It is not too early to start thinking about whether you could billet two or more of the visiting team members in your home. If possible, please leave your name at the club rooms. Teams representing several States south of the border and provinces will be participating (32 teams in all). The dates will be March 23 to 28. MEMBERSHIP â€"- Chairman Jack Sanders reports that the branch did well in its “Early Bird" membership drive. Al- though we did not quite reach our quota as set dmm by pro- vincial command. we did better than anticipated. Nice going fellows. HOCKEY â€" A fine effort was turned in by the Legion Midget Hockey Team in winning the Orillia Tournament. This is a fine team to watch and deserv- es more support by the branch membership. Get out to the arena and see these fellows in action. This morning I attended a meeting of the executive com- mittee of the International Midget Hockey Tournament. It would impress you to know of the planning, organization. and effort put in by these gentlemen and others of Richmond Hill in bringing this tournament to fruition. COMING EVENTS â€"- The first event coming up in the New Year is Robbie Burns Night on January 17. This should be a splendid night with the New- market Pipe Band in attend- ance (we all know how good they are) as well as a Champion old time fiddler and caller from Orangeville. This event is a good one to bring all your friends who are square dancing buffs but. of course. there will be round dancing too. This is a supper affair and the meal will be served around 7.30 pm. Convalescent Hospital. Lucy Rickard is confined to York Central, Richmond Hill. Lucy. that's not exactly the place to recuperate after Christmas and New Year's celebrations. You should‘ve left for Florida. or California. Hurry up and get well! At this writing the following comrades are confined to hos- pital: Chris Ratchford and Tom Bryce are still in St. John's Further to the snowmobile effort. Melvin Young. 204 Bart- lett Street. Toronto lLook home the 25 hp Polaris Charger. Congratulations. Mr. Young! -â€" Arthur Spence. chairman, ably assisted by Mel Collier and branch members too numerous to mention â€"- Gord Mills, chief cook and 357?â€, John Ogden. lrascible chief of the kitchen committee. An especially BIG thanks must go to your Ways and Means Chairman George Diceman. who as usual did a terrific job in connection with our yearly snowmobile effort. The thanks of the entire branch membership goes out to the persons responsible for this fine effort. â€Happy New Year â€"- Decem- tended to J. B. Rintoul of Rich- ber 31 saw the end of ‘69 suc- nond Hill in winning one of cessfully brought to a close with our annual New Year's Eve Frolic and Dance. Better than 100 couples thoroughly en- joyed themselves. Long and arduous hours of work and worry were put in by your entertainment committee -â€" Arthur Spence, chairman, ably assisted by Mel Collier and branch members too numerous he bursaries awarded by the )ntario Command and the Jommand Ladies’ Auxiliary. The Saturday afternoon (4 )m) lunch put on by Comrade 30rd Mills and your branch has )een very successful these last four Saturdays. Chili con came, beef stew. bacon and ~)eans to date. Hey you guys â€" this is a FREE meal. Rumble Tractor and Equip- ment of Gormley has been appointed as a GP. Building Franchise & Dealer by Wes- steel-Rosco Limited. This appointment was an- nounced by Mr. G. T. Mc- Ilwraith. Product Manager of Westeelâ€"Rosco. Toronto. Congratulations must be ex- Rumble Tractor and Epuipment has been a Mas- sey - Ferguson Dealer at Gormley, corner of Don Mills and Stouffville Road for many years. As General Purpose Build- ing Franchise Dealer. Rum- ble Tractor and Equipment will be responsible for sales and erection of Canada's most modern General Pur- pose Building in York Coun- ty. Rumble Tractor and Equipment claims that the all-steel G.P. Building which meets National Building C o d 3 requirements, has many applications in both farm and commercial areas and plans to promote it ac- tively to these markets. Westeel - Rosco Limited is Canada‘s largest sheet metal Fabricator with a nation- wide network of factories and offices. RUMBLE TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT AWARDED FRANCHISE BY WESTEEL - ROSCO G. P. Building RUMBLE TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT GORMLEY THE WESTEEL - ROSCO Legion Midgets Win Orillia Hockey Tournament Your legion Report: Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion Find a buyer through a class- ified ad in “The Liberal" Used Cars Column. It's easy to place your ad. Just call 884-1105. ’ Young people today are criti- ‘cizing what they call our "phon- ey society." They see apathy in the things that really count. They see us giving our money and lip service to various caus- es. But they also note that usually we give everything but ourselves. Shouldn't we take a greater interest in all the people we come in Contact with every day? Because we are all guilty to some extent of this disinterest in our fellow human beings, and because we see what self- indulgence and selfishness has done to others. we become somewhat skeptical in our ap- proach. 7 This shnwsthrough. Shouldn't we become more selfless? For the first column of a 1ew decade, I say, “Peace On Earth. Goodwill Toward Men??†There's a sickness 1n society to- day that can't be cured by pills, uhysicians or psychiatrists. Self - indugence. egocentrism and selfishness are eating away at human values. it’s a PEOPLE WORLD! By Bill Hughes ADULT PROGRAMME: Fu1niture Refinishing, Upholstering, Sewing, Cha1m, Painting & Diawing, Pottery, Biidge, Needlec1aft & Rug Hooking, Ladies’ Day Out (Gioup Guitar Lessons). ADULT PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Slim ‘& Trim, Keep Fit, Ski School, Golf Red 01055. Swimming, Rec1eational Experience (Game Skills). YOUTH PROGRAMME:_Sewing, Pottery, Children’s Art, Red Cross Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Charm Class. Social Recreation: Girls (9-12 yrs.) at Y.W.C.A. â€" Mondays 4:15 pm. Boys (9-12 yrs.) at Y.W.C.A. â€" Saturdays 10:00 am. Girls (12-14 yrs.) at MacKillop School â€"- Tuesdays 7:15 pm. Y.W.C.A. MEMBERSHIP FEE â€" ADULTS $3.00â€" JUNIOR $1.00 (One Year Membership) Those not wishing to become a member may participate in programs at a non member rate Note: Many classes are open to men and boys Y.W.C.A. Medical required for all physical activitim Swimming starts February 9th â€" (Please call for further information) Baby sitting arrangements may be made for daytime classes Highlights from our Annual Report Company Funds $ 27,147,138 Guaranteed Funds 365,660,206 Estates, Trusts and Agencies 52,618,993 Total Assets under Administration 445,426,337 Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cates 275,302,084 238,328,493 Trust Deposits 90,358,122 74,110,751 VG WCTORIA m GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Net proï¬t for the year Beflevile / Brampton / Cannington / Exeter / Godecich I Hanover / Kingston / Lindsay / Listowel / Meafmd / Newmarket / Orillia / Owen Sound / Peterborough / Pod Ctedit / Renfrew / Richmond Hill / St. Marys / Suatfmd / Toronto (5) / Whitby 25 Yonge Street North 9 am. to 5 pm. Monday to Friday :30 to 9 pm. Wednesday & Thursday Evenings All classes start the week of January 26th For further information telephone 884-4811 RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT Y.W.C.A. WINTER PROGRAMME REGISTER NOW a book released December 12 and distributed to the press and all members of the Legis- lature. It is available free of charge to anyone who wants it. He branded as untrue the al- legation that the public is not able to obtain a copy of the suggested legislation or the re- port of the Mineral Resources Committee on which it. is based. Both are contained in He also said he believes. per- sonally, the province does have the responsibility and duty to enact province-wide controls. Because of that belief he is ask- ing all those who are concern- ed to write to him I Of prime importance was his legislation were sent to all statement that the provincial municipal COUHCilS in the WW- government is not irrevocably‘ince and the major municipal committed to thjs piece of legwassocianons. Their comments islation. "If it is obvious that“ere asked for With a Febru- the majority of the municipal-FRY 15- 1970- deadline," the ities wish the jurisdiction for‘Minister pointed Glit- control‘to remain as it now is! He went on to note that in the municipalities, then thef‘even though no other jurisdic- government will not proceed,"‘tion in the western world has Mr. Lawrence stated. been able to come up with He also said he believes. per-1meaningful ‘antimoise' legisla- sonally, the province does haveltiom the government is trying the responsibility and duty to to incorporate the latest known enact province-wide controlsjstandards and the best meth- Because of that belief he is askâ€" ods of determining and enforc- ing all those who are concern-ling proper levels. We also Ontario Minister of Mines the suggestion that the munici- Allan Lawrence last week an-palities are not being consult- swered some criticisms of his ed. “Representatives of the proposed bill to transfer con- Department of Municipal Af- trol of gravel pits and stonelfairs helped to formulate the quarries to the province from‘report and early last month the municipalities. Icopies of it and the suggested of prime importance was his‘legislation were sent to all statement that the provincial3Â¥mmi°ipall councils “1 the PFOV' government is not irrevocably‘lnce and the major municipal committed to this piece of leg- associations. Their comments islation. “If it is obvious that'were asked for w1th'a 561"“- the majority of the municipal-.31? . 15- 1970- deadline, the ities wish the jurisdiction for Mlmster pomted out. control‘to remain as it now is. He went on to note that Mines Minister Answers Pits, Quarries Bill Allan Lawrence AlSo untrue‘ he claims. is Starting Salary $4,117 ,Swltchboard experience preferred Interested persons should apply in writing. giving full particulars of education and experience to: The Township of Vaughan has an opening in the Clerk's Department for a: CLERK TYPIST Township' of Vaughan 1969 ,157,4'81 Township of Vaughan, 33 Richmond Street. Maple, Ontario. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. "We have a crazy-quilt patch- work of regulations throughout Southern Ontario. We believe this is not good for the public. the municipalities or the indus- try and that the province should step in. However, if we are to incorporate the latest known standards and the best meth~ _ ads of determining and enforc- " ing proper levels. We also hope to control dust conditions? and hours of \KOl‘k " The present chaotic condi-i tions are the result. of un- planned. unused or unenforced municipal regulations or jur-‘ isdiction “We ha1e a crazy- q-uill patch- ' ‘ “ork of regulations throughout ALLAN LAURENCE Southern Ontario. We believe Ontario Mines Minister 25,349,725 312,439,244 47,330,575 385,119,544 1,829,012 1968 wrong. we are not going to be adamant about acquiring an- other legislative headache from the municipalities and the legâ€" islation will not he proceeded With " the Minister concluded. SATISFACTION- GUAR 37¢ p... Reg. Kresge Price 2 for $1.00 Special First Quality - Nude Heel Seamless Mesh - 400 Gauge 15 Denier - Sizes 9-11 CLEARANCE NYLON FOR CHILDREN -MISSES -I.ADIES SPECML THURS. FRY. SAT. NYLON SKI MI'I'TS FOR WE. CRAFTM 1/1 ///IPAINI BY- N37475:? Reg Kresge Pric e.1975et SPECIAL TH’URQ FFFFFF y THURS. FRI. sun. A cheerful hobby for those dull, wintry days! 2 Pictures. paints etc. to help you while‘ away the time. (We will not knowingly be under-sold) THURS. FRL SAT. Need a rug for that lit-ï¬e area? 2’x3’ durable nylontubestyle fills the bill perfectly. Rust/ Orange, Red, Green. Brown. ' '2027 Reg. Kresge Price 2,98 SPECIAL ‘ COTTON KPADDED. BRA Water repelrant styies with vinyl palms, elastic wrists and full lining keep hands dry and Warm! Navy and a host of other shades in many sizes. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day. Jefferson Sideroad, in the death of Mrs. Day‘s mother, Mrs. Maude Lee who passed away on December 23 at the Martin Manor Nursing Home. Newmarket. following a year's hospitalization. Funeral service was held Christmas Eve and interment followed at St. John's Cemetery. After two weeks' holiday the students of Jeï¬erson Public School returned Monday to meet friends and exchange news of Christmas gifts and festivities. Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs are also back in business after the holiday recess. Belated birthday wishes to Tonda Nicol, December 24, Leigh Hamilton. January 2, Colleen Boyle and Danny Or- satti. January 3. Sharon Workâ€" man, January 5 and to Patricia Worton. January 7. Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Neil MacDougall, January 8, (today). Kerrie Gib- son, Bruce and Ian Hannah, January 9. Bruce Kennedy. Jan- uary 11 and to Marie Lotoski on January 13. Neighborhood Notes OVAL TUBE BUGS A Kresge value! Satin padded bra with lace trims and adjustable straps; White in sizes 32- 38. V SNOW SUITS Reg. Kres'ge Price 1.00 SPECIAL 77¢ SKI SUITS SET THURS. CHILDREN'S Sizes 1-6X FRL Elgin Mills And Jefferson News THURS. FRI. SAT. :80 useful around the home! Gr'een colored bags come complete with ties.‘ GARBAGE BAGS THURS. FRI. SAT. Leap into 1970 in stretching comfort! Stylish and durable, pants' come in Brown, Navy, Black, Mint and Turquoise. Sizes 10-20 for Misses. Frist Jefferson Scouts wish ml The New Year's Eve P thank everyone who supported St. John's was very well ; !their organization by buying a‘ed and greatly enjoyed Christmas Tree from their saletpresent. The Christmas lot. ies were appreciated by tl ‘Church News lgregation and the carol : 3.99 The 11 am service at St. John's Anglican on Sunday will be a celebration of the Holy Communion. The monthly fireside will ‘be held at 7.30 pm on Sunday at St. John's. There will be a service of dedication in the church for the memorial movie projector given to the rector. Rev‘ Earl Gerber. followed .by a film “The Guide". which looks at the first and 20th centuries through the eyes of Christ. The evening will con- clude in the upper room with refreshments. Ladies of the parish are ask- ed to remember the meeting to be held Thursday ltonightl. at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. Clifâ€"H'A C hristma S Lullaby“ “'35 ford Rumble. 225 Altainirmsung by MFS- Dorothy Wilton Road_ Richmond Hill, Theland Miss Brenda Ash and the meeting has been called to ar-‘ChOil‘ sang the anthem "Birth- range the catering for the din-day of a Ring“ with Larry Wil- ner of the North York Barber- ton as soloist. shoppers. to be held January 12 The three celebrations of and to arrange the schedule ofIl-Ioly Communion on Christmas Chancel Guild duties from Jan-‘Day were well attended and the uary to June. church had been filled to capa- TOMORROW'S YARN . . . TODAY PHENTEX WOOL Correspondent Leonard Lomas NYL'ONHAND VISCOSE STRETCH PANTS Reg. Kresge Price 49¢ Pkg. SPECIAL â€gs-LOO PKG. OF 10 'CAREFREE’ Reg. Kresge Price 5.67 SPECIAL THE LIBERAL. Richmon6_Hfll, mum's, Thursday, Jan. Annual reports of the various parish organizations should be in the hands of the rector by Wednesday‘ January 14 so they may be prepared for the annual vestry meeting to be held Jan- uary 26 at 8 pm. The annual carol service was held at St. John‘s Sunday even- ing. December 28. Lessons were read by Mrs. Stewart Barfitt. Graham Carson. Miss Ciruly Wilton. Robert Sayers, Miss Bille Locke. Stewart Bell. Miss Betsie Gerber. Mrs. Angela Eliot. Miss Rosalie Stephenson. 28 was of the usual high stan~ dal‘d due to the efforts of Mrs Joy Harnden and the choir. St. John's was very well attend- ed and greatly enjoyed by all present. The Christmas servic- es were appreciated by the con- gregation and the carol service by candlelight held December WAGON WHEELS By WESTON’S {. CHEER Smooth trimming girdle has long legs. high waist and 4 detachable garters. White.S-M-LvXL. 'vocua' LYCRA“ PANTY GIRDLE 3†Reg. Kresge Price 3.98 SPECIAL 2.77 Box of 12 THURS. FRI. SAT. Snug fashions that go to a lady's head! Choose lined hood with button and_loqp glosing or bonnet with string and pom trim.: Reg. Kresge Price 4.49 SPECIAL Both white & black Phone 884-3000 DFLUIAL ‘ "'3 “c \ ‘ , 3 . 9 ' “NW \ Y ,\ _‘ ‘ H‘ ‘ ‘ . “ fl \ , - ‘ THUR-S. FRI. SAT. An'other Kresge specia! buy! 100% all-plastic cards. Each deck boxed. PLAYING CARDS Reg. Kresge Price 1.29 SPECIAL PLASTIC (OLGA'I'E TOOTH PASTE “GLENOI'I'†snow CAP HOODS AND BONNETS Family Size! Regular Flavor? Kresge IFUI Special ‘cial IVOF! Perfect for Pillows Reupholslery. Cushions, Etc PIECES & CHIPS The two young people's groups had most informative experiences during their recent court visits at the provincial courts. at Willowdale and New- market. On January 3 they held an evening skating party. WESTON â€"â€" John Ellerton (Hap) Holley. 83, police chief of the town of Weston for 25 years. died at his home on Church Street. Weston. December 27. After retiring from the police force in 1947. he operated the Island View summer resort near Bl‘acebridge for 12 years. city on the previous Sunday when Rev. Earl Gerber and Leo- nard Lomas had engaged in a “dialogue" sermon. St. John‘s was beautifully de- corated for the Christmas Sea- son and the flowers on the altar were given to the glory of Ced and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Legge by their d‘ ' Miss Bessie Legge of T The rummage sale organized by Miss Elizabeth Flood 1t bl. Mark's Chapel, Oak Ridges. December 20 was most success- ful and realized the sum of $70 for the much needed snowmo- bile for the clergyman at Port Harrison. Quebec. PILLOW FORMS 3 for $1.00 to 98¢ ea. SLAB FOAM 690 - 980 to $2.97 FOAM FOAM CHIPS 69c Bag 8, 1970