Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1970, p. 13

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Stir macaroni in water for 5 The film tells the story of minutes. Drain. Mixing re- some tenants living in a block maining ingredients\together; of apartments who are forbid- combine with macaroni in large‘den to keep pets -â€" but the casserole. Make a well around children disobey and are outside edges of dish to collecticaught. They make a zoo in grease. Cover, Bake 350 de-lthe garden of a deserted house grces for 30 minutes. RemoveLand surprise three crooks with cover. Bake 30 minutes longerfla diamond under the dog‘s colâ€" Pour off grease. Yield 8 to 101ar and a great chase follows. servings. The children are rescued (This recipe is from "'l‘heithrough their carrier pigeons Beta Sigma Phi Casserole‘and the house becomes a youth Cookbook" currently being sold club with a zoo. for $3.50 by chapter members This film ‘was awarded the of Beta Sigma Phi, in aid of prize for the best long enter- service projects. including tainment film for children from Union Villa. According to this 8 to 11 years at the Venice Film contributor the name of this Festival in August, 1952. dish was coined by her great- Part 5 of the serial “The grandfather, who was teasing Young Jacobites” will also be her mother by telling her be shown. had shot a ground hog for din- The show starts at 2 pm in ner-J HIP auditorium nf' tho Pinhmnnd (:up elbow macaroni qt. boiling salted water ll). ground beef large onion. chopped sweet green pepper, chop- ped 1 10 oz. can vegetable soup 1 10 oz. can tomato soup 12 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper Dash of tabasco topt.) Hugâ€"Hâ€" Toronto-born, he started working in his early teens and obtained his high school educa- tion at nights. For two years he held the Canadian accuracy championship for typing. Founder and president of Canada's largest fruit and veg- etable import-export firm. Wil- liam Branson, 60, died in Hous- ‘ton, Texas, February 6. The firm has had a warehouse in Richmond Hill for several years, located on Newkirk Road. Since 1943 he had been an honorary consul of Nicaragua, recognizing his feat in bring- ing out 3,000 tons of crude rubber for the American war- time rubber reserve. Mr. Branson had been oper~ ated on by famed heart trans- plant surgeon Dr. Denton Cool- ey for a defective heart valve. A pioneer in transporting fresh fruits and vegetables into Canada by air, he formed the William D. Branson Co. in 1937. He branched into wartime ord- ers and shipped Canadian pro- ducts to Britain. Spain, Japan and the United States. He im- ported from New Zealand, South Africa, South America, Spain and the United States. He is survived by his wife Georgina. daughters Mrs. Bait bara Watkinson and Mm. An- drea Thomson and a son, Charl‘ 495 William. Following a lengthy illness, Mrs. Lanson (Elinor) Zuefelt passed away at Riverdale Hos- pital. Toronto, February 3, in her 76th year. Born in Parkhill in 1894. the daughter of the late‘William and Minnie Dawson, Mrs. Zuefelt had lived in Richmond Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€" how about yours? William Branson Dies After Heart Surgery Mrs. Elinor Zuefelt Died Feb.3 Came To Richmond Hill In I922 The next, meeting will hold in April. muuuuumuuuuuummIuuuummluuumuIuummuumuuuu What’s Cooking? Obituary 22 to discuss the forthcoming father and son banquet to be held March 6 in the Masonic Hall. The Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the 9th Richmond Hill Scouts and (Tubs held a meeting January Mrs. William Lazenby of: Art Sinukofl', a member of Knonside Drive is making good the Temple Players, is conduct- progress in York Central 1105- ing a drama workshop for teen- pital, where she underwent agers and adults to be held major surgery on Friday of last Wednesday evening at 8 pm in week. Maple Public lerary, begin- I-Ier many friends extend best ning February 18. wishes for a quick return to Further information may be health. obtained by calling Jan Myers * * * at 832-1423. Reports will also be heard from branch chair- men and committees and all auxiliary members are urged to attend. Dr. Granger will talk on drugs and present a film concerning the effect they have on the family. Dr. Peter Granger will be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary being held at 8 pm this Thursday (February 12) in the hospital cafeteria. GROUND HOG Mrs. Geri Davjdson Cedar Valley. The Library Club of Rich- mond High School and Films for Children Committee present their fifth offering of the 1969- 70 season this Saturday with the showing of the film “The Dog And The Diamonds”. She was a past president their choice. and life member of the Rich- they will gathei mond Hill Women’s Institute the auditoriun and as historic convenor for when Mr. Robe that organization, researched duct 3 question and compiled the original in- period, formation for the Tweedsmuirl Ml.- Robertson Historthhich is now in themed for his p0 town‘s public library and hasToronto Board served as a reference book for Besides holdim many students of the history BPHE from th‘ of this area. new-“ L- This film was awarded the prize for the best long enter- tainment film for children from 8 to 11 years at the Venice Film Festival in August, 1952. Hill since 1922 except for six years ’spent in Midland. Dur- ing those years she had been intensely interested 'in the com- munity and had taken an ac- tive part in many activities. She served as president and was a life member of the WMS of Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church and headed the sectional executive of that or- ganization for a period. She also organized and supervised the “True Blue Mission Band" in the local church. Before her marriage she had taught school in various On- tario communities. Mrs. Zuefelt is survived by her daughter Jean IMI's. Pat! Carle of 105 Morgan Avenue. Doncaster: her son Bill Zuefelt of Hornepayne; four grand- children. Allan and Joanne Carle and Bruce and Cameron Zuefelt; two brothers. Alex of Brandon, Florida and Jack of Parkhill: and two sisters, Ruth (Mrs. Gordon) Gra)r of Park- hill and Mary Dawson of Rich- mond Hill. The funeral service at the Marshall Funeral Home and the brief graveside service were conducted by Rev. Wil- liam Wallace. Pallbearers were Robert Robbins. Robert Ross. Alan Ripley. Frank Moor- liam Wallace. Pallbearers were Robert Robbins. Robert Ross, Alan Ripley. Frank Moor- ley, George Fenwick and Wil- liam Mirrlees. Interment was in Richmond Hill Cemetery. The show starts at 2 pm inition‘ the auditorium of the Richmondaflall She was 3 Empire LOBA Hill 1 Street The dart teams attending the zone tournament at Woodbridge Saturday last declined to an- nounce their standing but did state that the winning team The Stoufl'ville Auxiliary held a social evening on Friday last to honor Thomas Samolczyk, a recipient of a Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies‘ Auxiliary Bursary. The presentation was made by Zone Commander Gloria Sanford and represent- ing the Richmond Hill Auxili- ary was President Joan Dick- son. was Newmarket and second place was Aurora. These teams will compete at Brantford in the regional tournament. The executive officers of the men‘s branch attended the meetings and the auxiliary pre- sented its plans for the year. The Ladies‘ Auxiliary 10 Branch 375, Royal Canadian Le- gion, held its first executive meeting and the auxiliary preâ€" sident Joan Dickson in the chair. Out of town relatives allcnd-l ing the funeral of the late Airs] L. W. Zuefelt on Friday were‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zuefclt. Hornepayne: Mrs. Gordon Gray. Mrs. Dougal Gray and John Dawson of Parkhill: Miss Eliza- beth Dawson. Toronto, and Mr.l and Mrs. David Holman all Scarboro. r High School on Wriglithhurch, Monday evening at 8 ;. pm. These family life pro- ,grams were planned by a com- mittee composed of church and community representatives who felt there was a need in the n. I I. I Q’ Larea for such a project. past mistress of ‘ Mr. Robertson will first show the film "Parent to Child About Sex" to the audience with an‘ opportunity for questions and discussion to follow. A choice of three films will then be available â€" “Human and Ani- mal Beginnings", grade 1, "Girl to Woman", grade 7 and “Mer- ry-Go-Round", grade 12 and the audience will proceed to desig- nated areas to view the film of their choice. To conclude, they will gather once more in the auditorium for coffee, when Mr. Robertson will con- . Human lueeuu anu a “10165 Sympathy of the community night in Alarmg is extended to the family of , ,k . Mrs. Claude Brethen, widow of Mrs Arthur Rickard of Ma the late Re“ Claude Brethen’ Avenue left Tuesday for an ex}: who served as minister of Rich- tended holiday with her son mond Hill United Church in the and his wife, Mn and Mrs_ Roy 1940’s. The Brethens moved to Rickard, proprietors of The RingWOOd in 1951- 4Newport Motel at Ormond . Mrs. Bretheri passed away inJBeach, Florida. Mrs. Brethen passed away in Trenton recently. She is sur- vived by her daughter Betty (Mrs. Tom Rogers), 108 Stanley Street, Belleville and her son Bob, 34 South Street, Trenton. Mr. Robertson is well quali- fied for his position with the Toronto Board of Education. Besides holding a BA and BPHE from the University of Toronto, he received an MEd Degree from the Ontario Insti- tute for Studies in Education and is at present health educa- tion consultant with the board. During the vacation months he teaches at the Ontario College of Education in their summer program for new teachers. He is also as he puts it. “practising family life in a rural setting in Peel County with my wife and two young boys". He has the further distinc- sion of the series. or is it really quite adequate? Consultant Peter Robertson of the physical and health edu- cation department for the To- ronto Board of Education will conduct the “Festival of Films”, the next program in the series 0-- “The Family and Sex Educa~ tion", being held at Wrixon Hall, St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Monday evening at 8 pm. These family life pro- This second evening in the family life series promises to be another interesting and live- ly program when everyone can see what the schools are teach- ing their youngsters in sex edu- cation and have the opportun- ity to express their opinions on the program. Is the school‘s sex education teaching “too little. too late" as one parent expressed it at the opening ses- He has the further distinc- tion of acting as consultant to Moreland Latchford‘s new film series on “Family Life-and Sex Education", and is the author of two books for teachers of sex education for teens. He has the working experience also of a high school teacher, having taught in Etobicoke Township. "Festival Of Films" Toronto Consultant vu “on vvuuucqua: flllu . . The uesl, s caker will be d‘lnng “My Week, s""”“ P. v. Pgietel‘sen? who will talk “1.”. be “Emd‘w‘? .by.t.l:le on South African affairs. He mmlSters m the" man“ ' was previously in Richmond ua] churches. Hill in 1968‘ llllllllllllllllllllll“11111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! Future 13 Ian 5/ .iDClU‘de‘. I? un_.._L .l-l,u, um:numumuulumunuummmuuunmunuuuuuuuwuuunu Community Lenten Services In Hill The focus will be on Biafra Mr. and Mrs. E. J. H. Redel- at the next meeting of St. Mat- meier of Don Head Farms rc- thew‘s UCW being held Fcbi'u- turned home Saturday from ary 17. {holidaying in Hawaii. A native of that country will speak and show a film on con- ditions there during the recan war. Plan to join the UCW for this interesting evening. On Ash Wednesday and during Holy Week, services will be conducted by the ministers in their individv ual churches. On February 25. Father Francis Robinson of Our Lady Queen of the World will preach at St. Mat- thew's; March 4. Rev. Jam- es S. Dauphinee of St. Paul‘s Lutheran at St. Gab- riel's: March 11, Father Michael Grace of Our Lady Queen of the World at St. Paul's Lutheran and on March 18. Rev. David Sproule of St. Gabriel‘s at Our Lady Queen of the World. when the emphasis will be on youth. St. Matthew's United, St. Gabriel's Anglican. Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic and St. Paul‘s Lutheran Churches are holding community Lenten services this year â€" on the five Wednesdays between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week â€" begin- ning February 18 at 8 pm with Rev. James Burn of St. Matthew‘s preaching at Our Lady Queen of the World. and discussion hers. He practising setting in wife and Mrs. Rickard, who is making her first visit to the motel, is recuperating from recent surg- ery and feels the warmer climes will expedite her complete re- turn to health. Who said men aren’t good cooks? Judging from the pop- ularity of the hamburgers and hotdogs on sale at the Winter CarnivaL last weekend, one group of men at least have to be complimented on their cul- inary skills. Members of the Kinsmen Club, not only provided the barbecues but manned them throughout the weekend, and did a record breaking business -â€" selling 2,500 hamburgers and 1,500 hotdogs! The Kinsmen are celebrating their 50th anniversary across Canada this year, and many projects are planned, including a Bavarian Beer Garden at the Lions Hall in March and a snowmobile party at Stewart’s Farm on March 1 with 14 races for all classes of snowmobiles. is a Poly is 11 Imp: nuuuuuuuw Miss Centre CP Air visiting Ameri( moa, t1 New 2 geles a Whil iting 1‘ This is a new venture for Roy, as. since coming to Canada from London, England, 12 years ago with his parents and broth- er, Alan, they have operated a most successful gas station bus- iness south of the Hill and be- come popular residents of the area. However, Roy’s new ven- ture will give his father and brother the opportunity of get- ting away periodically from the demanding duties of a gas sta- tion to relax in the sun. Watch for funher details on both these events to be’publishâ€" ed in next week's edition of “The Liberal". The Couples’ Club are cele- which time Joanne Taylor was brating Valentine‘s Day with a appointed secretaly and Sarah court whist. All couples wel- Breuls as social convenor. come â€"â€" please meet in the par- Final preparations are being lours at 8 pm. made for the father and son The AOTS Men's Club will banquet to be hold February 20. resume activities at an evening; It was announced that the meeting at 8 pm on Februaryidate for the annual rummage l7. _ {sale would be April 4. Elders installed on Sunday at Richmond Hill United Church were B. Buckles, Dr. F. M. Mc- Ateer, Mrs. J. Atkinson, M. Mil- ler, D. Paton, W. Perratt and P. C. Schell. R. H. United Church Und‘cr the guidance of Load- er‘ Bert Hunt and Counsellor Len Pugh. the boys pitched tents. cooked over opcn fires and in competition, tied with the Aurora Scouts in the Klon- dike race. The Bales‘ home fronting tht Mill Pond. was an ideal spoI [01' the Winter CnrnivuL aim the 'guests, many from Toronto enjoyed the opportunity of join- ing in the festivities. Scouts of the Hill Troop‘ got of the Winter camping at the weekend. The boys report they little sleep. but lots of fun! Miss Marion Bales entertaini- ed on Friday evening at a party held at the home of her pur- ean, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bales on Mill Street. the 5611 Richmond got into the spirit nter Carnival by the Mill Pond last. home fronting the was an ideal spot mler Carnival, and The 5th Richmond Hill Scout had‘Ladics‘ Auxiliary celebrated its Ilucky 13th birthday January 26 with an evening of fun and games with lively Vice-Presi- v at‘dent Yvonne Sale in charge. u‘ch‘Prize winners were Mal-g Evans, Mc--Sharon Fewster and Helen Had- \Iil- wen. She plans to return in about six weeks’ time. Miss Kerrolyne Barker of Centre Street West has left by CP Air on an extended holiday visiting Vancouver, Hawaii, American Samoa, Western Saâ€" moa, the Fiji Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Los An- geles and San Francisco. While in Australia she is vis- iting Miss Christine Good RN, her pen pal from public school days. mumuuummmunmummmuumuu1mmmmmuuuuuuumw A short business meeting was held prior to the games at which time Joanne Taylor was appointed secretary and Sarah Breuls as social convenor. muuuummmmmmuuum1mmu‘n1muxuuuuulmlmnun! Bride From Denmark Honored At Party * * * Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Burn Weekend visitors at the home are cordially invited to attend of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinck, the reception. being held at the Beaverton Road, were Mr. and church, starting at 8 pm. Mrs. J. Hesmer, New Toronto, " * * Mrs. A. Nosaty, Winnipeg. Mrs. Keep “Life in the Hill" F. McNaughton and Mr. and columns up to date with Mrs. Chester Zinck, all of New- your social and community market and Mr. and Mrs. W. activities. Horodyski, Rexdale. The service is free and Any men‘s old shirts lying around? These are useful in the Semester Church School for Arts and Crafts at Richmond Hill United. The 2nd Richmond Hill Cubs and Scouts are pleased to an- nounce that their Scout Lead- er William Smlth has complet- ed his wood badge training. He has received his Guildwell waggle and scarf. Our con- gratulations to Mr. Smith. If you can contribute. please take them to the church office or contact Rev. Allen E. Hallett. Elsie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Svend Kruse of Hobjaerghed, Denmark, met Michael last summer while he was holidaying in Europe. He returned to Richmond Hill in Septem- ber, but left again on De- eember 18, for Denmark, where he and. Else were married on December 29 in an historic 700-year-old Lutheran Church in Hoed. Attending the wedding from Richmond Hill were his mother, brother John and Steven Kerwin, who Attending the wedding from Richmond Hill were his mother, brother John and Steven Kerwin, who acted as best man. Follow- ing the ceremony John left for Copenhagen, where he spent the remainder of his holiday. The young couple return- ed to Canada on January 10 and have now taken up residence on Don Mills Way. Many relatives and friends attended the Open House held Sunday after- noon by Mrs. Ethel Graves in honor of her daughter-in- law, Else. whose marriage to her son. Michael. took place recently in Denmark. Michael. who attended Richmond Hill High School, is a graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute and is now Imperial Al Rice. presidan of the Richmond Heights Mer- chants Association drew the winning tickets. All proceeds from the draw are being donated to the York Central Assoc'a- tion for the Mentally Re- tardcd. The winners of the five consolation prizes â€" Ilorb's latest album “The Brass Are Comin“, were Sally Tatum, King: Mrs. Doreen Wright. Beth Cook and Mary Elaine Taylor. all of Richmond Hill and Cheryle Walters, Thornhill. First prize winner in the draw held at Richmond Hill Music Centre on Mon- day was Mrs. M. Petrowan- czuk of 50 chcndale Road. Richmond Hill. who won a life size replica of Herb Al- pcrL employed Oil Com owed by Company. Follow- John left where he Barker of has left by cled holiday ’, Hawaii, 9 return- January taken up m Mills and the The most usual symptoms are increase in thirst. change of appetite. frequent urination, loss of weight, itching, easy tir- ing, blurring of vision and pal- lor. It can be controlled, how- ever, by planned diet, exercise and in many cases insulin or oral medication. Sometimes insulin must be injected, but in many cases tablets, along with tested were Vfoinid to hav‘erdtia; Pr€Sid€nt Mrs- H- 11- MacKay betes, ‘ was in the chair and Mrs. G. It is estimated there are‘MOOFley conducted the worship about 200_000 known diabetics serv1ce. Mrs. J. Parker intro- in Canada and almost as many dUCEd the gUESt Speaker, MIS- again unknown. B. F. Andrew, wife of Rev. B. F. A person can develop diabet_ Andrew of St. Andrew’s Presby_ es at any age, but the most terlan ChurCh, Maple. likely prospects are those who Mrs. Andrew gave a most in_ are overweight. over 40 and re- formative and intere - lated to known diabetics. After'0f her life as a misssitgggrytai: 45 three diabetics out of fivelGuyana. reading from her are women. Idiarv \vhir-h mnmknve 1mm ...:n next ning clinic the n A farewell reception is being held this Friday for Rev. James Burn. minister of St. Matthew'sUnited Church, and Mrs. Burn, who leave at the end of this1 month for a charge in Port; Hope. The program ned by the Lion and Welfare Co Grant Marshall drews and Dr. Sonnee Cohen, president of the Toronto District Branch, Canadian Diabetic Association, and Dr. James Langstaff of Richmond Hill. will be there to answer questions from the audience. The CDA set up a free blood test clinic at the CNE last summer, and Mr. Cohen report- ed that 200 of the 10,000 people tested were found to have dia- betes. ‘ ever, by planned diet, exerc1se and in many cases insulin or oral medication. Sometimes; insulin must be injected, but int many cases tablets, along withl 'U'P a planned diet, are sufficient. i As a follow-up to the meeting and More! next week, the Lions are plan- ning to hold a public diabetic‘ clinic in the Lions Hall abouti the middle of March. The program has been plan- ned by the Lions Vlub Health and Welfare Committee: Lions Grant Marshall, Donald An- drews and Dr. James Lang- staff. / CONVENIENT LOC A“ O N S 3 During Our FINAL 'FAST ' PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Baa/M- _ . What is diabetes, and how common is it? Richmond Hill Lions Club will give the public an oppor- tunity to find out at a special meeting at Lions Hall, Centre Street East, at 8.15 pm Febru- ary 19. The program will begin with a filmed interview with Dr. Charles Best, co-discoverer of insulin, and will be followed by a question and answer period. Friends of Peter Dyson will be pleased to hear he is now eonvaleseing at home following eight days in the intensive care unit of York Central Hospital, sullering complications as an aftermath of the ‘flu. Mr. Dyson. farmer resident. of the Hill and manager of the local branch of Toronto-Domin- ion Bank. is now living with his family in Willowdale and is an assistant manager at'the King and Bay Branch, Toronto. They skied at Lac Beauport and Mount St. Anne and spent a day at the Quebec Winter Carnival. February 19 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horvat re- turned on Sunday from a week}s skiing holiday in Queâ€" bec. Diabetes Is Topic Public Meeting RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 Keep “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your social and community activities. The service is free and items may he submitted in written form to 63 Yonge Street South or by phoning the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6. ’FA$1 CCURATEI ‘ PRESCRIPTION SERVICE .32 PTICAI. E i ICHMOND HILL : -L._n...l ‘,'n:mlu‘r rum”. ' to hold c in the middle 0 n ha: been ions Vlub I Committee: all, Donald Jr. James Lions ‘ 1 public dons H‘ March. L ha: be ‘cted, but in along with sufficient. the meeting is are plan- 1110 diabetic Hall about 1 plan- Health Lions :1 An- Lang- February 12-20 only Patti-Lu Shop leLlHth LIEIfILITC fEIITDE 99A 70L‘I I I'HI‘I I IIUJI- ~Ԥ~M Ԥ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-296] E W g FINAL i CLEARANCE of her life as a missionary in Guyana. reading from her3 diary, which members hope willw be in book form before long.“ so they can continue to enjoyig Permanent Waves i DURING MONTH OF FEBRUARY ONLY This offer good only on her fascmatmg experiences' JK Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday Mrs. Wallace assisted by Mrsfl C. Styan served refreshmentsigé For Appointment at the close‘of the meeting. It» \ '\IV\ - W ‘\Z\/ \“k' AAAAAA---- The February meeting of the Women‘s Missionary Society of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church was held at the manse February 4. WINTER MERCHANDISE “The Loves of Cass McGuire", a delightful comedy-drama by Brian Fiel, opens this Friday at the Curtain Club Theatre and pictured above are Tim Corbett (Harry) and Helene Knight (Cass), well known to local audiences for her warm and sensitive portrayal of the Jewish mother in “Come Blow Your Horn". This production, by Tony Miller. It will run from calling Yvette Steel at OF ALL MIRA FIT PANTY HOSE Once a year Valentine Special THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 12 (To make room for new Spring Arrivals) "A; 600.4 Title, [7/ Tell You" g; IT'l-U/V VII ALng ; a: ggPermuneni Wavesgg .Februal‘y 884-7065. marking its Canadian premiere, is being directed 20% Off and tickets may be obtained by (Photo by Ramon Stringer) 1970

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