THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Feb. 5. 1970 iMrs. Donald Findlay, King City 2Heads York Presbytery UCW ‘ Ali's. Donald Findlay of King City was elected 1970 president Police Accident Report I I sunny a; Faming‘ Snowmobile Crash Injures ALLIANCE RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH passed, ’ . it was reported. This Serious acCidents CHURCH were re- January 29 on sli ' ‘ ~ ~ - ‘ o - . “1011951106510 assist tli u ‘- Meet Us Where Weldrick Road Interim Moderator Corner of Elmwood and Ruzglel ported last week in Vaughanixll of the injured{kl-3.861;.“e Elijcliï¬ilemhail$35.33;? 0f ‘Ol‘k VPI‘E‘Sbi'Iel‘IiII ‘Ullitt‘d privileged 01' the world? ndm MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Meets Bathurst Rev. Arthur Organ BA.BD.DD.* _ PaStor “Id WI‘m‘hUI‘Ch T0\"nShIPS.iers. four from Keswick and one i , ‘Churcn women at “I?†8â€] Mrs‘ E' E‘ “alumni Chm" Maple Community Centre Rev. B. T. McSpadden. PaSIOI'ISUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 19701Rev. DaVId A. Dyer. B.A., B.D. while Markham. Township was one from Toronto. One had a bO-n Tcston Road west ofiminualâ€" meeting held m Ringinmn of the Stewardship 00â€" Keele Street North. Maple 884-7859 9:30 â€"â€" Church School. ‘ . 834-3639 ' I’Ifï¬â€˜m' We“ accldt‘nl free and fractured jaw and another had Keele Januarv "9 I. passiii" ear guy med Church ‘Januarymitme of the Board Of Wome“ Pastor: D. S. Davidson We Preach the Redeemer, 11 a_m_ _ Morning Worship iSUNDAY. FEBRL‘ARl 8. 1970 Richmond Hill had only OneLChest injuries police said. hit a parked‘\.;inclc “121181976 ‘Of the United Church in Can. 233-9725 Resurrection, Rapture and “Encouragement for Hard 9.45 a.m. â€"~ Sunday School minor crash. I. I t J. Giancola of Burr “‘Cmie Tm__ llcr‘ executive will consist of; ada. gave the address on tht Sunday Services Revelation Times“ DI‘. Organ 11 33Ԡ" Morning “Olismp .Al Lake “MON 3 Snowmo" The injury collision in onto had 8250 damave‘ and 15‘ \lce'Presidem Mrs' Amomfmeme 0f me (la-l" “That The} 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970 7.30 p.m. â€" Annual Congrega- service . . livich hit a pal‘ked car Januari"\'auglian Township was at Samuel Hawkins of ORR . Gard-house or Sharon“ and Viceâ€""MI Mil“. Be one"’ 11 a.m. â€"- Speaker: 10 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School V :Uonal “Ieeï¬ng' 7 pin, â€" Sunday Evening and burst into flames. Both Maple Sideroad and .l ane Maple had 350 damage. police PI‘G‘SIdemVDl‘. Margaret Al‘kin-‘ "Unity it not uniformity. not Mrs. D. W. Capps ll a.m. ~ SUDJECII “He Who ’ Nurseiy Service > g V I'Idels Dad P'Pkm b01195. ‘Strect. Hazel Burbidge of estimated. Stallof NewinarkeL 3rd Vice. clubincss. but coming together Missionary from India Hesitates Is L0§tu . ‘For further Information call CYC â€" Christain South i Also In “hitChlll‘Ch. a hGad-Concession 5_ Lot 31. Maple. is Saturday. Januarv 31 Prosldem 3.1"5' 5991109 Ul‘qu- for more (Trident Opel'atlon I" 7 P.m. Mrs. D. W. Capps 7 DJTL -â€" E‘ienmgnsel'wce f . 889-2131 . v crusaders Y crash of two cars Januarym hospital with fractures and Concmsim“ my norm of A‘Vaslb hart of ‘Richmond Hill. 4th Christ‘s work." she stated. Speaking and Slides “Twelve Things 10 Learn I . HONOUR COUBCIL T39 lonl an- Ailing 3.0m nearlhad $1.000 damage to her vc- ville Road. Andrew Br'imner of \me'Presldcm “F.5- Stewa†“‘Iml'l acuon. makes .the ‘m' Nursery Facilities for how Wednesday_ par-ems and Friends are 13;. 'etiesca injured fue people judo. 20 Collins Crescent. Aurm_a_Bllnible 0f Tliornliill. Record. possible posSible._ When we -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"servjces ‘8 p.m. â€" Pray“: Meelmg M. u POCially inVited and 10mm “H’de m“ cars. The other driver. Lyn Witte- had a collision with Gem‘gc mg secretflry :‘lrs' James have .(‘ommumcanon and CO; ** *â€""â€"‘An Old Fashioned Country 8 ISSIOIIary lll’C Q Tuesday 10 “192mm 0f 54500 In COSI- ‘man of 170 Bayview Avenue. Crew of Tonmgmn Road Flucker of king CII‘VV Cor-res. operation at the local level we Church on the Edge Of the Clty‘ _ __ _ 7.30 p.m. â€" Midweek Bible I“ Vaughan‘ m0. 1,0931 Women Richmond Hill. was immediate- \V‘csTgn. Mr Greg had the pending secretary Mrs' William begin to realize “‘8 are much i i - ‘ 511101}? and Prayer Hour :3?ch had a (ionismil Jammy): l)‘ ieleased from hospital. Her worst of it. having" $500 dam-igglmgfr of Markham and more alike than we are diff?!" 0F IUIH ERA N ï¬ i $50 of GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL €21.17“: lounh crusade†Iliad injuries. one sufferingggrfl'soo' vaughan POhce le-idamage' poi)“; e..btl.mated' Committee chairman fo~ tl ias “‘9 OlltStthhEd hand' is U†Bayview at Crash! ST. PAUL‘S LUTHERAN 7‘ ' a p' ' fractures which confined her to ' i l w ‘ its»: , ~ . ~ Richmond Hill's lone accident year “'i“ be: MI‘S. Clare AtkindSlgn 9f br011191'1100d-n Richmond Hill CHURCH \ork Central Hospital. I Theâ€, were three other acflms at 10:28 pm January 30’son. Richmond Hill. citizenshipI DWan the day. MI‘S- R0139)“ RICHMOND HILL Rev. Dililizlf-slzvasspmule Bayï¬ew Al'enuests" (Beverley Acres schoon RICHMOND HILL 1 tl It kl ’1‘“?- . . V lcidents in Vaughan Townsliilxion \‘onge Street South, ‘and Social action: Mrs. E. War-imomgom‘iry' UXbridge' your: tR He bcrt Ne-ar centre- ' ‘Pastor. Rev. Andrew P. Jonel; SE‘ ENTH-DAY “. ‘9 73 9 “(0" Sn““'1 0n the Department of Lands Raymond Godin of East "9" zephyl‘. Christian educa-‘mg pres‘dent and PreS‘qS" HononryAsslsmn .ev' r R'Chmond ""1 . 334.6136 i ADVENTIST CHURCH tmobile accident there were a and Forests property on DuffG“,mimbm.v had 5100 damage tion and missionary education. Mrs. Don Hadwen of km:- NCW‘On'Sm'Ih _0 The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Friday, 7 Dim __ Navigators j 30 Elgin Mills Road west .number of the machines in the farm Street North Jannaâ€. 3mm his mfked vehicle LuRerg. Norman Gibson King City. City UCW. welcomed the ladies SUNDAY' FEBRUARY 8’ 19‘ Pastor 884-5264 . Ages 9 - 12 Pastor. F. C. .l. PEARSE farm “I “hm†1“ Pm- 11mmgthere was a two vehicle collis- Kai Yam. 59. of 368' Yonge fiï¬ance: Mrs. Stewart Watson. Mâ€; Gordon on: was 5.010â€: QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY‘ FEBRUARY 8’ 19‘? SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970‘ 222-2200 some Saturday full ion. James Laing of Elain‘Street North. was southboundiStO‘lffVmQ loadel‘SIIID 00"9IOP- during. the morning sessmn' Parish Dedication Sunday QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY .950 am- __ Family Bible Hour. Saturday i Donald Ash. .31. or South Mills Road west. Richmondiand had 3150 damage. town“ment: and Mrs. H. Tab-10,2 Sub: PreSidcnt Mrs. Robert Boyer. 8 am' _ How coin-mung)“ .930 a'm' _ Sunday Churcb i There is a class for everyone ‘9.30 a.m. Sabbath School Road Pal.“ “Hem-{W's “dmg Hill. had $400 damage and Am-ipolicc said. iton we“ supply and “'t‘lfal‘eUTmionto conference U.C“'. 10.30 a.m. -â€"« Momlng Fay?! school. _ Ill am __ Morning Worship .11. a.mLDivine worship llllS machine on \Vi cox Road. 7 - w . ‘ portfolio secmaricg win he. rcSidcnt of the Muskoka area. Baby Nursery 11:00 a.m. _ The sen-ice with .' ' . .. . ,0: w d d IOnk Ridges. along with his . . “I†w C, †‘ - .bmugm greetings and led “H. Chum“ SChOOI Holy Communion Iggbmon TOPIC YIâ€"Eï¬r 1,5321%? i730 m _9Pl,l::,sera:w€mmg Iwife Runi. They struck a Dark- ' icommiiuitv sallgfoiid' group In “'OI‘SIIIP. “Sing III“ Nursery to Teens Nurser care is provided during ' p‘m' '_ 0 3- - - ' p' 5 . f , - ' ted car belonging to Angelo o S .t- . M; I ‘ . P )15-fan1i1ial- scripture of the Vine. y . 5:00 p.m. â€" Youth Sacrifieial! Public Lordially InVited . . If. v ,1 1mg. . is. Aithiii Staii. Van; , Thursldayc - the servme i Supper I iBonCSIEtgllM “HUI†Rf‘la‘l‘ 11;â€; u I, dorf. archives and Dress Mrs dial}? “grkerf‘ d .th [30 lm~ â€"' Hoy ommumon Visitors are warmly welcomed' . . , - ' “‘~"'*W**'â€"â€" snowmo ie caugit ‘irc. ll ' ‘ twalter Be _ . . - ‘ ~. 19 ay (.056 m 3 mos. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Ash Wednesday Feb. 11 i032; 7..[Elfg‘s‘g‘jfiiiglilip DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPELgthe fire was immediately 0X- 00 Itt e, 00 ate â€" Parent municationasï¬h'hï¬isuï¬llllaefgg:jentation by King City UCW am; HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 8 p-m- â€" Lenten S_ef§"_cE_I Tuesday (Clarke and Willowdale so.) itmguished \vlth snow by the} Milliken‘ program Mm Funoathe whole gmup pammpam THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. Canon H. R. Howden, B.A. L.Th. Estelle Markham, ARCT.. RMT. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1970 QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector .730 p.m. â€"- Young Adults in the Chapel. Trinity Teens and Twenties Wednesday 10 am. â€" Holy Communion (Prayer Circle follows every 2nd and 4th week) ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1970 9.45 a.m. Sunday Church School 11 a.m. â€" Our Service to God (The Friendly Church) CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive, Thornhill. Ontario Arnold D. Weigcl, B.A.. B.D., Pastor Phone 889-0873 ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge At Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector: Rev. David McGuire Assts. Rev. Fred Jackson Rev. Bruce Fraser SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1970 8 Holy Communion 10.30 Shortened Morning Pray- er followed by congregational discussion groups on “The Con- temporary Sceneâ€. Church School and Nursery SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1970 9.30 a.m. â€" Sunday Church School â€" Grades 3 - 8. ll a.m. â€" Sunday Church School Nursery â€" Grade 2 11 a.m. â€" Service of Worship Infant Nursery Provided Everybody Welcome PRESBYTERHN RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister I730 p.m. â€"â€" Youth Fellowship- Etiquette Night I Wednesday I8 p.m. Midweek Service of Prayer and i Bible Study ‘ Evening Activities are in members‘ homes. 884-6136 for further tion. lEveryone Welcome To Our New" IChurch With a New Ministry Call. informa- GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH . Rev. H. S. Hallman, Minister “ 887-5846 Saturday 8 p.m. â€"â€" Youth Fel-' lowship. Pentecostal Youth {from Oshawa will present the !program. ‘ ISUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1970 9.50 a.m. â€" Bible School with classes for all ages. For bus transportation from' Preston Lake and Lake Wilcox Phone 887-5846 or 887-5303. 11 a.m. â€" Rev. H. B. Wideman, Pres. of Emmanuel Bible Col- lege and a mixed quartet “The Proclaimersâ€. 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Rev. J. Kurtz with Ia Quartet of “Messengersâ€. iTuesday â€" All Day Sewing Circle. ,Wednesday. 8 p.m. -â€" Bible ;RICHYALE GOSPEL CHAPEL The 9.30 am. â€" The Lord's Supper SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1970 other People “We, , 9 45 a m. __ Sunday School Mr. Ash and his wife were in 1i am. _ Family Service_ fair condition in York County Speaker. Mn John Clark Hospital. Newmarket. He had - . I ~ ' ht led and she had : . .â€"C n n Serv ce 3 b‘Oke“ “g ° gï¬nmgmszirléiclgn 1 ‘a broken cheek bone and mul- speaker. Mr. Stewart Wilson tiple face and head lacerations. Damage was $850 to the 730 pm_ wfdnï¬igfg’. Meetingsnowmobile and $50 to the i .and Bible Study car. These snowmobiles have All welcome gasoline tanks on the front and frequently catch fire in a collision. police said. head on crash .‘Bcthcsda took place at 6:05 pm 24 Oak Avenue. Richvale SUNDAY KIND COMPETENT 11 a.m. â€" Family Bible Hour I 11 am. - Sunday School 7 pm ‘ E03333 NURSING CARE Dorcas Club . 7 p.m. â€" Boys‘ Club. Ages 12‘ and Up 1 for the Chronic Convalescent and Aged Tuesday i 8 p.m. -- Service of Prayer Thursday i Ladies Meeting ‘ Friday ‘I 8 p.m. â€"â€" Young Peoples SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1970 11 am. â€" Mr. S. Hoffman 7 p.m. -â€" Dr. Virgin. TENDER LOVING NOT A DENOMINATION UNSE‘RI‘SEA‘SIE’ING A CHURCH or THE New. . Wrixon Hall was filled to capacity Monday evening when ithe community sponsored sei- ies on “The Family And Sex“ 'Education" held its initial pro- gram. Rev. David McGuire 'weleomed the audience. com- posed for the most part, of young and middleaged parents. and grandparents. Mrs. Dor- ‘othy Francis introduced Moder- ator Helen James who in turn near. ll'lti‘OCILlCCCI members of the panel. Bob McDonald. Mrs. Marylo Graham. Dr. .Vlanzer Bunker. Mrs. Judith Sule and Rev. Ron Owston. The topic was “The How. Why and When of Sex Education." . “Who‘s to blame". asked Bob McDonald. “for the lack of communication between parents and children?" He felt that‘ society has made sex and drugs‘ ‘more tempting and desirable toI young people by the very fact of prohibition, but that par- ents have the responsibility of1 .teaching their children about these matters. ‘ Mrs. Graham. speaking as a‘ parent, said that parents should iteach their children step by Istep, preparing them for chang-‘ res which will occur. “If our .own attitudes toward sex are stop talking at age other .with a sprinkling of teenagers: t in Holy Communion and a re- s ew‘dedication service. _ In Memoriam Verses A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal", 63 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884â€"1105. ohm bm-leatters, Richmond Hill, eight or‘ardship and vocations. nine. therefore the opportunity" Members without portfolio: must be there for them to ask Mrs. Norii Garriock. Wood- questions, but the answers bridge: Mrs. N. Kaake. Noble- mustn‘t be complicated. Child-jton: Mrs. D. Walker. Markham: ren must learn to share. to lovemMrS. G- EI’anS- QlleenSViile: and to give and to get along with Mrs. James Nauta. StouffVille. people“. he concludedl The new executive was in- Mrs. Stile said we assumeistallcd by Rev. James Mills of that all parents are articulate..Uxbridge, chairman of York which is not the case. Parâ€"Presbytery. ents think the schools will The proposed 1969 objective teach their children about sex of $307 . l ‘ if they do not. She cited ex- '00 “as ieacnod and nmples ranging from the Sicil- ian mother to whom sex is as natural as eating. the disciplin- ed. rigid mother who doesn't approve of sex education in the schools and who feels 2i is soon enough to discuss the top- ic. to the hippie mother who carries her baby on her back, casually but joyously. ‘. Mr. Owston felt childrent should not learn what they must unlearn later â€"- storks. gooseberry bushes. etc. In Vic: torian times sex was very im-, portant but Very isolated and hush-bush. people pretended itl did not exist. Daughters about!I to be wed were told “close your; eyes and think of England!"i Mr. Owston said that even a three-year-old can be taught, from the audience. r St. Mary’s Parish Hall ‘ I Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) BINGO EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. FEBRUARY 10th -â€" 20 Regular Games $20 1 share the wealth â€"â€" 1 rainbow â€"- 1 pie plate IACKPOT $500 56 Numbers Earlybirds 7.30 p.m. Stay-laters 7 pm Evening Service Wednesday 1t) -- Holy Communion TESTAMENT ORDER 1 IN A COUNTRY HOME A CHURCH or CHRIST ATMOSPHERE Concord Road and King High Miss Joan Weir Stch and Prayer. . Organist and Choir Dim.†IA. Warm Welcome Awaits Youi SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1970 ‘ ‘joyful and mature, our children sexuality is part of the whole‘ will develop these same atti- person and part of a beautiful. ‘ tudes." She said that sex ed-‘normal and exciting life. Child- Our elderly guests receive Towne and HAW“ V" 9-45 a-m- 'â€" Chum“ SChOOL 6 h ‘ ' Drive i DGI‘SODBIiZed Pl‘OfeSSlonal 1ucation in our public schools ren will become "cooler" about. ‘7 - ST, STEPHENS CHURCH years and up‘ er DenomlnatIOHSl A. E. Atkinson care m a spacious and con- ‘is “too littleY too late". but the sex than their parents. but we I Countr e . M3910 11 am. â€" Juniors. 5 years and} l Minister. 889-3364 genial country hon19_ ‘Situation in high schools is Day a price for frank discus_ . y .‘l The Anglican Church of Canada under ‘ Cflklssjgg‘ï¬cségENCE D. Lowery. Sec. 884-4880 The Manor is open for {slightly better. If parents can sion on this subject by the loss 222-1196 ' Rector: Rev. Ramsa Armita e 11 a.m. â€" Mornin Woi- bip - CONCORD your inspection at any ‘taik to children in the home of some of the mystery and NH I. M.A., DJ: 3 Friday â€" Junior CEoir Pfactice' Sharon Community Hall SUNDAY SERVICES I time. with frankness and humor a-.mance associated with it. . Yonge St- North at Steeles Ave- 8 8-m- 'â€" H01y Communion 5.30 Pm. Senior 8 pm. l15t- Building; NOI'lth of Sharon 9.45 a.m. â€"-â€" Bible School i bout sexuality and life, they? ] Discussiclm groupts t'followeg . A †I I . 11 a.m. â€" Mornin Pra er Februan 9, 8 p.m. 911111 e 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Service 1 will establish the proper atmos- tie pane presen 3 ion an '. Holy Communiog on y2nd Judge J. Rennlicks will present Every Sunday at 11 a.m. 7 p.m. â€" Worship and Com-1 phere. when the panelists and aud-I ' I WIWMIOMWYWWIWSIW Sunday of month at 11 a.m. illustrated lecture on Iran. Con- SerVice and Sunday School munion. ' Moderator Helen James com-yience re-assembled. many ques-I {hebesi'damnshenï¬m gregation and friends invited WEdneSday Meetings. 8 pm. Wednesday mented that a common com- tions which had developedl MGM ISA“ Ne! Fl - ~ A refreshments afterwards. Last WedneSday 0f eaCh Month 7-30 13.111- -â€" Bible Silldy plaint of unwed mothers was through the groups were dealt ! W959" 09h 50" 'm EMMANUEL that sex was never discussed with by the moderator and ANGLICAN CHURCH Machy Drive â€" Richvale Rev. William J. Rhodes 889-6789. Mr. Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970 QUINQUAGESIMA 8:30 a.m. â€" Holy Communion Men‘s Breakfast 11 a.m. â€" Choral Eucharist Nursery in Rectory Everybody Welcome "TWIN THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street (Convention of Out. a; Que.) Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D. \Iln. Organist: Mrs. Carol Irving SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1970 10 a.m. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Service of Worship Nursery and Junior School RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor, Rev. A. B. Arnot, D.D.‘ 884-3091 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1970 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Nursery supervision 11 a.m. â€" Subject: “Christ Our Passover" 7 pm. â€"- Rev. Walter Searle. Chaplin of the seminary will speak and Mr. and Mrs. Searle will sing. All Welcome ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street, Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. & Que.) 11 am Rev. J. B. W. Lawrence B.A.. B.D.. Pastor Church 884-8038 9.45 a.m. â€"- Church School for All Ages 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship Nursery Provided 1 Everyone Welcome LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhill Pastor Tom Cowan MA. BD. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street Thornhill. Ontario Highway No. 7B The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans. D.D. Minister SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970 9.30 a.m. - 11 a.m. 8; 7 p.m. Services of Worship 889-5391 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Ont. and ST. PAUL’S, 7th Con. Vaughan, Rev. B. F. Andrew Minister Miss Loris Adamson. Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1970 10 a.m. â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School 11.15 a.m. â€"â€" St. Paul‘s Church and Sunday School All welcome UNITED S'I‘. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH . 325 Crosby Avenue me“ R James, Bum, BA’BIL set chairs. take coats and that Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service (Infant Care) Church School 9.30 a.m. â€" Ages 6-14 11 a.m. â€" Ages 3-5 Wednesday. 4 p.m. Ages 8-8 MAPLE UNYï¬Dâ€"CTIURCH IHockey League and this weekâ€"Double 0â€"2 will be February Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Booger: Director of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.C.T. 11 a.m. â€" Service of Worship. â€"â€" Church School WELCOME. TO ALL Mrs. Gordon MacKay Director of Music SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1970 9.45 am. â€" Worsnip SerVice RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streets) Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Rev. Allen E. Hallett 889-9126 Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming 9.50 a.m. â€" Bible School Church Office 884-1301 11 a.m. â€" Pastor Cowan BSL'NDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1970 7 pm. â€" Pastor Cowan 19.45 a.m. â€"- Church School Wednesday ;.\'ursery. Primary. Kindergarten 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible ;11 am. â€" Morning Worship Study } Sermon: “The State of the Supervised Nursery at All Sun? day Services Church II†Installation of Officers With Folk Mass, OMNI OBLI is moving into second gear. things are begin-i ning to swing. ' I First on the agenda is the jmammoth folk mass with re- hearsals starting February 4. The form of the folk mass will develop as talent and songs heâ€" come known, but this already looks like the biggest thing to ihit the land of OMNI since last year‘s Biafra fast weekend. Next is the gala St. Valentine =Dance on February 14 in OMNI VHall. The Soundproof from Toronto will supply the sound land couples get a real break by paying only $1.75. Doors open at 8:15 pm. I I The family planning series‘ i will receive a helping handi lfrom OMNI citizens who will Jazz. ' Of course. this weekend. the Winter Carnival will see the citizens out in force to enjoy the festivities. I Finally, a sports note â€" the‘ fabulous OMNI OBLI hockey} players have moved into third place in the Toronto City} end face the powerful Regent Park Rodents in an attempt to lnarrow the gap between them- selves and the Parkers who are 'in second place. The last meet- N‘IIII“““““- PERRY'S PHARMACY MAPLE PLAZA ICAiuw'nTiIis UNITED CHURCH I ’ Valentine Gifts :Dispensing Is Our Profession VA““““ OMNI OBLI Gets Into Second Gear We have a fine selection of Licensed by Ont. Dept. of Health Stouffville 640-3061 Approved by Associated Nursing Homes Inc., Ont. Dance, Hockey ing of these teams was a real battle, with the game ending in. a 3â€"31] tie. Transportation leaves OMNI Hall Saturday; night at 7 pin. CLUB DOUBLE 0â€"â€"2 The junior members of OMNI‘ OBLI got together last Sundayl and participated in a strenuousll games night. Later in the even-; ing a team from OMNI OBLI appeared and challenged the‘ younger set to a game of Bor-. den Ball which ended in con- fusion and an apparent win for the oldsters. To date the Double 0 Twoersi have been asked to participatel in the Valentine‘s dance, and. the hockey week festivities in conjunction with OMNI OBLI. ‘ The younger group is looking for a worthwhile’ program for the benefit of a charitable group in Richmond Hill. If there are. any organizations which re- quires assistance teenagers can supply. please contact Bob Mc- Kittrick at 884-4270 and have a chat. Next official meeting of Club 15 at OMNI Hall. OMNI OBLI and Club Double 0â€"2 are outreach programs of Richmond Hill United Church. 1 Centre Street East. Whenever winter the service you wish; weather. Bringing 832-Il64 and Chocolates 5 ‘ i E E. ““““\‘I voun CARRIER noes ms Basra weather cold. snow, sleet and wind. your reliable carrier makes an extra effort to provide a protected newspaper disappointed, no matter how severe the "The Liberal" every Thursday â€" storm or shine â€" is almost routine for your carrier. learned the importance of providing a valuable service just like many of our leading citizens learned on newspaper routes in their school days. in their homes. Dr. Bunker said sex educat- ion was non-existent in the schools when he was a young-l ster. but now grade 5 pupils; were taught the biology he: learned at college. “Girls talk. .longer". be said amid laughterl strikes with prompt arrival of Seldom are you to your door He has If your son has a chance to take a newspaper routeâ€"even in the winterâ€" time â€" encourage him to accept it. boy to learn business values and earn money while being a student. “ he liberal" “Home Paper of the District Since 1878" No better opportunity exists for a W Jim Brown Geor e Ken ; Fredric Marchg muggy CINEMA ONE panel members. One of the conclusions reached was the need for discussions on sex at :5 home. in the classroom, on the .r street. with the doctor and in‘ church. all areas where people} have a concept of life as = Dustin Hoffman Miahmw‘ :- :ioniinnMARY Whom-e PARAMOHNI PLAYERS ; CINEMA TWO - RESTRICTED .IHEATRE WHEN ' WINTER DOES ITS WORST Continuous Mon. - Fri. from 7 p.m. - Sat. 8: Sun. 1.30 '7 Audion Crill, I Nac-rv (Iodny Show In .4). ADMIIIANC! (:3 mummi: lwumam In the tradition of GREM' SHOI‘V TIMES WEEK NIGHTS - Cont. 7.00 - Last Complete Show 8.35 SATURDAY - Cont. 5.00 - Last Complete Show 8.15 SUNDAY - Cont. 2.00 - Last Complete Show 8.30 99 Mud Gvnm g name-m clou- SATURDAY MATINEE 1 RM. The most joyous entertainment for the whole farmly! "DOCTOR DOLITTLE" Rex Harrison - Samantha Eggar - Anthony Newley Also COMEDY DOUBLE and CARTOON Children 50c RICHM'D HILL ODEON 884-6221 Doors Open 12.30