Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1970, p. 9

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Telephone subscribers in the Gormley exchange (887) will not have their calling area ex- tended this year. In a recent letter to Mark- ham Township Reeve Stewart Rumble and council, Bell Can- ada explained that a plan to ex- pand service in the Greater Toronto Area. which would have involved an lncreasetin rates to subscribers, was turned Another year. Another decade. May we remember that placing one's hand in the hand of God is "better than a light. and safer than the known way". Neighborhood Notes There was a fair amount of illness around the neighborhood as the New Year was rung in. At the Adam Brown home both Ad and Alice were laid low by the ‘flu bug. and the Button- ville post office was being manned by Mrs. Lent. On Friday morning. January 9, Mrs. Russell Boyington was hostess to the Buttonville Branch of YCHA for their first meeting of 1970. A Miss Dell Stephenson is re- covering from a bad fall at a Toronto department store re- cently. She failed to see a low display platform in the televi- sion department and tripped at the edge. Her mouth was badly cut and she was severely shaken. Friends were happy to see Mrs. Jean Cook in the neigh- borhood last week. when she was here on a visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Milt and Mary Sherman and Elgin cut anu sue was Sci/nu, sun. ......... a ..... .. Friends were happy to see More weddings in the offing. Mrs. Jean Cook in the neigh- Bob Wilkins and his fiancee horhood last week. when she plan to be married in May. And was. here on a visit with her Roy Robinson and Debbie Hol- brother and sister-in-law, Milt man became engaged over the and Mary Sherman and Elgin holidays. and Jean Sherman. Mrs. Cook Friday is euchre series night is presently living in her old at Buttonville Hall. At the first hometown, Owen Sound. game. January 2. there were 24 Mr: Mnrrisnn Sellar of Brant- tables of players. Mrs. Morrison Sellar of Brant- ford was a guest at the home of her brother and sister, Jack and Mary Rodick in Mark- ham during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer spent a happy holiday with their family. Mr. Palmer is mak- ing good progress following his recent surgery. It was an exciting time at the Joe Robinson farm this season with wedding plans in the air. On Christmas Eve there was a dinner party for friends and re- latives; on Christmas Day an- other party with relatives. and New Year‘s was spent with re- latives in Brampton. Bill Robin- son and his fiancee, Lynda Hol- man of Willowdale plan a Val- entine‘s Day wedding. and on Saturday night the junior far- mers held a skidoo party and shower in their honor. at the home of Mr. and Mr. John Mil- ler. RR4. Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boying- ton entertained friends and re- latives on New Year‘s Day. in- cluding Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly of Buttonville. and Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly Jr., Scott and Susan of Newmarket. At the Edgar Fuller home there was a family party. tables 0: Signs Buttonvi Club pi on the greens. Farr against fields \I injured claim y< destroy: are use Wayn bowling cently 4 high sc camera. Rev. young meet evening the po arouo. YCHA At t the B' YCHA. len asl to don sewers room. to be shorter paired. on Tu¢ Asks County To Assume Concession 9 Markham Markham Town Council has passed a resolution requesting the County of York to assume Conce$ion 9 (between Steeles Avenue and the Bloomington Sideroadl and include its reâ€" construction in their 1970 esti- mates. It was agreed by all council'hosnita1 members that the existing sys- This tem of arterial roads was of euchre1 little use to the people of Markâ€" Hall thi ham, and that the reconstrucâ€" annount than of Concession 9 would Mrs. benefit not only the town hilt the ho: also the Village of Stouffville meeting in alleviating traffic problems. oresentt It was pointed out that the town‘s share of the county roads' budget during the past three years was $346,823.00 but there are no county roads in or near enough to Markham to be of any benefit. "Th; ééhhcils of Whitchurch and Markham Townships and the Village of Stouffville will be asked to support the recom- mendation. \â€" HHHHHHHHHH_Hâ€"_______._, EWE’RE READY FOR 1970 i ARE YOU? Buttonville Community Happenings No Extension Germ/e y Bell Exchange This . Yggr GORMLEY PRESENT Fad‘PosE‘n‘ Winners were Mrs. Betty Armstrong. Mrs. Evelyn Brewer. Miss Dell Stephenson. Mrs. Kay Prentice. Reg Allen. Jim Rodick. Wortz Gooderham and Harvey .Swain. Nhitchurch ships and Efville will the recom- SEE PAGE 7 down by the Canadian Trans- port Commission in Ottawa. The submission presented to the CTC in September would have increased local calling so that all telephone users in Met< to and many nearby communi. ties would be able to call each other without long distance charges. For GormIey customers it would have extended local cal- CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. F. H. And at the Lloyd Tennyson‘s‘ guests were Mrs. Norman Den- by, the David Palmers, the Douglas Watts and the Keith Hoods. On Monday morning Janet Craig went back to work after her long European jaunt. She is now a member of the nursing staff at Wellesley Hospital. on“. y... __-_ Don and Dorothy Reesor and‘ their children had a marvelous holiday over the Christmas sea- son. They spent some time with Marion and Jack Stephenson at Taco. Saskatchewan where the children stayed while Don and Dorothy went on to Jasper for skiing. Train out. plane home. Ken and Connie Stephenson took off for Florida early last week. Commiserations to all friends in Florida who suffered through last week’s cold spell. According to the weatherman Miami thermometers reached only 35 degrees on Friday. Signs are posted around the Buttonville Golf and Country Club prohibiting snowmobiling on the course. It harms the greens. Farmers are protesting against snowmobiles on wheat fields where young shoots are injured and forestry officials claim young seedlings are being destroyed where snowmobiles are used in woodland trails. destroyed where snowmobuesl “n32:‘gfi‘sssdi‘sazmzaz‘n at Study Of Regional Planning Time bowling again this year. Re- f3231::232TEIEEJS {50:21:13 Wasted Says Pickering Councillor ...... 4...,â€" high score and won a Polaroid camera. Rev. Chris Dugan has invited young people in the area to meet with him Wednesday evening of this week to explore the possibility of organizing a qroun. :YCHA ‘ At the January meeting of the Buttonville Branch of YCHA. Chairman Mrs. Reg A1- len asked for members willing to donate time and talent as sewers in the hospital work room. There are doctors' coats to be mended, uniforms to be shortened. torn sheets to be re- paired. Volunteers for this work on Tuesday of this week were Mrs. Allen. Mrs. A W. Miller. Mrs. Douglas Hood and Mrs. A. Robinson. The auxililary could also use homemade jam (in small baby food jarsl to be sold in the hospital gift shop. The meeting 1". u u I L 1 y a I. mean.) AIAAtnguuy; Darcy McKeough has repeated- ly said he would listen to the wishes of the people in regard to regional government. Mr. Kruger pointed out. and in or- der to determine the wishes of the local people, Pickering held a plebiscite at the time of muni- gipal elections early in Decem- er. The result was that an over- whelming 90 percent of the ratepayers in urban sections of the township stated they wish- ed to become part of Metro, rejecting any form of regional government that would tie them in with the Oshawa area. 1 The auxililary could also use homemade jam (in small baby food jarsl to be sold in the hospital gift shop. The meeting date for the local branch has been changed from the first to the second Friday of the month. it was decided. Also. the date of the annual meeting ot‘ the auxi- liary is February 12 at the This branch plans a benefit euchre to be held at Buttonville Hail this spring. the date to be announced later. Mrs. Russell Boyington was the hostess for last Friday‘s meeting, and ten members were oresent. Euchre Series The winter euchre series sponsored by the WI at Button- ville Hall began January 2. with 24 tables of players present are protesting ling between exchanges in spokesman states, “We are now Woodbridge, Malton, Cooksville. studying several alternatives to Port Credit, New Toronto-Is- see if we can arrive at a plan ‘lington, Toronto, Scarboro. that will ultimately provide West Hill. Weston and Willow- customers with the services dale-Don Mills. they obviously want, and at the . same time be acceptable to the Bell Canada is now reviewmg commission." Its original proposal and h:“ It is expected the studies will 35k“) Markham Townsh1p take several months to com- Counctl to express its views on plete before the company re- extendmg the local serv1ce. submits its new proposal to the In a press release. a company CTC. LEAF â€" PHONE 297-1741 Lucky draws were won by P. McQuarrie and Wortz Gooder- ham and freezeout winners were Russell Burr, Bill Wray. Milton Sherman and Mac Gamble. The winter picnic â€" the an- nual congregational pot luck supper ‘and meeting -â€" will be held January 28 and is one of the high points of the year. Circle that date. ‘ Life Among The Eskimos Hostesses for the evening were Miss D. Stephenson, Mrs. James Rodick. Mrs. Reg. Allen, assisted by Mrs. Fred Leaf, Mrs. John Donaldson and Mrs. A. Stephenson. The next game will be played January 16, at 8.30 Members of Brown‘s Cornersl congregation had a fascinating afternoon Sunday when they accepted the invitation of the United Church Women to re- main for luncheon after the morning service and hear Doug , and Jean Denby describe their life among the Eskimos at the‘ ‘ northeast point above the Hud- , son’s Bay. , They spent an interesting two years there, discovering ' this Canadian community. Mr. Denby served as community _ teacher and welfare adminis- ' trator for the Federal Govern- ; ment, and Mrs. Denby was the area nurse. Both are connected Church News Brown’s Corners United Church leaders and members of executive committees are busy compiling records of 1969 hap- penings, to be included in the annual report of this active church. The majority of ratepayers in Pickering Townshipk feel they have been sold down the river by the Department of Municipal Affairs according to a recent public statement made by Pick- ering Councillor John Kruger. M u n i c i p a1 Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough has repeated- ly said he would listen to the wishes of the people in regard to regional government, Kruger pointed out, and in or- der to determine the wishes of the local people, Pickering held a plebiscite at the time of muni- cipal elections early in Decem- bar. The result was that an over- Mr. cumstances how can any of the planners or engineers who are working on the study and who have any sense of professional integrity continue in their quest for logical answers while they labor under an imposed ir- rational political decision? “If power is the name of the game, and it seems to be, let the province at least be truth- ful. Let the Minister tell it the way it really is. Let him, state that the wishes of the ratepayers will be ignored and the province will impose re- gional governments. when, where, and in whatever form it sees fit." Less than a month later. on December 26. Mr. McKeough announced that the province will not consider expansion of Metro beyond its present boun- daries. with the possible excep- tion of the West Rouge section of Pickering Township. "A‘s“rieifires'entative of the West Rouge area. Mr. Kruger is pleased for his copstituents, but ‘ _~__, as a councillor for the town- ship he considers this a gross breach of faith with the elec- torate. The plebiscite, he de- clares, was an exercise in futil- ity “no more than an academic exercise in cleiical skill" pleased for hlS COHSUIUEHLS, Uul. ~ . . as a councillor for the town- Loca1.1219, Canadian Union' ship, he considers this a groSS of'Pubhc. Employees, was oer. ‘ breach of faith with the elec- L1{165 1n Markham 135! May. _It ‘ has 23 members. The township torate. The plebiscite. he de- clares, was an exercise in futil- and the union local have been ity. ”no more than an academic'unsuccessfully negotiating for exercise in clerical skill". .their first contract since theI “To be ignored is one thing.“:certification. 1 says Mr. Kruger. “bUt '20 be] A provincial conciliation of-, told you Will be listened to andifiger failed to settle the disputel then ignored makes a mockery in December and the Depart-l of democratic involvement." , ment of Labor authorized es-i Pickering Township. he sal.d':tablishment of a conciliation was prepared to 'spent $1 mll'iboard January 6. The case is 151$:in fixl’zi‘t’gimfigneyaggngnot expected to be heard until . l other things, where the bound-ilate January or Febrm' sal aries for regional government .A “mm? spokesman 531d . ' aarles. union security and Sick should be (item. It .i . . ‘ appears :leave were among the main 15- however. that the recommenda-l . . {sues 1n the dispute. ,tions of such a study would be; . ‘ _ . Pignored unless they happened ; The union 15 seekmg pay In- creases which average close to ‘to agree with conclusions al- ilready drawn by the minister._ 27%. It maintains that such an ,.....;..-A An kr€ng In his public statement Mr. Kruger states. "In these cir- spokesman states, “We are now studying several alternatives to see if we can arrive at a plan that will ultimately provide customers with the services they obviously want, and at the 1same time be acceptable to the On Sunday. following the 11 am service, Brown’s Corner UCW entertained the congregation at luncheon. Afterward there was a talk by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Denby who have served among the Eskimos and also with the federal Department of. Northern Affairs in Indian work. Mr. Denby is a nephew of Mrs. Ross Hord. and Mrs. Denby is a member of the Warne family at Unionville A brief business meeting was also held for UCW members. with Unionville families The church calendar is a full one, with annual meetings on the agenda. On January, 6. the Sunday school held its official meeting; the board of. stewards met for the first time in the new year on Monday. All leaders, secretaries, trea- surers and officials will prepare annual reports and statements for the annual congregational meeting. On §unday Mrs. Reg. Craw- ford was organist in the absence of Mrs. Donald Reesor. Rev. Chris Dugan’s message to the Children was titled “The Can- dle of Our Year" and to the congregation. “God Is Work- mg.” The thought for the new year: “Keep your fears to\ yourself, but share your courage with others.” Choir practice for both junior and senior choirs resumes Thursday (today) and youth groups commence in their par- ticular time slots. For informa- tion call Mrs. John Buchanan or Harvey Brown, co-ordinators. ‘Seek 27% Wage Incriaig Conciliation Bd. To Rule Markham Contract Dispute Later This Month A conciliation board was to be established last week to set- tle a wage dispute between Markham Township and the new union local formed by em- ployees last year. The union is seeking pay in- creases which average close to 27%. It maintains that such an increase is required to bring township rates to the level of Neighborhood Notes Allan‘s Shell Station was broken into Thursday night at 12:30 pm. The four youths, es- capees from a training school. driving a stolen car, were cap- t’ured at the gas station by Whitchurch Township Police, assisted by Markham Township Police. They were caught be- ‘cause of the silent burglar alarm installed in the garage. : Mrs. Joseph Wideman was involved in a car accident Mon- day morning of last week at the corner of Concession 7 and the townline. suffering a broken wrist, a bad shaking-up and other injuries. She spent the past week in York County Hos- pital, Newmarket. ‘ Gormley Neighborhaod Notes Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Club- ine had a car accident on Fri- day ancl Mrs. Clubine is now in York Central Hospital. Rich- mond Hill, Room 204. having suffered a broken hip. Friday. January 23 is the date set) for a miscellaneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Niven in Victoria Square Com-i munity Hall. Please accept this notice as your invitiation to attend the shower. Bobby Holmes has been con- fined ,to the house suffering from mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner and family have moved into their beautiful new bungalow on Don Mills Road. north of the townline. '"iiéhrymus of Fort St. John. B.C. has been visiting his bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Shephard, Mr. and Mrs. Edgard Stickley were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Eccles, Thornclifie Park Drive in To- ronto. A speedy recovery is wished for several people on the sick list â€"- Mrs. George Barret was taken to York County Hospital, Newmarket recently; Dieter Fishcher-Isbert was admitted to Toronto General Hospital on Sunday and John Empringham continues to improve in York All the rush of Christmas, the mixed-up days of the week because of holidays, family gatherings and other festivities are all over for another year. Life has settled back into its normal routine and the students are all back at their various schools after the longest pos~ sible Christmas holiday. Central fiosfiitél, Richmond Hill. Rev. Willis Hunking, Mrs. Hunking and family of Kitch- ener and Dennis Bontrager from Goshen College, Indiana were New Year’s dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott and family. Mrs. Harvey Cassel of Pres- ton spent a few days with her sisters, Misses Blanche, Freda and Ruth Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard Thum of Kingston spent Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright; Mrs. Thum re- mained for a longer visit while her husband went on to Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs Geoff Campey and sons spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Campey at Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stutzman of Marian Centre. Pennsylvania holidayed with her parents, Mr. :and Mrs. Lloyd Doner. Ron is the assistant county agent for Indiana County in Pennsylvania Pat Johnstone. who is being manied at the end of this month, spent three weeks holi- day in Florida. Mrs. Edythe Jones and sons of Toronto spent New Year’s Day with Mrs. BguAlah Jones. “Mrs. _Câ€"fié;ies Milsted -and Charleen were New Year’s din- ner guests of their Eousins, Mr. ~..., Tom Clarke of Preston Lake had the misfortune to break a bone in his leg recently. He is now wearing a walking cast, but must be off work for several weeks. and Mrs. Frank Forgarty of Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox of Deep River were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Dodd and Mrs. Milsted attended the 50th wedding anniversary re- ception of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke in Newmarket recently. "â€"Sisizirrrrxpathy of the community is expressed to M}: and Mrs. union employees in neighbor- ing municipalities. The in- creases requested vary from 24% to 30%. depending on the position. This amounts to in- creases ranging from $500 to $1.300 per year. ' The _union negotiating com- mittee includes President Doug- las Flood. William Baker and Clifford Davies. Mr. Flood said it is quite ob-I vious the township is stalling. “If they think this will get them a cheap contract, they had ‘better forget it. There is no way“ {we will' accept a settlement lshort of parity with the sur- irounding areas."| 1 Markham Reeve Stewart iRumble said the township would ’have no comment on the con- tract dispute. since the matter zine umuu ucsuuauug nittee includes President Doug- as Flood. William Baker and Ilifford Davies. Mr, Flood said it is quite ob- Iious the township is stalling. ‘If they think this will get hv-ll' :hem a cheap contract, they had. better forget it. There is no way we will' accept a settlement short of parity with the sur-. rounding areas."| Markham Reeve S t e w a r t Rumble said the township would have no comment on the con- tract dispute. since the matter was now before the conciliation board. Frank Kitchen. national re-i presentative for the union. said he was very disappointed with the actions of the township and fully supported the position of the locals negotiating commit- tee. Dr. Alvin Kelly, now pracms- ing in Brampton, but born and raised in Gorrnley, eldest son of Mrs. Marian Kelly, spoke Sunday evening at Heise Hill Church. Dr. and Mrs. Kelly have just returned from spend- ‘ing six weeks in a hospital in Biafra. Nigeria under the Good ,Shepherd Medical Team. He gave a very interesting account of the time spent there. Heise Hill senior women's sewing circle met all day Tuesday at the home of Misses Adeline and Mary Reaman. The junior ladies' sewing cir- cle will meet Thursday even- ing (tonight) at the home of Miss Ruth Wideman. The WMS of the Missionary Church will meet at 8 pm IThursday (tonight) at the home of Mrs. Ron Elliott. On Sunday evening. January CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. M'ILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 and Notes Walter Hill and family in the 18. Lamber Shell Station was passing of her mother. Mrs. ville will 5] to Thursday night atiNancy Evans in York Central of his race The four youths. esâ€" Hospital. Richmond Hill. Fun- Land. in . )m a training 5611001. eral service was held at Heise Church. stolen car, were cap-{Hi1} Church. The ladie Erank Forgarty of ucu- '* W , «7 ving Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sibley and family of Scarboro had New date Year‘s dinner with his parents. awer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sibley and Mc- Mrs. Ross Brillinger and boys. Zom- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brillin- :cept ger and Shirley Were guests of ation their aunt), Mrs. Catherine El- liott of Richmond Hill on New con- Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger‘ and family spent a few days with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Weaver of Coboconk and then enjoyed New Year's dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of Hagersville visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heise on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Emma Winger of Ridge- way. Miss Shirley Heise went with them to resume her studies at Niagara Christian College. \Fort Erie. ”lg/figs fiEd'na Habernehl of To- ronto was a weekend guest of Miss Vera Brillinger. er5 Robert Kunz and family spent the holiday season with her parents in Florida. Excellent Recovery A number of people have been inquiring about my niece, Heather Christilaw â€" she is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christilaw. (form- erly Ruth Gooding of Gormley) of Blind River. Tom teaches in the high school there and Ruth ‘in the public school. On December 16, the day of Heather’s very critical kidney surgery, Blind River United Church, where the family are éctiVe members, remained open all day for the people to come in and pray, and the Roma} Catholic Church held a special mass Heather is only the third person to undergo this opera- tion at; Toronto’s Wellesley Hos- pital and the other two lived only a few days aft“ surgery. Although still very weak, Hea- ther was allowed to leave the hospital and spend this past‘ weekend with her aunt in To- ronto. She is now on the wait- ing lisfl for a kidney transplant which will be performed either at Toronto General or Toronto Western Hospitals. Heather is very optimistic about the future and her plans to resume her studies at the University of Toronto. The doctors say that Heather’s op- timism and determination have had a great deal to do with her excellent progress thus far in this new field of kidney dis- coveries. i'l‘ragic Fire -_...,_- 7 On Saturday, November 29, your correspondent along with the other Gooding brothers and sisters was a guest at the wed- ding of my nephew, Larry Winger and Miss Linda Cos- tante, at Albert Street United Church in Oshawa. Just six weeks later, January 10, we stood sadly watching all of Larry’s hopes and posses- sions smoldering in the ruins of their farmhouse near Lind- say‘ vu‘] . Larry, his brother Vernon of Newmarket and Jim Doble had left the house about 10 am to go hunting-on the farm. Larry, looking back, saw smoke com- ing out of the upstairs windows. All three rushed back, gone less than 15 minutes, to find it im' possible to re-enter the house. They broke a downstairs win- dow through which Larry gain- ed entrance. _ .u \au y.......---. However, he was forcefully thrown back through the win~ dow by some combustion force, from his unsuccessful search. His companions finally forced him away from the scene and admitted him at the Ross Mem- orial Hospital in Lindsay. He had suffered some burns, but the extreme state of shock was much worse. The body of his bride of six weeks was located among the ruins that afternoon. Deepest sympathy is ex- pressed to Larry, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger, both formerly of Gormley, and the Wingers’ sons, of New- market.‘ Larry’s car and Vern- on’s truck were both destroyed, in addition to clothing, all the gifts and other possessions â€"‘ everything lay in ashes! Larry was discharged from hospital at noon on Sunday. Funeral service was held Wed- nesday afternoon from the Arm- strong Funeral Home in Osh- v__, sonal family news this week â€"â€" but our family does seem to have had much more than their share of tragedy in the past few years. Church News awa gdrry to have so_ _much per- :AiVin Kelly, now practis: IS ex- parents, Winger‘

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