The Saunders found most hotels centrally heated and re- commend to other travellers the Regent Palace in London, the Rougemont in Exeter and the Benvenuto in Plymouth. They found meals well prepared and quite reasonable. Unemployment is c a u sin g great concern, they report. since the number of jobless is now the highest since 1963. The pblice are most proficient they found. in spite of a weekly pay which ranges from $27 to $55. Barbers charge only 40c for a man‘s hair cut and are paid Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Saunders of Yonge Street North have just returned from a three-week visit to England. They left Can- ada January 18 by BOAC flying to Heathrow Airport. London, to attend the Cmfts Dog Show at‘the Olympia February 6 and During/the three weeks the Saunders were there the tem- perature was in the 45 to 50 degree bracket but it rained on 14 days. All are welcome â€" refresh- ments served. There were 8.000 dogs en- tered in this show. with a Pyre- ncan Mountain Dog. owned by F. Prince of Lyndhurts, Hams. being awarded the prize for best in show. Stanley Dangerfield, pet expert of the Daily Ex- press. was the judge. Harry Lumsden, of the De- partment of Lands and Forests. will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Rich- mon‘d Hill Horticultural Society being held at 8 pm on Tuesday next. February 24. Mi: Lumsdén's talk on “Wild Fowl†will be illustrated with colored slides. ‘nr' xugllt‘bL sulce Laud. 'll‘le " " - y - . . . I - . . n Colffule. Allencoultl pbllce are most proflcxent the er G1 OS . y‘ ‘ I - - . iv- found. m spite of a weekly pay‘gzzaihlingliï¬gggrtm Efï¬gy-3121} u‘lnch ranges from $27 to $55. ‘momhs Aprior to her marriage. Barbers charge only 40c for‘ Attending the wedding were a mans halr cut and are paid Mr. and Mrs. Lionel HanceY. about $30 per week. The Saun-iML and Mrs. V. Reynolds, MF- dcrs wondered how they man-land Mrs. B. Boon and daught- agetl lo exist with the high costger Trudy, Mr. and Mrs. John M 11Vlng. However. a six-room Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Bill home, centrally heated, can be Barker, all of Richmond Hill. purchased for about $10,000 and Mr. and Mrs. G. Joyce and and rents are around $10 to $15 Mr. and Mrs. John McCazue 0f hnr uvnnb tn“ - u..- -A-.. I. _____ 2,L,,..- a ______ - ' l’ . . per week for a ï¬ve room house.IV1ctorxa Square TV Personality A pa'nel of teenagers will as-‘is appearing regularly on‘lday and received a \varm wel- Sist Ml‘s. Mary-Sue McCarthy "Would You Believe" for CBClcome from President Grace when she presents the third TV. as well as on various int- Sayers. program in the family life ser- erview and discussion type pl‘o- The hard work of Mr. arid ies_ “The Family And Sex Ed- grams. She also is in great Mrs. W. G. Andrews of the ucationâ€. on Monday evening at demand as a lecturer on family Sunshine Committee, who have 8 pm at Wrixon Hall, rear of life and she and her husband been very busy visiting the sick St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. hold regular youth discussion and sending cards, was acknow- A committee composed of rep- groups in their home for from ledged by the club and a vote resentatives of Richmond Hill 35 to 55 teenagers of all denâ€" of appreciation extended to churches and community orgâ€" ominations, where the topics them both. anizations is sponsoring the are chosen by the young people. After hearing reports from Family Life Educator Mary-Sue McCarthy At Wrixon Hall Monday A committee composed of rep- resentatives of Richmond Hill churches and community org- anizations is sponsoring the series. Mrs. McCarthy. who lives in King Township, is known pro- fessionally as a family life ed- ucator, holds an honor degree in philosophy from St. Mich- ael's College. U of T, and is now breaking a new field of study in family life education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, for which there is now no set course. This will lead her eventually to a Master of Education Degree, but more importantly, will en- able others to follow in this field. For many years a radio and TV personality, Mrs. McCarthy The Spring Program Folâ€" der will be ready March 1 and those wishing I: copy may pick one up at the YWCA office. 25 Yonge Street South, or call 884- 4811. YWCA Thinking of taking up a new sport? If so, why not join the YWCA golf lessons being held from 7 to 8 pm on Wednesday evenings at MacKillop Public School. Conducting the course is Bruce Butlerworth. the golf pro at Aurora Highlands Golf Course. MARY-SUE MCCARTHY King Twp. Resident A wedding of local interest took place at Bradford on Sat- urday when Miss Monica Rein- cke. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ewold Reincke, became the bride of John Brouwer at St. ‘John’s Bradford .Presbyterian Church. The Reincke family. residents of the Hill for ten years. mov- ed to Brooksville. Florida. sen en months ago. and Monica. 3 popular hairstylist at the form- The tournament, which starts at 12 noon, will be followed by the Darts Dance â€" which will feature a live band, door and spot prizes and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Mike ’Derry, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Ryland. Mr. and Mrs. R. Urquhart and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Radke, all mem- bers of St. Matthew's Players, attended the Saturday perfor- mance of “See How They Run". presented by the Aurora Drama Workshop in St. Andrew‘s Col- lege Auditorium. St. Matthew‘s Players. a tal- ented local theatre group, have recently completed a very suc- cessful production of “Blithe Spirit" and are currently read- ing plays for their next pres- entation. No. 778 Squadron Air Cadets (Richmond Hill‘. under the lea- dership of Major Robert Mc- Meekin canvassed the King, Maple and Carrville areas on behalf of the Ontario Heart Foundation on Sunday last. The boys met with a most generous response and thanks are due both to their efforts and those of the volunteers who drove the cadets. On their return to Legion Court. an excellent chicken supper was provided for the boys, prepared by Goï¬l Mills. Darts enthusiasts are remind- ed of the annual darts tourna- ment being held by the Royal Canadian Legion. Branch 375, on Saturday next, February 21, at Legion Courl. Awards \\'ere presented to‘ the three cadets who had‘ brought in the highest amount â€"â€" lst, LAC Steven Ascott. 2nd, Flight Sergeant Edward Hewitt and 3rd, LAC Runald Stephen- 5011. While most of her speaking engagements are directed to- ward adults, Mrs. McCarthy, the mother of seven children, enjoys a rapport with young people which parents and tea- chers might well envy. In a recent'issue of "Play- boy" magazine, Mrs. McCarthy was the subject of a “Letter to the Editorâ€, the direct result of her presentation of a nat- ional committee's brief support- ing sex education, to the Can- adian Catholic Conference in Ottawa. The letter lauded her enlightened views and vigorous support of sex education, and her attitude that sex with love within the framework of a happy marriage, should make a man creatively reborn and more creative. She places great stress on a person's abil- ity to love and feels that a warm and loving famin rela- tionship enables that person to carry this love in his dealings with people outside the family unit. Guest panelists for this pro-l, gram will be three Richmondt Hill teenagers, Paula Dwyer. Terence Munsey and Wayne Cormack. and Janet Kudelka of Aurora, who will discuss some of the problems confronting young people in this changing world. Teenagers. 15 or over. will be', admitted free of charge since} I] this program is directed to! _ 'them and adults‘ admission is 31. An interesting and livelyy RXCHMOXD HILL discussion is expected to ensue Richmond Heights Centre and parents are requested to 250 Yonge St, N. 884-6881 urge their teens In attend. I Education Convenor Mrs. Bart Doedens asked members to attend the council meeting held last Sunday, where the public speaking competition was judged for children in grades 7 and 8 from St. Jos- eph’s and Our Lady Help .of Christians Schools. The Sacrament of Baptism Mr. and Mrs. Grant Marshall will be administered on Sunday and family, Karen and Drew, next, February 22. at Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Spence Urqu- Hill United Church. hart, Margaget, Danny. Gwyn Parents wishing to have»and friend, Blair Hurren, re- children baptized are asked to turned Sunday evening from a contact the church office. delightful weekend at Baldwin‘s * * * ;Lodge in Windermere. enjoying The CWL of Our Lady Queenlthe many winter activities. The CWL of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish held its monthly meeting in the parish hall February 11. Mrs. Harry Bryan chaired the meetihg and called on various convenors to give their reports. Mrs. Hubert O‘Toole asked for more volunteers to \‘isit those who are hospitalized and Mrs. Patrick McCarville report- ed plans were well underway for the bridge and cuchre to be held March 13 in the parish hall. The raffle prize will be a three piece matched ladies' luggage set. Mrs. Harry Bryan read a let- ter inviting the CWL to St. Matthew’s United Church on February 17, to hear a guest speaker from Biafra. She also showed a poster on the World Day of Prayer to be held March 6 at St. Matthew's. Mrs. Patrick Killean spoke a- bout a Retreat Day for Women being held February 18. The meeting closegi with anlstay in York 'Cemm enjoyable penny auctxon to helplfor a heart condition raise funds for the fall bazaar.f * * * Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€" how about yours? nmmmmmmuumuummuulm“mumnunulummummmun JAMBOREE CAKE 1 (28 oz.) can fruit cocktail 1 white cake mix 1 tblsp. lemon juice Seven-minute frosting to the batter and mix well. Spoon batter alternately into 8" layer cake pans. Cool in pan five minutes, then turn out on cake rack. Cool. Fill and frost with a sev- en-minute frosting. Spoon re- maining fruit on to cake in a circular pattern. Decorate wreath with green glace pine- apple. mu“ummmuuuumuummu“uuuuuuummun“uuuuuuumu Senior Citizens Eighty-three members brav- ed the elements 10 attend the monthly meeting last Wednes- day and received a warm wel- ‘come from President Grace Sayers. After hearing reports from the various committees, the choir, under the leadership of Mrs. F. Dixon, sang “Love’s 01d Sweet Song" and Mrs. S. Elson, with colorful slides, took mem- bers on a conducted tour of the Holy Land. She was thank- ed by Mrs. E. Aston for a most interesting program. Dates to remember: February' 28, the ladies’ auxiliary ‘of‘ Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, have challenged mem- bers to a darts match and it is hoped' for a good turnout of senior citizens to encourage the home team: March 11, the club will celebrate its 12th anniveré sary and special entertainment is anticipated; March 17. a box lunch will be held at the day centre starting at 7.30 pm, sponsored by Bert Pattenden; {April 4. at 10:30 am, the club ‘\\'ill hold its annual rummage sale and on April 2‘2. at 8 pm. a musical night will be held at the day centre. What’s Cooking? B: leeral LHW "Puff The Magic Dragon"? muinuuuuumuuumml“'35 “‘9 “"5‘ 13â€â€ “I‘mâ€. .1“ till? snow sculpture competition held during the Winter Carnâ€" lbel'S bI‘HV-‘ival, and the sculptors, Mr. And attend theers. Shaun Beggs and family of St WBdnGS-lLeisure Lane were the recipi- warm wel-Eents of a silver tray and a 10 fl. lent Grace Norway Maple Tree. donated by lthe Richmond Hill Tree Service 'f MT- Midland Forestry Company Ltd. Hr. aid of the ho have the sick nuuummmununmmuumuumumumlummuuuuuuumuuu mmuunmumnmnummmmmumlllmu\mmnuumuummum Neighbors and friends of Mrs. G orge Taylor of 120 Wright St eet will be pleased to know that she is now convalescing at home following a' three week stay in York Central Hospital The Isl Richmond Hill Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary held its monthly meeting February 10 at MacKillop Public School. Plans were discuSSed for the father and son banquet to be held at a later date. The executive Would like to see more mothers give their support to this group and urges them to attend the next meet- ing to be held at 8 pm on March 10 at the school. The York Central Hospital Candy Stripers met February 3 in the hospital cafeteria with 25 girls in attendance. Director of Volunteers Mrs. Bruce Cornwall, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cornwall, Lave- rock Avenue, was the second prize winner with his "Peace" design. He received a serving tray and voucher from Endean Nurseries. Chairman Ellen Corbett was asked to give the report for the Candy Stripers at the annual meeting of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. The girls then made Valen: tine tray favors for the patients. Two pupils of Pleasantville Public School â€" Lorna Barnett and Donna Bacci â€" came third with their animal sculpture. winning a tray and voucher from Horticultural Products. Judges were Chairman Doug Allen, Doug Boyd and Roy Jones. Used Stamps Aid Leprosy Mission The 1969 returns on used stamps in aid of the Lep- rosy Mission were excellent with SG,200 being raised and the project completed. The 1970 project is help- ing to build and equip a hospital at Salur in East Central India â€" and the goal is $6,500. Why not turn your waste stamps into good use for leprosyâ€"the only require- ment is that stamps are cut from the envelopes leaving 1/4 inch or more around the edges. Contributions, however small. may be left at the office of Richmond Hill United Church or with Mrs. W. E. Boynton at 47 Centre Street East, Richmbnd Hill. Ron, who lives with his wife and family in Toronto. has al- ready started on the remaining four shows scheduled for this season. Plan to attend St. Matthew’s« St. Matthew's Couples Club‘OMNI OBLI Mission Festival being held on’n‘ill be guests of St. Gabriel’s All teens February 28 from 2-4 pm and Couples Club this Saturday for vited to atte on March 1 from 11 am - 3 pm. an evening of square dancing. bi-monthly c‘ One area of interest will be! Dancing will begin at 8 pm in China, with a display and ideas‘St. Gabriel's Parish Hall. on how the mission money is“ * "‘ “ being used among these people. ReeveADonald Plaxton. Mrs. The business meeting was followed by a fascinating dem- onstration of beauty products by Mrs. Isobel Robinson of Kenzie Pharmacy. At the regular meeting or the Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club last Tuesda’, arrangements were made to hold the annual Spring Bridge on April 15, with Mrs. Ron Be’ll as convenor. Chinese tea and almond cook‘ ies will be served. One of the directors of the very successful CBC production “Today Makes Me Nervous" aired for the first time on Feb- ruary 8 is Ron Meraska. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Meraska, Pal- iser Crescent South. Sympathy of the community is extended 10 Jessie Leckie on the sudden death of her hus- band, Alvin, who passed away February -14 at Humber Mem- orial Hospital‘ Mr. Leckie was the popular proprietor of Richmond Hill Taxi Company for six years, during which time he and his wife lived in the Hill. making many friends in the area. The first night party for east and crew of “The Loves of Cass McGuire†was held Fri- day at the home of Beth and Len Jones, Knollside Drive. The profits will be low but the spirits high at the penny auction being held at the Feb- ruary 24 meeting of the 5th Richmond Hill Scout Ladies' Auxiliary. Beth is a cast member of the play, giving a delightful and memorable performance as Tril- by. one of the residents of Ed- en House. If members have any small items they wish to part with such as jewellery, pocket books, comic books, etc. please take them along to this meeting. The current Curtain Club play “The Loves of Cass McGuire†is a complete sellout and due to popular demand an extra perform- ance will be presented at 8.30 pm this Sunday. Feb- ruary 22. at the Curtain Club Theatre. Tickets may be obtained by calling 884-7065. Entertaining? Guests from out of town? A spe- cial speaker at your next club meeting? The Social Editor Marg- ot Crack would appreciate hearing of your social and community , activities for inclusion in “Life in the Hill" columns. The service is free and items may be submitted in written form to 63 Yonge Street South or by phon ing 884-1105/6. ' Richmond Heights Centre FRAMES! PHOTO a t1 a S SUPPLIES FRAMES! O CUSTOM FRAMES O READY-MADE FRAMES O ASSEMBLE YOURSELF FRAMES Weekend visitors at the home immediate future. of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith! Members are reminded of the 235 Yonge Street South were general meeting February 23. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Smith; * ‘ * of Sunderland. their daughter The rummage sale sponsor- Norma, and Miss Barbara For- ed by the OMHA Bantam Hoc- san of Stouffville and Ted‘key Team on Valentine‘s Day Smith of Guelph. [was a great success and thanks * * * lare extended to all who con- Reeeivinz the Sacrament of tributed in any way. ! I‘f' yBIgcaâ€"nD-sgégeuone 01' more . ‘Dr- Zuck, a graduate in med- ‘Thursdays a month. please can {cme of the Unlverslty of Blrm- >Jean Burn at 884-5526. Ingham, England, came to Canada in 1954 and has prac- mmunu“hmunmuuuummmmunuumx\un\1uumuuuuunum tised general medicine in Rich- Plaxton and daughter. Danmlists In Sugar Maple Lanev returnedl Monday from a week's holidayl The with his parents. Mr. and Mrsï¬Branch Frank Plaxton at their home in LEgion. Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Matthew‘s Unit- ed Church last Sunday were Laura Francine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Campbell, 402 Alper Road. and Nancy Lynne. Katherine Anne and Robert Michael, children of Mr. and Mrs. Don McClelland, 416 Drivers are needed on Thurs- day nights for the Villa Van to take three of the young people from The Villa to a drama group that meets at The Crip- pled Children’s Centre, Bay- view and Eglinton. Browndale Crescent Record Attendance YCHA Meeting The card party held February‘ 12 by the Allencourt Guide and‘ Brownie LA was a great success; and thanks are extended to the‘ hostesses, Mrs. Shirley Thom- son, Mrs. Pat Mercer, Mrs. Lor-l raine Wilson and all those who conuibuted to this succeszul event. Members are reminded of the penny auction to be held April 16 and to start saving their val- Liables. The. King Branch served refreshments befnre the meeting was brought to or- der at 8.30 pm. muuunuuummmmm1nmmulmumuumuummuummm The eighth annual meet- ing of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary was held February 12 in the hospit- al cafeteria. and was ex- tremely well attended â€" the largest meeting to date. Greetings were brought to the auxiliary. as well as words of praise, from Chairman Graham Walter of the York Central Hos- pital Board of Trustees and Hospital Administrator James Hepburn. Committee and area re- ports were heard and the new slate of officers for 1970 installed â€"Past Pres- ident Mrs. E. Spears. Pres- ident Mrs. R. Sillcox, lst Vice - President Mrs. G. Temple. 2nd Vice-Presi- dent Mrs. J. Heard, 3rd Vice-President Mrs. D. Patâ€" on. Recording Secretary Mrs. D. Service. Treasurer Mrs. L. Sims and Cortes-- ponding Secretary Mrs. R. Standfield. The guest speaker was Dr. Peter Granger who showed a film “Beyond LSDâ€, and discussed the drug problem in the com- munity. Mrs. Grace Jackson pre- sented an honorary life membership to Dr. Lillian Langstaff, a member of the Langstaff Family. who have contributed so much to the medical history of the com- munity. FRAMES! 884-32 A11 teens in the Hill he in- vited to attend the first of the bi-monthly dance programs be- ing held this Saturday by OMNI OBLI. The Ladies‘ Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, has issued a challenge to the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens to a dart match in the immediate future. The dance. which starts at 8:15 pm, will feature The Caty~ lists from Toronto. Prizcwinners were’Mrs. P. H Foley, who won a box of Val- entine chocola‘tes~ and Mrs. E Meyers, a teapot. Both are l'es- idents of Richmond Hill. Miss Flood nearby Jefferson and received her schooling there and at Richmond Hill High School. She graduated from the University of Toronto in Physical and 0c- cupational Therapy in 1953, and has headed the York Cenâ€"’ tral Physiotherapy Department since it opened in 1963. She has been active in the affairs of the arthritis and rheumatism society for many years and is secretary of the York Central Branch. She will discuSS and answer questions concerning the partjphysiotherapy plays in‘ the treatment of the rheuma- tic diseases. is a native of' formed by Rev. Thomas Head. Basil Horswill was the soloist. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Paton of 109 Chine Drive, Scarboro, and is employed by American Air- lines, having graduated from York University in 1969. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lennox. 384 Mill Street. Richmond Hill, and is a law student at the University of Toronto. Given in marriage by her father; the bride were white peau de soie fashioned with a bouffant skirt with lace trim- ming and leg of mutton sleeves. “no u: uuncn , groomsman; Ed Gilpin. Chuck Gordon. Charles Crosby and Peter Hiscott as ushers. The bride's attendants all wore cranberry dreses fashion- ed in the same style as the bride’s and they carried nose- gays of pink roses, bentred with pink candles, and velvet hang- ing ribbons for the evening, ceremony. - The 170 guests were received at the Scarboro Golf and Coun- try Club. , Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lennox spent their honeymoon in Mus- koka. u uuu uyuuun, uv WW' “[2 hospital's physiotherapy depart- ment. Both will be prepared to answer questions dealing with various aspects of the rheuma- tic diseases, as will Dr. Little and Mr. Morrison. mond Hill since 1956. He has been on the staff of the hos- pital since its opening in 1963. Dr. Zuck will be a member of the panel discussing arthritis and the rheumatic diseases, es- pecially dealing with the as- pects affecting the general practitionerâ€"the family physic- ian under whose care the vast majority of cases come. Dr. Hugh Little {NVV‘QVVVVVVwwvwvwvvv.\awvvwwvvvvvvNV, (Continued from Page 1) WOMEN OF FASHION . FOR INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLES TO COMPLEMENT YOUR WARD- ROBE LET SHARON, DIANE & LYN, OUR EXPERTS, FIND THE MOST BECOMING HAIR STYLE FOR YOU . . . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb) IQ. E9?“ FOR APPOINTMENT 884-2321 05: Pink candles in wrought-iron 53, holders lined the centre aisle of ofiSt. Paul's United Church. Scar- itislboro, with candelabra contain- es-Eing pink candles set amid pink asâ€" and white flowers and cranberry iral roses at the front for the Septem- sic-lber 26 wedding of Susan Lynn ast Paton to Brian Wilfred Lennox. The wedding ceremony was per- Oflformed by Rev. Thomas Head. GO ‘TO 5] PERMANENT WAVE ’ - SPECIAL Wed St. Paul ’5, Scarboro 3 ‘TO 2 Hillagp Glniffurp This Special Expires Feb. let, 1970 HAPPY COUPLE SIGN REGISTER 53 YONGE STREET SOUTH [U]. and The bride's attendants .4111 Air_ wore cranberry dreses fashion- 3mm ed 1n the same style as the The bride’s and they earned 110.542- and gays of pink roses. centred w1th Mill pmk candles, and velvet hang- is 3 mg rlbbons for the evening 'y of ceremony. - 7 The 170 guests were I'ecelved hel- at the Scarboro Golf and Coun- rhitp try Club. She carried a nosegay of cran- berry roses sprinkled with pink tea roses. Her attendants were her si5< tel‘, Shelna Jean Paton, as maid of honor. her sister, Sherrill Paton, and the groom‘s sister Barbara Lennox. as bl‘idemaids. The groom's attendants were his brother, John Lennox, as groomsman: Ed Gilpin. Chuck Gordon, Charles Crosby and Peter Hiscott as ushers. (({v/K/l/tlxl.‘