Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1970, p. 6

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'IHE LIBERAL Richmond Hill. ()ntai‘io.'lh111'sda1..Iaii. 8. 111711 Sumthin’ Old, Sumthin’ NeW, Sumthin’ For Me, and For You -- 111 Want Ads CALL THE EDIRECT CLASSIFIED 9NUMBERS 884- 1105- 6 AND A COURTEOUS AD TAKER WILL A SSIS ST YOU. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS1 TO RENT 1 USED CARS 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES . . ' “'" ' lC ‘ 7‘ " ' CASH RATES. lst Insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per RELIABLE_ far in er possibly _777777'77flit1nued7) , - CLEANING “ivâ€"[knows 7 Continued) 12 bedroom apartment. $35: FOR the best deal on new‘ and. word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second :semi- -retircd to wOiksmull [aim ROLTE salesman. full 01‘ part WALLS AND FLOORS 1 7 E W PAINE ‘room, 310. TI Pemberton Ci'es. used cars sec WS;P Motors Ltd. ROYAL TRUST and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 10 791059 I" Maple, Write BOX 2’6 time. E5,tf_‘1)115119d 11°1'te~u“"e1 Day or night DIamS Septic tanks. All 1313651 11120 178 Yonge S1. N. Richmond Hill words for .901: and .8c per word thereafter. The L‘bml _ I, ”C 2 ‘L‘fg'0‘11,ll.1“”‘e 1° Box 38‘ 33,33 884- ”4:"; , “1'33 °§9‘_’9‘.‘g;e‘fi 2.99;: ESTN‘TES T TiiORNHiL‘if’OREEN 889-7701 home Of the vw used COMPANY COMING EVENT NOTICE 101: per word; min. charge $1750 ‘WOMAN’ for 171(Itl\e\\()lk. 3 rla1's ‘7 , _ -7 , ,_4 L' ‘ 7‘ PAINTING and (1311999111 w'01k ‘7‘ tf 31 TOWNIIOUSES c‘ai 100F111 month w"“a11an1_\ on. 9')" _ , _ week, Mon, l‘liuis. I‘ll Own MATLRE ladies for t-lnldreiis and“ 1,1 e‘neial repairs 331_ 7990 1 c Convenientiy located on east parts. and li7i7b01‘ 777 tic-’1 --‘ Eglmton Ave- w- BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion Of 500 [runs 01-13mm advantil’eous home Bavview‘ and Liohteenth CARPENIR) and remodelling. ' ' ' ' 7 7 p , . .5 .. 7 , 7 7 , 7 ,, ._1.,)8 . Slde of \onge st. Opposite TRL‘ CK & AUTOBODY Toronto 12 485-9331 CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. Call 884-8222. C]\\'28 .A\e. aiea. Some weekends. - - - ,. ~ â€"' Kitthens 1".et rooms, etc. ‘l‘hmiiliill CO” e C 1 Cl 1 C I 1 1 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES BIRTHS per inâ€" . . Must have own transportation. ROOFER “"1 10 °01 “011* N0“ 887- 5891 ' ‘ 0“" 1" L” 01'5“)“ ‘ Gene” Rem“ ‘ . ~ - _ ’ ’ CLEANING woman with ti'aiisâ€" 889-306‘1 1 ,2, is the time to get \Olll new 01 {793 Each suite equipped with 4 ap- Ret‘.inisliing 41 )lapleA\e.]\L1‘-1A\BURG certion 51-50 portalion. l‘ull1‘ experienced. I . “ e ,, , C “ ’1 "-1e roof done Call 887- 5552 m ,4- 77 7_ #17}: plianees. diapeS, finished re- Tliornhill (East of Yonge, south 6 Miles To Metro Classified advertisements should be In as early in the day‘weekly, 9â€"4.30 pm $13. PLEASANT mature “0.11“?“ in estimates (11.18 SHA‘lP001\G creation "00'“ & D0“d(‘- 100111-017 16‘“ \‘9’ 336.900. - Ranch bungalow 011 a week as possible but "0‘ later than 9'30 am on Wednes- 297 P39 {NZâ€"8 iiEiTIiSttsc‘dminadggiInitiraiiirllg £131: 24 HOURS Show Blowing sci RUGSWITiTcTITR ts'lI‘Eer SID acjtiiiigisi-bglioE 451P4233LT1TT11 ”"889 915i,,,,}6“ 05 large ravine 10L Set on a quiet 7 7 j 7 . 7 7 - - an ies er 1 5 a1 oi‘ a e .v . . . c age imi - iofig ALSTI. ‘ , 1 , street su1rounded b‘ 11' . days Send ads by mail and enclose payment 0l telephone , FEM. ILI'.‘ PACKERS~ 1baSIS [taming lice. Call, \ice. Residential & light com- night. 884-)433 ”€23 ed Realtm “050 3 ”N Ilc‘tl1 13. .000 1111113 countiv and scenei 1 @7775: us at 884-1105 or 884- 1983 and you will receive an invoice. I\SPECTORS John Piast 884- 8996 .14“25 meicial. 711011111111 palk G111 den -- -,- com 0111 1 e wile \1 ieels over 3 ____â€"_â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" “e have openings for packers - HDUSE EE ER 1 Maple 1EXPERIENCED man with chain FURNISHEDâ€"100111. cooking (ll‘fihe $1550 full p1'ice.884â€"3395 ha\e “logedb -dimmediateuoccu- r! ll‘lSPGClOIS on all Shifts. Pr'-efe1 K P p easant “0-1332, 2435 773 5941; “€24 saw. Tree cutting and pruning facilities. 16 Lorne. Est house after 6 pm Joseph. c2w27 pancy e 1001115. \\e de- ‘ ‘ â€" r)_ . .‘ 1 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" d - 7777â€":FOR SALE-1 FOR SALE once will be given to applicantsiRISE-1500389008221Tgk‘ESBChLTIdTe“ i Recreation liteâ€"(iris £19??? trees E‘ C' D031“ 332‘} $0139“ BOTT‘S Jewellers ft 1966 MINI MinOI stationw,agon :iggchatiéiitci-lggn “cittilsltogzi‘rbgllg MOVING â€"- contents of an _ jgfltmuem ,_._ thi ng 0“” means 0T “a"Spm' pc2w‘27 Alterations & Repairs - i , _. 7- 1 c , .., 77*77fi7i7tfc31900d ”mnnw condition. Best games room walk-out to arden apartment, fiidge, stove, stereo, 2 PAIRS of children skates tation Steady eiiit1loyinent17fi,__ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-4 iu-vv- 1 Stone Overlav NORTHERN PATNTING, TFURNISHED 100m cooking‘ Ohm 884 7719 ““28 from sepaiiate dining groom Chesterfield suite, etc. 225-2647. size 3_ 11 w anted to buy size good benefit plan-S Apply m ROUTE salesladi' full 0r pai‘ll Walker Construction Residential. commercial pamtâ€" and paiking facilities Please 1967 CHRYSI ER New mt cus- Good schools 5110 . 'n ' DOl‘SOH 9 8111â€"4 Dill MAPAC time Established l'Ouie we ‘ ‘in interior and exterior. Pa er ilione 884-1194 for a 1 p , ‘ pping l .a ““28 13 889' 6913 CT “281 1 889- 5292 tfc20 g, p 1 pl ointment. tom power steer ng. b k newly develo d ‘ Ct ' 'Wfl * A~-*â€" 1 1Division of Pol1pump Ltd. 81001111in. Wi‘ite to Box 39, ‘The1 _A, , , hanging 884-5697.tfc491 “€15 T "T es ex- . . . pe aiea. _1 y INGLIS automatic wasliei and 1 FANNON Masco 100 watt PA Keele St 1117”,“, (-11128 Libeial” c311271CHIMNEYS_ -~â€"â€" . - 790110111 COlldillon. 887â€" 5461. livmg III a country setting- dryer, used 1 1ea1 884- 2446. ainplifei and 1 51111119 mike. 1â€"- i 1 . 1 11Cliimnevs and fireplaces built CARPENTRY work recreation 2.000 sq 117 90c per foot net, - “111287612921 mortgage. Please call 011128 773_ 5352 Don clw28 Earn S78. Salar1 Part Time 11\ANN\ {01‘ hOme- making du t- and iepaiied Free estimates iooms. additions, renovations. immediate possession in Rich- 1964 PONTIACT 1397774737177 sta- Mrs. wright at 485-9331. â€"1.A new ad1ertising office open- 195 pait time. North Richvalc. bififNGâ€"1106m Suite -1â€" piece ONE 19inch poitable ”“117 Vik ing in this area ieqniies men 101884- 6948 clw'28 E "pe1t workmanship, 20 \e315 tile floors and ceilings. Ficc mond Hill. 630â€" 9100 tfclT lion wagon 8 automatic powei THORNHILL modern walnut. 884-2551.c1w28 ing. with stand $60 889- 7440 handle \eitified appointments - â€"- 1 1 0\p€1‘icncc Phone 889- 5292. MAI ET 1 I 1‘ ]_ d estimates. 1' Price. BBQâ€"3617377772 OFFICE space. 900 sq ft {actom 1steeiiiiu. bi aims and war \\in- 4 Bedrooms _ 2 Storey -â€"â€"â€" »- ___,._.-_ aftei 6 111. (.11‘23 , 7 7. niOClZii‘lica ." inc 1116‘ WALKER CONSTRUCTION , . ._.-, , Space building under construe 001128896061. If 28‘ ‘ SHOTGUN, â€"20 gauge magnum. , ,., WW? 7 7 7 in the home. No GNPOIIGDCC fuel pump iebuilding. Appl; tfc48 DR.YW \LL 1,1590, acsttic tile tion appiox 71009 sq ft, ceil- 1 \' A~7 - 0 $10,000. down payment to one own and under. 83... 2481 RECONDITIONED_ typewriters1iiecessai‘1'. Hours from 11.30-10.30 G. Ashton Industries Ltd 1-7- .7” ceilings moveable paititions ing height 18‘6 6‘ 889- 6161 963 011'\0 5‘”- a 1011311 little mortgage at 931‘?) - exacllent. car in 511 ct1‘-â€"â€" ccitilied shape value for a family home. 20‘); c1w'28 and adding machines $20 8; up. pm. Monday through Friday Esse A“. Thai nliill w28 GENERAL contiactnig _-111°Ta‘ 1 - _ 1 _ _ . . _.__ ,_._._. __ _L 8236 Yonge St. Thornhill 889- and 6 hours on weekend. Call x ‘ . “D_1tions and additions. homes. ofâ€" Home 01 office. 884 8391 889 tfczi‘I‘l'dlly .‘1‘31‘5 01' 8000 driving 161‘1- 13’ living room. 12‘x14‘ dining PIANO, d i f n‘tu . â€"’â€"" _ 1â€"â€" , v-7 -- 7~- , rugs bedlsn ndgisliggman‘dl inarriiy 5582. Open 10 am to 9 pm. Mi‘. Ralston at 884-4480. NIGHT watchman. ideal f01'1‘8'1fices factories. Custom carpen- 6734 7,__ __ ““61 RICHMOND HILL .Call Stove. 884 6673 c1\\‘28,room - family 1.00m off kitchen “he“, household articles at clw‘28 c21.128§r?1dd_gengenéant Civil Eadglato try of all descriptions. Les ”â€"TBAKER’S BACKHOE 13 BEDROOM house double 62‘0170511’53’1‘l-Em8â€"4“"1111 walk-out Master bedroom . . . â€" â€"- .' . «4- u rig r0 '5, a e n -' t" ' 1. - '1 , , World Wide Shipping 360 New- NEW Mary Mainm sweater. EXPERIENCED man for ser- 8321-2271. uh p c1w‘28 Webb 889.2346; “03 T' -h' EXCAZAEI: 'te lin : garage, 884 2947 after 6 pm. 2 111001 haldtop. p0\\'ci‘ equipped. has ensuite ' 3 Othel bediooms FLOOR COVERING 18’” ”315” r a r e' ”C 5 safety ciieck $375. 773-5198. large With ample cupboard kirk Road. c1\\1'28 cream color. snowmobile design. vice station. Must have lefer- . _L---__ w SHAY-andâ€"flâ€"straw delivered 8â€"8; chest approx. 44. $35. 884-5640. ences and some mechanical EXPERIENCED female. tellei‘ All types floOI tile. sheet goods. ,footings. 889' 3604 .4, “W “:2 A COZY furnished room, cook-I clw'28 space. A two car garage along 1593 tfc28. 7 _777_7_ 7 ___701\\728 knowledge. 7 am - 3 pm shift. wanted. Excellent working con- Expert weikmanship at low cost. PLUMBING a; HEATINGâ€"â€" ing facilities. parking. quiebmmg’;bzd “'ltll extraiiisulation and all al- .,4_ GOOD stock of. over -size ladies 1811 884-1502 and ask for Mr. ditions. Salary commensurate Free estimates. Gillett Fine Roger Pioulx __ Telephone __1c1ean home. $15 weekly. 128 running condition, $1007 b884- uminum Sldmg and storms 1° LARGE crib $15, electric _bottle K ‘tl 1, 281mm experience. For appoint- Floots. 884- 8831. tfcll 4_1 59 if 24‘Pemberton Rd, 334-7329_ 1- _ cut fuel costs. Full price $421- sterilizer $5 884 6052. c1w28 511“.“ 337“ f1.“ $3' 98 Pa“ 91 1' 1 ~- A C l 88 6 C ‘6‘” c”2311900 Please call Mrs. Wright ,.“_.__. ._-.‘ $111271 t 1 889 7528 R 1 1 . men Mme 0” PERRT' STYLE CUSTOM SNOWPLOWING 1 â€"1 m STATION WAGON" ' ‘at 485-9331 or 884-7915; _~._-.._.-_1_ .___ 1V151t this unique shop in Ba1- COUPLE lfleqllllod 107 run ,- 'â€"â€"â€"â€"- 1 ' Bank of Canada, Keele & Hwy 1968 14 FIBREGLASS iun- vie Plaza. boarding house on fdllll 110317 COHCOICI UPI‘IOLSTERING D1‘I\1‘€\\8,\S. small commercial DOUBLE & single filinished AI '65 Rambler radio chrome ’ 1 UNIONVILLE about. 33 HP Evinrude motor WYN-DOT LADIES SHOP 11\'la ”(:23 Antique and modem fu1nitui‘.e d t 1 l d . . , , _ 1 _ . _ 1 pie. Large modern home #Wâ€"nâ€" W" m Reasonable rates. accomo ‘1 10“ in 0‘6 3 mo 91“ â€" â€" 1 1" - 1969 tilt trailer. All equipmentinaywew Plaza. Richmond Hill‘fi‘eshlv decorated. partly fur- WE NEED iAll work guaianteed, Up to, 889-1891 home. kitchen facilities. aikâ€"1:21:51'lgfielméggj7ig3 T’Zi“gg‘ Early Canadiana Included, $1350. After 5 pm. 884-2214 iiished. Heat. hydro and foodiT Clerk typists ‘date selection of material and1 clw'28 ing. business people only 88.0-â€" ent $59099 _ Situated in the. heai'li 884- 7339. clw28‘ -9 , * S "tchboard o erat '. .t les. 884- 68 tfc44 ___,,_ 1 ..- ~â€"â€"-â€"-1â€"-â€"- ,._-E_ '1l963 VOll SWAGEN e\ 11 02“ BlslIPPhEd “1115 53131‘1‘ API’l.‘ 101 “l p 0” i“ 1.35;- _.1 -__-_7 Gillespie .lanftorial 3326 ,,,(%,“27 condition, \oe I. tified L309 000 of Uiiioiiville in its original 7 _7__ M 7 77 777 7 7_ . . ,_ ’1‘ ' ‘ 35 M _AI.DIS pi'oject01‘1-500 W. 1 Pair men's Bauer skates, size B0\ 40 The Libe1"al.c1w'28‘ Bookkeepers RUBBER STAMPS 1 - AURORA # 2 bedroom ap1iil - scttin 011 an acre of 1'0 city and Maintenance Sci-Vice miles. iust had clutch and brake g p p . , , ,_ , .1. 1 1 manual, “llll $101389 cases 8. 834- 3838 (1“13‘EXPERIENLED d1'i\e1 1.0mm, 3 (Siici‘lllssFridav Se\eral type faces to choose Complete building maintenance. ment, suitable f01 business 01 job Asking 3427â€") full piice can Ieilooking a 1".a\ine this ‘ warming 7 room home has $35. 889â€"4788. 1 c1wZ8 "‘ ' - from â€"â€" including Sc1‘11pt Block t' d 1 PORK *63c 11111511195 and ed for Thornliill area Call 1 1 _ No 'ob too 13, e 0] too 5973111 ‘i‘e lie coup e. 11 1 7 For PERMANENT 0‘ IEMPOR 7‘letteis, Outline and signature J g 375 Bluegr‘ass Commercial buildings. 12007317baan° °e financing Privateeltz‘tizgg been completely restored with APARTMENT 1i h 1. .18 be E i n t 889 7717 dining 100m susiiti: 3150211319i\2117%lee\);lr::::d and cu1cd7932278 0 n qu p1 en olu 28 AR"? work7 , â€"â€"'fast serv1ce. Call “The “-1353 estimates and 1800 sq.ft. ieasonable 727-1 1-_..-1-1ba1'n siding wide plank floor,s bed and dresser. 884-4291 _._ . , , â€" #»-#r- A â€" Register ““h- leial" 884- 1105. 1 884-2955 9335 CZ 123 1961 BUICK 1 mv‘nei aUWma-haid cut kitchen cupboards and Ic1w28 GENâ€"DRAN cariiage almost new WOMAN urgently iequired for HI-CORPS 1 HARRISONSflCUSToufll .. 1 1t,ic p 0“ e1 steering, po“,,el original w'iudows Living room _,,______â€"__._. _ $20 884. 7650 C1\V23 genelal llOUS€\V01k 2 days PERSONNEL AGFilvNCY A C4“2 8 SINGLE TOOTTT' gentleman p16 11)] akes 10\\‘ mileage certified a - 1 . . CARPENTRY with log- -bu1‘nin., fiieplace den. snow TIRES, in; Corvalr 640 YORK ALUMINUM weekly. Must be fond of child- ' 18 YONGE ST. _ fel‘md- 834 3540-‘1‘128 884- 2812 c1w28 family room and modern kit- 650/13' 4 ply like new_ no reia- 1.911 884-3289. CI\V23 RICHMOND HILL 1Custom bu1lt homes, renova- DAY CARE GENTLEIVIAN wishes 10 share. sonable offer l-efused7 884-6880 Free estimates Aluminum Sid-1GIRL for geneial office duties DAYQ EVENINGS tions, additions, and repairs. 'house with same own room 1 1 T- . . 7 . 1 1 upstairs. This home, a land- ciwzs ing WindO‘ls 010015 “miles mus. have “ping expellenca 884-6182 832- 2335 Kitchens 3 SPF-malty- MOWS AVAILABLE 1“ my 11011193150 884 2632 cl\1‘281O(:,3 “"9295?dfi'fe‘l‘emtr”“Glitz:1mark. is being offered for sale >â€"â€"A~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" also glass and screen 1e aiis Har.rison 884- 2838. tfc45 Bayview. BBQ-13721621127 -- - 1 - ' p Appb Wmld Wide Shipping 1 ““28 _-,,- 1 ----11BEDROOM to rent. 884163818895413 c11128f°1 “‘9 buy“ 1001“”; T01 QUANTITY of baled nii\ed hay, ' 1st and 2nd cutting 887-5461 g};°“12884‘4553 Tam” 83271.3;27360 Newkirk Rd c11128 ENCL15H"”Speaking €195,351: ALUMINUM HOME RELIABLE day care given “‘1 “1,28 7E - - _-__--_1-. charm and character right (\t p C IMPROVEMENTS 1my home, Oak Ridges 773- 5596.1 T965 COR\A1R “01113 automaâ€"iof the last century. With *4W28 ,H. , ,. $41-- â€" A N T T , 2 lad1 wanted. 1 day week. 9-â€" DOUBLE b 120 <1 l 1SITI131§84TBSR021TTRIRJM eqlw'1281 11.111 813 a day. Bayview Steele51Alcan â€" siding. Eavesti‘oughs C4\\281YONGE STeeleS bTT‘tOO' 3 bed 11C ”“110 excellent CONdlllon- tabout $20,000. down payment, arre gaub e 5101- e gs ‘ 1 Doors and Windows 1DAY CARF , 1 b1 t E'f'room bungalow fenced VMaId1895-3317 evenings c2\\'28 balance to one mor.tgage F01 skli-au/e ‘ ‘ ma” 9 '3 ssexlszzs 889 3402 ' CHEV BARGAIN ‘ chen on main floor. 3 bedrooms ' aiea. 889- 7293. (111281 _. . gun TESTETZN FROCKSCIT‘TT FE‘IALE SIOCk ('Ontml (lelk' â€" ~-»* ~- .. ~ For free estimates call youriand 9.7311913”, Road. 884-1553 1 “2“231TRIUMPH 590115 6. 4 seaiei‘. details and appointments please l01‘ waiehousing company WWI-KITCHEN help iequiied Would Local Contractor 1 283 3131313120011 farmhouse 2bati‘p‘5 e d 11 11 new Decembei 66 call Mrs. Wright at 485â€" 9331. Commission and war‘diobe for" Your Authorized Dealer ed Dut‘teiin and FTMTT aiea.conside17\middle aged married HANS BUTT 339 4106 , , c “, rooms. bi‘oadloom tliioughout 34. 000 miles, twin cai‘bs. disc1 UNIONVILLE 29 MINS showing our fashions at .home Ron Woods tMust be a neat 1111181 and ac- couple lust have 01.11 tiansâ€" “€41 DAT CARE available at Essex $125 monthly. immediate pos biakes radio. 3650. 884-5834. . - parties. Phone 29929517 or ALUMINUM PRODS. jctuate with Good‘portation.889-4988.1:111‘28 â€"-~ “TV'REPAIVRERSDAWW home reasonable. 8851-450271‘287session 884- 1064 c11128‘ c1w"81 DOWNTOWN ’ â€"* ,,,_.i._ ,_,A -_ '-~ 4â€"1-77 Mid-Victorian ,. . - 1 . 1 king conditions and bene- 1 ' 1 Wllte Nancy Laidlaw 1 George Dlscount Pi‘lces on All \\"01 BWR'IENDERT mtist‘ be 6\1)EI I- ALSO COLOR 1 . ‘ . 1 . â€"~â€" â€"â€"k â€"â€"â€"â€"_ â€" 1 B droom ai'tm nt wall to J - St. Markham. Ont. ttc27: News 8: Used Machines {11576780725700.777 Cl“2_819nced and ieliable. Own ti'1ans-1pl..011)aiy serviced at low rates DAY CARE availâ€"able In mum,”e broadlggm :dults 01111. 71:2:1:572:11th\Igfioeongggiagggel1,$61500. - solid brick. 2 storey. -â€"1â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"1â€"â€"â€" 334.1514 RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST portation 889- 4988. c1\\28 Satisfaction guaranteed .- by home, pre- -schooleis preferred17$12o Richmond 11111, 221- -36577 cng 9 looms ““86 (“Odem family I PATIO SLABS Seconds “C28 Young gm “Tm pleasant 1919‘ WAITERS and bus bo1‘.s Must old, established company. Save Bayvie\\’~R00k90rt- 834-2717 #11123 _ , - . _ 11k'1tchen - lst floor laundry phone voice for opeiating PBX 921t128 â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-1D D7 CHEV 6 automatic, g00d1room. Separate dining room,- 24" x 24" and 24" x 30» 99c PERFORATOR, rotaiy Nygien- be experienced and ieliable, by cash and carry. Factmy 1 BEDROOM a artment, 93 _, 7 7 77 7 7 7 regularly $1.65. All colors. Dahly 3 heads takes 28” sheet. pho-ne in small Offlc-e' GOOd own transportation. 889- 4988. trained tEChHICianS- Radio dis- DAY care available, my home, Yonge Street Soiitli. For ap-1condltlon' 884 7222 aftei 2111:1218 2533;115:3337?7137171771g4rogilg; typing necessary. Finch-Duf- _ - Also t t bl . 32' . - . 1 . 1 128 atch TV owned and operated _ w 3r 3 e X42 773 4249 form area. (130-2500, c1\\1‘28 C “ 13 BeEChy D!‘ and Bluegrass‘ 884 pOTntment call 787 3003 evgs'i OPENING SPECIALS bedrooms. 2 staircases fI‘OI‘lt c1w28 __.. I by Gearings 6309 Yonge St 5644' CIW28 Open Saturda1s ““28 and back. Approximately 1 acre ALUMINUM â€""â€"â€".â€"“'.â€"â€"- HARVEY'S Drive-In. Richmond Machine/Hand-Postin M11055 fiom Towne 8; Countrye , , Doors. windows. awnings, andafzntDET: 0:”? Chm” $34'5o1.Hill, requires 2 reliable male1 Bookkeeping g Square. 223- 2270 223- 2280. RELIABLE babys1ttei wants FURNISHED warm large base-171733: T'BIRD' as is Lic. 226378‘ of land with a 2 car garage 3 railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514, :1 â€"no 5 5 '00 Wash stand employees. 1 man full time. 1‘ A . 1.1 11.1 '51 C 1 1V01k tfc36 day caie in my home. 389'5967 ment apartment business cou- l 10llt buildings Ideal 58111108 for tfc36 $25. China cabinet $35 D°$k511student 011 man pai‘t time 884- ‘ ccu 3.9. _p1 5: Op -â€"- C1“281ple. 889- 5967. lcw 281:964 RATIBLER Classic, auto., antiques or glacious family liv- 1 - 18nd. 1n\1'01c1ng. Universal Janitorial _Sâ€"ervlce 1 -- â€"~-- . . , . adio Lic. 502047 3495 ling 7177 first mortgage please L1 dresses, chests of drawers. night 11 1 . . v v TYPEWRITERS itables, new and used. Mam' 071181 8681 , , cle8 List \\‘ltht 1Complete building maintenance THE YFTCHMO“) ,HTLL 1SUBLET 2 bedroom apaitment 1954 VW 1500 wagon Lic. x2 0. call \115 Wright at 485 9331 1111111111; MACHINES larucles of Good and fine' {Limb \\ORLD Book Enc1clopedia MONA ROBERTSON and home care, 277 North Ta1- PM CARE CENTRE 1iiarkham Rd. 884 1904 after 005 $695 ' '5 and Childci‘aft, The How and Tenipor'aiy Placement Service 101 11111115 Dupe, Richmond Hill 1T1“? “1‘51 91110110 day care nurs- 7 pm. c17w‘28'1965 RAMBLER Classic 770 RICHMOND HILL Sales Service Rentals ture and anti . ques ieasonable » _ _ ‘ Authorized Dealer - ., . \Vli1 Libiaiy tequiie full 01 Call 884- 5944 fot appoimmem 884 5755 tfc18 cry in York Count1. Pi‘oles- 9 77 Hdt Oiiginal black. Lic. 361- . . Uplands Fuiniture 8.. 36 Yonge part time 1Cp1“.esenlaii\es F'oi1 Our new address SIC-INKS 1sional supeiiision 701 children - 1 BEDROOM apartments. D Attached Garage All 0 ular makes for l ' - St., Tliomhill. 889- 5582. O 1 , 884-2 12. clw'287 336 3795- .1 . - - - . _ p p sa e m pen 0 interview wiite G. “1. Camp- 52 Yonge st South 1between the ages of 2 and 5 _# :i,_ _,_,, 1965 MUSTANG V8 auto Lic 1:30?”th égggiledi‘fttdctl-friidiilliii eluding new and rebuilt «tam-1am â€"9 pm. c1w281., ' Truck lettering â€" Posters 0 â€"â€"â€" A 1 ’ M d 1 to Fr da , 7: 301 A COZY fuinished 100m cookâ€" 7 ,L L bell -82 Essa Road Ballle.'1Eniiance 0n Ainold s1. wi1yeai‘s on a1 1 1 11071 $1095 thioughoul Combination 11v- ll‘d portable and electric mod-1 ELECTRIC 4 bump, 510179 )1 Art work â€" Gold leaf 1 ‘ ' ‘ '. . 6 L t 51.. ing facilities ai'king. uiet , 7 els. Specral rental rates avail-1 ood condition .20 7 9 1._- --- 1“28 ““28 Experienced-fast service 151,111,}0 7pm oca Ion p 1 qr) 1966 PIA MOUIll Bel1edei'e.‘m., 100m dining room about able 1: t d t g 1 I ' 73'4-17-1 SECRETARY â€"WANTEDâ€" 1 M11115 Ant, lican Cliur,c|i 100 clean home. $15 \\eeky. 8 excellent condition Lic 211089 9 7 ° 5 11 en 5‘ ‘ BARB SIGNS FLAGLER SIGNS :Yonge St South. A full and 'Pemberton Rd. 884- 7329. cvlt 281 $99, -71‘x17‘ Iaigeb fulliy iitiodern kllé leien \\‘1 i rea as ai‘ca. c1w28 1 L. H. SIMS __â€"__â€"â€". Part time position per.manent 1. , 1 °65 “1‘“ Street‘ Thor‘m‘“ 1 ”4'3“” 1”“‘3‘1 l‘eCIeatlonal Plogl‘amme1 3 BEDROOM heated apartment PINECRES’I‘ MOTORS good bediooms and 4 piece bath :3 Baker Ave. 17’ Bluejay 1101188 trailer, sleeps now available in Thornhill. for . 7 . ‘ .- h f 471 Richmond Hill 884-1745 6 equipped $11 350 or best of_ expeiienced young woman. Requires spray paintei wit t c fully trained supervisory staff, immediate possession, no child- 889- 4666 with vanity Basement has huge tfc3 fer 727 9708 Aurora ““28 Dictaphone and eleCtl‘iC type- “7003 “101171118 ktnowtliedge. CARPENTER hot lunches, regulalr restdpetr- fen 884- 4291. C1“281Higliway 7 next to Speedway finished recreation room with â€"__â€"_._______ , ’ 1 _ . . . o‘ 'â€",__ SAND and Salt mixed to DHO ELECTRIC range, Moffat 24", “’lltel SUPPlIEd Apply 13-0 scglal £52772? men goo T235358 Additions, alterations. recrea- iniurgg? r2357: (7:31:39 men: 3 BEDROOM house, Auroral c1w28 open fireplace and sink - high . . excellent condition $75: boys Box 279, Thornhill. c111128 tion rooms, ceiling and floor P stove diy'ei air conditionei :THESE CARS TO BE SOLD T0 ceilings Comfortable and spot- specifications $12.50 ton or 2 1,, and a sense of responsibility. 1, 1 . size 10 skates. used once $5.1PRIVATE hos 1131 in Tliomhill TRUCK DRIVER â€"- Metro deâ€" tiling and painting. Free eStT'a humidifier $165 221- 5995, less - near public school. Call tons $..0.00 deliveied. Phone p liveiies 37 ton pick- up and mates E Fox 'Special financial consideration c17w281 THE PUBLIC AT WHOLE- 1H, R. Kitson at 485-9331 01, 444_ 832-2455 Holland Park Garden {38â€"4-3375 (‘l\‘281iequiies T' male help in the t l t l Id ( 117' SALE PRICES . " ., . _. ' 1 k. steel plate and 1589-7430 0 he one- paien 0" a " - , ' ' â€"' ‘ 16447 Center 51 Ixeele Street North. 1969 DARI Swinger, 340 Call‘dlelal.‘ dept. Please phone M's- stake truc EFOR RENT \ Rh 0 t‘on .1 b1\1 ' ' ”027 “‘5 “ham” sze' 884 8227 ‘ pl 0 L2 19 69 FORD I: T0\‘ PICK UP1 _________.â€"_ . - 1 _ 1 Maple 7 tfc24 884-2960. c11128 Rees {01‘ appointment 839 1123 Sligetiqififlfggiiaesfiillls 1771;522:9177 1 .. ,, - - 7”-.. , E .e-1 ”-1 041123 01' for sale â€" huge bungalow "' â€"'â€"â€" clw 203188 â€"HA\DYMAN kitchens 2 batliiooms low \8 Custom Cab Suburban Tii‘cs ROYAL TRUST COMPANY WASHER *di'yer and stoveâ€" _ --7- ,, 7 T F 4'3500- C1“28 All round man fOi all ha e of - 1 b L 38 743 F 11 art - ' ALE I ART TIT”: l l l d for 1 1' - p 5 S1'down a1ment. Richmond 111111 iue 19- ‘ U , mice 11 5, gears. belts. “00d bear PE S OR 8‘ 10 p wan e FFL‘LI. time crossing guards home maintenance 339 4578- ROOM & BOARD1aiea 8184-1596 01 649- 5590 131895. REALTOR ings and \Viingei- rolleis etc Fox 1 â€"--- - daytime hours Apply in pelson , ) 7 1 1 -1 - all makes. Repaiis and pails {01\EW ownei Bettv Forsvth Dog K111111995 5110951 lemlllll n e e de d‘ Immediate employ _ tfc 7 CITEWATVTroOm, stilt two. close to ““28 1967 TORD LUST-0M 000 -_ I moto M .1, grooming â€" poodles a special- .1 1 ment light wank Good pa_\.51GNipaintin# osteis aint- . r ‘ - FDR ‘18 Automatlc. pow‘e1‘_â€"â€"____â€" 1‘s athsl\ 49191195111131 c w- 3 g l) p transportation 884â€"6236. tfc26 HOUSE. 1 rooms close to ccrind power l11‘akes.'i'adio, 1 â€"- Road. 884-7903 7221”. Jill Goddard. 889- 3606 Must be reliable. Apply Richâ€" in andp decmating 339- 4573 1d. 1 - . 0 , 7 7 t ”as FULL 01' pail time ollicc 1119 p mond H111 p011“. Depmmem g “C27 ROOM & board tor gentleman. Too“ 9 “almond ”1111334 543* 111330239 '1 alioe tui'q. Pull ”1 SALE REGISTERS T‘REACTORVfOI sale. Like new. , E\l>€1i(’llC(‘(l {01 Small 011108 in clw28 - 1 -.- private entrance and bathroom C1“ 3 111cc 31.131 Massey-Harris “pom. 7 complete REGISTERT‘D FOOD] E PUPS Richmond Hill 8189-2482 c1\\28 CARPENTRT and iemodelllng. on \onge St 773 5767 c2\\ 27 2 BEDROOM apailnicnt a\ail- 1966 FORD (‘OI'YI RY SED AN It‘ll; AR\ 73 TUESDAY, 7 39 .~ , . , ;\1ost reasonable. 888-1975 ._-. . .' ’ l - . with lawn mowei. Ideal for WOTIEN quuned for Iigitl Kitchens rec. iooms, etc .AT KING Sideioad 8; Batliui'st able F911 - 1 b‘le 0111) appl1 \8 Automatic radio. Med Blue. pm # Auction Sale of Antique _7 . r111 EXPERIENCE hair stylist, part _ , .- giounds keeping or snow plowâ€"1 C “ 81ti7me 889- 2311. c1w'2Bigicelrggiig4 £131“ 5 pm 52:11:13 889.9608 “(.27 773- 577 tfc281 superintendent 4‘“ Elmwood. UC X’064’ N01 cc1titied Bull and Fine Fur‘nituie, Art Glass, ing. Evenings 884-2165 neon-24 PUPPIES. free to good home. _ - â€"- 1 -- '7â€"â€"â€" 7 ,_ J-wâ€" 7* 02\\'28 p 6 Y k F M k t, 7 7 _ LEASING AND AUTORIOBILE v7 W â€"â€"â€"â€" â€" .7, 7’#1_.. _. 7 _ __I_v_ 77 7 _,_, 777 777 77; 7 I‘ICO $7 1101031 01 allnClS 31 C BABY shoes b‘â€"‘ionzed.. Free pick_IRaised7 outdoors 10 weeks old SALESMEN 1LOCAL bank iequiies femaleI SNowPLOWING FEES; &03::rdla:‘;am§bal:l§23 FURNISHED 1.00m f0, 10mg 1963 METEOR 1'Thomliill. Robt C. Simpel. C1\\28 >ClEI'l\ Experience an 35581 334' Diiv eways and Lots e l y ‘ FRI) llTP, giecn, VB automatic clw'28 up and delivery. 221- 9188. L84 5051' ,___.t - . a dy available immediately. tfc49 â€"GOLDEN RETRIEV ERS The giowth Of our 183511151 de' 4469-01“231 Reasonable Prices. etgs. _CI“281phone aftei 6 30 pm 334_ 3343 1powei' stemming power bi akes 1 __-.__.____ . , 7 pai‘tment makes it necessary to Tom Hodges LARGE iooni atailable lboard L 2 374 N tce t'fied D U RA L Super-white Latexiggfigslstemd 8 weeks Old' c188381add to 01.11 leasing sales staff. W TNTED dâ€"T 1381:???an “:13: 884-4769 optionali. p r i v a t e entrancg1i‘__-.-_-L_ i _7L c17wZ78 Eriioprii; $310 3 o r l W I L L 0 W D A L E -‘ NON“ paint intelior & ei‘teriofi’ $4.“ 39 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€" 1Y0“ must possess a pleas tfxperignlze secret T 0 TI I c5w‘27lpalking7. 889- 3270. Cl\\'28 LARGE Mums-”9‘1 100111 cent“? 1968 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN York Planning Board last Week gallon; white exterior oil paint. GERMAN sliepliei‘d, $25. 832- mg peisonalii\ with 1015 ofg ornie “ piac we in Tom' â€" . m- - ‘_ of Richmond Hill close to a 1 oved construction of Primer. $6.50 gallon; finish coat 2481 1.111128 up and g0 E\ce11ent ”poms; thill commencing late January. 1 RON MOORE I; ROOM house 5135 inonthiy Yonge St and tianspOitation D01 e1 w lute. \8 autpmaligic “1:771de fouith Holiday Inn and . 1 , - ‘ u 1 â€"#â€" ;Plione Da\id K Fraser 366-1931 PAINTING- PAPERHANGING mote in immediately 889â€" 6269.1 ‘884- 331., ”23 73:37:! 15717:“11113-756730“;171u)1:l7:57: W oolco Department Stmc $7.50 gallon' Butler and Baird FRE t f :1 1 E to good homes _ 5 cute.. i 1 or a vancement: salary. , r . . râ€"889 1964 evcnin s or Patiick Inteii r - Eateiio . Free esti-t clw‘1‘28 - - , , Lumber Ltd., 191 longe St. N. puppies 884- 2938 C1\\'281C0mpan\ Cd] and bonus CallTHeng Oen 362- 659]. gOI 924_ 6147 mates? Call anytime. 839-8965.‘ BASEAIEXT aDalIment ll’l RlCli- 31155.1 The $3 million inn, to be built Rlchmond Hill. 889'3506 - 884' T“ R- Stone 31 D0" thtlei mond Hill. two bediooms partl) 1968 FORD FNAIRLANE 10“ the 5"l'tll“95t come] 0f ‘ 1 _ evenings. c1w28 tfc35 , 1. . 1 1 "125 tfcll EMPLOYMENT Ford Sales Ltd‘ 889 1105 mi. an 1 " 7 d PI ‘1 . 'fh liill PERSONAL furnished. own entrance, raised TDP. HTP suiiglow 1-'.ellow au- Dllflelin Street 3‘11“ Highway interview 0 \v 28' EXPERIE\CED lathe ian , as ering am 4______ “0015 223 3794 ““28 tomatic. ladio \1 liite “.8175 401 \\lll contain 2,)4 suites, A are gainer fast better ISSeHe \VANTED -7, ’ ’ A" '6 must have own tools. mature. R. CLARK Do 1011 have a drinking p1 ob- . 1- -- --â€" - - lannin boaid spokesman said yours 9;“! Endean Nurseriesl' 7 1 . . GiilsLI\(:iii‘tT(idP 753:??qu timeTman. 889-5831. c1w'28 Plain and Decorative Plastering. lem. If so AA can help. Write ClLE. AN fiirnishcdS apartménit (5111:7377 Lic. 302483. Full Price 17307157171370“ 77 expected 10 start , v 1, 1 . . a FLRNITURE slip covers cut Repairs a SpeCIality Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call C 050 10 011 e 11991 U11 1964 C01“ AIR 5.,- “‘early in the new \931 542 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill.‘ mansliip guaranteed. Also cusli- “ .xperiencc mm - p ‘ 488-7521 889-3185 WOULD the bm “110 found NICE I"uiviislied room cooking Not ccitititd Full price 3195 of 3750 000 “1111 take over an ‘71 ED " ”1 “ ' 1 S FURNITURE ions and arm caps. etc. Please FEMALE cashier i'eqUii'ed fiill 300d 191(1)th mannei {01 ”“97777_â€" _ 77 tfc2 0 watch in Dominion on w ed- facilities T\, suit 1 01 2 1,,riils.D0N LITTLE existing Dominion Supermarket And appliances bought and 501d phone e\ enings or Saturday time, must be bondable.Appl1 girl office in “illow dale G. J. CURRIEfiâ€"T_ nesday Dec. 31 please call 884-| 334 7615‘ ”“23 pom) SALES LTD. and extend it at the North Park .- . , o o q â€" - , ’ 1 Also all kinds or goods taken1773 to the mana er. lxresges Rmh TITLE COST CLERK BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1284. "1“23; 168 Yonge St. North. Plaza on the southeast corner of on consignment for auction. iOUNG inaiiied man 111“, mond Heights Centre. clw‘ZS ““11 min- 5 months practical 9‘ '1 -_ â€"_â€"â€"â€" . . . 'L 1, , 1, d K I ’â€" , t ,, d . R. 1, A. Alteiations and additions Com- ANY ONE witnessing accident1T 1 Richmond Hill. Ontario 1 30181163 ANNIE an 09 e perience 1s 01“ ’n year SBOWMOBILE ES _ Street. THE PURPLE PALLETTE mechanical aptitude seeks em- CLEANING lad1 for home in ~ . ~ 1 - . Call: mercial and residential Custom at 16111 Me. and Bayv11ew' Dcc- ’lcl. 889-1105 AUCTIOR GALLERY ployment locall1 until com- Tliornhill 339. 0303 €11.33 III-CORPS carpentrv 713-5604 tfc9 emb01 22nd 1969 about 3 pm SKIROCLE ““23 AND 773-4531 mencement of 1970 college veai. ”FEMALE, PERSONNEL AGENCY RALPTHAEEMSIDECDTRTTING please call 884- 7860 after 5 pm Sm“, machines, sales and ser\‘- ________._. BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA Oak Ridges Plaza Yonge St. 2Education: 3 v‘eais of mechani- P . , , . - ,- _ .1_ art time help 1'01 office. 13 10131-3 51‘, .\. cleB ice Special new 14 HP Ski miles south of Ant-1.01;; Open cal Engineering. Expeiience: Fiencli essential Industiial‘ RICHMOND HILL Painting. papei- hanging interâ€" tome and sleigh, plus new LOST OVERSEAS PACKING 1ND CRA’I‘ING evenings to 9 pm. tfc19 ROTP Naval Officer training Road 884-8179 clw28 DAYS 101‘ and exterioi. Free estimates. WANTED idouble trailer, 3980. 15 models STITELflâ€"bi‘oach (keepsakel i7] MODERN HEATED STORAGE EVE\INGS 1 \\ ork gaianteed. 837 5610 110 Choose from. New and used snow. Cliui‘ch St. N. Reward. LOCAL AND LONG ___...___ ‘_1 \\ illing to L ".7, Li, CARPETS dyed. shampooed re- find d“°°' 531‘“ 1 1 RE 884-6782 832 2335 - , , 1 . . paiied. installed lndOOIâ€" out- tackle am I e a son a 1110 Tel) TRGEVTLT REQLI D ciitgg _____l___rfl DEAD 01 (rippled farm animals Homelite powei saws Van- Reply 10 Box 41 "The Liberal". DISTANCE MOVING 24 HOUR SERVICE 1Phone 884-2944.c1w 28 T‘ PMS “1‘11 tiaiispOItation to .L . Wm! -L. L,,'__ ROV SCOTT picked 11p prompth For direct Dy ke Snow- machines. 1» mile 011128 CANADA BONDED door plush pile cai'.pet $6. 77 sq. .- .. k 1' . .. . 1d Ozite with rubber back EXPERIENCED Cal Denier “"1 “0697‘ ROBERTSON FRLSIRAI‘ED‘.‘ PAINTING - PAPERHANGIVG line call Long Distance and a k 08“ 0f Bethhda RR 4 53:33 AI‘TMiII Pond on New 16315 WAREHOUSE Call $5.95 sq. 1'd.. rm and doot wishes employment 884- 7688 Tenn")er Placement Service Cost of lit-ina‘ l'lSlliEl faster than Guarantfsd {0, Zenith 31300 Call am-nmp \illo 838- 1166 DO _ Timer Calendai “ 1itch ‘ \ ‘ I ' " T ‘ ' ‘ ' i A - fl ‘ " ‘ mats, assorted sizes. pliced to Cl \38 513 \‘ongc 577 5‘ 3““1 1"‘°"“‘- “1”? 301“ 0““ "'1 88" Ed Peconi & Son. Vt oodville CIiii-lmas p 119 58 n1. Reward pav cheque 111' selling real esâ€" UL“- Ont Licence No 3’4C - 66 NIUSIC Phone. 8139â€"43-34. 01,7723 889-6269 1970 Motoâ€"Ski â€"Sn0wmobiles clear. RUM)“. undeipad ST 19 1“ ILL (107 pickagine, ironing. (‘all 884-6944 ' s» 1 - - " 1* - 7 74 1C sq 1d Visit 0m 5110.11.90097 dav caie etc in m,\ home 011k (9“,,8 tale. Our ticl‘niund Hill Ollice ELECTRICIAN 77 7 _ 7 Koenig Fine Carpets, 32143953 , “' now has Openings for sales . . _ ,, 7 1 _ ' 7 7 . 7 . IEACHEI’. loves kids. “nuts 7 tfcl 18.117119375773103 773_ 53_ 4. c‘. 1._. Addnions & alteiationS \\E l1u1'fuinituie of am kind. mOIe piano pupils. 426 Fern- WE‘NTED , Ill "IIER 7 welder for machine people due to expansion. Ex- 1 . 1 __ , . __ . ' 0 ~01 . \lAN. expei‘ 181108 (1 Office 111anul“‘iictuie1. Must read blue tensive training programs 01- Big JODS Iii-1d“ '10 )T 889 33°" 6,1 \'° leigh Circle behind Allcnâ€" 7 884-41 1 1 - ~ T0 REINT CLEAR-“7NCE; 51133 ilemnanis cleaner. reliable, references. I)l'.lllt,\ LOCdIIOII Hieliwa1 T and feral. Age 01‘ education no barâ€"1 ' tft'l' 1 Pair #men‘siskales'T size 10". couit Fla/81 884- 4333 1111.23 deep pie in 001'- -0utd001 etC,1desi1~es part time work. week- Jane 80018118 Leo 111128 i‘iei'. Call Mr, White 01' Mr. fl_ . ____' or 11. 884-3838 clw'28 ma“ and runners N0 “3350‘“ ends 0nl\ 334- 3753 (1“ 28 , ~ .1 CARPENTRY 7;! ,,_ ,, , FARM SALESMAN CU“; 8539-5â€"41 _ , LTRGE English ba111' pram ' 01.19 “app, 3,” 3510451, able offer.) r.efused Koenig Fine, Opening for one salesman to XOR“ BLACK REALTT Kitchen and bathroom room a- 889- 5509. (11128 B ABY SITTING cl\128 Carpets. 291-1 99591-5018 LI‘IITED tions SEASONED har'dwood-fo-r file_1.WINTER SPORTS SPQClaliZP in {film and land tfc"8 889-8097 _ 884-2852 7 FOR child care com alescent, , sales. “-7”, actixe successful â€" tfe20 TRAV EL elderl1 car,e call We Sit Better BOYS AND GIRLS places. also kindling. Pleed- -up S\O\V\IOBILE SlxlI‘OLlle 69, long established companv FOI # ___ r 7 [.889 3650 tfc)1 01‘ deliveied. 96 Steeles Awe like new-.7 20 HP used veri Meme“. ,ppoimmcm (an \[1 TLTITIONT SEPTIC TANKS PUMPEDâ€" TOURS, cruises. rail and bu! Make regular pocket 1110118.V 0“ W770i call M 7 “019 little 5510 1333:595- CT“ 23 11cl.e'1ii..889-1176. Daxid \lc- '7 ..;1_. v ,_ Seweis cleaned tickets. reservations and individ- DREQSMAIiING 3 Liberal paper route. E5131). CASH registers, typewriters 1 HLSlx'\ snowmobile in per- Lean Ltd. this. Head Office 74. \TIA'IHEIl-{TICTS difficult? E\- C Stunden ual travel. call A. H. Creighton L lislied i‘O-ite ma1 be aVailabIe adding machines, etc. 222-2940.fec1 condition. best 111191'63; Steeles \\enzu \\'. 131 \unge' perlencod teathei wants to help Phone 884-1245 'l‘ravel Agency. 389-5643. D“ESS\I\lxl\t.r andalleiations. in 1'-oui al‘.€a Phone Glen Pratt tt’c‘lll 1346. 131.123, c2\1‘_‘8 1011. 884- 5-108. ‘2"\ ."81 “6211 Lft‘47‘839â€" 8054. ticl-i Cartier C'iitlilation, 834- 1105 :‘I‘BEDROOM house to. Ian 1

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