Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jan 1970, p. 15

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Cherry Tomatoes PRODUCE MANAGER’S CHOICE! FRESH GRADE “A” EVISCERATED 6"ch E “3 Head Lettuce 3 Heaping Pint Boxes 1.00 2 Large Size 24's 45¢. Jubilation! 64 Oz. Cont CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GRADE Dominion‘s Own Brand ASSORTED PEAS 5 1.00 5- 1.00 MEXICAN GROWN MEATiMANAGER’S CHOICE - DOMINION STYLE! INSTANT COFFEE 79¢ LIQUID "E2 BLEACH 3 89¢ Dominion’s Own Brand - Richmello TOMATOES 36¢ FLOUR Dominion All-Purpose :2;- 63¢ Dominion Choice Cream Style Dominion Choice minion’s Own Brand Domino Choice Domino ‘6 promise true. At your neighbourhood Dominion Store now. Support Your Winter Carnival Feb. 6th, 7th, 8th, Richmond Hill DOMINON STORES LN'TEO MINION H U! COFFEE MUGS COFFEE CREAMER w79¢ Values effective in Richmond Hill until closing Sat, Jan. alst, 1970. . . . We reserve the right to limit quantities. ‘ TOMATO JUICE 6 89¢ Dominion’s Own Brand - Richmello BEAN COFFEE Dominion’s Own Brand - Richmello FRUIT COCKTAIL "2-3: 14 OZ. T‘“ 2 9 ’5 PANTY HOSE GREEN BEANS 'house brands’. “House brands‘ are those products that we put our own labels on. And that’s where the fable arisesâ€"because of their very low prices some people have the mistaken im- pression that somehow “house brands‘ are second-class merchandise. Simply not so. Dominion ‘house brands‘ are manufactured to the same stringent standards as nation- :ally advertised brands. Dominion wouldn’t have it any 'Other way. House brand prices are appreciably lower because of Dominion’s tremendous volume purchasing power and fastest, most modern distribution facilities. And because our products carry our own labels you get the best of both worlds-the highest quality merchandise by top producers, plus highest possible savings which Dominion passes (in ‘to you. 'There’s never been a more opportune time to meet our house brands than right now, during Dominion's final Week of a joyous “January Jubilation”. Like having 'special’ on the 'specials’. And you’ll discover . .many other exceptional values all through the store. In every department. Further proof of Dominion’s 50 year promise to you of more quality, more service, more value. Prove the fable false while you prove our promise true. At your neighbourhood Dominion Store now. Dominion‘s Own Brand Domino Choice Dominion’s Own Brand Domino Choice Cut 1.00 Newest Fashion Shades - All Sizes LOVELY LADY Dominion Fancy 1.29 TWO TONE IRISH EACH Many people pass up big “Vin? 1’! P355948 1‘? °“‘ There was a slight 11 to nine there were at least two applica- majority in favor of changing tions for rezoning. and the the zoning 0f 3 Strip 0f land board felt the whole area along Highway 7 near Union- should be considered. not just ville last week. This was at a single properties. Markham TOWHShiP Planning? Bernard Cooper, representa- Board Public hearing in thetive of nearby landmmers. council chamBErs. ‘NOrth l-lill Developments and The strip of land lies to the Shepherd Developments, said mirth of Highway 7 betWéen much of the land in Question Cancéssidn 5 and the White fits naturally into the Unlon~ Rose property néal‘ Scibel‘ras ville watershed. He said strip Read. This land is now zonedfzoning was not a good idea. RRI (low density résidentiall Needed was a study of the and the planners were finding‘whole area to determine the out what the Owners would feel'best uses and road pattern. about making the zoning HCZIi Owners of Smaller residen- (col‘nmerciall- that lots near the Western end I At the regular meeting of thel :Victoria Square Lions Club lastl lweek, Charter President Carl ‘Walker presented a cheque for $2,000 to Wentworth Dewell of ‘the York Central Association I'for the Mentally Retarded. The money. raised by the lLions, will aid in the work at lARC Industries. the sheltered ‘workshOp for retarded adults tin Richmond Hill. Lion Fraser Gee» showed Col- lored slides of his trip to the lBritish Isles last summer. It was reported that another ‘Lions Club project has been completed â€" the laying of car- :.. 614A 'l-Ir‘hae’ nlnn‘r rnnm nt nA‘ VThe planning board made no decision after the hearing. Thusé opposing the change generally agreéd there should be a study and plan of the whole aréa before zoning of the strip was changed. Those in favor felt the land uses. whether legal or not. were generally commercial in charac- ter and that the future of the area was commercial. The commercial uses existing there, as far as the township knew. were legal by virtue of the fact that they ware there befére the land was zoned. Planning Di- rector vKunio Hidaka told the meeting. Rezoning Of Strip On Highway Victoria Square Happenings At 9‘“ COERFSPONDENT: MRS. W. “SANDLE, 3.8. 2. Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421 1... Van: mm: “m: an mm. R nm nn February 6. Boari Chairman Napier Simp- son Jr. told the meeting the hearing was called because Neighborhood Notes Thére’s an owl perched on a nearby tree watChing over the countryside this morning. Snow has made a fairyland. but road crews are not so happy with the freezing rain. Happily. traffic was at a min- imum over the weekend and police report few incidents â€"â€" only cars in the ditch. It’s hard to believe that Monday is ground hqg _day-. .. . .7 W_,_ Bob and Janet Cunningham’s new son Robert David George arrived home with his mother on Tuesday of last week. He will be known as David. and his two big sisters Kathy and Donna have declared him “beautiful”. He is a first grandson for Mr. and Mrs. George Cakes and Mrs. Harold Cunningham. Congratulations! George Oakes is presently at the Princess Margaret Hospital for treatment but is making good progress, and expects to be home in a week or two. Russell Boyington was taken suddenly ill Thursday of last week and was in the intensive care unit at York Central Hos- pital. ‘ Aennau. UULU u.|. 1v ....... ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown’provxdmg spec1a1 music. and Scott of Tottenham spent 3 Rev. and Mrs. Elwood Flew- lfew days with her brother-in. elllng of Hummelstown. Penn- !law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.lsyl_V3nia. were Pleasantly 5111‘- Icecu Wilson, prlsed by a presentation Mon- . . day night at the-home of M: Mr. and Mrs. Erlc Pllkey of - . ' Mar] 1 am were dinner guests of and Mrs. Russell Helse in hon- Mr' and Mrs. Paul Farmer on or of their recent marriage. Saturday in honor of Coleen‘s: LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS birthday. l Selling Something? . . . 0..-.3-.. Ainnar suns}: n‘F Mrt‘ Phone Now! Dr. George Kelly is staying with his sister while Mr. Boy- ington is in hospital. For the past few weeks. since Mrs. Kelly left for Florida in early January. Dr. Kelly has been at Newmarket with his son Dr. George, Jr., and family, and attending to business at the Stouffville Sales Barn where he' is the veterinarian on staff. ,Mrs- Keny W111 be h°me winter as part of a tour of Shortly: _ Pacific countries, and their pic- On Saturday evening Button- tures‘ and description were most ville WI members catered when interesting. the York County Junior Farm- Mrs. Llo’yd Baker chaired ers held their annual dinner the meeting, and hostesses were meeting and election of officersl'Miss Della Stephenson and Mrs. David Darlington of KleinburgiJames Rodick. Mrs. Garnet was named president, and Al-tFrancey who planned to attend bert Leek of Headford is vice-1the meeting for the first time preSident. since her illness last summer ‘ It was good to see Mrs. Elfiwas unable to be present. The ‘mfire Hill out again after algroup has missed her. Neighbbrhood Notes Over 70 guests called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Britnell on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. Their son-in-law and daughter FlorenCe (Mr. and M. Harry Empringham) and their son Victor and his wife of Barrie were present. Grand- daughters Shirley and Linda Empringham graciously served the guests. Mrs. R. N. Bell poured tea. assisted by \Mrs.l Britnell’s sister. Mrs. Claudia- Wilfred and Mrs. Gertrude Kennan. both of Toronto. preSident. It was good to see Mrs. E1- more Hill out again after a Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Reaman of Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bowen and family of Little Britain. Allan Smith and Roy Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heath and family of England. who have been living “1th Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marling for several weeks have moved to Maple. A number of Gormley people attended the funeral of Walter Gray at the Stouffville Mission- ary Church Saturday. Mr. Gray delivered bread for a number of years in our community. Sym- pathy is expressed to Mrs. Gray and the family. Ronald Holmes is ill with the mumps. There is a lot of flu and sick- ness in our community. At- tendance at both churches was down considerably Sunday. Church News A regional Christian educa- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. r. n. LEAF RR. 2, Gormley Phone CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephono 887-5445 [10041 Notes ltion SEnflnar was canduetedl 3 guests called on Mr.‘Monday night at the Missionary nnhm-t Britnell on the, Church by Rev. Ray Priddlg._ _ BUTTONVILLE NEWS GORMLEY NEWS VLAhLJb;& v... w”, _-___, 40th wedding The Misses Blanche, hida sir son-in-law and Ruth Henderson enter- ence (Mr. and tained the young people .from ringham) and Oak Ridges Brethren in Christ 1d his wife of Church Saturday night in honor ‘.ent. Grand- of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. ' and Linda Eric Saunders. The happy iously served couple was presented with a . R. N. Bell beautiful hassock record chest. .ted by \Mrs.l Rev. Wilbur Benner will~be Mrs. Claudia'guest speaker Sunday night at :5. Gertrude Heise Hill Church. The Bridle- ‘nmnm wood Male Quartette will be Wllule alca w uctcuuuu, u..,77 best uses and mad pattern, 1 It was reported that anotherteuchre players at the commun- Owners of smaller residen- Lions Club project has been‘ityrhall Friday evening. 631 lots near the western end completed â€" the laying of car-l Prize winners were Mrs. Rus- of the Strip in particular didn‘t!pet in the ladies’ cloak room at sell Brillinger. Mr‘s._ William want to have undesirable com-lthe community hau- IOI‘Y- Mi5S Mabel Sanderson. menial usés nearby. TharelChurch News lLloyd Beatty. Bert Nichbls and was f9“- ml. the ground water! Victoria Square Unite dlA. Wood. ‘ supply as well. One owner was Church Women had their first. Lucky draw for a box of groc- assured by the chairman that meeting for 1970 last Thurs-ieries was won by Mrs. Jim higher taxes need not be feared day- Mrs; GEPI‘BE Joyce 813d Brown. unless the use of the propertyl‘Mrs. Cectl Nichols. were in There will be Another euchre changed_ icharge of the worship service. party in the community hell at The right-of-way for the pro- posed Highway 404 lies at the west end of the strip and sur- veying was going on them. Only commercial or high density rasidential zoning was suitablé fondsuch a location, one owner sa1 . Next Sunday is Sacrament of Holy CommuniOn and reception of new members. 011 Febru- ary 4, the young adult grOup will hold its second meeting under the leadership of Mr. Dugan. An election of officers will be held, a constitution set up. and there will be an open discussion on a topic selected. Another owner argued that there was an extreme shOrtage of commercial land for develop- ment. and commercial naming of mere land was needed. long siege of illness Sunday was James Dugan‘s birthday and at Brown’s' Cor- ners Church the junior choir sang one of his favourite an- thems “No Man Is An Island". and flowers on the communidn table were placed theré in his honor by his son, the Rev. Chris. Among other community members who have celebrated birthdays in the past week or two were Miss Mary Rodick, Miss Rhea Scott. Mr's. Audrey Stephenson and Mrs. H. R. Pat- erson. Church News On Sunday, “This Businéss Of Loving" was the subject of Rev. Chris Dugan's sermon. and the message in a mOment â€" “We like oihers â€"- bécause; We love others â€"â€" despite.” Xflmiéh’hg" adults‘ and high school students are cordially in- vited. Travelogue on New Zggland Mrs. Murray Macklin and Mrs. Garnet Weidmark of Agin- court were guests of Button- ville WI when members held their monthly meeting at But‘ tonville Hall, January 21. u“; . u-.. --_._. Mrs. Macklin and Mrs. Weid- mark visited New Zealand last winter as part of a tour of Pacific countries, and their pic- tures‘ and description were most interesting. SHOULDICE 7750 BAYVIEW AVE. THORNHILL Air Conditioned Building and many Employee Benefits Receptionist Typist EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS 889-1127 Phone 297-1741 HOSPITAL for Lions Club EMERALD ISLE MOTORS LTD. Chrysler - Plymouth a Fargo Trucks EMERALD ISLE MOTORS LTD. Chrysler executive car. 4,000 miles. Ser. PH27F9R279374. $3395.00 4 Door. V8. automatic. power steering power brakes. Ser. PL41F9R130017. ’68 Monaco 4 Door Hdtp. V8. automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top. Lic. 19025.1. ’69 Monaco Convertible ’69 Plymouth Fury II BORK JEWELLERS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Jan. 2 CHRYSLER â€" PLYMOUTH â€" 330 Main St. West â€"- (Where The Customer Is A Somebody) DEREK SIMMONDS | PHIL BIGGERSTAFF $2395.00 $1995.00 2'32 20% OFF ALL JEWELLERY 8. WATCHES PHONE 640-2400-1 o LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK o c. power steering. power One owner, 22.000 miles original. Lic. top. Lic.19025J. 56602. £995.00 $795.00 Sno-Jet Snowmobile Sales & Service Each $2.00 purchase entitles you to an entry 884-1687 Mrs. Faye Wills gave an illus- trated talk of her work at Frobâ€" isher Bay. showing colored slides. which the members found most interesting. The CGIT. accompanied by their leader. Mrs. Shirley Van Tol attended the Ice Follies at Maple Leaf Gardens. Toronto on Saturday evening. on their return to Victoria Square they enjoyed refresh- ments at the home of Mrs. Van T01. Neighborhood Notes Tfiere were 17 tables of euchre players at the commun- ityr hall Friday evening Prize winners were Mrs Rus- sell Brilling‘er. Mrs: William Orr. Miss Mabel Sanderson. Lloyd Beatty. Bért Nichbls and AUTHORIZED DEALERS JEWELLERS .1- Convértible. Fully equipped as new. Set. 576467048606. $1095.00 One owner, like new. Llc. 241302 ’66 Sunbeam Automatic ’65 Pontiac Parisienne ’64 New Yorker S 49 YONGE STREET s., RICHMOND HILL Corner Yonge & Lorne Ave. FARGO TRUCKS Stouffville $995.09 8 pm on February 6. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Zoli Berta and family on the passing last week of Mr. Berta's sister. Mrs. Barbara Nagy at Oshawa. The many friends of Mrs. Pat Ottaway will be pleased to hear that she is home from Toronto W e s t e r n Hospital following major surgery. Birthday greetings to Henry Allen on January 31. Mrs. Fred Gibson entertained a number of neighbors and friends at a Tupperware dem- onstration last Wednesday ev- éning. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nichols and family in Richmond Hill. Speedy recovery is wished fOr all who are ill with the flu, especially to Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Steckley who have been very ill. 29. 1970

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