. Joe is ony years 0 . Lc _ 884 7830 “Life in the Hill" columns? Tlmmlns for the New Yeariahd Mrs. Vaughn Moore and‘ ar 5 ea” a on (““de I, I. remembered for her role in‘ a grade 8 student at St- maire; ' 1, The service is free. but Holidays, where they CBIQhFQtEd‘sons Trevor and Ford, former Come Blow Your Horn. i Mary Immaculate Roman items must be in the office the passing of the old decade‘yiayor Ken Tomlin, Mrs. Tom-, “In The Mall” _ Richmond Heights Centre Visitors at the home of Mr. A regular meeting of the Catholic Separate 5911001 by Tuesday noon for inclu- With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. lin and daughter, Bette Jane.‘ c - ' i 4:1 it n Mon- Tony Miller- (hl‘CCiOlflpal' 9", .~ . and Mrs. Frank So th el, . . . . . “3,921",ficulh,‘;.,‘fm‘eiea(i of 25 ccllence 01' this production saysn :"d has he?“ a Stlal‘: can“? Church Street South [florwthle 510" in the current 155:9 _l Raphael Fillion. and her husband, Clinton‘ Telephone 8841-6151 . ‘ .. ‘ . ' T"’l‘he lay is a comedy in the 01' 0“" 3'931‘5- '5 rou e .- , ‘. . . either phone the tocia Smith. 3013;1(3-‘blltcl; N929; l D i ”best Sense of comedy which. 90""5 Benson (“Chum Lev- (Chiistmastiind New Lela! 119:1? Editor Margot Crack at " c it: it d W -. fl 7 “WW WWé “c.“mw‘hh-‘l P!” fnk fighzhatchcs a, me throat at the: eiidale Road and Jacey “h5;;:€M§1r1f°’fi§“50“fh“‘{1* 884-1105-6 or dropaline to l ' Residents of Richmond Hill .. . hna'llheer‘hiilllbhyiilggeasfi: Chris‘t-‘Sflmfi‘ time as one laughs. lt is‘ Aim Drive. "is .V'Oliiigt‘i‘ “116 left on‘ Fifi‘day {0‘1 31%]: 63 Yonge Street South - 3 are requested to leave their '~,' 4* “ inas play? 'iRuinpcl Stiltskin'flcofirscv rihald. tender and ”ii Agzgillgi'rirgcvm‘ '5 also a home in Kingston. where he is fibril be pleased to hear ;Christmas lights up so that they GL SSES presented December 27 and 23‘15'Hcal at the same time. l L t ' tl b , completing his final year of the 303' h . ‘may be turned 0“ £01 the W‘"‘ YE A Making up the cast are Den-i as summer ‘9 035 - =ter Carnival Weekend, Feb- ‘civil engineering at‘ Queen‘s University. On Christmas Day they were delighted to receive a call from their daughter Barbara. a CPA2 stewardess, who was spendingl Christmas in Honolul . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans and z a: *u at Bayview' Secondary School course and a progress report given on SerVices were held 1“ DaSh' ruai‘y 6, 7 and 8. A combination club assembly wood. Ontario, on December 27‘ It is hoped that an outdoor and directors meeting was heldifOI‘ J0hn Guenther. 150 C91"ehureh service can be arranged in place of a speaker at the De-‘bourne Avenue, Richmond Hill..f0]. Sunday morning. eember 29 meeting of the local who died December 24 in, This year ice sculptures may Rotary Club.‘ York Central Hospital in hisbe erected on private lawns For the most part everyone 26th year following a brief 111- and judged for a trophy. If Rotary News CONTACT LENSES (To your eye doctor‘s prescription) GORDON S. WOOD Prescription OPTICIANS 34 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL used part of their earnings from their paper routes to pay expenses of a trip to British Columbia to visit their grandparents. as an * nis Staincr. Beth Jones, Kayek the February production “Tlic‘Griffin, Peter Temple, Louise Loves of Cass McGuire" beingQucen, Tim Corbett, Iris directed by Tony Miller and Stringer, Andy Foote and Mar- produccd by Iris Stringer. got Crack. Tickets are avail-‘ Entertainment was providedable by calling Yvette Steel at‘ 18a“ to be held February 21 at the Heintzman Home in Thorn~i . hill. ‘ ythe vacationers. All proceeds from this dance golfing enthusiasts. will go to Cystic Fibrosis and ARC Industries. " It will be a dinner dance with diet roast beef and dancing to an orchestra from 9 to mid- night. hand and hopes to finish the project by the weekend. ‘Hill $44,875, Vaughan Township At last Monday's “1680115340324, and Whitchurch Town- Gordon McIntyre presented his ship $126,576. own Personal travelogue on his Municipalities that will have; trip last summer. to make up for deficits arei Georgina T o w n ship $21,002,l Show Adventure Filmig;rgg,,,,§wi“;p:g “5526’ by Tony Iliscoke. who showed 884-7065. . . . . . . ‘several excellent films, thor- * * * sons. M‘ke 17‘. Peter 15 and After being hospitalized for staid?“ participated in the‘neés' f C .1 G t1 . (1 you are interested phone ‘Direc- 3844955 a . ‘ -. b' b . 2 V1 b ~ f Delta LambdalPaul 12. of Driscoll Road, re-i . . , _ discussmns With several good 0n 0_ ai‘ uen 181‘ an tor of Parks and Recreation A1 ()llhlll) €11j0)L(l ,\ inem as l ein eis o _ . 1 ~ . . , ‘ ,two weeks, Tom Hughes of Lyn . . t b . . d Ea h f the late Ixatherine Crackel Mr . and friends. Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi anditumed Monday eiening from a ett Crescent underwent success- pom s emg-raise . c o ‘ .. ~ g White before 5 pm February 6 .. . . -r-â€"<‘[heil' husbands enjoyed a Very threeâ€"week holiday in England‘ful surgery in York Central the four serv1ces were presentâ€" Guenthel attended school mat 884-8101 to register your ,. -411 . _ x *_ QMOOOOOWISpeciai fondue party at the homehand Scotland. Hospitalb Monday morning for'ed and the membership had the Chatham and was employed fas‘entry. [hm Q .,of Judy Smith for their Christ? This was their first trip baCklremoval of a kidney stone. ‘opportunity to make suggest- a tool and Sie'makei. at RWD Again this year Councillor - Q Do NOT READ zfinas social. All agreed it was a‘in _21 years and they thoroughly Mr. Hughes is recuperating ions and comments. President‘lntfllustiitttshdechwnhsivdilfwédmo1 iniShaun. Beggs is chairing the I H ‘7 Al E Q "‘ {huge success, especially the enjoyed the festive season withlrapidh, and is looking forward;Doug Allen suggested that all _ e 'a C -. a , RR 2 committee in charge. He is {_ . _â€" :iyoungest member present. relatives and friends. to being back to normal before fOlll‘thz‘;l’01leS meet one night aighelte‘loognd bellbie hiking llIhbeing ably assisted by students i Unless you want to save ' At the last meeting before, In Birmingham they saw Mrs.;t00 long. mon . as 1" ~ _ ' ' attending Richmond Hill High ‘ L : real money on Ladies' the holiday season, members Evans‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. G; A local businessman, he is Lifetime member, {Avilhl'eg‘elhgéohlshesh‘tI'JR/eté‘9131;146:1250 35:: School, Bayview and Don Head; GOSPEL Q Fashions. See next week's idiscovel‘ed who their secretdpal 11’0"”, I???“ 33311931 :0 Bu“; well known throughout the‘fl‘é’g“ 3:1: Shinerllilieliolh'seltffdlm er his stepmother Mab e 1‘Secondary Schools. h .. ~ . .. , .- had been for the past year ur-‘ laven, 19. C°_ an . 0 spen community for his interest in ‘ " , , _‘ ’ , , , -' A, . iâ€"‘â€"‘â€"â€"â€"‘â€"_“â€"_‘. _ i z leelal. [01, details of ing their exchange of Clll‘lSt-TSCVEI'EI days with Ml‘. Evansiisports. For several years he the membership. He now has alGuenthe‘}. and i“; 515t€155DKali-i i 24 OAK AVENUE RICHVALE the Pam'L“ 511°” Annual mas gifts. This annual occasion mother, Mrs. Florence Evansi’sponsored one of the Hill'siShOP in Orangeville and ex- en and anet at ome 1n aSI- OMNI OBLI .‘ . January Clearance Sale, was held at the home of Helenand his brother and family, Mr. men's fastball teams and is con- tended air .11'1Vltat10n to all \VOSOéiEvices were held at the; 1 Hear Mr. George Skelly, : starting soon. Q Foord, with an excellent turn- and Mrs._Ron Evans. tinuing to sponsor the juvenile members “smug the area. Hart Hoffman Funeral Home Pre en; ( . . O Q out of members. including those They d‘.d a great deal 0!. iFF‘V‘OMHA hockey team, attending Thls .Thursday (January 8). . 3’ (1 'th R H Dob S vS . formerly a BrltlSh Paratrooper on leaVe of absence, who are elling during their stay, ViSiting most of the games his team the. third b1n the Thavelogue 1“ Dafsfhvgoi’i ng Inteer‘hient took‘ GOOD BYE SIXTIES , V unable to attend meetings rcgu-,many people and places, in- la .5. series Wlll e presente . _ son 0 .16 a n ._ ‘ . - ‘3 CONVENIENT larly. eluding a whirlwind tour of p 5 a >1! a. . The11 telelphone booii‘pmJ‘ECt i)1_a_ceâ€"_mCredlt0n CemEteIY- ‘ â€" 1‘ SUNDAYS AT 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. After some discussion. the London: where it is reported Sunday last the manse of the 15 “'9 un erway at t is pomt. . ,_ , ‘g . LOCAT'ONS idance committee announced they “did the lot . _ . Vrresbytqrian Church was a hivezs‘m“e areas We?“ ‘° be 0°!” To Spread Adjustments A ”mm 1001‘ at the h Messages on Current Topics . . final plans 101- the Yenow Rose‘ The weather was Ioiely of activity as members, adher- pleted but Chaiiman John His- decade just past «5 . throughout “‘9‘" h°]id3~"« C001ents and friends of the church smk has “‘9 Situation well mi iContinued {1‘01“ Page 1‘ i i f0" 1970 2? Newmarket $40,940. Richmond Music - Skits - Comment Jan. 9 - $1.00 . Jan. 10 i; l...h..~AA~AAA4\/\.~ THE RICHMOND HILL but sunny. ideal cohditions for-.“vere guests of Rev. and Mrs. fishing an0i,William Wallace, who held open {house from two to 10 pm. , . : During the afternoon Mrs. lllIllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllilll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:Hugh MacKay and Mrs. Elmo ! - - What 3 COOkl’lg? Ew1ng poured tea. At the even- Almost everyone has a special'by Mrs. Pete Smith and Mrs. ,ing reception tea was poured dish which family or friends James Butler. Wives of mem- 2% 2 PRESCRIP‘HON SERVICE EM PTICAI. Sutton l . RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 Those wishing tickets ($10 a couple) or further information are asked to call Mrs. Joyce enjoy â€"â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? bers of the session and mem- bers of the church women’s group assisted in serving re- For Children Saturday In recommending that adjust- $7,832 and Woodbridge $6,842.} ments be spread over the three 5' Chamber Of Commerce is arranging 3 GENERAL MEETING to be held at 'THE SUMMIT VIEW RESTAURANT YONGE STREET TUESDAY, 27th JANUARY AT 8 RM. The meeting illustrated by films and displays, is to inform everyone concerned with the Widening of Yonge St. and Other Related Projects Mr. Douglas Allen, chairman of the Mayors’ Civic Improve- ment Committee will fully explain the progress to date and involvement of the Department of Highways, the Town Council, the Richmond Hill’Hydro Commission and Serv1ce Clubs. For further information call . . . A. VERMEULEN 364-2261 A. ASHTON 884-1167 year period, Mr. Ford pointed} The Library Club of Rich- out that if some of the sub-l mond Hill High School with freshments. The congregation and friends ed in this column â€" how about tours? are grateful for the opportunity'ithe assistance of the Films for‘stantial surpluses were return-‘ CHICKEN ALLA of enjoying this social event‘Children Committee will pre- ed in 1970, the school levy in _- CACCIATORA ;with their minister, his wife sent the first film showing of that particular municipality tHunter Style) and family. the new year this Saturday atlw'ould be much reduced. mak-j lbs. frying chicken * "‘ * ‘2 pm. ’ small onions ‘ We tip our hats this week to school tbsp. oil it'ive young students of district Street. I 07.. flour lsecondary schools who, as theirI The film, Devlin at 889-4204. Each week one will be publish- 10% OFF The place is the high‘ing next year's levy appear un-i_ auditorium on Wright reasonably high. ‘ ‘ When credits and debits from‘ “The Clue Of Thethe various high school boards1 . IOiMissing Ape“. tells how a sea are added to or subtracted from‘ tO‘cadet rescues a lieutenant-‘those of the municipal publicl burning school boards seine municipali- ties will not come out as well as j Christmas project. took Richmond Hill children 1Christmas Wonderland at the commander from a iCNE. December 20 was the plane and is rewarded by fly- iday 311d their guests were treat- ing with him to Gibraltar. The appears on the surface â€" for l for the example Georgina residentsh too, andiowe $21,674 for the operation of’ the Sutton District High School ; clove garlic (chopped) small can tomatoes lb. sliced mushrooms large green pepper Basil or bay leaf cup white wine 'ed to rides. pop and popcorn, Salt and pepper ,3 visit with Santa, Christmas crash arrives there, Cut chicken into serving piec-istockings and their pictures. lplans to poison all the apes as .~ The five thoughtful young‘a prelude to blowing up the Board. while Aurora residents DanlBritish Fleet with limpet mines. will be credited with $87,205 ' themtfrom the public school board‘ Theland $6,160 from High i..- >â€"‘& iâ€"iâ€"thIA-h 1.; villain responsible ‘es. Roll lightly in seasonedl ,flour. people were Bill White. Heat oil in pan and bmwn.Kemp and Neil Patterson of The children track 'chicken on all sides (about 10 Langstaff Secondary SChOOlflnd'down and foil the plot. tDave McLean and Monica Ols-hapes and the fleet are saved. High PHOTO SUPPLIES the Auroral Board atlas District School Also on the program will be‘operation. _ . part four of the serial, “Then The Markham District High School Boards deficit will be‘ minutes). ‘ Stem. seed and slice pepper thoorn onions, ‘ School. The children were picked up Young Jacobites". of Woodbridge Richmond Heights Centre lengthwise. Mix with ‘ garlic. tomatoes and herbs. Add ofl . .1 ._ ._ I. ,_ #. -.. _ ,.#A__,,,__M,, V..__|mixture to chicken. at their homes at 12.30 and re-l Parents are always welcome divided between residents h‘““““““““ 1 Add wine, cover and slillll‘lel“tlll‘lled, happy and excited at to accompany their children‘the Town of Markham, which I slowly for 40 minutes. Add 6 pm. free of charge. 'will pay 332.325. l I mushrooms. Simmer further; "' ’ _ " V 'â€" .TO OUR CUSTOMERS. . ° ' ’l‘ina McCartan, R bt c S. . Willowdale. o m er 0 S A l I 2 - - l P - emt- mum . . . . . ,y lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllli Satisfaction Guaianteed 0i Money. Some mum smdems free 6 v Cheerfully Refunded is our Policy Ifor “‘9 “”15““ ”0W“ spent their time at the ski re- I sorts. Others used the time to earn a little money to see them 'through the coming term. One group we heard of. most of whom worked. had the idea they would like to see the New Year in by having a "gourmet meal". not at a swank restau- rant. but at home. present an AUCTION SALE Tuesday, Jan. 13th, 1970 at 7:30 pm. to be held in the We at Kresge's believe this is a good policy and a very important one to you. our valued cus- tomers, which we intend to follow. However. to make prOcedures easier for all concerned when refunds or exchanges are nec- UP TO essary . _ . I Frank Coppola. who studies , at Victoria College and ll\'es innâ€"â€" on E s s e x Avenue. decided 0 Merchandise should be returned accompanied a home would be a good place with a receipt if at all possible. I as his parents are in ltaly. lie I and his friend. Jeff Parisi. who studies at York L'niversity. 7309 YONGE ST.. THORNHILL of . 50% OF 0 Merchandise should be returned in a bag. the Chose the menu. bought the â€"\iiti lue‘ Fine Furniture (‘hiiia Cooper Br- .. \\'2. ' ' i 3 - , supplies and did the cookiiiO. ‘ i 5‘ ‘ . . . ' ; '. ' - ' in}. ‘5 ii 1911 the ‘1019 ‘ “ha, a meal: Shrimp ”mp Art Glass, Oil Paintings. Sterling Silver and . ' lade. coq au vin brioche. cofâ€" Mali." COHECIOI‘S. Items / G’lw dude . Merchandise should he returned to a superâ€" visor on the sales floor before any exchanges are made. I fee mousse, punch and all the little extras needed at a New Year‘s party. The meal was by candlelight with soft music! and best of all. dishes were all ‘ finished before the party broke tip. Those present [all former Bayview Studentsl were: Janice ALL FROM LOCAL ESTATES PREVIEW SAME DAY 2.30 TO 7 RM. TERMS CASH SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-4741 Complete Estates Auctioned & Appraised 993-083. Good Consignment Lots Wanted 223-0839 ' Merchandise should be in resaleable condition, unless defcctive. / S. S. KRESGE C0. IJames. Pam Barriiigton. Pam Richmond Heights Centre migr- gifl‘afifmfigjg D13; ROBT. c. SIMPER. Lic. AL’CTIONEER & APPRAISER 3““““““““-““ I“““““““‘\rhrais ami Frank Connola. V

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