Under the code of ethics pre- scribed by the Ontario School Trustees’ Council, advertising for teachers for next Septem- ber may not take place before March 11 and interviewing and hiring of teachers may not be done before March 13. These dates also apply to stu- dent teachers about to gradu- ate from colleges of education. At a meeting on January 12. York County Board of Educa- tion agreed to a request from McArthur College of Education at Queenie University in King- ston to consider applications before the March date. There will be in procedures f0 chers this year. a be more in 1971 In a letter to the board. the college asserted that student- teachers should have a right to meet with prospective employ- ers all any time. The college is preparing evaluation data on its students which will be ready the end of January and after this date, will provide office space for interviewing students on Saturdays. Secondary Schools Are Being Reorganized March 11 and lmervnewmsuum Wm..-†__, bout schools where and hiring of teachers may learn more a not be done before March 13.‘they plan to teach, anti that These dates also apply to stu- they have an opportunity to dent teaChEI’S abOUt t0 gradu- visit the school before commlt- ate from colleges of education. ting themselves to a contract. The result has been a mad one trustee feared. this rush in March with board of- would involve too much time of ficials and teachers tripping senior staff in interviewmg and over one another in hiring re-inter‘viewing. procedures that have frequently Staff agreed that it would been described as “cattle auc- take more time than the pres- s ,. . .._-4 Lu!» adflad “This is The credit system, Mr. Bac- salmasi told the trustee, is in- tended as a safeguard against “some sort of nonsensical selec- tion." Schools on the semester system will require 54 credits, as they will get a credit in mid- year as well as in June. Other schools. he said. may turn to the trimester program now in ef- fect at Thomlea. TEACHERS ADVISORS Principal Fred Bradley of Newmarket High said his school agreed three years ago that it should go into a program where students were more self-direc- ted. more responsible for their own progress. Director Sam Chapman reasâ€"l sured him that, at the school' level. the patterns are pretty much the same, but a commit: tee is working on coding. Staff did not want to lay out a coding system before the schools had had an opportunity to work out their programs, he said. “It would put the schools. in a straitjacket.†Principal Arthur Murch of Thornlea. the only school in the county with experience in in- dividualized subject selection. was asked about the wisdom of allowing students to make up their own timetables. “Are the kids opting/for the (Continued from Page 1) levels than at present, allowing a greater amount of flexibility is working 0105913’ With grade 3 of choice of subjects. classes in feeder schools so that The reorganized program as S§Udent5 W111 come mto BaY' laid out by the department re- _"19‘.V.P1‘9P9"Ed to Choose "‘9" quires a minimum of 27 credits lndl\'.ldu.al Pl‘ogl‘ams- for graduation. and specifies Princnpal Kenneth McDonaldithat students must be exposed 0f Markham DiStriCt High said‘to subjects in three basic areas his school is phasing out “181â€" communications (Englishh [0111‘ Md “V9 yea" Programs and social science and the arts and the three brenches. with all pro- pure and applied science, ’ grams leading t0 3 common Physical and health education dlploma at the end 0f four is also a compulsory subject for years. the first four years in a seconâ€" (Continued from Page 1) is working closely with grade 8 classes in feeder schools so that students will come into Bay- View prepared to choose their individual programs. The intent of the three branches and streams had been largely defeated, said Mr. Mc- Donald, because of the “snob appeal" of the five year course. Many parents refused to accept the fact that their children would be better off in any other course. With subject promotion on a yearly basis. students will be re- quired to accumulate 27 units to gain a diploma, but this would allow a fair amount of time in the timetable for independent study. Foresee End To “CattleiMasterS Au‘tim" Teacher lelnq aiiéiilï¬iifiliiixiii? ham Township Councillor for Ward 1. He was appointed Monday and sworn in Tues- day. As it turned out, this means another new council- lor will be certain to occupy 1971‘ as Mr. Th r will be some changes The trustees_ also agreed to in pgoiedures for hiring tea- urge the Qntario School Trusjtâ€" chers this year. and there may ees Council to change its co e be more in 1971. of ethics. _ h t Under 'the code of ethics pre- It was pomted. out t a em-ihnri hv the Ontario School with the wide difference in hurl!" Hm: unnf in the townships returning of- ficer. Clerk Harry Crisp, ruled that Mr. Masters was eligible for appointment. Councillor Masters continues on planning board until he is replaced by council. Mr. Masters has served six years on the township plan- ning board and is a former chairman. He also served on picking the person to fill Mr. Sumner's seat was a very difficult decision. There were many good people to pick from in Ward 1, but very few of them had exper- ience in managing a corpor- ation like the township. “I spent many hours meeting personally with all these candidates," he said. Gets Markham Twp. Ward 1 Seat to run again. Anybody else we might choose. we would give him an unfair advan- tage in the next election," he said. Councillor King said he placed himself in the posi- tion of an elector, and acted as any elector would have done in any election. Mr. Masters had experience in This, he said. removes the teacher from the role of “policeâ€" man“ and places him more in the roie of advisor. “Under the Robarts Plan stu- dents were put into categories, and parents looked at them from a status point of View, but this no longer exists. and the stu- dents get practise in making de- cisions." ' Students at Stouffv‘llle Disâ€" trict High will have wider choice of courses and also a choice of the degree of difficulty, or "phase" of each course they select. They will also be able to work at different year levels with different courses in any one school year, with promotion by course rather then by grade. "V... .9 ~._-... Frequent meetings “‘ithrar- Board Chairman John Macâ€"EH: ï¬rst and Scott‘mmcr on ents and special parents†nights Kay co in me n t ed that. “’lth‘ule second. are planned to help acquaint the schools differing so widely in! i s it . parents with what is happening their offering of courses. thelMIDGETS in the school his student at- board may be faced with par- (January 29) tends. ents and students who want to Thomhm 3, Camp Borden 2 King City Secondary and Sut- move to another school than Ian Mackay scored twice with ton District High are also of- the one in the area in which Bmy Law denting the mines fering individualized courses at they live. ' for one Assists went to Randy phases and levels, but Dr. G. “we may be faced with a Bag. Rick Hodge and Bill Law. W. Williams Secondary in Au- Situation where they demand a (January 30) ram is moving more cautiously. choice of school. and this would Thommu 4, Camp Borden 0 holding basically to the four and present all kinds of problems paul Woolnough came up five year programs now being in transportation. planning, andwith a sharp game for the shut- offered at the school. iso on." :out. Offensively it was Bob BASICS COMPULSORY i He added that each schoolrllclntosh showing the \\'a.\' With In Newmarket an enlargedihas its mm philosophy and theltwo goals with Randy Bagg and Huron Heights Secondary “‘illfprincipals will have to stand by:lan Mackay coming through be offering a wider selection of'it. “and we will have to stand'with singles. Assists were by academic subjects at higher by the principals." ‘Billy Law and Rick Hodge. As with other schools offering the broad selection and credit system. courses at Stouffville are computer coded and each student will have his own indi- vidual timetable. In Newmarket an enlarged Huron Heights Secondary will be offering a wider selection of academic subjects at. higher Frequent meetings with par- ents and special parents' nights are planned to help acquaint the parents with what is happening in the school his student at- tends. in nu mg, re-lnLCl vn: w ...,. frequently Staff agreed that it would “me auc- take more time than the pres- ent method, but added, “This is not haVe where we should be spending The trustees also agreed to urge the Ontario School Trustâ€" ees Council to change its code of ethics. I LL .4» It was pointed out that with the wide difference in philosophy of schools even within one system, it was be- coming increasingly important that teachers have time to learn more about schools where they plan to teach. and that they have an opportunity to visit the school before commit- ting themselves to a contract. A Inn-A mic Physical and health education‘ is also a compulsory subject for the first four years in a secon- dary school. Trustees were assured, that in any school a student may take exactly the same program as was offered in past years if he wants to -â€"- he makes his own selection of subjects, and they can conform to the guide- ‘lines of past years if that is what the student wants. A trustee commented that the levels and phases described were very confusing, varying from school to school. and ask- ed, “Could we have a coding that we can all understand?" Director Sam Chapman reasâ€" their programs’ “9 sala’. "1" _Ross gives his father full BI‘OUS DreaKawayS- “mild. Put the “WS- m a credit for stoking his interest The Red Wings canitalized 9n straltJECKEU' in the game two breakaways w1th Kevm Prmcipal Arthur MurCh 0f Hockey is. his main interest Canavan and B°bby Palmer Thornleh. the only 'school in the but he expects to cram in a scoring. county With experience in in' good stint of soccer, football. Note: 3013 M00“? ‘Voum like dividualized subject selection, baseball and swimming during to say thanks to the unidenti- was asked about the wisdom of the summer months. fied donor of sweaters for the allowing students to make up ’2‘ * >3: * Red Wings. It was greatly ap- their own timetables INTERNATIONAL SILVER preciated. “Are the kids opting /for the easy way out? Are they choos- ing the easy programs. and if they are. how do you keep them moving?†their own timetables. “Are the kids opting/for the easy way out? Are they choos-‘ ing the easy programs, and if they are. how do you keep them moving?†Mr. Murch replied that some of the most challenging and? difficult subjects were also among the most popular. draw- ing twice as many students as had been anticipated. To a large extent. he said, it depends on the teacher. “The students know the value is." Those who seem to be taking where the easiest courses and making ‘ at. ..-t..:-.. “1...â€.-. nn+ onnnial INTERNATIONAL SILVER STICKS TOURNAMENT BANTAMS (January 30. 31) Ajax 4, Thornhill 0 The Thornhill Bantams also came to the end of the Silver Sticks trail after an equalLv good effort. The squad lost out to Ajax by 4â€"0 despite winning two games. Thornhill 4, Renfrew 3 Hugh Burgess paced the win with two goals with singles go- ing to Dave Halpin and Hugh Matheson. Dave Murley picked up two assists with Pat Esau, Hugh Burgess and Ernie Tak- a new school where everyone comes in prepared than it is to make changes in an established school. Small schools. such as Wood-l bridge High which has about 300 pupils and offers only the five year arts and science pro- gram. will find it more diffiâ€"l cult to make changes, the board was told. but grade promotion will disappear across the county, and subject promotion be the rule. . Langstai’f Secondary will have a full credit system in all grades on a yearly basis and the two branches â€" arts and science and business and com- merce. will disappear with stu- dents selecting their options lfrom a broader field than at present. He added that each school has its mm philosophy and the principals will have to stand by it. “and we will have to stand by the principals." Ea†7H}; advanced to peewee status mg . . had m the league apd thlS year made the grade w1th the OMHA 9:: squad. No trouble at all. n“-.. "hum Id: 4‘2er fun Mr. Sumner last month re- signed from council to take the post of Markham Town- ship parks manager. Mr. Masters had only re- signed verbally from the township planning board be- fore his appointment to council. The lack of a written resignation w a s questioned in council. But an. Reeve Stewart Rumble favored appointment of Mr. Stewart and voted again- st Mr. Masters’ appointment. Mr. Stewart was nomina- ted by Reeve Rumble and Mr. Masters was nominated by Councillor King. No other nominations were made. Councillor Jongeneei said Mr. Jongeneel said coun- cil had some important de- cisions coming up, for ex- ample, Bramalea and OWRC water and sewer facilities. In the interests of the peo- ple it was best to pick a man with experience like Mr. Masters. “Mr. Masters has said def- initely that he does not wish Clerk Crisp said a candi- date must resign from plan- ning board before a nomina- tion meeting. This was a technical point under the el- ection act. Mr. Masters had resigned verbally. Reeve Rumble said that wasn’t good enough for him. d-\llll\ll\\l\\\\l\ill“l“llill““ll\l\ll\\lllll\\l\\lll\l\\l\mil“\lllllllll\\l\l\\“l\l\ll\ll“lllllll\\ll\\\lll\\lllllmlllllmllllllllllllllll“llWill“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“\\l\\\llllll\lllllllllllmlllll“\l“\\“llll\l\llllllllllllllullllmlllllllllllllllltllimllmllllllllmllllmllllll\“lllllllllllllllllflllllll-F NOVICE (January 24) NEWMARKET TOURNAMENT Thornhill gave it a good ef- fort but was eliminated in the Newmarket Tournament winâ€" ning three out of their four anmne innhidine a 4-0 win over hing-three out of their four games including a 4-0 win over Richmond Hill. Thomhill 5. Collingwood 1 Scott Howson ripped home three goals with Brian Ander- son checking in with two. Mike McLaughlin and Rick Herbert received assists. Bowmanville 3. Thornhill 1 Wayne Grant scored Thornâ€" hill's lone goal assisted by Jer- ome Flanagan. (January 31) Thornhill 2, Markham 1 Scott Howson scored the two big goals for the Winners with ‘Barry McEwan chipping in with ‘two assists. Alan Ralph and Jerome Flanagan were also out- standing. coming Irom dUIlfl Deus wuu bud. also managed two assists. Ham Single assists came from Neil Ken Provan. Keith Gillison and 232, Rick Thompson. Wot (January 31) H: Thornhill 4 655, Downsview Juveniles 4 H ‘ Ted Fobert was assisted by 309. Barry Gillison. Jim David was 0 assisted by Ken Moore and Ann Barry Gillison from John Betts. Tutt Keith Gillison was unassisted. 227 >k us A: w: ick' JUNIOR "C" poo‘ (January 30) 1 N0] Thornhill 2, Oakville 5 Peter Law scored. assisted H by Doug Ingles. Mike Stroud 51 also scored assisted by Peter Ted Law. Bea r1 ATOMS (January 31) Thornhill 4. Richmond Hill / ROSS GORDON ‘ A high flying Ross Gordon, 12, of the Atoms team has been having a rip-roaring season to date with 35 goals. Ross began his hockey days three years ago as a minor atom in the Thornhill United Church’ League. ‘7 Tim Gallant was high man with two goals wigh Billy Cov- ille and R855 Gordon managing singles. William Masters of 7400 Bayview Avenue. Tliornhill, this week was named Mark- ham Township Councillor for Ward 1. He was appointed Monday and sworn in Tues- day. ...._, . As it turned out, this means another new council- lor will be certain to occupy the seat in 1971, as Mr. Masters isn‘t to be a candi- date in this fall‘s election. Township Council thus took the unusual step of passing over unsuccessful 1 9 6 8 candidate Charles Stewart of North Thornhill in filling the unexpired term of Allan Sumner. (January 27) Thornhill 6, Newmarket 2 Hugh Burgess led the way with two goals. Single goals went to Hugh Matheson. Ernie Takeuch! Jim Martin and Dave Halpin. Dave Courtemanche garnered two assists along with Dave Murley and singles for Pat Esau, Jim Martin. Ernie Takeuchi and Scott Hillier. Thornhill 4. Newmarket 2 Hugh Burgess scored twice assisted on one by Dave Murley and on the other by Chris Sut- ton and Pat Esau. Murley and Halpin scored the others. As: sists went to Barry Hewson on the first and Scott Hillier on the second. 1| HEME\\1 / 5:155.“ 5 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 5‘ ‘Tykes ;ordon, Thomhill Presbyterians 1 15 been Thornhill Red Wings 2 " son to Two scrappy little teams‘ locked horns with each other 5! days Saturday. The Red Wings best-§ ‘r atomwed the Presbyterians by one‘1 church’goal. John Stevenson scored! the only goal for the Presby-‘ ,status terians. Assists came from 5 year Eric Wright and Bill Gregg. OMHA Goalie Jeff McKnight stopped _1. the fired up Red Wings on num- >r full erous breakaways. (February 1) Thornhill 2, Oakville 8 .11 0 Stu Francies was assisted by man Brett Davidson. Tom Hill was cov- unassisted on his goal. JUVENILES (January 30) Thornhill 7. Camp Borden 1 Jim Davis chalked up two goals and an assist. Barry Gill- ison scored twice with a single coming from John Betts who also managed two assists. Thornhill 4 Downsview Juveniles 4 ‘ Ted Fobert was assisted by Barry Gillison, Jim David was assisted by Ken Moore and Barry Gillison from John Betts. Keith Gillison was unassisted. the township‘s returning ofâ€" ficer. Clerk Harry Crisp, ruled that Mr. Masters was eligible for appointment. Councillor Masters continues on planning board until he is replaced by council. Mr. Masters has served six years on the township planâ€" ning board and is a former chairman. He also served on the former township public school board. He ran un- successfully for a Ward 1 council seat in 1956. Note: Bob Moore would like to say thanks to the unidenti- fied donor of sweaters for the Red Wings. It was greatly ap- preciated. Appointment of Mr. Mas- ters was supported by Councillors James Jongen- eel and Eldred King. and Deputy-reeve Anthony Rom- an. Reeve Stewart Rumble favored appointment of Mr. Stewart and voted again- st Mr. Mastets’ appointment. Mr. Stewart was nomina- ted by Reeve Bumble and Mr. Stewart was nomina- ted by Reeve Rumble and Mr. Masters was nominated by Councillor King. No other nominations were made. Standings: Tigers 41. Leopâ€" ards 32, Bob Cats 29, Cougars 27, Panthers 24, 'Lions 15. Bowling LADIES’ AFTERNOON CLUB Over 200: Betty Richardson 262, Joy Pickthall 239, Shirley Hopper 242, Ruth Brain 237, Jean Smith 201. Thornhill Mixed League Men Standings: Reg. Edwards 37. Joe Anne Roberts 34_. Harold Hingley 34, Eddy Palmer 31. Adrian van de Langerijt 28, Keith Jones 25. THORNHILL CHURCH LEAGUE “SAFETY'S HERE" WE ARE OFFERING A COMPLETE SAFETY INSPECTION â€" FREE â€" 1. Complete brake lining inspection linings, wheel cylinders, lines and hoses 2. Complete Front End Inspection ball joints, tie rods and wheel bearings 3. Complete Lighting Inspection Headlight aim. tail lights, brake lights. lights, license marker 4. Complete Tire Analyzation '. of wear. breaks, weather check ALL THIS FREE FOR ONE MONTH â€" WITH THIS AD â€" ESTIMATES AT NO OBLIGATIONâ€"- -â€"PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 395 YONGE ST. N. Tompkins Chrysler Dodge Ltd. PHONE 884-8118 High triple (flat) Harold Hin-‘ gley 659, (hdcp) 761. High single tflat‘ Bill Doust 253. Gary Cook 283 (hdcp). Over 200: Keith Jones 217. 209; Reg. Edwards 210; Gary Cook 233. 328; Bill Doust 253, 237; Harold Hingley 211, 204, 244; Ken'Fodle 511'; Ed Palmer 213 232, 201. "iï¬â€™g'ï¬â€™ triple (flat) Mabel Tutt 655, (hdcp) Sue Melick. High single (flat) Lil Poole 309. (hdcp) 344. Women Over 200: Lil Poole 309, Joe? Anne Roberts 204. 212, Mabel Tutt 283. 235, Carol Jones 223, 227. Pam Kelson 229, Sue Mel- ick 220, Irene Clark 210, Ellie Poole 204, Mary Redman 222. NORTH THORNHILL LADIES High Average: Betty Cross. Standings: Pussy' Cats 67, Teddy Bears 45, Chipmunks 29, Beavers 27. - 'ï¬ig'h'triple (flat) Betty Cross 607. 1hdcp) 670. 7 High éingle (flat) Eileen Heramchuk 241, (hdcp) 268. Over 200: Linda Daurio 219, Eileen Heramchuk 241, Betty Cross 234, Wendy Collard 218, Ruth Markle 211. For the first time in years, a pancake supper will be held 'at Emmanuel Anglican Church, MacKay Drive, on Shrove Tues- ‘ day, February 10, from 6 to 8 pm. Mrs. Anne White, Roose- velt Drive, convenor of the. social action group, will eon- vene the supper and her group in combination with the soc- ial committee are planning a .feast for all who enjoy good ‘old-time pancakes. Admission1 :for adults is $1.25 and for children 50 cents. y There were two ways to pick the new councillor. choosing either the runner- up or the man considered most qualified, said Mr. Jongeneel. Of Mr. Stewart, he said. “unfortunately he has had no experience in municipal affairs." The next movie in the series of Films for Children at Rich- mond Hill High School will be “The Dog and the Diamonds" and is certain to interest all seven to 13 year olds in the area. Younger children may attend if they are accompanâ€" ied by a parent. February 14 at 2 pm is the date of this {fifth movie in the seri'es and lof course another installment lot the serial will be shown. CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 Neighborhood Notes Mr. Jongeneei said coun- cil had some important deâ€" cisions coming up, for ex- ample, Bramalea and OWRC water and sewer facilities. In the interests of the peo- ple it was best to pick a man with experience like Mr. Masters. LANGSTAFF NEWS RICHMOND HILL signal A 50,000 pound potato roast January 27 at Canadian Nation- al's Maple rail yards, north of Highway 7, was just about the only fire of any consequence in this part of Southern York County last week. Vaughan Township firemen were at the rail yards from ‘1le pm to 4:22 pm, dealing with a fire in a boxcar of po- tatoes from Bangor, Maine. Fire Chief James Davidson said the fire was caused by an overturned methanol heat- er just as the car was pulling into the rail yard. The fire was under control in five min- utes, but firemen and ON workmen had to clear out the bags of partly roasted potatoes. Methanol heaters are frequent- i'neir neip preciated. Woodland Parents' Gro in the audit ents saw a i day", which a heavy d speaker was old, a youtl been at a alienated yr Rochdale I referred to Hilton". Hi lowed by a swer period The Red ization is 1 drive for i These inch children in "all. 14an.- 50,000 Lbs. Potatoes Roast At Maple Yard [y used nowadays instead of coal oil burners to keep rail cars frost free, said the fire chief. to run again. Anybody else we might choose, we would give him an unfair advan- tage in the next election," he said. The rail car was only partly burned and the damage was not very extensive, said Chief Davidson. In Richmond Hill there were only two minor fire incidents. At 9:30 pm January 31 a mot- orist sped to the fire station to have a small fire put out in his car. A hole was burned in a floor mat while the driver was on the way home from hav- ing some welding done. Councillor King said he placed himself in the posi- tion of an elector, and acted as any elector would have done in any election. Mr. Masters had experience in the planning board and was the logical one to fill the position. Town firemen at 4:30 am the day were called to the office of Avenue Taxi, 250 Yonge Street North, but there the smell of smoke was traced to a fluorescent light fixture and there was no fire. Reeve Rumble said Stewart was eligible for seat and was 3 Ward 1 ident for many years. ran in the last election received 600 votes. Clerk Crisp said a candi- date must resign from plan- ning board before a nomina- tion meeting. This was a technical point under the el- ection act. Mr. Masters had resigned verbally. WANT EXTRA INCOME? lfor so unselfishly giving oflattending a puppet show in A temporary job may be the their time. .French at the school. Follovy- ans‘ver‘ Read the HEID Wanted There are many people inlup activities are available In Commns in “The Liberal†every any community who are em both French and art classes. Weak for 50b Opportunities dowed with expert knowledge During January all classes throughout York County. in many subjects and Woodland had an opportunity of Vismng “JOHNNY†Says IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllllflflflï¬lflfl IIIII:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: A- _ ' JUIIII HIVVIl II III.“ "nuâ€"u III-III...III-IIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIHI We Reserve The Right. to Limit Quantities â€" No Phone Cal ls Please ‘ - - ‘11.:er Is Stocked With SRLOIN STEAKS CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTS 39¢ Lb. “Featuring Canada's Finest Red Mr. the resâ€" and School News Henderson Avenue Home and School Association held an ex- ecutive meeting February 2 to plan the regular meeting which will be held February 27. At Woodland Junior School grades 5 and 6 are becoming busily involved once again in public speaking. The staff beâ€" lieves in the benefits of public speaking and that they far out- weigh any objections which are sometimes voiced against mem- orizing'something which Mom or Dad has helped prepare and the competition idea where only the best win. At Woodland Senior School the contest is open to all stu- dents who wish to participate. The Eilert J. Sand Memorial Trophy donated by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker, Thornhill. will be presented to the stu- dent selected to represent Woodland Senior School in the area finals. County finals will be held February 24. The new pleasure rink at Wodland Schools is much ap- preciated and Well used. Since the school is responsible for behavior and safety during the school day. a group of mothers has volunteered to supervise skating during the noon hour. Their help is gratefully ap- preciated. The Red Cross youth organ- ization is making its annual drive for its many projects. These include assistance to children in other lands by milk stations. vocation educaâ€" tion and instruction in nutri- ‘tion. Woodland Junior School Parents' Group met February 3 in the auditorium, where par- ents saw a film entitled “Mon-‘ day". which told the story of a heavy drug user. Guest speaker was Michael MacDoh- old, a youth worker who has been at a drop-in centre for alienated youth. He lived at Rochdale College. sometimes referred to as “Hallucination Hilton". His address was fol- lowed by a question and an- In Ontario funds allow dental may do so. care and inspection in areas without dental service, re- search in the area of health and assistance to needy chil- dren by providing medicines, special foods. orthodontic care. At Woodland Senior School a program of electives has been prepared by the staff and is being offered to the students during the winter term. These will take place every Wednes- eye glasses and prosthetic ap- day starting at 2:30. pliances. Activities offered include ‘ Woodland Junior School is gymnastics. skiing, h o c k e y, ifortunate in having “Helping bridge, curling, chess, French, Mothers" and individuals who drama, Philipino club, home ec- assist them in their studies. onomics. photography, arts and Professor Ian Howard and crafts. Professor Hammond Dugan of Parents interested in assist- York University have spoken to ing staff members during the the junior classes in the area electives are asked to call the‘ of science. Both men have principal at 889-4910. ‘ Ichildren attending the school. Students at Woodland Senior 7A._L:-_ -L These outstanding educators have enthused the pupils with their discussions and scientific models. The staff thanks them students for so unselfishly giving of attending their time. [French a enjoyed 1 Goulding Tuesda South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 5, 1970 19 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED â€" 887-5445 and Blue Brand Beef" School is welcoming several from this area to speak to the pupils whenever they can af- ford the time. At Thornliill Secondary School. there will be a series of lectures. sponsored by the Association for Children With Learning Disabilities. Mrs. Adele Downey is publicity ‘hairman and has announced ‘or February 26 â€" Mrs. Elean- ll‘ Weir. teacher of a specific earning disability class. who vill discuss “Learning Disabil- ies in a Special Class". Vlarch 19 â€" Mrs. Pat Saywell, rho is in charge of the itiner- ‘nt teaching program for the I‘oronto Board of Education, will talk about educating learning-disabled children in the regular classroom. April 23 â€" Dr. Alan Auer- back of the Department of Psyschology of York University will be the speaker on how to communicate with troubled parents of children with prob- lems. ' The concluding meeting May 28 will consist of a panel of the staff of the York Educa- tional Clinic. They will dis- cuss ways in which the clinic works to remediate children from public schools who have been diagnosed as learning dis- abled. education program has offered much learning and enjoyment for both staff and students. Recent activities have included compaSs work. calculating the scales of a given map. taking bearings as well as many other challenging and educational topics. In February all classes will be spending a day at Camp .Richildaca, near Kettleby. This program will deal with 'the study of landscapes. animal tracks and observations .on how man controls his physical environment. An interesting highlight of the day Will be snowshoeing. Neighborhood Notes . The February meeting of the Doncaster Community Ladies Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Muriel Malinski, 56 Proctor Avenue. February 33. Plans will be made to raise funds to continue to send‘good. clean, warm clothing and knitted articles to Poplar River Reservation. Any articles can be left at my home or at the home of Mrs. Rose Fox. Glen Cameron Road. VVA_____‘ In order to assist both stud- ents and parents in making the important decisions regarding secondary education an evening meeting was arranged January 26 at Woodland Senior School. Jack Edwards and Arthur Murch. principals of Thornhill and Thornlea Secondary Schools respectively. met with parents and students and out- lined the philosophy and oper- ation of their schools and an- swered questions. Congratulations are extended to Woodland Senior Choir which has been invited to per- form with Bobby Gimby and his orchestra at the Royal York Hotel Concert Hall on the afâ€" ternoon of February 17. Ap- proximately 60 members of the choir will be participating. Parents interested in attending may do so. Activities offered include gymnastics. skiing, h o c k e y, bridge, curling, chess, French, drama, Philipino club, home ec- onomics. photography, arts and crafts. Parents interested in assist- ing staff members during the electives are asked to call the principal at 889-4910. 4â€"â€" . .- Students at Woodland Senior‘ enjoyed two skating parties at Goulding Park during January. Tuesday, January 27, the students had the opportunity of attending a puppet show in French at the school. Follow- up activities are available in both French and art classes. \ During January all classes 24 oz. Loaf the famed McMichael Gallery in Kleinburg. to view the works of Canada's Group of Seven. Woodland Senior‘s outdoor education program has offered much learning and enjoyment for both staff and students. ‘Recent activities have included 1compass work. calculating the scales of a given map, taking lbearings as well as many other In February all classes will be spending a day at Camp Richildaca, near Kettleby. This program will deal with (he study of landscapes. animal tracks and observations on how man controls his physical environment. An interesting highlight of the day will be snowshoeing. iNeighborhood Notes H ‘§é££s"' 61d; February 2 and to Marvin Hirano. 15 on Feb. ruary 3 and both of Kersey Crescent. 7 7-- -..Ln.«uL Neighborhood Notes ; Belated birthday greetings to Garry Masters. Weldrick Road, January 30, Lisa Fransden. a1- so of Weldrick Road, seven on February 1, Wendy Hirano, 13 years old, February 2 and An “flnrllin Hirano. 15 on Feb Get well wishes are extenu- ed to Mrs. Norma Greenfield, Yongehurst Road. who is in York Central Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Masters and family. Weldrick Road. were among the guests who :attended the open house held ‘by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mas- ters. Stouffville, on February 1 on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. . “- L..- ML w cuuu.5 .- Mrs. Ethel Costoff has re- turned home from a six-week vacation in Belgium. where she visfted friends and rela- tives in Dinant Namur and Church News Mrs. Anne White, Roosevelt DriVe, will convene the pan- cake supper being held on Tuesday at Emmanuel Anglican Church, MacKay Drive. Her social action group of the ACW has joined forces with the soc- :ial committee to sponsor the event. Adults and children lare sure to enjoy this meal and admission is $1.25 and 50 lcents respectively. V,F___._.â€"â€" Brussels NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Eveninls) 5580 YONGE STREET AT FINCH for 33¢; wishes are extend- Norma Greenfield. Road. who is in