By popular demand a second "Winter Fun-O-Rama" has been arranged for this Sunday“ January 25. from 10 am until dark. The site will be the en- chanted w i n t e r wonderland north of Richmond Hill. be- tween Yonge and Bayview on 19th Avenue (Gamble Sideroad East) at the home of Dr. D. W.' and Mrs. Thompson) where there will be skating. hot drinks, hamburgers. hot dogs and ski- dooing (six free rides). Admission will be $2 Der ment Committee. will explain progress to date and involve- ment of the Department of High- ways. town council and hydro commission and valious service 1clubs as he revieus “Pioject vFacelift" with films and dis- plays. This project concerns the .reconstruction of Yonge Street. Birthday greeting are exten- tied to Roy Petry on the 23rd, Ingrid Jansen and Christopher Fowkes on the 24. Dianne Eld- ridge on the 26th and Sherrie Davis on the 28th. The monthly meeting of the community club will be held January 27 at 8 pm in the school auditorium. Guest speaker will be County Public School area Superintendent Mun-nay Dnbson. His topic will be “How Children Learn." Mr. Dobson is the former assistant superintendent of Richmond Hill Public Schools. Admission “1'11 be $2 per family and proceeds will be ap plied to the community activi- ties of the Jefferson Community and Recreational Club. Neighborhood Notes Winter Fun-O-Rama Of interest to residents of the terested girls 0f the neighbor- community will be the general hood should contact them for meeting of Rich mond Hill information. Chamber of Commerce to be Church News held at the Summit View Gar- The last senice in St. John‘s dens Restaurant January 27 at Anglican Chu1ch Jefferson. at 8 pm. (Unfmtunately on the'nhich the present pews were in same day and hour as the com-‘11se, was held Sundav morning. munity club meeting across in preparation for delive1y 0f Yonne Stleetil.1new news fmm the Extm Last Saturday night. saw a very successful social event in spite of inclement weather and a late start. we held our annual Robbie Bums Night. A terrific pipe band played from the pip< ing in of the Haggis right on through to the end of the even lng. To add to the success was Charlie McQueston and his band (winner of the Old Time Fiddlers Contest at Shelbourne) who entertained our guests and members in a right royal man- ner. Everybody at the dance thoroughly enjoyed themselves. PICKERING: A 10-year-old Pickering Township boy. Jason Barber. is $5 richer today be- cause he reporbed seeing a man dumping garbage on one of the township's roads. Accused was Dmytro' Melnyk. of Toronto. Mr. Melnyk‘s case was dismis- sed \vhen Jason proved to be uncertain about what an oath meant. An old township bylaw provides that the sum of 55 be paid anyone who does such a service as Jason did. Installation of officers of the ladies‘ auxiliary. will be on January 23. This will be fol- lowed by a special "Free and Easy". All members welcome. The Dinty Moore Night will be held on February 6. The weekly Saturday after- noon entertainment (Don Celsiel and free food has been a splendid innovation to the pro- gram for our members and guests. Thanks, Gord Mills and help. Mrs. John Ogden. wife of our poppy committee chairman. and indefatigable worker. John. is a patient in York Central Hos- pilal. Starting January 2'7 there will be mixed euchre every Tuesday night at 8.30 pm. Everyone a-1111mmmmmmmmuumummmunuuumumuummu“1mnnm\mmmummnmmImlmmunmm\\m“mumumuuuuumum1111mmumumuummuu\muuuluuuumnmumuuunumuunuuulmnuumnlululmumuunulunnmmmmuuum\uunumuuluuuumulll1m1111\luummlumumm1uunmxuuuumuumuuuumnunmmumuumummuunu1l\\\mm\u\umumuummuluuuuuuan â€" Some are medically use- ful. all have physical effects. and some have social ef- fects." However. he said. there is a great lack of subjective scientific information about the long term effects of many of the drugs currently abused by society. â€We have to try to get Milli““iii“iiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiilitiilliiiliiiiiiiiliiiilliliililililimit“\iiillllliiiiiilil“iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiilililiillllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiilliiit“iiiiiii“liilllililiiliiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiii\liiiiiilil\iiiilii\iiiiiiliilliiiii\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii“i“ii“\llililliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiliiiililliiiiiiiiiiliilillliiliiiiiiiiiliililllililllliiillllliliiiiiiilllililliiilliiiliiiiililiilililiiiillliiliiiiliiliiilliiiiiiiliiililiiiiiiiliiliiiiiil“it“iiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiillllliliiiiiiiiiiilii4' them. It was obvious from the questions and comments from the audiences that the young people were far more knowledgeable about drugs than the adults. and a youth pointed to adult abuse of alcohol. Mr. Milligan c o n c e d e d that alcoholism is a major He assured a questioning parent that the drug problem in the schools of York County is not a minor one. “It is a very real problem and we have to show the students there is something better, but it is not good enough just to say ‘drugs are not good for you' or ‘it is ille- gal . responsible in exploiting the situation." Sensationalism and scare tactics in the news columns and broadcasts were counteracted by advertising designed to push the sales of the very products the media purported to condemm. The attitude of the media he described as “hypocri- tical". our own eyes." There could be other fac~ tors. such as the body chemistry. that could make a person open to addition if they were exposed to a cer- tain drug. he added. In July 3 federallyâ€"appointed com- mittee was established to study the extent of the pro- blem. response was that a panel of students tell of their own exâ€" periences with drugs users and the drug situation. The audience was invited to write suggestions for fol- low-up sessions on paper supplied, and informal dis- cussion continued for some time as coffee was served by women of the church. -â€" ydu may hear things or see things that are not there â€"â€" Some are medically use. ful. all have physical effects. and some have social ef- fects." However. he said, there is a great lack of subjective scientific information about the long term effects of many of the drugs currently abused by society. "To talk about one drug withoutconsidering the broad aspects of drug abuse is misleading," said Mr. Mil- ]igan. “Some drugs pep you up. some slow you down, some “expand your mind". BY MARGARET LADE More than 200 people, from pre-teens to grand- parents, crowded into Wrix- ton Hall at St. Mary's Angli- can Church on January 11 to watch a film, “Speed City". the story of a girl addicted to stimulant-type drug. and to ask questions of Richmond Hill resident Ted Milligan of the narcotics reâ€" habilitation section of the Addiction Research Founda- tion in Metro. A re-play of a CBC week- end program, “Speed City" described a lonely teenage girl‘s introduction to “speed". an amphetamine, her in- creasing dependence on the drug and her indifference to the health haziards involved. The discussion, however, broadened into considering of many drugs, alchohol caf- fiene and tobacco included. Meet On Drugs Architect D o u g 1 a 3 Allen (83“); Your legion Reports 6 Youth Says Adults Elgin Mills And Jefferson News Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Bill Hughes chairman of the Civic Improve- ment Committee. will explain progress to date and involve- ment of the Department of High- ways. town council and hydro commission and various service clubs as he reviews “Project Facelift" with films and dis- plays. This project concerns the reconstruction of Yonge Street. The lst Jefferson Guide Comâ€" pany spent a very enjoyable Saturday afternoon at the Allencourt Bowling Lanes with their Captain Dorothy Wilton. Mrs. Bette Sliver and -Mrs. Irene Boyle provided transpor- tation. The Temperanceville 4â€"H Homemaking Club will be start- ing up again shortly for a new project, which will be "The Third Meal". Mrs. Wilfrid James and Mrs. Charles Hen- shaw have consented to be lea- ders for this course and in- terested girls of the neighbor- The last service in St. John's Anglican Church. Jefferson. at which the present pews were in use. was held Sunday morning. In preparation for delivery of new pews from the Exter Furniture Company. the old welcome. For more information see or contact Comrade George Diceman or Jack Sanders. Let‘s get with this fellows. It was obvious from the questions and comments from the audiences that the young people were far more knowledgeable about drugs than the adults. and a youth pointed to adult abuse of alcohol. It is illegal to traffic (sell without a doctor‘s prescrip- tion) in amphetamides. but it is not illegal to have them. he told the audience. Abuse reached such proâ€" portions in Sweden and in England that these drugs have been completely out- lawed. Mr. Milligan declared. The only people who seem to be convinced they are more beneficial than harmful are the people who manufacture them. Correspondent Leonard Lomas In 1966 said Mr. Milligan. 8..000 000, 000 tablets of met- hedrine were manufactured in the United States â€" ten times more than were re- quired for normal medical use. and 50 per cent of these found their way into illicit channels. One hundred mil- lion were imported to Can- ada in a year â€" four for every man. woman and child. them into some kind of per- spective. Methedrine (speed) peps you up. it also helps you to lose weight." He cited some startling statistics to indicate that the "good uses" of many drugs are rapidly being outstrip- ped by the “bad uses' . Available in widths A, B. C, D, E. Sizes 6 to 13. All Certified Im- ported Quality Brand Names. Regularly $20.00 to $45.00 YOU SAVE $12. TO $15. A PAIR COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED “The Shoe Shelf†The Shoe Shelf is a clearance store for discontinued lines of quality footwear from England and Italy. All shoes are priced at . . . 20% T0 35% BELOW REG. RETAIL WHAT IS "The Shoe Shelf"? 103 YONGE ST. NORTH, A&P PLAZA IMPORTED SHOES AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS $8.00 to $28.95 LADIES! If you wear sizes 5, 5153 and GB, ask to see the range of Italian samples. MEN! If you wear size 8D‘you will find a large selection to choose from. A & P Shopping Plaza MEN'S SHOES 103 YONGE ST. NORTH (from England) ALL SIZES pews were removed Tuesday evening and a new plywood floor was installed bV men of the paiish. An anonymous memorial donation has been re- ceived towards the cost of the nave pews. Those interested in making memorial donations should contact the rector. Rev.1 Earl Gerber. Certainly Pierre Berton never sat on one of them before writ- ing about "The Comfortable Pew". The old pews. which were in- stalled prior to World War 1. contain a seat of 2 x 15†pine, just over 9 feet long. There are 20 of these which will be sold to any interested persons. Con- tact either of the wardens, Peter Hughey at 773â€"5816 or Len Lomas at 884-3000. A new “indoor-outdoor" ear- peting will be installed before the new pews are delivered next week. ~ There will be an 11 am ser- vice as usual on Sunday. which will be held either on chairs in the church or in the lower hall. depending on the state of the, “We are getting drug edu- cation in school. and it is a failure. They only tell us what we already know. "We need something better â€"â€" Jesus Christ". declared a long hair youth. Several young people from Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora. who had provided music at the church service earlier in the evening were very critical of the approach to drug education in the schools. charging that the real answer lies in religion. brought into the research foundation from the street showed that many of the drugs being peddled illicitly are adulterated â€" that some of the substances in samples of LSD defied analysis. that only 54 percent were actually what the buyer had paid for. In the adult society, alco- hol is “the drug of choice", and with the under 30 group n a r c o f i c s. marijuana. and other “illegal†drugs were gaining in popularity as "the drugs of choice". problem. that there are at least 100.000 alcoholics in Ontario. “It is still the num- ber one problemâ€. Have Their Addictions, Why Not Us? Richmond Heights Centre 10% OFF 8-TRACK CARTRIDGES and CASSETTE TAPES PHOTO atlas SUPPLIES (Good Selection of the Latest Hits) Phone 884-3000 ON ALL PRE-RECORDED of samples Available in \xidths 3A- 2A- B Sizes 5 to 12. All certified Impoited Quality Brand Names. YOU SAVE 33. T0 $15. A PAIR WOMEN'S SHOES & SANDALS $3.95 to $16.95 Regularly $6.95 to $32.00 RICHMOND HILL The married couples group meeting. originally scheduled for January 23 has been post- poned and a new date will be set next week. The annual vestry meeting of the St. John‘s Church will be held in the upper room January 26 at 8 pm. Every per- son 18 year of age and over, who is confirmed and has been wor- shipping with this congregation for the ‘past three months is re- garded as a member of vestry and entitled to vote. New of- ficers for the ensuing year will be elected and the annual re- ports and budget considered. floor. The service will be morn ing prayer. The men's Bible study group will meet tonight (Wednesday) at 8.30 pm to watch the TV pro- duction of "Reddick II" and to discuss it over a cup of coffee. The Winchester Group of the ACW et January 21 and view- ed a ilm on the work of the Canadian Bible Society. (from Italy) ALL SIZES Mr. Milligan agreed. "We are up against big business," adding. "The news media have been almost totally ir- responsible in exploiting the situation.“ Sensationalism and scare tactics in the news columns and broadcasts were counteracted by advertising designed to push the sales of the very products the media purported to condemm. He was supported by Mr. Milligan. who said a survey of all high school students in London. Ontario, revealed that 11 percent had used marijuana. 2.4 percent had tried LSD. 20 percent had sniffed glue. and more than two percent had tried speed. “There is an alarming in- stance of drug abuse across Canada." Rev. Bruce Fraser of St. Mary's Church told the au- dience he had taken part in a similar but smaller study in North Yark and the find- ings were almost identical to those of the London survey. In Barrie the percentages were even higher. One adult laid the blame for the increasing popularity of drugs at the feet of a handful of promoters. “Ever since Madison Ave- nue found there was a big teenage market we have been exploiting the kids. It is sheer greed. A small group is exploiting not nnly the kids. but the adults." Selling Something? . . Phone 884-1105-6 Now! YOUR WINTER CARNIVAL FEB. 6 - 7 - 8 SUPPORT 884-3221 Those who are striving to keep young people from dangerous drugs will not succeed by trying to scare them. he asserted. “They alâ€" ready know more than we do about drugs, it is very recent phenomena and par- ents do not know where to begin. There is no way of saying at this point what the long-term effects of drug abuse will be." He agreed with a girl who protested that adults live by drugs. stimulants. tranquili- zers. sleeping pills. alcohol, cigarettes. coffee. "The avail- ability of the drug deter- mines the drug of choice. A person can get dependent on anything." Educational programs In schools should be started before children reach their teens, Mr. Milligan declared. Glue sniffing is most preve- lent among children of ele- mentary school age. Like the girl in the film. those who do come to de- pend on drugs find that this There could be nther fac- tors. such as the body chemistry, that could make a person open to addition if they were exposed to a cer- tain drug, he added. In July 3 federally-appointed com. mittee was established to study the extent of the pro- blem. is the easiest way to combat loneliness. “We cannot all be outstanding. and it is an easy way to obtain an identity in our own eyes." .- r-SATISFACTIO’N GUARI RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE HE E E Em Em Efl K .LDQM%WJ LDDDDflBJfl ammmmgmmm aaaamgammg maammï¬mmm cmmmammmm. " ' _ Reg. Kresge Price 39;: Each SPECIAL MLOO (We will not knowingly be undersold) THURS. FRI. SAT. Plain and fancy cabfe patterns. V-Necks, Mock Turtle Necks and Collar styles; Assorted colors. DOOMER PADS PULLOVE RS THURS. FRI. SAT. Each paid contains white and colored pages. LADIES’ STRETCH NYLON 'CHILDS’ 4-6X ACRYLIC KNIT Reg. Kresge Price 1.99 Each SPECIAL Reg. Kresg‘ SPECIAL VTm SR AA â€B u p. H 33. _. 33333333: MISTER PACK MATCHBOX TOYS THURS. FRI. SAT. One size fits all! Smart new shades. 3f°rl.00 Reg. Kresge Price 79¢ Pr. SPECIAL THURS. FRI. SAT. A great assortment of die cast metal, scale model cars approx. 3†long, Reg. Kresge Price 49¢ Each SPECIAL The young people were most vocal in pressing for acceptance of the “true God." “Inside everyone there is a "God shaped vacuum". one youth declared. “Too many try to fill it with drugs and alcohol. Why is it so difficult for people to find God? Parents were anxious to know where and how they could learn about drugs, symptoms of drug abuse and what to do about it. and were informed that litera- ture is avallable through the Addiction Research Founda- tion. Mr. . McGuire asked for suggestions for a follow-up. and the suggestion that re- ceived the most enthusiastic response was that a panel of students tell of their own ex- periences with drugs users and the drug situation. “Maybe they are too reli~ gious,“ he suggested. “They are Lady Clairol types â€"- 'Only God knows for sure'. They are afraid to talk about what they believe in." A student agreed adults are uninformed. “People say parents are apathetic. that they don‘t care. I think parents don't know. 1' think meetings like this are great. They let the parents know what is going on." The audience was invited to write suggestions for fol- low-up sessions on paper supplied, and informal dis- ‘cussion continued for some time as coffee was served by women of the church. “WHISPER†PAN'I'Y HOSE WITH NUDE IIEEI. Reg. Kresge Price I 1'79 P" SPECIAL THUR. FRI. SAT. REGULAR â€" DOUBLE MESH â€" ALL SHEER! Cinnamon. guzppertone,I Spice, Heather. S-M-L-XL. Reg. Kresge Price 3 Prs. 97¢ 6 SPECIAL THURS. rm. SAT. SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS EXCEPTIONAL VALUES â€"â€"â€"_ “DRIHIATIC†Humidifier Mndol 90-8 will adequately humidify up 10 3.000 sq. feet. the average for a ower umi ler Completely Installed. Don t suffel thmugh the lest of “inter. Put a Nafmal Gas furnace in Now! and begin easy payments in Springtime. No heat interruption. C A [L CARTER BROS. â€END!“ CONVERT T0 NATURAL GAS HOME HEATING N6W AND GET A â€" Open Daily T“ 6 pm. 889-643] FIRST QUALITY. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Jan 6 Prs‘ .1043 P" EDOH 1.00 years of heating experience) (.‘CHEERFUI PLASTICWARE A'l' BARGAIN PRICES Phone Thursday and Friday "HI 9 pm. SUBSTANDARDS MEN'S THURS. FRI, SAT. White combed cotton rib ‘knits have short sleeves and round necks. S-ML 100% NYLON YARN Reg. Kresge Price 359' Ba“ SPECIAL 4Baflsl.00 I THURS. FRI. SAT. 22â€): 28†PICTURE SCENES Reg. Kresge Price 3.98 SPECIAL Crimp Set. Non-Shrink. 1 Oz. Balls. Assorted colors. T-SHIRTS PLAID COVERED EXERCISE BOOKS WHITE FRAMED Leg. Mesge rnoe 0.30 SPECIAL 2.99 from Hllroy Reg. Kresge Price THURS. FRI. SAT. Take your Inventory and'then pick up ybur needs at Kresge's! Pails, Mixing Bowls, Laun- dry & Waste Baskets, Cutlery Trays and more. Assorted colors. THURS THURS. FRI. SAT. g. Kresge Pricg 79:: Each SPECIAL ml.00 Reg. Kresge Price FRI SAT. 99¢ 79¢ Each 889-643l 1970