Sumthin’ Old, Sumthin' New, Sumthin' For I Me, and For You - - - In Want Ads “4'1"†Girl, In Hgspita NURSERY t RICHVALE CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL MacKay Drive. Vacancies for two or children. Fee: $15 Please call Mrs. Decent. 889- 7145. c2w30 w Transportation three month TRANSPORTATION WANTED; 'â€"‘â€" Richmond Hill to City dailyï¬ Pope and Danforth Area. Arrive approximately 8 am. Leave. 4.45â€"5 pm. 2 paSSengers in-1 terested. Please call Mrs. Sywak at. 884-3749 after 7 pm. or 929- 6938 during day. c1w31 Births JONES â€" David and Shirley tnee Knight~ are. happy to an nounce the birth of a daugh ter Julia Millicent. 9 lbs. 6 ozs.. on January 24. 1970. a York Central l-IOspital. Many thanks to Dr. Q. Hardy. *lw3 3n illicmnriam PHONES Police Accident Report 88-1-1105 The worse the weather. the fewer the accidents. So it seemed with last week's ‘ Engagements treacherous freezing rain and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Ingram mo“, "Of Maple 3â€" please“ m an' One local policeman remar- . nounce the engagement of their kcd ma. more “eâ€. “mes mu (lal’glll‘f’i- Lynda “ii-V m Ml" could shoot a cannon down tPaul \‘ci‘non McGuire. son of Eon“ Stu,“ and no. hit am._ Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGuire thing ' of Fredericton. NB. clw31 St.“- “.0 ]6_'\.m.._0m £11.15 1 _. -.__ I --.'._.A . from Richmond Hill were hurt in an accident at Keele Street South and Langstal‘f Road in the snowstorm at 3:30 pm January 24. Judy Kew of 236 Browndalc . CARD 0F THANKS ‘ Our thanks to our friends who sent cards. prayed and telâ€" ephoned during the recent pass- . V ing of my brother Donald Ol. Crescent was taken to York “LLB: â€"._ lfnlllgvmgamdemor.“ (aflfcrt of Rexdale. Our special Central Hospital 5119 was a ea! 3 er n gm" ' found to have a fractured pel- 1thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Arnot At 2.45 pm January 23. 14- had arm bruises. mile north of Markham on * r r * Bayvicw Avenue. Leo Douglas. Besides the .lanuarv 24 acci- ~ . - 37. of 311 Palmer Avenue. Rich- dent in Vaughan Township gcgégftegna End" a: Lampl‘m‘ mond Hill. had an estimatcd‘tltat injured the two teenage E. , TIC ms {9m yolkt S200 damagc. His vehicle was girls. there was an accident Gum" “11 be ‘akm: a Slxt in collision with one driven by another 37-year-old driver. Paul urst Strcct about In of a mile Tam)" at Lakehead Lvnlvmflty Wright. of 43 Flcury Street. south of Maple Road. m Thunder Bay ne‘“ Summer at Aurora MII Wright had $100 Peter Fitton. 21. or 6l61 board “Dense ‘ damage. Bathurst Street. Willowdale. Al its regmar meeting the About 200 feet east of Bay- had $600 damage to his 1970.board agreed “131 1‘ SPOUI‘I alml view Avenue on Markham uo..d model car while southbound on ‘0 ha"? the CNN-‘9 under “31' in at 1:18 am January 24 there was a $300 single car accident. Driver Reo Martell. 17. of Con- naught Avenue. Willowdale.‘ ‘Plaxton. Mansbridije Question I IWith Broken Pelvis Teachers Study 1 January 23 at 6.15 pm on Bath- Bathurst. Herman Crczec. 35. of Lot 20. Concession 2. had S400 damage. to his car at his driveway. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Jan. ‘29. 1970 Roman Catholic Family Life Ed. ‘ week course in family life edu- all schools in the system by‘ January I. 1971. ‘ The family life program has; been discussed at length at sev-.' V3eral meetings of teachers andl ttrustecs. and several principals. teachers and trustees attended al two-day live-in last, fall to hear“ The other driver. “‘ll““““““l ' JANUARY _ _ .. . in Illll Iiiiaitii By The Wall To Wall Experts I (Free estimates in your home without obligation) I 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . . I Harding * (‘elanese "‘ Kraus I B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow ' And All Kodel Carpets I l DENSE FILE HEAVY KODEL SHAG . NYLON ‘ TEXTURED n'iosâ€"mtznneâ€"wav’nan: iZZl-irz‘lhï¬as‘ifssed my m†the “cm†“i†Bap‘is‘ 135.: c‘inltiï¬illa‘..Z‘2°§§il?f§ltiiid A . Su- Keele and Highway '7 ‘at 4.30991; filler now my work ChulCR/iI-S. H. (1 “Agnes; Homo.- Also taken to hospital. but b- - :SEfI-timflgscglï¬hl fl Yd- griréhrggalg gilléaggzxé Pltlff:i'l‘hy willing hands will toil no‘ * t * * “Win iglfgsï¬guiifgzr .fflfsg‘ï¬mfr‘l’“gfll.‘S‘flAF "Elation". SQ. YD. SQ' YD' WearNGTiZT‘Ie-mtee Lowe- 3345669â€, Clwm more CARD 0F THANKS 98' was Paunne Hogan Of 272 Reeve Donald Plaxton would the effect a surplus or deficit of i Man “ho had PlieleUSl-‘H. w H. ï¬llge isie‘léaion 0f Room Size Rugs“; -- -â€"â€" A loving father. kind and true. No one on earth we‘ll find Bi‘owndale Crescent. One. of the drivers in thc been reluctant to consider such: a program became enthusiastic “““I“ The family of the late Wil- _‘ g like to know what cred't Ri h- ‘liam Donaldson of king City. 1 c mond Hill is receiving for its any one or more prior school board might have on the general Emily: HARRISON. Jamesâ€"Suddenlyt at his home on Saturday.’ January 24. 1970. James Har- rison. in his 68th year. be- loved husband of Hilda How- arth. dear father of Mrs. Mar- garet Ware and James J.. brother of John T.. of London and the late Robert. dear grandfather of Meredith and Randell Ware. Karen. Jimmy and Jeffery Harrison. Mr. Harrison rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge Street. tat Hwy. 73'. Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Monday. Cre- mation. c1w31‘ It I" 3k ‘1 McGRAW. Laura -â€" Suddenlyï¬I at the home of her daughter. on Monday. January 26. 1970. Laura Morris. beloved wife of the late Michael Joseph Mc- Graw; dear mother of Clif- ford. Willowdale and Mar- garet (Mrs. John Pheiffert, Richmond Hill: dear grand- mother of Michael. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. North. Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. Interment St. James Cemetery. c1w31 I" it * I! PAGE â€"~- Randall Thomas. on Thursday. January 22. 1970.! at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.1 Randall Thomas Page. dear brother of Alice 18.. Ellen E. (both of Islin’gtoni. Fred R. lof St. Mary’s). and Stewart L. Page (of Barrie). Service was held at) the Butler Fun- eral Chapel. Dundas St. West. Islington. Saturday at 2 pm. Interment Prospect Ceme- tery. clw31 SEASONED FIREWOOD FROM HOLLAND PARK GARDEN CENTRE 51 Keele St. N., Maple Phone l 332-2455 781-3812 First Mortgage Loans Residential Property Prime Rates and Terms CALL MR. BARROTT Guaranty Trust. Co. of Canada 884-4415 Richmond Hill tter Mabel. ' and grandchildren. w Red Hot Steel Plate Kindles Fire $At Canadian Heat Treaters Plant like you. â€" Lovingly remembered by Florence. Nibs. olyn. *1w3 vii it it iii ALLEN â€" In loving memory 0 a dear husband Jim passed away February 2 1969. Your last parting wish We would like to have heard. And breathed in your ear Our last parting word. Only those who have lost Are able to tell. The pain in the heart , At not saying farewell. â€"Sadly missed by wife Emily-neighbors for their acts of kind- *1w3 II it it it GOURLIE -â€" In loving memor of a dear son and brother. William Gourlie who passe away January 30. 1967. Days of sadness Still come o‘er us. Tears in silence often flow: For memories keep you ever near us. Though you died three years ago. â€"Ever remembered by moâ€". ther and sisters Marjorie. Bet nice and hrother-in-law Ray-. mood. and wife Dorothy. *1w3 tilt-kit 1n lovin J. A. MABLEY memory of a dear father. A. Mabley. who passed awayl Ever"CARD or THANKS on January 30. 1969. remembered by sons. daugh-. ter and daughtersâ€"in-la-w. c1w3 lirakurlit WRIGGLESWORTH. Oscar -â€" In loving memory of a dea father and grandfather. 05- car Wrigglesworth. who pass- ed away January 21. 1962. t“Two tired eyes are sleeping. gTwo willing hands are still. ‘For one who suff much. is resting in God's will. You never said goodbye to us. lFor perhaps it is just as well;. We. never could have said goodbye. To one we loved so well." Ever remembered by daugh- son-in-Iaw George. c1w3 red hot steel plate was bein Carl and Car-'to friends! who‘grandfathcr. cred far too I accident was Arthur Curric. 35.‘ 10f 60 Lake Avenue. Oak Ridgâ€" I.e_les._ His car had $900 damage.‘ a n dipolice estimated. 1 Ithoughtfulness. during the Iossl Um,†“I the "the" Car was - -Marinus Kine 20 of Conces- l I. h l b. v f °f a 10“"g “ugï¬â€˜széfigagï¬gï¬ï¬taon 6, RR 2. Woodbridge. His‘ Rev. Bishop of All Saints An-lgar had 3" eStimaled $1200 glican Church, King City and 101 amage' Dr. James McPhee. Cl\\’3ll . * * . i * >1! * ‘ In Richmond Hill itself theret lCARI) 0F THANKS I‘wei'e five accidents. three of 1wish to express sincere thanks neighbors and rela- lltives for the many cards ceived. floral tributes 1them on snowy Saturday. . The family of the late Miss. . . » â€"- ~. .- A parked vehicle belonging‘ chna Cairns of king City wish to Tip Top Tailors was hit lto express a sincere thank you Januarv 2:, at 1107 pm by a to their relatives. friends and vehicle driven by Joan Smith of“ 126 Lucas Street. Both ve-. .Sions of Sympathy extended to hiclcs had an estimated $2001 Ithcm during their loss of a deart$illlagc'i(;0;n P03â€? relirteldg'.‘ y sister and a kind and loving e a“ 9 “a‘ Oppos‘e aunt. A special thank you tolyonge Street North . DR Quentin Hard); Rev. Norma Damage was $300 January 24‘ an Gibson' the King City UCW'In front of 23 Markham Road ithe pallbearers and the Thomp- at 255 Pm 10 a vehiCIe driVen son Funeral Home. Aurora. by Donald COWden. 38. of 448 c1W31Marybay Crescent. Richmond Hill. Driver William Spicer, 22. of 35 Lee Avenue. Milliken. had $75 damage. A third car. driven by Leo Klauke. 22. of 1lncss. floral tributes and expres- d I *lkilill CARD 0F THANKS I wish to convey through this column a very sincere thank you to my friends and neigh- _ . bors for their cards. beautiful‘P’O‘llce sald- A11 _Ihl‘(’_e were flowers and gifts which I re-‘gomg the same dlrection. Mr. ‘ceived whilst in hospital. SuchtKIE‘Uk“ bemg IOIIOWM by Mr. I kind thoughts and wishes are aICQ‘Tden 311d MR 51910612 901106 great help at such a time. and‘Sald- very much appreciated. 1 Another parked car was hit g‘ Lucy Rickard at 12.45 am opposite the Rich- c1w31 mond Inn parking lot. on y it t * Church Street January 24. lThere was $200 damage to the I wish to express my sincerelparked car owned by Barry ‘thanks and appreciation to mylLatken of 48 Laverock Avenue, lApartment 601. Driver of the friends and neighbors for their’ acts of kindness. Special thanksiother car was Clifford Snyder. to Dr. J. Nirenberski. nurses 23. of 110 Jamison Avenue, Ap- and staff of York Central Hos- artment 204. These two driv- pital. ers told police a third car was Mary Ziegerhofer involved but it. drove off. *1W31 On January 21 at 8 pm in ‘l' * * * |front of 162 Markham Road a CARD 0!“ THANKS _ lparked car facing east and We would like to express sin-loomed by David Kvie. 13, of‘ ‘cere thanks to Scott‘s Ambu- 142 Hillsview Drive-had an es- lance. Dr. Zuck. doctors andtimated $300 damage. Driver nurses and staff on the second of the other car was Norman floor at York Central HOSDIIBI-‘MeMullen. 19. of 157 Essex .Richmond Hill. and 10 DGISh' Avenue. Richmond Hill. His bors. relatives and friends for car had an estimated $400 dam- flowers. treats. cards. \‘isitS. arid age. police said. inquiries during John's recent At 7:50 am January 22 In stay in hospital. and since re-Lfront of 397 Centre Street East. iturning home. ‘two westbound vehicles were John and Edna Emprinflhamuin collision. There was $200 C1W313damage to a vehicle driven by Patricia McLeod, 19. of 170 Bayview Avenue, Apartment 400. Damage was estimated at $300 for the other driver, Andy ‘Pasztor, 23. of 397 Centre Street ‘East. 1 I. 1 it at it ' The Markham Road area was also a popular place for acci- Richmond Hill, had no damage._ capital assets in the educational field. he stated at the January. 19 meeting of Richmond Hill Town Council. Under discussion was a report presented by the board of arbitration set up in York County to “value and ad- just in an equitable manner the assets and liabilities of prior' school boards as of December 1968." Members of the board of arâ€"i bitration were William Erring-. ton. QC. Charles E. Boyd and, Stewart Joscelyn. Mr. Joscelyn is the town's auditor. i The board's report indicated that it had considered: surplus or deficit of each constituentI former hoard. prepaid audit lees. lands and buildings not used as schools. vehicles. conâ€" sumable supplies. prepaid in-‘ surance. reserve funds. teachers. salary adjustments, vacant school sites. tax write-offs. re- tirement gratuities. capital sur- plus and /or deficit. Vaughan Hydro account. Aurora Public‘ School Board legal action and Committees I i 1 Rich- ‘- Monday. January 19. mond Hill Town Council ap- proved the following appoint- ments to various boards and committees: Planning Board: Harry Say- ‘ers and Donald Barnett were. reappointed forja three year term. Other members of the board are Ivan Toutloff, Ken Brown. Howard Whillans and Mayor William L a z e n b y. Councillor Lois Hancey will serve as the mayor's alternate and Councillor David Schiller will be the council represen- tative for 1970. Barry Mc-‘ IKinnon is the planning adminis- .trator. I Committee of Adjustment: Former Councillor John Mac- Diarmid. who was defeated in a bid for the deputy-reeves chair in December, was ap- pointed fcrr a three year term and Howard Jackman for one year to fill out the term of W. J. (Tomi Taylor. who has moved to Sutton. Others on the five-member committee are: David Higgins. Tom Graham and William Rut- tle. l S thrown from a car's front, seat A small fire after an acci- ney fire. but no damage in a dents out in the connty last Parks and Recreation Commit. ‘dent at Canadian Heal Treat- home owned by John Nesbitt. week. Markham Township tee: John Pennyfather Paul‘ ‘ers Ltd. 300 Newkirk Road. Also January 23 there was a Police report two smashes‘Flood. Bruce Venn. Riissell‘ Richmond Hill. was the most car on fire at 12:59 pm on there. Tilt. Harold Jones. Andy Chat- serious of several minor fire'Highway 400 just north of the ‘ calls in the area during theIMaple gidemad' Vaughan fire. ‘ 133:1 ‘29:: ‘ 14 tmen confined the fire to the . . ‘ Al 3- Pm -amtan' " car's back seat. Fire Chief fastener broke away “'I'IIIP ’1 James Davidson said cigarettes Richmond Hill of 944.875 made‘lsmute at Lakehead up ' tary schools. The York County 1 .- - . Board of Education accepted sc tool will open in Septembei the arbitrators‘ recommendation - - . , . ‘ID i l h s to spread collection of defictts $11.0": gillgg:a\vj;ugls:$:t:: For I970 In Rich. Hill Catholic tDowney tax rate in the municipalities‘gteg _f°mrai _Se_ss‘i°nsi “lith over the next threp years- at or oeo Lafienieie. who wtll1 be conducting the summer! it reports a 10131 credit fm“course at the Family Life In- There are now 18 separateI of $2.615 for secondary lschools in the county. and a new schools and $42260 for elemen- in North Thornhill. Teachers or and Paqu’lt 0f Bllrpluses We! resource people in their schools. a three year peiiod to lessenl . .k. f. S the impact on the mill rate in!“OI mg .mm emember to lJanuaiy with other members of anv one year ‘ 3‘ ‘ ' r the staff to set up a course. We were assure“ Ill" 355955‘ Meanwhile a committee ofI merll “’Ol'ld‘be 0“ 1h" m“'Sl-‘teachers and trustees \vould‘ qulliable baSIS- but mail“? "if: work together to let the parents legmatm" ‘S "0‘ equnable- know what the course is all commented the reeve. about . Deputy-r e e v e lvan Mans-l Since this will be a course im-I bridge believed the board of‘posed on staff by the board. the education should be asked to‘trustees agreed the board should‘ spend Richmond Hill's surplus pay the cost and after lengthy on “improving the appearance'discussion agreed to allot $500 of the local school grounds.“ to each person going to Lake- rather than have it returned to head to help defray $200 tuition the taxpayers. fee. travelling and living ex- Council agreed to investigate penses. the matter more fully‘ It was emphasised that they if a did not wish to Set a precedent‘ Appomted ‘ in footing the bill for courses. teachers might wish to take toi i m p r o v e their qualifications since credits earned at university courses can be accumulated to‘ place the teacher in a higher category and hence in a higher tpay bracket. I The family life course ls re-g cognized as a credit course at 'Lakehead and at the Universityl of Ottawa. but not at other On-t tario universities. It had been suggested earlier that the board hire a eo-ordina- tor at a salary of $10,000 to set up the course. but; Superinten- dent Joseph Hodge said that after meeting with principals. it. was agreed a more satisfactory‘ tive for this year. Iprogram could be worked outt' Other members of this board through intensive training of eauvert, l-Ierb Wunderlich and Pat Deciantis. Councillors Shaun Beggs and Eric George will be the council representa- tives. Library Board: Mrs. Ruth McConkey (vice-chairman) was re-appointed for a three year term and Councillor Hancey was named council representa- I ll II I include: Cam Smith tchairmanhlbpard staff who will work full John Anderson tappointed by.time in one school. councilt; John Riswick and; “The principals do not want a Mrs. Don Montague lappointed‘co-ordinator." agreed Dr. Wil- by “19 York County Romanlliam LaCroix. trustee for Mark- SChOOl Boal‘d‘; Ml‘S-.ham Township. “The. teachers Robert Fountain. Mrs. Jameslwant the program to come from‘ p and Alex Campbenlwithin the school. geared to the I ‘aPPC’mtE‘d by the YOTI‘ County com-munity as a whole. not im- ' Board of Education). posed from above," Central Ontario Regional: A committee of principals‘l' Development Comicâ€: Kenneth members of the educational de-l Tomlm was appmmed as My velopment committee and staff delegate and Counctllor Hancey will help in selecting applicants I as council representative. achers now on Metro Conservation Author- 32?; “23101519 tsoard' ity: Former Deputy-reeve Floyd . Perkins and Dr. Douglas Pim-I Dr‘ L390â€? .SuggeSted .thatt lott were re-appointed for one’the “3de 113150? commltteet jdiscuss its plans With represen- year. . , Day Care Centre: David Por-Itatlves of the . york county. Board of Education. ‘ ter. Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. .. , Ruth Cook. Mrs. Neil Mann.l WP Should .1†them. km)“ what we are doing. and find out Mrs. Winona MacDonald. Rev. . . P. A. Sorenson. Dr. John “ml “193’ may Planning 1" Wynne. Gary Chatfield and‘family hf" Silufall?n; Aï¬g I Dr. Kathleen Fullerton. Coun- STAND I cillor Schiller will he council‘sl YOUR representative on this commit-l GROUND I tee. :Fence viewers: Norm Steph- enson. Andy Chateauvert, Les- Read “The Liberal" and rout the forces of darkness. You'll be "“““““““‘ 15‘ Willowdale Broadloom Ltd. I 6313 Yonge St. Willowdale 226-0941 | (Across from Sayvette's) I Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. - 9 pm. â€"- Sat. til 8 p.111. ‘ ‘. 4 AUTO MECHANICS Excellent opportunities exist at our large, mod- ern express garage on Keele Street, north of Highway No. 7. Ontario Class A mechanic’s certificate required. Afternoon or night assign- ment with days off not necessarily weekends. Preferred shifts gained through seniority. Rate‘3144.85 per week with wide range of fringe benefits. Apply or write . . Canadian National Canadian National Employment Services 9 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.. Monday - Friday Room 223. 153 Front St. W., Toronto 1 l Baythorn Place 235 Baythorn Dr. Thornhill Green 889-9073 SPECIAL OFFER 0N LAST REMAINING sumss I BEDROOM from 2 BEDROOM from 3 BEDROOM from . . . $205.00, including underground heated parking for term of lease on the 3 bedroom suites only ‘ TRANSPORTATION. SCHOOLS, SHOPPING CLOSE BY . . . 5135.001 . . . $161.50: removed from 3 furnace 3‘ the‘sometimcs blow back into the "Newkit‘k Road P131114 The Platemar through a rear window. and A public hearing will be held Square; John Smith. Gormley: by Markham Township Plan- “Di-(Mt--O-fl-l-i.fll} SHIPPING AND MOVING BY RAIL, LAND, AIR & SEA OVERSEAS PACKING AND CRATING AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES about .1ow an overhead crane. Th iform at the crane. 'Alf Stong said. ‘ty there were some chimne land car fires. plus some fals alarms. * i 3 Out in Southern York Coun- January 25 at 9:39 am \‘au- 1.800 degreesjthis was probably the cause of Fahrenheit and it stopped be-{the ï¬re The car belonged to e'Lynda Crimes of 100 Maitland lrising heat kindled some plank-;5treet_ momma Ling used as a walking plat- Weldrick Road in Richvale an There ‘no fire. I At Kleinburg January 24 at v 11:34 put there was achimney ‘efire at 68 Sevilla Boulevard. There was no fire damage. Vaughan firemen report. It it to \V a 5 LOCAL AND LONG . - -. . , , , .ghan Township Firemen were I I DISTANCE MOVle caucd ,0 York Central Hospp At Unionville January 16 at 24 HOUR SERVICE CANADA BONDED tal. but there was no r . “AREHOUSE January 26 when rubbish was tion shack on can being burned at the Thornhill w 0 R l- D w I D E IEggrgii'iiï¬geanStreZTIeNOi‘th. :passerby noticed the SHIPPING 889-6269 TOWNSHIP OF KING requires experienced CONSTABLE Applications on forms obtainable from the. Chief of Police will be received up to 5:00 pm. February 2. 1970. Applicants must be qualified in accordance with the Police Act. Offering ex- cellent salary and benefits. Lot 16. Concession 2 L. J. Pengelly Phone 833-5391 Chief of Police Stables. construction. A flames Shack. and called firemen at 10:17 pm.: At 8:14 pm January 23. at sion 7 there was a chimney fire I tCarr- January Iville Roadi there was a chim- fire. \'arley Drive and Main Street There was another false alarm there “'85 a fire in a con-Struc' the site of the Unionville rescrvotr now under Damage was con- fined t0 lumber stored in the At Highway 7 and Conces- 25 at the home of Harry Marlowe. Lot 11. WILLOWDALEâ€"North York School Trustee Yal Scott was outvoted IO-to-3 last week in a bid to get the borough's school board to ask North York Coun- cil for a bylaw banning election signs on public streets. Scott argued that are costly. wasteful, unstghtly and cause unnecessary campaign ex- penses. He said. however. that signs on private prooerty and homeowners’ lawns should not be prohibited. Opposing Scott‘s recommen- dation. Trustee Mel Shipman said he could not support a move that would restrict candi- dates‘ freedom in expressing their message to the electorate. Douglas Malcolm and Sepa- rate School Trustee Robert Sli'n‘ T Bradlc) voted with Scott. January 18 at 7:37 am at 56‘ ning Board tonight tThursdayt at 8 pm in the council chambers to consider a new Langstaff zoning bylaw for part of Lot 35. Concession 1. The area concerned is bound- Town firemen had “me dif'toverheated furnace motor filled d b . . . ’ Holy Cross Cemetery Ificulty putting out the fire and. .- ~. _le y ' lthere was little damage Chieflme hm?“ “1th smOke and me ' :men were called. Yonge Street. Highway 7 and Bayview Avenue. I 1k a: * nor 1 This year's new member of Ithe Markham Recreation Com- mittee and Parks Management "o'rrd is George Churchill of 4 Baymark Avenue. North Thorn- llill. The other members are: George Greer. Grandview Ave- nuc. South Thornhill; George hletcalfc. Unionville; Zolly Ber- ta. Yictoria Square; Mrs. Kay Grenwood. Wild Cherry Lane. Thornhill and Councillor Eld- red King and Deputyâ€"reeve An- thony Roman. These are also the members of the Grandview Athletic Field Board. s: a it Council last week adopted a new bylaw licensing all food establishments in the township. Previously only restaurants and snack bars were licensed. Now all food handling establish- ments are included in the legis- lation. u: t u x u The \‘orth Thornhill (‘oni- munity Centre Board for 1970 'ncludes the following Ted Foster. Rob \dains. Sam \tas- son. Merv Goldstcin. Peter Ros- si and Deputy-reeve Roman. A replacement will probably have to be named following the reâ€" signation from council of Coun- cillor Allan Sumner. who was named to this board. 1‘ t Â¥ Â¥ The Victoria Square Com- munity Centre Hall Board in- cludes the following for 1970: Mrs. Ruby Brumwell. 171h Ave- nuc. Clarence Stccklcy. Gorm- ley. David Tinker. Hanna .4 . lie Smith. formidable on community at! geput‘i/ur rjeue IRoman land Weed inspector: Fred Bo- fairs. polities. sports. the arts ‘ ounc Or ames 'ongenee“ vaird. Hall your interests. Be bold.‘ I The Bayview Glen Athletic Field Board for 1970 includes ithe following: Vaughan McLel- Ian, Dave Stenhouse, John Swindells, Richard Wise, Mrs. Alma Howson. Deputy-reeve Roman and Councillor Jongen-I 661- 1 FIND WHAT trot-t t Township Council has agreediYOU to share equally with the Town: of Markham. the cost of ac-‘ .quiring a former school. SS 16. for use as a museum. READING t a it xix Council last week approved payment of bills totalling 51.375.000. The reason for this LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS large amount all at once was the payment of close to $500. 000 to York County and to the York County School Board. plus 8143.000 for roads and a large sum to the York County ‘fRoman Catholic School Board. i i it It Toronto Lawyer Thomas Storie of Messrs. Miller. Thomson. Kicks. Sedgewick. Lewis and Healy was named by council to act on the arbitration board in the townships contract dispute with employee members of the Canadian L'nion of Public Em- you make the ket place, all you do is place phone to ring (and ring it ployecs. .- . i t . umns. then phone for an .; Council agreed to purchase appointment to see the ad- :3, for 924.000 a John Street lot vertised items. Want ads for construction of a new reser- voir. Owners of the lot were S B. McLaughlin and Associat- es Ltd. and the lot has 359 feet frontage and a depth of 300 feet. PHONES 884-1105 - 884-1983 “The Liberal†“Home Paper of the District Since 1378†t t it it Preparation of a bylaw was ordered following receipt of a petition from residents in the Perth and Terry Avenue area. They want all of Lot 10. Con- cession 3 East. 70ned for single fam:l_v dwellin2s. :eralâ€. tRELAX BY 4:1: Do you know of an easier1 :f :way to shop or sell? When ' “Liberal†, Classifed columns your mar -' your ad and wait for the will) or sit back and enjoy reading the Classified col-"3 do the work â€" and quickly. ’2 - Get home delivery of "The Lib-v IA Cit WILLOWDALE ' A FULL & PART TIME HELP WANTED To Work In Large Department Store In The Willowdale Area 0 SALES CLERKS O CASHIERS o STOCK CLERKS For further information please contact Locals 43 8: 39 at your local CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Dept. ACADEMY of Manpower & Immigration 4985 YONGE ST.