Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Feb 1970, p. 4

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Neighborhood Notes Members are reminded of the Women‘s Institute meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hare on the evening of February 12 at 8.00 pm. Mrs. Ray Jennings. public relations representative will be conven- ing the program. and will be showing colored slides as part of the program. Roll call is Church News church for a snowmobile and S. John’s Anglican Church skating party. Following the Married Couples will meet; Fri- outdoor activities the group will day evening at 8:30 at the be guests at the home of Mr. CLEARANCE 1970 MODELS ADMIRAL CONSOLE 22” Color $495.97 25" Color $549.97 23" Black & White $199.95 WITH TRADE King Sideroad 2 Miles West of Yonge St. PHONE 773-5782 PAUL'S TV Retired successful business man, latterly Secretary-Treasurer and Director of a Limited Corporation is willing to act as consultant or accept a position where maturity and common sense business approach is a requisite. Many years of office routine, purchasing and personnel experience. Full or Part Time. Retire rich! KING CITY, OAK RlDGES LAKE WILCOX "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new pendent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is M Daines. 23 Willowbank Avenue, 773-4589, in E New 1969 Zenith Remote Control SAVE 30% OFF' LIST TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Get your taxâ€"free fully guaranteed pension plan now cumulating at 8W" with no annual fee. See us quickly while interest rates hold! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 5, 1970 WCTORM and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 RICHMOND HILL BUSINESSMAN Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox News Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings Phone 773-5892 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Support your Winter Carnival Feb. 6 - 7 - S PLEASE WRITE BOX 45 “THE LIBERAL” The senior Trust Company devoted enrirtly Ia serving the pzople of Onlario. AVAILABLE to be answered by "A Tip For Travellers". Husbands a n d friends are invited to attend. Plans are well underway for the forthcoming annual Lions Club Oyster Supper to be held at All Saints’ Anglican Church. King City on February 17. com- mencing at 430 pm. If you would like tickets. either Wil- bert Jennings or Joseph Houl- iton would be pleased to hear from you. All proceeds go to- wards their projects in the community. If you are a lover of oysters, this is an excellent way to enjoy a good meal. and support the King City Lions Club. Due to the extremely cold weather and the prevalence of colds and 'flu. there was a small crowd at the euchre sponsored by the UCW at the Sunday school on January 26. Prize- winners were: gentlemen. Rev. Earle Stotesbury and ladies, Mrs. K. McGuire of Toronto. Another euchre in the series is planned for February 6. and we hope that you will join us for an evening of fun and fellow- ship. The Joseph Houltons spent Tuesday of this week skiing in the Collingwood area. Mrs. Wilfred James and Mrs. Nelson Thompson attended the 4H Leadership Training School at Newmarket during the week. Bert Andrews. Yonge Street. Oak Ridges. has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jen- nings and other relatives and friends in Ottawa. 884-1107 The combination of a possible 50-bed nursing‘home and‘an al- ready existing “muddy” road has residents of Fog Road in King Township in something of a fog themselves. ' And there was little evidence of the fog lifting last week when two residents of the area, Mrs. Mary Agnew and Thomas Poole, approached King Town- ship Council to plead their cause. Fog Road, or Cavell Road as 3it is officially ,referred to. {located two miles north of King ‘City. is another one of those unassumed roads continually ‘ plaguing councillors. and Mrs. Douglas Meadus of ship night. a chicken barbecue 031‘ Ridges- and two rummage sales are Tuesday. February 10. at 8 Part of the spring agenda. pm in the upper room the first The Sunday School program meeting of the newly elected will begin another Slx-week advisory board will be held. coarse 333 Febfiual‘Y- Ilv , .J J h-.. -t St. Paul's United Church is organizing 8 Hi “C” group for teenagers of high school age. A committee has been set up and its members are planning future activities. Further infor- mation will be available in com- ing weeks. Both Mrs. Agnew and Mr. iPoole expressed alarm for lthemselves and some ll-other homeowners in the wake of re- ports that the nursing home would locate in their neighbor- hood. Saturday. February 14. the intermediate young people thigh school level) will hold a skating party. Details will be given next week. The annual meeting of SH Paul's congregation January 26 opened with a pot luck supper. Guests for the evening were Rev. Albion Wright of Rich- mond Hill. Rev. Martin Jenkin- son of Victoria Square and Rev. Robert Smith of Richmond Hill United Church, who chaired the meeting. A new constitution was passed which stated the congregational board will con- sist of 12 members instead of being composed of the board of session and committee of stewards. The UCW met on the night of January 27 when projects for 1970 were discussed. The group will be making Easter eggs again this year. These can be ordered from any UCW member and will be delivered March 1] Cavell Road Residents Unhappy j At Location 50-Bed Nursing Home Mrs. Agnew cited the muddy condition of the road which would not stand up to the pre- sent traffic at certain times of the year and the condition it would be in with the addition of a 50-bedroom nursing home and the traffic that would re- sult. She also said reports had it that “it will take from $80,000 to $100,000 to reconstruct the road in order to make it pass- mmun\uuuluuuummtll\\mmmun“ll\um\uummnummu\uu “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Carol Daines, 23 Willowbank Avenue, 773-4589, in King City Mary Dawson, 884-1105. mmmuumlmummmmmmlmu\numm1mmmuuun\\\ml\m Whitchurch Township Reeve Stewart Burnett led his council to Queen‘s Park January 23 to discuss York County regional govern- ment. And he came away sounding very pleased. “We “had in Very gom'l meeting. One of the best we’ve had,” said Reeve Burnett. Municipal Affairs Minis- ter Darcy McKeough didn’t give the council any indi- cation Whitchurch Town- ship was going to disap- pear. said the reeve. It seems there's just to be some changes around the towns to add some lands suitable for annexa- tion to Newmarket.‘ Aurora and Stouffville, Reeve Bur- nett said. Newmarket applied for annexation of land com- prising about 300 acres be- tween lts boundaries and Highway 404. but this ap- plication was stopped when regional government came into the picture. Mr. Burnett said the in- dication from the Minister still was that regional government was definitely going through this year. The legislation would be passed in March and the boundaries could be ironed out during the summer. The matter of boundar- ies was discussed. and Whitchurch council sugges- ted its same boundaries be retained. The meeting of Whit- church with Municipal Af- fairs Minister McKeough had to be postponed late last year because of a crowded calendar. .Most other York County munic- ipalities had meetings at Queen’s Park at that time. McKeough’s Regional Talk Pleases Reeve The annual friend- Travelling north through the snow covered fields to the CFRB Sideroad and back south- erly to the water tower. the girls hiked and gathered wood which they used for campfires to cook lun'ch in Captain Susan Broad‘s back yard. 'Following the exhilarating hike and hot lunch the tired girls called it a day and returned home. Neighborhood Notes VThe' Women's World Day of Prayer will be held March 6 this year. Guiding As part of their second-class Guide work Heather Rennick. Cathy Cheeseman. Penny Sey- mour. Mary McLeod. Christine Bahen and Linda Dumais brav- ed the 23 degree below weather January 24 for a hike and a cookout. Wednesday of‘ last week the hydro was off for an hour and a half and not without spread- ing some joy. One young lady who had a dental appointment cancelled because of no hydro was overjoyed. Some people have all the luck. eh! A happy anniversary is wish. ed for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burns Get well wishes are sent to Stanley Ensor following a skat- ing mishap. able. We would like to know who would bear the cost of this, the present property owners, the nursing home, or the town- ship." Mrs. Agnew was also unhappy that the building permit, to al- low the present home to be re- novated into a nursing home, was granted without township council being originally in- formed. Reeve Gordon Cook pointed out that there was no zoning bylaw for the Fog Road area and therefore the issuance of such a permit did not require council approval. He also said that according to his information the pro- prietors of the nursing home had only applied for a permit to build a 16-bedroom nursing home. The reeve referred to an ear- lier meeting the council had with the nursing home spokes- men which centred around the reconstruction of the unassumed road. An unassumed road is one that hasn‘t been built to De- partment of Highways standards and thus isn't eligible for pro- vincial subsidies. “We pointed out to the nurs- ing home people that the $80,- 000 necessary to reconstruct a portion of the road would have to be paid by them. We told them the township wouldn‘t be responsible. That’s as far as the matter has gone to date." stated Reeve Cook. It was pointed out that the license to operate the home had been issued by the York-Oshawa Health Unit and did not require council sanction. “It’s a matter of courtesy to us that they have held up final issuance of the permit because 10f the problem involved," said ione councillor. v Councillor Gordon Rowe ob- served that the nursing home renovations “are of a very ela- borate nature and there’s not a doubt in my mind they plan more than 15 bedrooms... They must plan on expanding." The other resident represen- tative at the meeting. Mr. Poole. complained that it would be ir- responsible to allow a nursing home to commence operations without improving the road be- cause of the potential fire haz~ ards. He added that it was his un- derstanding that a “county byâ€" law for nursing homes required that the road on which it is located must be brought up to proper standards. This road at times in the past has been im- passable at certain times of the year and will be again with adâ€" ditional traffic.” He said he would also like to know whether council had any authority to halt the nurs- ing home. Mr. Poole requested council to do everything in its power to assure the license to operate the nursing home not to be given “until after the spring breakup or We'll be in an im- possible mess.” Reeve Cook closed the leng- thy discussion by stating the council would endeavor to meet with the nursing home spokesmen and discuss the mat- ter further. "We haven't heard any more from them since we told Qhem we wouldn‘t be responsible for the cost of bringing the road up to provincial standards," he said. Fight Hydro 5-Line Slash Across King, Whitchurch a-umumum\mumm!“\uumnmmnumlumuummum“m“llumxumnuuunmuuulunnnmmnmnnn“\“munuun“numulumiunnlmmmmnlnummumummmm\\nuuumunmu\mummmummmmmm“munnmmluummuuunnuumummiummmmullmmmummmnl\llummunulmm\mmnuuuummmmmml4| Kingcross Estates Ltd. pro- poses to subdivide additional land near the Village of King City to provide 200 residential building lots. King Township Planning Board was told last week. Officials estimated that nearly 150 people attended the meeting. It was the third meeting on the power line right-of-way in King Town- ship. but the first one with a major turnout of public objectors. King Township Planning Board objections to the right-of-way were aired at the meeting. Hydro proposes to follow a line just south of the 18th Sideroad from Con- cession 11 to Yonge Street. then swing somewhat norâ€" therly between Newmarket and Aurora. King Planning Chairman decision of some technician in an ivoiy tower." said Mr. Sillcox. There was an Albion Township Councillor at the meeting and it is clear Albion and Whitchurch haven't agreed to anything. he said. Whitchurch Reeve Stewart Burnett and Deputy-reeve Norman Barnard. both plan- ning board members. say Whitchurch hasn't taken any stand on the right‘of-way. except that there didn't seem to have been any ser- ious objection so far. Reeve Burnett says there is some question about a proposed The power line in question is to become the new back- bone for the Ontario Hydro system. with an ultimate five rows of towers 140 miles long. carrying an extra high 500.000 volts. It will connect major new power installa- tions at Nanticoke on Lake Erie and at Pickering on Lake Ontario. “We feel we have the best route. An extraordinarily large amount of planning has been done. aiming to assure that the minimum amount of severances. disturbance. etc.. is achieved. King Township wants information on pro- west between Finch Avenue and Lake Simcoe. “But when we want to see evidence of their examination. they have no evidence. They haven't details of the terrain. number of properties. etc. They are planning the five largest ab- solute idea of the land they are dealing with." he said. Mr. Sillcox says it is dis- couraging to find Hydro has apparently made its decision. seems to have locked on to it. and seems reluctant to change. even if shown the change would be intelligent. "This happens with an inde- pendent authority." he said. board would be looking at: the powerline right-of‘way question during its meeting this week. Deputy-reeve- Barnard says the proposed line doesn't interfere in any known way with Whit- church‘s planning and no ob- jections have been received. He feels the local planning board could hardly have ad‘- vised hydro of any better route. Very few. people were affected. except for farm land. The proposed line takes about half the width of‘ a farm and avoids most buildâ€" ings. the way land is laid out in Whitchurch. he said. :l-llllillillilllllilllllllllillillllllillllliilllllliillillllllliilllllllllllllllilill\iillllllllllllllll“lilil\iillillllilllliilililllllli\llllllllllllllllllillllllllWill““hillllllilllliilllllllllilllllll“llilllilllllilllllllll“ “illllllllllllllllllllllllllIllilllillllllllllillltill“lllllll\iillllllllllll\l\\lllllllltill“\lllmlllillllllllililillllllllllllillllllllillllllllllilit\llllllill\itillli\lll\\l\l\l\l\\\\ill\llil\\\'F Presenting the firm‘s applica- tion. Joseph Gelleny of RR 1. King. told the planning board the lots would be developed at the rate of about 20 per year. The application is being con- sidered for approval. The new subdivision is pro- posed on the east side of Keele Street between the East Hum- ber River and the Canadian National railway tracks, being on Part Lot 7, West Half, Con- cession 3. The zoning now permits res- idential construction. but de- veloper and planning board agreed a zoning change is de- New Kingcross Estates Plan Proposing 200 Homes Beside King City Whitchurch Puts Hope Back In Planning Role Douglas Hope. a long time farmer at RR 3, Newmarket, has been re-appointed to the Whit- church Township Planning Board for three years. along with Deputy-reeve Norman Barnard. Mr. Hope, past chairman of the planning board, was also re- appointed to the council's impor- tant committee of adjustment for one year. He has farmed many years on land at Pine Or- chard taken over from his fath- er. and has served two 3-year terms on planning board. 1 at Gormley and Reeve Stew- art Burnett, who is automatic- ally a member of all township committees by reason of his office. This year‘s planning board membership now includes the following: Mr. Barnard. Mr. Hope. Michael Cassidy of Oak Ridges, Richard Preston of RR A snowmobile recently killed a dog in Whitchurch Township, council members were told. Police Chief Fred Mason said there was a relatively small amount of complaints being re- ceived about snowmobiles. us- ually due to noise late at night, but sometimes about fence cut- hing. It's the equivalent of a 36 lane Highway 401 across King and Whitchurch Town- ship, objected one citizen at the January 20 Schomberg public meeting on Ontario Hydro Commission's pro« posed Nanticoke to Pickering power line. In the face of public feeling evident at the meeting. hydro is re-examin- ing its plans. Officials estimated that nearly 150 people attended the meeting. It was the third meeting on the power line right-of~way in King Town- ship. but the first one with a major turnout of public objéctors. He said police chiefs recently reported on the matter of snow- mobiles at a meeting called by the province. He said munici- palities were told to ban snow- mobiles on their roads if they wished. Such a ban would be valid unless proven otherwise in court. Legislation had lagged when the snowmobile problem came into being and mush- roomed fast, he said. King Township Planning Board objections to the right-of-way were aired at the meeting. Hydro proposes to follow a line just south of the 18th Sideroad from Con- cession 11 to Yonge Street. then swing somewhat nor- therly between Newmarket and Aurora. Council has named Dr. F. H. van Nostrand as 1970 represen- tative to the Metro Conservation Authority. Hull“lll\l\\\\\ll\\lll11\l\\llfll[1111““llllllfl‘lllllllllllllll\\\“\\\ll\l\ll\“ m1\lm11u\\l\umuummmumuuumumummumuuuummmuu VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH HALINA INSTAMATIC SUPER L Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN Features: 0 Instant drop-in loading â€" no threading 0 Electric motor drive â€"- no winding 0 Use of same color film indoors and out 0 Fast t1.3 lens 0 Pistol grip Richmond Heights Centre SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 PHOTO a t1 a S SUPPLIES E CAMERA sirable. Most of the land is zoned RU (residential urban). but a portion near the rail- way line is zoned light indus- trial. There is also a little conservation zone along a stream. sirable. Most of the land is Mr. Gelleny said he would zoned RU (residential urban). adhere to the 1.500 square foot but a portion near the rail- minimum if he must. but that way line is zoned light indus- this wasn‘t an important ques- trial. There is also a little tion for the presentwsince it conservation zone along a would be two years before the stream. subdivision could get through It was agreed the light inâ€" the approval process. dustrial land should be zoned‘ H ,d 201 residential. since this would be m e 53.1. ms lief year was the best way to protect prowl e maximum deve opment rate . which could be absorbed by 133% 1:39;; Ifgfgrgbggfiesuablelthe schools. No shortage of luminu u".â€" r ........ "ALI. LL- Mr. Gelleny and planning board Vice-Chairman Vern Plant had an exchange of views over the size of homes there should be in the new sub- division. Mr. Gelleny said the board‘s Mr. Gelleny said the board‘s 1.500 square foot minimum floor space requirement for new homes was too high. He maintained the township had no such bylaw. Developer Gelleny said 1,500 square feet of floor space was too much for retired couples and small families. Also, a home of 1.500 square feet floor space could be built with less assessment than some homes with 1,250 feet of floor space Mr. Gelleny said many homes were being built with far more than the minimum 1.500 square feet in existing subdivisions. It would be better planning to al- low a mixture of large and small homes in a development. If the minimum was lower, he said. peeple would still keep the average above 1,500 square feet by their own choice. Re- tired people and young couples were being penalized. Robert Sillcox said after the meeting it was a pretty sorry impasse when hydro was without any absolute idea of the land with which they were dealing. and this after three meetings at which de- tails of the right-of-way examination were requested. “There's a history of this . . . this history must change . . . not just going by the decision of some technician in an ivory tower." said Mr. Sillcoxi There was an Albion Township Councillor at the meeting and it is clear Albion and Whitchurch haven‘t agreed to anything, he said. Mr. Plant said the township had to have a minimum be- cause of the hard facts of tax- és. and although it was not a bylaw. the 1,500 square foot minimum requirement was pol- icy. Whitchui‘ch Reeve Stewart Burnett and Deputy-reeve Norman Barnard. both plan- ning board members. say Whitchurch hasn't taken any stand on the right-ofâ€"way. except that there didn't seem to have been any ser- iOus objection so far. Reeve Burnett says there is some question about a proposed We offer you excellent ser- vice. an Australian chef and weekend music entertainment WEDDING 8: BANQUET FACILITIES Accommodation up to 200 Proprietors Max & Anita Wiedeman 183 YONGE ST. S.. AURORA Call 727-9561 CONTINENTAL Graystone Tavern DINING ROOM AND LOUNGE FULLY LICENSED CANADIAN CUISINE 19?: and 884-3221 i He said 20 lots per year was‘ ithe maximum development rate iwhich could be absorbed by; ‘the schools. No shortage of‘ water was foreseen. with thel available supply expected to be‘ sufficient. If it was not. the‘ him still had the right to .11thi another well as a result of ear: licr development. All the; homes would be served by sepâ€"i tic tanks. i substation site Avenue. Hydrn‘s dircetor of pro- perty Milan Nastich says the commission has com- mitted itself to re-examine in detail the route alterna- tives. since it became evident at the Schomberg meeting that there was real feeling against the proposed route. CS9-5905WK REV. Rush hour. Every family has one. When there are dishes to be washed, kids to be tubbed, Dad, scrubbing up. Then Sis decides she has to have a shower. It takes a lot of hot water to keep the traffic moving. That’s why you need the Cascade electric water heaterâ€"the big producer. It's got the capacity a busy family needs. and it's economical, too. Cascade keeps you in hot water for only pennies a day. Ask your Hydro about the quiet, clean, electric Cascade water heater. at Bayview mars/ml! Juneml flame ‘2 Richmond Hill Liberal posed alternatives and we have committed ourselves to reâ€"examine them. We will be going into them in detail and will present our information. We are trying to co-operate as much as we possibly can." Hydro‘s director of property said. Mr. Sillcox says Hydro claims to have examined every possible route east and west between Finch Avenue and Lake Simcoe. “But when we want to see evidence of their examination. they have no evidence. They haven't details of the terrain. number of properties. etc. They are planning the five largest ab- solute idea of the land they are dealing with." he said. Mr. Sillcox says it is dis- couraging to find Hydro has apparently made its decision. seems to have locked on to it. and seems reluctant to change. even if shown the “The Liberal” publishes more real estate advert- isements than any other York County weekly. PHONE 884-1105 or 884-1983 FOR FAST ACTION NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK, FEBRUARY 8th to 14th. York County’s Largest Real Estate Marketplace 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright 8; Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 ask your hydro FEATURING In his opinion Hydro had an extraordinarily weak case at the Schomberg meeting. Alternative routes men- tioned were the Holland Canal right-of-way north of Newmarket. and the Trans~ Canada Gas Pipeline right- of-way through Vaughan and Markham Townships. Whitchurch Reeve Burnett said the township's planning board would be looking at the powerline right-of-way question during its meeting this week. Deputy-reeve Barnard says the proposed line doesn‘t interfere in any known way with Whit- church‘s planning and no ob- jections have been received. He feels the local planning board could hardly have ad? vised hydro of any better route. Very few_ people were affected. except for farm land. The proposed line takes about half the width of‘ a farm and avoids most build- ings, the way land is laid out in Whitchurch. he said. LIMITED 884-1062

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